
岡﨑 英人

オカザキ ヒデト  (Hideto Okazaki)


藤田医科大学 医学部 医学科 連携リハビリテーション医学 准教授



  • Yu Takahashi, Hideaki Wakita, Takuma Ishihara, Hideto Okazaki, Akihiro Ito, Mitsunaga Iwata, Shigeru Sonoda, Yohei Doi
    Journal of infection and chemotherapy : official journal of the Japan Society of Chemotherapy 29(1) 95-97 2023年1月  
    Healthcare-associated COVID-19 among vulnerable patients leads to disproportionate morbidity and mortality. Early pharmacologic intervention may reduce negative sequelae and improve survival in such settings. This study aimed to describe outcome of patients with healthcare-associated COVID-19 who received early short-course remdesivir therapy. We reviewed the characteristics and outcome of hospitalized patients who developed COVID-19 during an outbreak that involved two wards at a non-acute care hospital in Japan and received short-course remdesivir. Forty-nine patients were diagnosed with COVID-19, 34 on a comprehensive inpatient rehabilitation ward and 15 on a combined palliative care and internal medicine ward. Forty-seven were symptomatic and 46 of them received remdesivir. The median age was 75, and the median Charlson comorbidity index was 6 among those who received it. Forty-one patients had received one or two doses of mRNA vaccines, while none had received a third dose. Most patients received 3 days of remdesivir. Of the patients followed up to 14 and 28 days from onset, 41/44 (95.3%) and 35/41(85.4%) were alive, respectively. Six deaths occurred by 28 days in the palliative care/internal medicine ward and two of them were possibly related to COVID-19. Among those who survived, the performance status was unchanged between the time of onset and at 28 days.
  • Masanori Matsubara, Shigeru Sonoda, Makoto Watanabe, Yuko Okuyama, Hideto Okazaki, Sayaka Okamoto, Shiho Mizuno
    Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association 30(12) 106110-106110 2021年9月26日  
    OBJECTIVE: To examine the effect of onset to admission interval (OAI) and stroke type on activities of daily living (ADL) outcome. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Stroke patients (n=3112) admitted to and discharged from comprehensive inpatient rehabilitation wards at Nanakuri Memorial Hospital were classified into 8 OAI segments and by stroke type [intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) and cerebral infarction (CI)]. Motor subscore of the Functional Independence Measure (FIM-M) on admission, FIM-M at discharge, FIM-M gain, length of stay (LOS), and FIM-M efficiency in the ICH and CI group matched by OAI segment were compared using the Wilcoxon test. Multiple comparisons using the Steel-Dwass test of FIM-M on admission, FIM-M at discharge, FIM-M gain, LOS, and FIM-M efficiency by OAI segments were performed. RESULTS: FIM-M on admission was lower in the ICH group than the CI group in matched OAI segments. However, FIM-M improvement was greater in the ICH group than the CI group, resulting in no difference in FIM-M between groups at discharge. In both groups, the longer the OAI, the lower the FIM-M on admission and at discharge. The distribution pattern of significant differences among OAI segments differed between the groups. LOS tended to be longer and FIM-M efficiency tended to be higher in the ICH group than in the CI group. CONCLUSIONS: The brain mass effect at the time of admission was larger and took longer to decrease in the ICH group than in the CI group. These results may improve prediction of outcomes in comprehensive inpatient rehabilitation wards.
  • 八木橋 恵, 岡崎 英人, 淺野 直樹, 大高 洋平
    The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 58(特別号) 1-6 2021年5月  
  • 千手 佑樹, 浅野 直樹, 岡崎 英人, 八木橋 恵, 園田 茂, 大高 洋平
    The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 57(秋季特別号) S331-S331 2020年11月  
  • 八木橋 恵, 園田 茂, 渡邉 誠, 岡本 さやか, 奥山 夕子, 岡崎 英人, 大高 洋平
    The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 57(特別号) 3-4 2020年7月  
  • Shinichiro Maeshima, Sayaka Okamoto, Shino Mizuno, Hideto Okazaki, Shigeru Sonoda
    European journal of physical and rehabilitation medicine 2020年1月23日  査読有り
    BACKGROUND: In stroke rehabilitation, the most important concern of the patients and their families is whether the patients can walk independently and whether they need braces after discharge. AIM: This study aims to investigate the relationship between several types of putaminal hemorrhage and walking independence and orthotic therapy in patients with hemiplegia. DESIGN: Observational study. SETTING: Inpatients rehabilitation department, Fujita Health University Nanakuri Memorial Hospital, Japan. POPULATION: Total 264 patients with putaminal hemorrhage admitted to our hospital. METHODS: Neurological and cognitive functions were examined as per the stroke scale of the National Institutes of Health and the Mini-mental state examination, respectively. The hematomas were classified into five types, and the volume was measured using computed tomography (CT). Walking ability was evaluated by Functional Ambulation Category (FAC), and walking independence was defined as FAC ≥4. The relationship between the types of hematomas and walking independence and orthotic therapy in patients with hemiplegia with putaminal hemorrhage was also analyzed. RESULTS: We observed differences within the hematoma types in volume, neurological symptoms, and cognitive function but not in age, sex, and lesion side aspects of these patients-143 of whom could walk independently (FAC≥4) and 121 non-independently. Walking independently and the need for orthosis were closely related to the type of hematoma. CONCLUSIONS: CT imaging at stroke onset can provide useful information when examining walking independence and indicate necessity for an orthosis at the time of discharge to the rehabilitation ward. CLINICAL REHABILITATION IMPACT: This study might help to better understand the role of neuroimaging in stroke rehabilitation.
