
谷川 広樹

タニカワ ヒロキ  (Hiroki Tanikawa)


藤田医科大学 保健衛生学部 リハビリテーション学科 理学療法治療学 講師





  • Hiroki Tanikawa, Hitoshi Kagaya, Shota Itoh, Kento Katagiri, Hikaru Kondoh, Kenta Fujimura, Satoshi Hirano, Toshio Teranishi
    Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine - Clinical Communications 7 jrmcc40827-jrmcc40827 2024年9月3日  
    Objective: To demonstrate the long-term efficacy of repeated botulinum toxin A injections into the same muscles for ameliorating lower limb spasticity and gait function.Design: Single-case studyPatient: A 36-year-old woman with right cerebral haemorrhage received her first botulinum toxin A injection 1,296 days after onset. The patient underwent 30 treatments over 12 years after the first injection to improve upper and lower limb spasticity and abnormal gait patterns. The mean duration between injections was 147 days.Methods: The Modified Ashworth Scale, passive range of motion, gait velocity, and degree of abnormal gait patterns during treadmill gait were evaluated pre-injection and at 2, 6, and 12 weeks after every injection.Results: The follow-up period showed no injection-related adverse events. Comfortable overground gait velocity gradually improved over 30 injections. The Modified Ashworth Scale and passive range of motion improved after each injection. Pre-injection values of the degree of pes varus, circumduction, hip hiking, and knee extensor thrust improved gradually. However, the degree of contralateral vaulting, excessive lateral shift of the trunk, and insufficient knee flexion did not improve after 30 injections.Conclusion: Repeated botulinum toxin A injections effectively improve abnormal gait patterns, even when a single injection cannot change these values.
  • 伊藤 翔太, 藤村 健太, 柴田 理姫, 谷川 広樹, 前田 寛文, 加賀谷 斉
    日本ボツリヌス治療学会雑誌 10(1) 70-70 2024年9月  
  • 伊藤 翔太, 谷川 広樹, 近藤 輝, 小関 秀宙, 片桐 健登, 伊藤 俊貴, 藤村 健太, 寺西 利生
    愛知県理学療法学会誌 36(特別号) np1-np1 2024年4月  
  • 伊藤 翔太, 谷川 広樹, 近藤 輝, 小関 秀宙, 片桐 健登, 伊藤 俊貴, 藤村 健太, 寺西 利生
    愛知県理学療法学会誌 36(特別号) np1-np1 2024年4月  
  • Kenta Fujimura, Hitoshi Kagaya, Ryoka Itoh, Chiharu Endo, Hiroki Tanikawa, Hirofumi Maeda
    European journal of physical and rehabilitation medicine 60(2) 216-224 2024年4月  
    BACKGROUND: Shoulder subluxation caused by paralysis after stroke is a serious issue affecting shoulder pain and functional prognosis. However, its preventive treatment has not been fully investigated. AIM: To investigate the effects of repetitive peripheral magnetic stimulation (rPMS) on the prevention of shoulder subluxation. DESIGN: A single-center, parallel-group, prospective randomized, open-blinded, end-point study. SETTING: Convalescent rehabilitation ward. POPULATION: We included 50 inpatients in the convalescent rehabilitation ward with post-stroke, having upper limb paralysis, and the acromio-humeral interval (AHI) was within 1/2 finger-breadth. METHODS: A blinded computer-based allocation system was used to randomly assign patients into two groups: 1) conventional rehabilitation plus rPMS therapy (rPMS group, N=25); and 2) conventional rehabilitation alone (control group, N=25). Blinded assessors evaluated the patients before the intervention (T0), 6 weeks after (T1), and 12 weeks after (T2). The primary outcome was the change in AHIs from T0 to T1 between the groups. In contrast, the secondary outcomes were shoulder pain, spasticity, active range of motion, and Fugl-Meyer Assessment upper extremity (FMA-UE) score. RESULTS: Twenty-two patients in the rPMS group and 24 in the control group completed T1, whereas 16 in the rPMS group and 11 in the control group completed T2. The change in AHI was significantly lower in the rPMS group than in the control group ([95% CI, -5.15 to -0.390], P=0.023). Within-group analysis showed that AHI in the rPMS group did not change significantly, whereas it increased in the control group (P=0.004). There were no significant differences between T1 and T2 within or between the groups. Moreover, AHI did not show differences in patients with severe impairment but decreased in the rPMS group in patients with mild impairment (P=0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The rPMS may be a new modality for preventing shoulder subluxation. The association between motor impairment and the sustained effect needs to be further examined. CLINICAL REHABILITATION IMPACT: Applying rPMS to the muscles of the paralyzed shoulder after a stroke may prevent shoulder subluxation.
