
秋山 秀彦

アキヤマ ヒデヒコ  (Hidehiko Akiyama)


藤田医科大学 医療科学部 臨床検査学科 臨床病態解析学 教授





  • 土井 洋輝, 石田 秀和, 永沢 大樹, 坪井 良樹, 菊地 良介, 市野 直浩, 秋山 秀彦, 齋藤 邦明
    医学検査 73(2) 323-331 2024年4月  
    近年,大規模言語モデル(large language models;LLM)が世界的に様々な分野で注目を集めている。LLMとは,非常に巨大なデータセットとディープラーニング技術を用いて構築された言語モデルである。LLMは,人間に近い流暢な会話が可能であら,自然言語を用いたさまざまな処理を高精度で行えることから,世界中で注目を集めている。本研究では,LLMであるOpenAI社が開発したChatGPTの異なる2つのモデル(GPT-3.5,GPT-4)にて,過去3年間の臨床検査技師国家試験におけるChatGPTの正答率について評価を行った。GPT-3.5による正答率の平均は51.4%であった。一方,GPT-4では79.8%の正答率結果が得られた。本結果より,ChatGPTはこの先医療現場における有効なアドバイザーとして進化する可能性をもつことが示唆された。しかし,今回不正解となった20%の中には,患者を診断する際に誤診につながりかねない回答が含まれており,今後のChatGPTの精度向上は必須と考えられる。今回の検証は,LLMにおけるChatGPTの臨床検査領域での多様な応用の進展に寄与すると考えられ,この先の発展に期待したい。(著者抄録)
  • Atsushi Ogasawara, Hiroki Doi, Taei Matsui, Etsuko Tokunaga, Masao Amakawa, Hidehiko Akiyama
    Fujita medical journal 9(2) 147-153 2023年5月  
    OBJECTIVES: Agaritine (AGT) is a hydrazine-containing compound derived from the mushroom Agaricus blazei Murill. We previously reported the antitumor effect of AGT on hematological tumor cell lines and suggested that AGT induces apoptosis in U937 cells via caspase activation. However, the antitumor mechanism of AGT has not been fully understood. METHODS: Four hematological tumor cell lines (K562, HL60, THP-1, H929) were used in this study. The cells were incubated in the presence of 50 μM AGT for 24 h and analyzed for cell viability, annexin V positivity, caspase-3/7 activity, mitochondrial membrane depolarization, cell cycle, DNA fragmentation, and the expression of mitochondrial membrane-associated proteins (Bax and cytochrome c). RESULTS: In HL60, K562, and H929 cells, AGT reduced cell viability and increased annexin V- and dead cell-positive rates; however, it did not affect THP-1 cells. In K562 and HL60 cells, caspase-3/7 activity, mitochondrial membrane depolarization, and expression of mitochondrial membrane proteins, Bax and cytochrome c, were all increased by AGT. Cell cycle analysis showed that only K562 exhibited an increase in the proportion of cells in G2/M phase after the addition of AGT. DNA fragmentation was also observed after the addition of AGT. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that AGT induces apoptosis in K562 and HL60 cells, like U937 reported previously, but showed no effect on THP-1 cells. It was suggested that AGT-induced apoptosis involves the expression of Bax and cytochrome c via mitochondrial membrane depolarization.
