
岡 昌吾

オカ ショウゴ  (Shogo Oka)


藤田医科大学 医療科学部 特命教授





  • Keisuke Aoki, Katsuaki Higashi, Sakiho Oda, Asako Manabe, Kayuu Maeda, Jyoji Morise, Shogo Oka, Shinsuke Inuki, Hiroaki Ohno, Shinya Oishi, Motohiro Nonaka
    ACS chemical biology 19(5) 1194-1205 2024年5月17日  
    Immunogenicity is a major caveat of protein therapeutics. In particular, the long-term administration of protein therapeutic agents leads to the generation of antidrug antibodies (ADAs), which reduce drug efficacy while eliciting adverse events. One promising solution to this issue is the use of mirror-image proteins consisting of d-amino acids, which are resistant to proteolytic degradation in immune cells. We have recently reported the chemical synthesis of the enantiomeric form of the variable domain of the antibody heavy chain (d-VHH). However, identifying mirror-image antibodies capable of binding to natural ligands remains challenging. In this study, we developed a novel screening platform to identify a d-VHH specific for vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF-A). We performed mirror-image screening of two newly constructed synthetic VHH libraries displayed on T7 phage and identified VHH sequences that effectively bound to the mirror-image VEGF-A target (d-VEGF-A). We subsequently synthesized a d-VHH candidate that preferentially bound the native VEGF-A (l-VEGF-A) with submicromolar affinity. Furthermore, immunization studies in mice demonstrated that this d-VHH elicited no ADAs, unlike its corresponding l-VHH. Our findings highlight the utility of this novel d-VHH screening platform in the development of protein therapeutics exhibiting both reduced immunogenicity and improved efficacy.
  • Katsuaki Higashi, Sakiho Oda, Mai Fujii, Fumiya Nishida, Hayato Matsumoto, Jyoji Morise, Shogo Oka, Motohiro Nonaka
    Journal of biochemistry 175(1) 85-93 2023年12月20日  
    T7 phage libraries displaying random peptides are powerful tools for screening peptide sequences that bind to various target molecules. The T7 phage system has the advantage of less biased peptide distribution compared to the M13 phage system. However, the construction of T7 phage DNA is challenging due to its long 36 kb linear DNA. Furthermore, the diversity of the libraries depends strongly on the efficiency of commercially available packaging extracts. To address these issues, we examined the combination of seamless cloning with cell-free translation systems. Seamless cloning technologies have been widely used to construct short circular plasmid DNA, and several recent studies showed that cell-free translation can achieve more diverse phage packaging. In this study, we combined these techniques to construct four libraries (CX7C, CX9C, CX11C and CX13C) with different random regions lengths. The libraries thus obtained all showed diversity > 109 plaque forming units (pfu). Evaluating our libraries with an anti-FLAG monoclonal antibody yielded the correct epitope sequence. The results indicate that our libraries are useful for screening peptide epitopes against antibodies. These findings suggest that our system can efficiently construct T7 phage libraries with greater diversity than previous systems.
  • 森瀬 譲二, 高倉 大輔, 川崎 ナナ, 野中 元裕, 岡 昌吾
    日本腎臓学会誌 64(3) 179-179 2022年5月  
  • 森瀬 譲二, 飯倉 七奈子, 阿部 沙也佳, 北野 仁望, 高倉 大輔, 川崎 ナナ, 野中 元裕, 岡 昌吾
    日本生化学会大会プログラム・講演要旨集 94回 [1S01a-03] 2021年11月  
  • Haruka Kawade, Jyoji Morise, Sushil K Mishra, Shuta Tsujioka, Shogo Oka, Yasuhiko Kizuka
    Molecules (Basel, Switzerland) 26(17) 2021年8月26日  
    Human natural killer-1 (HNK-1) is a sulfated glyco-epitope regulating cell adhesion and synaptic functions. HNK-1 and its non-sulfated forms, which are specifically expressed in the brain and the kidney, respectively, are distinctly biosynthesized by two homologous glycosyltransferases: GlcAT-P in the brain and GlcAT-S in the kidney. However, it is largely unclear how the activity of these isozymes is regulated in vivo. We recently found that bisecting GlcNAc, a branching sugar in N-glycan, suppresses both GlcAT-P activity and HNK-1 expression in the brain. Here, we observed that the expression of non-sulfated HNK-1 in the kidney is unexpectedly unaltered in mutant mice lacking bisecting GlcNAc. This suggests that the biosynthesis of HNK-1 in the brain and the kidney are differentially regulated by bisecting GlcNAc. Mechanistically, in vitro activity assays demonstrated that bisecting GlcNAc inhibits the activity of GlcAT-P but not that of GlcAT-S. Furthermore, molecular dynamics simulation showed that GlcAT-P binds poorly to bisected N-glycan substrates, whereas GlcAT-S binds similarly to bisected and non-bisected N-glycans. These findings revealed the difference of the highly homologous isozymes for HNK-1 synthesis, highlighting the novel mechanism of the tissue-specific regulation of HNK-1 synthesis by bisecting GlcNAc.
  • Jyoji Morise, Shogo Oka
  • Yasuhiko Kizuka, Jyoji Morise, Shogo Oka
  • Jyoji Morise, Saki Yamamoto, Ryosuke Midorikawa, Kogo Takamiya, Motohiro Nonaka, Hiromu Takematsu, Shogo Oka
    International journal of molecular sciences 21(14) 2020年7月19日  
    The AMPA-type glutamate receptor (AMPAR) is a homotetrameric or heterotetrameric ion channel composed of various combinations of four subunits (GluA1-4), and its abundance in the synapse determines the strength of synaptic activity. The formation of oligomers in the endoplasmatic reticulum (ER) is crucial for AMPAR subunits' ER-exit and translocation to the cell membrane. Although N-glycosylation on different AMPAR subunits has been shown to regulate the ER-exit of hetero-oligomers, its role in the ER-exit of homo-oligomers remains unclear. In this study, we investigated the role of N-glycans at GluA1N63/N363 and GluA2N370 in ER-exit under the homo-oligomeric expression conditions, whose mutants are known to show low cell surface expressions. In contrast to the N-glycosylation site mutant GluA1N63Q, the cell surface expression levels of GluA1N363Q and GluA2N370Q increased in a time-dependent manner. Unlike wild-type (WT) GluA1, GluA2WT rescued surface GluA2N370Q expression. Additionally, the expression of GluA1N63Q reduced the cell surface expression level of GluA1WT. In conclusion, our findings suggest that these N-glycans have distinct roles in the ER-exit of GluA1 and GluA2 homo-oligomers; N-glycan at GluA1N63 is a prerequisite for GluA1 ER-exit, whereas N-glycans at GluA1N363 and GluA2N370 control the ER-exit rate.