  • Kei Ohtsuka, Masahiko Mukaino, Junya Yamada, Matsuda Fumihiro, Hiroki Tanikawa, Kazuhiro Tsuchiyama, Toshio Teranishi, Eiichi Saitoh, Yohei Otaka
    International journal of rehabilitation research. Internationale Zeitschrift fur Rehabilitationsforschung. Revue internationale de recherches de readaptation 46(4) 316-324 2023年12月1日  
    Ankle-foot orthosis (AFO) is known to correct abnormal gait patterns and improve walking stability and speed in patients with hemiparesis. To quantify these benefits in post-stroke gait, a three-dimensional motion analysis of gait pattern was conducted. Forty patients with hemiparesis were enrolled. A three-dimensional motion analysis system was used to analyze patients' treadmill walking with/without an AFO. Outcome measures were 12 abnormal gait indices (forefoot contact, knee extensor thrust, retropulsion of the hip, flexed-knee gait, medial whip in the stance phase, circumduction gait, hip hiking, insufficient knee flexion during the swing phase, excessive lateral shifting of the trunk, contralateral vaulting, excessive hip external rotation, and posterior pelvic tilt), calculated using kinematic data and spatiotemporal indices, and the symmetry index of double-stance and single-stance time and step length. Forefoot contact (without AFO vs. with AFO: 71.0 vs. 65.8, P < 0.001), circumduction gait (65.0 vs. 57.9, P < 0.001), and contralateral vaulting (78.2 vs. 72.2, P = 0.003) were significantly reduced, whereas excessive hip external rotation (53.7 vs. 62.8, P = 0.003) significantly increased during walking with an AFO. Hip hiking (77.1 vs. 71.7) showed marginal reduction with the use of AFO ( P = 0.096). The absolute symmetry index of double-stance time (21.9 vs. 16.1, P = 0.014) significantly decreased during walking with an AFO. AFO effectively mitigates abnormal gait patterns typical of hemiparetic gait. A 3D motion analysis system with clinically oriented indices can help assess intervention efficacy for gait abnormalities.
  • 伊藤 翔太, 谷川 広樹, 近藤 輝, 小関 秀宙, 片桐 健登, 伊藤 俊貴, 藤村 健太, 寺西 利生
    東海北陸理学療法学術大会誌 39回 159-159 2023年9月  
  • 伊藤 翔太, 谷川 広樹, 寺西 利生, 近藤 輝, 小関 秀宙, 伊藤 俊貴, 藤村 健太, 平野 哲, 向野 雅彦, 加賀谷 斉
    日本ボツリヌス治療学会雑誌 9(1) 51-51 2023年9月  
  • 伊藤 翔太, 谷川 広樹, 近藤 輝, 小関 秀宙, 片桐 健登, 伊藤 俊貴, 藤村 健太, 寺西 利生
    東海北陸理学療法学術大会誌 39回 159-159 2023年9月  
  • 小桑 隆, 大塚 圭, 向野 雅彦, 土山 和大, 山田 純也, 松田 文浩, 谷川 広樹, 寺西 利生, 大高 洋平
    運動器理学療法学 3(Suppl.) O-97 2023年6月  
  • 伊藤 翔太, 谷川 広樹, 寺西 利生, 近藤 輝, 小関 秀宙, 平野 哲, 加賀谷 斉
    臨床歩行分析研究会定例会抄録集 43回 25-25 2023年3月  
  • 伊藤 俊貴, 伊藤 翔太, 谷川 広樹, 小関 秀宙, 小林 篤也, 近藤 未悠, 那須田 朋佳, 増田 皓介, 加賀谷 斉
    臨床歩行分析研究会定例会抄録集 43回 26-26 2023年3月  
  • 加賀谷 斉, 土山 和大, 谷川 広樹
    MEDICAL REHABILITATION (280) 58-63 2022年10月  
    末梢磁気刺激(peripheral magnetic stimulation;PMS)は電磁誘導により生体内に渦電流を誘導し,神経や筋肉の細胞膜の脱分極により筋収縮を生じさせる.PMSでは刺激周波数,on time,off time,刺激数,刺激強度を設定し,円形または8字などのコイルを用いて刺激を行う.PMSの適応は,末梢神経の障害がないか,あっても軽度の場合である.一方,禁忌は心臓ペースメーカー挿入患者,刺激部位に近接する部位に取り外しのできない磁性体がある場合である.これまで大腿四頭筋,前脛骨筋などを対象にしたランダム化比較試験を用いたPMSによる筋力増強治療効果がいくつか報告されている.疼痛が少なく衣服の上からでも刺激可能という特徴を持つPMSは,新たな筋力増強治療法として今後広まることが期待される.(著者抄録)
