
小清水 久嗣

コシミズ ヒサツグ  (Hisatsugu KOSHIMIZU)


藤田医科大学 研究推進本部 URA室 教授 (URA室長)
(兼任)大学院保健学研究科 兼任教授



▶︎ 藤田医科大学・研究推進本部URA室にてリサーチ・アドミニストレーション、研究推進をメインのミッションとしています。特に研究力強化にかかわる取り組みを行なっています。

▶︎ 研究の専門は神経科学で、脳由来神経栄養因子(BDNF)およびその関連分子の機能、特に精神疾患に関するものについての研究を行なっています。


  • Sarantuya Enkhjargal, Kana Sugahara, Behnoush Khaledian, Miwako Nagasaka, Hidehito Inagaki, Hiroki Kurahashi, Hisatsugu Koshimizu, Tatsushi Toda, Mariko Taniguchi-Ikeda
    Human Molecular Genetics 32(8) 1301-1312 2022年11月  査読有り
    Fukuyama congenital muscular dystrophy (FCMD) is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by fukutin (FKTN) gene mutations. FCMD is the second most common form of childhood muscular dystrophy in Japan, and the most patients possess a homozygous retrotransposal SINE-VNTR-Alu insertion in the 3′-untranslated region of FKTN. A deep-intronic variant (DIV) was previously identified as the second most prevalent loss-of-function mutation in Japanese patients with FCMD. The DIV creates a new splicing donor site in intron 5 that causes aberrant splicing and the formation of a 64-base pair pseudoexon in the mature mRNA, resulting in a truncated nonfunctional protein. Patients with FCMD carrying the DIV present a more severe symptoms, and currently, there is no radical therapy available for this disorder. In the present study, we describe in vitro evaluation of antisense oligonucleotide mediated skipping of pseudoexon inclusion and restoration of functional FKTN protein. A total of 16 19-26-mer antisense oligonucleotide sequences were designed with a 2’-O-methyl backbone and were screened in patient-derived fibroblasts, lymphoblast cells, and minigene splice assays. One antisense oligonucleotide targeting the exonic splice enhancer region significantly induced pseudoexon skipping and increased the expression of normal mRNA. It also rescued FKTN protein production in lymphoblast cells and restored functional O-mannosyl glycosylation of alpha-dystroglycan in patient-derived myotubes. Based on our results, ASO-based splicing correction should be investigated further as a potential treatment for patients with FCMD carrying the DIV.
  • Hisatsugu Koshimizu, Hidetada Matsuoka, Yoshihiro Nakajima, Anna Kawai, Junichiro Ono, Ken-ichi Ohta, Takanori Miki, Masataka Sunagawa, Naoki Adachi, Shingo Suzuki
    Neuropsychopharmacology Reports 41(4) 485-495 2021年  査読有り筆頭著者
    The striatum, a main component of the basal ganglia, is a critical part of the motor and reward systems of the brain. It consists of GABAergic and cholinergic neurons and receives projections of dopaminergic, glutamatergic, and serotonergic neurons from other brain regions. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) plays multiple roles in the central nervous system, and striatal BDNF has been suggested to be involved in psychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders. However, the transcriptomic impact of BDNF on the striatum remains largely unknown. In the present study, we performed transcriptomic profiling of striatal cells stimulated with BDNF to identify enriched gene sets (GSs) and their novel target genes in vitro. We carried out RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) of messenger RNA extracted from primary dissociated cultures of rat striatum stimulated with BDNF and conducted Generally Applicable Gene-set Enrichment (GAGE) analysis on 10599 genes. Significant differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were determined by differential expression analysis for sequence count data 2 (DESeq2). GAGE analysis identified significantly enriched GSs that included GSs related to regulation and dysregulation of synaptic functions, such as synaptic vesicle cycle and addiction to nicotine and morphine, respectively. It also detected GSs related to various types of synapses, including not only GABAergic and cholinergic synapses but also dopaminergic and glutamatergic synapses. DESeq2 revealed 72 significant DEGs, among which the highest significance was observed in the apolipoprotein L domain containing 1 (Apold1). The present study indicates that BDNF predominantly regulates the expression of synaptic-function-related genes and that BDNF promotes synaptogenesis in various subtypes of neurons in the developing striatum. Apold1 may represent a unique target gene of BDNF in the striatum.
  • Hisatsugu Koshimizu, Shingo Suzuki, Anna Kawai, Ryuichiro Miura, Ken-ichi Ohta, Takanori Miki, Naoki Adachi, Hidetada Matsuoka
    Neuropsychopharmacology Reports 40(3) 275-280 2020年6月  査読有り筆頭著者
    Chromosome 8 open reading frame 46 (C8orf46), a human protein-coding gene, has recently been named Vexin. A recent study indicated that Vexin is involved in embryonic neurogenesis. Additionally, some transcriptomic studies detected changes in the mRNA levels of patients with psychiatric and neurological diseases. In our previous study, we sought for target genes of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in cultured rat cortical neurons, finding that BDNF potentially leads to the upregulation of Vexin mRNA. However, its underlying mechanisms are unknown. In the present study, we assessed the regulatory mechanisms of the BDNF-induced gene expression of Vexin in vitro. We reanalyzed ChIP-seq data in various human organs provided by the ENCODE project, evaluating acetylation levels of the 27th lysine residue of the histone H3 (H3K27ac) at the Vexin locus. The transcriptomic effects of BDNF on rat Vexin (RGD1561849) were evaluated by real-time quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) in primary cultures of cerebral cortical neurons, in the presence or absence of inhibitors for signaling molecules activated by BDNF. Results The Vexin locus and its promoter region in the brain angular gyrus show higher acetylation levels of the H3K27 than those in other organs. Stimulation of cultured rat cortical neurons, but not astrocyte, with BDNF, led to marked elevations in the mRNA levels of Vexin, which was inhibited in the presence of K252a and U0126. The upregulated H3K27ac in the brain may be associated with the enriched gene expression of Vexin in the brain. It is indicated that BDNF induces the gene expression of Vexin in the cortical neurons via the TrkB-MEK signaling pathway.
  • Koshimizu H, Nogawa S, Asano S, Ikeda M, Iwata N, Takahashi S, Saito K, Miyakawa T
    Translational Psychiatry 9(1) 52 2019年1月  査読有り筆頭著者
    Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a common and disabling psychiatric disorder. A recent mega analysis of genome-wide association studies (GWASs) identified 44 loci associated with MDD, though most of the genetic etiologies of the MDD/psychological distress remain unclear. To further understand the genetic basis of MDD/psychological distress, we conducted a GWAS in East Asia with more than 10,000 participants of Japanese ancestry who had enrolled in a direct-to-consumer genetic test. After quality control on the genotype data, 10,330 subjects with a total of 8,567,708 imputed SNPs were eligible for the analysis. The participants completed a self-administered questionnaire on their past medical history and health conditions that included the 6-item Kessler screening scale (K6 scale) for psychological distress (cut-off point of 5) and past medical history of MDD, resulting in 3981 subjects assigned to “psychologically distressed group” [cases], and the remaining 6349 subjects were assigned to the “non-psychologically distressed group” [controls]. In this GWAS, we found an association with genome-wide significance at rs6073833 (P = 7.60 × 10−9) in 20q13.12. This is, to the best of our knowledge, the first large-scale GWAS for psychological distress using data from direct-to-consumer (DTC) genetic tests in a population of non-European-ancestry, and the present study thus detected a novel locus significantly associated with psychological distress in the Japanese population.
