Curriculum Vitaes
Profile Information
- Affiliation
- School of Health Sciences Faculty of Rehabilitation, Fujita Health University
- Degree
- 博士(医学)
- 201501009402011312
- researchmap Member ID
- 7000013048
Research Areas
PloS one, 17(2) e0263889, 2022 Peer-reviewedBACKGROUND: In this study, we investigated subjective geriatric complaints (SGCs) as conditions regarding health concerns in community-dwelling older people and analyzed their frequencies with aging and relationships with other factors. METHODS: This cross-sectional study enrolled 10,434 older people living in a community with a representative aging population in Japan. A questionnaire was sent by mail to those who had not applied for formal care needs certification. The presence of and concern for symptoms common in old age were asked as SGCs, as were physical function levels, multimorbidity, and depression. Categorical principal component analysis (CATPCA) of the symptoms was performed, and the association between the obtained components and other factors was analyzed. RESULTS: The mean age of the participants was 73.7 ± 6.1 years, and 52.5% were women. On average, they had 1.72 ± 1.57 SGCs, which showed a gradual increase with age. The results of the CATPCA revealed four components: SGC1, excretory/circulatory/swallowing complaints; SGC2, audiovisual complaints; SGC3, neurological complaints; and SGC4, musculoskeletal complaints. All SGC components were independently associated with physical function, multimorbidity, and depression. CONCLUSIONS: Each SGC showed various frequencies and differences along with aging, and SGCs were classified into four components that were thought to share a common background. These findings could contribute to the planning of better health management strategies for older people.
Fujita Med J, 5(2) 31-35, 2019 Peer-reviewed
The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 55(特別号) S182-S182, May, 2018
Geriatric Medicine, 54(2) 173-177, Feb, 2016
医学教育, 46(Suppl.) 32-32, Jul, 2015
Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 25(1) 41-43, Jan, 2013 Peer-reviewedAbstract. [Purpose] The purpose of this study was to examine the locus of the center of pressure (COP) of standing postures with different feet positions. [Subjects] Sixty healthy young adults participated in the experiments as subjects. [Methods] The COP was measured using a force plate. Subjects stabilized themselves on the force plate, and the change of the COP trajectory was measured for 30 s. The COP was measured in three standing postures: wide-base, tandem, and one-foot standing. The relative center of anterior-posterior sway was examined as a proportion of the base of support length. [Results] Using one foot length, l, measured from the heel to the toe of the foot as a standard, the mean of the center of anterior-posterior sway was 44.5 ± 5.5% of l in the wide-base stance, 50.2 ± 4.4% of l in the one-foot dominant stance, and 50.4 ± 4.3% of l in the one-foot non-dominant stance. Since the length of the feet is 2l in the tandem posture, the mean of the center of anterior-posterior sway was 41.0 ± 7.0% of 2l with the dominant foot in front and 41.5 ± 6.0% of 2l with the non-dominant foot in front. [Conclusion] The mean of the center of anterior-posterior sway was inclined toward the anterior position in single leg standing compared to the wide base standing. In tandem standing, the COP was located on the rear foot. The results of this study might be useful in considering the mechanism of postural control of patients with hemiplegia.
JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN GERIATRICS SOCIETY, 60(8) 1580-1582, Aug, 2012 Peer-reviewed
THE BONE, 26(1) 39-42, Feb, 2012呼吸器疾患のリハビリテーションは主として慢性閉塞性肺疾患が対象であり、プログラムには運動療法、栄養指導、教育を含むべきである。運動療法は下肢および上肢トレーニングの有効性が高い。体重減少は慢性閉塞性肺疾患患者の独立した予後因子であり、標準体重の80%未満では栄養管理を行う。禁煙はすべての慢性呼吸器疾患における治療の基本である。最近は気管支喘息や拘束性換気障害に対してもリハビリテーションが行われるようになってきた。(著者抄録)
臨床理学療法研究, 27 55-59, 2010 Peer-reviewed
日本パラプレジア医学会雑誌, 13(1) 168-169, Apr, 2002脊髄損傷患者でスライド式内側単股継手付長下股装具(MSH-KAFO)を処方された31例の成績を検討し,本装具の有用性について考察した.MSH-KAFOはコンパクトな構造と装着の簡易さにより車椅子との併用に優れ,とくに成人の不全麻痺例において早期からの立位歩行訓練導入に有用と考えられた.小児例においては,立位歩行訓練開始時に先ず骨盤帯付長下肢装具で立位を安定させたのちにMSH-KAFOへ変更し積極的に立位・歩行を体験させることが精神運動発達の面からみても有利と思われた
日本パラプレジア医学会雑誌, 13(1) 174-175, Apr, 2000小児の立位・歩行再建目的に内側単股継手付長下肢装具を試作した.小児は成人に比べ小さいため,より簡便で軽量な装具の開発が必要である.早期から立位・歩行を体験することはその後の心身の成長に重要である
Books and Other Publications
4Research Projects
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 2008 - 2009