
arima masaru

  (有馬 豪)

Profile Information

School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Fujita Health University

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Research Areas





  • Hagiwara H, Iwata Y, Saito K, Watanabe S, Arima M, Ono Y, Mizoguchi Y, Kuroda M, Imaizumi K, Sugiura K
    The Journal of dermatology, 45(10) e269-e271, Oct, 2018  Peer-reviewed
  • Miyachi K, Yamada T, Kawagishi-Hotta M, Hasebe Y, Date Y, Hasegawa S, Arima M, Iwata Y, Kobayashi T, Numata S, Yamamoto N, Nakata S, Sugiura K, Akamatsu H
    The Journal of dermatology, 45(12) 1403-1410, Oct, 2018  Peer-reviewed
    Hair follicle stem cells (HFSC) are localized in the bulge region of the hair follicle and play a role in producing hair. Recently, it has been shown that the number of HFSC decreases with age, which is thought to be a cause of senile alopecia. Therefore, maintaining HFSC may be key for the prevention of age-related hair loss, but the regulatory mechanisms of HFSC and the effects of aging on them are largely unknown. In general, stem cells are known to require regulatory factors in the pericellular microenvironment, termed the stem cell niche, to maintain their cell function. In this study, we focused on the extracellular matrix proteoglycan decorin (DCN) as a candidate factor for maintaining the human HFSC niche. Gene expression analysis showed that DCN was highly expressed in the bulge region. We observed decreases in DCN expression as well as the number of KRT15-positive HFSC with age. In vitro experiments with human plucked hair-derived HFSC revealed that HFSC lost their undifferentiated state with increasing passages, and prior to this change a decrease in DCN expression was observed. Furthermore, knockdown of DCN promoted HFSC differentiation. In contrast, when HFSC were cultured on DCN-coated plates, they showed an even more undifferentiated state. From these results, as a novel mechanism for maintaining HFSC, it was suggested that DCN functions as a stem cell niche component, and that the deficit of HFSC maintenance caused by a reduction in DCN expression could be a cause of age-related hair loss.
  • Nozomi Yoshimoto, Yohei Iwata, Shigeki Numata, Kenta Saito, Takako Iwata, Masaru Arima, Hirota Shima, Sayumi Tahara, Makoto Kuroda, Kazumitsu Sugiura
    European journal of dermatology : EJD, 28(4) 562-563, Aug 1, 2018  Peer-reviewed
  • Maya Kondo, Yohei Iwata, Shigeki Numata, Kenta Saito, Soichiro Watanabe, Tsukane Kobayashi, Akiyo Nagai, Takako Iwata, Masaru Arima, Kazumitsu Sugiura
    Journal of Dermatology, 45(6) e148-e149, Jun 1, 2018  Peer-reviewed
  • Takaaki Yamada, Seiji Hasegawa, Katsuma Miyachi, Yasushi Date, Yu Inoue, Akiko Yagami, Masaru Arima, Yohei Iwata, Naoki Yamamoto, Satoru Nakata, Kayoko Matsunaga, Kazumitsu Sugiura, Hirohiko Akamatsu
    Mechanisms of Ageing and Development, 171 37-46, Apr 1, 2018  Peer-reviewed
    Interfollicular epidermal stem cells (IFE-SCs) have self-renewal and differentiation potentials, and maintain epidermal homeostasis. Stem cells in vivo are regulated by the surrounding environment called niche to function properly, however, IFE-SC niche components are not fully understood. In order to elucidate the mechanisms of keeping epidermal homeostasis and of skin aging, and also to develop new therapeutic technologies for skin diseases, we searched for niche factors that regulate IFE-SCs. We found that laminin-332, a basement membrane component, was highly expressed at the tips of the dermal papillae, where IFE-SCs are localized, and that the stem cells by themselves expressed laminin-332. Knockdown of laminin-332 during the culture of IFE-SC-model cells to construct 3-dimensional epidermis in vitro resulted in failure to form proper structure, although no significant change was observed in either cell growth or apoptosis. Pre-coating of the culture insert with laminin-332 restored the normal formation of 3-dimensional epidermis. From these results, it was shown that laminin-332 is an essential niche component for the proper differentiation of IFE-SCs.


  • 近藤 まや, 有馬 豪, 良元 のぞみ, 村手 和歌子, 岩田 洋平, 宮嶋 尊則, 平川 昭彦, 杉浦 一充
    臨床皮膚科, 72(9) 660-664, Aug, 2018  
    <文献概要>83歳,女性.自宅全焼火災により顔面,四肢,背部に17%total body surface area(TBSA), prognostic burn index(PBI)97.5の熱傷を受傷し当院へ救急搬送された.全身状態が落ち着いた第41病日に水圧式ナイフ(Smith & Nephew社製,VERSAJET II)を用いデブリードマン・植皮術を施行した.水圧式ナイフは高速の水流で創面を洗浄しつつ,壊死・感染組織を切除吸引するデブリードマン機器である.従来のメスによる施術と比較して最小切除深度が非常に浅く,また切除組織の吸引と創部洗浄を同時に行えるため効率的で質の高いデブリードマンが行えた.
  • 有馬 豪, 岩田 洋平, 渡邊 総一郎, 杉浦 一充
    日本皮膚科学会雑誌, 128(9) 1971-1971, Aug, 2018  
  • 有馬 豪, 伊藤 正浩, 花岡 良太, 杉浦 一充
    日本皮膚外科学会誌, 22(2別冊) 232-232, Aug, 2018  
  • 齋藤 健太, 岩田 洋平, 小林 束, 有馬 豪, 小寺 雅也, 杉浦 一充
    皮膚病診療, 40(7) 703-706, Jul, 2018  
  • 沼田 茂樹, 岩田 洋平, 有馬 豪, 奥村 理恵, 渡邊 総一郎, 小林 束, 原田 登由, 杉浦 一充
    Skin Surgery, 27(2) 94-99, Jun, 2018  
    Dabrafenib/trametinib(D/T)併用療法が1年以上奏功している悪性黒色腫の2例について、副作用の対応や増悪時の治療方針に関して文献的考察を加えて報告する。症例1:46歳女性、左鎖骨上リンパ節生検で悪性黒色腫と診断。精査で全身多発リンパ節と腸管に転移を認め、右胸部原発巣からBRAF遺伝子変異を同定。D/T併用療法を開始し部分寛解(PR)を得た。症例2:46歳男性、左耳後部悪性黒色腫。初診2年半後に、両肺および脊柱起立筋内転移を生じNivolumabを計5回、ipilimumabを計2回投与したがProgressive disease(PD)。脊柱起立筋針生検でBRAF遺伝子変異を同定しD/T併用療法を開始しpartial response(PR)を得た。(著者抄録)



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