Curriculum Vitaes

Ichikawa Ryoko

  (市川 亮子)

Profile Information

School of Medicine Faculty of Medicine, Fujita Health University

Researcher number
researchmap Member ID


  • Sayaka Otani, Takuma Fujii, Iwao Kukimoto, Naoki Yamamoto, Tetsuya Tsukamoto, Ryoko Ichikawa, Eiji Nishio, Aya Iwata
    Cytokine, 120 210-219, Aug, 2019  Peer-reviewed
    Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection can persist in the cervical epithelium without provoking a strong host immune response, leading to the development of cervical cancer. Cytokines, which mediate innate and adaptive immune activities, are secreted in the cervical mucus; however, there is currently no appropriate method for assessing cytokine levels in mucus specimens. Here, we employed multiplexed bead-based immunoassays to examine cytokine levels in cervical mucus using both weighted-volume and total protein concentration methods to adjust for different specimen volumes in individual patients. Out of 18 cytokines initially examined in the primary cohort patient group (n = 28), 14 were detected in more than 10% of the samples. Of these 14 cytokines, expression levels of interferon (IFN)-γ, granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), RANTES, and eotaxin were significantly increased with the disease severity in the secondary cohort patient group (n = 235). We also examined associations between cytokine levels and clinical parameters, such as cytology and HPV genotype. Of the 14 cytokines, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) was downregulated in HPV-positive specimens. Examination of co-expression patterns of cytokines in relation to HPV infection status revealed that several pairs of cytokines were simultaneously upregulated in HPV-positive cases, including INF-γ and interleukin (IL)-17A, GM-CSF and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), GM-CSF and RANTES, IL-17A and RANTES, and MCP-1 and eotaxin. Interestingly, upregulation of GM-CSF and RANTES might reflect a shift in immuno-regulatory cytokines in HPV-positive specimens, potentially associated with more severe cervical neoplasia.
  • Otani S, Fujii T, Kukimoto I, Yamamoto N, Tsukamoto T, Ichikawa R, Nishio E, Iwata A
    Cytokine., 311(1) 55-62, Jan, 2019  Peer-reviewed
  • Satoshi Kawai, Takuma Fujii, Iwao Kukimoto, Hiroya Yamada, Naoki Yamamoto, Makoto Kuroda, Sayaka Otani, Ryoko Ichikawa, Eiji Nishio, Yutaka Torii, Aya Iwata
    Scientific reports, 8(1) 7070-7070, May 4, 2018  Peer-reviewed
    microRNAs (miRNAs) play important roles in regulation of gene expression during cervical carcinogenesis. We investigated expression profiles of miRNAs in cervical cancer and its precursor lesions by utilizing cervical mucus. Cervical mucus was collected from 230 patients with a normal cervix, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN), squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), or adenocarcinoma (AD). The levels of miRNA in the mucus were quantified by miRNA array and real-time reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). The performance for detecting diseases was statistically analysed. The expression of miRNAs was further validated in the surgical tissues of enrolled patients. Four miRNAs (miR-126-3p, -20b-5p, -451a, and -144-3p) were significantly up-regulated in SCC and AD compared with normal, and their expression levels correlated with disease severity and high-risk human papillomavirus infection. Receiver operating characteristic curve analyses revealed that the area under the curve values for miR-126-3p, -20b-5p, -451a, and -144-3p were 0.89, 0.90, 0.94, and 0.93, respectively, for SCC plus AD compared with normal, showing high accuracy of cancer detection. Real-time RT-PCR analyses confirmed the expression of these four miRNAs in frozen tissues from cervical cancer. miR-126-3p, -20b-5p, -451a, and -144-3p in cervical mucus are promising biomarkers for cervical cancer and high-grade CINs.
  • Kawai S, Ichikawa R, Ueda T, Urano M, Kuroda M, Fujii T
    Fujita Medical Journal, 2(4) 77-79, Nov, 2016  Peer-reviewed
    <p>  Ovarian cancer arising from an ovarian endometriotic cyst is frequently encountered; however, this condition has rarely been reported in young patients. We herein report a case of malignant transformation of an ovarian endometriotic cyst in a 26-year-old woman (gravida 0, para 0). During the initial examination at our hospital, ultrasound revealed an endometriotic cyst in the right ovary measuring 49×44×29 mm and an endometriotic cyst in the left ovary measuring 59×53×32 mm with no marked mural nodules on either side.<br> The patient was followed up every 3 months while receiving hormone therapy. At the 6-month follow-up, ultrasound revealed 10-mm mural nodules within the endometriotic cyst of the left ovary. At 10 months, ultrasound revealed that these the mural nodules had enlarged to 15 mm. Pelvic magnetic resonance imaging revealed that the tumor in the left ovary was 64×63 mm in size, which was slightly larger than in the previous scan. The patient underwent laparotomy because of the potential for malignant transformation. Pathological examination revealed clear cell adenocarcinoma. Although malignant transformation of this cancer is rare in women in their 20s, its possibility should be considered; this is true even when cyst enlargement can be controlled during hormone therapy. Magnetic resonance imaging is extremely useful in the diagnosis of malignant transformation.</p>
  • Hasegawa K, Ichikawa R, Kawamura K, Udagawa Y
    Nihon rinsho. Japanese journal of clinical medicine, 70 Suppl 4 39-45, Jun, 2012  Peer-reviewed