  • Koshimizu H, Hirata N, Takao K, Toyama K, Ichinose T, Furuya S, Miyakawa T
    Neuropsychopharmacology Reports 39(1) 56-60 2018年11月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • Naoki Adachi, Shingo Suzuki, Hidetada Matsuoka, Satoko Fushimi, Junichiro Ono, Ken-Ichi Ohta, Yohei Hirai, Takanori Miki, Hisatsugu Koshimizu
    Journal of Neurochemistry 146(1) 99-110 2018年1月22日  査読有り最終著者責任著者
    A recent study revealed that corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) in the cerebral cortex (CTX) plays a regulatory role in emotional behaviors in rodents. Given the functional interaction between brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and the CRH-signaling pathway in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, we hypothesized that BDNF may regulate gene expression of CRH and its related molecules in the CTX. Findings of real-time quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) indicated that stimulation of cultured rat cortical neurons with BDNF led to marked elevations in the mRNA levels of CRH and CRH-binding protein (CRH-BP). The BDNF-induced up-regulation of CRH-BP mRNA was attenuated by inhibitors of tropomyosin related kinase (Trk) and MEK, but not by an inhibitor for PI3K and Phospholipase C gamma (PLCγ). The up-regulation was partially blocked by an inhibitor of lysine-specific demethylase (KDM) 6B. Fluorescent imaging identified the vesicular pattern of pH-sensitive green fluorescent protein-fused CRH-BP (CRH-BP-pHluorin), which co-localized with mCherry-tagged BDNF in cortical neurons. In addition, live-cell imaging detected drastic increases of pHluorin fluorescence in neurites upon membrane depolarization. Finally, we confirmed that tetrodotoxin partially attenuated the BDNF-induced up-regulation of CRH-BP mRNA, but not that of the protein. These observations indicate the following: In cortical neurons, BDNF led to gene expression of CRH-BP and CRH. TrkB, MEK, presumably ERK, and KDM6B are involved in the BDNF-induced gene expression of CRH-BP, and BDNF is able to induce the up-regulation in a neuronal activity-independent manner. It is suggested that CRH-BP is stored into BDNF-containing secretory granules in cortical neurons, and is secreted in response to membrane depolarization.
  • Tomoyuki Murano, Hisatsugu Koshimizu, Hideo Hagihara, Tsuyoshi Miyakawa
    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 7 44531 2017年3月  査読有り
    Alcoholism, which is defined as the recurring harmful use of alcohol despite its negative consequences, has a lifetime prevalence of 17.8%. Previous studies have shown that chronic alcohol consumption disrupts various brain functions and behaviours. However, the precise mechanisms that underlie alcoholism are currently unclear. Recently, we discovered "pseudo-immature" brain cell states of the dentate gyrus and prefrontal cortex (PFC) in mouse models of psychotic disorders and epileptic seizure. Similar pseudo-immaturity has been observed in patients with psychotic disorders, such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Patients with alcoholism occasionally exhibit similar psychological symptoms, implying shared molecular and cellular mechanisms between these diseases. Here, we performed a meta-analysis to compare microarray data from the hippocampi/PFCs of the patients with alcoholism to data from these regions in developing human brains and mouse developmental data for specific cell types. We identified immature-like gene expression patterns in post-mortem hippocampi/PFCs of alcoholic patients and the dominant contributions of fast-spiking (FS) neurons to their pseudo-immaturity. These results suggested that FS neuron dysfunction and the subsequent imbalance between excitation and inhibition can be associated with pseudo-immaturity in alcoholism. These immaturities in the hippocampi/PFCs and the underlying mechanisms may explain the psychotic symptom generation and pathophysiology of alcoholism.
  • Shingo Suzuki, Hisatsugu Koshimizu, Naoki Adachi, Hidetada Matsuoka, Satoko Fushimi, Junichiro Ono, Ken-Ichi Ohta, Takanori Miki
    Peptides 89 42-49 2017年3月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    Accumulating evidence suggests functional interaction between brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR) signaling pathways in the central nervous system (CNS). To date, eight subtypes of mGluRs, mGluR1-8, have been identified, and a previous study suggested that BDNF leads to down-regulation of GluR2 mRNA in rat cerebral cortical cultures. However, precise transcriptomic effects of BDNF on other mGluRs and their cellular significance on the BDNF signaling pathway remain largely unknown. In this study, we assessed the transcriptomic effects of BDNF on mGluR1-8 in primary cultures of rat cerebral cortical neurons, and transcriptomic impacts of mGluR(s) whose expression is regulated by BDNF, on BDNF target genes. Real-time quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) revealed that stimulation of the cultures with 100ng/mL BDNF led to marked reductions not only in the gene expression levels of mGluR2, but also in those of mGluR3, both of which belong to group II mGluRs (mGluR II). There were, on the other hand, no changes in the amounts of mGluR I (mGluR1 and 5) and III (mGluR4, 6, 7, and 8) mRNA. Further, 10ng/mL of BDNF, which mainly activates the high-affinity BDNF receptor, TrkB, but not the low-affinity receptor, p75NTR, was able to induce down-regulation of mGluR II mRNA. The BDNF-induced suppression of mGluR II was not significantly attenuated in the presence of tetrodotoxin (TTX), a blocker for voltage-gated sodium channels. In addition, on stimulation with BDNF (100ng/mL), no significant down-regulation of mGluR II mRNA was seen in cultured astrocytes, which only express the truncated form of TrkB. Finally, we assessed the transcriptomic effect of mGluR II on the expressions of BDNF target genes, BDNF and activity-regulated cytoskeleton-associated protein (Arc). LY404039, an mGluR II agonist, enhanced the BDNF-induced up-regulation of BDNF, but not Arc. On the other hand, LY341495, an mGluR II antagonist, down-regulated BDNF mRNA levels. Collectively, these observations demonstrated the detailed functional interaction between BDNF and mGluR II: Activation of mGluR II positively regulates self-induced BDNF expression, and, in turn, BDNF negatively regulates the gene expression of mGluR II in a neuronal activity-independent manner, in cortical neurons, but not in astrocytes.
  • Hisatsugu Koshimizu, Keizo Takao, Takashi Matozaki, Hiroshi Ohnishi, Tsuyoshi Miyakawa
    PLOS ONE 9(2) e89584 2014年2月  査読有り筆頭著者
    Cluster of differentiation 47 (CD47) is a member of the immunoglobulin superfamily which functions as a ligand for the extracellular region of signal regulatory protein alpha (SIRP alpha), a protein which is abundantly expressed in the brain. Previous studies, including ours, have demonstrated that both CD47 and SIRP alpha fulfill various functions in the central nervous system (CNS), such as the modulation of synaptic transmission and neuronal cell survival. We previously reported that CD47 is involved in the regulation of depression-like behavior of mice in the forced swim test through its modulation of tyrosine phosphorylation of SIRP alpha. However, other potential behavioral functions of CD47 remain largely unknown. In this study, in an effort to further investigate functional roles of CD47 in the CNS, CD47 knockout (KO) mice and their wild-type littermates were subjected to a battery of behavioral tests. CD47 KO mice displayed decreased prepulse inhibition, while the startle response did not differ between genotypes. The mutants exhibited slightly but significantly decreased sociability and social novelty preference in Crawley's three-chamber social approach test, whereas in social interaction tests in which experimental and stimulus mice have direct contact with each other in a freely moving setting in a novel environment or home cage, there were no significant differences between the genotypes. While previous studies suggested that CD47 regulates fear memory in the inhibitory avoidance test in rodents, our CD47 KO mice exhibited normal fear and spatial memory in the fear conditioning and the Barnes maze tests, respectively. These findings suggest that CD47 is potentially involved in the regulation of sensorimotor gating and social behavior in mice.
