- 所属
- 藤田医科大学 医療科学部 診断機器工学分野 准教授 (博士(保健学))
- 学位
- (博士)保健学(2020年9月 金沢大学)
- 研究者番号
- 10971666
- 202201005029706754
- researchmap会員ID
- R000040011
2024年9月 - 現在
2022年4月 - 現在
1991年4月 - 2022年3月
2013年4月 - 2020年3月
1987年4月 - 1991年3月
2023年4月 - 現在
2022年4月 - 現在
2021年4月 - 現在
2016年4月 - 現在
2011年4月 - 現在
Journal of applied clinical medical physics 23(2) e13469 2022年2月 査読有りTo investigate the spatial accuracy of delineating prostatic calcifications by quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) in comparison with computed tomography (CT), we conducted phantom and human studies. Five differently-sized spherical hydroxyapatites mimicking prostatic calcification (pseudo-calcification) were arranged in the order of their sizes at the center of a plastic container filled with gelatin. This calcification phantom underwent magnetic resonance (MR) imaging, including the multiple spoiled gradient-echo sequences (SPGR) for the QSM and CT as a reference. The volume of each pseudo-calcification and center-to-center distance between the pseudo-calcifications delineated by QSM and CT were measured. In the human study, eight patients with prostate cancer who underwent radiation therapy and had some prostatic calcifications were included. The patients underwent CT and SPGR and modified DIXON sequence for MR-only simulation. The hybrid QSM processing combined with the complex signals in the SPGR and water and fat fraction maps estimated from the modified DIXON sequence were used to reconstruct the pelvic susceptibility map in humans. The threshold of CT numbers was set at 130 HU, while the QSM images were manually segmented in the calcification phantom and human studies. In the phantom study, there was an excellent agreement in the pseudo-calcification volumes between QSM and CT (y = 1.02x - 7.38, R2 = 0.99). The signal profiles had similar trends in CT and QSM. The center-to-center distances between the pseudo-calcifications in the phantom were also identical in QSM and CT. The calcification volumes were almost identical between the QSM and CT in the human study (y = 0.95x - 9.32, R2 = 1.00). QSM can offer geometric and volumetric accuracies to delineate prostatic calcifications, similar to CT. The prostatic calcification delineated by QSM may facilitate image-guided radiotherapy in the MR-only simulation workflow.
NeuroImage. Clinical 33 102938-102938 2022年 査読有りBACKGROUND: R2* relaxometry analysis combined with quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM), which has high sensitivity to iron deposition, can distinguish microstructural changes of the white matter (WM) and iron deposition, thereby providing a sensitive and biologically specific measure of the WM owing to the changes in myelin and its surrounding environment. This study aimed to explore the microstructural WM alterations associated with cognitive impairment in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) using R2* relaxometry analysis combined with QSM. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We enrolled 24 patients with PD and mild cognitive impairment (PD-MCI), 22 patients with PD and normal cognition (PD-CN), and 19 age- and sex-matched healthy controls (HC). All participants underwent Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) and brain magnetic resonance imaging, including structural three-dimensional T1-weighted images and multiple spoiled gradient echo sequence (mGRE). The R2* and susceptibility maps were estimated from the multiple magnitude images of mGRE. The susceptibility maps were used for verifying iron deposition in the WM. The voxel-based R2* of the entire WM and its correlation with cognitive performance were analyzed. RESULTS: In the voxel-based group comparisons, the R2* in the PD-MCI group was lower in some WM regions, including the corpus callosum, than R2* in the PD-CN and HC groups. The mean susceptibility values in almost all brain regions were negative and close-to-zero values, indicating no detectable paramagnetic iron deposition in the WM of all subjects. There was a significant positive correlation between R2* and MoCA in some regions of the WM, mainly the corpus callosum and left hemisphere. CONCLUSION: R2* relaxometry analysis for WM microstructural changes provided further biologic insights on demyelination and changes in the surrounding environment, supported by the QSM results demonstrating no iron existence. This analysis highlighted the potential for the early evaluation of cognitive decline in patients with PD.
