
村山 和宏

ムラヤマ カズヒロ  (murayama kazuhiro)


藤田医科大学 医学部 先端画像診断共同研究講座 准教授
博士(医学)(2009年3月 藤田医科大学)





  • Eiji Fujiwara, Jun Muto, Kazuhiro Murayama, Seiji Yamada, Yuichi Hirose
    Operative Neurosurgery 2024年12月3日  
    BACKGROUND AND IMPORTANCE: The usefulness of intraoperative real-time fluorescence navigation using indocyanine green (ICG) for metastatic brain tumors, schwannomas, and meningiomas is well established. However, its application in cases of radiation-induced brain necrosis remains unexplored. Surgical intervention is performed in symptomatic and medically refractory cases; however, radiation-necrotic lesions often exhibit a diffuse pattern with unclear surgical boundaries, making it challenging for surgeons to identify the lesion during the surgery. METHODS: Four patients with intracranial necrotic tissues received 1.5 mg/kg ICG 1 hour before observation during the surgery. We used near-infrared fluorescence to identify the necrotic location. CLINICAL PRESENTATION: Case 1: A 61-year-old man with lung cancer and metastatic brain tumor history exhibited left-sided weakness a year after craniotomy and radiotherapy. A new lesion required surgery, where ICG fluorescence imaging highlighted a significant contrast in the resection cavity, aiding in successful lesion removal without complications. Case 2: A 51-year-old man with resected glioblastoma developed paralysis. ICG fluorescence during surgery confirmed necrosis and enabled the lesion's removal despite potential inaccuracies due to brain shift, without ICG-related complications. Near-infrared fluorescence could visualize necrotic tissues in all 4 cases. The mean signal-to-background ratio of the necrotic tissues in delayed window ICG was 3.5 ± 0.7. The ratio of the gadolinium-enhanced T1 tumor signal to the brain (T1-weighted background ratio) was 2.3 ± 0.4. CONCLUSION: This report is the first to demonstrate the efficacy of ICG intraoperative fluorescence imaging in identifying radiation-induced necrotic brain tissues.
  • Hirotaka Ikeda, Yoshiharu Ohno, Kaori Yamamoto, Kazuhiro Murayama, Masato Ikedo, Masao Yui, Yunosuke Kumazawa, Yurika Shimamura, Yui Takagi, Yuhei Nakagaki, Satomu Hanamatsu, Yuki Obama, Takahiro Ueda, Hiroyuki Nagata, Yoshiyuki Ozawa, Akiyoshi Iwase, Hiroshi Toyama
    Cancers 16(9) 2024年4月28日  
    BACKGROUND: Diffusion-weighted images (DWI) obtained by echo-planar imaging (EPI) are frequently degraded by susceptibility artifacts. It has been suggested that DWI obtained by fast advanced spin-echo (FASE) or reconstructed with deep learning reconstruction (DLR) could be useful for image quality improvements. The purpose of this investigation using in vitro and in vivo studies was to determine the influence of sequence difference and of DLR for DWI on image quality, apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) evaluation, and differentiation of malignant from benign head and neck tumors. METHODS: For the in vitro study, a DWI phantom was scanned by FASE and EPI sequences and reconstructed with and without DLR. Each ADC within the phantom for each DWI was then assessed and correlated for each measured ADC and standard value by Spearman's rank correlation analysis. For the in vivo study, DWIs obtained by EPI and FASE sequences were also obtained for head and neck tumor patients. Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and ADC were then determined based on ROI measurements, while SNR of tumors and ADC were compared between all DWI data sets by means of Tukey's Honest Significant Difference test. RESULTS: For the in vitro study, all correlations between measured ADC and standard reference were significant and excellent (0.92 ≤ ρ ≤ 0.99, p < 0.0001). For the in vivo study, the SNR of FASE with DLR was significantly higher than that of FASE without DLR (p = 0.02), while ADC values for benign and malignant tumors showed significant differences between each sequence with and without DLR (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: In comparison with EPI sequence, FASE sequence and DLR can improve image quality and distortion of DWIs without significantly influencing ADC measurements or differentiation capability of malignant from benign head and neck tumors.
