
松浦 秀哲

Hideaki Matsuura


藤田医科大学 医療科学部 臨床教育連携ユニット 細胞機能解析学分野 准教授
(兼任)藤田医科大学病院 輸血部 副部長



  • Rie Nakagawa, Hideaki Matsuura, Hayato Kojima, Yuko Abe, Ayuna Yamada, Hiroki Doi, Yasuo Miura
    Laboratory medicine 2024年9月22日  査読有り責任著者
    BACKGROUND: Donor-specific antibodies (DSAs) targeting human leukocyte antigens (HLAs) substantially reduce the longevity of transplanted organs. Desensitization of DSA-positive renal transplant recipients is achieved through intravenous administration of immunoglobulin (IVIg). However, the presence and detectability of anti-HLA antibodies in IVIg preparations following administration are not fully understood. We aimed to assess whether immunoglobulin preparations contain anti-HLA antibodies that can be detected as passive antibodies when administered into the body. METHODS: We evaluated 3 immunoglobulin preparations from different pharmaceutical companies, using anti-HLA class I and II antibody specificity tests and immunocomplex capture fluorescence analysis (ICFA). RESULTS: Direct testing for anti-HLA antibodies resulted in high background errors, particularly for Venoglobulin. Diluting Venoglobulin to physiological concentrations revealed the presence of anti-HLA class I antibodies; however, no common alleles were found between the specificity identification test and ICFA.For Glovenin and Venilon, anti-HLA class I and II antibodies were detected; however, variability was observed across different test reagent lots. Moreover, dilution of the globulin formulation revealed a prozone phenomenon. CONCLUSION: The administration of IVIg complicates the accurate detection of anti-HLA antibodies, underscoring the need for careful interpretation of test results post-IVIg administration.
  • Chiaki Yamada, Takaaki Ono, Kaede Ino, Naoki Nemoto, Takahito Shinba, Hiroaki Furumaki, Hiroki Shibata, Keiko Ishizuka, Naotomo Yamada, Hideaki Matsuura, Yumiko Izuhara, Harumi Fujihara, Hitoshi Minamiguchi
    Transfusion 2024年9月17日  査読有り
    BACKGROUND: Despite several reports on red blood cell (RBC) alloimmunization, the actual prevalence and factors contributing to RBC alloimmunization in transfused patients remain poorly investigated. We examined the association between clinical factors and the development and evanescence of RBC antibodies after transfusion. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: Each participating institution performed antibody screens before and after RBC transfusion. A survey including patient characteristics, results of antibody screen and identification, antibody screen methods, total amount of RBC transfused, and adverse reactions, was conducted. RESULTS: Between October 2018 and March 2023, 1194 patients were registered at five institutions. Overall, 958 patients underwent at least one follow-up RBC antibody screen after transfusion, revealing new antibody development in 44 (4.6%). Anti-E was identified in 25 patients, anti-Jka in 5, and anti-c in 4. The number of RBC units transfused was significantly associated with antibody development after transfusion (p < .001). Among 55 patients in whom antibodies were identified after transfusion, including historical antibodies, antibodies evanesced in 18 (33%); anti-E in 7, anti-Jka in 4, and anti-Lea in 2. Evanescent antibodies were identified more frequently by saline and/or enzyme methods than persistent antibodies (p = .012). DISCUSSION: The number of RBC units transfused can impact antibody development, and antibodies identified only by saline and/or enzyme methods, deemed clinically insignificant, are likely to have a high evanescence rate. Antibody screen should be carefully performed, especially in those receiving a large number of RBC units. Confirming previous antibody screen results should be performed to prevent omitting evanesced antibodies regardless of clinical relevance.
