Curriculum Vitaes

Kei Ohtsuka

  (大塚 圭)

Profile Information

School of Health Sciences Faculty of Rehabilitation, Fujita Health University

Other name(s) (e.g. nickname)
Kei Ohtsuka
researchmap Member ID


  • Kei Ohtsuka, Masahiko Mukaino, Junya Yamada, Matsuda Fumihiro, Hiroki Tanikawa, Kazuhiro Tsuchiyama, Toshio Teranishi, Eiichi Saitoh, Yohei Otaka
    International journal of rehabilitation research. Internationale Zeitschrift fur Rehabilitationsforschung. Revue internationale de recherches de readaptation, 46(4) 316-324, Dec 1, 2023  
    Ankle-foot orthosis (AFO) is known to correct abnormal gait patterns and improve walking stability and speed in patients with hemiparesis. To quantify these benefits in post-stroke gait, a three-dimensional motion analysis of gait pattern was conducted. Forty patients with hemiparesis were enrolled. A three-dimensional motion analysis system was used to analyze patients' treadmill walking with/without an AFO. Outcome measures were 12 abnormal gait indices (forefoot contact, knee extensor thrust, retropulsion of the hip, flexed-knee gait, medial whip in the stance phase, circumduction gait, hip hiking, insufficient knee flexion during the swing phase, excessive lateral shifting of the trunk, contralateral vaulting, excessive hip external rotation, and posterior pelvic tilt), calculated using kinematic data and spatiotemporal indices, and the symmetry index of double-stance and single-stance time and step length. Forefoot contact (without AFO vs. with AFO: 71.0 vs. 65.8, P < 0.001), circumduction gait (65.0 vs. 57.9, P < 0.001), and contralateral vaulting (78.2 vs. 72.2, P = 0.003) were significantly reduced, whereas excessive hip external rotation (53.7 vs. 62.8, P = 0.003) significantly increased during walking with an AFO. Hip hiking (77.1 vs. 71.7) showed marginal reduction with the use of AFO ( P = 0.096). The absolute symmetry index of double-stance time (21.9 vs. 16.1, P = 0.014) significantly decreased during walking with an AFO. AFO effectively mitigates abnormal gait patterns typical of hemiparetic gait. A 3D motion analysis system with clinically oriented indices can help assess intervention efficacy for gait abnormalities.
  • Masayuki Yamada, Toshio Teranishi, Megumi Suzuki, Kei Ohtsuka, Mihoko Ito, Akiko Maeda, Yoshikiyo Kanada
    Fujita medical journal, 9(4) 282-287, Nov, 2023  
    OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to capture the lifestyle characteristics of traumatic brain injury (TBI) patients by administering the Frenchay Activities Index (FAI), a self-assessment questionnaire used for assessing life-related activities, among TBI patients. METHODS: This study was conducted using the revised FAI Self-Assessment Form, administering an interview-based questionnaire survey to TBI patients and healthy participants. The target group comprised 60 traumatic brain injury patients who had progressed from at least 1 year since the injury, with a comparison group of 788 healthy participants. RESULTS: A comparison of FAI scores between TBI patients and healthy participants by questionnaire revealed that TBI patients exhibited significantly higher FAI scores than healthy participants for outdoor walking and transportation use (Mann-Whitney U test, P<0.01). A comparison by occupation revealed that TBI patients were significantly less among the unemployed and other categories (Mann-Whitney U test, P<0.01). For office workers, government employees, high school students, and college students, scores were higher among TBI patients compared with healthy participants, although the differences were not significant. CONCLUSIONS: Although TBI patients were less active than healthy participants in life-related activities, their scores for cleaning up after meals and cleaning and putting things in order were close to those of healthy participants, indicating that TBI patients cannot be considered to be inactive. The findings also revealed differences in TBI patients' engagement in life-related activities and frequency of activities depending on their social position.
  • Tetsuro Watari, Kei Ohtsuka, Yukari Suzuki, Fumihiro Matsuda, Soichiro Koyama, Naoki Aizu, Yoshikiyo Kanada, Hiroaki Sakurai
    Fujita medical journal, 9(4) 288-294, Nov, 2023  
    OBJECTIVES: This study investigates how online frame-of-reference (FOR) training of raters of the objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) for physical therapy students affects assessment accuracy. METHODS: The research was conducted in a 1-month-long randomized controlled trial. PARTICIPANTS: The participants were 36 physical therapists without experience assessing clinical skills using the OSCE. The training group completed the FOR training online, which was conducted once a week in two 90-minute sessions. The control group self-studied the rubric rating chart used in the assessment. As a measure of accuracy, weighted kappa coefficients were used to check the agreement between correct score and those assessment by the participant in the OSCE. RESULTS: The scores of the training group were higher than those of the control group in both post- and follow-up assessments, showing significant differences. No significant difference was found based on the assessment time and group for the high-agreement groups. Furthermore, scores of the low-accuracy training group were higher in the post- and follow-up assessments than those in the pre-assessment, showing significant differences. CONCLUSIONS: Online FOR training of the raters of the OSCE for physical therapists improved the assessment accuracy of the raters who had low accuracy in the pre-assessment; this improvement was maintained.
  • 小桑 隆, 大塚 圭, 向野 雅彦, 土山 和大, 山田 純也, 松田 文浩, 谷川 広樹, 寺西 利生, 大高 洋平
    運動器理学療法学, 3(Suppl.) O-97, Jun, 2023  
  • 林 和弥, 大塚 圭, 櫻井 宏明, 鈴木 由佳理, 山田 将之, 加藤 正樹, 大河内 由紀, 平塚 智康, 奥山 夕子, 谷野 元一, 渡 哲郎, 武田 和也, 金田 嘉清
    理学療法教育, 3(1) 28-36, Apr, 2023  