  • Ryosuke Midorikawa, Daisuke Takakura, Jyoji Morise, Yoshihiko Wakazono, Nana Kawasaki, Shogo Oka, Kogo Takamiya
    Journal of neurochemistry 153(5) 567-585 2020年6月  査読有り
    In the mammalian nervous system, protein N-glycosylation plays an important role in neuronal physiology. In this study, we performed a comprehensive N-glycosylation analysis of mouse GluA1, one of the major subunits of α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole-propionate type glutamate receptor, which possesses six potential N-glycosylation sites in the N-terminal domain. By mass spectrometry-based analysis, we identified the N-glycoforms and semiquantitatively determined the site-specific N-glycosylation occupancy of GluA1. In addition, only the N401-glycosylation site demonstrated incomplete N-glycosylation occupancy. Therefore, we generated a peptide antibody that specifically detects the N401-glycan-free form to precisely quantify N401-glycosylation occupancy. Using this antibody, we clarified that N401 occupancy varies between cell types and increases in an age-dependent manner in mouse forebrains. To address the regulatory mechanism of N401-glycosylation, binding proteins of GluA1 around the N401 site were screened. HSP70 family proteins, including Bip, were identified as candidates. Bip has been known as a molecular chaperone that plays a key role in protein folding in the ER (endoplasmic reticulum). To examine the involvement of Bip in N401-glycosylation, the effect of Bip over-expression on N401 occupancy was evaluated in HEK293T cells, and the results demonstrated Bip increases the N401 glycan-free form by mediating selective prolongation of its protein half-life. Taken together, we propose that the N401-glycosite of GluA1 receives a unique control of modification, and we also propose a novel N-glycosylation occupancy regulatory mechanism by Bip that might be associated with α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole-propionate receptors function in the brain.
  • Taro Matsui, Yukihiro Hamada, Motoi Kuwahara, Jyoji Morise, Shogo Oka, Kenichi Kaida, Susumu Kusunoki
    Journal of neuroimmunology 339 577127-577127 2020年2月15日  査読有り
    Anti-myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG) neuropathy is mediated by the binding of IgM M-proteins to the human natural killer-1 epitope of several glycoconjugates, including MAG and phosphacan. We recently reported that IgM M-proteins with a higher ratio of anti-phosphacan titer to anti-MAG titer (P/M ratio) were associated with a progressive clinical course. Herein, we investigated the temporal variability of the P/M ratio. The results showed that P/M ratios in worsened cases were significantly increased relative to stable or improved cases. Thus, temporal variability in the specificity of IgM M-proteins may be related to the disease course of anti-MAG neuropathy.
  • Jyoji Morise, Kenichi G N Suzuki, Ayaka Kitagawa, Yoshihiko Wakazono, Kogo Takamiya, Taka A Tsunoyama, Yuri L Nemoto, Hiromu Takematsu, Akihiro Kusumi, Shogo Oka
    Nature communications 10(1) 5245-5245 2019年11月20日  査読有り
    The number and subunit compositions of AMPA receptors (AMPARs), hetero- or homotetramers composed of four subunits GluA1-4, in the synapse is carefully tuned to sustain basic synaptic activity. This enables stimulation-induced synaptic plasticity, which is central to learning and memory. The AMPAR tetramers have been widely believed to be stable from their formation in the endoplasmic reticulum until their proteolytic decomposition. However, by observing GluA1 and GluA2 at the level of single molecules, we find that the homo- and heterotetramers are metastable, instantaneously falling apart into monomers, dimers, or trimers (in 100 and 200 ms, respectively), which readily form tetramers again. In the dendritic plasma membrane, GluA1 and GluA2 monomers and dimers are far more mobile than tetramers and enter and exit from the synaptic regions. We conclude that AMPAR turnover by lateral diffusion, essential for sustaining synaptic function, is largely done by monomers of AMPAR subunits, rather than preformed tetramers.
  • Soichiro Takagaki, Rieko Yamashita, Noriyoshi Hashimoto, Kazushi Sugihara, Kanako Kanari, Keisuke Tabata, Toshikazu Nishie, Shogo Oka, Masanori Miyanishi, Chie Naruse, Masahide Asano
    Scientific reports 9(1) 7133-7133 2019年5月9日  査読有り
    The role of carbohydrate chains in leukocyte migration to inflamed sites during inflammation and trafficking to the lymph nodes under physiological conditions has been extensively characterized. Here, we report that carbohydrate chains also mediate the homing and engraftment of hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells (HSPCs) to the bone marrow (BM). In particular, we found that transplanted BM cells deficient in β-1,4-galactosyltransferase-1 (β4GalT-1) could not support survival in mice exposed to a lethal dose of irradiation. BM cells obtained from mice deficient in β4GalT-1 showed normal colony-forming activity and hematopoietic stem cell numbers. However, colony-forming cells were markedly rare in the BM of recipient mice 24 h after transplantation of β4GalT-1-deficient BM cells, suggesting that β4GalT-1 deficiency severely impairs homing. Similarly, BM cells with a point mutation in the UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 2-epimerase/N-acetylmannosamine kinase gene, encoding a key enzyme in sialic acid biosynthesis, showed mildly impaired homing and engraftment abilities. These results imply that the galactosyl, but not sialyl residues in glycoproteins, are essential for the homing and engraftment of HSPCs to the BM. These findings suggest the possibility of modifying carbohydrate structures on the surface of HSPCs to improve their homing and engraftment to the BM in clinical application.