  • Takuma Fujii, Ryoko Ichikawa, Rie Kawasaki, Aya Iwata, Sayaka Otani, Eiji Nishio, Hiroyuki Nomura
    Oncology reports, 45(4) 766-786, Feb 21, 2020  Peer-reviewed
    We previously reported that relative to normal cervical mucus, microRNA 126‑3p (miR‑126‑3p) is present in significantly greater amounts in the cervical mucus of patients with overt cervical cancer or precursor lesions. Here, we investigated the effects of enforced miR‑126‑3p expression in the cervical cancer cell line, HeLa, on proliferation, migration, invasion, apoptosis and protein expression. We transfected HeLa cells with miR‑126‑3p miRNA and found that proliferation, migration and invasion by cell counting, wound healing, cell migration and invasion assay were significantly reduced in these cells relative to those transfected with a negative control mimic. The levels of phosphoinositide 3 kinase (PI3K), phosphorylated 3‑phosphoinositide‑dependent protein kinase‑1 (p‑PDK1) and p‑AKT proteins were lower in the miR‑126‑3p‑transfected cells. Phosphorylated 70S6K (p‑p70S6K), phosphorylated glycogen synthase kinase 3β (p‑GSK3β), phosphorylated S6K (p‑S6K), cyclin D1, phosphorylated p21‑activated kinase 1 (p‑PAK1), Rho associated coiled‑coil containing protein kinase 1 (ROCK1), myotonic dystrophy‑related CDC42‑binding kinases α (MRCKα) and phospholipase C γ1 (p‑PLCγ1) were also downregulated. This suggests that downstream effectors of the PI3K/PDK1/AKT pathway are targets for inhibition by miR‑126‑3p. In contrast, apoptotic‑related proteins including the BCL‑2‑associated agonist of cell death (Bad), B‑cell lymphoma‑extra‑large (Bcl‑xL) and BCL‑2‑associated X (Bax), were all upregulated by miR‑126‑3p, resulting in increased caspase 3/7 activity and apoptosis. Thus, enforced expression of miR‑126‑3p inhibited cell migration and invasion and also induced apoptosis by regulating the PI3K/PDK1/AKT pathway in HeLa cells. Hence, high levels of miR‑126‑3p may inhibit cervical carcinogenesis, and targeting the PI3K/PDK1/AKT pathway via miR‑126‑3p could represent a new approach for treating patients with cervical cancer.
  • 千葉 淳美, 大亀 真一, 山口 聡, 平田 幸広, 徳永 英樹, 西尾 真, 竹井 裕二, 横山 良仁, 川畑 絢子, 市川 亮子, 西村 正人, 駒崎 裕美, 佐藤 敏治, 齋藤 良介, 吉田 学, 寺本 典弘, 三上 芳喜, 島田 宗昭, 竹原 和宏, 紀川 純三
    日本婦人科腫瘍学会雑誌, 37(3) 437-437, Jun, 2019  
  • 成宮 由貴, 市川 亮子, 坂部 慶子, 奈倉 裕子, 大谷 清香, 鳥居 裕, 西澤 春紀, 藤井 多久磨, 中川 満, 岡部 麻子, 塚本 徹哉
    日本婦人科腫瘍学会雑誌, 37(3) 514-514, Jun, 2019  
  • 高田 恭平, 市川 亮子, 大脇 晶子, 宮崎 純, 鳥居 裕, 宮村 浩徳, 藤井 多久磨, 中川 満, 浦野 誠, 塚本 徹哉
    日本臨床細胞学会雑誌, 58(Suppl.1) 255-255, May, 2019  
  • Osaki S, Kawai T, Ito M, Otani S, Ichikawa R, Torii Y, Takahashi H, Toyama H, Ozaki Y, Fujii T
