
健山 智子

タテヤマ トモコ  (Tomoko Tateyama)


藤田医科大学 医療科学部 研究推進ユニット 知能情報工学分野 准教授




  • Yasuo Takatsu, Tsuyoshi Ueyama, Takahiro Iwasaki, Tomoko Tateyama, Tosiaki Miyati
    Radiological physics and technology 17(2) 536-552 2024年6月  査読有り
    This study elucidated the effects of a three-dimensional k-space trajectory incorporating the partial Fourier (PF) technique on a time-intensity curve (TIC) in a dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of a typical malignant breast tumor using a digital phantom. Images were obtained from the Cancer Imaging Archive Open Data for Breast Cancer, and 1-min scans with high temporal resolution were analyzed. The order of the k-space trajectory was set as Linear (sequential), Low-High (centric), PF (62.5%; Z-, Y-, and both directions), and Low-High Radial. k0 (center of the k-space) timing and TIC shape were affected by the chosen k-space trajectory and implementation of the PF technique. A small TIC gradient was obtained using a Low-High Radial order. If the k-space filling method (particularly the radial method) produces a gentle TIC gradient, misinterpretation could arise during the assessment of tumor malignancy status.
  • Shurong Chai, Rahul Kumar Jain, Jiaqing Liu, Shiyu Teng, Tomoko Tateyama, Yinhao Li, Yen-Wei Chen
    Neurocomputing 580 127482-127482 2024年5月  査読有り
  • Yasuo Takatsu, Hiroshi Ohnishi, Tomoko Tateyama, Tosiaki Miyati
    Physical and engineering sciences in medicine 47(1) 339-350 2024年3月  査読有り
    This initial study aimed at testing whether fat-containing agents can be used for the fat mass estimation methods using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). As an example for clinical application, fat-containing agents (based on soybean oil, 10% and 20%), 100% soybean oil, and saline as reference substances were placed outside the proximal femurs obtained from 14 participants and analyzed by 0.3 T MRI. Fat content was the estimated fat fraction (FF) based on signal intensity (SIeFF, %). The SIeFF values of the femoral bone marrow, including the femoral head, neck, shaft, and trochanter area, were measured. MRI data were compared in terms of bone mineral content (BMC) and bone mineral density (BMD) by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) in the proximal femur. Twelve pig femurs were also used to confirm the correlation between FF by the DIXON method and SIeFF. According to Pearson's correlation coefficient, the SIeFF and total BMC and BMD data revealed strong and moderate negative correlations in the femoral head (r <  - 0.74) and other sites (r =  - 0.66 to - 0.45). FF and SIeFF showed a strong correlation (r = 0.96). This study was an initial investigation of a method for estimating fat mass with fat-containing agents and showed the potential for use in MRI. SIeFF and FF showed a strong correlation, and SIeFF and BMD and BMC showed correlation; however, further studies are needed to use SIeFF as a substitute for DXA.