  • 堀 博和, 園田 茂, 渡邉 誠, 奥山 夕子, 岡本 さやか, 岡崎 英人
    Japanese Journal of Comprehensive Rehabilitation Science 10(2019) 82-87 2019年12月  査読有り
    【目的】回復期リハビリテーション病棟に入院した脳卒中患者においてFunctional Independence Measure(FIM)の入院から2週の変化により,退院時ADLがどう異なるかを検討した.【方法】2,636名の脳卒中患者を対象とした.FIM運動項目合計(FIM motor subscore(FIMM))7区分(FIMM7)の入院時と2週時,FIM認知項目合計(FIM cognitive subscore(FIMC))7区分(FIMC7)の入院時と2週時の組合せで,入院時FIMM,退院時FIMM,FIMM利得,FIMM効率の中央値を算出し,差を検定した.【結果】FIMM7,FIMC7とも,入院時と2週時に差があるほうが退院時FIMMや,FIMM利得・効率が有意に高い組合せが多かった.【結論】入院から2週でFIMMまたはFIMCの改善を認めた患者ほどADL帰結が良いと考えられた.(著者抄録)
  • 竹尾 淳美, 岡崎 英人, 堀 博和, 渡邉 克章, 中川 裕規, 宮坂 裕之, 武田 湖太郎, 園田 茂
    The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 56(特別号) 2-5 2019年5月  
  • 堀 博和, 中川 裕規, 岡崎 英人, 宮坂 裕之, 武田 湖太郎, 渡邉 克章, 竹尾 淳美, 園田 茂
    The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 56(特別号) 3-5 2019年5月  
  • 山路 千明, 宮坂 裕之, 國分 実伸, 奥山 夕子, 稲本 陽子, 岡崎 英人, 園田 茂, 川上 健司, 進藤 直紀, 福嶋 亜維, 高柳 有史, 新里 千秋, 澤田 真名美
    The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 56(特別号) 3-3 2019年5月  
  • 冨田 早紀, 金森 大輔, 岡崎 英人, 永井 亜矢子, 高柳 有史, 伊東 知美, 二村 昭彦, 稲本 陽子, 園田 茂
    The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 56(特別号) 2-6 2019年5月  
  • 和田 義敬, 園田 茂, 岡本 さやか, 渡邉 誠, 岡崎 英人, 奥山 夕子
    Japanese Journal of Comprehensive Rehabilitation Science 10(2019) 71-76 2019年  査読有り
    【目的】回復期リハビリテーション病棟入院脳卒中患者の重回帰分析によるADL帰結予測重回帰式の精度を比較した.【方法】当院回復期リハビリテーション病棟を入退院した脳卒中患者1,502例を予測式を作成する作成群と予測精度を確認する検証群の2群に分けた.作成群で退院時mFIMが従属変数の重回帰分析の予測式(S予測式),Reciprocal重回帰分析の予測式(R予測式),mFIM effectivenessが従属変数の重回帰分析から退院時mFIMを求める式(E予測式)を作成した.検証群で退院時mFIMの予測値を算出し,実測値と予測値の級内相関係数・実測値から予測値を引いた残差の絶対値を比較した.【結果】級内相関係数はS予測式0.86,R予測式0.90,E予測式0.89であった.残差の絶対値はS予測式9.38±6.62,R予測式7.30±6.56,E予測式7.56±6.45であった.Steel-Dwass検定でS予測式とR予測式,S予測式とE予測式間で有意差(p<0.05)を認めた.【結論】重回帰分析によるADL帰結予測式ではモデルを線形に近づける変換を加えることで予測精度を高められた.(著者抄録)
  • 宮坂 裕之, 武田 湖太郎, 大西 斉, 岡崎 英人, 園田 茂
    日本作業療法学会抄録集 52回 OA-1 2018年9月  
  • 中川 裕規, 宮坂 裕之, 進藤 直紀, 堀 博和, 岡崎 英人, 園田 茂
    リハビリテーション連携科学 19(1) 84-84 2018年6月  
  • 向野 雅彦, 才藤 栄一, 園田 茂, 岡崎 英人, 河村 美穂, 米田 千賀子, 尾関 保則, 小口 和代, 清水 康裕, 小池 知治, 戸田 芙美, 近藤 和泉
    The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 55(特別号) 4-7 2018年5月  
  • 堀 博和, 中川 裕規, 岡崎 英人, 宮坂 裕之, 武田 湖太郎, 岡本 さやか, 前島 伸一郎, 園田 茂
    The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 55(特別号) 4-2 2018年5月  
  • 舟橋 怜佑, 前島 伸一郎, 岡本 さやか, 布施 郁子, 八木橋 恵, 浅野 直樹, 田中 慎一郎, 堀 博和, 平岡 繁典, 岡崎 英人, 園田 茂
    脳卒中 40(2) 69-74 2018年3月  査読有り
  • Shinichiro Maeshima, Sayaka Okamoto, Hideto Okazaki, Reisuke Funahashi, Shigenori Hiraoka, Hirokazu Hori, Kei Yagihashi, Ikuko Fuse, Shinichiro Tanaka, Naoki Asano, Shigeru Sonoda
    European neurology 79(1-2) 33-37 2018年  査読有り