  • Keizo Takao, Katsunori Kobayashi, Hideo Hagihara, Koji Ohira, Hirotaka Shoji, Satoko Hattori, Hisatsugu Koshimizu, Juzoh Umemori, Keiko Toyama, Hironori K. Nakamura, Mahomi Kuroiwa, Jun Maeda, Kimie Atsuzawa, Kayoko Esaki, Shun Yamaguchi, Shigeki Furuya, Tsuyoshi Takagi, Noah M. Walton, Nobuhiro Hayashi, Hidenori Suzuki, Makoto Higuchi, Nobuteru Usuda, Tetsuya Suhara, Akinori Nishi, Mitsuyuki Matsumoto, Shunsuke Ishii, Tsuyoshi Miyakawa
    Neuropsychopharmacology 38(8) 1409-1425 2013年7月  査読有り
    Schnurri-2 (Shn-2), an nuclear factor-κB site-binding protein, tightly binds to the enhancers of major histocompatibility complex class I genes and inflammatory cytokines, which have been shown to harbor common variant single-nucleotide polymorphisms associated with schizophrenia. Although genes related to immunity are implicated in schizophrenia, there has been no study showing that their mutation or knockout (KO) results in schizophrenia. Here, we show that Shn-2 KO mice have behavioral abnormalities that resemble those of schizophrenics. The mutant brain demonstrated multiple schizophrenia-related phenotypes, including transcriptome/proteome changes similar to those of postmortem schizophrenia patients, decreased parvalbumin and GAD67 levels, increased theta power on electroencephalograms, and a thinner cortex. Dentate gyrus granule cells failed to mature in mutants, a previously proposed endophenotype of schizophrenia. Shn-2 KO mice also exhibited mild chronic inflammation of the brain, as evidenced by increased inflammation markers (including GFAP and NADH/NADPH oxidase p22 phox), and genome-wide gene expression patterns similar to various inflammatory conditions. Chronic administration of anti-inflammatory drugs reduced hippocampal GFAP expression, and reversed deficits in working memory and nest-building behaviors in Shn-2 KO mice. These results suggest that genetically induced changes in immune system can be a predisposing factor in schizophrenia. © 2013 American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. All rights reserved.
  • Juzoh Umemori, Keizo Takao, Hisatsugu Koshimizu, Satoko Hattori, Tamio Furuse, Shigeharu Wakana, Tsuyoshi Miyakawa
    BMC research notes 6(1) 203-203 2013年5月21日  査読有り
    BACKGROUND: The Grin1 (glutamate receptor, ionotropic, NMDA1) gene expresses a subunit of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors that is considered to play an important role in excitatory neurotransmission, synaptic plasticity, and brain development. Grin1 is a candidate susceptibility gene for neuropsychiatric disorders, including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). In our previous study, we examined an N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU)-generated mutant mouse strain (Grin1(Rgsc174)/Grin1+) that has a non-synonymous mutation in Grin1. These mutant mice showed hyperactivity, increased novelty-seeking to objects, and abnormal social interactions. Therefore, Grin1(Rgsc174)/Grin1+ mice may serve as a potential animal model of neuropsychiatric disorders. However, other behavioral characteristics related to these disorders, such as working memory function and sensorimotor gating, have not been fully explored in these mutant mice. In this study, to further investigate the behavioral phenotypes of Grin1(Rgsc174)/Grin1+ mice, we subjected them to a comprehensive battery of behavioral tests. RESULTS: There was no significant difference in nociception between Grin1(Rgsc174)/Grin1+ and wild-type mice. The mutants did not display any abnormalities in the Porsolt forced swim and tail suspension tests. We confirmed the previous observations that the locomotor activity of these mutant mice increased in the open field and home cage activity tests. They displayed abnormal anxiety-like behaviors in the light/dark transition and the elevated plus maze tests. Both contextual and cued fear memory were severely deficient in the fear conditioning test. The mutant mice exhibited slightly impaired working memory in the eight-arm radial maze test. The startle amplitude was markedly decreased in Grin1(Rgsc174)/Grin1+ mice, whereas no significant differences between genotypes were detected in the prepulse inhibition (PPI) test. The mutant mice showed no obvious deficits in social behaviors in three different social interaction tests. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrated that the Grin1(Rgsc174)/Grin1+ mutation causes abnormal anxiety-like behaviors, a deficiency in fear memory, and a decreased startle amplitude in mice. Although Grin1(Rgsc174)/Grin1+ mice only partially recapitulate symptoms of patients with ADHD, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder, they may serve as a unique animal model of a certain subpopulation of patients with these disorders.
  • Y. P. Loh, H. Koshimizu, N. X. Cawley, B. Tota
    CURRENT MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY 19(24) 4086-4092 2012年8月  査読有り
    Serpinins are a family of peptides derived from proteolytic cleavage of the penultimate and the last pair of basic residues at the C-terminus of Chromogranin A. Three forms of naturally occurring serpinin have been found in AtT-20 pituitary cells and rat heart. They are serpinin, pyrogutaminated (pGlu) - serpinin and a C-terminally extended form, serpinin-RRG. In addition pGlu-serpinin has been found in brain, primarily in neurites and nerve terminals and shown to have protective effects against oxidative stress on neurons and pituitary cells. Serpinin has also been demonstrated to regulate granule biogenesis in endocrine cells by up-regulating the protease inhibitor, protease nexin-1 transcription via a cAMP-PKA-sp1 pathway. This leads to inhibition of granule protein degradation in the Golgi complex which in turn promotes granule formation. More recently, pGlu-serpinin has been demonstrated to enhance both myocardial contractility (inotropy) and relaxation (lusitropy). In the Langendorff perfused rat heart, pGlu-serpinin showed a concentration-dependent positive inotropic effect exerted through a cAMP-PKA dependent pathway. In conclusion, the serpinin peptides have profound effects at many levels that affect the endocrine and nervous systems and cardiac function.
  • Bruno Tota, Stefano Gentile, Teresa Pasqua, Eleonora Bassino, Hisatsugu Koshimizu, Niamh X. Cawley, Maria C. Cerra, Y. Peng Loh, Tommaso Angelone
    FASEB JOURNAL 26(7) 2888-2898 2012年7月  査読有り
    Three forms of serpinin peptides, serpinin (Ala26Leu), pyroglutaminated (pGlu)-serpinin (pGlu23Leu), and serpinin-Arg-Arg-Gly (Ala29Gly), are derived from cleavage at pairs of basic residues in the highly conserved C terminus of chromogranin A (CgA). Serpinin induces PN-1 expression in neuroendocrine cells to up-regulate granule biogenesis via a cAMP-protein kinase A-Sp1 pathway, while pGlu-serpinin inhibits cell death. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that serpinin peptides are produced in the heart and act as novel beta-adrenergic-like cardiac modulators. We detected serpinin peptides in the rat heart by HPLC and ELISA methods. The peptides included predominantly Ala29Gly and pGlu-serpinin and a small amount of serpinin. Using the Langendorff perfused rat heart to evaluate the hemodynamic changes, we found that serpinin and pGlu-serpinin exert dose-dependent positive inotropic and lusitropic effects at 11-165 nM, within the first 5 min after administration. The pGlu-serpinin-induced contractility is more potent than that of serpinin, starting from 1 nM. Using the isolated rat papillary muscle preparation to measure contractility in terms of tension development and muscle length, we further corroborated the pGlu-serpinin-induced positive inotropism. Ala29Gly was unable to affect myocardial performance. Both pGlu-serpinin and serpinin act through a beta 1-adrenergic receptor/adenylate cyclase/cAMP/PKA pathway, indicating that, contrary to the beta-blocking profile of the other CgA-derived cardiosuppressive peptides, vasostatin-1 and catestatin, these two C-terminal peptides act as beta-adrenergic-like agonists. In cardiac tissue extracts, pGlu-serpinin increased intracellular cAMP levels and phosphorylation of phospholamban (PLN) Ser16, ERK1/2, and GSK-3 beta. Serpinin and pGlu-serpinin peptides emerge as novel beta-adrenergic inotropic and lusitropic modulators, suggesting that CgA and the other derived cardioactive peptides can play a key role in how the myocardium orchestrates its complex response to sympathochromaffin stimulation.-Tota, B., Gentile, S., Pasqua, T., Bassino, E., Koshimizu, H., Cawley, N. X., Cerra, M. C., Loh, Y. P., Angelone, T. The novel chromogranin A-derived serpinin and pyroglutaminated serpinin peptides are positive cardiac beta-adrenergic-like inotropes. FASEB J. 26, 2888-2898 (2012). www.fasebj.org
  • Hisatsugu Koshimizu, Yasuyuki Fukui, Keizo Takao, Koji Ohira, Koichi Tanda, Kazuo Nakanishi, Keiko Toyama, Masanobu Oshima, Makoto Mark Taketo, Tsuyoshi Miyakawa
    A tumor suppressor gene, Adenornatous polyposis coli (Apc), is expressed in the nervous system from embryonic to adulthood stages, and transmits the Wnt signaling pathway in which schizophrenia susceptibility genes, including T-cell factor 4 (TCF4) and calcineurin (CN), are involved. However, the functions of Apc in the nervous system are largely unknown. In this study, as the first evaluation of Apc function in the nervous system, we have investigated the behavioral significance of the Apc gene, applying a battery of behavioral tests to Apc heterozygous knockout (Apc(+/-)) mice. Apc(+/-) mice showed no significant impairment in neurological reflexes or sensory and motor abilities. In various tests, including light/dark transition, open-field, social interaction, eight-arm radial maze, and fear conditioning tests, Apc(+/-) mice exhibited hypoactivity. In the eight arm radial maze, Apc(+/-) mice 6-7 weeks of age displayed almost normal performance, whereas those 11-12 weeks of age showed a severe performance deficit in working memory, suggesting that Apc is involved in working memory performance in an age-dependent manner. The possibility that anemia, which Apc(+/-) mice develop by 17 weeks of age, impairs working memory performance, however, cannot be excluded. Our results suggest that Apc plays a role in the regulation of locomotor activity and presumably working memory performance.
