Curriculum Vitaes

Yasuko ENYA

  (塩谷 泰子)

Profile Information

Faculty of Clinical Engineering, Fujita Health University School of Health Sciences, Fujita Health University

researchmap Member ID


  • Yasuko Enya, Hiroyuki Hiramatsu, Masaru Ihira, Ryota Suzuki, Yuki Higashimoto, Yusuke Funato, Kei Kozawa, Hiroki Miura, Masafumi Miyata, Yoshiki Kawamura, Takuma Ishihara, Koki Taniguchi, Satoshi Komoto, Tetsushi Yoshikawa
    Fujita medical journal, 9(3) 253-258, Aug, 2023  
    OBJECTIVES: Intestinal rotavirus (RV) vaccine replication and host immune response are suggested to be affected by several factors, including maternal antibodies, breastfeeding history, and gut microbiome, which are thought to be similar in pairs of twins. The aim of this study was to determine whether viral shedding from the fecal RV vaccine strain Rotarix® (RV1) and IgG and IgA responses to RV show similarity in pairs of twins. METHODS: Quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction specific to RV vaccine strain RV1 was used to monitor fecal RV1 viral shedding. RV IgG and IgA titers were measured using an in-house enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Fecal RV1 viral shedding and immune responses were compared between twins and singletons with mixed effects and fixed effects models. RESULTS: A total of 347 stool and 54 blood samples were collected from four pairs of twins and twelve singletons during the observation period. Although the kinetics of fecal RV1 viral shedding and immune responses differed among vaccinated individuals, they appeared to be similar within twin pairs. RV shedding after the first dose (P=0.049) and RV IgG titers during the entire observation period (P=0.015) had a significantly better fit in the fixed effect model that assumed that twins have the same response versus the model that assumed that twins have a different response. CONCLUSIONS: The similarity of RV vaccine viral replication in intestine and host immune responses in twin pairs was demonstrated using statistical analysis.
  • Yuki Higashimoto, Fumihiko Hattori, Yoshiki Kawamura, Kei Kozawa, Aoi Hamano, Mizuki Kato, Sayaka Kato, Asuka Hosokawa, Yasuko Enya, Masaru Ihira, Tetsushi Yoshikawa
    Journal of medical virology, 95(2) e28569, Feb, 2023  
    In the era of universal varicella vaccination, diagnosis of varicella is challenging, especially for breakthrough cases. We sought to clarify the reliability of direct varicella-zoster virus (VZV) loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) and DermaQuick® VZV using the immunochromatography technique as rapid diagnostic tests for varicella. In addition, the usefulness of saliva as a sample type for direct LAMP was investigated. Among the 46 enrolled patients with suspected VZV infection, 31 patients (67.3%) were positive for the nucleic acid test based on real-time PCR from skin swab samples. Direct LAMP of