    OBJECTIVE: We aimed to clarify the relationship between aphasia and hematoma type/volume in patients with left putaminal hemorrhage admitted to a rehabilitation facility. METHODS: We evaluated the relationship between the presence, type, and severity of aphasia and hematoma type/volume in 92 patients with putaminal hemorrhage aged 29-83 years. Hematoma type and volume were evaluated on the basis of CT images obtained at stroke onset. The Standard Language Test for Aphasia was conducted as part of the initial assessment. RESULTS: Aphasia was observed in 79 of 92 patients. A total of 31 patients had fluent aphasia, while 48 had non-fluent aphasia. Non-fluent aphasia often involved hematoma on the anterior limb of the internal capsule, while fluent aphasia often involved hematoma on the posterior limb of internal capsule. When the hematoma volume exceeded 20 mL, patients experienced difficulty in repeating spoken words. When hematoma volume exceeded 40 mL, non-fluent aphasia was observed in all patients. CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest that hematoma type and volume not only influence the development of aphasia following putaminal hemorrhage but also play a major role in determining the patient's fluency and repetition ability.
  • Shigenori Hiraoka, Shinichiro Maeshima, Hideto Okazaki, Hirokazu Hori, Shinichiro Tanaka, Sayaka Okamoto, Reisuke Funahashi, Kei Yagihashi, Ikuko Fuse, Naoki Asano, Shigeru Sonoda
    BMC neurology 17(1) 211-211 2017年12月8日  査読有り
    BACKGROUND: Thalamic hemorrhages cause motor paralysis, sensory impairment, and cognitive dysfunctions, all of which may significantly affect walking independence. We examined the factors related to independent walking in patients with thalamic hemorrhage who were admitted to a rehabilitation hospital. METHODS: We evaluated 128 patients with thalamic hemorrhage (75 men and 53 women; age range, 40-93 years) who were admitted to our rehabilitation hospital. The mean duration from symptom onset to rehabilitation hospital admission was 27.2 ± 10.3 days, and the mean rehabilitation hospital stay was 71.0 ± 31.4 days. Patients' neurological and cognitive functions were examined with the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) and Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), respectively. The relationship between patients' scores on these scales and their walking ability at discharge from the rehabilitation hospital was analyzed. Additionally, a decision-tree analysis was used to create a model for predicting independent walking upon referral to the rehabilitation hospital. RESULTS: Among the patients, 65 could walk independently and 63 could not. The two patient groups were significantly different in terms of age, duration from symptom onset to rehabilitation hospital admission, hematoma type, hematoma volume, neurological symptoms, and cognitive function. The decision-tree analysis revealed that the patient's age, NIHSS score, MMSE score, hematoma volume, and presence of ventricular bleeding were factors that could predict independent walking. CONCLUSIONS: In patients with thalamic hemorrhage, the neurological symptoms, cognitive function, and neuroimaging factors at onset are useful for predicting independent walking.