    Preliminary therapeutic outcomes of using direct oral anticoagulants to treat venous thromboembolism in gynecological cancer patients., 5(3) 67-71, Apr 17, 2019  Peer-reviewed
  • 市川 亮子, 吉澤 ひかり, 宮崎 純, 大脇 晶子, 坂部 慶子, 伊藤 真友子, 大谷 清香, 鳥居 裕, 宮村 浩徳, 西尾 永司, 西澤 春紀, 関谷 隆夫, 藤井 多久磨
    東海産科婦人科学会雑誌, 55 169-173, Mar, 2019  
    遺伝性乳癌卵巣癌症候群(以下HBOC:hereditary breast and ovarian cancer syndrome)はBRCA遺伝子の変異があり、乳癌や卵巣癌などに罹患するリスクが高い遺伝性腫瘍症候群の一つである。当施設では、HBOC関連癌のうち卵巣癌、卵管癌および腹膜癌の診療にあたり、卵巣癌未発症のBRCA変異保持者に対してサーベイランスおよびリスク低減卵管卵巣摘出術(以下RRSO:risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy)を提供している。今回は、HBOCに対してRRSOを施行した一例について考察を加えて報告する。【症例】47歳。2妊2産。子宮筋腫の既往あり。乳癌に罹患した姉にBRCA2遺伝子に変異を認めたことから、BRCA遺伝学的検査目的にカウンセリング室を来談し、検査の結果HBOCと診断され、RRSO施行の是非について相談のため産婦人科に紹介受診となった。患者はRRSO施行推奨年齢に達していたため、RRSOのメリットとデメリットを説明し、RRSOを行う方針となった。手術は腹腔鏡下で両側付属器切除を行い、切除検体については詳細な病理学的検討を行って、STIC(Serous tubal intraepithelial carcinoma)や浸潤癌がないことを確認した。術後は腹膜癌発症の有無を経過観察中である。HBOCは通常の産婦人科患者のうち一定の割合を占める比較的頻度の高い遺伝性腫瘍である。産婦人科医師はBRCA1/2変異保持者に対しては卵巣癌サーベイランスの限界、リスク低減手術の予想される効果と副作用を説明できる知識をもち、RRSOを行うにあたっては、卵巣癌の易罹患者であることを念頭においた手術操作、術後管理が必要である。(著者抄録)
  • 秋田 絵理, 鳥居 裕, 大谷 清香, 市川 亮子, 黒田 誠, 藤井 多久磨
    東海産科婦人科学会雑誌, 55 304-304, Mar, 2019  
  • 市川 亮子, 大谷 清香, 鳥居 裕, 西尾 永司, 西澤 春紀, 藤井 多久磨
    日本産科婦人科学会雑誌, 71(臨増) S-399, Feb, 2019  
  • 奈倉 裕子, 大谷 清香, 高橋 龍之介, 溝上 和加, 吉澤 ひかり, 高田 恭平, 市川 亮子, 鳥居 裕, 藤井 多久磨
    愛知産科婦人科学会学術講演会プログラム, 108回 15-15, Oct, 2018  
  • 市川 亮子, 大脇 晶子, 坂部 慶子, 河合 智之, 伊藤 真友子, 大谷 清香, 鳥居 裕, 宮村 浩徳, 藤井 多久磨
    日本癌治療学会学術集会抄録集, 56回 P30-2, Oct, 2018  
  • 植田 高弘, 小林 茂樹, 市川 亮子, 中川 満, 安岡 知香, 外山 宏
    日本医学放射線学会秋季臨床大会抄録集, 54回 S467-S468, Sep, 2018  
  • 大谷 清香, 市川 亮子, 鳥居 裕, 河合 智之, 藤井 多久磨
    産婦人科手術, (29) 163-163, Jun, 2018  
  • 吉澤 ひかり, 市川 亮子, 高橋 龍之介, 塚本 和加, 水野 雄介, 尾崎 清香, 坂部 慶子, 大谷 清香, 伊藤 真友子, 鳥居 裕, 宮村 浩徳, 西澤 春紀, 藤井 多久磨
    愛知産科婦人科学会学術講演会プログラム, 107回 8-8, Jun, 2018  
  • 塚本 和加, 市川 亮子, 高須 清香, 高田 恭平, 吉澤 ひかり, 坂部 慶子, 大谷 清香, 鳥居 裕, 宮村 浩徳, 関谷 隆夫, 廣田 穰, 藤井 多久磨
    東海産科婦人科学会雑誌, 54 317-317, Mar, 2018  
  • 市川 亮子, 高田 恭平, 秋田 絵里, 大脇 晶子, 坂部 慶子, 河合 智之, 大谷 清香, 鳥居 裕, 藤井 多久磨, 木村 環樹
    日本婦人科腫瘍学会雑誌, 35(3) 652-652, Jun, 2017  
  • 寺澤 すみれ, 鳥居 裕, 宮崎 純, 大脇 晶子, 小川 千紗, 坂部 慶子, 野田 佳照, 大谷 清香, 伊藤 真友子, 市川 亮子, 宮村 浩徳, 西澤 春紀, 西尾 永司, 藤井 多久磨
    東海産科婦人科学会雑誌, 53 293-297, Mar, 2017  
  • 高須 清香, 河合 智之, 大谷 清香, 市川 亮子, 鳥居 裕, 藤井 多久磨
    日本産科婦人科学会雑誌, 69(2) 702-702, Feb, 2017  
  • 河合 智之, 鳥居 裕, 大谷 清香, 市川 亮子, 植田 高弘, 藤井 多久磨
    日本婦人科腫瘍学会雑誌, 35(1) 1-7, Jan, 2017  
  • 河合 智之, 鳥居 裕, 大谷 清香, 市川 亮子, 植田 高弘, 西尾 永司, 西澤 春紀, 廣田 穰, 藤井 多久磨
    東海産婦人科内視鏡手術研究会雑誌, 4 21-21, Oct, 2016  
  • 河合 智之, 鳥居 裕, 大谷 清香, 市川 亮子, 植田 高弘, 藤井 多久磨
    日本婦人科腫瘍学会雑誌, 34(3) 430-430, Jun, 2016  
  • 廣田 穰, 小川 千紗, 本多 真澄, 名倉 裕子, 川原 莉奈, 秋田 絵里, 大脇 晶子, 會田 訓子, 鳥居 裕, 市川 亮子, 西尾 永司, 西澤 春紀, 藤井 多久磨