  • Hisatsugu Koshimizu, Shingo Suzuki, Toshiyuki Araki, Masashi Yamada, Masami Kojima, Hiroshi Hatanaka
    CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR NEUROBIOLOGY 31(7) 1027-1032 2011年10月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    Brain immunoglobulin-like molecule with tyrosine-based activation motifs/SHP substrate 1 (BIT/SHPS-1) is a neuronal adhesion molecule that is highly expressed in cerebellar granule neurons (CGNs); however its function in CGNs remains unclear. Our previous studies indicated that BIT/SHPS-1 is able to modulate the antiapoptotic effect of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) on CNS neurons by cell type-specific mechanisms. In this article, we have studied the role of BIT/SHPS-1 in the antiapoptotic function of BDNF on low potassium (LK)-induced cell death of cultured CGNs which is an in vitro model system of neuronal apoptosis during brain development. Cultured rat CGNs were transduced with wild-type rat BIT/SHPS-1 (BIT/SHPS-1(WT)), its 4F-mutant (BIT/SHPS-1(4F), in which all cytoplasmic tyrosine residues were substituted with phenylalanine), or nuclear localization signal-attached beta-galactosidase (NLS-LacZ, as control)-expressing adenoviruses. Expression of BIT/SHPS-1(WT) and BIT/SHPS-1(4F) alone did not affect steady-state cell viability. Tyrosine phosphorylation of BIT/SHPS-1 was only detected in BIT/SHPS-1(WT)-expressing cultures in the presence and the absence of BDNF. When subjected to LK in the presence of BDNF, BIT/SHPS-1(WT)- and BIT/SHPS-1(4F)-expressing cultures showed a significant resistance to cell death, while the control virus-transfected culture did not. In addition, a phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-K) inhibitor, LY294002, attenuated the antiapoptotic effect of BDNF on BIT/SHPS-1(WT)-, and BIT/SHPS-1(4F)-expressing cultures. These results demonstrated that in both tyrosine phosphorylation-independent and PI3-K-dependent manners, BIT/SHPS-1 promotes the antiapoptotic effect of BDNF on the LK-induced cell death of CGNs.
  • Hisatsugu Koshimizu, Niamh X. Cawley, Alfred L. Yergy, Y. Peng Loh
    JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR NEUROSCIENCE 45(2) 294-303 2011年10月  査読有り筆頭著者
    Chromogranin A (CgA) is a member of the granin family of molecules found in secretory granules of endocrine and neuro-endocrine cells. Here, we have identified a new 23-mer CgA-derived peptide secreted from pituitary AtT-20 cells, which we named pyroGlu-serpinin (pGlu-serpinin). LC-MS studies of peptides in conditioned medium of AtT-20 cells indicate that pGlu-serpinin is derived from initial processing of mouse CgA at paired basic residues, Arg461-Arg462 and Arg433-Arg434, to yield a previously described 26 amino acid peptide, serpinin. Three amino acids are then cleaved from the N terminus of serpinin, yielding a peptide with an N-terminal glutamine, which is then subsequently pyroglutaminated. Immunocytochemistry showed co-localization of pGlu-serpinin with adrenocorticotropic hormone in secretory granules of AtT-20 cells, and it was released in an activity-dependent manner. Functional studies demonstrated that pGlu-serpinin was able to prevent radical oxygen species (hydrogen peroxide)-induced cell death of AtT-20 cells and cultured rat cerebral cortical neurons at a concentration of 1 and 10 nM, respectively. These data indicate that pGlu-serpinin has anti-apoptotic effects that may be important in neuroprotection of central nervous system neurons and pituitary cells. Furthermore, pGlu-serpinin added to the media of AtT-20 cells up-regulated the transcription of the serine protease inhibitor, protease nexin-1 (PN-1) mRNA. pGlu-serpinin's ability to increase levels of PN-1, a potent inhibitor of plasmin released during inflammatory processes causing cell death, may play a role in protecting cells under adverse pathophysiological conditions.
  • Hisatsugu Koshimizu, Niamh X. Cawley, Taeyoon Kim, Alfred L. Yergey, Y. Peng Loh
    MOLECULAR ENDOCRINOLOGY 25(5) 732-744 2011年5月  査読有り筆頭著者
    Previously we demonstrated that chromogranin A (CgA) promoted secretory granule biogenesis in endocrine cells by stabilizing and preventing granule protein degradation in the Golgi, through up-regulation of expression of the protease inhibitor, protease nexin-1 (PN-1). However, the mechanism by which CgA signals the increase of PN-1 expression is unknown. Here we identified a 2.9-kDa CgA-C-terminus peptide, which we named serpinin, in conditioned media from AtT-20 cells, a corticotroph cell line, which up-regulated PN-1 mRNA expression. Serpinin was secreted from AtT-20 cells upon high potassium stimulation and increased PN-1 mRNA transcription in these cells, in an actinomycin D-inhibitable manner. CgA itself and other CgA-derived peptides, when added to AtT-20 cell media, had no effect on PN-1 expression. Treatment of AtT-20 cells with 10 nM serpinin elevated cAMP levels and PN-1 mRNA expression, and this effect was inhibited by a protein kinase A inhibitor, 6-22 amide. Serpinin and a cAMP analog, 8-bromo-cAMP, promoted the translocation of the transcription factor Sp1 into the nucleus, which is known to drive PN-1 expression. Additionally, an Sp1 inhibitor, mithramycin A inhibited the serpinin-induced PN-1 mRNA up-regulation. Furthermore, a luciferase reporter assay demonstrated serpinin-induced up-regulation of PN-1 promoter activity in an Sp1-dependent manner. When added to CgB-transfected 6T3 cells, a mutant AtT20 cell line, serpinin induced granule biogenesis as evidenced by the presence of CgB puncta accumulation in the processes and tips. Our findings taken together show that serpinin, a novel CgA-derived peptide, is secreted upon stimulation of corticotrophs and plays an important autocrine role in up-regulating PN-1-dependent granule biogenesis via a cAMP-protein kinase A-Sp1 pathway to replenish released granules. (Molecular Endocrinology 25:732-744,2011)
  • Hisatsugu Koshimizu, Taeyoon Kim, Niamh X. Cawley, Y. Peng Loh
    REGULATORY PEPTIDES 165(1) 95-101 2010年11月  査読有り筆頭著者
    Chromogranin A (CgA), a member of the granin family serves several important cell biological roles in (neuro) endocrine cells which are summarized in this review. CgA is a "prohormone" that is synthesized at the rough endoplasmic reticulum and transported into the cisternae of this organelle via its signal peptide. It is then trafficked to the Golgi complex and then to the trans-Golgi network (TGN) where CgA aggregates at low pH in the presence of calcium. The CgA aggregates provide the physical driving force to induce budding of the TGN membrane resulting in dense core granule (DCG) formation. Within the granule, a small amount of the CgA is processed to bioactive peptides, including a predicted C-terminal peptide, serpinin. Upon stimulation, DCGs undergo exocytosis and CgA and its derived peptides are released. Serpinin, acting extracellularly is able to signal the increase in transcription of a serine protease inhibitor, protease nexin-1 (PN-1) that protects DCG proteins against degradation in the Golgi complex, which then enhances DCG biogenesis to replenish those that were released. Thus CgA and its derived peptide, serpinin, plays a significant role in granule formation and regulation of granule biogenesis, respectively, in (neuro) endocrine cells. (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier B.V.