  • Kenta Fujimura, Hitoshi Kagaya, Hiroki Tanikawa
    Applied Sciences 2022年9月  査読有り
  • Hiroki Tanikawa, Masahiko Mukaino, Shota Itoh, Hikaru Kondoh, Kenta Fujimura, Toshio Teranishi, Kei Ohtsuka, Satoshi Hirano, Hitoshi Kagaya, Eiichi Saitoh, Yohei Otaka
    Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 10 2022年8月15日  
    Background: Despite recent developments in the methodology for measuring spasticity, the discriminative capacity of clinically diagnosed spasticity has not been well established. This study aimed to develop a simple device for measuring velocity-dependent spasticity with improved discriminative capacity based on an analysis of clinical maneuver and to examine its reliability and validity. Methods: This study consisted of three experiments. First, to determine the appropriate motion of a mechanical device for the measurement of velocity-dependent spasticity, the movement pattern and the angular velocity used by clinicians to evaluate velocity-dependent spasticity were investigated. Analysis of the procedures performed by six physical therapists to evaluate spasticity were conducted using an electrogoniometer. Second, a device for measuring the resistance force against ankle dorsiflexion was developed based on the results of the first experiment. Additionally, preliminary testing of validity, as compared to that of the Modified Ashworth Scale (MAS), was conducted on 17 healthy participants and 10 patients who had stroke with spasticity. Third, the reliability of the measurement and the concurrent validity of mechanical measurement in the best ankle velocity setting were further tested in a larger sample comprising 24 healthy participants and 32 patients with stroke. Results: The average angular velocity used by physical therapists to assess spasticity was 268 ± 77°/s. A device that enabled the measurement of resistance force at velocities of 300°/s, 150°/s, 100°/s, and 5°/s was developed. In the measurement, an angular velocity of 300°/s was found to best distinguish patients with spasticity (MAS of 1+ and 2) from healthy individuals. A measurement of 300°/s in the larger sample differentiated the control group from the MAS 1, 1+, and 2 subgroups (p &amp;lt; 0.01), as well as the MAS 1 and 2 subgroups (p &amp;lt; 0.05). No fixed or proportional bias was observed in repeated measurements. Conclusion: A simple mechanical measurement methodology was developed based on the analysis of the clinical maneuver for measuring spasticity and was shown to be valid in differentiating the existence and extent of spasticity. This study suggest possible requirements to improve the quality of the mechanical measurement of spasticity.
