
玉利 勇樹

タマリ ユウキ  (Yuki Tamari)


藤田医科大学 医療科学部
医学博士(2016年9月 大分大学)





  • Genro Kashino, Shinko Kobashigawa, Aoki Uchikoshi, Yuki Tamari
    Radiation and Environmental Biophysics 62(2) 213-220 2023年3月20日  
    Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is closely related to angiogenesis. Anticancer therapy by inhibiting VEGF signaling is well established. However, the role of VEGF in cell–cell communication during the response to ionizing radiation is not well understood. Here, we examined the role of VEGF on radiosensitivity of cells. The addition of recombinant VEGF (rVEGF) on cultured rat C6 glioma cells showed a radioprotective effects on X-ray irradiation and reduced oxidative stress. These effects were also observed by endogenous VEGF in supernatant of C6 glioma cells. Reduction of oxidative stress by VEGF is suggested to underlie the radioprotective effects. The mechanism of VEGF-induced reduction of oxidative stress was indicated by a decreased oxygen consumption rate (OCR) in mitochondria. However, the number of DNA double-strand breaks (DSB) immediately after irradiation was not reduced by the treatment with VEGF. These results suggest that VEGF plays a role in cell survival after irradiation by controlling the oxidative condition through mitochondrial function that is independent of the efficiency of DSB induction.
  • Yuki Tamari, Takushi Takata, Satoshi Takeno, Hiroki Tanaka, Hideya Yamazaki, Kei Yamada, Minoru Suzuki
    Radiation Research 198(4) 368-374 2022年7月29日  
    Radiation-induced liver diseases, including liver fibrosis, occurs when radiation damages the liver. Basic research on hepatic fibrosis, which is a late radiation injury, is necessary for evaluating adverse liver events occurring after boron neutron capture therapy. This study was conducted to establish a method for analyzing the negative effect such as fibrosis in the liver tissue after boron neutron capture therapy. Female C57BL6 mice were injected with p-boronophenylalanine solution subcutaneously at 2 h before neutron irradiation. Masson trichrome staining was performed to determine the degree of liver fibrosis. The degree of fat accumulation in mouse normal liver tissue after boron neutron capture therapy was evaluated using hematoxylin and eosin staining and triglyceride quantification. Western blotting was performed to determine the expression level of Sonic Hedgehog. Liver fat accumulation and fibrosis were significantly increased in the neutron irradiation group injected with p-boronophenylalanine compared with control group. In addition, Sonic Hedgehog expression was increased in response to boron neutron capture therapy-induced liver injury and was involved in liver fibrosis. Hepatocellular fat accumulation and Hedgehog signaling activation may be indicators of adverse events related to boron neutron capture therapy associated with liver fibrosis.
  • Akinori Sasaki, Hiroki Tanaka, Takushi Takata, Yuki Tamari, Tsubasa Watanabe, Naonori Hu, Shinji Kawabata, Yoshihiro Kudo, Toshinori Mitsumoto, Yoshinori Sakurai, Minoru Suzuki
    Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express 8(1) 2021年11月25日  
    <title>Abstract</title> The aim of this study is the development of an irradiation method for the treatment of superficial tumours using a hydrogel bolus to produce thermal neutrons in accelerator-based Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT). To evaluate the neutron moderating ability of a hydrogel bolus, a water phantom with a hydrogel bolus was irradiated with an epithermal neutron beam from a cyclotron-based epithermal neutron source. Phantom simulating irradiation to the plantar position was manufactured using three-dimensional printing technology to perform an irradiation test of a hydrogel bolus. Thermal neutron fluxes on the surface of a phantom were evaluated and the results were compared with the Monte Carlo-based Simulation Environment for Radiotherapy Applications (SERA) treatment planning software. It was confirmed that a hydrogel bolus had the same neutron moderating ability as water, and the calculation results from SERA aligned with the measured values within approximately 5%. Furthermore, it was confirmed that the thermal neutron flux decreased at the edge of the irradiation field. It was possible to uniformly irradiate thermal neutrons by increasing the bolus thickness at the edge of the irradiation field, thereby successfully determining uniform dose distribution. An irradiation method for superficial tumours using a hydrogel bolus in the accelerator-based BNCT was established.