  • Naoki Asano, Shinichiro Maeshima, Sayaka Okamoto, Hideto Okazaki, Shigeru Sonoda
    Pain medicine (Malden, Mass.) 18(5) 997-1000 2017年5月1日  査読有り
  • 松尾 宏, 園田 茂, 前島 伸一郎, 渡邉 誠, 佐々木 祥, 奥山 夕子, 岡崎 英人, 岡本 さやか, 近藤 和泉
    Japanese Journal of Comprehensive Rehabilitation Science 7(2016) 119-129 2017年1月  査読有り
  • Kenmei Mizutani, Shigeru Sonoda, Hideaki Wakita, Hideto Okazaki, Yoshimitsu Katoh, Takeshi Chihara, Kan Shimpo
    Neuroreport 27(9) 659-64 2016年6月15日  査読有り
    Although it has been suggested that the combination of exercise and bryostatin-1 administration may induce greater functional recovery than exercise alone, the detailed molecular mechanisms are not well known. Here, we examined the relationship between this combination treatment and monoamine dynamics in the cerebral cortex peri-infarction area to promote our understanding of these molecular mechanisms. Experimental cerebral cortex infarctions were produced by photothrombosis in rats. Voluntary exercise was initiated 2 days after surgery. Motor performance was then measured using the rotarod test. Monoamine concentrations in the perilesional cortex were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography. In behavioral evaluations, performance in the rotarod test was significantly increased by exercise. Moreover, performance in the rotarod test after the combination of exercise and bryostatin-1 administration was significantly greater than that after exercise alone. In the analysis of monoamines, serotonin (5-HT) concentrations were significantly higher in the groups treated with exercise and bryostatin-1. In addition, 5-HT turnover was significantly lower in the groups treated with exercise and bryostatin-1. Furthermore, the mean latency in the rotarod test showed a significant positive correlation with 5-HT levels. In immunohistochemical analysis, 5-HT immunoreactivity in the dorsal raphe nucleus was shown to be higher in the groups treated with exercise. In the present study, we detected changes in the levels of monoamines associated with the combined treatment of exercise and bryostatin-1 administration in the perilesional cortex. It has been suggested that this combination of therapies may affect 5-HT turnover and serve to increase local 5-HT concentrations in the perilesional area.
  • Shinichiro Maeshima, Sayaka Okamoto, Hideto Okazaki, Shiho Mizuno, Naoki Asano, Tetsuya Tsunoda, Hirofumi Maeda, Mitsuko Masaki, Shigeru Sonoda
    Interventional neurology 4(3-4) 69-74 2016年3月  査読有り
    PURPOSE: The aim of our study was to investigate the presenting conditions of patients with hemorrhagic transformation (HT), the frequency of HT and its treatments at a rehabilitation hospital. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: 165 patients with cerebral infarctions transferred to our rehabilitation hospital during the study period were enrolled. HT was diagnosed by two stroke specialists using computed tomography (CT) at the time of transfer to our rehabilitation hospital and other imaging data from previous consultations. Neurological status, activities of daily living, administered agents, patient age, duration from stroke onset to transfer and length of hospital stay were examined. RESULTS: 30 of the 165 patients (18.2%) were diagnosed with HT. Decreased activities of daily living at admission and discharge as well as longer hospitalization stays were more prevalent in HT patients than in those without HT. We did not change antiplatelet or anticoagulant agents, but continued rehabilitation over a defined period while monitoring blood pressure; we confirmed with CT that the patients' physical conditions did not deteriorate. CONCLUSION: With careful symptom and CT monitoring over a defined period, rehabilitation can be continued in patients who develop HT at the time of transfer to a rehabilitation hospital in the acute phase of cerebral infarction.