skin swabs was positive in 29 (63.0%) of 46 patients. DermaQuick® VZV was positive in 25 (54.3%) of 46 patients. VZV DNA was detected in only 48.4% of oral swabs with the direct LAMP method. With real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) as the standard for diagnosing varicella, the sensitivity and specificity of DermaQuick® VZV were 80.7% and 100%, respectively. The sensitivity and specificity of direct LAMP from skin swabs were 93.6% and 100%, respectively. The sensitivity and specificity of real-time PCR for DNA extracted from oral swabs were 74.2% and 93.3%, respectively. Thus, oral swab samples are not suitable for breakthrough varicella diagnosis. Although DermaQuick® VZV is considered the most convenient point-of-care test for varicella, its sensitivity and specificity were lower than those of direct VZV LAMP.
  • Yasuko Enya, Yoshiki Kawamura, Masaru Ihira, Fumihiko Hattori, Hidetaka Nakai, Naoko Nishimura, Takao Ozaki, Yuki Higashimoto, Kei Kozawa, Hiroki Miura, Satoshi Komoto, Koki Taniguchi, Tetsushi Yoshikawa
    The Pediatric infectious disease journal, 41(12) 1004-1006, Dec 1, 2022  
  • Noriko Suzuki, Masaru Ihira, Yasuko Enya, Takahashi Yumi, Chisato Izuru, Igarashi Rie, Yuki Higashimoto, Miura Hiroki, Takanashi Asaki, Fujimoto Kaoru, Yoshiki Kawamura, Tetsushi Yoshikawa
    Journal of medical virology, 94(7) 3359-3367, Jul, 2022  
    Reactivation of Betaherpesvirinae (Human herpesvirus 6A: HHV-6A, -6B, HHV-7) may be associated with mental illness and host fatigue. This study aimed to determine whether viral reactivation, measured by monitoring salivary viral DNA load, can be used to monitor depression in pregnant and postpartum women. Saliva samples were collected from 64 pregnant women at five points of observation periods. The HHV-6- and HHV-7-specific qPCRs were carried out to measure viral DNA load. When HHV-6 DNA was detected in saliva, nested PCR was used to discriminate between HHV-6A and -6B. In both viruses, a significant correlation was observed between detection frequency and viral DNA load in saliva. In the low-shedding group, HHV-6 DNA was significantly higher in the third trimester (p < 0.0001), the time of delivery (p = 0.0003), 1 month after birth (p = 0.0023) compared with the first trimester, and HHV-7 was at the time of delivery (p = 0.0277) and 1 month after birth (p = 0.0235). Most of the detected HHV-6 DNAs in saliva were HHV-6B. Both viral DNA loads were significantly lower (HHV-6: p = 0.0101, HHV-7: p = 0.0044) in the subjects with abnormal Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) scores. The detection rate and viral DNA load of both viruses in saliva increased after the third trimester. Salivary virus DNA shedding was significantly lower in subjects with an abnormal EPDS score.
  • 井平 勝, 塩谷 泰子, 平松 裕之, 鈴木 竜太, 東本 祐紀, 小澤 慶, 河村 吉紀, 河本 聡志, 谷口 孝喜, 吉川 哲史
    臨床とウイルス, 50(2) 126-126, May, 2022  