  • Hiroki Doi, Taei Matsui, Johannes M Dijkstra, Atsushi Ogasawara, Yuki Higashimoto, Seiji Imamura, Tamae Ohye, Hiromu Takematsu, Itsuro Katsuda, Hidehiko Akiyama
    F1000Research 10 542-542 2021年  
    Background: Andrographolide (Andro) is a diterpenoid component of the plant Andrographis paniculata that is known for its anti-tumor activity against a variety of cancer cells.   Methods: We studied the effects of Andro on the viability of the human leukemia monocytic cell line THP-1 and the human multiple myeloma cell line H929. Andro was compared with cytosine arabinoside (Ara-C) and vincristine (VCR), which are well-established therapeutics against hematopoietic tumors. The importance of reactive oxygen species (ROS) production for the toxicity of each agent was investigated by using an inhibitor of ROS production, N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC).    Results:  Andro reduced the viability of THP-1 and H929 in a dose-dependent manner. H929 viability was highly susceptible to Andro, although only slightly susceptible to Ara-C. The agents Andro, Ara-C, and VCR each induced apoptosis, as shown by cellular shrinkage, DNA fragmentation, and increases in annexin V-binding, caspase-3/7 activity, ROS production, and mitochondrial membrane depolarization. Whereas Ara-C and VCR increased the percentages of cells in the G0/G1 and G2/M phases, respectively, Andro showed little or no detectable effect on cell cycle progression. The apoptotic activities of Andro were largely suppressed by NAC, an inhibitor of ROS production, whereas NAC hardly affected the apoptotic activities of Ara-C and VCR.  Conclusions: Andro induces ROS-dependent apoptosis in monocytic leukemia THP-1 and multiple myeloma H929 cells, underlining its potential as a therapeutic agent for treating hematopoietic tumors. The high toxicity for (thus forming: The high toxicity for H929 cells, by a mechanism that is different from that of Ara-C and VCR, is encouraging for further studies on the use of Andro against multiple myeloma.) H929 cells, by a mechanism that is different from that of Ara-C and VCR, is encouraging for further studies on the use of Andro against multiple myeloma.
  • 藤垣 英嗣, 竹村 正男, 伊藤 亮太, 仲本 賢太郎, 瀬戸 孝一, 藤田 孝, 畑 忠善, 秋山 秀彦, 斉藤 邦明
    臨床病理 68(補冊) 266-266 2020年10月  
  • Hidetsugu Fujigaki, Masao Takemura, Michiko Osawa, Aki Sakurai, Kentaro Nakamoto, Koichi Seto, Takashi Fujita, Tadayoshi Hata, Hidehiko Akiyama, Yohei Doi, Kuniaki Saito
    Heliyon 10(6) 2020年9月  査読有り
  • 土井 洋輝, 高木 利於, 小笠原 篤, 大江 瑞恵, 勝田 逸郎, 秋山 秀彦
    日本検査血液学会雑誌 21(学術集会) S161-S161 2020年6月  
  • 松井 太衛, 中村 優太, 松下 文雄, 浜子 二治, 秋山 秀彦
    日本血栓止血学会誌 31(2) 279-279 2020年5月  
  • Hiroki Doi, Taei Matsui, PhD, Tamae Ohye, PhD, Seiji Imamura, PhD, Yuki Higashimoto, Jun Yukitake, PhD, Kuniaki Saito, PhD, Itsuro Katsuda, PhD, Hidehiko Akiyama, PhD
    Fujita Medical Journal 4(3) 55-60 2018年8月  査読有り
  • 秋山 秀彦, 土井 洋輝, 大江 瑞恵, 勝田 逸郎, 鈴木 一春, 谷口 利幸
    日本検査血液学会雑誌 19(学術集会) S145-S145 2018年6月  
  • 東本 祐紀, 秋山 秀彦, 杉本 恵子, 中根 生弥, 椙山 広美
    日本医学検査学会抄録集 67回 483-483 2018年5月  
  • 秋山 秀彦, 土井 洋輝, 大江 瑞恵, 勝田 逸郎, 鈴木 一春, 谷口 利幸
    生物試料分析 41(1) 40-40 2018年2月  
  • Prajwalita Das‡, Etsuko Tokunaga‡, Hidehiko Akiyama, Hiroki Doi, Norimichi Saito, Norio Shibata
    Beilstein J. Org. Chem 14 364-372 2018年1月  査読有り
  • 土井 洋輝, 大江 瑞恵, 勝田 逸郎, 鈴木 一春, 谷口 利幸, 秋山 秀彦
    臨床病理 65(補冊) 145-145 2017年10月  
  • Etsuko Tokunaga, Hidehiko Akiyama, Vadim A. Soloshonok, Yuki Inoue, Hideaki Hara, Norio Shibata
    PLOS ONE 12(8) 2017年8月  査読有り
    Over the last few years, thalidomide has become one of the most important anti-tumour drugs for the treatment of relapsed-refractory multiple myeloma. However, besides its undesirable teratogenic side effect, its configurational instability critically limits any further therapeutic improvements of this drug. In 1999, we developed fluoro-thalidomide which is a bioisostere of thalidomide, but, in sharp contrast to the latter, it is configurationally stable and readily available in both enantiomeric forms. The biological activity of fluoro-thalidomide however, still remains virtually unstudied, with the exception that fluoro-thalidomide is not teratogenic. Herein, we report the first biological evaluation of fluoro-thalidomide in racemic and in both (R)- and (S)-enantiomerically pure forms against (in vitro) H929 cells of multiple myeloma (MM) using an annexin V assay. We demonstrate that all fluoro-thalidomides inhibited the growth of H929 MM cells without any in-vivo activation. Furthermore, we report that the enantiomeric forms of fluoro-thalidomide display different anti-tumour activities, with the (S)-enantiomer being noticeably more potent. The angiogenesis of fluoro-thalidomides is also investigated and compared to thalidomide. The data obtained in this study paves the way towards novel pharmaceutical research on fluoro-thalidomides.