  • 安岡直哉, 土山和大, 大塚圭, 壹岐英正
    愛知県理学療法学会誌(Web), 36, 2024  
  • 渡哲郎, 大塚圭, 鈴木由佳理, 松田文浩, 小山総市朗, 櫻井宏明
    愛知県理学療法学会誌(Web), 34, 2022  
  • 貝沼 啓昭, 大塚 圭, 谷川 広樹, 矢箆原 隆造, 菊池 航, 佐々 遼馬, 青柳 陽一郎
    臨床歩行分析研究会定例会抄録集, 41回 48-49, Sep, 2019  
  • 伊藤 翔太, 谷川 広樹, 向野 雅彦, 近藤 輝, 藤村 健太, 寺西 利生, 大塚 圭, 加藤 正樹, 加賀谷 斉, 才藤 栄一
    The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 56(特別号) 2-P1K, May, 2019  
  • 村上 涼, 大塚 圭, 向野 雅彦, 山田 純也, 松田 文浩, 土山 和大, 才藤 栄一
    愛知県理学療法学会誌, 31(特別号) 38-38, Mar, 2019  
  • 松田文浩, 大塚圭, 向野雅彦, 山田純也, 谷川広樹, 土山和大, 才藤栄一
    日本ニューロリハビリテーション学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集, 10th, 2019  
  • 才藤 栄一, 向野 雅彦, 大塚 圭
    The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 55(秋季特別号) S123-S123, Oct, 2018  
  • 山田 純也, 向野 雅彦, 大塚 圭, 松田 文浩, 谷川 広樹, 土山 和大, 日高 雅大, 伊東 慶, 安藤 大智, 王 裕香, 才藤 栄一
    The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 55(特別号) 4-KP, May, 2018  
  • 向野雅彦, 山田純也, 小桑隆, 大塚圭, 谷川広樹, 近藤環, 才藤栄一, 加賀谷斉, 森田充浩, 山田治基
    日本股関節学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集, 45th 620, 2018  
  • 小桑隆, 向野雅彦, 大塚圭, 谷川広樹, 山田純也, 近藤環, 才藤栄一, 加賀谷斉, 山田治基, 森田充浩
    日本股関節学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集, 45th 618, 2018  
  • 近藤環, 向野雅彦, 大塚圭, 谷川広樹, 山田純也, 小桑隆, 才藤栄一, 加賀谷斉, 山田治基, 森田充浩
    日本股関節学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集, 45th 618, 2018  
  • 平野 哲, 才藤 栄一, 園田 茂, 加賀谷 斉, 角田 哲也, 布施 郁子, 波多野 和樹, 舟橋 怜佑, 向野 雅彦, 尾関 恩, 田辺 茂雄, 大塚 圭
    The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 54(秋季特別号) S270-S270, Sep, 2017  
  • 松浦 広昂, 向野 雅彦, 平野 哲, 才藤 栄一, 加賀谷 斉, 角田 哲也, 大塚 圭, 加藤 正樹, 山田 純也, 青嶋 保志
    The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 54(特別号) 1-12, May, 2017  
  • 平野哲, 才藤栄一, 田辺茂雄, 大塚圭, 横田元実
    理療, 47(3) 43-53, 2017  Peer-reviewed
  • 大塚 圭, 才藤 栄一, 加賀谷 斉, 伊藤 慎英, 田辺 茂雄, 松田 文浩, 谷川 広樹, 山田 純也, 青木 健光, 金田 嘉清
    Japanese Journal of Comprehensive Rehabilitation Science, 6(2015) 33-42, Jan, 2016  
  • 谷川 広樹, 向野 雅彦, 松田 文浩, 稲垣 圭亮, 大塚 圭, 加賀谷 斉, 才藤 栄一, 金田 嘉清
    Japanese Journal of Comprehensive Rehabilitation Science, 6(2015) 137-142, Jan, 2016  
    【目的】Hand-held dynamometerによる股関節外転筋力測定において,非測定下肢機能が測定値に与える影響を明らかにすること.【方法】健常者30名と片麻痺患者59名を対象とし,背臥位で両側股関節外転筋力を,非測定下肢を固定する方法(固定法)としない方法(非固定法)で測定した.同一法における左右および麻痺側・非麻痺側,固定法と非固定法での測定値を比較し,片麻痺患者では麻痺側筋力を従属変数,非麻痺側筋力と麻痺の程度を独立変数として重回帰分析を行った.【結果】非固定法の計測値が固定法よりも有意に小さかった.健常者では非測定下肢の固定によらず左右の相関が高かったが,片麻痺患者では非固定法において相関が低かった.重回帰分析の結果,固定法における麻痺側筋力は非麻痺側下肢機能の影響を強く受けていた.【考察】固定法では非測定下肢機能の影響を受け,測定下肢の筋力を正確に反映していないと考えられた.(著者抄録)