  • Koichi Furukawa, Yuhsuke Ohmi, Yuji Kondo, Yuki Ohkawa, Orie Tajima, Keiko Furukawa, Koichi Honke, Jin Ichi Inokuchi, Jianguo Gu, Kenji Kadomatsu, Satomi Nadanaka, Hiroshi Kitagawa, Shoko Nishihara, Kazuya Nomura, Shogo Oka, Makoto Ito, Ken Kitajima, Shunji Natsuka, Motoi Kanagawa, Takeshi Ishimizu, Kazuhito Fujiyama, Yasunori Chiba, Hiroyuki Osada
    Glycoscience: Basic Science to Applications: Insights from the Japan Consortium for Glycobiology and Glycotechnology (JCGG) 87-124 2019年1月1日  
  • Ayasa Nakamura, Jyoji Morise, Keiko Yabuno-Nakagawa, Yuki Hashimoto, Hiromu Takematsu, Shogo Oka
    PloS one 14(1) e0210193 2019年  査読有り
    The human natural killer-1 (HNK-1) carbohydrate epitope, composed of a unique sulfated trisaccharide (HSO3-3GlcAβ1-3Galβ1-4GlcNAc-R), is highly expressed during brain development and regulates higher brain function. However, it remains unclear which glycoprotein carries the HNK-1 epitope in the embryonic brain and the functional role it plays. Here, we showed that one of the major HNK-1 carrier proteins in the embryonic brain is tenascin-C (TNC), an extracellular matrix protein that regulates neurite outgrowth by interacting with the GPI-anchored protein contactin-1 (CNTN). Because the alternatively spliced fibronectin type-III (FNIII) repeats in TNC give rise to many isoforms and affect neuronal function, we evaluated neurite outgrowth of primary hippocampal neurons on purified recombinant FNIII repeats with or without the HNK-1 epitope as a substrate. We found that the presence of the HNK-1 epitope on the C domain of TNC promoted neurite outgrowth, and that this signal was mediated by CNTN, which is an HNK-1-expressing neuronal receptor. The neurite-promoting activity of the HNK-1 epitope on TNC required neuronal HNK-1 expression, which was defective in neurons lacking the glucuronyltransferases GlcAT-P and GlcAT-S. These results suggest that the HNK-1 epitope is a key modifier of TNC and CNTN in the regulation of embryonic brain development.
  • Munal Babu Kandel, Saki Yamamoto, Ryosuke Midorikawa, Jyoji Morise, Yoshihiko Wakazono, Shogo Oka, Kogo Takamiya
    Journal of neurochemistry 147(6) 730-747 2018年12月  査読有り
    The AMPA-type glutamate receptor (AMPA-R) plays a primary role in principal excitatory synaptic transmission and many neuronal functions including synaptic plasticity that underlie learning and memory. N-glycosylation is one of the major post-translational modifications of membrane proteins, but its specific roles in neurons remain largely unknown. AMPA-R subunits are N-glycosylated at their extracellular domains during their biosynthesis in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi system. Six N-glycosylation sites are presumed to exist in the extracellular domain of GluA1, which is a member of the AMPA-R subunits. We observed that the intracellular trafficking and cell surface expression were strongly suppressed in the GluA1 mutants lacking N-glycans at N63/N363 in HEK293T cells. Multimer analysis using Blue Native-PAGE displayed the impaired tetramer formation in the glycosylation mutants (N63S and N363S), indicating that the mis-transport was caused by impaired tetramer formation. N63S and N363S mutants were primarily degraded via the lysosomal pathway. Flag-tagged N363S GluA1, but not N63S GluA1, expressed in primary cortical neuron cultures prepared from GluA1 knockout mice was observed to localize at the cell surface. Co-expression of GluA2 partially rescued tetramer formation and the cell surface expression of N363S GluA1 but not N63S GluA1, in HEK293T cells. Electrophysiological analysis also demonstrated functional heteromers of N363S GluA1 with GluA2. These data suggest that site-specific N-glycans on GluA1 subunit regulates tetramer formation, intracellular trafficking, and cell surface expression of AMPA-R. OPEN SCIENCE BADGES: This article has received a badge for *Open Materials* because it provided all relevant information to reproduce the study in the manuscript. The complete Open Science Disclosure form for this article can be found at the end of the article. More information about the Open Practices badges can be found at https://cos.io/our-services/open-science-badges/.
  • Makoto Tomioka, Mitsugu Shimobayashi, Makoto Kitabatake, Mutsuhito Ohno, Yasunori Kozutsumi, Shogo Oka, Hiromu Takematsu
    Scientific reports 8(1) 1244-1244 2018年1月19日  査読有り
    Cellular translation should be precisely controlled in response to extracellular cues. However, knowledge is limited concerning signal transduction-regulated translation. In the present study, phosphorylation was identified in the 40S small subunit ribosomal protein uS7 (Yjr123w/previously called as Rps5) by Ypk1 and Pkc1, AGC family protein kinases in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Serine residue 223 (Ser223) of uS7 in the conserved C-terminal region was crucial for this phosphorylation event. S223A mutant uS7 caused severe reduction of small ribosomal subunit production, likely due to compromised interaction with Rio2, resulting in both reduced translation and reduced cellular proliferation. Contrary to optimal culture conditions, heat stressed S223A mutant cells exhibited increased heat resistance and induced heat shock proteins. Taken together, an intracellular signal transduction pathway involving Ypk1/Pkc1 seemed to play an important role in ribosome biogenesis and subsequent cellular translation, utilizing uS7 as a substrate.
