- 所属
- 藤田医科大学 保健衛生学部 看護学科 助教
- 202201011670121502
- researchmap会員ID
- R000035908
International wound journal 20(4) 1168-1182 2023年4月 査読有り筆頭著者Persistent and blanchable redness (PBR) is not currently included in category I pressure injury (PI), which is defined as non-blanchable redness (NBR). However, PBR progresses to PI in a clinical setting. Therefore, it should be clinically managed as category I PI, and a method to distinctly identify PBR is needed. This study aimed to examine whether PI-related biomarkers can distinguish PRB from transient redness (TR) and NBR using skin blotting. TR, PBR, and NBR models were established by the different conditions of dorsal skin compression. Redness observation and skin blotting were performed, and the skin tissue samples were subjected to histological and molecular biological analyses. The vascular endothelial growth factor (Vegf) b, heat shock protein (Hsp) 90aa1, tumour necrosis factor, interleukin (Il) 1b, and Il6 messenger ribonucleic acid levels were significantly different between the three models. The VEGF-A, VEGF-B, IL-1β, and IL-6 protein levels were different between the three models. Although the results of skin blot examinations were inconsistent with those of the expression analysis of tissue, HSP90α and IL-1β are suggested to be potential markers to distinguish PBR from TR and NBR.
看護理工学会誌 10 76-87 2023年 査読有り背景:小児湿疹に対し,紫外線光線療法を長期間行うことは有害である.本研究の目的は紫外線を含まない可視光線療法の小児湿疹への効果を検討することである.方法:シングルケース実験デザイン研究.3週間の非照射期間のあと,30分間の光線療法を週3回,5週間行った.評価項目は,Patient-Oriented Eczema Measure(POEM),経表皮水分蒸散量(TEWL),皮膚表面水分量,pH,TSLP,IL-4,IL-13とした.結果:症例は中等度の湿疹を有する3歳男児で,10ヵ月間の治療を経ても悪化していた.照射・非照射期間を比較しPOEMは臨床的に有意に低下していた.炎症部のTEWLも低下傾向を示した.結論:紫外線を含まない可視光線療法により,かゆみが改善したことで,掻き動作やそれに伴う出血が軽減した.このことから,本療法が小児湿疹の改善に一定の効果をもたらす可能性が示唆された.今後は客観的指標による皮膚バリア機能の改善効果を検証する必要がある.(著者抄録)
International Wound Journal 20(1) 191-200 2022年8月2日 査読有り
International wound journal 19(2) 351-361 2022年2月 査読有りPressure injuries (PIs) are localised skin injuries that result from pressure with or without shear force. Shear force is more destructive than pressure in clinical settings. Therefore, determining the critical external forces is important for selecting the appropriate care to prevent PIs. To quantitatively distinguish pressure and shear loading with high specificity, we focused on microRNAs (miRs). This study aimed to identify the miRs that are distinguishable between pressure with and without shear loading in rat skin. Microarray analysis identified six candidate miRs from the comparisons among the pressure, shear, and unloaded groups. We analysed the expression levels of the candidate miRs in the process of PI development using real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction. In the pressure and shear groups, miR-92b expressions at 6 hours after loading were 2.3 ± 1.3 and 2.9 ± 1.0, respectively, which were significantly higher than those in the control group (P = .014 and .004, respectively). miR-877 expression at 6 hours after loading was significantly increased only in the shear group (2.8 ± 0.9) compared with the control group (P = .016). These results indicate that miR-92b and miR-877 are promising biomarkers to determine for which external force healthcare professionals should intervene.
日本創傷・オストミー・失禁管理学会誌 25(2) 254-254 2021年7月
日本創傷・オストミー・失禁管理学会誌 25(2) 430-430 2021年7月
Journal of tissue viability 30(2) 155-160 2021年5月 査読有り[Aim] Because painful skin tears frequently occur in older patients, the prevention of skin tears is fundamental to improve their quality of life. However, a risk assessment tool for skin tears has not been established yet in Japan. Therefore, we aimed to propose a risk scoring tool for skin tears in Japanese older adult. [Methods] We conducted a prospective cohort study with 6-month follow-up in two long-term care hospitals in Japan. A total of 257 inpatients were recruited. Patient and skin characteristics were collected at baseline, and the occurrence of forearm skin tears were examined during follow-up. To develop a risk scoring tool, we identified risk factors, and converted their coefficients estimated in the multiple logistic regression analysis into simplified scores. The predictive accuracy of the total score was evaluated. [Results] Of 244 participants, 29 developed forearm skin tears during the follow-up period, a cumulative incidence of 13.5%. Senile purpura, pseudoscar, contracture, and dry skin were identified as risk factors for skin tears. Their weighted scores were 6, 4, 5, and 6, respectively. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of the total score was 0.806. At a cut-off score of 12, the sensitivity was 0.86, and the specificity was 0.67. [Conclusion] Our forearm skin tear risk scoring tool showed high accuracy, whereas specificity was low. This tool can contribute to prevent forearm skin tears in Japanese older adults.
