Curriculum Vitaes
Profile Information
- Affiliation
- Assiociate Professor, Department of Pharmacotherapeutics and Informatics, School of Medicine, Fujita Health University
- Degree
- 博士(薬学)
- Researcher number
- 70850551
- 202001007661048523
- researchmap Member ID
- R000007329
Research Interests
5Research Areas
1Research History
Oct, 2023 - Present
Apr, 2016 - Present
Jul, 2019 - Sep, 2023
Apr, 2013 - Mar, 2016
Apr, 2012 - Mar, 2013
Pharmaceuticals, 18(3) 333-333, Feb 26, 2025Background/Objectives: The risk of fractures associated with immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) is increasing; however, the relationship between fracture risk and potential factors, such as osteoporosis and hyperthyroidism, remains unclear. Methods: Using VigiBase, the World Health Organization's global pharmacovigilance database, we investigated the signals for osteoporosis, hyperthyroidism, and fractures associated with ICIs (nivolumab, pembrolizumab, atezolizumab, durvalumab, ipilimumab, and tremelimumab) by calculating information components (ICs) and their 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Furthermore, we estimated the association between the occurrence of fractures in patients receiving ICIs and osteoporosis or hyperthyroidism. Results: Signals of hyperthyroidism (IC = 4.66, 95% CI: 4.58–4.73), but not osteoporosis (IC = −1.79, 95% CI: −2.22 to −1.36) or fractures (IC = −0.21, 95% CI: −0.36 to −0.06), were detected in patients using ICIs. Osteoporosis (odds ratio: 118.00, 95% CI: 61.00–230.00) was associated with an increased reporting frequency of fractures related to ICIs, whereas hyperthyroidism (odds ratio: 0.60, 95% CI: 0.19–1.87) was not associated with such an increase. Conclusions: The VigiBase analysis indicates that the use of ICIs does not increase the reporting frequency of osteoporosis or fractures. Additionally, hyperthyroidism did not increase the reporting frequency of fractures associated with ICIs.
Expert opinion on drug safety, Dec 17, 2024 Lead authorCorresponding authorBACKGROUND: Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) play a central role in cancer immunotherapy. However, the occurrence of immune-related adverse events, especially ICI-induced interstitial lung disease (ICI-ILD), is life-threatening and affects the effectiveness of ICI treatment. This study aimed to explore potential drugs to mitigate ICI-ILD occurrence using data from the Japanese Adverse Drug Event Report (JADER) and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS [JAPIC AERS]). RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: We investigated concomitant drugs that reduce ILD associated with four ICIs - nivolumab, pembrolizumab, atezolizumab, and durvalumab - across the JADER and FAERS databases. Subsequently, the identified common concomitant drugs that reduce the occurrence of ICI-ILD were detected and analyzed. RESULTS: We found omega-3 fatty acids, loperamide, and amlodipine as common concomitant drugs that reduced ICI-ILD occurrence in both the JADER and FAERS databases. Omega-3 fatty acids reportedly have many effects in animal models of drug-induced ILD, including their association with ILD in humans and anti-inflammatory effects against ICI-ILD. However, loperamide and amlodipine reportedly have minimal effects against ILD, thereby necessitating further evaluation. CONCLUSION: Omega-3 fatty acids have emerged as potential agents for reducing ICI-ILD occurrence, as evidenced by findings from two different pharmacovigilance databases.
Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Care and Sciences, 10(1), Oct 31, 2024Abstract Background This study aimed to clarify the effectiveness of nutrition support team (NST) facilities for preventing central line-associated bloodstream infection (CLABSI). Methods We retrospectively analyzed the incidence of CLABSI as well as the presence or absence of additional medical fees for NST activity between 2019 and 2021, including the period before and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Subsequently, we performed between-group comparisons of the CLABSI incidence. CLABSI rates were compared based on cumulative per 1000 catheter uses during the relevant period. Results Among 47 facilities that were registered for participation, there were 34 and 13 facilities with and without additional medical fees for NST activity (NST and non-NST groups, respectively). The CLABSI incidence rate was significantly lower in the NST group 0.96 [0.28–1.73] than in the non-NST group 1.25 [075–6.10] (p < 0.05). Before the pandemic, the NST group had a lower CLABSI rate per 1000 catheter uses than the non-NST group 2019: 0.70 [0.12–1.26] vs 2.10 [0.62–5.97]. During the pandemic, the CLABSI incidence showed no significant between-group difference 2020: 0.99 [0.51–1.61] vs 1.01 [0.80–4.16]; 2021: 1.24 [0.44–2.35] vs 1.96 [1.23–5.31]; however, the CLABSI rates in the NST group remained low. Conclusion During the COVID-19 pandemic, the incidence of CLABSI was lower in the NST group than in the non-NST group, indicating the effectiveness of NST in preventing the occurrence of CLABSI.
In Vivo, 38(6) 3041-3049, Oct 29, 2024
Die Pharmazie, 79(7) 169-172, Aug 1, 2024 Lead authorBackground: Gabapentinoid anticonvulsants are standard treatment for neuropathic pain and are often combined with opioids for treating cancer. It is assumed that this combination may heighten somnolence and respiratory depression due to the inhibitory effects of opioids on the central nervous system. Although pregabalin, a gabapentinoid, is known to increase somnolence frequency during opioid therapy, whether mirogabalin exerts similar effects on somnolence frequency under opioid therapy remains unknown. This study examined the signals of somnolence and respiratory depression in response to pregabalin and mirogabalin use by utilizing data from the Japanese Adverse Drug Event Report database and assessed their interaction with strong opioid analgesics. Methods: Information was obtained from the JADER database from April 2004 to August 2023 via the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency website. The study focused on neuropathic pain medications, specifically "pregabalin" and "mirogabalin besilate." Adverse events were defined using preferred terms (PTs) from the Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities version 26.1. The PTs considered were "Somnolence (10041349)" and "Respiratory depression (10038678)." To investigate the effect of the combination of strong opioid analgesics with pregabalin and mirogabalin on the occurrence of somnolence, a multivariable logistic regression analysis was conducted. Results: Signals for somnolence were detected with the use of both drugs (pregabalin: information component (IC) [95% confidence intervals (CIs)]: 2.89 [2.70 to 3.08]; mirogabalin: IC [95% CIs] 2.50 [1.85 to 3.16]). When evaluating respiratory depression, a typical and serious adverse event of opioid analgesic use, a signal was detected with pregabalin use but not with mirogabalin use (pregabalin: (IC [95% CIs] 1.28 [0.83 to 1.73]; mirogabalin: IC [95% CIs] -0.15 [-2.20 to 1.89]). Multivariable analysis indicated that the use of strong opioid analgesics increased the occurrence of somnolence when combined with pregabalin but not when combined with mirogabalin (p = 0.004). Conclusion: While the safety of concomitant administation of mirogabalin with opioids remains controversial, caution should be exercised when using pregabalin, especially in combination with opioids for neuropathic pain, compared to that for mirogabalin.