  • 稲森 遥, 大塚 圭, 向野 雅彦, 山田 純也, 林 弘規, 松田 文浩, 谷川 広樹, 土山 和大, 村上 涼, 才藤 栄一, 大高 洋平
    The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 59(特別号) S110-S110 2022年5月  
  • 稲森 遥, 大塚 圭, 向野 雅彦, 山田 純也, 林 弘規, 松田 文浩, 谷川 広樹, 土山 和大, 村上 涼, 才藤 栄一, 大高 洋平
    The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine (特別号) S110-S110 2022年5月  
  • 藤田 寛, 土山 和大, 谷川 広樹, 大野 真之介, 小西 花奈, 江口 諒, 加賀谷 斉
    理学療法ジャーナル 56(3) 326-330 2022年3月  
    <文献概要>Point ●筋力増強の方法には運動療法と物理療法があり,積極的な運動療法が行えない患者にとって物理療法による筋力増強は重要である●物理療法による筋力増強には電気刺激が用いられるが,刺激時に皮膚に発生する疼痛のために十分な刺激を与えることができない場合が多い●磁気刺激は,電極を用いずに筋収縮を誘発することができ,疼痛が少ないことから電気刺激に勝る有効な治療手段となる可能性がある
  • Kumazawa Nobuhiro, Koyama Soichiro, Mukaino Masahiko, Tsuchiyama Kazuhiro, Tatemoto Tsuyoshi, Tanikawa Hiroki, Ohtsuka Kei, Katoh Masaki, Otaka Yohei, Saitoh Eiichi, Tanabe Shigeo
    Fujita Medical Journal advpub 2022年  
    Objectives: To evaluate the safety and acceptability of a newly developed tele-rehabilitation exercise system using computer-generated animation. Methods: The participants comprised a convenience sample of 38 diverse individuals in Experiment 1 (15 healthy young people, 16 healthy older people, 5 patients with stroke, and 2 patients with respiratory disease) and 18 healthy older individuals in Experiment 2. Experiment 1 assessed safety in terms of cardiopulmonary vascular aspects and risk of fall, and Experiment 2 assessed treatment acceptability via a subjective evaluation. All participants completed the same exercise program. The safety assessment was conducted using heart rate (HR) and saturation of percutaneous oxygen (SpO2), measured before and after exercise. In addition, the occurrence of falls was assessed. For the acceptability assessment, the participants answered five questions (three-point Likert scale) after the exercise program. Results: The safety assessment indicated that HR and SpO2 changed from 70.5±10.2 beats per minute and 97.8±1.3% before exercise to 87.6±13.6 beats per minute and 98.2±0.9% after exercise, respectively. In addition, all participants completed the exercises without experiencing any falls. In the acceptability assessment, the score reflecting continuation desire was the highest of the five items examined (2.71±0.46). In contrast, the adequacy of exercise intensity had the lowest score (1.29±0.57). Conclusions: The present system was confirmed to be safe, and the participants were motivated to continue the exercises. Future developments should incorporate a function to enable participants and medical staff to adjust exercise intensity according to individual physical function.
  • Kenta Fujimura, Masahiko Mukaino, Shota Itoh, Haruna Miwa, Ryoka Itoh, Daisuke Narukawa, Hiroki Tanikawa, Yoshikiyo Kanada, Eiichi Saitoh, Yohei Otaka
    Frontiers in neurology 13 854125-854125 2022年  
    Background: Spasticity is defined as a velocity-dependent increase in tonic stretch reflexes and is manually assessed in clinical practice. However, the best method for the clinical assessment of spasticity has not been objectively described. This study analyzed the clinical procedure to assess spasticity of the elbow joint using an electrogoniometer and investigated the appropriate velocity required to elicit a spastic response and the influence of velocity on the kinematic response pattern. Methods: This study included eight healthy individuals and 15 patients with spasticity who scored 1 or 1+ on the modified Ashworth Scale (MAS). Examiners were instructed to manually assess spasticity twice at two different velocities (slow and fast velocity conditions). During the assessment, velocity, deceleration value, and angle [described as the % range of motion (%ROM)] at the moment of resistance were measured using an electrogoniometer. Differences between the slow and fast conditions were evaluated. In addition, variations among the fast condition such as the responses against passive elbow extension at <200, 200-300, 300-400, 400°/s velocities were compared between the MAS 1+, MAS 1, and control groups. Results: Significant differences were observed in the angular deceleration value and %ROM in the fast velocity condition (417 ± 80°/s) between patients and healthy individuals, but there was no difference in the slow velocity condition (103 ± 29°/s). In addition, the deceleration values were significantly different between the MAS 1 and MAS 1+ groups in velocity conditions faster than 300°/s. In contrast, the value of %ROM plateaued when the velocity was faster than 200°/s. Conclusion: The velocity of the passive motion had a significant effect on the response pattern of the elbow joint. The velocity-response pattern differed between deceleration and the angle at which the catch occurred; the value of deceleration value for passive motion was highly dependent on the velocity, while the %ROM was relatively stable above a certain velocity threshold. These results provide clues for accurate assessment of spasticity in clinical practice.