  • Jun Muto, Yutaka Mine, Yuya Nishiyama, Kazuhiro Murayama, Motoharu Hayakawa, Mitsuhiro Hasegawa, John K.Y. Lee, Yuichi Hirose
    World Neurosurgery 2023年3月  
  • Shunsuke Nakae, Masanobu Kumon, Akio Katagata, Kazuhiro Murayama, Yuichi Hirose
    Brain Sciences 13(3) 396-396 2023年2月25日  
    Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) is an effective surgical option for intractable epilepsy. Although the surgical procedure is not so complicated, vagus nerve detection is sometimes difficult due to its anatomical variations, which may lead to surgical manipulation-associated complications. Thus, this study aimed to visualize the vagus nerve location preoperatively by fused images of three-dimensional computed tomography angiography (3D-CTA) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). This technique was applied to two cases. The neck 3D-CTA and MRI were performed, and the fused images were generated using the software. The vagus nerve and its anatomical relationship with the internal jugular vein (IJV) and common carotid artery were clearly visualized. The authors predicted that the vagus nerve was detected by laterally pulling the IJV according to the images. Intraoperatively, the vagus nerve was located as the authors predicted. The time of the surgery until the vagus nerve detection was &lt;60 min in both cases. This novel radiological technique for visualizing the vagus nerve is effective to quickly detect the vagus nerve, which has anatomical variations, during the VNS.
  • Kazuhiro Murayama, Yoshiharu Ohno, Masao Yui, Kaori Yamamoto, Masato Ikedo, Shigeo Ohba, Satomu Hanamatsu, Akiyoshi Iwase, Hirotaka Ikeda, Yuichi Hirose, Hiroshi Toyama
    Journal of computer assisted tomography 2023年2月10日  
    OBJECTIVE: Although amide proton transfer-weighted (APTw) imaging is reported by 2-dimensional (2D) spin-echo-based sequencing, 3-dimensional (3D) APTw imaging can be obtained by gradient-echo-based sequencing. The purpose of this study was to compare the efficacy of APTw imaging between 2D and 3D imaging in patients with various brain tumors. METHODS: A total of 49 patients who had undergone 53 examinations [5 low-grade gliomas (LGG), 16 high-grade gliomas (HGG), 6 malignant lymphomas, 4 metastases, and 22 meningiomas] underwent APTw imaging using 2D and 3D sequences. The magnetization transfer ratio asymmetry (MTRasym) was assessed by means of region of interest measurements. Pearson correlation was performed to determine the relationship between MTRasym for the 2 methods, and Student's t test to compare MTRasym for LGG and HGG. The diagnostic accuracy to differentiate HGG from LGG of the 2 methods was compared by means of the McNemar test. RESULTS: Three-dimensional APTw imaging showed a significant correlation with 2D APTw imaging (r = 0.79, P < 0.0001). The limits of agreement between the 2 methods were -0.021 ± 1.42%. The MTRasym of HGG (2D: 1.97 ± 0.96, 3D: 2.11 ± 0.95) was significantly higher than those of LGG (2D: 0.46 ± 0.89%, P < 0.01; 3D: 0.15 ± 1.09%, P < 0.001). The diagnostic performance of the 2 methods to differentiate HGG from LGG was not significantly different (P = 1). CONCLUSIONS: The potential capability of 3D APTw imaging is equal to or greater than that of 2D APTw imaging and is considered at least as valuable in patients with brain tumors.


  • Yumi Oie, Kazuhiro Murayama, Shinya Nagahisa, Masato Abe, Hiroshi Toyama, Kazuhiro Katada
    Open Medical Imaging Journal 6 103-107 2012年  
    A 77-year-old woman presented with worsening cognitive impairment, nausea and vomiting. Computed tomography (CT) of the head revealed a high-density mass that symmetrically filled both lateral ventricles. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed an enhanced mass with T1 and T2 prolongation and restricted diffusion on diffusion weighted imaging (DWI). Diagnosis was delayed until a post-mortem examination, which revealed the mass as a primary central nervous system lymphoma (PCNSL). A high-intensity tumor on DWI with lateral ventricle involvement should raise the possibility of PCNSL. © Oie et al.
  • 村山和宏, 片田和広, 早川基治
    日独医報 56(2) 202-214 2011年12月  
  • Motoharu Hayakawa, Shingo Maeda, Akiyo Sadato, Teppei Tanaka, Takafumi Kaito, Natsuki Hattori, Tsukasa Ganaha, Shigeta Moriya, Kazuhiro Katada, Kazuhiro Murayama, Yoko Kato, Yuichi Hirose
    NEUROSURGERY 69(4) 843-851 2011年10月  
    BACKGROUND: In ruptured cerebral aneurysms (RCAs), identification of the rupture point of a cerebral aneurysm is useful for treatment planning. In unruptured cerebral aneurysms (URCAs), detection of the risk of aneurysmal rupture is also useful for patient management. OBJECTIVE: Electrocardiographic (ECG)-gated 3D-CT angiography was performed for patients with RCAs and URCAs using 320-row area detector CT (ADCT) to detect pulsation of the cerebral aneurysms. The clinical usefulness of this method was then evaluated. METHODS: Twelve patients had 12 RCAs, and 39 patients had 53 URCAs. A 320-row ADCT system was used to scan. ECG-gated reconstruction was then performed with the R-R interval divided into 20 phases. RESULTS: Pulsation was observed in 10 of the 12 RCAs. The bleeding site was considered to correspond to the area of pulsation. Pulsation was observed in 14 of 53 URCAs. Thirteen patients with 18 URCAs were followed. Of the 11 URCAs in which pulsation was not observed, 1 showed a change in shape. Of the 7 URCAs in which pulsation was observed, 3 showed a change in shape. URCAs in which pulsation was observed were more likely to show a change in shape (P = .082). CONCLUSION: The area of pulsation was found to correspond to the bleeding site in many RCAs. This information would be extremely useful for treatment planning. The detection of pulsation in an URCA is therefore considered to provide useful information for patient management.