  • 山田 歩奈, 松浦 秀哲, 阿部 祐子, 中川 理恵, 三浦 康生
    医学検査 73(1) 25-30 2024年1月25日  査読有り責任著者
    体外式膜型人工肺(extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; ECMO)を使用する重症新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)症例は血液製剤を要するが,その使用状況についての報告は少ない。2019年11月から2021年8月までに当施設でECMO治療を受けた重症COVID-19患者19名の患者背景,血液製剤の使用量,ECMO稼働時間,臨床検査値,転帰を調査し,解析を行った。同時期にECMOを稼働した虚血性心疾患(IHD)患者18名を対照とした。ECMO稼働中,両群ともに臨床検査値の低下時とECMO離脱に際して輸血が行われていた。IHD症例ではECMO導入早期に各血液製剤が使用されていた。一方で,COVID-19症例では血液製剤が連日使用されており,特に新鮮凍結血漿(fresh frozen plasma; FFP)使用量がIHD症例と比較して有意に多かった。輸血療法の目安として臨床検査値が一般的であるが,ECMO稼働症例では両群ともにECMO離脱時にも輸血が実施されており,治療の進捗状況に留意する必要がある。輸血管理部門としては臨床検査値,治療状況を把握し輸血要請に迅速に対応できる製剤管理を行う必要がある。
  • 加藤 静帆, 林 恵美, 市川 潤, 二村 亜子, 片井 明子, 松浦 秀哲
    日本輸血細胞治療学会誌 69(6) 667-673 2023年12月20日  査読有り最終著者責任著者
    【はじめに】公益社団法人愛知県臨床検査技師会輸血検査研究班では愛知県内の輸血検査技術向上および標準化を図るため,毎年実技研修会を開催してきた.今回,コロナ禍で実施した新しい実技研修会の内容およびその効果について報告する. 【方法】2021年度は開催形式をWebに変更した.2022年度は事前に検体を送付し検査を実施してもらうことにした.いずれの研修会でもグループワークの時間を設け,受講生全員が発言できるように工夫した. 【結果】アンケートの結果,2021年度と2022年度はそれぞれ「満足」が81%,85%であった.また実技研修会に対しては好意的な意見が多数寄せられた. 【考察】コロナ禍において感染拡大を防ぐ社会の要請と輸血検査技術の維持,向上への貢献という狭間で新様式での研修会を開催した.既存の形にとらわれない柔軟な発想をもって受講生に有益な実技研修会のあり方を継続して検討していきたい.
  • Hideaki Matsuura, Sumie Fujii, Yasunori Ueda, Yasuo Miura
    Transfusion 63(8) 1420-1422 2023年6月8日  査読有り筆頭著者
  • 奥田 誠, 舘野 友紀, 田中 朝志, 紀野 修一, 岡崎 仁, 松下 正, 遠藤 輝夫, 松浦 秀哲, 松本 雅則
    日本輸血細胞治療学会誌 69(3) 448-456 2023年6月  査読有り
  • 坂本 悠斗, 松浦 秀哲, 矢田 智規, 根岸 巧, 鈴木 良佳, 松野 貴洋, 杉浦 縁, 三浦 康生
    医学検査 71(4) 698-703 2022年10月25日  査読有り責任著者
  • Hideaki Matsuura, Sumie Fujii, Yusuke Matsui, Yukari Sugiura, Hidehiko Akiyama, Yasuo Miura
    Annals of hematology 101(9) 1959-1969 2022年7月14日  査読有り筆頭著者
    SARS-CoV-2 infection has been reported to be associated with a positive direct antiglobulin test (DAT). In this study, an analysis of 40 consecutive coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases from December 2020 to September 2021 in Japan revealed that patients of 70 years and over were predisposed to a positive DAT. DAT positivity was related to a decrease in the hemoglobin level. Anemia in DAT-positive COVID-19 patients was attributed to hemolysis, which was corroborated by high reticulocyte counts and an increase in the red blood cell distribution width. Human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-DRB1*12:01 and DRB1*12:02 were exclusively found in DAT-positive COVID-19 patients. In silico assays for the Spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 predicted several common core peptides that met the criteria for a B cell epitope and strong binding to both HLA-DRB1*12:01 and DRB1*12:02. Among these peptides, the amino acids sequence TSNFR, which is found within the S1 subunit of SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein, is shared by human blood group antigen Rhesus (Rh) CE polypeptides. In vitro analysis showed that the expression of HLA-DR in CD4+ T cells and CD8+ T cells from a DAT-positive patient was increased after pulsation with TSNFR-sequence-containing peptides. In summary, positive DAT is related to enhanced anemia and to HLA-DR12 in the Japanese population. A peptide sequence within SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein may act as an epitope for IgG binding to RBCs in DAT-positive COVID-19 patients.
