
takagi yasushi

  (高木 靖)

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Fujita Health University

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  • Yoshiyuki Takami, Atsuo Maekawa, Koji Yamana, Kiyotoshi Akita, Kentaro Amano, Kazuki Matsuhashi, Wakana Niwa, Yasushi Takagi
    Journal of cardiothoracic surgery, 19(1) 635-635, Nov 22, 2024  
    As the current guidelines on myocardial revascularization recommend, transit-time flow measurement (TTFM) is increasingly used for intraoperative graft flow analysis during coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) as a less invasive, more highly reproducible, and less time-consuming method. In addition to the morphological assessment using color Doppler, mean graft flow (Qm) > 15 ml/min, pulsatility index (PI) < 5.0, diastolic filling (DF) > 50%, and systolic reverse flow (SRF) < 4% have been reported to predict patent CABG grafts. However, it is difficult to determine the clear-cut cut-off value of these parameters, because they varies with the hemodynamic characters, including fractional flow reserve (FFR) of the target coronary artery. In addition to these parameters, we focused on fast Fourier transform (FFT) analysis, because the TTFM waveform morphology may be more important than Qm itself. FFT analysis is based on the principle that any periodic waveforms can be broken down into a series of pure sine waves or harmonics. Herein we review FFT analysis of the intraoperative TTFM waveforms for quality assessment of CABG grafts.
  • Kiyotoshi Akita, Yoshiyuki Takami, Atsuo Maekawa, Koji Yamana, Kentaro Amano, Kazuki Matsuhashi, Wakana Niwa, Yasushi Takagi
    Journal of clinical medicine, 13(18), Sep 14, 2024  
    Background: We have employed a conservative management approach, including intensive control of both blood pressure and heart rate, in patients with aortic intramural hematoma (AIMH) and retrograde thrombosed type A acute aortic dissection (RT-TAAAD), sharing common clinical and imaging characteristics. Methods: To evaluate the outcomes of our conservative management approach, we retrospectively reviewed the clinical records of 98 patients diagnosed with AIMH or RT-TAAAD from January 2008 to March 2023. A conservative management approach was applied, except for those patients with an aortic diameter ≥ 55 mm, false lumen expansion, or cardiac tamponade, who underwent emergency aortic repair. Results: Besides 2 patients, who declined surgery and subsequently died from aortic rupture, 18 patients underwent urgent aortic surgery, while 78 did not. Multivariable logistic regression analysis identified the extrusion type of ulcer-like projections (ULPs) on admission and a maximum aortic diameter ≥ 45 mm on Day 1 as risk factors for acute aortic surgery. Among the 78 patients who were discharged, 9 (12%) underwent aortic surgery, while 69 (88%) did not, with a median follow-up of 44 months. The overall actuarial aortic surgery-free rates were 78% at 1 year and 72% at 5 years, respectively. A Cox proportional hazards analysis identified ULPs and an aortic diameter ≥ 45 mm at discharge as risk factors for late aortic surgery. Conclusions: The early and late outcomes of our conservative strategy for AIMH and RT-TAAAD demonstrate favorable surgery-free rates. The extrusion type of ULPs on admission and an aortic diameter ≥ 45 mm on Day 1 are predictors of acute aortic surgery, while ULPs and an aortic diameter ≥ 45 mm at discharge are predictors of late surgery.
  • Yoshiyuki Takami, Atsuo Maekawa, Koji Yamana, Kiyotoshi Akita, Kentaro Amano, Yusuke Sakurai, Kazuki Matsuhashi, Wakana Niwa, Yasushi Takagi
    Circulation Journal, 87(11) 1672-1679, Oct 25, 2023  
  • Ryosuke Hayashi, Atsuo Maekawa, Yoshiyuki Takami, Yasushi Takagi
    Journal of cardiology cases, 27(6) 251-253, Jun, 2023  
    UNLABELLED: We report a case of surgically repaired symptomatic mitral valve regurgitation (MR) in a 61-year-old woman with anomalous unilateral single pulmonary vein. A two-staged surgery was scheduled; first a catheter embolization of anomalous vessel to avoid recirculation of the blood into the left atrium during cardiopulmonary bypass, and second a mitral valve repair via right lateral thoracotomy. LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Scimitar sign is a horn-like shape on plain chest radiograph. One of the possible diagnoses is partial anomalous pulmonary venous return (APVR), which often requires surgical interventions due to comorbidities of congenital heart disease and recurrent pneumonia [1-3]. Another is anomalous unilateral single pulmonary vein (AUSPV), which is generally asymptomatic, and therefore, requires no medical interventions. This case addresses the advantage of multidetector computed tomography (CT) and the safety of two-staged strategy.
  • Ryosuke Hayashi, Yoshiyuki Takami, Hidetsugu Fujigaki, Kentaro Amano, Yusuke Sakurai, Kiyotoshi Akita, Koji Yamana, Atsuo Maekawa, Kuniaki Saito, Yasushi Takagi
    Interactive cardiovascular and thoracic surgery, 35(3), Aug 3, 2022  
    OBJECTIVES: Patients with cardiovascular disease are vulnerable to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV2) infection. Although SARS-CoV2 vaccination may be effective, its impact on surgical patients is not well studied. We investigated the effects of cardiovascular surgery, especially under cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB), on the antibody titres after SARS-CoV2 vaccination. METHODS: A prospective observational study was designed for patients undergoing surgery between July and November 2021. The immunoglobulin G against the receptor-binding domain was measured and antibody preserved rate (APR) was calculated from perioperative titres comparison. RESULTS: Enrolled 63 study patients were divided into 39 undergoing surgery with CPB (Group CPB) and 24 without CPB (Group None). Preoperative vaccines were BNT162b2 (Pfizer/BioNTech) (n = 58, 92%) and mRNA-1273 (Moderna) (n = 5, 8%). While immunoglobulin G against the receptor-binding domain titres did not significantly decrease after surgery in Group None, they decreased significantly in Group CPB from 21.80 [11.15, 37.85] to 11.95 [6.80, 18.18] U/ml (P < 0.001) a day after surgery, 11.40 [7.85, 22.65] U/ml (P < 0.001) 14 days after surgery and 7.60 [4.80, 17.60] U/ml (P < 0.001) a month after surgery. The APRs a day after the surgery were significantly lower in Group CPB (0.46 [0.41, 0.60]) than in Group None (0.80 [0.68, 0.87]) (P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The SARS-CoV2 antibody titres significantly decreased with lower APRs immediately after surgery under CPB. Based on our informative results, careful considerations of vaccination schedule might be required for surgery under CPB.



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  • 件名(英語)
    (教育講演) 心臓血管外科Up-To-Date(特定看護師はどうかわるか). 第2回日本NP協議会研究会. 東京
  • 件名(英語)
    (特別講演)高木 靖、櫻井祐輔、天野健太郎、樋口義郎、近藤弘史、秋田淳年、石田理子、金子 完、石川 寛、渡邊 孝、安藤太三. 特別企画1 冠動脈外科におけるチームワークの重要性 冠動脈外科における特定看護師の役割. 第17回日本冠動脈外科学会学術大会; 東京.


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    第2回藤田保健衛生大学心臓血管外科セミナー 大動脈弁形成術 
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    第1回藤田保健衛生大学心臓血管外科セミナー 大動脈弁形成術
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