  • Shiyu TENG, Jiaqing LIU, Yue HUANG, Shurong CHAI, Tomoko TATEYAMA, Xinyin HUANG, Lanfen LIN, Yen-Wei CHEN
    IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems E107.D(3) 342-353 2024年3月1日  査読有り
  • Shiyu Teng, Shurong Chai, Jiaqing Liu, Tomoko Tateyama, Lanfen Lin, Yen-Wei Chen 0001
    ICCE 1-5 2024年  査読有り
  • Masaya Okano, Jiaqing Liu, Tomoko Tateyama, Yen-Wei Chen 0001
    ICCE 1-4 2024年  査読有り
  • Kazuma Okada, Takuma Terada, Ryosuke Kimura, Jiaqing Liu, Tomoko Tateyama, Yen-Wei Chen 0001
    ICCE 1-4 2024年  査読有り
  • 長澤 美穂, 上野 芳也, 伊藤 慎英, 池之上 辰義, 健山 智子, 杉本 知之, 櫻井 宏明, 金田 嘉清, 大高 洋平, 長坂 佳馬, 桃平 知佳, 西岡 拓未, 中川 裕規, 布施 郁子, 菊地 克久, 野々村 和男
    The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 60(秋季特別号) S544-S544 2023年10月  
  • Shurong Chai, Jiaqing Liu, Rahul Kumar Jain, Yinhao Li, Tomoko Tateyama, Yen-Wei Chen 0001
    PerCom Workshops 267-269 2023年  
  • Kazuma Okada, Takuma Terada, Ryosuke Kimura, Jiaqing Liu, Tomoko Tateyama, Yen-Wei Chen 0001
    GCCE 838-841 2023年  査読有り
  • Liang Lyu, Shurong Chai, Jiaqing Liu, Tomoko Tateyama, Xu Qiao, Yen-Wei Chen 0001
    GCCE 24-28 2023年  査読有り
  • Shurong Chai, Rahul Kumar Jain, Yinhao Li, Jiaqing Liu, Tomoko Tateyama, Yen-Wei Chen 0001
    EMBC 1-4 2023年  査読有り
  • Shurong Chai, Rahul Kumar Jain, Shiyu Teng, Jiaqing Liu, Yinhao Li, Tomoko Tateyama, Yen-Wei Chen 0001
    CoRR abs/2306.12737 2023年  
  • Shurong Chai, Jiaqing Liu, Rahul Kumar Jain, Tomoko Tateyama, Yutaro Iwamoto, Lanfen Lin, Yen-Wei Chen
    Neurocomputing 511 437-447 2022年10月  査読有り
  • Shiyu Teng, Shurong Chai, Jiaqing Liu, Tomoko Tateyama, Xinyin Huang, Yen-Wei Chen 0001
    11th IEEE Global Conference on Consumer Electronics(GCCE) 761-764 2022年  査読有り
  • Masaya Okano, Jiaqing Liu, Tomoko Tateyama, Yutaro Iwamoto, Yen-Wei Chen 0001
    11th IEEE Global Conference on Consumer Electronics(GCCE) 645-648 2022年  査読有り
  • LIU Jiaqing, HUANG Huiming, WANG Fang, YUAN Ye, 健山智子, 岩本祐太郎, LIN Lanfen, CHEN Yen-Wei
    電子情報通信学会論文誌 D(Web) J105-D(1) 2022年  査読有り
  • Shurong Chai, Jiaqing Liu, Tomoko Tateyama, Yutaro Iwamoto, Yen-Wei Chen 0001
    10th IEEE Global Conference on Consumer Electronics(GCCE) 789-792 2021年  査読有り
  • Ken Orimoto, Tomoko Tateyama, Masashi Honda, Takumi Miyamoto, Shimpei Matsumoto
    Proc of 9th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics 602-607 2020年9月  査読有り
  • 松本 慎平, 健山 智子, 沖本 恒輝, 清水 義弘
    電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) 140(8) 925-938 2020年8月1日  査読有り
  • Jiaqing Liu, Kotaro Furusawa, Tomoko Tateyama, Yutaro Iwamoto, Yen-wei Chen
    日本医用画像情報学会論文誌 36(3) 128-135 2019年4月  査読有り
  • Kotaro Furusawa, Jiaqing Liu, Seiju Tsujinaga, Tomoko Tateyama, Yutaro Iwamoto, Yen-Wei Chen
    Advances in Natural Computation, Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery - Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Natural Computation, Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (ICNC-FSKD 2019)(ICNC-FSKD) 593-600 2019年  査読有り
  • Jiaqing Liu, Kotaro Furusawa, Tomoko Tateyama, Yutaro Iwamoto, Yen-Wei Chen
    Robust hand gesture recognition has been playing a significant role in the field of human-computer interaction for a long time, but it is still full of challenges due to many accept such as cluttered backgrounds and hand self-occlusion. With the help of depth information, depth-based methods have better performance, but the depth cameras are not as widely used and affordable as color cameras. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a two-stage deep convolutional neural network (CNN) architecture for accurate color-based hand gesture recognition. The first stage performs generation of pseudo-depth hand images from color images and the second stage recognizes hand gesture classes using both the color image and its pseudo-depth hand image. The generation stage architecture is based on an image-to-image translation network. In the recognition stage, a two-stream CNN architecture with color image and its pseudo depth image is proposed to improve the color image-based recognition performance. We also propose two strategies in two-stream fusion: feature fusion and committee fusion. To validate our approach, we construct a new dataset called MaHG-RGBD dataset. Experiments demonstrate that our approach significantly improves the performance in RGB-only recognition for hand gestures.