  • Hisatsugu Koshimizu, Shunsuke Hazama, Tomoko Nara, Akihiko Ogura, Masami Kojima
    NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS 473(3) 229-232 2010年4月  査読有り筆頭著者
    Recent studies have focused on a distinctive contrast between bioactivities of precursor brain-derived neurotrophic factor (proBDNF) and mature BDNF (matBDNF). In this study, using a proteolytic cleavage-resistant proBDNF mutant (CR-proBDNF), signaling mechanisms underlying the proapoptotic effect of proBDNF and antiapoptotic effect of matBDNF on the low potassium (LK)-inducing cell death of cultured cerebellar granule neurons (CGNs) were analyzed. A time course study demonstrated that unlike matBDNF, CR-proBDNF failed to induce TrkB phosphorylation for up to 360 min. CR-proBDNF did not activate ERK-1, ERK-2 and Akt, which are involved in TrkB-induced cell survival signaling, while matBDNF activated these kinases. On the other hand treatment of CGNs with CR-proBDNF led to a rapid activation of Rac-GTPase and phosphorylation of JNK which are involved in p75(NTR)-induced apoptosis. In addition, a JNK-specific inhibitor, SP600125, inhibited the CR-proBDNF-induced apoptosis but did not affect the antiapoptotic effect of matBDNF. CR-proBDNF treatment led to an earlier appearance of active caspase-3. In contrast, matBDNF dramatically postponed the appearance of active caspase-3. Not like other signaling molecules, activation of caspase-3 was conversely regulated by both CR-proBDNF and matBDNF. These results thus suggest that in CGNs proBDNF elicits apoptosis via activation of p75(NTR), Rac-GTPase, JNK, and caspase-3, while matBDNF signals cell survival via activation of TrkB, ERKs and Akt, and deactivation of caspase-3. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Hisatsugu Koshimizu, Taeyoon Kim, Niamh X. Cawley, Y. Peng Loh
    REGULATORY PEPTIDES 160(1-3) 153-159 2010年2月  査読有り筆頭著者
    Chromogranin A (CgA), a member of the granin family serves several important cell biological roles in (neuro) endocrine cells which are summarized in this review. CgA is a "prohormone" that is synthesized at the rough endoplasmic reticulum and transported into the cisternae of this organelle via its signal peptide. It is then trafficked to the Golgi complex and then to the trans-Golgi network (TGN) where CgA aggregates at low pH in the presence of calcium. The CgA aggregates provide the physical driving force to induce budding of the TGN membrane resulting in dense core granule (DCG) formation. Within the granule, a small amount of the CgA is processed to bioactive peptides, including a predicted C-terminal peptide, serpinin. Upon stimulation, DCGs undergo exocytosis and CgA and its derived peptides are released. Serpinin, acting extracellularly is able to signal the increase in transcription of a serine protease inhibitor, protease nexin-1 (PN-1) that protects DCG proteins against degradation in the Golgi complex, which then enhances DCG biogenesis to replenish those that were released. Thus CgA and its derived peptide, serpinin, plays a significant role in granule formation and regulation of granule biogenesis, respectively, in (neuro) endocrine cells. Published by Elsevier B.V.
  • Alicja Woronowicz, Niamh X. Cawley, Su-Youne Chang, Hisatsugu Koshimizu, Andre W. Phillips, Zhi-Gang Xiong, Y. Peng Loh
    JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH 88(1) 64-72 2010年1月  査読有り
    Carboxypeptidase E (CPE) is involved in maturation of neuropeptides and sorting of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) to the regulated pathway for activity-dependent secretion from CNS neurons. CPE knockout (CPE-KO) mice have many neurological deficits, including deficits in learning and memory. Here, we analyzed the dendritic arborization and spine morphology of CPE-KO mice to determine a possible correlation of defects in such structures with the neurological deficits observed in these animals. Analysis of pyramidal neurons in layer V of cerebral cortex and in hippocampal CA1 region in 14-week-old CPE-KO mice showed more dendritic complexity compared with wild type (WT) mice. There were more dendritic intersections and more branch points in CPE-KO vs. WT neurons. Comparison of pyramidal cortical neurons in 6- vs. 14-week-old WT mice showed a decrease in dendritic arborization, reflecting the occurrence of normal dendritic pruning. However, this did not occur in CPE-KO neurons. Furthermore, analysis of spine morphology demonstrated a significant increase in the number of D-type spines regarded as nonfunctional in the cortical neurons of CPE-KO animals. Our findings suggest that CPE is an important, novel player in mediating appropriate dendritic patterning and spine formation in CNS neurons. (C) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
  • Hisatsugu Koshimizu, Vladimir Senatorov, Y. Peng Loh, Illana Gozes
    JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR NEUROSCIENCE 39(1-2) 1-8 2009年9月  査読有り筆頭著者
    This review outlines the neuroprotective activities and structural specificities of two distinct proteins, activity-dependent neuroprotective protein, a protein assigned transcription factor/chromatin remodeling activity, and carboxypeptidase E, a classic exopeptidase. Future studies will elucidate how these two versatile proteins converge onto a similar endpoint: neuroprotection.
  • Joshua J. Park, Hisatsugu Koshimizu, Y. Peng Loh
    JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR NEUROSCIENCE 37(2) 151-159 2009年2月  査読有り
    Biogenesis and post-Golgi transport of peptidergic secretory granules to the release site are crucial for secretion of neuropeptides from neuroendocrine cells. Recent studies have uncovered multilevel molecular mechanisms for the regulation of secretory granule biogenesis. Insulinoma-associated protein 2 (ICA512/IA-2), polypyrimidine-tract binding protein, and chromogranin A have been identified to regulate secretory granule biogenesis at the transcriptional, posttranscriptional, and posttranslational levels, respectively, by increasing granule protein levels, which in turn drives granule formation after stimulation. Post-Golgi transport of secretory granules is microtubule-based and mediated by transmembrane carboxypeptidase E (CPE). The cytoplasmic tail of CPE anchors secretory granules to the microtubule motors, kinesin-2 and -3, or dynein, via interaction with the adaptor, dynactin, to mediate anterograde and retrograde transport, respectively.