  • Morise J, Takematsu H, Oka S
    Biochimica et biophysica acta 1861(10) 2455-2461 2017年10月  査読有り
  • Yasuaki Nakagawa, Toshio Nishikimi, Koichiro Kuwahara, Aoi Fujishima, Shogo Oka, Takayoshi Tsutamoto, Hideyuki Kinoshita, Kazuhiro Nakao, Kosai Cho, Hideaki Inazumi, Hiroyuki Okamoto, Motohiro Nishida, Takao Kato, Hiroyuki Fukushima, Jun K Yamashita, Wino J Wijnen, Esther E Creemers, Kenji Kangawa, Naoto Minamino, Kazuwa Nakao, Takeshi Kimura
    Journal of the American Heart Association 6(2) 2017年2月10日  査読有り
    BACKGROUND: Recent studies have shown that plasma levels of the biologically inactive prohormone for brain natriuretic peptide (proBNP) are increased in patients with heart failure. This can contribute to a reduction in the effectiveness of circulating BNP and exacerbate heart failure progression. The precise mechanisms governing the increase in proBNP remain unclear, however. METHODS AND RESULTS: We used our recently developed, highly sensitive human proBNP assay system to investigate the mechanisms underlying the increase in plasma proBNP levels. We divided 53 consecutive patients hospitalized with heart failure into 2 groups based on their aortic plasma levels of immunoreactive BNP. Patients with higher levels exhibited more severe heart failure, a higher proportion of proBNP among the immunoreactive BNP forms secreted from failing hearts, and a weaker effect of BNP as estimated from the ratio of plasma cyclic guanosine monophosphate levels to log-transformed plasma BNP levels. Glycosylation at threonines 48 and 71 of human proBNP contributed to the increased secretion of proBNP by attenuating its processing, and GalNAc-transferase (GALNT) 1 and 2 mediated the glycosylation-regulated increase in cardiac human proBNP secretion. Cardiac GALNT1 and 2 expression was suppressed by microRNA (miR)-30, which is abundantly expressed in the myocardium of healthy hearts, but is suppressed in failing hearts. CONCLUSIONS: We have elucidated a novel miR-30-GALNT1/2 axis whose dysregulation increases the proportion of inactive proBNP secreted by the heart and impairs the compensatory actions of BNP during the progression of heart failure.
  • Tetsuya Kouno, Nobuteru Akiyama, Kumiko Fujieda, Isamu Nanchi, Tomohiko Okuda, Takanori Iwasaki, Shogo Oka, Hideo Yukioka
    Peptides 86 145-152 2016年12月  査読有り
    A close relationship between acylated-ghrelin and sucrose intake has been reported. However, little has been examined about the physiological action of ghrelin on preference for different types of carbohydrate such as glucose, fructose, and starch. The current study was aimed to investigate the role of acylated-ghrelin in the determinants of the choice of carbohydrates, and pathogenesis of chronic disorders, including obesity and insulin resistance. In a two-bottle-drinking test, ghrelin O-acyltransferase (GOAT) knockout (KO) mice consumed a less amount of glucose and maltodextrin, and almost the same amount of fructose and saccharin solution compared to WT littermates. The increased consumption of glucose and maltodextrin was observed when acylated-ghrelin, but not unacylated-ghrelin, was exogeneously administered in normal C57BL/6J mice, suggesting an association of acylated-ghrelin with glucose-containing carbohydrate intake. When fed a diet rich in maltodextrin, starch and fat for 12 weeks, GOAT KO mice showed less food intake and weight gain, as well as improved glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity than WT mice. Our data suggests that blockade of GOAT activity may offer a therapeutic option for treatment of obesity and its associated metabolic syndrome by preventing from overconsumption of carbohydrate-rich food.
  • Naoki Nakagawa, Shogo Oka
    Seikagaku. The Journal of Japanese Biochemical Society 88(4) 488-91 2016年8月  査読有り
  • Hiroshi Watanabe, Kyohei Okahara, Yuko Naito-Matsui, Mitsuhiro Abe, Shinji Go, Jinichi Inokuchi, Toshiro Okazaki, Toshihide Kobayashi, Yasunori Kozutsumi, Shogo Oka, Hiromu Takematsu
    Molecular biology of the cell 27(13) 2037-50 2016年7月1日  査読有り
    Endomitosis is a special type of mitosis in which only cytokinesis-the final step of the cell division cycle-is defective, resulting in polyploid cells. Although endomitosis is biologically important, its regulatory aspects remain elusive. Psychosine, a lysogalactosylceramide, prevents proper cytokinesis when supplemented to proliferating cells. Cytokinetic inhibition by psychosine does not inhibit genome duplication. Consequently cells undergo multiple rounds of endomitotic cell cycles, resulting in the formation of giant multiploid cells. Here we successfully quantified psychosine-triggered multiploid cell formation, showing that membrane sphingolipids ratios modulate psychosine-triggered polyploidy in Namalwa cells. Among enzymes that experimentally remodel cellular sphingolipids, overexpression of glucosylceramide synthase to biosynthesize glycosylsphingolipids (GSLs) and neutral sphingomyelinase 2 to hydrolyze sphingomyelin (SM) additively enhanced psychosine-triggered multiploidy; almost all of the cells became polyploid. In the presence of psychosine, Namalwa cells showed attenuated cell surface SM clustering and suppression of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate production at the cleavage furrow, both important processes for cytokinesis. Depending on the sphingolipid balance between GSLs and SM, Namalwa cells could be effectively converted to viable multiploid cells with psychosine.