日本放射線技術学会雑誌 77(3) 255-262 2021年 査読有り人体の軟部組織と等価なエネルギー特性をもつファントムを使用し、異なる管電圧と付加フィルタの組み合わせについて胸部X線撮影の肺野条件下での物理的な画質を評価した。信号差対雑音比(SdNR)の値はファントムの厚さが10cmから4cmになることで顕著に増加した。また、120kVおよび90kVどちらも付加フィルタを厚くするほどSdNRが改善した。付加フィルタを使用しない場合には、120kVのSdNRの値は90kVに比べてファントム厚10cmで9%、4cmで6%高くなった。コントラスト比は被写体厚が10cmおよび4cmどちらの結果も、120kVに0.2mm銅フィルタを用いたものが最も高くなった。これに続いて120kVの0.1mm銅フィルタ、120kVの付加フィルタなし、90kVの0.2mm銅フィルタ、90kVの0.1mm銅フィルタ、90kVの付加フィルタなしの順となり、90kVの結果が120kVを上回ることはなかった。
Magnetic resonance imaging 73 55-61 2020年11月 査読有りTo clarify the temperature dependence of susceptibility estimated by quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) analysis, we investigated the relationship between temperature and susceptibility using a cylinder phantom with varying temperatures. Six solutions with various concentrations of superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO) nanoparticles were employed. These tubes were placed in a cylinder phantom and surrounded with water. The temperature of the circulated water was adjusted to change the temperature in the cylinder phantom from 25.8 °C to 42.5 °C. The cylinder phantom was scanned via a three-dimensional multiple spoiled gradient-echo sequence for R2* and QSM analyses with varying temperatures. The relationships between temperature, susceptibility, and R2* values were determined. Moreover, the temperature coefficients of susceptibility (χ-Tc) and (R2*-Tc) were calculated at each concentration and the linearities in these indices against each SPIO concentration were validated. Significant inverse correlations were found between temperature, susceptibility, and R2* values at each SPIO concentration due to the decrease in paramagnetic iron susceptibility that occurred with increasing temperature based on Curie's law. Moreover, although there were significant correlations between the susceptibility and R2* values at any temperature, the slopes of the regression lines grew in height with greater temperatures. The percentage of difference per Celsius degree in susceptibility in any SPIO concentration was lower than the corresponding finding among the R2* results. There were strong linearities between the SPIO concentration, χ-Tc (r = -0.994; p < 0.001), and R2*-Tc (r = -0.998; p < 0.001). The χ-Tc and R2*-Tc outcomes in a particular voxel varied considerably with the iron contents. Although there was an inverse correlation noted between temperature and susceptibility, the susceptibility analysis showed smaller temperature dependence relative to the R2* analysis. QSM analysis might be a more suitable option for magnetic resonance-based iron quantification in comparison with R2* relaxometry.
NMR in biomedicine 33(5) e4272 2020年5月 査読有りThis study aimed to develop and test a simultaneous acquisition and analysis pipeline for voxel-based magnetic susceptibility and morphometry (VBMSM) on a single dataset using young volunteers, elderly healthy volunteers, and an Alzheimer's disease (AD) group. 3D T1 -weighted and multi-echo phase images for VBM and quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) were simultaneously acquired using a magnetization-prepared spoiled turbo multiple gradient echo sequence with inversion pulse for QSM (MP-QSM). The magnitude image was split into gray matter (GM) and white matter (WM) and was spatially normalized. The susceptibility map was reconstructed from the phase images. The segmented image and susceptibility map were compared with those obtained from conventional multiple spoiled gradient echo (mGRE) and MP-spoiled gradient echo (MP-GRE) in healthy volunteers to validate the availability of MP-QSM by numerical measurements. To assess the feasibility of the VBMSM analysis pipeline, voxel-based comparisons of susceptibility and morphometry in MP-QSM were conducted in volunteers with a bimodal age distribution, and in elderly volunteers and the AD group, using spatially normalized GM and WM volume images and a susceptibility map. GM/WM contrasts in MP-QSM, MP-GRE, and mGRE were 0.14 ± 0.011, 0.17 ± 0.015, and 0.045 ± 0.010, respectively. Segmented GM and WM volumes in the MP-QSM closely coincided with those in the MP-GRE. Region of interest analyses indicated that the mean susceptibility values in MP-QSM were completely in agreement with those in mGRE. In an evaluation of the aging effect, a significant increase and decrease in susceptibility and volume were found by VBMSM in deep GM and WM, respectively. Between the elderly volunteers and the AD group, the characteristic susceptibility and volume changes in GM and WM were observed. The proposed MP-QSM sequence makes it possible to acquire acceptable-quality images for simultaneous analysis and determine brain atrophy and susceptibility distribution without image registration by using voxel-based analyses.
