
加藤 悠太郎

カトウ ユウタロウ  (kato yutaro)


藤田医科大学 総合消化器外科学 教授



  • 棚橋義直, 杉岡 篤, 加藤悠太郎, 所 隆昌, 新田隆士, 香川 幹, 竹浦千夏, 宇山一朗
    日本門脈圧亢進症学会雑誌 19(4) 200-204 2013年11月  
  • 所 隆昌, 加藤悠太郎, 香川 幹, 棚橋義直, 新田隆士, 杉岡 篤
    INNERVISION 28(6) 92-93 2013年5月  
  • 加藤悠太郎, 堀口明彦, 宮川秀一, 杉岡 篤, 宇山一朗
    侵襲と免疫 21(1) 20-24 2012年2月  
  • 杉岡 篤, 加藤悠太郎, 所 隆昌, 棚橋義直, 須田康一, 宇山一朗
    手術 66(12) 1681-1688 2012年  
  • 竹浦千夏, 杉岡 篤, 加藤悠太郎, 所 隆昌, 棚橋義直, 香川 幹, 新田隆士, 伊藤泰平, 黒澤良和
    藤田医学会誌 36(1) 131-138 2012年  
  • Yutaro Kato, Kentaro Matsubara, Yoshinobu Akiyama, Hiroaki Hattori, Akira Hirata, Tatsuya Yamamoto, Fumio Suzuki, Hitoshi Ohtaka, Yoshiaki Sugiura, Masaki Kitajima
    A rare resected case of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) invading the duodenum, the common bile duct (CBD), the gallbladder, and the pancreas is described. A 63-year-old man presented with a painful upper abdominal mass. Radiologic findings showed a 25-cm liver tumor arising from segment IV with an invasive extension to the hepatoduodenal ligament and pancreatoduodenal region, with a single intrahepatic metastasis. The patient successfully underwent a left hepatectomy in conjunction with a pylorus-preserving pancreatoduodenectomy (PD). As an unusual procedure, liver parenchymal transection was followed by PD to explore tumor resectability, because the overhanging liver mass precluded full hepatoduodenal ligament dissection. He was discharged without surgical complications, being free from antianalgesics, which had been used preoperatively. The main tumor was histologically diagnosed to be a poorly differentiated HCC with sarcomatous change invading the duodenum, the CBD, the gallbladder, and the pancreas. Unfortunately, aggressive hepatic and nodal recurrence, which was resistant to salvage chemotherapy, caused the patient's death at 8 months postoperatively. This is the first documented case of HCC with biliopancreatoduodenal invasion resected by hepatopancreatoduodenectomy. Literature review suggests a significant role of resection in selected patients with HCC with contiguous gastrointestinal tract invasion, particularly when the HCCs are naive without any forms of previous treatment. However, further surgical and nonsurgical experience is necessary to determine the oncological validity of aggressive surgery for HCC invading the biliopancreatoduodenal region.
  • 加藤悠太郎, 杉岡 篤, 花井恒一, 前田耕太郎, 金谷誠一郎, 宇山一朗
    手術 65(1) 91-95 2011年  
    60歳男。大腸内視鏡検査で盲腸にBauhin弁を巻き込む4cm大の2型病変を認め、生検で中分化型腺癌と診断された。一方、CT検査で肝S8に10mm大の乏血性腫瘍を認め、超音波所見と合わせて肝転移巣と診断した。他に転移は認めず、腸閉塞で発症した進行盲腸癌と診断し、大腸・肝同時切除の適応と判断して、内視鏡手術支援ロボットda Vinci S Surgical Systemを用いて一期的に回盲部分切除および肝S8部分切除を行った。病理診断は大腸腫瘍はAI、moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma、pSE、int、INFβ、ly3、v3、pPM0、pDM0、N3であり、肝腫瘍は大腸癌からの転移であった。術後経過は良好で、特に合併症なく術後9日に軽快退院し、術後2ヵ月より補助化学療法を行い、術後9ヵ月の現在、無再発で生存中である。
  • Yutaro Kato, Kentaro Matsubara, Yoshinobu Akiyama, Hiroaki Hattori, Akira Hirata, Fumio Suzuki, Hitoshi Ohtaka, Ayu Kato, Yoshiaki Sugiura, Masaki Kitajima
    SURGERY TODAY 39(10) 905-908 2009年10月  
    Bile duct stricture due to chemotherapy-induced sclerosing cholangitis (CISC) is a potentially fatal complication of hepatic arterial infusion chemotherapy (HAIC). It is managed primarily with medical treatment and biliary stenting. We report a rare case of a CISC-related biliary stricture requiring resection. The patient had been receiving adjuvant HAIC for 11 months after a curative liver resection for hepatocellular carcinoma, when clinically overt cholangitis developed. Radiologic and biopsy findings suggested a CISC-related biliary stricture limited to the common hepatic duct. We discontinued HAIC and started corticosteroid treatment, which finally became ineffective. Endoscopic biliary stenting was impossible because of her severe biliary sclerosis, necessitating resection of the stricture, which was confirmed histologically to be secondary sclerosing cholangitis. The patient has shown no signs of recurrent cholangitis for 12 postoperative months since her operation. Thus, resection could be a treatment option for a CISC-related biliary stricture in selected patients.