  • Hisatsugu Koshimizu, Kazuyuki Kiyosue, Tomoko Hara, Shunsuke Hazama, Shingo Suzuki, Koichi Uegaki, Guhan Nagappan, Eugene Zaitsev, Takatsugu Hirokawa, Yoshiro Tatsu, Akihiko Ogura, Bai Lu, Masami Kojima
    MOLECULAR BRAIN 2 27 2009年  査読有り筆頭著者
    Background: Proneurotrophins and mature neurotrophins elicit opposite effects via the p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75(NTR)) and Trk tyrosine kinase receptors, respectively; however the molecular roles of proneurotrophins in the CNS are not fully understood. Results: Based on two rare single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of the human brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene, we generated R125M-, R127L- and R125M/R127L-BDNF, which have amino acid substitution(s) near the cleavage site between the pro-and mature-domain of BDNF. Western blot analyses demonstrated that these BDNF variants are poorly cleaved and result in the predominant secretion of proBDNF. Using these cleavage-resistant proBDNF (CR-proBDNF) variants, the molecular and cellular roles of proBDNF on the CNS neurons were examined. First, CR-proBDNF showed normal intracellular distribution and secretion in cultured hippocampal neurons, suggesting that inhibition of proBDNF cleavage does not affect intracellular transportation and secretion of BDNF. Second, we purified recombinant CR-proBDNF and tested its biological effects using cultured CNS neurons. Treatment with CR-proBDNF elicited apoptosis of cultured cerebellar granule neurons (CGNs), while treatment with mature BDNF (matBDNF) promoted cell survival. Third, we examined the effects of CR-proBDNF on neuronal morphology using more than 2-week cultures of basal forebrain cholinergic neurons (BFCNs) and hippocampal neurons. Interestingly, in marked contrast to the action of matBDNF, which increased the number of cholinergic fibers and hippocampal dendritic spines, CR-proBDNF dramatically reduced the number of cholinergic fibers and hippocampal dendritic spines, without affecting the survival of these neurons. Conclusion: These results suggest that proBDNF has distinct functions in different populations of CNS neurons and might be responsible for specific physiological cellular processes in the brain.
  • Alicja Woronowicz, Hisatsugu Koshimizu, Su-Youne Chang, Niamh X. Cawley, Joanna M. Hill, Ramona M. Rodriguiz, Daniel Abebe, Caroline Dorfman, Vladimir Senatorov, An Zhou, Zhi-Gang Xiong, William C. Wetsel, Y. Peng Loh
    HIPPOCAMPUS 18(10) 1051-1063 2008年  査読有り
    Molecules that govern the formation, integrity, and function of the hippocampus remain an important area of investigation. Here we show that absence of the proneuropeptide processing enzyme, carboxypeptidase E (CPE) in CPE knock-out (KO) mice had a profound effect on memory, synaptic physiology, and the cytoarchitecture of the hippocampus in these animals. Adult CPE-KO mice displayed deficits in memory consolidation as revealed by the water-maze, object preference, and social transmission of food preference tests. These mice also showed no evoked long-term potentiation. Additionally, CPE-KO mice at 4 weeks of age and older, but not at 3 weeks of age, exhibited marked degeneration specifically of the pyramidal neurons in the hippocampal CA3 region which normally expresses high levels of CPE. Immunohistochemistry revealed that the neuronal marker, NeuN, was reduced, while the glial marker, GFAP, was increased, characteristic of gliosis in the CA3 area of CPE-KO mice. Calbindin staining indicated early termination of the mossy fibers before reaching the CA1 region in these mice. Thus, absence of CPE leads to degeneration of the CA3 neurons and perturbation of the cytoarchitecture of the hippocampus. Ex vivo studies showed that overexpression of CPE in cultured hippocampal neurons protected them against H2O2 oxidative-stress induced cell death. These findings taken together indicate that CPE is essential for the survival of adult hippocampal CA3 neurons to maintain normal cognitive function. Published 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
  • Shingo Suzuki, Kazuyuki Kiyosue, Shunsuke Hazama, Akihiko Ogura, Megumi Kashihara, Tomoko Hara, Hisatsugu Koshimizu, Masami Kojima
    JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 27(24) 6417-6427 2007年6月  査読有り
    Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) exerts multiple biological functions in the CNS. Although BDNF can control transcription and protein synthesis, it still remains open to question whether BDNF regulates lipid biosynthesis. Here we show that BDNF elicits cholesterol biosynthesis in cultured cortical and hippocampal neurons. Importantly, BDNF elicited cholesterol synthesis in neurons, but not in glial cells. Quantitative reverse transcriptase-PCR revealed that BDNF stimulated the transcription of enzymes in the cholesterol biosynthetic pathway. BDNF-induced cholesterol increases were blocked by specific inhibitors of cholesterol synthesis, mevastatin and zaragozic acid, suggesting that BDNF stimulates de novo synthesis of cholesterol rather than the incorporation of extracellular cholesterol. Because cholesterol is a major component of lipid rafts, we investigated whether BDNF would increase the cholesterol content in lipid rafts or nonraft membrane domains. Interestingly, the BDNF-mediated increase in cholesterol occurred in rafts, but not in nonrafts, suggesting that BDNF promotes the development of neuronal lipid rafts. Consistent with this notion, BDNF raised the level of the lipid raft marker protein caveolin-2 in rafts. Remarkably, BDNF increased the levels of presynaptic proteins in lipid rafts, but not in nonrafts. An electrophysiological study revealed that BDNF-dependent cholesterol biosynthesis plays an important role for the development of a readily releasable pool of synaptic vesicles. Together, these results suggest a novel role for BDNF in cholesterol metabolism and synapse development.
  • K Nishiyama, A Konishi, C Nishio, K Araki-Yoshida, B Hatanaka, M Kojima, Y Ohmiya, M Yamada, H Koshimizu
    BRAIN RESEARCH BULLETIN 67(1-2) 94-99 2005年9月  査読有り最終著者責任著者
    Cystatin C, an inhibitor of cysteine proteinases, is suggested to be involved in oxidative stress-induced apoptosis of cultured CNS neurons and various neuronal diseases in vivo; however, little is known about its mechanism of action. To address the role cystatin C plays in oxidative stress-induced neuronal cell death, we established PC12 cell lines that stably expressed rat cystatin C. These cystatin C-expressing PC12 cells showed remarkable resistance to high (50%) oxygen atmosphere. This resistance correlate with expression levels of cystatin C. demonstrating that cystatin C has a protective effect on high oxygen-induced cell death. In contrast. in a normal (20%) oxygen atmosphere neither control nor cystatin C-expressing PC12 cells showed a significant change in the number of living cells, indicating that cystatin C does not play an important role in the regulation of cellular proliferation, Furthermore, the cystatin C-expressing cell line also resisted other oxidative stresses, including glutamate- and 13-L-hydroperoxylinoleic acid (LOOH)-induced cell death. These results demonstrate that cystatin C has protective effects against various oxidative stresses that induce cell death. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • S Suzuki, T Numakawa, K Shimazu, H Koshimizu, T Hara, H Hatanaka, L Mei, B Lu, M Kojima
    JOURNAL OF CELL BIOLOGY 167(6) 1205-1215 2004年12月  査読有り
    Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) plays an important role in synaptic plasticity but the underlying signaling mechanisms remain unknown. Here, we show that BDNF rapidly recruits full-length TrkB (TrkB-FL) receptor into cholesterol-rich lipid rafts from nonraft regions of neuronal plasma membranes. Translocation of TrkB-FL was blocked by Trk inhibitors, suggesting a role of TrkB tyrosine kinase in the translocation. Disruption of lipid rafts by depleting cholesterol from cell surface blocked the ligand-induced translocation. Moreover, disruption of lipid rafts prevented potentiating effects of BDNF on transmitter release in cultured neurons and synaptic response to tetanus in hippocampal slices. in contrast, lipid rafts are not required for BDNF regulation of neuronal survival. Thus, ligand-induced TrkB translocation into lipid rafts may represent a signaling mechanism selective for synaptic modulation by BDNF in the central nervous system.