  • 井平 勝, 塩谷 泰子, 平松 裕之, 鈴木 竜太, 東本 祐紀, 小澤 慶, 河村 吉紀, 河本 聡志, 谷口 孝喜, 吉川 哲史
    臨床とウイルス, 50(2) 126-126, May, 2022  
  • 塩谷泰子, 河村吉紀, 井平勝, 平松裕之, 鈴木竜太, 東本祐紀, 小澤慶, 三浦浩樹, 谷口孝喜, 河本聡志, 吉川哲史
    日本ウイルス学会学術集会プログラム・予稿集(Web), 68th, 2021  
  • 服部 文彦, 大林 みどり, 浅井 ゆみこ, 須藤 湧太, 畑川 奈都樹, 平井 雅之, 三原 由佳, 川口 博史, 山田 緑, 河村 吉紀, 塩谷 泰子, 井平 勝, 東本 祐紀, 河本 聡志, 谷口 孝喜, 吉川 哲史
    日本小児感染症学会総会・学術集会プログラム・抄録集, 52回 211-211, Nov, 2020  
  • 服部 文彦, 三原 由佳, 河村 吉紀, 塩谷 泰子, 井平 勝, 東本 祐紀, 河本 聡志, 谷口 孝喜, 吉川 哲史
    臨床とウイルス, 48(3) S109-S109, Sep, 2020  
  • 塩谷 泰子, 井平 勝, 平松 裕之, 鈴木 竜太, 東本 祐紀, 三浦 浩樹, 服部 文彦, 河村 吉紀, 河本 聡志, 谷口 孝喜, 吉川 哲史
    臨床とウイルス, 48(3) S110-S110, Sep, 2020  
  • 井平 勝, 塩谷 泰子, 東本 祐紀, 平松 裕之, 鈴木 竜太, 小澤 慶, 三浦 浩樹, 服部 文彦, 河村 吉紀, 吉川 哲史
    臨床とウイルス, 48(3) S120-S120, Sep, 2020  
  • 塩谷 泰子, 竹内 敬昌, 増江 達彦, 日比谷 信
    体外循環技術, 45(3) 289-289, Sep, 2018  
  • 森 通晃, 塩谷 泰子
    体外循環技術, 45(2) 130-131, Jun, 2018  
  • 塩谷 泰子, 竹内 敬昌, 増江 達彦, 日比谷 信
    岐阜県総合医療センター年報, (38) 19-22, Dec, 2017  
  • 塩谷 泰子, 竹内 敬昌, 増江 達彦, 日比谷 信
    体外循環技術, 44(3) 295-295, Sep, 2017  
  • 森瀬 篤史, 猪島 裕貴, 塩谷 泰子
    体外循環技術, 44(2) 134-134, Jun, 2017  
  • 塩谷 泰子, 竹内 敬昌, 増江 達彦, 日比谷 信
    体外循環技術, 43(3) 267-267, Sep, 2016  
  • 塩谷 泰子, 亀井 哲也, 猪島 裕貴, 加藤 孝幸, 廣瀬 有香, 佐橋 広信, 森 義雄, 竹内 敬昌, 日比谷 信
    体外循環技術, 42(3) 312-312, Sep, 2015  
  • 塩谷 泰子
    体外循環技術, 41(3) 397-397, Sep, 2014  
  • 塩谷 泰子, 加治屋 貴裕, 猪島 裕貴, 長尾 丞真, 竹内 敬昌
    体外循環技術, 39(4) 493-493, Dec, 2012  
  • 塩谷 泰子, 加治屋 貴裕, 長尾 丞真, 竹内 敬昌
    体外循環技術, 38(2) 226-227, Jun, 2011  
  • 塩谷 泰子, 日比谷 信, 中井 滋, 加治屋 貴裕, 猪島 裕貴, 佐橋 広信, 竹内 敬昌
    体外循環技術, 35(4) 443-446, Dec, 2008  
  • 塩谷 泰子, 日比谷 信, 中井 滋, 加治屋 貴裕, 猪島 裕貴, 奥田 泰三, 佐橋 広信, 竹内 敬昌
    体外循環技術, 34(3) 235-235, Sep, 2007  
  • 河合 祐子, 佐橋 広信, 塩谷 泰子, 加治屋 貴裕, 家城 護, 古市 信明, 八巻 隆彦, 大熊 晟夫, 大野 道也, 小田 寛, 大橋 宏重
    岐阜県立岐阜病院年報, (24) 3-8, Dec, 2003  
    1999年1月~2002年7月に持続的血液濾過透析(CHDF)が施行された45名について検討した.救命できた症例は16名であった.CHDFを施行した症例では吸入酸素濃度,クレアチニン,総ビリルビン,グルコース,CRPが上昇し,アルブミン,心拍出量,血圧,血小板数が低下していた.生命予後に影響を与えた因子は,血圧,年齢,血小板数,更に,カテコラミンの使用にも拘わらず認められた血圧低下であり,acute physiology and chronic health evaluation III scoreが100以上の症例の生命予後は極めて不良であった
  • 塩谷 泰子, 佐橋 広信, 河合 祐子, 加治屋 貴裕, 家城 護, 大熊 晟夫, 大野 道也, 小田 寛, 大橋 宏重
    岐阜県立岐阜病院年報, (24) 9-13, Dec, 2003  
  • 大野 道也, 小田 寛, 大橋 宏重, 佐橋 広信, 塩谷 泰子, 河合 祐子, 鍛治屋 貴裕, 浅野 喜代治
    岐阜県立岐阜病院年報, (22) 19-22, Dec, 2001  

Research Projects