  • Jia-Qing Liu, Kotaro Furusawa, Seiju Tsujinaga, Tomoko Tateyama, Yutaro Iwamoto, Yen-Wei Chen
    Here, we present a new dataset, named MaHGRGBD, including 25 hand gestures performed by 15 participants as viewed from multiple angles. This dataset is intended to train models for deep -learning -based hand -gesture recognition. Unlike existing datasets, MaHG-RGBD includes not only front views (tilt angle = 0) but also the titled views (tilt angle = 45 degrees), which are often needed when there are space constraints. In addition, the dataset includes pairs of synchronized color and depth images of the hand region that are well segmented. Users can utilize just one of the image modalities or both depending on the application. This dataset includes a wide variety of different gestures classes: a total of 25 hand gestures. We evaluate the recognition accuracy of 25 different hand gestures using deep learning as a benchmark with this dataset. The MaHG-RGBD dataset is available at http: /AN ritsumei.ac.jp/MaHG-RGBD.
  • Tomoko Tateyama, Ayako Taniguchi, Akira Furukawa, Makoto Wakamiya, Shuzo Kanasaki, Kazuki Otsuki, Yen-Wei Chen
    Innovation in Medicine and Healthcare 2017 173-181 2018年  筆頭著者
  • Jiaqing Liu, Tomoko Tateyama, Yutaro Iwamoto, Yen-Wei Chen
    Intelligent Interactive Multimedia Systems and Services(IIMSS) 223-229 2018年  査読有り
  • Tomoko Tateyama, Asuka Kigami, Shun Nishikawa, Tetsuro Katada, Shimpei Matsumoto
    7th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics(IIAI-AAI) 765-768 2018年  査読有り
  • Kazuki Otsuki, Akira Furukawa, Shuzo Kanasaki, Yutaro Iwamoto, Tomoko Tateyama, Yen-Wei Chen
    14th International Conference on Natural Computation, Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery(ICNC-FSKD) 437-440 2018年  査読有り
  • Seiju Tsujinaga, Nobuo Yamaguchi, Jiaqing Liu, Tomoko Tateyama, Yutaro Iwamoto, Yen-Wei Chen
    IEEE 7th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics(GCCE) 47-50 2018年  査読有り
  • Jia-Qing, Ryoma Fujii, Tomoko Tateyama, Yutaro Iwamoto, Yen-Wei Chen
    International Journal on Computer Electrical Engineering 9(2) 421-429 2017年11月  査読有り
  • LINH Nguyen Dai Hung, FURUKAWA Akira, TANIGUCHI Ayako, CHEN Yen Wei, TATEYAMA Tomoko, INOUE Akitoshi, KANASAKI Shuzo, WAKAMIYA Makoto, TULYEUBAI Syerikjan, MAEDA Kiyosumi, YAMAMOTO Hiroshi, MIZUMOTO Akiyoshi, ANDOH Akira
    交通医学 71(3-4) 2017年  査読有り
  • 健山 智子, 上谷 芽衣, 小原 伸哉, 藤井 亮馬, 金崎 周造, 井上 明星, 若宮 誠, 古川 顕, 陳 延偉
    MEDICAL IMAGING TECHNOLOGY 35th(Suppl.) np272-np279 2016年7月  査読有り
    肝臓疾患の一つである肝硬変症は、肝臓表面の凹凸化に加えて右葉の萎縮・左葉の腫大、脾臓の腫大化という臨床的特徴が観測される。先行研究では、主成分分析(PCA)で得られた形態変化の成分に基づいて肝硬変症の特徴を示す有効成分を選択することで、正常症例と肝硬変症例を分類する肝硬変症支援診断法を提案し、その有効性を示した。しかし、肝硬変症はその重症度に応じて3つのステージが存在することから、支援診断には正常症例と肝硬変症例の識別に加え、さらにその進行度合いを示すステージ予測が必要である。本研究では、ステージ予測にも適応するため、部分最小二乗(Partial Least Square:PLS)回帰を用いた新たな肝硬変支援診断への応用を提案し、支援診断の精度向上を目指す。(著者抄録)
  • Chunhua Dong, Yen-Wei Chen, Amir Hossein Foruzan, Xian-Hua Han, Tomoko Tateyama, Xing Wu
    Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE 9784 97842 2016年  査読有り
    Probabilistic atlas based on human anatomical structure has been widely used for organ segmentation. The challenge is how to register the probabilistic atlas to the patient volume. Additionally, there is the disadvantage that the conventional probabilistic atlas may cause a bias toward the specific patient study due to a single reference. Hence, we propose a template matching framework based on an iterative probabilistic atlas for organ segmentation. Firstly, we find a bounding box for the organ based on human anatomical localization. Then, the probabilistic atlas is used as a template to find the organ in this bounding box by using template matching technology. Comparing our method with conventional and recently developed atlas-based methods, our results show an improvement in the segmentation accuracy for multiple organs (p &lt 0:00001).