  • Takahito Moriwaki, Akari Yoshimura, Yuki Tamari, Hiroyuki Sasanuma, Shunichi Takeda, Masayuki Seki, Keizo Tano
    Genes and environment : the official journal of the Japanese Environmental Mutagen Society 43(1) 35-35 2021年8月5日  
    BACKGROUND: Peroxiredoxin 1 (PRDX1) is a member of a ubiquitous family of thiol peroxidases that catalyze the reduction of peroxides, including hydrogen peroxide. It functions as an antioxidant enzyme, similar to catalase and glutathione peroxidase. PRDX1 was recently shown act as a sensor of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and play a role in ROS-dependent intracellular signaling pathways. To investigate its physiological functions, PRDX1 was conditionally disrupted in chicken DT40 cells in the present study. RESULTS: The depletion of PRDX1 resulted in cell death with increased levels of intracellular ROS. PRDX1-depleted cells did not show the accumulation of chromosomal breaks or sister chromatid exchange (SCE). These results suggest that cell death in PRDX1-depleted cells was not due to DNA damage. 2-Mercaptoethanol protected against cell death in PRDX1-depleted cells and also suppressed elevations in ROS. CONCLUSIONS: PRDX1 is essential in chicken DT40 cells and plays an important role in maintaining intracellular ROS homeostasis (or in the fine-tuning of cellular ROS levels). Cells deficient in PRDX1 may be used as an endogenously deregulated ROS model to elucidate the physiological roles of ROS in maintaining proper cell growth.
  • Takuya Fujimoto, Minoru Suzuki, Shigeyuki Kuratsu, Ikuo Fujita, Masayuki Morishita, Tamotsu Sudo, Toshiko Sakuma, Yuta Nakamatsu, Yoshinori Sakurai, Takushi Takata, Yuki Tamari, Hiroki Tanaka, Shin-Ichiro Masunaga, Yuko Kinashi, Natsuko Kondo, Shunsuke Sakakibara, Hiroshi Igaki, Tooru Andoh, Setsu Sakamoto, Teruya Kawamoto, Tadashi Watabe, Hitomi Hara, Naomasa Fukase, Yohei Kawakami, Tomoyuki Matsumoto, Toshihiro Akisue, Koji Ono, Hideki Ichikawa, Ryosuke Kuroda, Takanori Hirose
    Applied radiation and isotopes : including data, instrumentation and methods for use in agriculture, industry and medicine 169 109407-109407 2021年3月  
    Synovial sarcoma is a rare tumor requiring new treatment methods. A 46-year-old woman with primary monophasic synovial sarcoma in the left thigh involving the sciatic nerve, declining surgery because of potential dysfunction of the affected limbs, received two courses of BNCT. The tumor thus reduced was completely resected with no subsequent recurrence. The patient is now able to walk unassisted, and no local recurrence has been observed, demonstrating the applicability of BNCT as adjuvant therapy for synovial sarcoma. Further study and analysis with more experience accumulation are needed to confirm the real impact of BNCT efficacy for its application to synovial sarcoma.
  • Takuya Fujimoto, Minoru Suzuki, Tamotsu Sudo, Ikuo Fujita, Toshiko Sakuma, Yoshinori Sakurai, Takanori Hirose, Masayuki Morishita, Takushi Takata, Yuki Tamari, Hiroki Tanaka, Tooru Andoh, Teruya Kawamoto, Hitomi Hara, Naomasa Fukase, Yohei Kawakami, Rika Shigemoto, Tomoyuki Matsumoto, Hideki Ichikawa, Koji Ono, Ryosuke Kuroda, Toshihiro Akisue
    Applied radiation and isotopes : including data, instrumentation and methods for use in agriculture, industry and medicine 166 109324-109324 2020年12月  
    Clear cell sarcoma of tendons and aponeuroses (CCS) is a rare, malignant tumor arising in lower extremities with no effective treatment other than wide surgical resection. Here described is a case of primary CCS in the peroneal tendon of the right foot of a 54-year-old woman enrolled to undergo BNCT. The tumor mass post-BNCT disappeared totally without damage to other normal tissue, demonstrating, for the first time, the potential efficacy of BNCT in complete local control of CCS.