  • 若園 佳彦, Kandel M.B., 緑川 良介, 岡 昌吾, 高宮 考悟
    日本生理学雑誌 78(2) 30-30 2016年3月  
  • Tetsuya Kouno, Nobuteru Akiyama, Takahito Ito, Tomohiko Okuda, Isamu Nanchi, Mitsuru Notoya, Shogo Oka, Hideo Yukioka
    The Journal of endocrinology 228(2) 115-25 2016年2月  査読有り
    Ghrelin is an appetite-stimulating hormone secreted from stomach. Since the discovery that acylation of the serine-3 residue by ghrelin O-acyltransferase (GOAT) is essential for exerting its functions, GOAT has been regarded as an therapeutic target for attenuating appetite, and thus for the treatment of obesity and diabetes. However, contrary to the expectations, GOAT-knockout (KO) mice have not shown meaningful body weight reduction, under high-fat diet. Here, in this study, we sought to determine whether GOAT has a role in body weight regulation and glucose metabolism with a focus on dietary sucrose, because macronutrient composition of diet is important for appetite regulation. We found that peripherally administered acylated-ghrelin, but not unacylated one, stimulated sucrose consumption in a two-bottle-drinking test. The role of acylated-ghrelin in sucrose preference was further supported by the finding that GOAT KO mice consumed less sucrose solution compared with WT littermates. Then, we investigated the effect of dietary composition of sucrose on food intake and body weight in GOAT KO and WT mice. As a result, when fed on high-fat diet, food intake and body weight were similar between GOAT KO and WT mice. However, when fed on high-fat, high-sucrose diet, GOAT KO mice showed significantly reduced food intake and marked resistance to obesity, leading to amelioration of glucose metabolism. These results suggest that blockade of acylated-ghrelin production offers therapeutic potential for obesity and metabolic disorders caused by overeating of palatable food.
  • Gu W, Fukuda T, Isaji T, Hang Q, Lee HH, Sakai S, Morise J, Mitoma J, Higashi H, Taniguchi N, Yawo H, Oka S, Gu J
    The Journal of biological chemistry 290(28) 17566-75 2015年7月10日  査読有り
  • Naoki Nakagawa, Hirokazu Yagi, Koichi Kato, Hiromu Takematsu, Shogo Oka
    Scientific reports 5 11163-11163 2015年6月10日  査読有り
    Aberrant glycosylation of dystroglycan causes congenital muscular dystrophies associated with cobblestone lissencephaly, classified as dystroglycanopathy. However, pathological features in the onset of brain malformations, including the precise timing and primary cause of the pial basement membrane disruption and abnormalities in the migration of pyramidal neurons, remain unexplored. Using the Pomgnt2-knockout (KO) mouse as a dystroglycanopathy model, we show that breaches of the pial basement membrane appeared at embryonic day 11.5, coinciding with the ectopic clustering of Cajal-Retzius cells and subplate neurons and prior to the migration onset of pyramidal neurons. Furthermore, in the Pomgnt2-KO cerebral cortex, preplate splitting failure likely occurred due to the aggregation of Cajal-Retzius and subplate cells, and migrating pyramidal neurons lost polarity and radial orientation. Our findings demonstrate the initial pathological events in dystroglycanopathy mice and contribute to our understanding of how dystroglycan dysfunction affects brain development and progresses to cobblestone lissencephaly.
  • Shohei Yaji, Hiroshi Manya, Naoki Nakagawa, Hiromu Takematsu, Tamao Endo, Reiji Kannagi, Toru Yoshihara, Masahide Asano, Shogo Oka
    Glycobiology 25(4) 376-85 2015年4月  査読有り
  • Yukihiro Hamada, Makito Hirano, Motoi Kuwahara, Makoto Samukawa, Kazuo Takada, Jyoji Morise, Keiko Yabuno, Shogo Oka, Susumu Kusunoki
    Neuroscience research 91 63-8 2015年2月  査読有り
    Anti-myelin-associated-glycoprotein (MAG) neuropathy is an intractable autoimmune polyneuropathy. The antigenic region of MAG is the human natural killer-1 (HNK-1) carbohydrate. We and others previously suggested that the extension of antibody reactivities to HNK-1-bearing proteins other than MAG was associated with treatment resistance, without statistical analyses. In this study, we established an ELISA method with recombinant proteins to test binding specificities of currently available monoclonal antibodies to MAG and another HNK-1-bearing protein, phosphacan. Using this system, we found the distinct binding specificities of anti-MAG antibody in 19 patients with anti-MAG neuropathy. Their clinical relevance was then determined retrospectively with the adjusted 10-points INCAT disability score (0 = normal and 10 = highly disable). The results showed that strong reactivities of anti-MAG antibodies to phosphacan were significantly associated with treatment resistance or progressive clinical courses, indicating a possible clinical relevance of the binding specificities.
  • Naoki Nakagawa, Shogo Oka
    Glycoscience: Biology and Medicine 543-549 2015年1月1日  査読有り
    The human natural killer-1 (HNK-1) carbohydrate is a well-known glyco-epitope that is predominantly expressed in the central and peripheral nervous systems and plays an essential role in higher brain functions such as synaptic plasticity, spatial learning, and memory. HNK-1 has a unique sulfated trisaccharide structure, HSO3-3GlcAβ1-3Galβ1-4GlcNAc, and is expressed under the control of highly sophisticated machineries that cannot simply be explained by quantitative changes in a single synthetic enzyme, such as the selective expression of this epitope on limited types of proteins. Recent studies investigating the regulation of HNK-1 at cellular and molecular levels demonstrated that HNK-1- synthesizing enzymes physically and functionally interacted with each other to form a heteromeric enzyme complex. This enzyme complex then facilitated the biosynthesis of HNK-1 by increasing production efficacy and has also been implicated in the sorting of carrier molecules. While the biological significance of the enzyme complex in regulating the HNK-1 epitope has begun to be clarified, HNK-1ST also possesses distinct functions independent of the canonical synthesis of HNK-1, which has provided an insight into the diversity of the regulatory mechanisms responsible for mammalian glycosylation.