  • Hiroki Doi, Taei Matsui, PhD, Tamae Ohye, PhD, Kuniaki Saito, PhD, Itsuro Katsuda, PhD, Hidehiko Akiyama, Ph
    Fujita Medical Journal 3(3) 48-54 2017年6月  査読有り
    <p>Objectives: Andrographis paniculata (A. paniculata) is a widely used herb that has potential medical properties. Andrographolide (Andro) is the major component of A. paniculata. We evaluated the anti-tumor activity of Andro using leukemic cell line cells.</p><p>Methods: Leukemic cell lines U937, HL60 or H929 cells were cultured in the presence or absence of Andro and compared with the effects of Ara-C or vincristine. The anti-tumor activity was assessed by morphological observations of the cells, DNA fragmentation, MTT assay, Annexin V positive rate, caspase-3/7 activity, and cell cycle analysis.</p><p>Results: After addition of Andro, the morphology of cells changed to characteristic shapes with apoptotic bodies. Furthermore, the Annexin V positive rate and caspase-3/7 activities were increased compared with untreated cells. The G1 phase of cell cycle was also similarly increased compared with cells treated with Ara-C.</p><p>Conclusions: Our results show that Andro has an anti-tumor activity against leukemic cell lines, very possibly by inducing apoptosis.</p>
  • Takayuki Nishimine, a, Hiromi Taira, Satoru Mori, Okiya Matsubara, Etsuko Tokunaga, Hidehiko Akiyama, Vadim A. Soloshonok,c, Norio Shibata*a
    ChemCommun 53(6) 1128-1131 2017年1月  査読有り
  • Yu-Dong Yang, Etsuko Tokunaga, Hidehiko Akiyama, Norimichi Saito, Norio Shibata
    CHEMMEDCHEM 9(5) 913-917 2014年5月  査読有り
    The inclusion of fluorine in pharmaceutical agents is a well- established means of improving their druglike properties. Different substituents have been used to introduce fluorine, including trifluoromethyl and trifluoromethylthio groups; however, the pentafluorosulfanyl remains relatively underutilized although it is considered to be a super trifluoromethyl group. Here, a series of pentafluorosulfanyl-containing 1,4-disubstituted-1,2,3-triazoles were synthesized by click reaction from alkynes and 3,5-bis(pentafluorosulfanyl)phenyl azide in excellent yields. Their biological activities were evaluated against human leukemic monocyte lymphoma U937 cells. In particular, 1-(3,5-bis(pentafluorosulfanyl)phenyl)-4-(4-fluorophenyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazole exhibited potent efficacy in cell viability assays at a concentration of 60M and was shown to activate caspase-3 activity, indicating induction of apoptosis. An analogous fluorenol-substituted triazole also exhibited promising cytotoxic effects against U937 cells, with an IC50 value of 6.29M. Given these preliminary results, these pentafluorosulfanyl-containing triazoles represent useful building blocks for the further development of novel antitumor agents.