  • Shinsuke Hamada, Keiichi Ito, Musashi Tobe, Hideo Otsuki, Yukihiro Hama, Yutaro Kato, Yoshiaki Sugiura, Tatsumi Kaji, Tomohiko Asano, Masamichi Hayakawa
    A 62-year-old woman presented with right flank pain, and computed tomography (CT) showed bilateral adrenal tumors (right, 8 cm; left, 4 cm). There were no abnormal findings on physical examination, and adrenal hormone levels in serum and urine were within normal limits. Radiological studies showed a right adrenal tumor with intratumoral hemorrhage, a cystic tumor in the left adrenal gland, and no sign of distant metastasis. Because laboratory tests showed normal levels of adrenal hormones, we considered the tumors to be nonfunctioning adrenal tumors. The right adrenal tumor was surgically removed because it was thought to be malignant, and histological examination revealed that it was a leiomyosarcoma. Postoperative CT showed a pleural metastasis in the right chest wall. The patient received combination chemotherapy with cyclophosphamide, vincristine, adriamycin, and dacarbazine. The metastasis was also treated with radiofrequency ablation (RFA). Because the left adrenal tumor grew rapidly despite two courses of the chemotherapy, it too was surgically removed. After the operation, metastasis in the right iliac bone was treated with RFA and radiotherapy. Positron emission tomography detected bilateral femoral metastases, and these were treated with radiotherapy in combination with a low dose of cisplatin. A liver metastasis and a small metastasis in the left kidney were treated with RFA and a metastasis in the pancreatic tail was removed surgically. Sixteen months after the right adrenalectomy, the patient died due to systemic spread of the disease. Multiple local treatments including RFA, radiotherapy, and resection were effective for the local control of metastatic lesions of adrenal leiomyosarcoma.
  • Yoshiaki Sugiura, Takuya Horio, Satoshi Aiko, Takamitu Ishizuka, Isao Kumano, Yutaro Kato, Ayu Kato, Masaki Kitajima
    Keio Journal of Medicine 58(2) 103-109 2009年6月  
    Between 1978 and 2007 one hundred and seven patients consecutively underwent resection for primary pancreatic adenocarcinoma. There were 28 pN0 patients, 41 pN1 and 37 pN2 or more (one unknown). Combined resection of the portal vein was performed in 62 out of 107 patients (58%). The hepatic artery in 10 patients, superior mesenteric artery in 8 patients and celiac trunk in 7 patients were also resected additionally to the portal vein. The 5-year survival rate and 10-year survival rate of all 107 cases were 12.1% and 2.8% respectively. The 5-year survival rate of the pN0 group was 37%, significantly better than the 14% 5-year survival rate in the pN1 group (p=0.043). Of 69 patients with pN0 or pN1, 38 patients underwent combined resection of the portal vein. There was not significant difference between the 24% 5-year survival rate in the group without the portal vein resection and the 19% 5-year survival rate in the group with portal vein resection. The 20% 5-year survival rate of the portal vein only group and the 5-year survival rate of both the portal vein and hepatic artery group were the same. The groups of the further resection of the superior mesenteric artery and of the celiac trunk showed no long-term survival. It is concluded that aggressive combined resection of the portal vein or additional resection of the hepatic artery be feasible for a survival benefit in pN0 and pN1 diseases.
  • 加藤亜裕, 杉浦芳章, 加藤悠太郎, 北島政樹
    胆と膵 30(9) 1017-1021 2009年  
  • 加藤悠太郎, 北郷実, 大高均, 島津元秀
    手術 63(2) 197-203 2009年  
  • 加藤悠太郎, 菊池潔, 露木晃
    日本腹部救急医学会雑誌 29(5) 773-776 2009年