    東海産婦人科内視鏡手術研究会雑誌, 3 39-46, Oct, 2015  
  • Ryoko Ichikawa, Yutaka Torii, Shuko Oe, Kyoko Kawamura, Rina Kato, Kiyoshi Hasegawa, Yasuhiro Udagawa
    ARCHIVES OF GYNECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS, 290(5) 979-984, Nov, 2014  Peer-reviewed
    Purpose This study was conducted to retrospectively compare the efficacy and safety of irinotecan (CPT-11) and pegylated liposomal doxorubicin (PLD) in patients with platinum-resistant or -refractory recurrent epithelial ovarian and primary peritoneal carcinoma. Methods Nineteen patients who received CPT-11 and eleven patients who received PLD were enrolled. CPT-11 was intravenously administered at a starting dose of 60100 mg/m(2) on day 1, 8, and 15 every 28 days, and PLD was administered at a starting dose of 40-50 mg/m(2) on day 1 every 28 days. Primary outcomes were overall response rate (complete response [CR] + partial response [PR]), disease control rate (CR + PR + stable disease), and progression-free survival (PFS) in each group. Clinical response was evaluated every two or three cycles using the Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors criteria; CA125 analysis was not performed. Results The overall response rate was 21.1 % (PR, four cases) and 0 % (p = 0.10) in the CPT-11 and PLD groups, respectively, and the disease control rate was 73.7 and 45.5 % (p = 0.12), respectively. Median PFS was 25.3 (range 5.4-69.9) weeks and 12.7 (range 4.0-43.1) weeks in the CPT-11 and PLD groups, respectively; however, this difference was not statistically significant (p = 0.064). Major adverse events in the CPT-11 group were neutropenia, nausea, and diarrhea, whereas those in the PLD group included thrombocytopenia, anemia, stomatitis, and hand-foot syndrome. Conclusions This retrospective study demonstrated comparable efficacy outcomes for CPT-11 and PLD. The overall response rate, disease control rate, and median PFS were more favorable in the CPT-11 group compared to the PLD group, although the difference was not significant. The adverse event profiles were different between groups. These results suggest that CPT-11 might be a feasible choice as single-agent salvage chemotherapy for platinum-resistant or -refractory recurrent epithelial ovarian and primary peritoneal carcinoma beside established regimen like PLD.
  • 市川亮子, 長谷川清志, 石井梨沙, 岡本治美, 鳥居 裕, 大江収子, 加藤利奈, 西尾永司, 小宮山慎一, 宇田川康博
    東海産科婦人科学会雑誌, 47 163-169, 2014  Peer-reviewed
  • 市川亮子, 西澤春紀, 早川基治, 木下孝一, 塚田和彦, 関谷隆夫, 多田 伸, 宇田川康博
    日本周産期・新生児医学会雑誌, 46(3) 848-852, 2010  Peer-reviewed
  • 市川亮子, 長谷川清志, 塚田和彦, 加藤利奈, 宇田川康博, 田中浩一, 平澤 浩, 黒田 誠
    日本臨床細胞学会雑誌, 49(3) 185-189, 2010  Peer-reviewed