  • S. Mizuta, K. Matsuo, T. Maeda, T. Yujiri, Y. Hatta, Y. Kimura, Y. Ueda, H. Kanamori, N. Usui, H. Akiyama, S. Takada, A. Yokota, Y. Takatsuka, S. Tamaki, K. Imai, Y. Moriuchi, Y. Miyazaki, S. Ohtake, K. Ohnishi, T. Naoe
    BLOOD CANCER JOURNAL 2(5) e72 2012年5月  査読有り
    We investigated prognostic factors for the clinical outcome of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-HSCT) in patients with Philadelphia chromosome-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia (Ph+ALL) following imatinib-based therapy. Among 100 adult patients who were prospectively enrolled in the JALSG Ph + ALL202 study, 97 patients obtained complete remission (CR) by imatinib-combined chemotherapy, among whom 60 underwent allo-HSCT in their first CR. The probabilities of overall survival (OS) and disease-free survival (DFS) at 3 years after HSCT were 64% (95% CI, 49-76) and 58% (95% CI, 43-70), respectively. Prognostic factor analysis revealed that the major BCR-ABL transcript was the only unfavorable predictor for OS and DFS after HSCT by both univariate (HR, 3.67 (95% CI 1.49-9.08); P=0.005 and HR, 6.25 (95% CI, 1.88-20.8); P=0.003, respectively) and multivariate analyses (HR, 3.20 (95% CI, 1.21-8.50); P=0.019 and HR, 6.92 (95% CI, 2.09-22.9); P=0.002, respectively). Minimal residual disease status at the time of HSCT had a significant influence on relapse rate (P=0.015). Further study of the BCR-ABL subtype for the clinical impact on outcome of allo-HSCT in Ph+ALL is warranted.
  • Hidehiko Akiyama, Masahiro Endo, Taei Matsui, Itsurou Katsuda, Nobuhiko Emi, Yasuko Kawamoto, Takaaki Koike, Hidehiko Beppu
    Background: Agaricus blazei Murrill (ABM) has been shown to exhibit immunostimulatory and anti-cancer activities; however, its mechanism of action is poorly understood. We recently found that the diffusible fraction of hot-water extract of ABM exhibits anti-tumor activity toward leukemic cells, and identified it as agaritine, a hydrazine-containing compound. In the present study, we examined the morphological and cytochemical effects of agaritine on U937 cells to elucidate the tumoricidal mechanism of agaritine. Methods: Surface expression of phosphatidylserine (evaluated by annexin V binding), Fas antigen, DNA cleavage using TUNEL staining, changes in caspase activities and cytochrome c release, before and after treatment with agaritine, were examined using U937 cells. Results: Nuclear damage, DNA fragmentation, was observed by Wright-Giemsa. TUNEL staining and agarose gel electrophoresis when U937 cells were incubated with 10 mu g/mL of agaritine for 48 h. Flow cytometric analysis indicated that agaritine augments the proportion of annexin V-positive U937 cells without significant change in Fas antigen expression. Activities of caspase-3, -8 and -9 were gradually increased after the addition of agaritine. In the presence of caspase-3 or granzyme B inhibitor, except for the caspase-8 inhibitor, annexin V expression was significantly decreased, suggesting that mainly caspase-3 and -9 participate in the apoptotic pathway. Furthermore, cytochrome c release was detected by western blotting analysis after agaritine treatment. Conclusions: These results strongly suggest that the ABM constituent agaritine moderately induces apoptosis in U937 leukemic cells via caspase activation through cytochrome c release from mitochondria. General significance: This is the first report suggesting that the anti-tumor effect of agaritine is mediated through apoptosis. The present results might provide helpful suggestions for the design of anti-tumor drugs toward leukemia patients. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Akiyama H, Endo M, Matsui T, Katsuda I, Emi N, Kawamoto Y, Koike T, Beppu H
    Biochimica et biophysica acta 1810(5) 519-525 2011年5月  査読有り
  • S. Mizuta, K. Matsuo, F. Yagasaki, T. Yujiri, Y. Hatta, Y. Kimura, Y. Ueda, H. Kanamori, N. Usui, H. Akiyama, Y. Miyazaki, S. Ohtake, Y. Atsuta, H. Sakamaki, K. Kawa, Y. Morishima, K. Ohnishi, T. Naoe, R. Ohno
    LEUKEMIA 25(1) 41-47 2011年1月  査読有り