Physica medica : PM : an international journal devoted to the applications of physics to medicine and biology : official journal of the Italian Association of Biomedical Physics (AIFB) 73 105-110 2020年5月 査読有りPURPOSE: The appropriate object thickness to start using anti-scatter grids (grids) has not sufficiently investigated in previous studies, and thus we rigorously investigated the effectiveness of two generally used grids with grid ratios of 6 and 10 (G6 and G10) for different 50-200 mm thicknesses at tube voltages of 60-100 kV. METHODS: Acrylic phantoms with 30 × 30 cm2 and different thicknesses were used to measure the signal-to-noise ratio improvement factors (SIFs) of grids. To evaluate the infants' conditions, field sizes of 225, 400, and 625 cm2 were also evaluated at 60-80 kV. In addition, the signal difference-to-noise ratio (SDNR) was used to evaluate tube voltage dependencies of grids for each thickness. RESULTS: SIF values exceeded 1.0 for ≥70 mm thicknesses and mostly exceeded 1.07 for the 100 mm thickness with 400 cm2 field size corresponding to a 1-year-old infant abdomen. The estimated dose reduction capabilities for a 1-year-old infant were approximately 15% using G10 at 70 and 80 kV. The tube voltage dependencies for grid use was almost not prominent for all conditions tested, except for some conditions that are not clinically realistic. CONCLUSIONS: G6 and G10 can improve SNR for ≥100 mm thickness. The results from this work demonstrate approximately 15% dose reduction or image quality improvements at the same dose level for the use of G6 and G10 grids for 100 mm thickness, traditionally excluded from the recommended grid use conditions.
American Journal of Neuroradiology 41(1) 86-91 2020年 査読有りBACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Parkinson disease is related to neurodegeneration and iron deposition in the substantia nigra pars compacta and nigrosome 1. However, visualization of nigrosome 1 via MR imaging is poor owing to the bilateral asymmetry, regardless of whether it is healthy. We focused on the magic angle and susceptibility effect and evaluated the anatomic slant structure of nigrosome 1 by tilting subjects’ heads in the B0 direction. MATERIALS AND METHODS: To investigate the effectiveness of the magic angle, we tilted the volunteers’ heads to the right and left in the B0 direction or not at all for evaluating correlations between the degree of head tilting and visualization of the right nigrosome 1 and left nigrosome 1 using 3D spoiled gradient-echo sequences with multiecho acquisitions. We evaluated the susceptibility of nigrosome 1 and the local field using quantitative susceptibility mapping to assess static magnetic field inhomogeneity. RESULTS: The heads tilted to the right and left showed significantly higher contrasts of nigrosome 1 and the substantia nigra pars compacta than the nontilted heads. No significant differences were observed in the visualization and susceptibility between the right nigrosome 1 and left nigrosome 1 for each head tilt. The effect of the magic angle was remarkable in the nontilted heads. This finding was supported by quantitative susceptibility mapping because the anatomic slant structure of nigrosome 1 was coherent between the axis of nigrosome 1 and the magic angle. CONCLUSIONS: The asymmetric visualization of nigrosome 1 is affected by the magic angle and susceptibility. The anatomic slant structure of nigrosome 1 causes these challenges in visualization.
Magnetic resonance in medical sciences : MRMS : an official journal of Japan Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 18(4) 276-285 2019年10月15日 査読有りTo mitigate the susceptibility inhomogeneity induced by radio-frequency transmit phase error through the whole brain in quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) using single-echo gradient echo sequence, we developed a novel single-step QSM reconstruction algorithm and compared it with a previous algorithm in five healthy volunteers. The proposed algorithm had effectively suppressed the susceptibility inhomogeneity through the whole brain and achieved acceptable quality, similar to that of the susceptibility map calculated from a multi-echo gradient echo sequence.