  • Haruhi Inokuchi, Marlís González-Fernández, Koichiro Matsuo, Martin B Brodsky, Mitsumasa Yoda, Hiroshige Taniguchi, Hideto Okazaki, Takashi Hiraoka, Jeffrey B Palmer
    Dysphagia 31(1) 33-40 2016年2月  査読有り
    Few studies have examined the intensity of muscle activity during swallowing in healthy humans. We examined selected hyoid muscles using fine wire intramuscular electromyography (EMG) during swallowing of four food consistencies. Thirteen healthy adults were studied using videofluorography and EMG of the anterior belly of digastric (ABD), geniohyoid (GH), sternohyoid (SH), and masseter (MA; surface electrodes) while ingesting thin liquid (three trials) and solid food of three consistencies (banana, tofu, and cookie, three trials each). After rectification, integration, and normalization, peak EMG amplitudes for each muscle in each trial were measured. Hyoid displacements were measured in two dimensions. Data were analyzed using repeated measures ANOVA with Bonferroni correction. GH had the highest adjusted amplitude for both solids and liquid. For MA and ABD, amplitude was highest with triturated cookie. For ABD, amplitude was lowest with liquid. There were no significant food consistency effects for GH or SH. Hyoid displacements were greatest for cookie and the lowest for liquid. EMG amplitude varied with initial food consistency. The high peak EMG amplitude of GH is consistent with its essential role in opening the upper esophageal sphincter. High MA amplitude with hard solid foods is likely due to the higher tongue-palate pressure with triturated solids. The higher ABD amplitude with solid food is associated with greater hyoid displacement. These findings support the existence of a central pattern generator that modifies the level of muscle activity during pharyngeal swallowing in response to input from mechanoreceptors in the oral cavity.
  • Shinichiro Maeshima, Hideto Okazaki, Sayaka Okamoto, Shiho Mizuno, Naoki Asano, Tetsuya Tsunoda, Mitsuko Masaki, Shinichiro Tanaka, Shigeru Sonoda
    Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association 25(2) 389-96 2016年2月  査読有り
    BACKGROUND: Dysphagia occurs frequently during the acute phase of cerebral hemorrhage; however, there are few reports of dysphagia associated with cerebral hemorrhage in the subacute and chronic phase. We focused on putaminal hemorrhage at a rehabilitation hospital and evaluated the relationships between the frequencies of dysphagia, focus, and hematoma volume and type. METHODS: A hundred patients with putaminal hemorrhage referred to our rehabilitation hospital were evaluated. Bedside swallowing assessments (BSAs) were conducted and results were evaluated relative to the information obtained on computed tomography imaging, including hematoma type and volume, and oral intake at the time of admission/discharge from the hospital. RESULTS: A regular diet was provided to 48 patients, dysphagia diet to 44 patients, and enteral feeding to 8 patients. There were significant feeding group differences in age, hematoma volume and type, existence of ventricle rupture, neurological manifestation, cognitive function, existence of unilateral neglect and aphasia, initial BSA, activities of daily living (ADL) score using the Functional Independence Measure at the time of admission/discharge from the hospital, and length of stay. At discharge, we provided a regular diet to 81 patients and dysphagia diet to 19 patients. Age and ADL score had the greatest influence on oral intake at the time of discharge from the hospital. CONCLUSION: The prognosis of dysphagia caused by putaminal hemorrhage is good, with no patient requiring enteral feeding, although putaminal hemorrhage often causes dysphagia. Patient age and ADL score on admission are used to predict the residual factors of dysphagia.
  • Shinichiro Maeshima, Sayaka Okamoto, Hideto Okazaki, Shiho Mizuno, Naoki Asano, Hirofumi Maeda, Mitsuko Masaki, Hiroshi Matsuo, Tetsuya Tsunoda, Shigeru Sonoda
    BMC neurology 16 16-16 2016年2月1日  査読有り
    BACKGROUND: Convalescent rehabilitation wards assist stroke patients in acquiring skills for activities of daily living to increase the likelihood of home discharge. However, an improvement in activities of daily living does not necessarily imply that patients are discharged home. We investigated the characteristics of patients with putaminal haemorrhage who are discharged home following convalescence in rehabilitation wards. METHODS: The sample comprised 89 patients (58 men and 31 women) with putaminal haemorrhage hospitalised in the convalescent rehabilitation ward of our hospital between August 2012 and July 2013. Their age ranged from 29 to 88 years (61.9 ± 11.9 years). The lesion occurred on the right side in 48 and on the left in 41 patients. The mean period from onset to hospitalisation in the convalescent rehabilitation ward was 30.8 ± 17.2 days, and the mean hospitalisation period was 70.7 ± 31.8 days. We examined age, sex, haematoma volume, duration from onset to hospitalisation, neurological symptoms, cognitive function, functional independence measure, number of cohabitating family members and whether the patient lived alone before stroke, and the relationship among these factors and discharge destination (home or facility/hospital) was assessed. RESULTS: The discharge destination was home for 71 and a facility or hospital for 18 patients. Differences were observed in age, haematoma volume, neurological symptoms, cognitive function, functional independence measure score on admission and discharge, number of cohabitating family members and whether the patient lived alone before stroke for patients discharged home. Patients who required long-term care and were discharged home were more likely to be living with family members who were present during daytime. Home discharge was possible if functional independence measure score was ≥70 at the time of discharge for motor items and ≥24 for cognitive items, even if a patient lived alone before stroke. CONCLUSIONS: Although the presence of cohabitating family members was important, the factor most strongly influencing home discharge was the patient's activities of daily living status at the time of discharge. For patients who lived alone before stroke, physical and cognitive functions must be maintained for them to be discharged home after rehabilitation.