精神科治療学, 30(11) 1515-1522, Nov, 2015精神神経疾患領域の医薬品開発は活発であり、国際的にも数多くの臨床試験が実施されている。これまでの統合失調症の治療薬の開発は非定型抗精神病薬が中心であり、本邦においても数多くの非定型抗精神病薬が承認され治療の選択肢は拡大した。しかし、既存治療薬は、治療反応性や回復率(recovery rate)を大きく向上させたとまでは言えず、効果に限界があることが臨床的課題(unmet medical needs)の1つと言える。近年、統合失調症の認知機能障害(cognitive impairment associated with schizophrenia:CIAS)と日常生活機能の関連が注目されており、CIASの治療薬の臨床開発も行われている。本稿では、統合失調症治療薬の臨床開発の動向を概観した上で、CIASの治療薬に関する臨床評価についてその基本的考え方を概説する。(著者抄録)
分子精神医学, 15(4) 259-265, Oct, 2015統合失調症治療薬の臨床開発は新たな作用機序の薬剤開発を中心に活発である。最近、グルタミン酸作動性神経系を標的とした薬剤がいくつか第III相試験に進み、新規作用機序の統合失調症治療薬として期待されたが、第III相試験で有効性が確認できずに開発中止に至っている。また、近年では統合失調症の認知機能障害に対する薬剤開発も盛んであるが、すでにいくつかの候補薬剤は開発中止に至るなどその開発は容易ではない。本稿ではこのような統合失調症治療薬の臨床開発状況を踏まえ、臨床試験計画および開発戦略の課題について概説する。(著者抄録)
Cognition and Dementia, 11(4) 320-325, Oct, 2012豊から環境(EE)とは、大きなサイズのケージにランニングホイール、トンネル、シーソーなどのさまざまなオブジェクトを設置した環境のことを指し、EEで飼育された動物は運動や視覚・感覚機能の刺激により神経機能、認知機能が促進されることが多く報告されている。また、正常動物の認知機能の促進だけでなく、神経・精神疾患モデル動物に認められる認知機能障害も改善するとの報告が多数あることから、EEは認知機能の維持、促進、そして疾患治療および予防のツールとして期待できる。本稿では、EEの正常動物での神経機能および認知機能促進作用と、神経・精神疾患モデル動物に対する行動・神経機能異常改善作用について、行動薬理学的知見を主として概説し、最後にわれわれが最近明らかにした統合失調症モデル動物の認知機能障害に対するEEの作用について紹介したい。(著者抄録)
老年精神医学雑誌, 23(8) 907-913, Aug, 2012ドーパミン、セロトニン、GABA、グルタミン酸、アセチルコリンなどの作動性神経系は相互にネットワークを構築し、神経伝達機能を制御している。高齢者では、加齢に伴う脳の老化によりこれら神経系の機能が変化し、各種神経・精神疾患のリスク因子となるだけでなく、薬物反応性も変化する。したがって、高齢者における神経伝達機能が成人に比べて、どのように変化しているかを知ることは適切な治療を行ううえできわめて重要である。本稿では、神経伝達機能と加齢による変化を理解するため、神経伝達物質の脳内分布やその基本的な役割、神経伝達物質の研究の進歩、また加齢による神経伝達機能と薬物反応性の変化について、GABA作動性神経系を中心に概説する。(著者抄録)
日本アルコール・薬物医学会雑誌, 45(3) 147-56, 2010A major clinical problem in treating drug abusers or addicts is the high rate of relapse to abuse even long after abstinence. In drug dependence research, drug self-administration displays excellent face validity, good construct validity, and appealing predictive validity with respect to drug consumption in humans. Because of the technical feasibility of intravenous drug self-administration, it is limited in mice relative to larger animals. Nevertheless, technical innovations made in the last 10 years have vastly improved the feasibility of long-term studies in mice. In addition, mice with targeted gene mutations, such as transgenic and knockout mice, provide a powerful tool for investigating candidate genes that may be involved in abuse of drugs in humans. Therefore, it is essential for researchers to extend the extinction-reinstatement procedure in mice. However, there are few reports that proven the relationship between genetic factor and relapsing behavior using drug self-administration procedure in mice. Based on recent documented information and our own experiences, in the present review, we described some procedural considerations for the successful establishment of drug self-administration procedure in mice, and then summarized some behavioral characteristics of genetic mouse models under the drug self-administration, and reinstatement procedure.
Professional Memberships
6Research Projects
臨床研究・治験推進研究事業, 日本医療研究開発機構, Apr, 2024 - Mar, 2026
科学研究費助成事業, 日本学術振興会, Apr, 2023 - Mar, 2026
ワクチン開発推進事業, 日本医療研究開発機構, Sep, 2020 - Mar, 2022