  • T Numakawa, T Ishimoto, S Suzuki, Y Numakawa, N Adachi, T Matsumoto, D Yokomaku, H Koshimizu, KE Fujimori, R Hashimoto, T Taguchi, H Kunugi
    JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 279(41) 43245-43253 2004年10月  査読有り
    Little is known about the role of the integrin-associated protein (IAP, or CD47) in neuronal development and its function in the central nervous system. We investigated neuronal responses in IAP-overexpressing cortical neurons using a virus-gene transfer system. We found that dendritic outgrowth was significantly enhanced in IAP (form 4)-transfected neurons. Furthermore, synaptic proteins including synaptotagmin, syntaxin, synapsin I, and SNAP25 (25-kDa synaptosomal associated protein) were up-regulated. In accordance with this finding, the release of the excitatory transmitter glutamate and the frequencies of Ca2+ oscillations (glutamate-mediated synaptic transmission) were increased. Interestingly, the overexpression of IAP activated mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), and this activation was required for the IAP-dependent biological effects. After down-regulation of the endogenous IAP by small interfering RNA, MAPK activity, synaptic protein levels, and glutamate release decreased. These observations suggest that the IAP plays important roles in dendritic outgrowth and synaptic transmission in developing cortical neurons through the activation of MAPK.
  • S Yamagishi, M Yamada, H Koshimizu, S Takai, H Hatanaka, K Takeda, H Ichijo, K Shimoke, T Ikeuchi
    JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY 133(6) 719-724 2003年6月  査読有り
    Previously, we reported that p38, which belongs to the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) superfamily, has an important role in the induction of apoptosis of cultured cerebellar granule neurons. However, the molecular mechanisms upstream of p38 activation remain unclear. Apoptosis signal-regulating kinase-1 (ASK1), a MAPK kinase kinase (MAPKKK) protein, is known to activate both c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) and p38 via MAPK kinase (MKK) 4/7 and MKK3/6, respectively. Here, we examined whether ASK1 is involved in the activation of p38 in the low potassium (LK)-induced apoptosis of cerebellar granule neurons. We found that ASK1 was activated after a change to LK medium. In addition, the expression of ASK1-KM, a dominant-negative form of ASK1, using an adenovirus system was found to inhibit the activation of p38 and c-Jun and to prevent apoptosis. On the other hand, the expression of ASK1-DeltaN, a constitutively active form of ASK1, activated p38 and c-Jun, but not JNK, another possible downstream target of ASK1. Furthermore, we examined the relationship between phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-K) and ASK1. The addition of LY294002, a specific inhibitor of PI3-K, enhanced the ASK1 activity. These results indicate that ASK1 works downstream of PI3-K to regulate the p38-c-Jun pathway and apoptosis in cultured cerebellar granule neurons.
  • M Yamada, T Numakawa, H Koshimizu, K Tanabe, K Wada, S Koizumi, H Hatanaka
    BRAIN RESEARCH 955(1-2) 183-190 2002年11月  査読有り
    Nerve growth factor (NGF), brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and neurotrophin-3 (NT-3), members of the neurotrophin family, bind to and activate TrkA, TrkB and TrkC, respectively, members of the Trk receptor tyrosine kinase family, to exert various effects including promotion of differentiation and survival, and regulation of synaptic plasticity in neuronal cells. Many reports have suggested that different neurotrophins show distinct biological functions, although molecular mechanisms by which neurotrophins exert their different functions remain unclear. In the present study, we found distinct usages of phospholipase Cgamma (PLCgamma) and Shc in intracellular signaling stimulated by neurotrophins. BDNF stimulated much stronger interactions of PLCgamma with Trk than NGF and NT-3 in PC12 cells stably expressing TrkB and cultured cerebral cortical neurons, respectively, although BDNF, NGF and NT-3 induced similar levels of tyrosine phosphorylation of Trk. Furthermore, the cultured cortical neurons showed large PLCgamma-dependent increases in intracellular Ca2+ levels in response to BDNF compared with NT-3. In Shc signaling, NGF, but not BDNF, displayed interactions between Trk and Shc in a phenylarsine oxide (PAO; an inhibitor of tyrosine phosphatase)-dependent manner in TrkB-expressing PC12 cells. These results indicated that neurotrophins stimulate distinct kinds of interactions between Trk and PLCgamma and between Trk and Shc. These differences may lead to the distinct biological functions of neurotrophins. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
  • S Takai, M Yamada, T Araki, H Koshimizu, H Nawa, H Hatanaka
    JOURNAL OF NEUROCHEMISTRY 82(2) 353-364 2002年7月  査読有り
    To examine the roles of Shp-2, a cytoplasmic tyrosine phosphatase, in neuronal survival, we generated and used recombinant adenoviruses expressing wild type and phosphatase-inactive (C/S), phosphatase domain-deficient (delta P) and constitutively active (D61A and E76A) mutants of Shp-2. We found that wild-type Shp-2 enhanced brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)-promoted survival of cultured ventral mesencephalic dopaminergic neurons. In contrast, the C/S and delta P mutants of Shp-2 did not affect survival. In addition, the constitutively active D61A and E76A mutants mimicked BDNF and promoted survival. Furthermore, to examine the effects of BIT/SHPS-1, a substrate of Shp-2, on the BDNF-promoted survival, we generated adenovirus vectors expressing wild-type BIT/SHPS-1 and its 4F mutant in which all tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of BIT/SHPS-1 were replaced with phenylalanine. We found that BDNF-promoted survival of cultured mesencephalic dopaminergic neurons was enhanced by expression of the 4F mutant but not of wild-type BIT/SHPS-1. In addition, we found that co-expression of wild-type BIT/SHPS-1 with Shp-2 significantly enhanced the survival-promoting effect of BDNF on cultured mesencephalic dopaminergic neurons. These results indicated that Shp-2 positively regulates the survival-promoting effect of BDNF on cultured ventral mesencephalic dopaminergic neurons. Dephosphorylation of BIT/SHPS-1 by Shp-2 may participate in BDNF-stimulated survival signaling.
  • H Koshimizu, T Araki, S Takai, D Yokomaku, Y Ishikawa, M Kubota, S Sano, H Hatanaka, M Yamada
    JOURNAL OF NEUROCHEMISTRY 82(2) 249-257 2002年7月  査読有り筆頭著者
    The death and survival of neuronal cells are regulated by various signaling pathways during development of the brain and in neuronal diseases. Previously, we demonstrated that the neuronal adhesion molecule brain immunoglobulin-like molecule with tyrosine-based activation motifs/SHP substrate 1 (BIT/SHPS-1) is involved in brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)-promoted neuronal cell survival. Here, we report the apoptosis-inducing effect of CD47/integrin-associated protein (IAP), the heterophilic binding partner of BIT/SHPS-1, on neuronal cells. We generated a recombinant adenovirus vector expressing a neuronal form of CD47/IAP, and found that the expression of CD47/IAP by infection with CD47/IAP adenovirus induced the death of cultured cerebral cortical neurons. The numbers of TdT-mediated biotin-dUTP nick-end labelling (TUNEL)-positive neurons and of cells displaying apoptotic nuclei increased by expression of CD47/IAP. Neuronal cell death was prevented by the addition of the broad-spectrum caspase inhibitor Z-VAD-fmk. Furthermore, we observed that co-expression of CD47/IAP with BIT/SHPS-1 enhanced neuronal cell death, and that BDNF prevented it. These results suggest that CD47/IAP is involved in a novel pathway which regulates caspase-dependent apoptosis of cultured cerebral cortical neurons. CD47/IAP-induced death of cultured cortical neurons may be regulated by the interaction of CD47/IAP with BIT/SHPS-1 and by BDNF.
