
hidetoshi katsuno

  (勝野 秀稔)

Profile Information

准教授, 医学部 外科学, 藤田医科大学 岡崎医療センター

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  • Hidetoshi Katsuno, Koji Morohara, Tomoyoshi Endo, Yuko Chikaishi, Kenji Kikuchi, Kenichi Nakamura, Kazuhiro Matsuo, Takahiko Higashiguchi, Tetsuya Koide, Tsunekazu Hanai, Zenichi Morise
    World journal of surgical oncology, 22(1) 215-215, Aug 22, 2024  
    BACKGROUND: The da Vinci™ Surgical System, recognized as the leading surgical robotic platform globally, now faces competition from a growing number of new robotic surgical systems. With the expiration of key patents, innovative entrants have emerged, each offering unique features to address limitations and challenges in minimally invasive surgery. The hinotori™ Surgical Robot System (hinotori), developed in Japan and approved for clinical use in November 2022, represents one such entrant. This study demonstrates initial insights into the application of the hinotori in robot-assisted surgeries for patients with rectal neoplasms. METHODS: The present study, conducted at a single institution, retrospectively reviewed 28 patients with rectal neoplasms treated with the hinotori from November 2022 to March 2024. The surgical technique involved placing five ports, including one for an assistant, and performing either total or tumor-specific mesorectal excision using the double bipolar method (DBM). The DBM uses two bipolar instruments depending on the situation, typically Maryland bipolar forceps on the right and Fenestrated bipolar forceps on the left, to allow precise dissection, hemostasis, and lymph node dissection. RESULTS: The study group comprised 28 patients, half of whom were male. The median age was 62 years and the body mass index stood at 22.1 kg/m2. Distribution of clinical stages included eight at stage I, five at stage II, twelve at stage III, and three at stage IV. The majority, 26 patients (92.9%), underwent anterior resection using a double stapling technique. There were no intraoperative complications or conversions to other surgical approaches. The median operative time and cockpit time were 257 and 148 min, respectively. Blood loss was 15 mL. Postoperative complications were infrequent, with only one patient experiencing transient ileus. A median of 18 lymph nodes was retrieved, and no positive surgical margins were identified. CONCLUSIONS: The introduction of the hinotori for rectal neoplasms appears to be safe and feasible, particularly when performed by experienced robotic surgeons. The double bipolar method enabled precise dissection and hemostasis, contributing to minimal blood loss and effective lymph node dissection.
  • 勝野 秀稔, 花井 恒一, 大塚 幸喜, 廣 純一郎, 升森 宏次, 小出 欣和, 松岡 宏, 鄭 栄哲, 諸原 浩二, 菊地 健司, 遠藤 智美, 須田 康一, 前田 耕太郎, 守瀬 善一
    日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集, 124回 SF-7, Apr, 2024  
  • Kenichi Nakamura, Takahiko Higashiguchi, Yuko Chikaishi, Kazuhiro Matsuo, Tomoyoshi Endo, Koji Morohara, Kenji Kikuchi, Susumu Shibasaki, Hidetoshi Katsuno, Ichiro Uyama, Koichi Suda, Zenichi Morise
    Surgical case reports, 10(1) 31-31, Feb 2, 2024  
    BACKGROUND: Hydrocele of the canal of Nuck (HCN) is a rare disease, and its indications for laparoscopic surgery are not well-established. CASE PRESENTATION: A 53-year-old woman was referred to our hospital due to an uncomfortable thumb-sized inguinal mass. Preoperative computed tomography scan and magnetic resonance imaging revealed a hydrocele extending from the abdominal cavity around the left deep inguinal ring via the inguinal canal to the subcutaneous space. The patient was diagnosed with HCN protruding into the abdominal cavity and extending to the subcutaneous space. Laparoscopy can easily access the hydrocele protruding into the abdominal cavity. Furthermore, laparoscopic hernioplasty can be superior to the anterior approach for females. Hence, laparoscopic surgery was performed. After transecting the round ligament of the uterus, a tense 3-cm hydrocele was dissected with it. In order to approach the hydrocele distal to the deep inguinal ring, the transversalis fascia was incised medially to the inferior epigastric vessels. The subcutaneously connected hydrocele was excised from the incision. Then, the enlarged deep inguinal ring was reinforced using a mesh with the laparoscopic transabdominal preperitoneal approach. The patient was discharged 2 days postoperatively. Laparoscopic resection can be more effective for a hydrocele protruding into the abdominal cavity as it facilitates an easy access to the hydrocele. Moreover, laparoscopic resection of a hydrocele extending from the inguinal canal to the subcutaneous space via a transversalis fascia incision can be safer, with low risk of injury to the inferior epigastric vessels. The incised