Curriculum Vitaes

mizutani hideki

  (水谷 英樹)

Profile Information

School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Fujita Health University

researchmap Member ID


  • 渡邉理沙, 小林義和, 金森大輔, 中川量晴, 鈴木 瞳, 今川久璃美, 藤井 航, 水谷英樹, 松尾浩一郎
    障歯誌, 35(1) 33-39, 2014  Peer-reviewed
  • 今村基尊, 近藤俊, 吉村陽子, 奥本隆行, 水谷英樹, 佐藤公治, 相澤貴子, 小林義和, 内藤健晴, 堀部晴司, 川村友香
    日口蓋誌, 38(1) 29-34, 2013  Peer-reviewed
  • 佐藤公治, 相澤貴子, 小林義和, 近藤俊, 今村基尊, 水谷英樹, 奥本隆行, 吉村陽子, 堀部晴司, 内藤健晴, 山田守正
    日口蓋誌, 38(1) 71-76, 2013  Peer-reviewed
  • 佐藤公治, 水谷英樹
    小児口腔外科学会雑誌, 23(3) 176-185, 2013  Peer-reviewed
  • 小林義和, 松尾浩一郎, 渡邉理沙, 藤井航, 金森大輔, 永田千里, 角保徳, 水谷英樹
    老年歯学, 28(2) 69-78, 2013  Peer-reviewed
  • 柘植信哉, 小島好博, 小林義和, 金森大輔, 相澤貴子, 佐藤公治, 水谷英樹
    藤田学園医学会誌, 35(1) 119-122, 2012  Peer-reviewed
  • 金森大輔, 藤井航, 伊藤有倫子, 渡邉理沙, 永田千里, 加賀谷斉, 才藤栄一, 水谷英樹
    老年歯科医学, 27 30-35, 2012  Peer-reviewed
  • 小島好博, 小林義和, 大上沙央理, 山田守正, 水谷英樹, 竹田清
    日本歯科麻酔学会雑誌, 40(1) 50-51, 2012  Peer-reviewed
  • 小林義和, 小島好博, 水谷英樹
    日本歯科麻酔学会雑誌, 39(2) 208-209, 2011  Peer-reviewed
    4ヵ月女児。先天性に上下顎および頬粘膜が癒着し、強度の開口障害(前歯歯槽堤間で5mm)と口蓋裂を伴ったOral synechia患児であり、全身麻酔下に上下顎癒着切離術を予定した。心拡大、心電図異常、心房中隔欠損および肺動脈弁上狭窄が確認されたが、全身麻酔による心不全の可能性は低いと判断し、気道管理法は経鼻ファイバー挿管、特に体動による操作困難や喉頭痙攣の可能性を勘案して全身麻酔導入後の無意識下挿管を選択した。換気困難や気道確保困難が予測されたが、術中の血圧や心拍数は安定しており、術後経過は良好で開口量は10mmに拡大した。既存の手技を参考にし、症例に適した方法を用いることで患者の負担を軽減できると考えられた。
  • SATOH Koji, AIZAWA Takako, KOBAYASHI Yoshikazu, KONDOH Suguru, IMAMURA Mototaka, MIZUTANI Hideki, YAMADA Morimasa
    J.Jpn.Cleft Palate Assoc., 36(3) 202-207, 2011  Peer-reviewed
    Russell- Silver syndrome (RSS) is a syndrome characterized by intrauterine growth retardation, short stature without postnatal catch up growth, inverted triangular face with relative large head. Though orthodontic treatment may be performed for the malocclusion caused by growth disturbance and right - left asymmetry of viscerocranium, cleft palate is rarely complicated.<br>We report a case of RSS with cleft palate. The patient was 6-months girl at initial visit to our center, she was born at 39 weeks gestation in August 2007. At birth, her weight was 1,334 g, her height was 39 cm, Apgar score were 4/8. Because of extremely low birth weight, she was transported to the nearest municipal hospital in the following day. She had no problem in breathing and no abnormal findings were detected in the echocardiography. Though cleft palate was confirmed, suckling was possible. No abnormal findings were detected in head CT and MR imaging. She discharged in November, 2,315 g weighted. Though tube feeding was applied, weight gain was poor. She was referred to our center in February 2008, as it was thought that poor suckling was due to cleft palate. We made palatal plate and took a wait-and-see approach with pediatricians. From the appearance of growth delay, inverted triangular face with normal head circumference, asymmetry of the length of lower limb, RSS was suspected. We had cytogenetic analyses, epigenetic mutation of the H19-DMR on chromosome 11p was identified, diagnosis of RSS were confirmed with characteristic clinical features. Development delay was not obvious including speech, so we performed palatoplasty in September 2010, when she was 3 years and 1 month old, 6,365 g in weight. Mouth breadth was narrow, opening was limited, intubation was possible, but Dingman mouth gag was inapplicable. 20mm mouth opening was obtained by forced opening with utility mouth gag, she was operated while pulling and displacing her tongue. Postoperative complications were absent, speech therapy had started. The evolving of epigenetics elucidated the pathogenesis and the way for early diagnosis for RSS. In the treatment of RSS infants with cleft palate, it was thought to be important to respond in well considering for the pathogenesis.
  • SATOH Koji, KONDOH Suguru, SOHJYOH Kazumi, AIZAWA Takako, IMAMURA Mototaka, MIZUTANI Hideki, IIJIMA Yuki, OKUMOTO Takayuki, YOSHIMURA Yohko, HORIBE Seiji, NAITOH Kensei, INAYOSHI Norie, SHIGETA Ritsuko
    J.Jpn.Cleft Palate Assoc., 34(1) 39-44, 2009  Peer-reviewed
    A clinico-statistical investigation was conducted with 1112 cleft lip and/or palate patients (excluded 18 cases in which data were inadequate) in the Cleft Lip and Palate Center, Fujita Health University Hospital, since its foundation in April 1992.<br>The results were as follows:<br>1) Primary cases were 1073, secondary cases were 39, and average number of patients registered per year was 75.5 from 1993 to 2006.<br>2) The distribution by cleft type was: 368 cases (33.1%) with unilateral CL (A) P, 279 cases (25.1%) with unilateral CL (A), 275 cases (24.7%) with CP, 157 cases (14.1%) with bilateral CL (A) P, 26 cases (2.3%) with bilateral CL (A), and 7 cases (0.6%) with others.<br>3) The average number of operations per year from 1993 to 2006 was as follows: chelioplasty (primary lip operation) 61.7, palatoplasty (one stage operation for CP) 13.1, palatoplasty (soft palate in two stage operation) 26.5, palatoplasty (hard palate in two stage operation) 23.4, secondary alveolar bone graft 17.8, and secondary operation for velopharyngeal incompetence 3.<br>4) The number of patients registered for speech evaluation and training was 741 until June 2007.