  • Koji Ono, Hiroki Tanaka, Yuki Tamari, Tsubasa Watanabe, Minoru Suzuki, Shin-Ichiro Masunaga
    Journal of radiation research 60(1) 29-36 2019年1月1日  査読有り
    The relationship between the radiation dose delivered to a tumor and its effect is not completely predictable. Uncertainty in the estimation of the boron concentration in a tumor, variation in the radiation sensitivity of the tumor cells, and the complexity of the interactions between the four types of radiation comprising the boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) dose contribute to this uncertainty. We reanalyzed the data of our previous papers to investigate the variation in radiosensitivity of tumor cells to the 10B(n,α)7Li dose: the dose generated by the reaction of thermal neutrons and 10B, hereafter the 'boron-neutron dose'. The radiosensitivities of five tumors (EL4, SAS/neo, SAS/mp53, SCCVII and B16-BL6 melanoma) were examined. For the combination of p-boron-L-phenylalanine (BPA: C9H12BNO4) with neutron irradiation, D0, the cell survival curve for the boron-neutron dose was the smallest for the SAS/neo, followed by the EL4, SAS/mp53, SCCVII and B16-BL6 melanoma, in that order. For the combination of mercaptoundecahydrododecaborate (BSH: Na2B12H11SH) with neutron irradiation, D0 was the smallest for the EL4, followed by the SAS/neo, B16-BL6melanoma, SAS/mp53 and SCCVII, in that order. The relationships between these D0 values and the nucleocytoplasmic ratios (Xncs) or cell size indices (Xcs) obtained by histopathological microslide image were as follows: (D0 = 0.1341Xnc-1.586, R2 = 0.9721) for all tumor types with BPA-BNCT, and D0 = 0.0122Xcs-0.1319 (R2 = 0.9795) for four tumor types (all except the B16-BL6 melanoma) with BSH-BNCT. Based on these results, we proposed a new biologically equivalent effectiveness factor: the absolute biological effectiveness (ABE) factor. The ABE factor is Gy/D0. Thus, the ABE dose is the physical dose multiplied by the ABE factor, and refers to the dose needed to decrease the cell survival rate to e-ABE dose/Gy.
  • Genro Kashino, Y. Tamari, J. Kumagai, K. Tano, M. Watanabe
    Free Radical Research 47(6-7) 474-479 2013年7月  査読有り
    Here, we focused on suppressive effect of ascorbic acid (AsA) on changes in mitochondrial function and mutagenesis by the radiation- induced bystander effect (RIBE). In mammalian cell lines, medium transfer assay was performed and conditioned medium including secreted factors after X-irradiation were examined to detect the RIBE. We found that the membrane potential and increased levels of superoxide radical (O2-) in mitochondria were modulated in cells treated with conditioned medium from irradiated cells. The result of the present study also demonstrated that increases in reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels led to the induction of gene mutations. Interestingly, the modulations in mitochondria, in addition to mutation inductions by RIBE, were completely suppressed by treatment with AsA in cells treated with conditioned medium. These results suggest that mutagenesis, which may have resulted from secreted factors involving the RIBE, may be induced by ROS that are localized in mitochondria and may be relieved by AsA. © 2013 Informa UK, Ltd.
  • Yuki Tamari, Hisakatsu Nawata, Eri Inoue, Akari Yoshimura, Hanako Yoshii, Genro Kashino, Masayuki Seki, Takemi Enomoto, Masami Watanabe, Keizo Tano
    Free radical research 47(1) 1-7 2013年1月  査読有り
    Superoxide dismutases (SODs) are antioxidant proteins that convert superoxide to hydrogen peroxide. In vertebrate cells, SOD1 is mainly present in the cytoplasm, with small levels also found in the nucleus and mitochondrial intermembrane space, and SOD2 is present in the mitochondrial matrix. Previously, the authors conditionally disrupted the SOD1 or SOD2 gene in DT40 cells and found that depletion of SOD1 caused lethality, while depletion of SOD2 led to growth retardation. The observations from previous work showed that the lethality observed in SOD1-depleted cells was completely rescued by ascorbic acid. Ascorbic acid is a water-soluble antioxidant present in biological fluids; however, the exact target for its antioxidant effects is not known. In this study, the authors demonstrated that ascorbic acid offset growth defects observed in SOD2-depleted cells and also lowered mitochondrial superoxide to physiological levels in both SOD1- or SOD2-depleted cells. Moreover, depletion of SOD1 or SOD2 resulted in the accumulation of intracellular oxidative stress, and this increased oxidative stress was reduced by ascorbic acid. Taken together, this study suggests that ascorbic acid can be applied as a nontoxic antioxidant that mimics the functions of cytoplasmic and mitochondrial SODs.