  • Chunhua Dong, Yen-Wei Chen, Amir Hossein Foruzan, Xian-Hua Han, Tomoko Tateyama, Xing Wu
    MEDICAL IMAGING 2016: IMAGE PROCESSING 9784 97842 2016年  査読有り
    Probabilistic atlas based on human anatomical structure has been widely used for organ segmentation. The challenge is how to register the probabilistic atlas to the patient volume. Additionally, there is the disadvantage that the conventional probabilistic atlas may cause a bias toward the specific patient study due to a single reference. Hence, we propose a template matching framework based on an iterative probabilistic atlas for organ segmentation. Firstly, we find a bounding box for the organ based on human anatomical localization. Then, the probabilistic atlas is used as a template to find the organ in this bounding box by using template matching technology. Comparing our method with conventional and recently developed atlas-based methods, our results show an improvement in the segmentation accuracy for multiple organs (p < 0.00001).
  • Kyoko Hasegawa, Yuta Fujimoto, Rui Xu, Tomoko Tateyama, Yen-Wei Chen, Satoshi Tanaka
    INNOVATION IN MEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE 2016 60 237-246 2016年  査読有り
    In medical, scientific, and other fields, transparent surface visualization is useful for investigating inner three-dimensional (3D) structures. Such visualization typically involves the use of polygon graphics in which the polygons must be sorted along the line of sight. However, sorting involves considerable computation time for large-scale data. Furthermore, the order of polygons in the sorting can often become indefinite, especially for intersecting surfaces. Therefore, particle-based volume rendering that does not require sorting is proposed as a transparent-rendering method. The proposed method obtains slice images with non-uniform opacity using color and opacity maps similar to volume rendering. The method initially generates the particles, a process it performs only once. It additionally employs particle shuffling, which requires considerably less computation time than particle sorting. To demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed method, we rendered 3D-fused images, including slice-slice and volume-slice images, for medical volumetric data. The results show that the performance of the proposed method is satisfactory in cases in which the area of the particle is greater than that of the cell.
  • Ryoma Fujii, Tomoko Tateyama, Titinunt Kitrungrotsakul, Satoshi Tanaka, Yen-Wei Chen
    INNOVATION IN MEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE 2016 60 209-215 2016年  査読有り
    The purpose of this study is to construct a system for surgical assistance by touchless interactions. In the clinical site, surgeons usually need to use some contacting devices to display or visualize medical images and check the anatomic information of the patient. However, after operating the visualization device, re-sterilization is necessary in order to maintain hygiene. Though some touchless surgery support systems using Kinect have been developed, their functions are not enough for surgical support. In this paper, we develop a new system, which can visualize 3D medical image by simple touchless single-handed interactions.