  • 大塚 圭, 才藤 栄一, 加賀谷 斉, 伊藤 慎英, 田辺 茂雄, 松田 文浩, 谷川 広樹, 山田 純也, 青木 健光, 金田 嘉清
    Japanese Journal of Comprehensive Rehabilitation Science, 6(2015) 33-42, Jan, 2016  
  • 大塚 圭
    理学療法学, 42(Suppl.3) 52-52, Aug, 2015  
  • 大塚 圭, 才藤 栄一, 向野 雅彦, 松田 文浩, 谷川 広樹
    臨床歩行分析研究会誌, 2(1) 11-15, May, 2015  
  • 稲垣圭亮, 谷川広樹, 大塚圭, 伊藤慎英, 松田文浩, 山田純也, 加賀谷斉, 才藤栄一
    日本理学療法学術大会(Web), 50th O-0338(J-STAGE)-0338, Apr, 2015  
  • 大塚 圭, 土山 和大, 加賀谷 斉
    MEDICAL REHABILITATION, (181) 27-33, Mar, 2015  
  • 北地志行, 田辺茂雄, 寺西利生, 大塚圭, 伊藤慎英, 伊藤慎英, 岡田誠, 岡田誠, 大野健介
    日本臨床医療福祉学会プログラム・抄録集, 13th 147, 2015  
  • 松田文浩, 向野雅彦, 大塚圭, 土山和大, 貝沼啓昭, 日高雅大, 加賀谷斉, 才藤栄一
    日本ニューロリハビリテーション学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集, 6th 43, 2015  
  • 大塚 圭, 才藤 栄一, 松田 文浩, 金田 嘉清
    Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation, 23(9) 871-879, Sep, 2014  
  • 稲垣 圭亮, 谷川 広樹, 大塚 圭, 伊藤 慎英, 松田 文浩, 山田 純也, 菱川 法和, 加賀谷 斉, 才藤 栄一
    The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 51(Suppl.) S447-S447, May, 2014  
  • 平野 哲, 才藤 栄一, 園田 茂, 石原 健, 大塚 圭, 田辺 茂雄, 加藤 正樹, 伊藤 慎英, 谷野 元一, 山田 純也, 鴻巣 仁司
    The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 51(Suppl.) S462-S462, May, 2014  
  • 松田文浩, 大塚圭, 伊藤慎英, 本谷竜太郎, 安藤優, 貝沼啓昭, 加賀谷斉, 才藤栄一
    日本ニューロリハビリテーション学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集, 5th 59, Feb 1, 2014  
  • 貝沼啓昭, 松田文浩, 大塚圭, 伊藤慎英, 安藤優, 本谷竜太郎, 加賀谷斉, 才藤栄一
    日本ニューロリハビリテーション学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集, 5th 67, Feb 1, 2014  
  • 菱川 法和, 谷川 広樹, 大塚 圭, 山田 純也, 伊藤 慎英, 加賀谷 斉, 才藤 栄一
    臨床歩行分析研究会定例会抄録集, 35回 44-45, Nov, 2013  
  • 本谷 竜太郎, 松田 文浩, 大塚 圭, 伊藤 慎英, 加賀谷 斉, 才藤 栄一
    臨床歩行分析研究会定例会抄録集, 35回 46-47, Nov, 2013  
  • 谷川 広樹, 大塚 圭, 伊藤 慎英, 松田 文浩, 山田 純也, 菱川 法和, 加賀谷 斉, 才藤 栄一
    臨床神経生理学, 41(5) 467-467, Oct, 2013  
  • 大塚 圭, 才藤 栄一, 加賀谷 斉, 伊藤 慎英, 金田 嘉清
    MEDICAL REHABILITATION, (156) 57-65, Apr, 2013  
  • HIRANO Satoshi, SAITOH Eiichi, SONODA Shigeru, OTSUKA Kei, ITOH Norihide, KATO Masaki, TANABE Shigeo, KONOSU Hitoshi, UNO Akihito, TAKEMITSU Tomohiko
    Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Prosthetic and Orthotic Education, Research and Development, 29(2) 90-97, Apr, 2013  