transversalis fascia and the enlarged deep inguinal ring due to the HCN were simultaneously repaired with the laparoscopic transabdominal preperitoneal repair. There are two reports on laparoscopic resection via a transversalis fascia incision for HCNs located between the inguinal canal and the subcutaneous space, which does not require intraperitoneal hydrocelectomy. However, this is the first report on laparoscopic resection of large HCNs protruding into the abdominal cavity and extending beyond the inguinal canal into the subcutaneous space via intraperitoneal hydrocelectomy and a transversalis fascia incision. CONCLUSIONS: Laparoscopic surgery with transversalis fascia incision can be useful for HCNs extending from the abdominal cavity to the subcutaneous space.
  • 花井 恒一, 廣 純一郎, 勝野 秀稔, 大塚 幸喜, 稲葉 一樹, 須田 康一, 宇山 一朗
    臨床外科, 78(12) 1390-1398, Nov, 2023  
    <文献概要>はじめに 本邦では,米国で開発されたDa Vinci S Surgical System(以下,Sシステム)が手術支援ロボットシステム(Robot-Assisted Surgical System:RASS)として2009年に初めて製造販売承認され,臨床応用されるようになった.その後,Da Vinci Si Surgical System(以下,Siシステム)が機能,操作性,教育面においてアップグレードされ,さらにDa Vinci Xi Surgical System(以下,Xiシステム)が,システムの小型軽量化に伴い操作性,安全性の向上,器具の多様化などを中心にバージョンアップされた.一方,Intuitive社が取得した多数の特許権により他企業でのRASSの開発は遅れていたが,2019年には特許権の有効期限切れにより各企業が開発を進めている.本邦では,2015年よりシスメックス社とMedicaroid社が共同開発を進めてきたhinotori Surgical Robot System(HSRS)の完成を受け,2020年8月泌尿器科,2022年11月には消化器・産婦人科手術の製造販売承認を得た(図1).現在までにマスタースレーブ型のRASSが製造販売承認されているのはDa Vinci Surgical System(DVSS),HSRS,Hugo Robot-Assisted Surgical System(コヴィディエンジャパン社)である.今後,マスタースレーブ型ではない機種も含め,多くの企業から次々にRASSは開発されてくることが予想される.当院では2008年にSシステムが導入され,胃癌手術を先頭に自費診療においても各外科系診療科が次々とDVSSを使用した手術を積極的に導入してきた(図2).アップグレードされたSiシステム,さらに画期的なバージョンアップがされたXiシステムが製造販売承認後,順に導入された.2018年には12術式の保険収載やDVSSによる手術症例件数が急激に増加したことも受け,機種の変更追加が行われた.さらに2020年にはHSRSが製造販売承認後導入され,現在ではXiシステム3台に加え,HSRSの1台が導入されている(図1,2).現在複数のDVSSを導入する施設は多いが,今後,他企業の開発が進むなかで異なる機種を導入する施設も増加することが予測される.異なる機種を同時に運用することは問題点も出てくる.本稿では,著者らの経験をもとにその問題点とその対策について解説する.
  • Arimasa Miyama, Yuko Chikaishi, Daigo Kobayashi, Kazuhiro Matsuo, Takayuki Ochi, Kenichi Nakamura, Tomoyoshi Endo, Kenji Kikuchi, Hidetoshi Katsuno, Aki Nishijima, Zenichi Morise
    Surgical case reports, 9(1) 161-161, Sep 12, 2023  
    BACKGROUND: Although most duodenal carcinomas are pathological adenocarcinomas, a small number of cases have been reported of adenosquamous carcinoma, characterized by variable combinations of two malignant components: adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. However, owing to the small number of cases of non-ampullary duodenal adenosquamous carcinoma, there have been no reported cases of emergency pancreaticoduodenectomy for gastrointestinal hemorrhage due to non-ampullary duodenal adenosquamous carcinoma. CASE PRESENTATION: A 66-year-old Japanese male presented to the referring hospital with a chief complaint of abdominal pain, diarrhea, and dark urine that had persisted for 1 month. The patient was referred to our hospital because of liver dysfunction on a blood examination. Laboratory results of the blood on the day of admission showed that total and direct bilirubin levels (12.0 mg/dl and 9.6 mg/dl) were markedly increased. An endoscopic retrograde biliary drainage tube was inserted for the treatment of obstructive jaundice, and imaging studies were continuously performed. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography and endoscopy revealed an ill-defined lesion involving the second portion of the duodenum, predominantly along the medial wall, and measuring 60 mm in diameter. No metastases were observed by positron emission tomography. Pancreaticoduodenectomy was planned based on the pathological findings of poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma. However, 2 days before the scheduled surgery, the patient experienced hemorrhagic shock with melena. Owing to poor hemostasis after endoscopic treatment and poor control of hemodynamic circulation despite blood transfusion, radiological embolization and hemostasis were attempted but were incomplete. An emergency pancreaticoduodenectomy was performed after embolizing the route from the gastroduodenal artery and pseudoaneurysm area to reduce bleeding. The operation was completed using an anterior approach without Kocherization or tunneling due to the huge tumor. The operation time was 4 h and 32 min, and blood loss was 595 mL The pathological diagnosis was adenosquamous carcinoma. The postoperative course was uneventful with 17 day hospital stay and the patient is currently well, with no signs of recurrence 9 months after surgery. CONCLUSIONS: This report presents an extremely rare case of successful emergency pancreaticoduodenectomy for gastrointestinal hemorrhage caused by non-ampullary duodenal adenosquamous carcinoma.



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