  • Motoharu Hayakawa, Shingo Maeda, Akiyo Sadato, Takeya Watabe, Syuei Imizu, Takafumi Kaito, Natsuki Hattori, Thukasa Ganaha, Shigeta Moriya, Kazuhiro Katada, Kazuhiro Murayama, Yoko Kato, Yuichi Hirose
    JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY 115(2) A436-A436 2011年8月  
  • 早川 基治, 村山 和宏, 片田 和廣, 廣瀬 雄一
    脳神経外科ジャーナル 20(9) 640-647 2011年  
    Area Detector CT(AD-CT)は単に検出器が増えただけでなく,頭部を1回転で撮影できるほどに広くなった.通常の3D-CTAでは1秒程度で撮影が終了するため,造影剤の減量が可能となる.また,シーケンシャルスキャンにより動脈相〜静脈相までのvolume dataを連続的に取得できる.連続ボリュームスキャンでは心電同期下で撮影を行うことにより,頭部から,頚動脈,心臓(冠動脈)まで一度に検査が可能である.また160列ヘリカルスキャンも可能となり,頭部から恥骨部まで6秒程度で撮影が可能である.AD-CTではさまざまな検査ができるため,検査目的に適した撮影方法の選択,適切な照射線量,適切な再構成や解析も重要である.
  • Kuzuhiro Murayama, K. Katada, H. Toyama, M. Hayakawa
    Neuroradiology Journal 24(1) 48-58 2011年  
    The objectives of the study were to quantitatively assess whole-brain CT Perfusion (CTP) data using an automatic region of interest (ROI) analysis program in order to distinguish between the degree of ischemia in the ischemic core and that in the penumbra and to assess the relationship between expansion of the area of infarction. The subjects were 20 patients with acute cerebral infarction. Whole-brain CTP was performed for all subjects using a 320-row area detector CT scanner. The penumbra* is defined as the region in which the CBV value is 2 mL/100 g or more and the ischemic core* is defined as the region in which the CBV value is less than 2 mL/100 g. The quantitative values of CTP parameters were automatically measured using the automatic ROIs analysis program. The Mann-Whitney U test was applied to differentiate between the ischemic core* and the penumbra*. The reduction in perfusion pressure in the penumbra* was smaller in the group with expansion of the area of infarction than in the group without expansion of the area of infarction. The difference in the median values between the penumbra* and the ischemic core* was larger in the group with expansion of the area of infarction than the group without expansion of the area of infarction. It is considered that the quantitative analysis method using whole-brain CTP may be useful for more accurately distinguishing between the ischemic core and the penumbra and for evaluating the risk of expansion of the ischemic core into the penumbra.