  • Kazuhiro Tsuchiyama, Masahiko Mukaino, Kei Ohtsuka, Fumihiro Matsuda, Hiroki Tanikawa, Junya Yamada, Kannit Pongpipatpaiboon, Yoshikiyo Kanada, Eiichi Saitoh, Yohei Otaka
    European journal of physical and rehabilitation medicine 2021年9月9日  
    BACKGROUND: Ankle-foot orthoses are used to improve gait stability in patients with post-stroke gait; however, there is not enough evidence to support their beneficial impact on gait stability. AIM: To investigate the effects of ankle-foot orthoses on post-stroke gait stability. DESIGN: An experimental study with repeated measurements of gait parameters with and without orthosis. SETTING: Inpatients and outpatients in the Fujita Health University Hospital. POPULATION: Thirty-two patients (22 males; mean age 48.3±20.0 years) with poststroke hemiparesis participated in the study. METHODS: Three-dimensional treadmill gait analysis was performed with and without ankle-foot orthosis for each participant. Spatiotemporal parameters, their coefficient of variation, and margin of stability were evaluated. Toe clearance, another major target of orthosis, was also examined. The effect of orthosis in the patients with severe (not able to move within the full range of motion, defying gravity) and mild ankle impairment (able to move within the full range but have problem with speed and/or smoothness of the ankle movement) was compared. RESULTS: In the total group comparison, the decrease in the coefficient of variation of step width (P=0.012), and margin of stability on the paretic side (P=0.023) were observed. In the severe ankle impairment groups, the decreased in the coefficient of variation of the non-paretic step length (P=0.007), stride length (P=0.037), and step width (P=0.033) and margin of stability on the paretic side (P=0.006) were observed. No significant effects were observed in the mild ankle impairment group; rather, the coefficient of variation of non-paretic step length increased with the use of orthosis in this group (P=0.043); however, toe clearance increased with the use of ankle-foot orthosis (P=0.041). CONCLUSIONS: Ankle-foot orthoses improved gait stability indices; however, the effect was either not significant or showed possible worsening in the patients with mild ankle impairment, while the effect on toe clearance was significant. These results suggest that the effects of using orthoses in patients with mild impairment should be carefully evaluated. CLINICAL REHABILITATION IMPACT: Understanding the effects of ankle-foot orthoses on the stability of post-stroke gait and their relationship with ankle impairment severity may support clinical decision-making while prescribing orthosis for post-stroke hemiparesis.
  • 加藤 洋平, 大塚 圭, 松田 文浩, 山田 純也, 谷川 広樹, 土山 和大, 本間 友己, 加藤 正樹, 向野 雅彦, 才藤 栄一, 大高 洋平
    日本転倒予防学会誌 8(2) 139-139 2021年9月  
  • 加藤 洋平, 大塚 圭, 松田 文浩, 山田 純也, 谷川 広樹, 土山 和大, 本間 友己, 加藤 正樹, 向野 雅彦, 才藤 栄一, 大高 洋平
    日本転倒予防学会誌 8(2) 139-139 2021年9月  
  • 近藤 輝, 谷川 広樹, 向野 雅彦, 伊藤 翔太, 加藤 正樹, 寺西 利生, 才藤 栄一, 大高 洋平
    The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 58(特別号) 1-6 2021年5月  
  • 土山 和大, 向野 雅彦, 大塚 圭, 松田 文浩, 谷川 広樹, 山田 純也, Kannit Pongpipatpaiboon, 金田 嘉清, 才藤 栄一, 大高 洋平
    The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 58(特別号) 1-7 2021年5月  
  • Hiroki Tanikawa, Keisuke Inagaki, Kei Ohtsuka, Fumihiro Matsuda, Masahiko Mukaino, Junya Yamada, Yoshikiyo Kanada, Hitoshi Kagaya, Eiichi Saitoh
    Topics in stroke rehabilitation 28(2) 96-103 2021年3月  
    BACKGROUND: Assessing abnormal gait patterns could indicate compensatory movements, which could be an index for recovery and a process of motor learning. To quantify the degree of posterior pelvic tilt, contralateral vaulting is necessary. OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to develop and evaluate the validity of quantitative indices for posterior pelvic tilt and contralateral vaulting in hemiplegic patients. METHODS: Forty-six healthy control subjects and 112 hemiplegic patients participated in this study. Of the 112 patients, 50 were selected into each abnormal gait pattern group, with some overlap. Three experienced physical therapists observed their walking and graded the severity of the two abnormalities in five levels. An index to quantify each of the two abnormal gait patterns was calculated from the three-dimensional treadmill gait analysis. The index values of patients were compared with those of healthy subjects and with the results of observational gait assessment done by three physical therapists with expertise in gait analysis. RESULTS: The index values were significantly higher in hemiplegic patients than in healthy subjects (28.0% and 44.7% for the posterior pelvic tilt in healthy subjects and patients, respectively and 0.9 and 4.7 for the contralateral vaulting, respectively). A strong correlation was observed between the index value and the median observational rating for two abnormal gait patterns (r = -0.68 and -0.72). CONCLUSIONS: The proposed indices for posterior pelvic tilt and contralateral vaulting are useful for clinical gait analysis, and thus encouraging a more detailed analysis of hemiplegic gait using a motion analysis system.