    A high complete remission (CR) rate has been reported in newly diagnosed Philadelphia chromosome-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia (Ph+ALL) following imatinib-based therapy. However, the overall effect of imatinib on the outcomes of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-HSCT) is undetermined. Between 2002 and 2005, 100 newly diagnosed adult patients with Ph+ALL were registered to a phase II study of imatinib-combined chemotherapy (Japan Adult Leukemia Study Group Ph+ALL202 study) and 97 patients achieved CR. We compared clinical outcomes of 51 patients who received allo-HSCT in their first CR (imatinib cohort) with those of 122 historical control patients in the pre-imatinib era (pre-imatinib cohort). The probability of overall survival at 3 years after allo-HSCT was 65% (95% confidence interval (CI), 49-78%) for the imatinib cohort and 44% (95% CI, 35-52%) for the pre-imatinib cohort. Multivariate analysis confirmed that this difference was statistically significant (adjusted hazard ratio, 0.44, P = 0.005). Favorable outcomes of the imatinib cohort were also observed for disease-free survival (P = 0.007) and relapse (P = 0.002), but not for non-relapse mortality (P = 0.265). Imatinib-based therapy is a potentially useful strategy for newly diagnosed patients with Ph+ALL, not only providing them more chance to receive allo-HSCT, but also improving the outcome of allo-HSCT. Leukemia (2011) 25, 41-47; doi: 10.1038/leu.2010.228; published online 14 October 2010
  • Masahiro Endo, Hidehiko Beppu, Hidehiko Akiyama, Kazumasa Wakamatsu, Shosuke Ito, Yasuko Kawamoto, Kan Shimpo, Toshimitu Sumiya, Takaaki Koike, Taei Matsui
    Background: Mushrooms of the genus Agaricus are a common folk remedy against carcinoma. The active ingredients, polysaccharides and protein-polysaccharide complexes containing beta-glucan, have been isolated and shown to have indirect tumor-suppressing activity via an immunological activation. Methods: The diffusible fraction of a hot-water extract of Agaricus blazei Murrill (ABM) powder was fractionated by HPLC based on the anti-tumor activity against leukemic cells in vitro. The structure of the anti-tumor substance was determined by NMR and MS analyses. Results: We purified a tumorcidal substance from the diffusible fraction of ABM and identified it as agaritine, beta-N-(gamma-L(+)-glutamyl)-4-(hydroxymethyl) phenylhydrazine, having a molecular mass of 267 Da. This compound inhibited the proliferation of leukemic cell lines such as U937, MOLT4, HL60 and K562 with IC(50) values of 2.7, 9.4, 13.0, and 16.0 mu g/mL, respectively, but showed no significant effect on normal lymphatic cells at concentrations up to 40 mu g/mL. Although agaritine has been suspected of having genotoxic or carcinogenic properties, agaritine did not activate the umu gene of Salmonella, which reacts to carcinogens. General significance: The results indicate that agaritine from ABM has direct anti-tumor activity against leukemic tumor cells in vitro. This is in contrast to the carcinogenic activity previously ascribed to this compound. Our results also show that this activity is distinct from that of beta-glucan, which indirectly suppresses proliferation of tumor cells. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Marunouchi N, Sakakibara T, Ohkuma M, Miyachi E, Toba S, Akiyama H, Yamamoto H, Marunouchi T
    Tiss. Cult. Res. Commun 26(4) 171-183 2007年11月  査読有り
    Bone marrow stroma cells (MSCs) have been shown to differentiate into multiple lineages and have great potential for regenerative therapy. We have obtained hMSCs from 6 human adults. They were all positive for CD13, CD44, and CD90 and weakly positive for CD49, while negative for CD45, suggesting that they were different from hematopoetic stem cells. hMSCs were induced to become neuronal cells and maintained as long as three weeks in the serum free medium supplemented with N2. An increase in the amount of mRNA was observed for the NeuroD1, neurofilament M and H, MAP2, neuron-specific enolase, tryptophan hydroxylase, Nurr1, and neuron specific Na+ channel genes, and the existence of voltage-gated Na+ channels that were sensitive to tetrodotoxin was confirmed electro physiologically. These results suggested that hMSCs differentiated into serotonergic neural cells. However, the expression of genes specific for stroma cells, the Big-h3 and vimentin-genes, was observed equally during the induction process, indicating that the expression pattern was not the completely same as in genuine neural cells. hMSCs cultured with serial passages showed aging phenomena at the cellular level under the various conditions examined in this study. Trials to isolate cellular clones proliferating indefinitely have not succeeded.