  • 前島 伸一郎, 岡本 さやか, 岡崎 英人, 園田 茂, 大沢 愛子
    神経心理学 32(4) 322-332 2016年  
  • Shinichiro Maeshima, Hideto Okazaki, Sayaka Okamoto, Shiho Mizuno, Naoki Asano, Hirofumi Maeda, Mitsuko Masaki, Hiroshi Matsuo, Tetsuya Tsunoda, Shigeru Sonoda
    Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association 24(6) 1312-6 2015年6月  査読有り
    BACKGROUND: We investigated differences in factors affecting judgments regarding the creation of new adjustable posterior strut knee-ankle-foot orthoses (APS-KAFO) and knee-ankle-foot orthoses with metal struts (traditional KAFO) for hemiplegic stroke patients for whom KAFO were created in rehabilitation wards. METHODS: Subjects were 50 patients with hemiplegia due to new-onset stroke (cerebral infarction: n = 25, cerebral hemorrhage: n = 25) who were prescribed KAFO. Patient ages ranged from 36 to 90 years, and the mean duration from stroke onset to hospitalization was 28.8 ± 13.8 days. Neurologic symptoms, cognitive function, activities of daily living, duration from hospitalization to orthosis creation, hospitalization duration, walking ability at discharge, outcome after discharge, and so forth were compared. RESULTS: Fourteen patients were prescribed APS-KAFO, and 36 were prescribed traditional KAFO. Those prescribed APS-KAFO had somewhat milder neurologic symptoms and cognitive dysfunction and a shorter hospitalization duration than those prescribed traditional KAFO. Patients prescribed APS-KAFO also had a higher score and efficiency on functional independence measure at admission and discharge. Walking independence at discharge was seen in 8 of the 14 patients for whom APS-KAFO were created and 8 of the 36 patients for whom traditional KAFO were created. CONCLUSIONS: APS-KAFO was chosen for patients with a high level of activity in the ward and with a higher likelihood of acquiring walking ability using APS-AFO at discharge, whereas traditional KAFO tended to be chosen for patients with relatively severe symptoms who were not expected to acquire practical walking ability.
  • Haruhi Inokuchi, Marlís González-Fernández, Koichiro Matsuo, Martin B Brodsky, Mitsumasa Yoda, Hiroshige Taniguchi, Hideto Okazaki, Takashi Hiraoka, Jeffrey B Palmer
    Dysphagia 29(6) 713-21 2014年12月  査読有り
    Few studies have reported the activation sequence of the swallowing muscles in healthy human participants. We examined temporal characteristics of selected hyoid muscles using fine wire intramuscular electromyography (EMG). Thirteen healthy adults were studied using EMG of the anterior belly of digastric (ABD), geniohyoid (GH), sternohyoid (SH), and masseter (MA, with surface electrodes) while ingesting thin liquid, banana, tofu, and cookie (3 trials each). Onset timing was measured from rectified and integrated EMG. Data were analyzed using repeated-measures ANOVA with Bonferroni correction. When drinking thin liquid, MA, GH, and ABD were activated almost simultaneously, but SH was activated later (using GH onset as 0 s, MA -0.07 (-0.20 to 0.17) second [median (interquartile range)]; ABD 0.00 (-0.10 to 0.07) second; SH 0.17 (0.02 to 0.37) second; P < 0.01). With solid foods, MA contraction preceded GH and ABD; SH was last and delayed relative to liquid swallows (GH 0 s; MA -0.17 (-0.27 to 0.07) second; ABD 0.00 (-0.03 to 0.03) second; SH 0.37 (0.23 to 0.50) second; P < 0.01). The role of the MA differs between solids and liquids so the variation in its timing is expected. The synchronous contraction of GH and ABD was consistent with their role in hyolaryngeal elevation. The SH contracted later with solids, perhaps because if the longer duration of the swallow. The consistent pattern among foods supports the concept of a central pattern generator for pharyngeal swallowing.