  • Yusuke Takeuchi, Jyoji Morise, Ippei Morita, Hiromu Takematsu, Shogo Oka
    PloS one 10(8) e0135644 2015年  査読有り
    The AMPA-type glutamate receptor (AMPAR), which is a tetrameric complex composed of four subunits (GluA1-4) with several combinations, mediates the majority of rapid excitatory synaptic transmissions in the nervous system. Cell surface expression levels of AMPAR modulate synaptic plasticity, which is considered one of the molecular bases for learning and memory formation. To date, a unique trisaccharide (HSO3-3GlcAβ1-3Galβ1-4GlcNAc), human natural killer-1 (HNK-1) carbohydrate, was found expressed specifically on N-linked glycans of GluA2 and regulated the cell surface expression of AMPAR and the spine maturation process. However, evidence that the HNK-1 epitope on N-glycans of GluA2 directly affects these phenomena is lacking. Moreover, it is thought that other N-glycans on GluA2 also have potential roles in the regulation of AMPAR functions. In the present study, using a series of mutants lacking potential N-glycosylation sites (N256, N370, N406, and N413) within GluA2, we demonstrated that the mutant lacking the N-glycan at N370 strongly suppressed the intracellular trafficking of GluA2 from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in HEK293 cells. Cell surface expression of GluA1, which is a major subunit of AMPAR in neurons, was also suppressed by co-expression of the GluA2 N370S mutant. The N370S mutant and wild-type GluA2 were co-immunoprecipitated with GluA1, suggesting that N370S was properly associated with GluA1. Moreover, we found that N413 was the main potential site of the HNK-1 epitope that promoted the interaction of GluA2 with N-cadherin, resulting in enhanced cell surface expression of GluA2. The HNK-1 epitope on N-glycan at the N413 of GluA2 was also involved in the cell surface expression of GluA1. Thus, our data suggested that site-specific N-glycans on GluA2 regulate the intracellular trafficking and cell surface expression of AMPAR.
  • Keiko Yabuno, Jyoji Morise, Yasuhiko Kizuka, Noritaka Hashii, Nana Kawasaki, Satoru Takahashi, Shinji Miyata, Tomomi Izumikawa, Hiroshi Kitagawa, Hiromu Takematsu, Shogo Oka
    PloS one 10(12) e0144560 2015年  査読有り
    Human natural killer-1 (HNK-1) carbohydrate (HSO3-3GlcAβ1-3Galβ1-4GlcNAc-R) is highly expressed in the brain and required for learning and neural plasticity. We previously demonstrated that expression of the HNK-1 epitope is mostly abolished in knockout mice for GlcAT-P (B3gat1), a major glucuronyltransferase required for HNK-1 biosynthesis, but remained in specific regions such as perineuronal nets (PNNs) in these mutant mice. Considering PNNs are mainly composed of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPGs) and regulate neural plasticity, GlcAT-P-independent expression of HNK-1 in PNNs is suggested to play a role in neural plasticity. However, the function, structure, carrier glycoprotein and biosynthetic pathway for GlcAT-P-irrelevant HNK-1 epitope remain unclear. In this study, we identified a unique HNK-1 structure on aggrecan in PNNs. To determine the biosynthetic pathway for the novel HNK-1, we generated knockout mice for GlcAT-S (B3gat2), the other glucuronyltransferase required for HNK-1 biosynthesis. However, GlcAT-P and GlcAT-S double-knockout mice did not exhibit reduced HNK-1 expression compared with single GlcAT-P-knockout mice, indicating an unusual biosynthetic pathway for the HNK-1 epitope in PNNs. Aggrecan was purified from cultured cells in which GlcAT-P and -S are not expressed and we determined the structure of the novel HNK-1 epitope using liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS) as a sulfated linkage region of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), HSO3-GlcA-Gal-Gal-Xyl-R. Taken together, we propose a hypothetical model where GlcAT-I, the sole glucuronyltransferase required for synthesis of the GAG linkage, is also responsible for biosynthesis of the novel HNK-1 on aggrecan. These results could lead to discovery of new roles of the HNK-1 epitope in neural plasticity.
  • Yabuno Keiko, Izumikawa Tomomi, Takematsu Hiromu, Kitagawa Hiroshi, Oka Shogo
    GLYCOBIOLOGY 24(11) 1148-1149 2014年11月  査読有り
  • 森瀬 譲二, 木塚 康彦, 藪野 景子, 殿山 泰弘, 橋井 則貴, 川崎 ナナ, 萬谷 博, 鈴木 友子, 武田 伸一, 遠藤 玉夫, 前田 信明, 竹松 弘, 岡 昌吾
    日本生化学会大会プログラム・講演要旨集 87回 [2P-004] 2014年10月  
  • 赤阪 啓子[萬谷], 萬谷 博, 木塚 康彦, 岡 昌吾, 遠藤 玉夫
    日本生化学会大会プログラム・講演要旨集 87回 [2P-009] 2014年10月  
  • Keiko Akasaka-Manya, Hiroshi Manya, Yasuhiko Kizuka, Shogo Oka, Tamao Endo
    J Biochem 156(2) 107-13 2014年8月  査読有り
  • Yukari Yamane-Sando, Etsuko Shimobayashi, Mitsugu Shimobayashi, Yasunori Kozutsumi, Shogo Oka, Hiromu Takematsu
    MICROBIOLOGYOPEN 3(2) 196-212 2014年4月  査読有り
    Sphingolipids are a family of eukaryotic lipids biosynthesized from sphingoid long-chain bases (LCBs). Sphingolipids are an essential class of lipids, as their depletion results in cell death. However, acute LCB supplementation is also toxic; thus, proper cellular LCB levels should be maintained. To characterize the "sphingolipid-signaling intercross," we performed a kinome screening assay in which budding yeast protein kinase-knockout strains were screened for resistance to ISP-1, a potent inhibitor of LCB biosynthesis. Here, one pair of such DIR (deletion-mediated ISP-1 resistance) genes, FPK1 and FPK2, was further characterized. Cellular LCB levels increased in the fpk1/2 Delta strain, which was hypersensitive to phytosphingosine (PHS), a major LCB species of yeast cells. Concomitantly, this strain acquired resistance to ISP-1. Fpk1 and Fpk2 were involved in two downstream events; that is, ISP-1 uptake due to aminophospholipid flippase and LCB degradation due to LCB4 expression. RSK3, which belongs to the p90-S6K subfamily, was identified as a functional counterpart of Fpk1/2 in mammalian cells as the RSK3 gene functionally complemented the ISP-1-resistant phenotype of fpk1/2 Delta cells.