  • S Takai, T Araki, H Koshimizu, H Hatanaka, M Yamada
  • Y Imamoto, H Koshimizu, K Mihara, O Hisatomi, T Mizukami, K Tsujimoto, M Kataoka, F Tokunaga
    BIOCHEMISTRY 40(15) 4679-4685 2001年4月  査読有り
    To investigate the roles of amino acid residues around the chromophore in photoactive yellow protein (PYP), new mutants, Y424, E46A, and T50A were prepared. Their spectroscopic properties were compared with those of wild-type, Y42F, E46Q, T50V, R52Q, and E46Q/T50V, which were previously prepared and specified, The absorption maxima of Y42A, E46A, and T50A were observed at 438, 469, and 454 nm, respectively. The results of pH titration for the chromophore demonstrated that the chromophore of PYP mutant, like the wild-type, was protonated and bleached under acidic conditions. The red-shifts of the absorption maxima in mutants tended toward a pK(a) increase. Mutation at Glu46 induced remarkable shifts in the absorption maxima and pK(a). The extinction coefficients were increased in proportion to the absorption maxima, whereas the oscillator strengths were constant. PYP mutants that conserved Tyr42 were in the pH-dependent equilibrium between two states (yellow and colorless forms). However, Y42A and Y42F were in the pH-independent equilibrium between additional intermediate state(s) at around neutral pH, in which yellow form was dominant in Y42F whereas the other was dominant in Y42A. These findings suggest that Tyr42 acts as the hinge of the protein, and the bulk as well as the hydroxyl group of Tyr42 controls the protein conformation In all mutants, absorbance at 450 nm was decreased upon flash irradiation and afterwards recovered on a millisecond time scale. However, absorbance at 340-370 nm was increased vice versa, indicating that the long-lived near-UV intermediates are formed from mutants, as in the case of wild-type. The lifetime changes with mutation suggest the regulation of proton movement through a hydrogen-bonding network.












  • 企画立案・運営等, その他
    日本神経科学学会 (NEURO2024: 第47回日本神経科学大会. 第67回日本神経化学会大会. 第46回日本生物学的精神医学会年会. 第8回アジアオセアニア神経科学連合コングレス) (ハイブリッド開催(福岡国際会議場; YouTube Live)) 2024年7月27日
    0 2024年7月に福岡で開かれるNeuro2024にて「ランチョン大討論会 〜私達が望む神経科学の研究環境―よりよき現在と未来へ向けて」を開催します! 政府は「科学技術・イノベーション基本計画」を策定し、長期的視野に立って体系的かつ一貫した科学技術政策を実行することとなっています。具体的には内閣総理大臣からの諮問を受けて、総合科学技術・イノベーション会議(CSTI)において、基本計画が策定されます。基本計画は、これまでにImPact、SIP、ムーンショット、国際卓越研究大学等の政策に大きな影響を与えてきています。現在進行中の「第7期科学技術・イノベーション基本計画」に向かって、神経科学分野の特徴も踏まえつつ、研究費やキャリアパス等について、現場の研究者、特に若手の皆さまからの意見を集約して計画にフィードバックすることを通じ、よりよい研究環境を創っていきましょう!
  • 企画立案・運営等, その他
    藤田医科大学 精神・神経病態解明センター (名古屋マリオットアソシアホテル) 2023年11月25日 - 2023年11月26日
  • 企画立案・運営等, パネル司会・セッションチェア等, その他
    藤田医科大学 研究推進本部 URA室 (オンライン開催(Zoom)) 2023年11月22日
    演者:湯浅 誠 (カクタス・コミュニケーションズ日本法人代表)
  • 企画立案・運営等, パネル司会・セッションチェア等, その他
    藤田医科大学 研究推進本部 SD講習会 (オンライン開催(Zoom)) 2023年3月24日
  • 企画立案・運営等, その他
    藤田医科大学 精神・神経病態解明センター (Nagoya Marriott Associa Hotel) 2022年11月19日 - 2022年11月20日
  • 企画立案・運営等, パネル司会・セッションチェア等, その他
    藤田医科大学 研究支援推進本部 SD講習会 (オンライン開催(Zoom)) 2022年3月18日
  • 企画立案・運営等, パネル司会・セッションチェア等, その他
    藤田医科大学研究支援推進本部・愛知医科大学研究創出支援センター (オンライン開催(Zoom Webinar)) 2021年6月25日
  • 企画立案・運営等, その他
    日本神経科学学会 (Neuro2019: 第42回日本神経科学大会 第62回日本神経化学会大会) (朱鷺メッセ) 2019年7月28日
    近年、遺伝子編集技術、光遺伝学、ブレインマッピング、単一細胞シークエンシング、ディープラーニングなど、さまざまな新しい技術が開発され、 神経科学研究が大きく進展しています。また個々の研究者を取り巻く研究環境も大きく変貌しつつあります。そこで様々な問題について、専門分野や年齢・研究環境を越えた建設的な議論を深めるために、日本神経科学学会では大会の最終日に不定期に「ランチョン大討論会」を行っています。 【日時】2019年7月28日(日)12:00-14:00 【会場 】朱鷺メッセ (新潟コンベンションセンター) 第1会場(国際会議室) 【内容】脳科学分野を含む日本の国際競争力が低下していることが近年顕在化しています。前回の大会(神戸)では、「来る10-20年のタイムスパンで日本の脳科学を発展させていくには何を、どう目指せばよいのか」というテーマで、各分野の有志に持論を発表していただき討論を展開しました。今回の新潟大会では、ダイバーシティ企画・若手PI企画とタイアップし、「何を」のみでなく、「どうやって」に重点を置いて討論を行います。来る20年にブレークスルーを生みだしていくには、私たちはどうすれば良いのでしょうか?Web登録および大会会場先着200名様限定で特製「脳科学弁当」をご提供。 【企画】宮川 剛、小清水 久嗣(藤田医科大学)、柚﨑 通介(慶應義塾大学)
  • 企画立案・運営等, パネル司会・セッションチェア等, その他
    日本神経精神薬理学会(第28回日本臨床精神神経薬理学会 第48回日本神経精神薬理学会 合同年会) (東京ドームホテル) 2018年11月16日
  • 企画立案・運営等, パネル司会・セッションチェア等, その他
    国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構(JST) 研究開発戦略センター(CRDS) (JST東京本部) 2018年1月20日
    CRDS「研究開発の俯瞰報告書 ライフサイエンス・臨床医学分野」取りまとめに関連した勉強会
  • 企画立案・運営等, その他
    日本分子生物学会(第36回日本分子生物学会年会) (神戸国際会議場) 2013年12月5日




  • ラジオ局 FM PORT の情報番組 MORNING GATE に出演。企画・運営で参加している日本神経科学学会の市民公開講座「脳科学の達人2019」について一般聴取者に向けて紹介。2019年6月
  • Publonsに英文国際科学ジャーナルの査読歴を収載(直近数年分) 🔗 https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/268594
  • ① CRH結合蛋白質の可視化(CRH-BP-pHluorin による生細胞中での輸送・放出過程の可視化。昭和大学、香川大学、横浜薬科大との共同研究。詳細はAdachi et al., J. Neurochem. 2018) *本研究シーズに関する産学共同研究の問い合わせは藤田医科大学産学連携推進センター(fuji-san@fujita-hu.ac.jp)まで
  • 特になし
  • ・米国国立衛生研究所(NIH) 国立小児保健発達研究所(NICHD) にてインターン生の研究指導・藤田保健衛生大学 医学部, 第11回総医研・研究交流セミナー 担当