  • Akiyama H, Marunouchi T, Watanabe M, Emi N, Katsuda I, Esaki K
    Rinsho Byori 55(9) 805-811 2007年7月  査読有り
  • Akiyama H, Ogiso M, Matsuura H, Shiino Y, Katsuda I, Oshima H
    Journal of Analytical Bio-Science 30(4) 340-343 2007年4月  査読有り
  • M Yanada, J Takeuchi, Sugiura, I, H Akiyama, N Usui, F Yagasaki, T Kobayashi, Y Ueda, M Takeuchi, S Miyawaki, A Maruta, N Emi, Y Miyazaki, S Ohtake, Jinnai, I, K Matsuo, T Naoe, R Ohno
    JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY 24(3) 460-466 2006年1月  査読有り
  • C Habich, K Kempe, R van der Zee, R Rumenapf, H Akiyama, H Kolb, Burkart, V
    JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY 174(3) 1298-1305 2005年2月  査読有り
    Human heat shock protein 60 (HSP60) has been shown to bind to the surface of innate immune cells and to elicit a proinflammatory response. In this study we demonstrate that the macrophage stimulatory property of recombinant human HSP60 is tightly linked to the HSP60 molecule and is lost after protease treatment. However, inhibition of macrophage stimulation was reached by the LPS-binding peptide magainin II amide. Indeed, HSP60 specifically bound [H-3]LPS. [H-3]LPS binding to HSP60 was saturable and competable by the unlabeled ligand. To identify the epitope region of the HSP60 molecule responsible for specific LPS binding, we analyzed the effect of several anti-HSP60 mAbs on HSP60-induced production of inflammatory mediators from macrophages. We identified only one mAb, clone 4B9/89, which blocked the macrophage stimulatory activity of the chaperone. The epitope specificity of this mAb points to the region aa 335-366 of HSP60. Clone 4B9/89 also strongly inhibited [H-3]LPS binding to HSP60. A more detailed analysis was performed by screening with selected overlapping 20-mer peptides of the HSP60 sequence, covering the region aa 331-380. Only one peptide blocked LPS binding to HSP60, thereby restricting the potential LPS-binding region to aa 351-370 of HSP60. Finally, analysis of selected 15-mer peptides and a 13-mer peptide of the HSP60 sequence revealed that most of the LPS-binding region was accounted for by aa 354-365 of HSP60, with the motif LKGK being critical for binding. Our studies identified a defined region of HSP60 involved in LPS binding, thereby implicating a physiological role of human HSP60 as LPS-binding protein.
  • K Ozeki, H Kiyoi, Y Hirose, M Iwai, M Ninomiya, Y Kodera, S Miyawaki, K Kuriyama, C Shimazaki, H Akiyama, M Nishimura, T Motoji, K Shinagawa, A Takeshita, R Ueda, R Ohno, N Emi, T Naoe
    BLOOD 103(5) 1901-1908 2004年3月  査読有り
    Although FLT3 mutations are essentially found in myeloid-lineage leukemia cells, a high level of FLT3 expression was recently observed in MLL gene-rearranged acute lymphoblastic leukemia without FLT3 mutations. Here, we analyzed the biologic and clinical significance of the FLT3 transcript level in comparison with several gene alterations in 181 de novo acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cases. The mean expression level in AML was higher than that in normal mononuclear cells, whereas the range varied widely. A high level of FLT3 is related to internal tandem duplication of the FLT3 gene (FLT3/ITD), the mutations within the activation loop of FLT3 (FLT3/D835Mt), and tandem duplication of the MLL gene (MLL-TD) but not to p53 or N-RAS gene mutations. Furthermore, a high expression level in AML cases with FLT3 mutations was not related to MLL-TD. Overexpressed FLT3 revealed autophosphorylation and had the same sensitivity to the FLT3 inhibitor as FLT3/ITD. Overexpression of FLT3 (more than 200 000 copies/mugRNA) was an unfavorable prognostic factor for overall survival in 91 AML cases without FLT3/ITD. These results indicated that FLT3 overexpression may distinguish a novel disease entity in AML without FLT3 mutations and serve as a therapeutic target for FLT3 inhibitors. (C) 2004 by The American Society of Hematology.