JOURNAL OF UROLOGY 201(4) E291-E291 2019年4月 査読有り
Physics in medicine and biology 64(6) 06NT01 2019年3月8日 査読有りMR-only simulations provide pseudo-CT images which are segmented into 5 kinds of tissues from DIXON-based images. However, it is difficult to register pseudo-CT images to cone-beam CT (CBCT) images collected for image-guided radiation therapy (IGRT), because of the lack of contrasts among tissues. We validated gaps of IGRT between pseudo-CT or planning CT and CBCT for patients without implanted markers. We also propose calcification-assisted registration for MR-only simulation. We conducted retrospective analyses to verify the registration accuracy in 15 patients who underwent volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) for prostate cancer. They underwent planning CT and pseudo-CT. Pseudo-CT images after deformable image registration (DIR) to planning CT images were rendered automatic pelvic bone matching to CBCT images. Patient positions on the pseudo-CT images after DIR were shifted on the basis of tissues around the prostate. We compared registration gaps between the images of planning CT and pseudo-CT with DIR, assuming that the tissue-based matching between the planning CT and CBCT was the gold standard. To the pseudo-CT images with DIR, calcifications detected on planning CT were added. We validated IGRT accuracy for a calcification-assisted registration. The absolute registration errors of the pseudo-CT, in comparison with the planning CT, were 0.34 ± 0.50 (lateral), 1.3 ± 1.3 (longitudinal), and 1.1 ± 1.0 mm (vertical). The absolute registration errors of the pseudo-CT with calcification contouring, in comparison with the planning CT, were 0.41 ± 1.0 (lateral), 0.87 ± 0.92 (longitudinal), and 0.74 ± 0.64 mm (vertical). Reduced absolute registration errors were observed in the proposed approach in the longitudinal (P < 0.01) and vertical (P < 0.01) dimensions when using calcification-assisted registration. The tissue-based registration using the MR-only simulation was not sufficient for use in patients with prostate cancer without implanted markers. The calcification-assisted registration might help to improve IGRT accuracy using MRI alone.
Magnetic resonance imaging 52 94-101 2018年10月 査読有りPURPOSE: We developed a non-regularized, variable kernel, sophisticated harmonic artifact reduction for phase data (NR-VSHARP) method to accurately estimate local tissue fields without regularization for quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM). We then used a digital brain phantom to evaluate the accuracy of the NR-VSHARP method, and compared it with the VSHARP and iterative spherical mean value (iSMV) methods through in vivo human brain experiments. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Our proposed NR-VSHARP method, which uses variable spherical mean value (SMV) kernels, minimizes L2 norms only within the volume of interest to reduce phase errors and save cortical information without regularization. In a numerical phantom study, relative local field and susceptibility map errors were determined using NR-VSHARP, VSHARP, and iSMV. Additionally, various background field elimination methods were used to image the human brain. RESULTS: In a numerical phantom study, the use of NR-VSHARP considerably reduced the relative local field and susceptibility map errors throughout a digital whole brain phantom, compared with VSHARP and iSMV. In the in vivo experiment, the NR-VSHARP-estimated local field could sufficiently achieve minimal boundary losses and phase error suppression throughout the brain. Moreover, the susceptibility map generated using NR-VSHARP minimized the occurrence of streaking artifacts caused by insufficient background field removal. CONCLUSION: Our proposed NR-VSHARP method yields minimal boundary losses and highly precise phase data. Our results suggest that this technique may facilitate high-quality QSM.
Magnetic resonance imaging 42 37-42 2017年10月 査読有りPURPOSE: To evaluate the accuracy of susceptibility estimated from the principles of echo shifting with a train of observations (PRESTO) sequence using a 1.5T MRI system, we conducted experiments on the human brain using the PRESTO sequence and compared our results with the susceptibility obtained from spoiled gradient-recalled echo (GRE) sequence with flow compensation using quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) reconstruction. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Experiments on the human brain were conducted on 12 healthy volunteers (27±4years) using PRESTO and spoiled GRE sequences on a 1.5T scanner. The PRESTO sequence is an echo-shifted gradient echo sequence that allows high susceptibility sensitivity and rapid acquisition because of TE>TR compared with the spoiled GRE sequence. QSM analysis was performed on the obtained phase images using the iLSQR method. Estimated susceptibility maps were used for region of interest analyses and estimation of line profiles through iron-rich tissue and major vessels. RESULTS: Our results demonstrated that susceptibility maps were accurately estimated, without error, by QSM analysis of PRESTO and spoiled GRE sequences. Acquisition time in the PRESTO sequence was reduced by 43% compared with that in the spoiled GRE sequence. Differences did exist between susceptibility maps in PRESTO and spoiled GRE sequences for visualization and quantitative values of major blood vessels and the areas around them CONCLUSION: The PRESTO sequence enables correct estimation of tissue susceptibility with rapid acquisition and may be useful for QSM analysis of clinical use of 1.5T scanners.