  • 松浦 秀哲, 杉浦 縁, 松野 貴洋, 頓宮 由芽, 白木 真理, 加藤 千秋, 石原 慶子, 深見 晴恵, 丹羽 玲子, 林 恵美, 松下 正, 加藤 栄史, 渡井 至彦, 伊藤 泰平, 剣持 敬, 藤井 紀恵, 三浦 康生
    日本輸血細胞治療学会誌 68(3) 449-456 2022年6月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    ABO不適合生体腎移植(ABOi-LKT)において抗A/B抗体価を測定することは治療選択および予後評価に有用である.抗A/B抗体価の測定は試験管法(TT)で行われるが,測定者間差や施設間差が問題とされている.カラム遠心凝集法による抗体価自動分析法(auto-CAT)は試験管法の欠点を補う方法として期待されている.我々は,ABOiLKT症例を対象に,auto-CATとTTを用いて抗A/B抗体価を測定し,auto-CATの有用性を多施設共同研究で検討した.共同研究4施設でABOi-LKT 35症例,合計111サンプルの測定を行った.2法の相関係数は0.9以上であり,一致率および臨床的許容一致率は60.4%,88.3%であった.Auto-CATは,周術期の治療などの影響を受けず,IgG抗体価は時系列変化でみるとTTとauto-CATで平行して変化していた.Auto-CATはIgG抗A/B抗体価測定においてTTと同等であり,ABOi-LKT症例の抗A/B抗体価測定に適している.(著者抄録)
  • Hideaki Matsuura, Yukari Sugiura, Takahiro Matsuno, Yume Tomiya, Mari Shiraki, Chiaki Kato, Keiko Ishihara, Harue Fukami, Reiko Niwa, Megumi Hayashi, Tadashi Matsushita, Hidefumi Kato, Yoshihiko Watarai, Taihei Ito, Takashi Kenmochi, Sumie Fujii, Yasuo Miura
    Therapeutic apheresis and dialysis : official peer-reviewed journal of the International Society for Apheresis, the Japanese Society for Apheresis, the Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy 26(4) 827-835 2021年11月23日  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    INTRODUCTION: Quantitative measurement of anti-A/-B antibody titers is important during ABO-incompatible living kidney transplantation (ABOi-LKT). METHODS: We conducted a multi-institutional study to measure the antibody titers using the automated column agglutination technique (auto-CAT) and tube test (TT) method in ABOi-LKT recipients. Statistical analysis was performed to evaluate the two methods. RESULTS: We examined 111 samples from 35 ABOi-LKT recipients at four institutions. The correlation coefficient of the two methods was >0.9; the concordance rate and clinically acceptable concordance rate for the IgG titers were 60.4% and 88.3%, respectively. Perioperative status did not influence the statistical significance. Parallel changes were observed in the IgG antibody titers measured using the auto-CAT or TT technique by desensitizing therapy in time-course monitoring. CONCLUSION: Auto-CAT is comparable with the TT technique and is feasible for IgG anti-A/B antibody titration in ABOi-LKT recipients.