  • Chunhua Dong, Yen-Wei Chen, Lanfen Lin, Hongjie Hu, Chongwu Jin, Huajun Yu, Xian-Hua Han, Tomoko Tateyama
    JIP 24(2) 320-329 2016年  査読有り
  • Chunhua Dong, Yen-wei Chen, Amir Hossein Foruzan, Lanfen Lin, Xian-hua Han, Tomoko Tateyama, Xing Wu, Gang Xu, Huiyan Jiang
    Computers in Biology and Medicine 67 146-160 2015年12月  査読有り
  • Tomoko Tateyama, Mei Uetani, Rui Xu, Titinunt Kitrungrotsakul, Shinya Kohara, Chen-Lun Lin, Akira Furukawa, Shuzo Kanasaki, Satoshi Tanaka, Yen-Wei Chen
    29th International Congress and Exhibition of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS 2015), June 24 - 27, 2015, Barcelona, Spain. Vol.10, Suppl. 1 29-29 2015年6月  査読有り
  • Mei Uetani, Tomoko Tateyama, Shinya Kohara, Hidetoshi Tanaka, Xian-Hua Han, Shuzo Kanasaki, Akira Furukawa, Yen-Wei Chen
    ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING IN JAPAN 190(4) 37-45 2015年3月  査読有り
    In recent years, there has been increasing interest in statistical shape modeling of human anatomy. The statistical shape model can capture the morphological variations of human anatomy. Since liver cirrhosis will cause significant morphological changes, the authors propose a computer-aided diagnosis method for liver cirrhosis based on statistical shape models. In the proposed method, the authors first construct a statistical shape model of the liver using 50 clinical CT datasets (25 sets of normal data and 25 sets of abnormal data). The authors apply the marching cubes algorithm to convert the segmented liver volume to a triangulated mesh surface containing 1000 vertex points. The coordinates of these vertex points are used to represent the 3D liver shape as a shape vector. After normalization and identification of correspondences between all datasets, principal component analysis (PCA) is employed to find the principal variation modes of the shape vectors. Then the authors propose a mode selection method based on class variations between the normal class and abnormal class. The authors found that the top two modes of class variations are most effective for the classification of normal and abnormal livers. The classification rate of abnormal livers and normal livers by the use of a simple linear discriminant function were 84% and 80%, respectively. (C) 2014 by Wiley Periodicals.
  • C. H. Dong, X. H. Han, Tomoko Tateyama, Y. W. Chen, Amir H. Foruzan
    Probabilistic atlases based on human anatomy structure have been widely used for organ segmentation, which is used as a prior probability in a Bayes framework. The challenge is how to register the probabilistic atlas to the patient volume. Taking these into consideration, we propose a template matching framework based on the probabilistic atlas for spleen segmentation. Firstly, we find a bounding box of the spleen based on human anatomical localization, which is the statistical geometric location of spleens. Then, the probabilistic atlas is used as a template to find the spleen in this bounding box by using template matching technology. We apply our method into 60 datasets including normal and pathological cases. The Dice/Tanimoto volume overlaps are 0.922/0.857, the root-mean-squared error (RMSE) is 1.992 mm. The algorithm is robust to segment normal and abnormal spleens, such as the presence of tumors and large morphological changes. Meanwhile, our proposed method was compared with conventional atlas-based methods. Results demonstrate that segmentation accuracy improved using our method.
  • Rui Xu 0002, Satoshi Tanaka, Kyoko Hasegawa, Wang Sheng, Tomoko Tateyama, Yen-Wei Chen, Shoji Kido
    SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 Visualization in High Performance Computing 9-4 2015年  査読有り
  • Yen-Wei Chen, Ayako Taniguchi, Tomoko Tateyama, Akira Furukawa, Shuzo Kanasaki
    2015 12th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD) 1737-1740 2015年  査読有り
    In this paper, we propose an automated method for assessment of small bowel contraction movement based on the simple linear iterative clustering (SLIC) with cine-MRI. In our proposed method, the small bowel in each frame is considered as a super-pixel and is first segmented by the use of SLIC. SLIC performs a local clustering of pixels in a 3-D space defined by intensity and (x, y) coordinates. Then the dynamic area change of the segmented small bowel is used for quantitative analysis of the small bowel motility function. Compared with existing methods, our proposed method can achieve better results.