  • Hideto Okazaki, Hidehiko Beppu, Kenmei Mizutani, Sayaka Okamoto, Shigeru Sonoda
    Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association 23(6) 1703-8 2014年7月  査読有り
    Predicting recovery from hemiparesis after stroke is important for rehabilitation. A few recent studies reported that the levels of some growth factors shortly after stroke were positively correlated with the clinical outcomes during the chronic phase. The aim of this study was to examine the relationships between the serum levels of growth factors (vascular endothelial growth factor [VEGF], insulin-like growth factor-I [IGF-I], and hepatocyte growth factor [HGF]) and improvement in hemiparesis in stroke patients who received rehabilitation in a postacute rehabilitation hospital. Subjects were 32 stroke patients (cerebral infarction: 21 and intracerebral hemorrhage [ICH]: 11). We measured serum levels of VEGF, IGF-I, and HGF and 5 items of the Stroke Impairment Assessment Set (SIAS) for hemiparesis on admission and at discharge. Age-matched healthy subjects (n=15) served as controls. Serum levels of VEGF and HGF in cerebral infarct patients on admission were higher than those in control subjects, and the serum levels of IGF-I in stroke patients were lower than those in controls. The level of HGF in ICH patients on admission was negatively correlated with gains in SIAS, and higher outliers in HGF concentration were correlated with lower gains in SIAS. Focusing on the extremely high levels of these factors may be a predictor of the low recovery from hemiparesis after stroke.
  • Sayaka Okamoto, Shigeru Sonoda, Genichi Tanino, Ken Tomida, Hideto Okazaki, Izumi Kondo
    American journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation 90(2) 106-11 2011年2月  査読有り
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to clarify the effect of administration of an anabolic steroid (AS) without the addition of specific training in stroke patients by measuring the cross-sectional area (CSA) of the thigh. DESIGN: Twenty-six hemiplegic stroke patients during subacute rehabilitation were randomly assigned to a metenolone enanthate (ME) administration group or a control group (CT group). In the ME group, ME (100 mg) was injected intramuscularly weekly for 6 wks in the ME group. The CSA of the bilateral thigh muscles was measured using computed tomography. Motor subscore of the Functional Independence Measure (FIM-M) was assessed before the experimental period. RESULTS: At the end of 6 wks, the CSA increase in the ME group (13.4%, affected side; 14.5%, unaffected side) was significantly larger than that in the CT group (3.3%, affected side; 5.2%, unaffected side). Correlation coefficients between the initial FIM-M score and the CSA increase at 6 wks were -0.754 for the affected side and -0.567 for the unaffected side in the ME group and 0.199 for the affected side and 0.431 for the unaffected side in the CT group. CONCLUSIONS: ME administration is effective for improving muscle CSA and, thus, muscle strengthening in stroke rehabilitation. The CSA increase in the ME group was most prominent in patients with a low initial FIM-M score.
  • 濱田 芙美, 岡崎 英人, 中川 裕規, 永田 千里, 山田 晋平, 渡辺 豊明, 冨田 憲, 藤井 航, 岡本 さやか, 近藤 和泉, 才藤 栄一, 園田 茂
    The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 47(Suppl.) S215-S215 2010年4月  
  • Hideto Okazaki, Shigeru Sonoda, Toru Suzuki, Eiichi Saitoh, Sayaka Okamoto
    Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association 17(5) 276-80 2008年9月  査読有り
    The Medical Outcome Study 36-Item Short Form Health Survey (SF-36) is a widely used method to evaluate health-related quality of life and has been applied for patients with stroke. However, because it is a self-assessment tool, there is a risk in using results of the survey because of lack of information on patients who cannot answer the questionnaire. For this report, 38 patients with stroke hospitalized in the rehabilitation department filled out the SF-36 and motor items of the Functional Independence Measure (FIM) and the Stroke Impairment Assessment Set. We then examined characteristics of patients who could not be evaluated by the SF-36. Of the 38 patients, 19 patients could and 19 patients could not be evaluated by the SF-36. There was no remarkable relationship among capacity or incapacity for evaluation by the SF-36, motor subscores on the FIM, and motor items on the Stroke Impairment Assessment Set. All 10 patients having a communication subscore on the FIM of 10 points or less and/or a social cognition subscore on the FIM of 13 points or less could not be evaluated by the SF-36. The remaining unevaluable patients were not cooperative. Studies in which the entry criteria include the ability to answer the SF-36 questionnaire neglect patients with poor cognition. Therefore, when administering the SF-36 for patients with stroke, we recommend using an interview setting.