  • Takahiro Matsuno, Hideaki Matsuura, Sumie Fujii, Ryoka Suzuki, Yukari Sugiura, Yasuo Miura
    International journal of hematology 115(3) 440-445 2021年10月29日  査読有り筆頭著者
    A 43-year-old Japanese male, who had undergone open liver surgery for tumor resection, presented with decreased hemoglobin levels on Day 13 post-emergency-release transfusion of 16 units of Fy(a +) red blood cells. As the anemia was accompanied by increased lactate dehydrogenase, indirect bilirubin, and reticulocytes, as well as decreased haptoglobin, it was attributed to hemolysis. In the diagnostic workup for hemolytic reaction, the direct antiglobulin test result for IgG was positive and the antibody dissociated from the patient's peripheral red blood cells was identified as anti-Fya (titer, 4). The hemolytic reaction was transient (approximately 10 days), of moderate severity, and did not result in any obvious organ damage. However, a single compatible red blood cell transfusion of 2 units was required on Day 17 after the causative transfusion. Notably, HLA typing revealed that the patient carried the HLA-DRB1*04:03 allele, which has been implicated in immunogenicity and induction of anti-Fya response in Caucasian populations. In summary, this is the first documented case of definitive anti-Fya-mediated delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction associated with HLA-DRB1*04:03 in the Japanese population.
  • Yume Tomiya, Hideaki Matsuura, Yukari Sugiura, Ryoka Suzuki, Yuto Sakamoto, Mari Shiraki, Shota Oikawa, Takahiro Matsuno, Shota Fujiki, Yuri Kato, Shoko Arakawa, Sumie Fujii, Yasuo Miura
    Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 67(5) 531-537 2021年9月25日  査読有り責任著者
  • Takahiro Matsuno, Hideaki Matsuura, Sumie Fujii, Ami Tanaka, Masahiro Satake, Tomohiro Kinoshita, Akihiro Tomita, Yusuke Matsui, Yukari Sugiura, Yasuo Miura
    Transfusion 61(9) 2782-2787 2021年7月14日  査読有り
    BACKGROUND: The occurrence of transfusion-transmitted hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection has fallen dramatically due to continuous improvements in pre-transfusion laboratory testing. However, the characteristics of transfusion-transmitted HBV infection caused by individual donor nucleic acid amplification test (ID-NAT)-negative blood products are unclear. CASE PRESENTATION: A 76-year-old woman with acute myeloid leukemia was diagnosed with transfusion-transmitted HBV infection after receiving apheresis platelets derived from an ID-NAT-negative blood donation. This case was diagnosed definitively as transfusion-mediated because complete nucleotide homology of a 1556 bp region of the HBV Pol/preS1-preS2-S genes and a 23 bp region of the HBV core promoter/precore between the donor and recipient strains was confirmed by PCR-directed sequencing. The case is uncommon with respect to the unexpectedly prolonged HBV-DNA incubation period of nearly 5 months after transfusion (previously, the longest period observed since the recent implementation of ID-NAT pre-transfusion laboratory testing in Japan was 84 days). Slow-replicating HBV genotype A2 may contribute to the prolonged incubation period; also, the quantity of apheresis platelets delivered in a large volume of plasma, and/or the immune response of the recipient suffering from a hematological neoplasm, may have contributed to establishment of HBV infection in the recipient. This was supported by analysis of three previously documented cases of transfusion-transmitted HBV infection by blood products derived from ID-NAT-negative donations in Japan. CONCLUSION: Continuous monitoring of HBV infection for longer periods (>3 months) may be required after transfusion of blood components from an ID-NAT-negative HBV window donation.