  • Chunhua Dong, Yen-Wei Chen, Tomoko Tateyama, Xian-hua Han, Lanfen Lin, Hongjie Hu, Chongwu Jin, Huajun Yu
    2015 12th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD) 1731-1736 2015年  査読有り
    A random walks-based (RW) segmentation method has been gaining popularity in recent years with its ability to interactively segment the objects with minimal guidance. It has potential applications in segmenting the 3D image. However, due to the large computational burden of the classical RW algorithm, it is a challenge to use this algorithm to segment 3D medical images interactively. Hence, a knowledge-based segmentation framework for the liver is proposed based on random walks and narrow band threshold (RWNBT). Our strategy is to employ the previous segmented slice to achieve a prior knowledge (the shape and intensity constraints) of liver for automatic segmentation of the adjacent slice. With a small number of user-defined seeds, we can obtain the segmentation results of the start slice in the volume which would be used as the prior knowledge of the segmented organ. According to this intensity constraints, the "Candidate Pixels" image can be generated by thresholding the organ models with Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM), which can remove the noise and non-liver parts. Furthermore, the object/background seeds can be dynamically updated for the adjacent slice by combining a narrow band threshold (NBT) method and the shape constrains. Finally, a combinational random walker algorithm is applied to automatically segment the whole volume in a slice-by-slice manner. Comparing our method with conventional RW and the state-of-the-art interactive segmentation methods, our results show an improvement in the accuracy for liver segmentation.
  • Titinunt Kitrungrotsakul, Chunhua Dong, Tomoko Tateyama, Xian-Hua Han, Yen-Wei Chen
    Ubiquitous computing is an important technology in medicine that is predicted to support doctors anywhere and anytime. To help achieve it, this paper develops the Interactive Segmentation and Visualization System for Medical images on Mobile devices (ISVS_M-2), which originally was designed to work on workstations, but also works on a wide range of mobile devices via a mobile client-server platform. The developed ISVS_M-2 basically consists of three modules: asegmentation module that is implemented on a server; commutation modules on both the server and mobile device; and interactive and visualization modules on the mobile device that not only give visualization of internal information of an organ model, but also interactively refine organ segmentation according to user experience. With interaction via a computer graphic interface on the mobile device, and communication via the mobile client-server platform, ISVS_M-2 offers users a novel and efficient approach to computer-aided medicine.
  • 健山 智子, 草水 之彦, 藤原 千絵, 田中 英俊, 王 建, 徐 睿, 長谷川 恭子, 田中 覚, 陳 延偉
    MEDICAL IMAGING TECHNOLOGY 32(Suppl.) 1-8 2014年7月  
  • Rui Xu, Kyoko Hasegawa, Satoshi Tanaka, Tomoko Tateyama, Yen-Wei Chen, Yasushi Hirano, Shoji Kido
    28th International Congress and Exhibition on Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS 2014) 2014年6月  査読有り
  • Yen-Wei Chen, Amir H. Foruzan, Chunhua Dong, Tomoko Tateyama, Xianhua Han
    SMART DIGITAL FUTURES 2014 262 412-420 2014年  査読有り
    A framework is proposed for automatic liver segmentation from CT volumes using probabilistic atlases and template matching techniques. Probabilistic atlases of human anatomy have been widely used for organ segmentation, which is used as a prior probability in a Bayes framework. The challenge is how to register the atlas to the patient volume. In this paper, we propose a template matching based technique for probabilistic atlas based organ segmentation. In our proposed method, we first find a Region of Interest (ROI) of the organ, which is based on human anatomic structure, and then the probabilistic atlas is used as a template to find the organ in the ROI by the use of template matching.
  • 北林大介, 段桂芳, 健山智子, 宮里絵理, 山口今日子, 木村亮介, Xiong Wei, 陳延偉
    日本顔学会誌 13(1) ?63-74? 2013年10月  査読有り