  • Akiyama H, Ino T, Tokunaga E, Takasaki A, Katsuda I, Nagamura Y, Ezaki K
    Journal of Analytical Bio-Science 26(4) 343-348 2003年9月  査読有り
  • Akiyama H, Ino T, Tokunaga E, Katsuda I, Ezaki K
    Rinsho byori. The Japanese journal of clinical pathology 51(8) 733-739 2003年8月  査読有り
  • Adler T, Akiyama H, Herder C, Kolb H, Burkart V
    Biochemial and Biophysical Research Communications 294 592-596 2002年3月  査読有り
  • Hiromoto Aoki, Hidehiko Akiyama, Hiromi Hosoya, Masahiko Souda, Toshie Morioku, Tohru Marunouchi
    Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 64(1) 67-76 1997年1月  査読有り
    Cells of U937, a human monocytic leukemia cell line, differentiate into macrophages by treatment with 12-o-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA), whereas cells treated with 1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 [1,25-(OH)2D3] continue to grow without undergoing differentiation. When U937 cells were successively treated with TPA and 1,25-(OH)2D3, tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase-positive multinucleated cells appeared at 5 days after the treatment. These osteoclast-like cells released a soluble form of 45Ca from 45Ca-labeled bone particles. These cells were not formed when the order of treatment with TPA and 1,25-(OH)2D3 was reversed. Use of either dexamethasone or interferon-γ (IFN-γ) was effective in inhibiting the formation of these osteoclast-like cells. The expression of c-src, c-fms, and macrophage colony stimulating factor (M-CSF) was induced by TPA treatment however, TPA induced M-CSF gene transcription was attenuated by the subsequent addition of 1,25-(OH)2D3. Furthermore, both dexamethasone and IFN-γ impaired the attenuation of M-CSF expression, suggesting that the transient expression of M-CSF may be important for the formation of osteoclast-like cells.
    EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CELL BIOLOGY 68(1) 55-61 1995年9月  査読有り
    The v-mos oncogene product has the ability to induce differentiation in human monocytic leukemia U937 cells, thereby arresting cell proliferation, and also exhibits transforming activity in mouse NIH3T3 cells. Mutation in the v-mos gene consisting of one or two amino acid substitutions in the putative ATP-binding domain impaired its differentiation-inducing activity although mutant proteins showed rather higher levels of autophosphorylation in vitro. Macrophage-specific characteristics such as their morphology, expression of C3b receptor and Fc receptor, and production of interleukin-1 beta and tumor necrosis factor alpha, were equally diminished in cells transfected with mutant mos genes when compared to those with intact v-mos. The ability of the gene to arrest the proliferation of U937 cells was likewise diminished, while the transforming efficiency of the intact and mutant mos genes mere essentially the same. These results suggest that the mos product functions differently in cell differentiation and transformation.
    EMBO JOURNAL 8(2) 457-463 1989年2月  査読有り


  • 酒井一由, 西井一宏, 秋山秀彦ほか
    臨床検査学教育 12(2) 151-157 2020年9月  査読有り責任著者
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    臨床検査学教育 9(2) 156-162 2017年9月  
  • 大江 瑞恵, 村松 友佳子, 水野 誠司, 秋山 秀彦, 倉橋 浩樹
    日本検査血液学会雑誌 18(学術集会) S202-S202 2017年6月  
  • 土井洋輝, 秋山秀彦, 勝田逸郎, 鈴木一春, 谷口利幸
    生物試料分析 40(1) 2017年  
  • 日下雅友, 一原直人, 秋山秀彦, 天川雅夫, Try Pros, 加藤亮二
    純真学園大学雑誌 (5) 89-95 2015年12月  