  • Hirofumi Kusuki, Yuri Mizutani, Yuka Tsuchiya, Miki Nishio, Shota Oikawa, Rina Nagata, Yumi Kiriyanagi, Kayo Horio, Misa Hosoi, Hideaki Matsuura, Tsuneaki Sadanaga, Tadayoshi Hata
    Journal of electrocardiology 67 119-123 2021年6月8日  査読有り
    OBJECTIVE: The JT interval of the myocardial repolarization time can be divided into Jpoint to T-peak interval (JTp) and T-peak to T-end interval (Tpe). It is well known that the JT interval is dependent on the heart rate, but little is known regarding heart rate dependence for JTp and Tpe. The aim of the present study was to clarify the heart rate dependence of JTp and Tpe and to elucidate the interference of autonomic nervous activity with these parameters. METHODS: We evaluated 50 prepubertal children (mean age: 6.4 ± 0.5 years; male:female, 22:28) without heart disease. JTp, Tpe, and the preceding RR intervals were measured using 120 consecutive beats (lead CM5). First, the relationships between the RR interval and JTp and Tpe were evaluated by Pearson's correlation coefficient. Second, to evaluate autonomic interference with JTp and Tpe, the degree of coherence between RR interval variability and JTp or Tpe variability was calculated using spectral analysis. RESULTS: Significant positive correlations were observed between the RR interval and JTp (y = 0.116x + 105.5; r = 0.594, p < 0.001) and between the RR interval and Tpe (y = 0.037x + 44.7; r = 0.432, p < 0.001). Tpe variability had a lower degree of coherence with RR interval variability (range: 0.039-0.5 Hz) than with JTp variability (0.401 [interquartile range, 0.352-0.460] vs. 0.593 [0.503-0.664], respectively; p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Tpe had lower heart rate dependence and a lower degree of autonomic nervous interference than did JTp.
  • 山田 千亜希, 竹下 明裕, 李 政樹, 長谷川 雄一, 大友 直樹, 万木 紀美子, 李 悦子, 名倉 豊, 日高 陽子, 川畑 絹代, 道野 淳子, 松浦 秀哲, 篠原 茂, 小嶋 俊介, 奥田 誠, 小幡 由佳子
    日本輸血細胞治療学会誌 67(3) 440-448 2021年6月  査読有り
  • 藤木 翔太, 松浦 秀哲, 坂本 悠斗, 及川 彰太, 大澤 道子, 杉浦 縁, 藤田 孝, 三浦 康生
    医学検査 70(2) 312-317 2021年4月  査読有り責任著者
  • 藤垣英嗣, 竹村正男, 大澤道子, 藤田孝, 水谷謙明, 酒井好美, 松浦秀哲, 杉浦縁, 三浦康生, 土井洋平, 秋山秀彦, 畑忠善, 斉藤邦明, 斉藤邦明
    医学と薬学 78(4) 2021年  
  • 松本 真弓, 有馬 靖佳, 松浦 秀哲, 西岡 純子, 谷口 容, 山崎 喜子, 村田 真由美, 山野 靖子, 細野 晃, 奥田 誠, 阿部 真, 河野 武弘, 紀野 修一, 面川 進, 竹下 明裕, 室井 一男, 牧野 茂義
    日本輸血細胞治療学会誌 66(6) 735-742 2020年12月  査読有り
  • 松本 真弓, 蒸野 寿紀, 松浦 秀哲, 西岡 純子, 山本 由加里, 笹田 裕司, 藤島 直仁, 松本 雅則, 日本輸血・細胞治療学会出版活動支援小委員会
    日本輸血細胞治療学会誌 66(3) 590-597 2020年6月  査読有り
  • 谷口 容, 松浦 秀哲, 西岡 純子, 木村 秀実, 甲斐 純美, 藤 理沙, 山崎 喜子, 細野 晃, 河野 武弘, 松本 真弓
    日本輸血細胞治療学会誌 65(4) 754-758 2019年8月  査読有り
  • 松浦 秀哲, 赤塚 美樹, 松野 貴洋, 杉浦 縁, 荒川 章子, 及川 彰太, 吉田 純平, 古杉 光明, 恵美 宣彦