  • 早川 基治, 根来 真, 定藤 章代, 大村 真弘, 田中 鉄兵, 片田 和廣, 村山 和宏, 平松 久弥, 加藤 庸子, 佐野 公俊
    CI研究 : progress in computed imaging 31(4) 247-253 2010年3月31日  
  • 田中鉄兵, 早川基治, 村山和宏
    映像情報Medical 42(6) 650-651 2010年  
  • 早川基治, 村山和宏, 片田和広
    分子脳血管病 9(1) 15-21 2010年  
    100列以上の検出器をもった面検出器CTはもはや単なるCTではなくなった。ワンショットスキャンは単純レントゲン写真を撮影するかのごとくCTが撮影できる。また、撮影のプログラムを組んだシーケンシャルスキャンでは検査目的に応じた最適な撮影が可能となった。CT Perfusionでは脳血流だけでなく同じデータより3D-CTAの再構成が可能であり、動脈相だけでなく、あらゆる時相の再構成が可能である。AVMでは連続撮影により時間分解の良好は4D imageの取得が可能である。また心電同期再構成はヘリカルCTより画質が向上している。しかしながら、診療目的にあった適切な検査方法と画像処理をおこなわなければ、適切な結果がでないことを忘れてはならない。(著者抄録)
  • 村山和宏, 早川基治, 片田和広
    INNERVISION 25(3) 78-82 2010年  
  • 村山 和宏, 中根 正人, 早川 基治
    映像情報medical 41(7) 58-63,10〜11 2009年6月  
  • Murayama K, Katada K, Nakane M, Toyama H, Anno H, Hayakawa M, Ruiz DS, Murphy KJ
    Radiology 250(1) 202-211 2009年  査読有り
  • 木澤剛, 外山宏, 村山和宏
    映像情報Medical 41(6) 672-673 2009年  
  • 早川基治, 佐野公俊, 村山和宏
    Annual Review神経2009 2009 51-57 2009年  
    面検出器CT area detector CT(ADCT)は現在のスタンダードとなっているmulti-detector CT(MDCT)の一つの行き着く先である.しかし,ADCTは単にMDCTがさらに多列化したのではなく,それ以上に多くの優れた点を有している.検査時間の短縮,画質の向上,被曝の低減,サブトラクション機能の向上,dynamic 3D DATA(4D DATA)の取得などがあげられる.特に,脳神経領域では1回の検査で単純CT,造影CT,dynamic 3D-CTA,全脳のperfusion imageなどすべての種類の画像DATAの取得が可能となった.一方,CTの1回転あたりのCTDIは低減しているが,連続回転による検査が多く行われるため1検査あたりのCTDIは検査目的に合わせて最適化が必要である.また,大量に発生する画像データの処理や転送,保管などは,通常の画像ネットワーク,ワークステーションや画像サーバーの能力を超えており,専用のシステムが必要である.(著者抄録)
  • 早川基治, 根来眞, 村山和宏
    映像情報Medical 41(6) 674-675 2009年  
  • 村山和宏, 中根正人, 早川基治
    臨床画像 25(6) 660-662 2009年  
  • Kazuhiro Murayama, Kazuhiro Katada, Masato Nakane, Hiroshi Toyama, Hirofumi Anno, Motoharu Hayakawa, Diego San Millan Ruiz, Kieran J. Murphy
    RADIOLOGY 250(1) 202-211 2009年1月  
    Purpose: To preliminarily evaluate the feasibility and potential diagnostic utility of whole-brain perfusion computed tomography (CT) performed with a prototype 256-detector row CT system over an extended range covering the entire brain to assess ischemic cerebrovascular disease. Materials and Methods: Institutional review board approval and informed consent were obtained. Eleven cases in 10 subjects (six men, four women; mean age, 64.3 years) with intra- or extracranial stenosis were retrospectively evaluated with whole-brain perfusion CT. Three readers independently evaluated perfusion CT data. The diagnostic performance of perfusion CT was visually evaluated with a three-point scale used to assess three factors. Differences between four axial perfusion CT images obtained at the basal ganglia level (hereafter, four-section images) and whole-brain perfusion CT images were assessed with the paired t test. In four subjects, the interval between perfusion CT and single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) was 1-17 days (mean, 10.3 days). Correlation between perfusion CT findings and SPECT findings was assessed with the Spearman correlation coefficient. Results: Three-dimensional perfusion CT images and axial, coronal, and sagittal whole-brain perfusion CT images were displayed, and the extent of ischemia was assessed. Mean visual evaluation scores were significantly higher for whole-brain images than for four-section images (4.27 +/- 0.76 [standard deviation] vs 2.55 +/- 0.87). The cerebral blood flow ratios of the ischemic lesions relative to normal regions scanned with perfusion CT (x) and SPECT (y) showed a significant positive correlation (R(2) = 0.76, y = 0.44x + 0.37, P &lt;.001). Conclusion: Perfusion CT performed with a 256-detector row CT system can be used to assess the entire brain with administration of one contrast medium bolus. Thus, ischemic regions can be identified with one examination, which has the potential to improve diagnostic utility. (C) RSNA, 2009
  • 村山 和宏, 中根 正人, 三田 祥宏
    臨床放射線 53(4) 573-581 2008年4月  
  • 中根 正人, 村山 和宏, 片田 和広
    最新医学 62(6) 1157-1163 2007年6月  
  • 安野 泰史, 三田 祥寛, 村山 和宏
    映像情報medical 38(7) 116-121,17 2006年6月  
  • 乾 好貴, 眞鍋 雄太, 外山 宏, 石黒 雅伸, 鈴木 竜世, 菊川 薫, 工藤 元, 伊藤 文隆, 村山 和宏, 岩田 仲生, 片田 和廣
    核医学 43(1) 47-47 2006年2月  






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    第36回日本脳神経CI学会 ランチョンセミナー
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