  • 谷川 広樹, 土山 和大, 山田 純也, 大高 洋平
    The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 58(2) 135-142 2021年2月  
  • 大塚 圭, 向野 雅彦, 松田 文浩, 山田 純也, 谷川 広樹, 土山 和大, 大高 洋平, 才藤 栄一
    臨床歩行分析研究会誌 8(2) 1-6 2021年  
  • 近藤 輝, 谷川 広樹, 向野 雅彦, 桂林 佑太, 伊藤 翔太, 加藤 正樹, 寺西 利生, 大高 洋平, 才藤 栄一
    The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 57(秋季特別号) S458-S458 2020年11月  
  • 小関 秀宙, 谷川 広樹, 加賀谷 斉, 近藤 輝, 伊藤 翔太, 寺西 利生, 向野 雅彦, 大高 洋平, 才藤 栄一
    The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 57(秋季特別号) S460-S460 2020年11月  
  • 近藤 輝, 谷川 広樹, 向野 雅彦, 桂林 佑太, 伊藤 翔太, 加藤 正樹, 寺西 利生, 大高 洋平, 才藤 栄一
    The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 57(秋季特別号) S458-S458 2020年11月  
  • 小関 秀宙, 谷川 広樹, 加賀谷 斉, 近藤 輝, 伊藤 翔太, 寺西 利生, 向野 雅彦, 大高 洋平, 才藤 栄一
    The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 57(秋季特別号) S460-S460 2020年11月  
  • Yiji Wang, Masahiko Mukaino, Satoshi Hirano, Hiroki Tanikawa, Junya Yamada, Kei Ohtsuka, Takuma Ii, Eiichi Saitoh, Yohei Otaka
    Frontiers in Neurorobotics 14 42-42 2020年7月24日  査読有り
    Introduction: Gait exercise assist robot (GEAR), a gait rehabilitation robot developed for poststroke gait disorder, has been shown to improve walking speed and to improve the poststroke gait pattern. However, the persistence of its beneficial effect has not been clarified. In this matched case-control study, we assessed the durability of the effectiveness of GEAR training in patients with subacute stroke on the basis of clinical evaluation and three-dimensional (3D) gait analysis. Methods: Gait data of 10 patients who underwent GEAR intervention program and 10 patients matched for age, height, sex, affected side, type of stroke, and initial gait ability who underwent conventional therapy were extracted from database. The outcome measures were walk score of Functional Independence Measure (FIM-walk), Stroke Impairment Assessment Set total lower limb motor function score (SIAS-L/E), and 3D gait analysis data (spatiotemporal factors and abnormal gait patter indices) at three time points: baseline, at the end of intervention, and within 1 week before discharge. Results: In the GEAR group, the FIM-walk score, SIAS-L/E score, cadence, and single stance time of paretic side at discharge were significantly higher than those at post-training (p < 0.05), whereas the stance time and double support time of the unaffected side, knee extensor thrust, insufficient knee flexion, and external rotated hip of the affected side were significantly lower (p < 005). However, no significant differences in these respects were observed in the control group between the corresponding evaluation time points. Conclusion: The results indicated significant improvement in the GEAR group after the training period, with respect to both clinical parameters and the gait pattern indices. This improvement was not evident in the control group after the training period. The results possibly support the effectiveness of GEAR training in conferring persistently efficient gait patterns in patients with poststroke gait disorder. Further studies should investigate the long-term effects of GEAR training in a larger sample.