    日本輸血細胞治療学会誌 65(3) 634-641 2019年6月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • Matsuura H, Akatsuka Y, Matsuno T, Sugiura Y, Arakawa S, Oikawa S, Yoshida J, Kosugi M, Emi N
    Vox sanguinis 113(8) 787-794 2018年9月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • 松野, 貴洋, 松浦, 秀哲, 赤塚, 美樹, 及川, 彰太, 荒川, 章子, 杉浦, 縁, 恵美, 宣彦
    藤田学園医学会誌 42(1) 11-15 2018年  
  • Matsuura H, Yamada A, Sugimoto K, Sugimoto K, Iwase M, Ishikawa T, Ishii J, Ozaki Y
    Heart Asia 10(2) e011038 2018年  査読有り筆頭著者
  • 松浦 秀哲, 赤塚 美樹, 杉浦 縁, 荒川 章子, 村松 知佳, 磯貝 聡衣, 永田 梨奈, 恵美 宣彦
    藤田学園医学会誌 40(1) 27-30 2016年  査読有り筆頭著者
  • H. Matsuura, Y. Akatsuka, C. Muramatsu, S. Isogai, Y. Sugiura, S. Arakawa, M. Murayama, M. Kurahashi, H. Takasuga, T. Oshige, T. Yuba, S. Mizuta, N. Emi
    VOX SANGUINIS 108(4) 428-431 2015年5月  査読有り筆頭著者
    The concentration of extracellular potassium in red blood cell concentrates (RCCs) increases during storage, leading to risk of hyperkalemia. A potassium adsorption filter (PAF) can eliminate the potassium at normal blood transfusion. This study aimed to investigate the potassium adsorption capacity of a PAF during rapid blood transfusion. We tested several different potassium concentrations under a rapid transfusion condition using a pressure bag. The adsorption rates of the 70-mEq/l model were 768%. The PAF showed good potassium adsorption capacity, suggesting that this filter may provide a convenient method to prevent hyperkalemia during rapid blood transfusion.
  • 松浦 秀哲, 赤塚 美樹, 村松 知佳, 磯貝 聡衣, 杉浦 縁, 荒川 章子, 村山 元秀, 倉橋 美千代, 高須賀 広久, 水田 秀一, 恵美 宣彦
    藤田学園医学会誌 39(1) 13-16 2015年  査読有り筆頭著者
  • Hirofumi Kusuki, Marina Kuriki, Kayo Horio, Misa Hosoi, Hideaki Matsuura, Masayuki Fujino, Yoshihiko Eryu, Masafumi Miyata, Toshiaki Yasuda, Toshio Yamazaki, Shunji Nagaoka, Tadayoshi Hata
    JOURNAL OF ELECTROCARDIOLOGY 44(3) 326-329 2011年5月  査読有り
    Background: QT interval variability provides information on ventricular vulnerability. However, QT interval variability in children has not been adequately evaluated. Methods: One hundred seventy-three consecutive nursing infants and children (male-female, 106:67) up to school age with no intrinsic cardiac disease were included in this study, and they were categorized into 6 age-related groups. The QT variability index (QTVI) was calculated based on an electrocardiogram; and age-specific standard values, sex-specific classification, and a standard growth curve covering 0 to 7 years were constructed. Results: The QTVI decreased in an age-dependent manner, reached constant values after school age, and exhibited no sex-specific differences in 6 age-related groups. Conclusions: Based on the age-dependent standardized QTVI values, it is possible to estimate the instability of ventricular repolarization in pediatric patients with better accuracy. (c) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • 松浦 秀哲, 山田 晶, 杉本 邦彦, 大平 佳美, 高橋 礼子, 杉本 恵子, 尾崎 行男, 岩瀬 正嗣, 石川 隆志, 石井 潤一
