
作佐部 太也

サクサベ タカヤ  (sakusabe takaya)


藤田医科大学 研究支援推進本部 A研究支援準備室 准教授



  • Satoru Taniguchi, Kohei Ninomiya, Itaru Kushima, Takeo Saito, Ayu Shimasaki, Takaya Sakusabe, Yukihide Momozawa, Michiaki Kubo, Yoichiro Kamatani, Norio Ozaki, Masashi Ikeda, Nakao Iwata
    Psychiatry and clinical neurosciences 74(1) 35-39 2020年1月  
    AIMS: Recent studies have revealed that the interplay between polygenic risk scores (PRS) and large copy number variants (CNV; >500kb) is essential for the etiology of schizophrenia (SCZ). To replicate previous findings, including those for smaller CNV (>10kb), the PRS between SCZ patients with and without CNV were compared. METHODS: The PRS were calculated for 724 patients with SCZ and 1178 healthy controls (HC), genotyped using array-based comparative genomic hybridization and single nucleotide polymorphisms chips, and comparisons were made between cases and HC, or between subjects with and without 'clinically significant' CNV. RESULTS: First, we replicated the higher PRS in patients with SCZ compared to that in HC (without taking into account the CNV). For clinically significant CNV, as defined by the American College of Medical Genetics ('pathogenic' and 'uncertain clinical significance, likely pathogenic' CNV), 66 patients with SCZ carried clinically significant CNV, whereas 658 SCZ patients had no such CNV. In the comparison of PRS between cases with/without the CNV, despite no significant difference in PRS, significant enrichment of the well-established risk CNV (22q11.2 deletion and 47,XXY/47,XXX) was observed in the lowest decile of PRS in SCZ patients with the CNV. CONCLUSION: Although the present study failed to replicate the significant difference in PRS between SCZ patients with and without clinically significant CNV, SCZ patients with well-established risk CNV tended to have a lower PRS. Therefore, we speculate that the CNV in SCZ patients with lower PRS may contain 'genuine' risk; PRS is a possible tool for prioritizing clinically significant CNV because the power of the CNV association analysis is limited due to their rarity.
  • Kosei Esaki, Masashi Ikeda, Tomo Okochi, Satoru Taniguchi, Kohei Ninomiya, Ayu Shimasaki, Yasuyo Otsuka, Yoshiko Oda, Takaya Sakusabe, Keiko Mano, Takeo Saito, Nakao Iwata
    PloS one 15(10) e0240466 2020年  
    Depressive symptoms are a serious problem in workplaces. Hospital staff members, such as newly licensed registered nurses (NLRNs), are at particularly increased risk of these symptoms owing to their limited experience. Previous studies have shown that a brief program-based cognitive behavioral therapy program (CBP) can offer effective treatment. Here, we conducted a longitudinal observational study of 683 NLRNs (CBP group, n = 522; no-CBP group, n = 181) over a period of 1 year (six times surveys were done during this period). Outcomes were assessed on the basis of surveys that covered the Beck Depression Inventory-I (BDI). The independent variables were CBP attendance (CBP was conducted 3 months after starting work), personality traits, personal stressful life events, workplace adversity, and pre-CBP change in BDI in the 3 months before CBP (ΔBDIpre-CBP). All factors were included in Cox proportional hazards models with time-dependent covariates for depressive symptoms (BDI ≥10), and we reported hazard ratios (HRs). Based on this analysis, we detected that CBP was significantly associated with benefit for depressive symptoms in all NLRNs (Puncorrected = 0.0137, HR = 0.902). To identify who benefitted most from CBP, we conducted a subgroup analysis based on the change in BDI before CBP (ΔBDIpre-CBP). The strongest association was when BDI scores were low after starting work and increased before CBP (Puncorrected = 0.00627, HR = 0.616). These results are consistent with previous findings, and indicate that CBP may benefit the mental health of NLRNs. Furthermore, selective prevention based on the pattern of BDI change over time may be important in identifying who should be offered CBP first. Although CBP is generally effective for all nurses, such a selective approach may be most appropriate where cost-effectiveness is a prominent concern.
  • Masashi Ikeda, Atsushi Takahashi, Yoichiro Kamatani, Yukihide Momozawa, Takeo Saito, Kenji Kondo, Ayu Shimasaki, Kohei Kawase, Takaya Sakusabe, Yoshimi Iwayama, Tomoko Toyota, Tomoyasu Wakuda, Mitsuru Kikuchi, Nobuhisa Kanahara, Hidenaga Yamamori, Yuka Yasuda, Yuichiro Watanabe, Satoshi Hoya, Branko Aleksic, Itaru Kushima, Heii Arai, Manabu Takaki, Kotaro Hattori, Hiroshi Kunugi, Yuko Okahisa, Tohru Ohnuma, Norio Ozaki, Toshiyuki Someya, Ryota Hashimoto, Takeo Yoshikawa, Michiaki Kubo, Nakao Iwata
    Schizophrenia bulletin 45(4) 824-834 2019年6月18日  