  • 牧野 稜, 向野 雅彦, 大塚 圭, 前田 寛文, 谷川 広樹, 松田 文浩, 山田 純也, 柴田 斉子, 才藤 栄一, 大高 洋平
    The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 57(特別号) 2-3 2020年7月  
  • 土山 和大, 向野 雅彦, 大塚 圭, 谷川 広樹, 松田 文浩, 山田 純也, 大高 洋平, 才藤 栄一
    The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 57(特別号) 2-4 2020年7月  
  • 名倉 宏高, 向野 雅彦, 大塚 圭, 前田 寛文, 谷川 広樹, 松田 文浩, 山田 純也, 柴田 斉子, 才藤 栄一, 大高 洋平
    The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 57(特別号) 4-4 2020年7月  
  • 大塚 圭, 向野 雅彦, 松田 文浩, 山田 純也, 谷川 広樹, 大高 洋平, 才藤 栄一
    Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation 29(3) 213-221 2020年3月  
  • Yiji Wang, Masahiko Mukaino, Kei Ohtsuka, Yohei Otaka, Hiroki Tanikawa, Fumihiro Matsuda, Kazuhiro Tsuchiyama, Junya Yamada, Eiichi Saitoh
    International journal of rehabilitation research. Internationale Zeitschrift fur Rehabilitationsforschung. Revue internationale de recherches de readaptation 43(1) 69-75 2020年3月  査読有り
    Hemiparesis resulting from stroke presents characteristic spatiotemporal gait patterns. This study aimed to clarify the spatiotemporal gait characteristics of hemiparetic patients by comparing them with height-, speed-, and age-matched controls while walking at various speeds. The data on spatiotemporal gait parameters of stroke patients and that of matched controls were extracted from a hospital gait analysis database. In total, 130 pairs of data were selected for analysis. Patients and controls were compared for spatiotemporal gait parameters and the raw value (RSI) and absolute value (ASI) of symmetry index and coefficient of variation (CV) of these parameters. Stroke patients presented with prolonged nonparetic stance (patients vs. controls: 1.01 ± 0.41 vs. 0.83 ± 0.25) and paretic swing time (0.45 ± 0.12 vs. 0.39 ± 0.07), shortened nonparetic swing phase (0.35 ± 0.07 vs. 0.39 ± 0.07), and prolonged paretic and nonparetic double stance phases [0.27 ± 0.13 (paretic)/0.27 ± 0.17 (nonparetic) vs. 0.22 ± 0.10]. These changes are especially seen in low-gait speed groups (<3.4 km/h). High RSIs of stance and swing times were also observed (-9.62 ± 10.32 vs. -0.79 ± 2.93, 24.24 ± 25.75 vs. 1.76 ± 6.43, respectively). High ASIs and CVs were more generally observed, including the groups with gait speed of ≥3.5 km/h. ASI increase of the swing phase (25.79 ± 22.69 vs. 4.83 ± 4.88) and CV of the step length [7.7 ± 4.9 (paretic)/7.6 ± 5.0 (nonparetic) vs. 5.3 ± 3.0] were observed in all gait speed groups. Our data suggest that abnormalities in the spatiotemporal parameters of hemiparetic gait should be interpreted in relation to gait speed. ASIs and CVs could be highly sensitive indices for detecting gait abnormalities.
