
山北 高志

yamakita takashi


藤田医科大学 医学部 医学科 皮膚科学 講師



  • Takashi Yamakita, Yoshinori Shimizu, Masaru Arima, Mutsumi Ashihara, Kayoko Matsunaga
    Case reports in dermatology 6(3) 248-52 2014年9月  
    The patient was a 13-year-old female. Six years previously, she developed alopecia areata when her parents divorced. One year after that, the bald area drastically expanded when her mother remarried. She was treated at her local hospital; however, no improvement was observed. She then visited our hospital for examination. A bald patch was covering >80% of her head. Self Grow-Up Egogram indicated the basic interpersonal relationship stance of 'I am not OK, You are OK'. We therefore implemented a transactional analysis approach to increase the patient's score on the Free Child subscale. New hair growth was observed after 6 months and the bald patch disappeared after 2 years. Our results suggest that this method could also be easily applied in a clinical setting by dermatologists.
  • Akiyo Sano, Akiko Yagami, Yasuko Inaba, Takashi Yamakita, Kayoko Suzuki, Kayoko Matsunaga
    Allergology international : official journal of the Japanese Society of Allergology 60(1) 97-101 2011年3月  
    A 13-year-old girl who had had pollinosis since the age of eight began to experience itching of the ears and vomiting after eating fresh fruits such as peach, apple and watermelon. This occurred at 10 years of age. The girl displayed positive reactions to six kinds of pollens, eleven kinds of fruits, numerous vegetables and to recombinant: rBet v2 present in specific IgE antibodies. She also reacted positively to several pollens, fruits and rBet v2 in the skin prick test. In the component-resolved diagnosis (CRD) using microarray technology, she also tested positive for profilin, a pan-allergen among plants. It is reported that profilin cross-reacts between pollen, fruits, vegetables and latex. From these results, we concluded that the allergic reactions to multiple kinds of foodstuff and pollens observed in this subject were due to cross-reactivity induced by profilin. Our results demonstrate that CRD by microarray is a reliable test in the diagnosis of PFAS.
  • Hidetaka Nakai, Ken Sugata, Chie Usui, Yoshizo Asano, Takashi Yamakita, Kayoko Matsunaga, Yoshikazu Mizokuchi, Harutaka Katano, Keiji Iwatsuki, Tetsushi Yoshikawa
    Pediatric dermatology 28(1) 23-5 2011年  
    We present a case of primary Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection with erythema multiforme. A 1-year-old Japanese boy presented with skin eruptions, including typical target lesions and a low-grade fever. Just before the skin biopsy, 95 copies/μg DNA of EBV genome was detected in peripheral blood mononuclear cells, which subsequently increased to 6,834 copies/μg DNA. Skin tissue collected from the skin lesion showed the typical pathologic findings of erythema multiforme. EBV-encoded small nuclear RNA signals were not detected in the skin tissue by in situ hybridization.
  • Yoshiro Fujita, Midori Hasegawa, Kuihiro Nabeshima, Makoto Tomita, Kazutaka Murakami, Shigeru Nakai, Takashi Yamakita, Kayoko Matsunaga
    Internal medicine (Tokyo, Japan) 49(5) 409-13 2010年  
    Drug rash with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS), also known as drug-induced hypersensitivity syndrome (DIHS), is a severe adverse drug reaction affecting multiple organs caused by drug treatment. The current report describes a man who was prescribed zonisamide for epilepsy and subsequently developed widespread skin rash, acute kidney injury, high-grade fever, eosinophilia, liver dysfunction, lymphadenopathy and an increase in antihuman herpesvirus-6 immunoglobulin G titer. Hypersensitivity to zonisamide was confirmed by the skin patch test. Based on these findings, the patient was diagnosed with DRESS/DIHS caused by zonisamide. This is the first report of acute kidney injury due to zonisamide-induced DRESS/DIHS.
  • Rina Kameyama, Akiko Yagami, Takashi Yamakita, Mamiko Nakagawa, Keizou Nagase, Hidetaka Ichikawa, Kayoko Matsunaga
    Arerugi = [Allergy] 55(11) 1429-32 2006年11月  
    We report here a 76-year-old male that presented with an immediate allergy to Anisakis following saury intake. Three and a half hours after eating pressed saury sushi, whole-body pomphus appeared including itching, facial dropsical swelling, and dyspnea. Diagnostic tests revealed specific IgE antibodies against anisakis simplex and a skin prick test was positive using an extraction of anisakis simplex. The results of skin prick tests using the body and internal organs of a saury were negative. Based on these results, we diagnosed the case as immediate allergy to Anisakis. Anisakis is parasitic to a diverse array of fish, and it seems rare that eating saury will induce an allergic response because the reported parasitic rate of Anisakis on saury is only 5%. In addition, as tropomyosin is currently considered to be the primary cause of allergies to Anisakis, renewed attention should be paid to other foods for which tropomyosin is also assumed to be a common antigen.


  • 山北 高志, 鷲見 康子, 矢上 晶子, 鶴田 京子, 鈴木 加余子, 赤松 浩彦, 旭 宏, 内藤 健晴, 松永 佳世子
    日本皮膚科学会雑誌 114(14) 2319-2326 2004年12月  
  • 山北 高志, 鈴木 加余子, 濱松 徹, 溝口 良順, 松永 佳世子
    皮膚科の臨床 46(12) 1907-1910 2004年11月  
    38歳女.左下腿の圧痛を伴う皮疹を自覚した.皮膚生検組織の培養により非定型抗酸菌を検出し,DNA-DNAハイブリダイゼーション法でMycobacterium fortuitumと同定した.治療開始時に塩酸ミノサイクリンを選択したが眩暈を生じ,クラリスロマイシン(CAM)内服に変更し,使い捨てカイロによる1日2時間の温熱療法を併用した.CAM内服1ヵ月で皮疹は軽快し,内服中止後2ヵ月現在,皮疹はやや陥凹した色素沈着となり,再燃はない
  • 八代 浩, 山北 高志, 加野 尚生, 清水 善徳, 赤松 浩彦, 塩見 洋一, 松永 佳世子
    皮膚科の臨床 46(9) 1279-1282 2004年9月  
  • 山北 高志, 松永 佳世子
    Visual Dermatology 3(1) 16-17 2003年12月  
    35歳女.主訴は両手掌の紅斑,鱗肩.鑑別疾患として,手足白癬,異汗性湿疹,使用している外用薬もしくは洗剤等による接触皮膚炎を考えた.手及び足の鱗肩病変からのKOH直接検鏡は陰性であったため,真菌感染症は除外した.アレルギー性接触皮膚炎,口腔内歯科金属による異汗性湿疹の鑑別のためパッチテストを施行した.その結果,使用している外用薬,洗剤は全て陰性であったが,0.1%及び0.05%pet.thimerosalに陽性,1%pet.ammoniated mercuric chloride,0.05%aq.mercuric chlorideに強陽性反応を示した.手掌にはネリゾナ軟膏,足底にはデルモベート軟膏を外用で治療を開始したが,皮疹はあまり改善しなかった.通院していた歯科医院に口腔内の歯科金属に水銀が用いられていないか確認したところ,5ヶ所に水銀が含まれたものが使用されていた.歯科金属を水銀が含まれていないものに変更し,外用療法はそのまま継続したところ,足底には皮疹は残存しているが,手掌の皮疹は著明に改善した