
塚本 健太郎

Kentaro Tsukamoto


藤田医科大学 研究推進本部 総合医科学研究部門オープンファシリティセンター タンパク質・遺伝子解析室 講師




  • Kazuhiko Okamura, Johannes M. Dijkstra, Kentaro Tsukamoto, Unni Grimholt, Geert F. Wiegertjes, Akiko Kondow, Hisateru Yamaguchi, Keiichiro Hashimoto
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118(51) 2021年12月21日  
    Two classes of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules, MHC class I and class II, play important roles in our immune system, presenting antigens to functionally distinct T lymphocyte populations. However, the origin of this essential MHC class divergence is poorly understood. Here, we discovered a category of MHC molecules (W-category) in the most primitive jawed vertebrates, cartilaginous fish, and also in bony fish and tetrapods. W-category, surprisingly, possesses class II-type α- and β-chain organization together with class I-specific sequence motifs for interdomain binding, and the W-category α2 domain shows unprecedented, phylogenetic similarity with β2-microglobulin of class I. Based on the results, we propose a model in which the ancestral MHC class I molecule evolved from class II-type W-category. The discovery of the ancient MHC group, W-category, sheds a light on the long-standing critical question of the MHC class divergence and suggests that class II type came first.
  • Grimholt, U., Tsukamoto, K., Hashimoto, K., Dijkstra, J.M.
    Cells 8(9) 2019年9月  査読有り
    A unique new nonclassical MHC class I lineage was found in Teleostei (teleosts, modern bony fish, e.g., zebrafish) and Holostei (a group of primitive bony fish, e.g., spotted gar), which was designated “H” (from “hexa”) for being the sixth lineage discovered in teleosts. A high level of divergence of the teleost sequences explains why the lineage was not recognized previously. The spotted gar H molecule possesses the three MHC class I consensus extracellular domains α1, α2, and α. However, throughout teleostHmolecules, the a3 domain was lost and the a1 domains showed features of deterioration. In fishes of the two closely related teleost orders Characiformes (e.g., Mexican tetra) and Siluriformes (e.g., channel catfish), the H ectodomain deterioration proceeded furthest, with H molecules of some fishes apparently having lost the entire α1 or α2 domain plus additional stretches within the remaining other (α1 or α2) domain. Despite these dramatic ectodomain changes, teleost H sequences possess rather large, unique, well-conserved tyrosine-containing cytoplasmic tail motifs, which suggests an important role in intracellular signaling. To our knowledge, this is the first description of a group of MHC class I molecules in which, judging from the sequence conservation pattern, the cytoplasmic tail is expected to have a more important conserved function than the ectodomain.
  • Grimholt, U., Tsukamoto, K., Azuma, T., Leong, J., Koop, B.F., Dijkstra, J.M.
    BMC Evolutionary Biology 15(1) 309 2015年3月  査読有り
    Background MHC class I (MHCI) molecules are the key presenters of peptides generated through the intracellular pathway to CD8-positive T-cells. In fish, MHCI genes were first identified in the early 1990's, but we still know little about their functional relevance. The expansion and presumed sub-functionalization of cod MHCI and access to many published fish genome sequences provide us with the incentive to undertake a comprehensive study of deduced teleost fish MHCI molecules. Results We expand the known MHCI lineages in teleosts to five with identification of a new lineage defined as P. The two lineages U and Z, which both include presumed peptide binding classical/typical molecules besides more derived molecules, are present in all teleosts analyzed. The U lineage displays two modes of evolution, most pronouncedly observed in classical-type alpha 1 domains; cod and stickleback have expanded on one of at least eight ancient alpha 1 domain lineages as opposed to many other teleosts that preserved a number of these ancient lineages. The Z lineage comes in a typical format present in all analyzed ray-finned fish species as well as lungfish. The typical Z format displays an unprecedented conservation of almost all 37 residues predicted to make up the peptide binding groove. However, also co-existing atypical Z sub-lineage molecules, which lost the presumed peptide binding motif, are found in some fish like carps and cavefish. The remaining three lineages, L, S and P, are not predicted to bind peptides and are lost in some species. Conclusions Much like tetrapods, teleosts have polymorphic classical peptide binding MHCI molecules, a number of classical-similar non-classical MHCI molecules, and some members of more diverged MHCI lineages. Different from tetrapods, however, is that in some teleosts the classical MHCI polymorphism incorporates multiple ancient MHCI domain lineages. Also different from tetrapods is that teleosts have typical Z molecules, in which the residues that presumably form the peptide binding groove have been almost completely conserved for over 400 million years. The reasons for the uniquely teleost evolution modes of peptide binding MHCI molecules remain an enigma.
  • Yamaguchi, H., Tsukamoto, K., Hashimoto, K.
    Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 443(2) 422-427 2014年1月  査読有り
    The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I-related molecule, MR1, is highly conserved in mammals and can present bacteria-derived vitamin B metabolites to mucosal-associated invariant T (MAIT) cells, possibly having important defense function in the microbial infection. MR1B is a splice variant of MR1 and possesses an intriguing domain structure with only two extracellular domains resembling some NKG2D ligand molecules. Thus far, cell surface expression of MR1B could not be analyzed with flow cytometry due to a lack of appropriate antibodies reactive with MR1B. Here we clarified the expression of MR1B recombinant protein on the cell surface of the transfected cells by flow cytometry analyses using the antiserum against MR1. Consistently, MR1B tagged with FLAG peptide at the N-terminus also could be detected with anti-FLAG monoclonal antibodies. Our result showed that MR1B can be recognized on the cell surface by macromolecules such as antibodies, indicating its potential of interaction with certain receptor(s). We discuss possibility of interaction of MR1B and/or the full-length MR1 with some receptor(s) other than alpha beta T cell receptor (TCR) of MAIT cells based on the highly conserved characteristic residues of the ligand-binding domains of MR1 and its MAIT cells alpha beta TCR footprints. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Tsukamoto, K., Deakin, J.E., Graves, J.A.M., Hashimoto, K.
    Immunogenetics 65(2) 115-124 2013年2月  査読有り
    The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I-related gene, MR1, is a non-classical MHC class IA gene and is encoded outside the MHC region. The MR1 is responsible for activation of mucosal-associated invariant T (MAIT) cells expressing semi-invariant T cell receptors in the presence of bacteria, but its ligand has not been identified. A unique characteristic of MR1 is its high evolutionary conservation of the α1 and α2 domains corresponding to the peptide-binding domains of classical MHC class I molecules, showing about 90 % amino acid identity between human and mouse. To clarify the evolutionary history of MR1 and identify more critically conserved residues for the function of MR1, we searched for the MR1 gene using jawed vertebrate genome databases and isolated the MR1 cDNA sequences of marsupials (opossum and wallaby). A comparative genomic analysis indicated that MR1 is only present in placental and marsupial mammals and that the gene organization around MR1 is well conserved among analyzed jawed vertebrates. Moreover, the α1 and α2 domains, especially in amino acid residues presumably shaping a ligand-binding groove, were also highly conserved between placental and marsupial MR1. These findings suggest that the MR1 gene might have been established at its present location in a common ancestor of placental and marsupial mammals and that the shape of the putative ligand-binding groove in MR1 has been maintained, probably for presenting highly conserved component(s) of microbes to MAIT cells. © 2012 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
  • Tsukamoto, K., Miura, F., Fujito, N.T., Yoshizaki, G., Nonaka, M.
    Molecular Biology and Evolution 29(10) 3071-3079 2012年10月  査読有り
    On an evolutionary time scale, polymorphic alleles are believed to have a short life, persisting at most tens of millions of years even under long-term balancing selection. Here, we report highly diverged trans-species dimorphism of the proteasome subunit beta type 8 (PSMB8) gene, which encodes a catalytic subunit of the immunoproteasome responsible for the generation of peptides presented by major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules, in lower teleosts including Cypriniformes (zebrafish and loach) and Salmoniformes (trout and salmon), whose last common ancestor dates to 300 Ma. Moreover, phylogenetic analyses indicated that these dimorphic alleles share lineages with two shark paralogous genes, suggesting that these two lineages have been maintained for more than 500 My either as alleles or as paralogs, and that conversion between alleles and paralogs has occurred at least once during vertebrate evolution. Two lineages termed PSMB8A and PSMB8F show an A(31)F substitution that would probably affect their cleaving specificity, and whereas the PSMB8A lineage has been retained by all analyzed jawed vertebrates, the PSMB8F lineage has been lost by most jawed vertebrates except for cartilaginous fish and basal teleosts. However, a possible functional equivalent of the PSMB8F lineage has been revived as alleles within the PSMB8A lineage at least twice during vertebrate evolution in the amphibian Xenopus and teleostean Oryzias species. Dynamic evolution of the PSMB8 polymorphism through long-term persistence, loss, and regaining of dimorphism and conversion between alleles and paralogs implies the presence of strong selective pressure for functional polymorphism of this gene.
  • Katsumura, T., Oda, S., Tsukamoto, K., Sekiya, Y., Yamashita, T., Aso, M., Hata, M., Nonaka, M., Mano, S., Ishida, H., Mitani, H., Kawamura, S., Oota, H.
    Anthropological Science 120(1) 81-89 2012年4月  
    It has been generally thought that a tiny freshwater fish, medaka (Oryzias latipes), has expanded its habitat into the Japanese archipelago as wet-rice cultivation spread across the region, and hence the distribution of medaka should be a matter of anthropological interest. However, there has been no study to verify this popular belief. To address the issue, we sampled wild medaka, and undertook genetic analyses of its populations. We collected 976 individual medaka from 13 local wild sites, which included 11 paddy-field irrigation channels and two ponds. The gene tree constructed based on nucleotide sequences of mitochondrial genome D-loop region showed no discrepancy in the topology, which is presumed to reflect the northern Kyushu origin of the southern Japanese medaka. Population genetic statistics indicated that the medaka populations in west Japan have greater genetic diversity (heterozygosity) than those in east Japan, supporting the hypothesis that the medaka originate from northern Kyushu. Hence, we argue that the current medaka distribution can be attributed to their past migration event(s) following the expansion of paddy fields from northern Kyushu to the eastern part of the Japanese archipelago.
