原田 利夫, 井上 幸夫, 尾原 清司, 吉村 安郎, 稲田 健一, 原田 孝之, 森川 茂
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 34(10), 2289-2293(10) 2289-2293 1988年
This clinical study reported a case of maxillary sinus cancer (T4N1M0) with multiple microscopic embolization of cancer cells and coagulation necrosis in several organs on autopsy. The patient (a 76-year old female) who had been suffering from schizophrenia for 13 years was referred to our clinic for confirmed diagnosis and treatment. The histopathological examination revealed a poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma. She had undergone CO2-Laser vaporization of tumor cells from oroantral opening, irradiation, and chemotherapy in the first hospitalization. However, after that she rejected cancer therapy strictly, and finally died of cancer. Multiple microscopic cancer cell embolizations and coagulation necrosis were observed in various organs, such as the cerebrum, spleen liver and bilateral kidneys on the specimens obtained from the autopsy.