  • 前田 博士, 園田 茂, 鈴木 亨, 水野 志保, 永井 将太, 奥山 夕子, 登立 奈美, 川合 麻里, 岡崎 英人, 岡本 さやか, 沢田 光思郎, 尾関 恩, 才藤 栄一
    The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 45(Suppl.) S243-S243 2008年5月  
  • Sayaka Ozaki, Hidehiko Beppu, Shigeru Sonoda, Hideto Okazaki, Kenmei Mizutani, Yoshinori Itani, Nobuhiro Hayashi, Sayaka Okamotos, Taei Matsui
    Rinsho byori. The Japanese journal of clinical pathology 55(6) 522-7 2007年6月  査読有り
    Stroke rehabilitation is effective in some patients, however not so effective in others. Our ultimate aim is to use the clinical laboratory assessment as a tool for effectiveness discrimination in rehabilitation. Subjects were 15 stroke patients (68.1 +/- 12.7 years old) who were admitted to our convalescent rehabilitation wards. Fasting blood samples were analyzed for serum concentrations of hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) which are considered to be involved in hypermyotrophy using ELISA methods on admission and at discharge. Sixteen healthy control subjects (63.0 +/- 7.6 years old) were also employed. As accuracy control of these analyses, decrease of serum HGF after keeping at -20 degrees C for 499 days were measured. The concentration was 0.66ng/mL from 0.71 ng/mL and residual ratio was 94.0%. Reaction specificity to MW 60 kDa HGF antibody using the Western blot method was confirmed. Average HGF and VEGF were higher in stroke patients than those in control subjects. Average IGF-I was lower in stroke patients. The correlations between HGF, VEGF, and IGF-I and the score of activities of daily living expressed by the Functional Independence Measure (FIM) were calculated. Highest correlation coefficient of 0.67 (p < 0.01) was obtained between HGF at discharge and the FIM efficiency (the gain of the FIM during hospitalization divided by length of stay). The correlation coefficients related to VEGF or IGF showed lower value. High FIM efficiency denotes rapid recovery with vigorous exercise. HGF at discharge would reflect the result of high activity.
  • 尾崎清香, 別府秀彦, 園田 茂, 岡崎英人, 水谷謙明, 井谷功典, 林 宣宏, 岡本さやか, 松井太衛
    臨床病理 55(6) 522-527 2007年6月  査読有り
  • 別府秀彦, 尾崎清香, 岡本さやか, 岡崎英人, 林 宣宏, 松井太衛, 井谷功典, 園田 茂
    生物試料分析 29(4) 379-388 2006年4月  査読有り
  • Qiang Wang, Shigeru Sonoda, Miho Hanamura, Hideto Okazaki, Eiichi Saitoh
    Neurorehabilitation and neural repair 19(2) 84-92 2005年6月  査読有り
    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the relationship between the bisection test and the severity of behavioral hemineglect and to verify if this test can predict the behavioral hemineglect. METHODS: Thirty stroke patients with left hemiparesis were divided into 4 groups according to the Catherine Bergego Scale, which assessed the behavioral hemineglect: severe unilateral neglect (UN), moderate UN, mild UN, and lack of UN. Eleven healthy subjects served as age-matched control subjects. In the bisection test, 18 lines were presented on the left, middle, and right of an A4 paper, respectively. The subjects were asked to place a short cross mark in the exact middle point of each line on the paper using their right hand. The middle 6 lines in the above bisection test were extracted on another sheet of A4 paper for the rebisection test. The subjects were asked to divide a line into 4 segments by successive bisections. The proportion of the right part to the length of line for bisecting was calculated. RESULTS: In the bisection test, the main effect of space was significant in every group except the mild neglect group. The crossover effect of space location was found in the severe UN group, the group without UN, and the controls. In the severe UN group, the patients bisected the left and middle lines with rightward bias (<50%) but bisected the right lines with leftward bias (>50%). In the group without UN and the controls, the subjects bisected the left lines with leftward bias (>50%) but bisected the middle and right lines with rightward bias (<50%). Almost the same results were seen in the rebisection test. CONCLUSIONS: This study showed that if the spatial crossover effect occurred in the right space condition, it was strongly supported that this patient had moderate to severe behavioral hemineglect. The crossover effect of the space location was explained by a new model.








  • 件名
    医学部 4年生 リハ学 / 医療科学部 2年生 整形学