Magnetic resonance imaging 34(7) 1026-33 2016年9月 査読有りAn effective background field removal technique is desired for more accurate quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) prior to dipole inversion. The aim of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of regularization enabled sophisticated harmonic artifact reduction for phase data with varying spherical kernel sizes (REV-SHARP) method using a three-dimensional head phantom and human brain data. The proposed REV-SHARP method used the spherical mean value operation and Tikhonov regularization in the deconvolution process, with varying 2-14mm kernel sizes. The kernel sizes were gradually reduced, similar to the SHARP with varying spherical kernel (VSHARP) method. We determined the relative errors and relationships between the true local field and estimated local field in REV-SHARP, VSHARP, projection onto dipole fields (PDF), and regularization enabled SHARP (RESHARP). Human experiment was also conducted using REV-SHARP, VSHARP, PDF, and RESHARP. The relative errors in the numerical phantom study were 0.386, 0.448, 0.838, and 0.452 for REV-SHARP, VSHARP, PDF, and RESHARP. REV-SHARP result exhibited the highest correlation between the true local field and estimated local field. The linear regression slopes were 1.005, 1.124, 0.988, and 0.536 for REV-SHARP, VSHARP, PDF, and RESHARP in regions of interest on the three-dimensional head phantom. In human experiments, no obvious errors due to artifacts were present in REV-SHARP. The proposed REV-SHARP is a new method combined with variable spherical kernel size and Tikhonov regularization. This technique might make it possible to be more accurate backgroud field removal and help to achive better accuracy of QSM.
Radiological physics and technology 8(2) 320-30 2015年7月 査読有りWe devised a new noise filtering method to reduce the noise in the line spread function (LSF) for presampled modulation transfer function (MTF) analysis with the edge method. A filter was designed to reduce noise effectively using a position-dependent filter controlled by the boundary frequency b for low-pass filtering, which is calculated by 1/2d (d: distance from the LSF center). In this filtering process, strong filters with very low b can be applied to regions distant from the LSF center, and the region near the LSF center can be maintained simultaneously by a correspondingly high b. Presampled MTF accuracies derived by use of the proposed method and an edge spread function (ESF)-fitting method were compared by use of simulated ESFs with and without noise, resembling a computed radiography (CR) and an indirect-type flat panel detector (FPD), respectively. In addition, the edge images of clinical CR, indirect-type FPD, and direct-type FPD systems were examined. For a simulated ESF without noise, the calculated MTFs of the variable filtering method agreed precisely with the true MTFs. The excellent noise-reduction ability of the variable filter was demonstrated for all simulated noisy ESFs and those of three clinical systems. Although the ESF-fitting method provided excellent noise reduction only for the CR-like simulated ESF with noise, its noise elimination performance could not be demonstrated due to the lesser robustness of the fitting.
日本放射線技術学会雑誌 70(7) 653-61 2014年7月 査読有り筆頭著者デジタルラジオグラフィシステムにおけるDQE測定時の各因子の測定精度について検討した。IEC法によって規定された線質、RQA5における光子数について、4種類のX線装置を用いて検討を行い、IEC法で規定された光子数に対しての誤差率は最大で+2.5%となった。IEC法が推奨している99.9%の高純度アルミニウムでなくとも、純度99.5%のアルミニウムで同等の入射光子数が得られた。管電圧の影響は、RQA5の決定に伴って設定する管電圧が高くなるに従って、NNPS値が低下したが、その誤差は±1.0%以内に収まった。IEC法が推奨している99.9%の高純度アルミニウムでなくとも、純度99.5%のアルミニウムで同等のDQEの測定が可能であった。DQEを精度よく測定するためには、MTFを精度よく測定することが重要で、可能な限り天板の除去を行い、エッジデバイスと検出器の密着に心がけることが望ましいと思われた。
Radiological physics and technology 6(2) 453-60 2013年7月 査読有りSub-second multidetector-row computed tomography systems provide great potential for the further improvement of CT coronary angiography (CTCA). However, because the temporal resolution (TR) of such CT systems is insufficient, blurring and artifacts produced by fast cardiac motion remain as unresolved issues. Previous TR investigations of CTCA were based on the retrospective electrocardiogram-gated multisegment reconstruction technique. However, the results obtained may not necessarily be correct because the TR of multisegment reconstruction may not be substantial due to the insufficient periodicity of cardiac motion. The optimal TR required for better CTCA images was evaluated with use of a dual-source CT system, which has various substantial TR modes (83, 125, and 165 ms). CTCA images of 147 patients with heart rates (HRs) ranging from 36 to 117 beats/minute (bpm) were evaluated visually on a 4-point scale. Our results revealed not only that the 165-ms TR is sufficient for low HRs (≤60 bpm), but also that the 83- and 125-ms TRs are unnecessary for such HRs. The image quality with the 125-ms TR mode was acceptable for the left anterior descending artery, left circumflex artery, and right coronary artery at low to intermediate HRs (≤70 bpm). At high HRs (>70 bpm), the 83-ms TR mode resulted in an excellent image quality for all cases except those with very rapid RCA motion. Adequate TRs for a wide range of heart rates (52-106 bpm) are thus clarified.