  • Katoh D, Tanikawa H, Hirano S, Mukaino M, Yamada J, Sasaki S, Ohtsuka K, Katoh M, Saitoh E
    Topics in stroke rehabilitation 27(2) 103-109 2020年3月  査読有り
  • Fujimura K, Kagaya H, Endou C, Ishihara A, Nishigaya K, Muroguchi K, Tanikawa H, Yamada M, Kanada Y, Saitoh E
    Neuromodulation: Technology at the Neural Interface 23(6) 847-851 2019年11月  査読有り
  • 貝沼 啓昭, 大塚 圭, 谷川 広樹, 矢箆原 隆造, 菊池 航, 佐々 遼馬, 青柳 陽一郎
    臨床歩行分析研究会定例会抄録集 41回 48-49 2019年9月  
  • Hebert JS, Boser QA, Valevicius AM, Tanikawa H, Lavoie EB, Vette AH, Pilarski PM, Chapman CS
    JAMA network open 2(9) e1911197 2019年9月  査読有り
  • Brenneis DJA, Dawson MR, Tanikawa H, Hebert JS, Carey JP, Pilarski PM
    IEEE Int Conf Rehabil Robot 816-823 2019年6月  査読有り
  • 伊藤 翔太, 谷川 広樹, 向野 雅彦, 近藤 輝, 藤村 健太, 寺西 利生, 大塚 圭, 加藤 正樹, 加賀谷 斉, 才藤 栄一
    The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 56(特別号) 2-1 2019年5月  
  • Kenta Fujimura, Hitoshi Kagaya, Hisae Onaka, Nao Nagasawa, Akihito Ishihara, Yuki Okochi, Masayuki Yamada, Hiroki Tanikawa, Yoshikiyo Kanada, Eiichi Saitoh
    European Neurology 81(1-2) 30-36 2019年4月  査読有り
  • Tanikawa H, Ohtuska K, Yamada J, Mukaino M, Matsuda F, Kagaya H, Saitoh E, Kanada Y, Hashimoto S
    Japanese Journal of Comprehensive Rehabilitation Science 10 14-20 2019年3月  査読有り
  • Hiroki Tanikawa, Satoshi Hirano, Shigeo Tanabe, Ikuko Fuse, Kei Ohtsuka, Masahiko Mukaino, Ieyasu Watanabe, Daisuke Katoh, Akihito Uno, Hitoshi Kagaya, Eiichi Saitoh
    Japanese Journal of Comprehensive Rehabilitation Science 10 21-28 2019年3月  査読有り
  • Hishikawa N, Tanikawa H, Ohtsuka K, Mukaino M, Inagaki K, Matsuda F, Teranishi T, Kanada Y, Kagaya H, Saitoh E
    Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation 25(8) 548-553 2018年12月  査読有り
  • 谷川広樹, 加賀谷斉, 藤村健太
    Jpn J Rehabil Med 55 740-744 2018年9月  招待有り
  • Kannit Pongpipatpaiboon, Masahiko Mukaino, Fumihiro Matsuda, Kei Ohtsuka, Hiroki Tanikawa, Junya Yamada, Kazuhiro Tsuchiyama, Eiichi Saitoh
    Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 15(1) 41 2018年5月23日  査読有り
    Background: Ankle-foot orthoses (AFOs) are frequently used to improve gait stability, toe clearance, and gait efficiency in individuals with hemiparesis. During the swing phase, AFOs enhance lower limb advancement by facilitating the improvement of toe clearance and the reduction of compensatory movements. Clinical monitoring via kinematic analysis would further clarify the changes in biomechanical factors that lead to the beneficial effects of AFOs. The purpose of this study was to investigate the actual impact of AFOs on toe clearance, and determine the best strategy to achieve toe clearance (including compensatory movements) during the swing phase. Methods: This study included 24 patients with hemiparesis due to stroke. The gait performance of these patients with and without AFOs was compared using three-dimensional treadmill gait analysis. A kinematic analysis of the paretic limb was performed to quantify the contribution of the extent of lower limb shortening and compensatory movements (such as hip elevation and circumduction) to toe clearance. The impact of each movement related to toe clearance was assessed by analyzing the change in the vertical direction. Results: Using AFOs significantly increased toe clearance (p = 0.038). The quantified limb shortening and pelvic obliquity significantly differed between gaits performed with versus without AFOs. Among the movement indices related to toe clearance, limb shortening was increased by the use of AFOs (p &lt 0.0001), while hip elevation due to pelvic obliquity (representing compensatory strategies) was diminished by the use of AFOs (p = 0.003). The toe clearance strategy was not significantly affected by the stage of the hemiparetic condition (acute versus chronic) or the type of AFO (thermoplastic AFOs versus adjustable posterior strut AFOs). Conclusions: Simplified three-dimensional gait analysis was successfully used to quantify and visualize the impact of AFOs on the toe clearance strategy of hemiparetic patients. AFO use increased the extent of toe clearance and limb shortening during the swing phase, while reducing compensatory movements. This approach to visualization of the gait strategy possibly contributes to clinical decision-making in the real clinical settings. Trial registration: UMIN000028946. Registered 31 August 2017 (retrospectively registered).










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  • 三次元動作解析装置、痙縮定量的評価機器、末梢磁気刺激装置 *本研究シーズに関する産学共同研究の問い合わせは藤田医科大学産学連携推進セン ター(fuji-san@fujita-hu.ac.jp)まで