    超音波医学 37(5) 577-585 2010年9月  査読有り筆頭著者
    目的:左房容積係数(left atrial volume index:LAVI)は,左室拡張能の低下に伴う左室充満圧上昇により増大することに加えて,急性心筋梗塞患者の予後評価に有効であることが報告されている.また,組織ドプラエコー法を用いた僧帽弁輪部心房収縮速度波(A')が,心房機能を反映することが報告されている.今回A'により,心事故発生を層別化出来るか否かを,左房拡大の有無を踏まえて検討を行った.対象と方法:対象は,当院CCUに入院した急性冠症候群(acute coronary syndrome:ACS)患者のうち,心房細動,心房粗動及び中等度以上の僧帽弁疾患を除外した連続212例(平均年齢64歳,男性166例).心臓死及び心不全による再入院を心事故と定義して,平均508日間の経過観察を行った.対象を左房拡大(LAVI?32ml/m2)62例と非拡大150例の2群に分類し,検討した.結果:経過観察期間中に17例(死亡8例,心不全による再入院9例)の心事故が発生した.ROC曲線からA'のカットオフ値を10.7cm/secに設定した.全例及び左房拡大例においては,A'?10.7cm/secの群で心事故回避率が有意に高値であった.結論:左房拡大を伴うACS患者において,A'は心事故予測に有用である.(著者抄録)
  • 楠木 啓史, 栗木 万里奈, 堀尾 佳世, 細井 光沙, 松浦 秀哲, 藤野 正之, 宮田 昌史, 山崎 俊夫, 長岡 俊治, 安田 東始哲, 畑 忠善
    心電図 = Electrocardiology 29(4) 290-297 2009年10月28日  
    【目的】乳幼児から二次性徴前の児童における心周期と心室筋再分極過程の変動を variability ratio(VR)から評価し,年齢による変化について検討した.【対象】心疾患を有さない乳児から就学時までの児童176名を, I群(生後0~6ヵ月,17名),II群(生後7~11ヵ月,21名),III群(1歳,28名),IV群(2~3歳,37名),V群(4~5歳,36名),VI群(6~7歳,37名)の6群に分類し比較検討した.【方法】安静時心電図から 120心拍の RR間隔と QT時間の計測を行い,RR間隔の標準偏差(SDRR)とQT時間の標準偏差(SDQT)から VRを算出し,月齢との関係を求めた.【結果】各群でVR,SDRR,SDQTに性差を認めず,VRは年齢とともに減少し就学時には一定の値となった.年齢別基準値を用いることにより,自律神経系の生後発達を評価できる可能性が示唆された.
  • 松浦 秀哲, 山田 晶, 高橋 礼子, 杉本 恵子, 石川 隆志, 岩瀬 正嗣, 菱田 仁, 大島 久二
    超音波医学 34(3) 355-358 2007年5月  査読有り筆頭著者
    背景:近年、心エコー図検査における左室拡張能の指標として、パルスドプラ心エコー図法を用いた僧帽弁血流速波形の拡張早期波(E波)と組織ドプラエコー法を用いた拡張早期僧帽弁輪速度(E')の比であるE/E'の有用性が認められており、左室拡張末期圧(LVEDP)や肺動脈楔入圧(PAWP)と相関することが知られている。しかし、E/E'の上昇が軽度(8≦E/E'≦15)の場合、その意義は小さいことが報告されている。また、拡張能に関する指標として、左房容積係数(LAVI)が注目されている。目的:E/E'軽度上昇例に対しLAVIを併せて計測することでPAWP上昇を推定できるか検討した。方法:当院CCUに入院しスワンガンツカテーテルを挿入された冠動脈疾患患者のうち心房細動および高度僧帽弁閉鎖不全症例を除外した連続58例を対象に心エコー図検査を施行した(Philips社製SONOS 5500および7500,S3探触子)。全症例でE/E'とLAVIの計測を行った。結果:23症例がE/E'軽度上昇に該当した。E/E'軽度上昇の23症例では、E/E'とPAWPとの間に有意の相関を認めなかった。一方、LAVIは全症例でもE/E'軽度上昇例に限定してもPAWPとの間に有意な相関関係が維持された。結論:E/E'軽度上昇例では、LAVIによりPAWPを推定でき、その測定が有用である可能性が示唆された。(著者抄録)
  • Tadayoshi Hata, Seiko Mano, Masafumi Kusuki, Hideaki Matsuura, Masafumi Miyata, Toshio Yamazaki, Syunji Nagaoka
    Background: We hypothesized that patients with atrial (ASD) and ventricular septal defects (VSD) have similarly reduced heart rate variability (HRV) since both defects cause similar increases in pulmonary blood flow and right ventricular filling pressure. We examined the correlation between HRV and respiratory frequency (RSA) characteristics and left-to-right shunt ratio (Qp/Qs) measured by Doppler echocardiography. Methods: The study included 83 patients with diagnoses of ASD (n = 43) or VSD (n = 40). The electrocardiogram and respiratory waves were