
渡邉 毅一

ワタナベ キイチ  (Kiichi Watanabe)


藤田医科大学 国際再生医療センター 准教授



  • Kiichi Watanabe, Hui Chiu, Barret D Pfeiffer, Allan M Wong, Eric D Hoopfer, Gerald M Rubin, David J Anderson
    Neuron 95(5) 1112-1128 2017年8月30日  
    Diffuse neuromodulatory systems such as norepinephrine (NE) control brain-wide states such as arousal, but whether they control complex social behaviors more specifically is not clear. Octopamine (OA), the insect homolog of NE, is known to promote both arousal and aggression. We have performed a systematic, unbiased screen to identify OA receptor-expressing neurons (OARNs) that control aggression in Drosophila. Our results uncover a tiny population of male-specific aSP2 neurons that mediate a specific influence of OA on aggression, independent of any effect on arousal. Unexpectedly, these neurons receive convergent input from OA neurons and P1 neurons, a population of FruM+ neurons that promotes male courtship behavior. Behavioral epistasis experiments suggest that aSP2 neurons may constitute an integration node at which OAergic neuromodulation can bias the output of P1 neurons to favor aggression over inter-male courtship. These results have potential implications for thinking about the role of related neuromodulatory systems in mammals.
  • Kenta Asahina, Kiichi Watanabe, Brian J Duistermars, Eric Hoopfer, Carlos Roberto González, Eyrún Arna Eyjólfsdóttir, Pietro Perona, David J Anderson
    Cell 156(1-2) 221-35 2014年1月16日  
    Males of most species are more aggressive than females, but the neural mechanisms underlying this dimorphism are not clear. Here, we identify a neuron and a gene that control the higher level of aggression characteristic of Drosophila melanogaster males. Males, but not females, contain a small cluster of FruM(+) neurons that express the neuropeptide tachykinin (Tk). Activation and silencing of these neurons increased and decreased, respectively, intermale aggression without affecting male-female courtship behavior. Mutations in both Tk and a candidate receptor, Takr86C, suppressed the effect of neuronal activation, whereas overexpression of Tk potentiated it. Tk neuron activation overcame reduced aggressiveness caused by eliminating a variety of sensory or contextual cues, suggesting that it promotes aggressive arousal or motivation. Tachykinin/Substance P has been implicated in aggression in mammals, including humans. Thus, the higher aggressiveness of Drosophila males reflects the sexually dimorphic expression of a neuropeptide that controls agonistic behaviors across phylogeny.
  • Daisuke Kamiya, Satoe Banno, Noriaki Sasai, Masatoshi Ohgushi, Hidehiko Inomata, Kiichi Watanabe, Masako Kawada, Rieko Yakura, Hiroshi Kiyonari, Kazuki Nakao, Lars Martin Jakt, Shin-ichi Nishikawa, Yoshiki Sasai
    Nature 470(7335) 503-9 2011年2月24日  
    The neural fate is generally considered to be the intrinsic direction of embryonic stem (ES) cell differentiation. However, little is known about the intracellular mechanism that leads undifferentiated cells to adopt the neural fate in the absence of extrinsic inductive signals. Here we show that the zinc-finger nuclear protein Zfp521 is essential and sufficient for driving the intrinsic neural differentiation of mouse ES cells. In the absence of the neural differentiation inhibitor BMP4, strong Zfp521 expression is intrinsically induced in differentiating ES cells. Forced expression of Zfp521 enables the neural conversion of ES cells even in the presence of BMP4. Conversely, in differentiation culture, Zfp521-depleted ES cells do not undergo neural conversion but tend to halt at the epiblast state. Zfp521 directly activates early neural genes by working with the co-activator p300. Thus, the transition of ES cell differentiation from the epiblast state into neuroectodermal progenitors specifically depends on the cell-intrinsic expression and activator function of Zfp521.
  • Teruko Danjo, Mototsugu Eiraku, Keiko Muguruma, Kiichi Watanabe, Masako Kawada, Yuchio Yanagawa, John L R Rubenstein, Yoshiki Sasai
    The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 31(5) 1919-33 2011年2月2日  
    During early telencephalic development, the major portion of the ventral telencephalic (subpallial) region becomes subdivided into three regions, the lateral (LGE), medial (MGE), and caudal (CGE) ganglionic eminences. In this study, we systematically recapitulated subpallial patterning in mouse embryonic stem cell (ESC) cultures and investigated temporal and combinatory actions of patterning signals. In serum-free floating culture, the dorsal-ventral specification of ESC-derived telencephalic neuroectoderm is dose-dependently directed by Sonic hedgehog (Shh) signaling. Early Shh treatment, even before the expression onset of Foxg1 (also Bf1; earliest marker of the telencephalic lineage), is critical for efficiently generating LGE progenitors, and continuous Shh signaling until day 9 is necessary to commit these cells to the LGE lineage. When induced under these conditions and purified by fluorescence-activated cell sorter, telencephalic cells efficiently differentiated into Nolz1(+)/Ctip2(+) LGE neuronal precursors and subsequently, both in culture and after in vivo grafting, into DARPP32(+) medium-sized spiny neurons. Purified telencephalic progenitors treated with high doses of the Hedgehog (Hh) agonist SAG (Smoothened agonist) differentiated into MGE- and CGE-like tissues. Interestingly, in addition to strong Hh signaling, the efficient specification of MGE cells requires Fgf8 signaling but is inhibited by treatment with Fgf15/19. In contrast, CGE differentiation is promoted by Fgf15/19 but suppressed by Fgf8, suggesting that specific Fgf signals play different, critical roles in the positional specification of ESC-derived ventral subpallial tissues. We discuss a model of the antagonistic Fgf8 and Fgf15/19 signaling in rostral-caudal subpallial patterning and compare it with the roles of these molecules in cortical patterning.
  • Fumitaka Osakada, Zi-Bing Jin, Yasuhiko Hirami, Hanako Ikeda, Teruko Danjyo, Kiichi Watanabe, Yoshiki Sasai, Masayo Takahashi
    Journal of cell science 122(Pt 17) 3169-79 2009年9月1日  
    The use of stem-cell therapy to treat retinal degeneration holds great promise. However, definitive methods of retinal differentiation that do not depend on recombinant proteins produced in animal or Escherichia coli cells have not been devised. Here, we report a defined culture method using low-molecular-mass compounds that induce differentiation of human embryonic stem (ES) cells and induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells into retinal progenitors, retinal pigment epithelium cells and photoreceptors. The casein kinase I inhibitor CKI-7, the ALK4 inhibitor SB-431542 and the Rho-associated kinase inhibitor Y-27632 in serum-free and feeder-free floating aggregate culture induce retinal progenitors positive for RX, MITF, PAX6 and CHX10. The treatment induces hexagonal pigmented cells that express RPE65 and CRALBP, form ZO1-positive tight junctions and exhibit phagocytic functions. Subsequent treatment with retinoic acid and taurine induces photoreceptors that express recoverin, rhodopsin and genes involved in phototransduction. Both three-factor (OCT3/4, SOX2 and KLF4) and four-factor (OCT3/4, SOX2, KLF4 and MYC) human iPS cells could be successfully differentiated into retinal cells by small-molecule induction. This method provides a solution to the problem of cross-species antigenic contamination in cell-replacement therapy, and is also useful for in vitro modeling of development, disease and drug screening.