  • Jyoji Morise, Yasuhiko Kizuka, Keiko Yabuno, Yasuhiro Tonoyama, Noritaka Hashii, Nana Kawasaki, Hiroshi Manya, Yuko Miyagoe-Suzuki, Shin'ichi Takeda, Tamao Endo, Nobuaki Maeda, Hiromu Takematsu, Shogo Oka
    GLYCOBIOLOGY 24(3) 314-324 2014年3月  査読有り
    The human natural killer-1 (HNK-1) carbohydrate comprising a sulfated trisaccharide (HSO3-3GlcA beta 1-3Gal beta 1-4GlcNAc-) is expressed on N-linked and O-mannose-linked glycans in the nervous system and involved in learning and memory functions. Although whole/core glycan structures and carrier glycoproteins for the N-linked HNK-1 epitope have been studied, carrier glycoproteins and the biosynthetic pathway of the O-mannose-linked HNK-1 epitope have not been fully characterized. Here, using mass spectrometric analyses, we identified the major carrier glycoprotein of the O-linked HNK-1 as phosphacan in developing mouse brains and determined the major O-glycan structures having the terminal HNK-1 epitope from partially purified phosphacan. The O-linked HNK-1 epitope on phosphacan almost disappeared due to the knockout of protein O-mannose beta 1,2-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 1, an N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase essential for O-mannose-linked glycan synthesis, indicating that the reducing terminal of the O-linked HNK-1 is mannose. We also showed that glucuronyltransferase-P (GlcAT-P) was involved in the biosynthesis of O-mannose-linked HNK-1 using the gene-deficient mice of GlcAT-P, one of the glucuronyltransferases for HNK-1 synthesis. Consistent with this result, we revealed that GlcAT-P specifically synthesized O-linked HNK-1 onto phosphacan using cultured cells. Furthermore, we characterized the as-yet-unknown epitope of the 6B4 monoclonal antibody (mAb), which was thought to recognize a unique phosphacan glycoform. The reactivity of the 6B4 mAb almost completely disappeared in GlcAT-P-deficient mice, and exogenously expressed phosphacan was selectively recognized by the 6B4 mAb when co-expressed with GlcAT-P, suggesting that the 6B4 mAb preferentially recognizes O-mannose-linked HNK-1 on phosphacan. This is the first study to show that 6B4 mAb-reactive O-mannose-linked HNK-1 in the brain is mainly carried by phosphacan.
  • Yuko Naito-Matsui, Shuhei Takada, Yoshinobu Kano, Tomonori Iyoda, Manabu Sugai, Akira Shimizu, Kayo Inaba, Lars Nitschke, Takeshi Tsubata, Shogo Oka, Yasunori Kozutsumi, Hiromu Takematsu
    JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 289(3) 1564-1579 2014年1月  査読有り
    Background: Sialic acids play key roles in molecular recognition. Results: T-cell activation alters the principal sialic acid species profile, regulating expression of siglec ligands, T-cell activation per se, and T cell-B cell interactions. Conclusion: This activation-dependent change in the sialoglycan profile modulates immune responses. Significance: Pronounced changes in the sialoglycan profile not only serve as cellular markers but also reflect cellular functionality. Sialic acids (Sias) are often conjugated to the termini of cellular glycans and are key mediators of cellular recognition. Sias are nine-carbon acidic sugars, and, in vertebrates, the major species are N-acetylneuraminic acid (Neu5Ac) and N-glycolylneuraminic acid (Neu5Gc), differing in structure at the C5 position. Previously, we described a positive feedback loop involving regulation of Neu5Gc expression in mouse B cells. In this context, Neu5Gc negatively regulated B-cell proliferation, and Neu5Gc expression was suppressed upon activation. Similarly, resting mouse T cells expressed principally Neu5Gc, and Neu5Ac was induced upon activation. In the present work, we used various probes to examine sialoglycan expression by activated T cells in terms of the Sia species expressed and the linkages of Sias to glycans. Upon T-cell activation, sialoglycan expression shifted from Neu5Gc to Neu5Ac, and the linkage shifted from 2,6 to 2,3. These changes altered the expression levels of sialic acid-binding immunoglobulin-like lectin (siglec) ligands. Expression of sialoadhesin and Siglec-F ligands increased, and that of CD22 ligands decreased. Neu5Gc exerted a negative effect on T-cell activation, both in terms of the proliferative response and in the context of activation marker expression. Suppression of Neu5Gc expression in mouse T and B cells prevented the development of nonspecific CD22-mediated T cell-B cell interactions. Our results suggest that an activation-dependent shift from Neu5Gc to Neu5Ac and replacement of 2,6 by 2,3 linkages may regulate immune cell interactions at several levels.
  • 濱田 征宏, 寒川 真, 桑原 基, 藪野 景子, 森瀬 譲二, 高田 和男, 宮本 勝一, 岡 昌吾, 楠 進
    臨床神経学 53(12) 1507-1507 2013年12月  
  • H. Yagi, N. Nakagawa, T. Saito, H. Kiyonari, T. Abe, T. Toda, S.-W. Wu, K.-H. Khoo, S. Oka, K. Kato
    Scientific Reports 3 3288-3288 2013年11月21日  査読有り
  • N. Nakagawa, H. Takematsu, S. Oka
    Glycobiology 23(9) 1066-1074 2013年9月  査読有り
  • Yasuhiko Kizuka, Shogo Oka
    CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR LIFE SCIENCES 69(24) 4135-4147 2012年12月  査読有り
    Human natural killer-1 (HNK-1) carbohydrate, comprising a unique trisaccharide HSO3-3GlcA beta 1-3Gal beta 1-4GlcNAc, shows well-regulated expression and unique functions in the nervous system. Recent studies have revealed sophisticated and complicated expression mechanisms for HNK-1 glycan. Activities of biosynthetic enzymes are controlled through the formation of enzyme-complexes and regulation of subcellular localization. Functional aspects of HNK-1 carbohydrate were examined by overexpression, knockdown, and knockout studies of these enzymes. HNK-1 is involved in several neural functions such as synaptic plasticity, learning and memory, and the underlying molecular mechanisms have been illustrated upon identification of the target carrier glycoproteins of HNK-1 such as the glutamate receptor subunit GluA2 or tenascin-R. In this review, we describe recent findings about HNK-1 carbohydrate that provide further insights into the mechanism of its expression and function in the nervous system.