recorded during Doppler echocardiography test, and HRV was measured to calculate the low frequency (LF), high frequency (HF), total frequency (TF), and RSA components, and the LF/HF, RSA/TF, and LF/RSA ratios. Qp/Qs was calculated from Doppler echocardiography and its relationship with HRV parameters was examined by multivariate analysis. Results: There was a positive correlation between Qp/Qs and LF/RSA in the ASD group, and a negative correlation in the VSD group. In contrast, Qp/Qs correlated negatively with RSA/TF in the ASD group, and positively in the VSD group. Conclusion: Different effects of respiratory vagal activity on HRV were observed in patients with ASD versus VSD.
  • T Hata, H Matsuura, M Miyata, Y Yoshitani, S Nagaoka, Y Sano, K Suzuki, T Yamazaki
    Respiratory vagal activity is expressed by heart rate variability (HRV) at approximately 1 month of age in premature low-birth-weight infants (PLBWI). However, the autonomic inputs into the sinus node (SAN) and atrioventricular node (AVN) in PLBWI are unclear. We evaluated the variability in PP and PR intervals at day zero (day 0) and 1 month (1 month) after birth in 16 PLBWI (gestation 32.3 +/- 1.3 weeks, birth weight 1.578 +/- 257 g). The polygraph was recorded during sleep on day 0 and at 1 month. PP and PR intervals and the number of respiratory cycles were measured, and frequency analysis was performed by auto-correlation fast Fourier transforms. Power spectral density (PSD: ms(2)) was calculated for the low frequency domain (LF: 0.036similar to0.146 Hz), high frequency domain (HF: 0.146similar to0.390 Hz), total frequency (TF: 0.036similar to2.000 Hz), and respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA: frequency bandwidth of 0.3 Hz with peak respiratory frequency as median), and the PSD ratio in the PP and PR intervals (LF/HF, RSA/TF) were compared. Compared with day 0, a decrease in the LF/HF ratio and on increase in the RSA/TF ratio in PP intervals were observed at 1 month consistent with expression of respiratory vagal activity. For PR intervals, on the other hand the L ratio increased, indicative of accentuated sympathetic activity. However, the respiratory vagal input was weak, and the RSA/TF ratio remained unchanged. These observations suggest that, in PLBWI at 1 month, AVN conduction was not predominatly influenced by respiratory-related vagal activity, but was controlled by autonomic regulation, independent of the SAN.
  • 松浦 秀哲, 宮田 昌史, 畑 忠善, 長岡 俊治, 佐野 葉子, 鈴木 研史, 山崎 俊夫
    藤田学園医学会誌 28(2) 159-163 2004年12月  
  • Matsuura H, Hata T, Miyata M, Yoshitani Y, Sano Y, Suzuki K, Yamazaki T, Nomura H, Nagaoka S
    Uchu Seibutsu Kagaku 17(3) 261-262 2003年10月  査読有り筆頭著者