看護理工学会誌 8 220-229 2021年 査読有り失禁関連皮膚炎(IAD)は,尿・便の繰り返しの曝露によって引き起こされ,生活の質を低下させる.しかしその発生メカニズムに関する知見は乏しい.本研究では,尿路感染症の一般的な病原体の増殖と運動性に及ぼす尿の影響を調査した.さまざまな濃度の人工尿を添加したLuria-Bertani培地で緑膿菌,プロテウス・ミラビリス,大腸菌,肺炎 桿菌を37℃で24 時間培養し,細菌の増殖および運動性を経時的に観察した.その結果,すべての細菌で培養初期に増殖抑制が見られ,その後増殖促進に転じた.プロテウス・ミラビリス,肺炎桿菌における増殖促進効果は濃度依存的であった.運動性についてはプロテウス・ミラビリスにおいてSwimming の抑制効果が認められた.本研究の結果は,新 鮮尿と感染尿の細菌に及ぼす影響の違いを示唆しており,尿によるIAD発生メカニズムの基盤的知見として重要である.
日本創傷・オストミー・失禁管理学会誌 24(4) 379-387 2020年 査読有り目的:スキン- テアの発生は、患者に痛みや不安を生じさせる。スキン- テア予防のためには、日々ケアを行う看護師への教育が重要となる。本研究の目的は、長期療養型病院において看護師を対象にスキン- テア予防教育を実施し、その効果を検討することである。<br> 方法:長期療養型病院1 施設において前後比較研究を実施した。実施期間は2018 年12 月から2019 年8 月であった。看護師はスキン- テア予防教育のセミナーに参加し、スキン- テアの定義、リスク因子、分類システム、治療、予防ケアとケア用品(アームカバー、創傷被覆材、医療用シリコンテープなど)についての教育を受けた。教育効果を評価するため、教育前(1 ヵ月)のスキン- テア発生率と教育後(6 ヵ月間)の発生率を評価した。<br> 結果:42 名の看護師が教育セミナーに参加した。また97 名の高齢患者の前腕皮膚を確認した。調査施設では、教育セミナー後にスキン- テア予防のための保湿剤、医療用シリコンテープ、被覆材、アームカバーが新たに導入された。教育前1 ヵ月のスキン-テア発生率は2.1%であった。教育後6 ヵ月間のスキン-テア発生率の詳細は、教育1 ヵ月後4.2%、4 ヵ月後までは1.1%、6 ヵ月後0.0%であった。<br> 結論:スキン-テア予防教育の実施は、看護師のスキン-テアへの理解を深め、予防に役立つ可能性が示唆された。
WOUND REPAIR AND REGENERATION 27(3) A19-A20 2019年5月 査読有り
Journal of tissue viability 28(2) 87-93 2019年5月 査読有り筆頭著者The prevention of progression of Category I pressure ulcers (PUs) to Category II or higher is important, as Category II or higher PUs are open wounds and have a higher infection risk. Prognosis prediction of Category I PUs is necessary to provide successful intensive care for PUs with impaired healing. We focused on skin blotting using plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI1), interleukin-1α (IL-1α), vascular endothelial growth factor C (VEGF-C), and heat shock protein 90α (HSP90α). This pilot study was conducted at long-term-care and general hospitals to examine the applicability of DESIGN-R and thermography; the feasibility of skin blotting technique; the biomarker candidates, PAI1, IL-1α, VEGF-C, and HSP90α; and sample size for prognosis prediction for Category I PUs. Patients aged >65 years underwent skin blotting, scoring for DESIGN-R, and took thermography images of their Category I PU site. Albumin signals were not detected in one out of three participants. PAI1, IL-1α, VEGF-C, and HSP90α were detected in 19 participants, among whom 11 participants could be followed up after one week. There was no difference in DESIGN-R score and skin surface temperature between normal and impaired healing groups, and the sample size was calculated as 16. In conclusion, the feasibility of skin blotting was confirmed. PAI1, IL-1α, VEGF-C, and HSP90α could be biomarker candidates for prognosis prediction for Category I PU and the combination of VEGF-C and HSP90α could be associated with the prognosis of Category I PU. We need to investigate 842 patients in a future study.
Chronic Wound Care Management and Research Volume 4 129-133 2017年10月 査読有り
日本創傷・オストミー・失禁管理学会誌 21(2) 159-159 2017年5月
The 32th Japanese Society of Wound, Ostomy and Continence Management 2023年7月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2024年4月 - 2029年3月
日本創傷・オストミー・失禁管理学会 アルケア技術・研究助成 2023年5月 - 2024年4月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2022年8月 - 2024年3月
公益信託山路ふみ子専門看護教育研究助成基金 2020年4月 - 2021年3月
日本創傷・オストミー・失禁管理学会 アルケア技術・研究助成 2017年5月 - 2018年4月