  • N. Nakagawa, H. Manya, T. Toda, T. Endo, S. Oka
    Journal of Biological Chemistry 287(36) 30823-30832 2012年8月  査読有り
  • Makoto Hirano, Bruce Y. Ma, Nobuko Kawasaki, Shogo Oka, Toshisuke Kawasaki
    GLYCOBIOLOGY 22(1) 84-95 2012年1月  査読有り
    Ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) is an important cause of acute renal failure. Recent studies have shown that the complement system mediated by the mannan-binding protein (MBP), which is a C-type serum lectin recognizing mannose, fucose and N-acetylglucosamine residues, plays a critical role in the pathogenesis of ischemic acute renal failure. MBP causes complement activation through the MBP lectin pathway and a resulting complement component, C3b, is accumulated on the brush borders of kidney proximal tubules in a renal I/R-operated mouse kidney. However, the initial step of the complement activation has not been studied extensively. We previously identified both meprins alpha and beta, highly glycosylated zinc metalloproteases, localized on kidney proximal tubules as endogenous MBP ligands. In the present study, we demonstrated that serum-type MBP (S-MBP) and C3b were co-localized with meprins on both the cortex and the medulla in the renal I/R-operated mouse kidney. S-MBP was indicated to interact with meprins in vivo in the I/R-operated mouse kidney and was shown to initiate the complement activation through the interaction with meprins in vitro. Taken together, the present study strongly suggested that the binding of S-MBP to meprins triggers the complement activation through the lectin pathway and may cause the acute renal failure due to I/R on kidney transplantation and hemorrhagic shock.
  • Naoki Nakagawa, Tomomi Izumikawa, Hiroshi Kitagawa, Shogo Oka
    HNK-1 (human natural killer-1) carbohydrate epitope (HSO(3)-3GlcA beta 1-3Ga beta 1-4GlcNAc-) recognized by a HNK-1 monoclonal antibody is highly expressed in the nervous system and biosynthesized by a glucuronyltransferase (GIcAT-P or GlcAT-S), and sulfotransferase (HNK-1ST). A similar oligosaccharide (HSO(3)-3GlcA beta 1-3Gal beta 1-3Gal beta 1-4Xyl) also recognized by the HNK-1 antibody had been found in a glycosaminoglycan (GAG)-protein linkage region of alpha-thrombomodulin (TM) from human urine. However, which sulfotransferase is involved in sulfation of the terminal GlcA in the GAG-protein linkage region remains unclear. In this study, using CHO-K1 cells in which neither GIcAT-P nor GlcAT-S is endogenously expressed, we found that HNK-1ST has the ability to produce HNK-1 immunoreactivity on alpha-TM. We also demonstrated that HNK-1ST caused the suppression of chondroitin sulfate (CS) synthesis on TM and a reduction of its anti-coagulant activity. Moreover, using an in vitro enzyme assay system, the HNK-1-positive TM was found not to be utilized as a substrate for CS-polymerizing enzymes (chondroitin synthase (ChSy) and chondroitin polymerizing factor (ChPF)). These results suggest that HNK-1ST is involved in 3-O-sulfation of the terminal GlcA of the linkage tetrasaccharide which acts as an inhibitory signal for the initiation of CS biosynthesis on TM. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Tetsuya Kouno, Yasuhiko Kizuka, Naoki Nakagawa, Toru Yoshihara, Masahide Asano, Shogo Oka
    JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 286(36) 31337-31346 2011年9月  査読有り
    Human natural killer-1 (HNK-1) carbohydrate is highly expressed in the nervous system and is involved in synaptic plasticity and dendritic spine maturation. This unique carbohydrate, consisting of a sulfated trisaccharide (HSO(3)-3GlcA beta 1-3Gal beta 1-4GlcNAc-), is biosynthesized by the successive actions of beta-1,4-galactosyltransferase (beta 4GalT), glucuronyltransferase (GlcAT-P and GlcAT-S), and sulfotransferase (HNK-1ST). A previous study showed that mice lacking beta 4GalT-II, one of seven beta 4GalTs, exhibited a dramatic loss of HNK-1 expression in the brain, although beta 4GalT-I-deficient mice did not. Here, we investigated the underlying molecular mechanism of the regulation of HNK-1 expression. First, focusing on a major HNK-1 carrier, neural cell adhesion molecule, we found that reduced expression of an N-linked HNK-1 carbohydrate caused by a deficiency of beta 4GalT-II is not likely due to a general loss of the beta 1,4-galactose residue as an acceptor for GlcAT-P. Instead, we demonstrated by co-immunoprecipitation and endoplasmic reticulum-retention analyses using Neuro2a (N2a) cells that beta 4GalT-II physically and specifically associates with GlcAT-P. In addition, we revealed by pull-down assay that Golgi luminal domains of beta 4GalT-II and GlcAT-P are sufficient for the complex to form. With an in vitro assay system, we produced the evidence that the kinetic efficiency k(cat)/K(m) of GlcAT-P in the presence of beta 4GalT-II was increased about 2.5-fold compared with that in the absence of beta 4GalT-II. Finally, we showed that co-expression of beta 4GalT-II and GlcAT-P increased HNK-1 expression on various glycoproteins in N2a cells, including neural cell adhesion molecule. These results indicate that the specific enzyme complex of beta 4GalT-II with GlcAT-P plays an important role in the biosynthesis of HNK-1 carbohydrate.
  • T. Kouno, Y. Kizuka, N. Nakagawa, T. Yoshihara, M. Asano, S. Oka
    Journal of Biological Chemistry 286(36) 31337-31346 2011年9月  査読有り
  • 中川直樹, 森田一平, 岡 昌吾
    脳21, 14(1), 37-43 2011年  
  • 森瀬譲二, 森田一平, 岡 昌吾
    生化学 83(3), 205-211 2011年  
  • Y. Kizuka, N. Nakagawa, I. Morita, S. Oka
    Glycans: Biochemistry, Characterization and Applications 2011年  査読有り