  • Miura, F., Tsukamoto, K., Mehta, R.B., Naruse, K., Magtoon, W., Nonaka, M.
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 107(50) 21599-21604 2010年12月  査読有り
    The proteasome subunit beta-type 8 (PSMB8) gene in the jawed vertebrate MHC genomic region encodes a catalytic subunit of the immunoproteasome involved in the generation of peptides to be presented by the MHC class I molecules. A teleost, the medaka (Oryzias latipes), has highly diverged dimorphic allelic lineages of the PSMB8 gene with only about 80% amino acid identity, termed "PSMB8d" and"PSMB8N," which have been retained by most wild populations analyzed. To elucidate the evolutionary origin of these two allelic lineages, seven species of the genus Oryzias were analyzed for their PSMB8 allelic sequences using a large number of individuals from wild populations. All the PSMB8 alleles of these species were classified into one of these two allelic lineages based on their nucleotide sequences of exons and introns, indicating that the Oryzias PSMB8 gene has a truly dichotomous allelic lineage. Retention of both allelic lineages was confirmed except for one species. The PSMB8d lineage showed a higher frequency than the PSMB8N lineage in all seven species. The two allelic lineages showed curious substitutions at the 31st and 53rd residues of the mature peptide, probably involved in formation of the S1 pocket, suggesting that these allelic lineages show a functional difference in cleavage specificity. These results indicate that the PSMB8 dimorphism was established before speciation within the genus Oryzias and has been maintained for more than 30-60 million years under a strict and asymmetric balancing selection through several speciation events.
  • Tsukamoto, K., Sakaizumi, M., Hata, M., Sawara, Y., Eah, J., Kim, C.-B., Nonaka, M.
    Molecular Biology and Evolution 26(4) 769-781 2009年4月  査読有り
    Sequence comparison of the medaka, Oryzias latipes, major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I region between two inbred strains, the HNI (derived from the Northern Population) and the Hd-rR (from the Southern Population), revealed a similar to 100 kb highly divergent segment encompassing two MHC class IA genes, Orla-UAA and Orla-UBA, and two immunoproteasome beta subunit genes, PSMB8 and PSMB10. To elucidate the genetic diversity of this region, we analyzed polymorphisms of the PSMB8 and PSMB10 genes using wild populations of medaka from three genetically different groups: the Northern Population, the Southern Population, and the China-West Korean Population. A total of 1,245 specimens from 10 localities were analyzed, and all the PSMB8 and PSMB10 alleles were classified into the N (fixed in the H(N)under bar I strain) or the d (fixed in the H(d)under bar-rR strain) lineage. Polymerase chain reaction analysis of the region from PSMB8 to PSMB10 indicated that the two allelic lineages of these genes are segregating together constituting dichotomous haplotypic lineages. Both haplotypic lineages were identified in all three groups, although the frequency of d haplotypic lineage (73-100%) was much higher than that of N haplotypic lineage (0-27%) in all analyzed populations. The two allelic lineages of the PSMB8 gene showed curious substitutions at the 31st and 53rd residues of the mature peptide, which are likely involved in formation of the S1 pocket, suggesting that these alleles have a functional difference in cleavage specificity. These results indicate that the two medaka MHC haplotypic lineages encompassing the PSMB8 and PSMB10 genes are maintained in wild populations by a balancing selection.
  • Tsukamoto, K., Hayashi, S., Matsuo, M.Y., Nonaka, M.I., Kondo, M., Shima, A., Asakawa, S., Shimizu, N., Nonaka, M.
    Immunogenetics 57(6) 420-431 2005年7月  査読有り
    The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is present at a single chromosomal locus of all jawed vertebrate analyzed so far, from sharks to mammals, except for teleosts whose orthologs of the mammalian MHC-encoded genes are dispersed at several chromosomal loci. Even in teleosts, several class IA genes and those genes directly involved in class I antigen presentation preserve their linkage, defining the teleost MHC class I region. We determined the complete nucleotide sequence of the MHC class I region of the inbred HNI strain of medaka, Oryzias latipes (northern Japan population-derived), from four overlapping bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones spanning 540,982 bp, and compared it with the published sequence of the corresponding region of the inbred Hd-rR strain of medaka (425,935 bp, southern Japan population-derived) as the first extensive study of intraspecies polymorphisms of the ectotherm MHC regions. A segment of about 100 kb in the middle of the compared sequences encompassing two class la genes and two immunoproteasome subunit genes, PSMB8 and PSMB10, was so divergent between these two inbred strains that a reliable sequence alignment could not be made. The rest of the compared region (about 320 kb) showed a fair correspondence, and an approximately 96% nucleotide identity was observed upon gap-free segmental alignment. These results indicate that the medaka MHC class I region contains an similar to 100-kb polymorphic core, which is most probably evolving adaptively by accumulation of point mutations and extensive genetic rearrangements such as insertions, deletions and duplications.










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