    Japan is entering the era of the unprecedented super-aged society. We will have many elderly and disabled people. In this situation, the emergence of rehabilitation robotics is highly anticipated. Fujita Health University is developing five kinds of rehabilitation robots ; (1) WPAL is a new gait-assist robot which reconstructs practical walking in paraplegics. (2) Independent Gait Assist is designed to assist patients with hemiplegia or lower extremity monoplegia to walk safely and comfortably. (3) Gait Exercise Assist is the robot which provides new and effective gait exercise for stroke patients with hemiplegia. (4) Balance Exercise Assist produces new balance exercises which have a lot of merits from the viewpoint of motor-learning. (5) Transfer Care Assist is aimed at reducing the physical load of caregivers, assisting the transfer and toileting of patients. Rehabilitation robots are just being realized.
  • 大塚圭, 才藤栄一, 加賀谷斉, 伊藤慎英, 金田嘉清
    EDICAL REHABILITATION, 156 57-65, Apr, 2013  
  • Tanabe S, Saitoh E, Ohtsuka K, Teranishi T, Tomita Y, Muraoka Y
    Clinics and Practice 2013, 3(30) 84-86, 2013  Peer-reviewed
  • Toshio Teranishi, Hiroaki Sakurai, Kei Ohtsuka, Masayuki Yamada, Akira Tsuzuki, Hiroyuki Miyasaka, Genichi Tanino, Orand Abbas, Izumi Kondo
    Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 25(1) 41-43, Jan, 2013  Peer-reviewed
    Abstract. [Purpose] The purpose of this study was to examine the locus of the center of pressure (COP) of standing postures with different feet positions. [Subjects] Sixty healthy young adults participated in the experiments as subjects. [Methods] The COP was measured using a force plate. Subjects stabilized themselves on the force plate, and the change of the COP trajectory was measured for 30 s. The COP was measured in three standing postures: wide-base, tandem, and one-foot standing. The relative center of anterior-posterior sway was examined as a proportion of the base of support length. [Results] Using one foot length, l, measured from the heel to the toe of the foot as a standard, the mean of the center of anterior-posterior sway was 44.5 ± 5.5% of l in the wide-base stance, 50.2 ± 4.4% of l in the one-foot dominant stance, and 50.4 ± 4.3% of