日本放射線技術学会雑誌 67(8) 880-887 2011年 査読有りコンピュータ制御によって駆動する動態ファントムを開発し、まず基本的な評価のために、任意の心位相内を一定速度で移動させ、画像取得を行った。そして、位相時間分解能と実時間分解能の評価においてハーフ再構成とセグメント再構成における動きの影響について検討した。分割式心拍同期画像再構成法(EMR)と2管球CT(DSCT)の二つの心電同期再構成法を比較するために、任意の心位相内を一定速度で移動する動態ファントムを作成した。EMRは位相時間分解能を高くすることでモーションアーチファクトの抑制には有効な手段であるが、位相時間分解能と実時間分解能の比較では同等の時間分解能であってもEMRはPFやHRによって複雑に変化するアーチファクトが確認され、実時間分解能を向上できるDSCTの有効性が示された。
日本放射線技術学会雑誌 66(7) 734-42 2010年7月20日 査読有り筆頭著者シミュレーションにより作成したノイズパワースペクトル(NPS)の真値が既知であるノイズ画像を用いて、解析時の各パラメータによって生じる誤差について検討した。256×256ピクセル以上のROIを用いて、IEC法の平均ライン数に対応する周波数に従って各ROIサイズの平均ライン数を設定するならば、総解析画素数が最大の因子となり、総解析画素数の増加によって誤差率が減少した。トレンドが著しい画像の場合には、256×256ピクセルのROIを用い多項式近似の次数に2次を用いるのが望ましいことが確認され、他のROIサイズの不適合性も明らかにした。また、IEC法で推奨されるROIのオーバラップは効果がないことが示され、等方性ノイズ特性の画像であるならば、平均のline数を64 linesまで増加させることで、誤差率は低下し、特に高周波領域で効果的であった。
日本放射線技術学会雑誌 65(2) 245-53 2009年2月20日 査読有りThe presampled modulation transfer function (MTF) is recognized as the established metric for characterizing the resolution performance of a digital imaging system. In the past, the three general approaches for assessing the presampled MTF were using the angulated slit, angulated edge, and angulated square-wave test pattern all of which are tilted slightly against the column direction of the detector. In all methods, it is important to determine the exact angle of the respective test devices. In this study, we examined the influence of angle-measurement error in three test devices and the optimal technique of angle measurement. These results demonstrated that the influences of angle-measurement error in each method were equal. We also investigated three angle-measurement techniques using trace of objects, Hough transfer, and comparative observation of synthetic profiles. These results suggested that the technique using synthetic profiles was the most optimal technique in the angle measurement. Through use of the technique, angle-measurement error was completely overcome. This technique will contribute to improved accuracy of presampled MTF measurements.
日本放射線技術学会雑誌 64(4) 417-25 2008年4月20日 査読有りThe edge method adopted by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) for presampled modulation transfer function (presampled MTF) measurement has the advantage that the complexity and limitations of image acquisition are less than those of the slit method. On the other hand, it has the disadvantage that the maintenance of accuracy is difficult because of the noise amplification caused by the differentiation. In order to reduce this disadvantage, we proposed an effective method in which many edge profiles are synthesized and then the synthesized edge profiles are bound into regular interval bins. Furthermore, the influences of some factors in edge profile analysis on measurement accuracy were examined. The appropriate width of one bin was 10-20% of the sampling interval. Measurement error of the inclination angle of the edge should be made up to 0.05°. The range of the angle was allowed to be from 1 to 5 degrees. If these conditions were fulfilled, accurate measurement up to the Nyquist frequency (fn) was possible. Using an actual computed radiography (CR) system, the presampled MTF was obtained by the slit method and our edge method. The two results showed good agreement.
映像情報medical : a monthly journal of medical imaging and information 54(2) 23-27 2022年2月
INNERVISION 32(12) 12-15 2017年11月flat panel detector(以下、FPD)を搭載した血管撮影装置が登場して15年以上が経過し、高画質化、低線量化がなされている。また、数多くの疾患に対して血管内治療が適応されるようになり、モニタを観察しながらリアルタイムに手技を判断する必要があり、透視画像ならびに撮影画像の重要性は非常に高い。本稿では、血管撮影装置の物理的画質特性について、現システムで実施可能な範囲で紹介する。(著者抄録)