医学部 脳神経外科学

小嶋 大二朗

コジマ ダイジロウ  (kojima daijiro)


藤田医科大学 医学部 医学科



  • Kiyonori Kuwahara, Shigeta Moriya, Yushi Kawazoe, Mitsumasa Akiyama, Daijiro Kojima, Motoharu Hayakawa, Yuichi Hirose
    Japanese Journal of Stroke 2024年  
  • Kei Yamashiro, Akira Wakako, Tatsuo Omi, Kazuhiro Murayama, Daijiro Kojima, Jun Muto, Kazuhide Adachi, Mitsuhiro Hasegawa, Yuichi Hirose
    Acta neurochirurgica 164(11) 2999-3010 2022年11月  
    BACKGROUND: Diploic veins may act as collateral venous pathways in cases of meningioma with venous sinus invasion. Diploic vein blood flow should be preoperatively evaluated to consider preserving the veins. In this study, we evaluated the use of time-resolved whole-head computed tomography angiography (4D-CTA)-which is less patient-intensive than digital subtraction angiography (DSA)-for assessing diploic vein blood flow and the positional relationship between typical craniotomy approaches and diploic veins. METHODS: We retrospectively examined 231 patients who underwent surgery for intracranial meningioma. We performed contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to evaluate diploic vein pathways and compared the visualization rates of diploic vein blood flow assessed using 4D-CTA and DSA. Subsequently, we evaluated the rates of the diploic veins transected during craniotomy by comparing the pre- and postoperative contrast-enhanced MRI. RESULTS: The diagnostic performance of 4D-CTA was assessed in 45 patients. Of the 320 diploic veins identified in these patients, blood flow in 70 (21.9%) diploic veins was identified by 4D-CTA and DSA, and both results were consistent. To assess the transection rates of the diploic veins, 150 patients were included. A trend towards a high transection rate of the diploic vein in the basal interhemispheric, frontotemporal, orbitozygomatic, combined transpetrosal, and convexity craniotomy approaches was observed. CONCLUSIONS: In patients with meningiomas, both 4D-CTA and DSA are useful in evaluating diploic vein blood flow. In meningiomas with venous sinus invasion, determining the extent of craniotomy after understanding the pathways and blood flow of diploic veins is recommended.
  • Daijiro Kojima, Shigeo Ohba, Masato Abe, Atsushi Suzuki, Seiji Horibe, Ichiro Tateya, Mitsuhiro Hasegawa, Yuichi Hirose
    Neuropathology : official journal of the Japanese Society of Neuropathology 42(5) 453-458 2022年10月  
    Most osteomalacia-inducing tumors (OITs) are phosphaturic mesenchymal tumors (PMTs) that secrete fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23). These tumors usually occur in the bone and soft tissues, and intracranial OITs are rare. Therefore, intracranial OIT is difficult to diagnose and treat. This paper presents a case of intracranial OIT and shows a review of previous cases. A 45-year-old man underwent nasal cavity biopsy and treatment with active vitamin D3 and neutral phosphate for hypophosphatemia. Amplification of FGF23 mRNA level within the tumor was detected. Subsequently, the surgical specimen was diagnosed with a PMT and was considered the cause of the patient's osteomalacia. The patient was referred to a neurosurgery department for the excision of the intracranial tumor extending to the nasal cavity. After tumor removal, the serum levels of FGF23 and phosphorus were normalized as compared to preoperative those. The patient remains disease-free, without additional treatment, approximately 10 years after surgery, with no tumor recurrence. As per the literature, intracranial OITs usually occur in patients aged 8-69 years. Bone and muscle pain are major complaints. Approximately 60% of the patients reported previously had symptoms because of intracranial tumors. In some cases, it took several years to diagnose OIT after the onset of the osteomalacia symptoms. Laboratory data in such cases show hypophosphatemia and elevated FGF23 levels. Because FGF23 levels are associated with the severity of osteomalacia symptoms, total tumor resection is recommended. PMT and hemangiopericytoma (HPC) are histologically similar, but on immunochemistry, PMT is negative for signal transducer and activator of transcription 6 (STAT6), whereas HPC is positive. FGF23 amplification is seen in PMTs but not in HPCs. Therefore, the analysis of FGF23 and STAT6 was helpful in distinguishing PMTs from HPCs. In cases of hypophosphatemia and osteomalacia without a history of metabolic, renal, or malabsorptive diseases, the possibility of oncogenic osteomalacia should be considered.
  • 川副 雄史, 芥川 裕詩朗, 加古 雄基, 中道 瑛司, 立山 慎一郎, 小嶋 大二朗, 西田 卓, 森谷 茂太
    感染症学雑誌 96(4) 161-167 2022年7月  
    82歳男性。意識障害と右片麻痺を主訴に当院へ救急搬送となった。初診時、右上下肢の間欠的痙攣、全身性の強直性痙攣が認められ、diazepamの急速静注、levetiracetamの点滴投与が行われた。しかし、投与6時間後に意識障害の遅延、痙攣の再燃がみられ、画像所見から脳膿瘍が疑われたため、抗菌薬投与が行われた。以後、第5病日のMRIで左前頭葉病変が急速に増大したため、穿頭排膿ドレナージ術を行い、培養結果から歯周病原性菌として知られるFusobacterium nucleatumが同定された。歯性脳膿瘍の診断で、治療として口腔ケアを行い、抗菌薬の投与を継続したところ、脳病変は消失、症状の改善を認め、患者は第76病日に自宅退院となった。
  • Shunsuke Nakae, Masanobu Kumon, Daijiro Kojima, Saeko Higashiguchi, Shigeo Ohba, Naohide Kuriyama, Yuriko Sato, Yoko Inamoto, Masahiko Mukaino, Yuichi Hirose
    Journal of neurosurgery. Case lessons 3(5) 2022年1月31日  
    BACKGROUND: A common surgical approach for dominant insular lesions is to make a surgical corridor in asymptomatic cortices based on functional mapping. However, the surgical approach is difficult for posterior insular lesions in a dominant hemisphere because the posterior parts of the perisylvian cortices usually have verbal functions. OBSERVATIONS: We present the case of a 40-year-old male whose magnetic resonance images revealed the presence of contrast-enhancing lesions in the left posterior insula. Our surgical approach was to split the sylvian fissure as widely as possible, and partially resect Heschl's gyrus if the cortical mapping was negative for language tests. Because Heschl's gyrus did not have verbal functions, the gyrus was used as a surgical corridor. It was wide enough for the removal of the lesion; however, because intraoperative pathological diagnosis eliminated the possibility of brain tumors, further resection was discontinued. The tissues were histologically diagnosed as tuberculomas. Antituberculosis drugs were administered, and the residual lesions finally disappeared. According to the neurophysiological tests, the patient showed temporary impairment of auditory detection, but the low scores of these tests improved. LESSONS: The transsylvian and trans-Heschl's gyrus approach can be a novel surgical option for excising dominant posterior insular lesions.