l in the one-foot non-dominant stance. Since the length of the feet is 2l in the tandem posture, the mean of the center of anterior-posterior sway was 41.0 ± 7.0% of 2l with the dominant foot in front and 41.5 ± 6.0% of 2l with the non-dominant foot in front. [Conclusion] The mean of the center of anterior-posterior sway was inclined toward the anterior position in single leg standing compared to the wide base standing. In tandem standing, the COP was located on the rear foot. The results of this study might be useful in considering the mechanism of postural control of patients with hemiplegia.
  • 山田 真由, 谷川 広樹, 大塚 圭, 加賀谷 斉, 才藤 栄一
    臨床歩行分析研究会定例会抄録集, 34回 45-46, Nov, 2012  
  • 山田 純也, 大塚 圭, 才藤 栄一, 加賀谷 斉, 伊藤 慎英, 谷川 広樹, 田辺 茂雄
    臨床歩行分析研究会定例会抄録集, 34回 49-50, Nov, 2012  
  • 田辺茂雄, 大塚圭, 平野哲, 才藤栄一
    作業療法ジャーナル, 46(7) 932-933, Jun, 2012  
  • SAITOH Eiichi, YOKOTA Motomi, HIRANO Asuka, OHTSUKA Kei, SONODA Shigeru
    Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Prosthetic and Orthotic Education, Research and Development, 28(2) 87-92, Apr, 2012  
  • 加賀谷斉, 尾崎健一, 大塚圭, 渡辺章由, 稲本陽子, 才藤栄一
    $MEDICAL REHABILITATION, 141 51-54, Feb, 2012  
  • 小山総市朗, 酒井洋子, 武田和也, 加藤勇気, 青山貴文, 村山弥史, 森広大, 本谷郁雄, 田辺茂雄, 大塚圭, 渡辺章由, 櫻井宏明, 金田嘉清
    日本義肢装具学会誌, 28, 2012  
  • 伊藤慎英, 加賀谷斉, 才藤栄一, 大塚圭, 山田純也, 谷川広樹, 田辺茂雄, 伊藤直樹, 青木健光, 金田嘉清
    Japanese Journal of Comprehensive Rehabilitation Science3, 2012  Peer-reviewed
  • 谷川 広樹, 加賀谷 斉, 才藤 栄一, 伊藤 慎英, 尾崎 健一, 山田 純也, 兵藤 優光, 田辺 茂雄, 大塚 圭, 青木 健光
    臨床神経生理学, 39(5) 479-479, Oct, 2011  
  • 山田純也, 大塚圭, 才藤栄一, 伊藤慎英, 谷川広樹, 田辺茂雄
    臨床歩行分析研究会定例会抄録集, 33rd 43-44, 2011  
  • 大塚 圭, 才藤 栄一, 横田 元実, 谷川 広樹, 金田 嘉清
    理学療法, 27(12) 1407-1414, Dec, 2010  
  • 谷川 広樹, 大塚 圭, 才藤 栄一, 伊藤 慎英, 山田 純也, 村岡 慶裕, 冨田 昌夫, 橋本 修二
    総合リハビリテーション, 38(12) 1175-1181, Dec, 2010  Peer-reviewed
  • 大塚圭, 才藤栄一, 横田元実, 谷川広樹, 金田嘉清
    理学療法, 27(12) 1407-1414, Dec, 2010  
  • 大塚 圭, 才藤 栄一, 谷川 広樹, 伊藤 慎英, 田辺 茂雄, 平野 哲, 加賀谷 斉, 青木 健光, 金田 嘉清
    臨床神経生理学, 38(5) 328-328, Oct, 2010  
  • 伊藤直樹, 加賀谷斉, 才藤栄一, 山田将之, 及部珠紀, 大塚圭, 都築晃, 金田嘉清
    臨床理学療法研究, 27 55-59, Jul, 2010  Peer-reviewed

Books and Other Publications




Research Projects



  • 画像から運動解析する技術、人工知能による運動解析、運動計測に応用可能なセンサー技術 本研究ニーズに関する産学共同研究の問い合わせは藤田医科大学産学連携推進センター(まで
  • 歩行分析・動作分析機器、歩行練習支援機器 本研究シーズに関する産学共同研究の問い合わせは藤田医科大学産学連携推進センター(まで