    Genome-wide association studies (GWASs) have identified >100 susceptibility loci for schizophrenia (SCZ) and demonstrated that SCZ is a polygenic disorder determined by numerous genetic variants but with small effect size. We conducted a GWAS in the Japanese (JPN) population (a) to detect novel SCZ-susceptibility genes and (b) to examine the shared genetic risk of SCZ across (East Asian [EAS] and European [EUR]) populations and/or that of trans-diseases (SCZ, bipolar disorder [BD], and major depressive disorder [MDD]) within EAS and between EAS and EUR (trans-diseases/populations). Among the discovery GWAS subjects (JPN-SCZ GWAS: 1940 SCZ cases and 7408 controls) and replication dataset (4071 SCZ cases and 54479 controls), both comprising JPN populations, 3 novel susceptibility loci for SCZ were identified: SPHKAP (Pbest = 4.1 × 10-10), SLC38A3 (Pbest = 5.7 × 10-10), and CABP1-ACADS (Pbest = 9.8 × 10-9). Subsequent meta-analysis between our samples and those of the Psychiatric GWAS Consortium (PGC; EUR samples) and another study detected 12 additional susceptibility loci. Polygenic risk score (PRS) prediction revealed a shared genetic risk of SCZ across populations (Pbest = 4.0 × 10-11) and between SCZ and BD in the JPN population (P ~ 10-40); however, a lower variance-explained was noted between JPN-SCZ GWAS and PGC-BD or MDD within/across populations. Genetic correlation analysis supported the PRS results; the genetic correlation between JPN-SCZ and PGC-SCZ was ρ = 0.58, whereas a similar/lower correlation was observed between the trans-diseases (JPN-SCZ vs JPN-BD/EAS-MDD, rg = 0.56/0.29) or trans-diseases/populations (JPN-SCZ vs PGC-BD/MDD, ρ = 0.38/0.12). In conclusion, (a) Fifteen novel loci are possible susceptibility genes for SCZ and (b) SCZ "risk" effect is shared with other psychiatric disorders even across populations.
  • K. Nakayasu, Y. Ohshima, N. Fujita, N. Nakashima, H. Jozaki, T. Numano, T. Shimizu, M. Shimomura, F. Sasaki, T. Fujiki, T. Nakashima, K. Toyoda, H. Hoshi, T. Sakusabe, Y. Naito, K. Kawaguchi, H. Watanabe, S. Tani, M. Kimura
    Methods of Information in Medicine 50(02) 131-139 2011年  
    <title>Summary</title> Objectives: To promote healthcare information exchange between providers and to allow hospital information systems (HIS) export information in standardized format (HL7 and DICOM) in an environment of widespread legacy systems, which only can export data in proprietary format. Methods: Through the Shizuoka prefecture EMR project in 2004–2005, followed by the ministry’s SS-MIX project, many software products have been provided, which consist of 1) a standardized storage to receive HL7 v2.5 mes sages of patient demographics, prescription orders, laboratory results, and diagnostic disease in ICD-10, 2) a referral letter creation system, 3) a formatted document creation system, 4) a progress note/nursing record system, and 5) an archive/viewer to incorporate incoming healthcare data CD and allow users to view on HIS terminal. Meanwhile, other useful applications have been produced, such as adverse event reporting and clinical information retrieval. To achieve the above-mentioned objectives, these software products were created and propagated, because users can use these software products, provided that their HIS can export the above information to the standardized storage in HL7 v2.5 format. Results: In 20 hospitals of Japan, the standardized storage has been installed and some applications have been used. As major HIS vendors are shipping HIS with HL7 export function since 2007, HIS of 594 hospitals in Japan became capable of exporting data in HL7 v2.5 format (as of March 2010). Conclusions: In high CPOE installation rate (85% in 400+ bed hospitals), though most of them only capable of exporting data in proprietary format, prefecture and ministry projects were effective to promote healthcare information exchange between providers. The standardized storage became an infrastructure for many useful applications, and many hospitals started using them. Ministry designation of proposed healthcare standards was effective so as to allow vendors to conform their products, and users to install them.
  • M. Kimura, S. Tani, H. Watanabe, Y. Naito, T. Sakusabe, H. Watanabe, J. Nakaya, F. Sasaki, T. Numano, T. Furuta
    Methods of Information in Medicine 47(6) 560-568 2008年  
    Objectives: This paper illustrates a high speed clinical data retrieving system, from 10 years of data of operating hospital information system for the purposes of research, evidence creation, patient safety, etc., even incorporating time sequence of casual relations. Methods: Total of 73,709,298 records of 10 years at Hamamatsu University Hospital (as of June 2008) are sent from HIS retrieval system in HL7 v2.5 format. Hierarchial variable length database is used to install them. Results: A search for "listing patients who were prescribed Pravastatin (Mevalotin and generic drugs, any titer)" took 1.92 seconds. " Pravastatin (any) prescribed and recorded AST > 150 within two weeks" took 112.22 seconds. Searching conditions can be set to be more complex, connected by Boolean operator and/or. This system called D*D is in operation at Hamamatsu University Hospital since August 2002. It is used for 48,518 times (monthly average of 703 searches). Neither searching, nor background export of data from HIS caused delay of routine operating CPOE. Conclusions: Search database outside of routine operating CPOE, with daily export of order data in HL7 v2.5 format, is proved to provide excellent search environment without causing trouble. Hierarchial representation gives high-speed search response, especially with time sequence of events. © 2008 Schattauer GmbH.


  • 池田 匡志, 高橋 篤, 鎌谷 洋一郎, 桃沢 幸秀, 齋藤 竹生, 近藤 健治, 島崎 愛夕, 川瀬 康平, 作佐部 太也, 岩山 佳美, 豊田 倫子, 和久田 智靖, 菊池 充, 金原 信久, 山森 英長, 安田 由華, 渡部 雄一郎, 保谷 智史, アレクシッチ ブランコ, 久島 周, 新井 平伊, 高木 学, 服部 功太郎, 功刀 浩, 岡久 祐子, 大沼 徹, 尾崎 紀夫, 染矢 俊幸, 橋本 亮太, 吉川 武男, 久保 充明, 岩田 仲生
    日本臨床精神神経薬理学会・日本神経精神薬理学会合同年会プログラム・抄録集 29回・49回 124-124 2019年10月  




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