
前田 耕太郎

マエダコウタロウ  (maeda kotaro)


藤田保健衛生大学 医学部 医学科 下部消化管外科学 教授



  • Hiroshi Matsuoka, Kotaro Maeda, Tsunekazu Hanai, Harunobu Sato, Koji Masumori, Yosikazu Koide, Hidetoshi Katsuno, Tomoyoshi Endo, Miho Shiota, Kenichi Sugihara
    Asian Journal of Surgery 41(2) 192-196 2018年3月1日  査読有り
    Objective: The treatment policy of colorectal cancer in elderly patients is controversial due to a lack of specific guidelines. To clarify the present management of colorectal cancer for aged patients, a questionnaire survey was conducted by the Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum. Methods: Questionnaire forms were sent to the 430 member institutions of the Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum. Results: The response rate of the surgical department to the questionnaire was 39%. Performance status was used for preoperative assessments, and electrocardiogram and ultrasonic cardiograms were conducted for cardiovascular evaluations in many institutions. The same extent of surgical procedures was often adopted for elderly and younger patients, and the frequency of a laparoscopic procedure was the same regardless of a patient's age. A simultaneous hepatectomy for hepatic metastasis was considered in one-third of institutions. In many institutions, intersphincteric resection for patients with possible sphincter-saving surgery was not considered for elderly patients with low rectal cancer. Conclusion: Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum member institutions often used the same surgical treatment strategies for both elderly and younger patients with the exception of performing intersphincteric resection.
  • Kazumi Kawase, Kyoko Nomura, Ryuji Tominaga, Hirotaka Iwase, Tomoko Ogawa, Ikuko Shibasaki, Mitsuo Shimada, Tomoaki Taguchi, Emiko Takeshita, Yasuko Tomizawa, Sachiyo Nomura, Kazuhiro Hanazaki, Tomoko Hanashi, Hiroko Yamashita, Norihiro Kokudo, Kotaro Maeda
    SURGERY TODAY 48(1) 33-43 2018年1月  査読有り
    To assess the working styles of men and women working as surgeons in Japan. In July, 2014, the Japan Surgical Society invited all their members (n = 29,861), through an internet campaign, to participate in a nationwide survey of surgeons. The items investigated in this descriptive study included demographic information and working styles, based on a questionnaire. In total, 6211 surgeons participated (response rate 20.8%, 5586 men and 625 women). The largest age stratum was 40-49 years for men and 30-39 years for women. Overall, respondents identified their labor contract, including salary and work hours, as the highest priority for improvement. Women with children were more likely to be part-time employees, work fewer hours, and take fewer house calls/on-calls than their male counterparts. Moreover, women of all ages earned a lower annual income than men, irrespective of whether they had children. Perception scores for discrimination related to work and promotion were significantly higher among women than men (p < 0.01 and p = 0.011, respectively). A significant difference in working style was observed between men and women working as surgeons in Japan.
  • Hideki Ohta, Takahiro Hayashi, Sumie Murai, Hideyo Shiouchi, Yosuke Ando, Satomi Kumazawa, Kaori Ito, Yoshiaki Ikeda, Hiroshi Matsuoka, Kotaro Maeda, Kenji Kawada, Kimio Yasuda, Shigeki Yamada
    CANCER CHEMOTHERAPY AND PHARMACOLOGY 79(5) 1021-1029 2017年5月  査読有り
    Although hypersensitivity reactions (HSRs) to oxaliplatin (L-OHP) therapy are well-documented, few reports have compared different therapies in terms of HSR occurrence. In this study, we compared the frequency and pattern of HSRs to modified FOLFOX6 (mFOLFOX6; 5-fluorouracil, levofolinate calcium and L-OHP infusions) and XELOX (capecitabine and L-OHP) therapies, and sought to identify risk factors associated with HSRs. Patients who had received mFOLFOX6 or XELOX chemotherapeutic regimens for unresectable colon or rectal cancer or as adjuvant chemotherapy following colon cancer surgery between April 2012 and August 2015 were included. Potential correlation between treatment modalities (regimen, dosage and route of administration of L-OHP, and injection timing for dexamethasone administration) and HSRs was assessed. Among the 240 patients included in the study, 136 had received mFOLFOX6 therapy and 104 had received XELOX therapy. Although the frequency of HSRs did not differ between the two groups, incidence of HSRs in the first cycle was higher in the XELOX therapy group. Treatment method or cumulative dosage was not identified as a risk factor for HSR; however, the incidence of aegrade-2 HSR was higher in cases where the cumulative L-OHP dosage was ae600 mg/m(2) and in patients in whom dexamethasone was not co-infused with L-OHP. Although HSR rates were comparable among patients treated with mFOLFOX6 and XELOX, HSRs tended to occur more frequently during the first cycle of XELOX therapy as compared to that with mFOLFOX6 therapy. Our findings warrant careful assessment of aegrade-2 HSRs in patients who are prescribed cumulative L-OHP dosages of ae600 mg/m(2).
  • Harunobu Sato, Kunihiro Toyama, Yoshikazu Koide, Shinji Ozeki, Kouhei Hatta, Kotaro Maeda
    SURGERY TODAY 46(7) 860-871 2016年7月  査読有り
    Purpose We devised a simple dichotomous classification system and showed sufficient reproducibility to indicate treatment strategies for peritoneal metastasis of colorectal cancer. Methods We included 67 patients with peritoneal metastasis of colorectal cancer and classified them according to the largest lesion size, number of lesions and number of regional peritoneal metastases. The oncological data were recorded and compared. Results According to the univariate analyses, the prognoses were significantly better in patients with <= 3 disseminated lesions than in those with >= 4, and in patients with disseminated lesions in only one region than in those with >= 2 lesions. A multivariate analysis showed that primary tumor resection and the presence of peritoneal metastases in only one region were favorable factors for the patient survival. Patients with disseminated lesions in only one region (localized group) and those with nonlocalized lesions had three-year survival rates of 45.6 and 12.2 %, respectively. Finally, primary tumor resection improved the prognoses in both the localized and nonlocalized groups. Conclusions Colorectal cancer patients were categorized into localized and nonlocalized groups according to the number of regions with peritoneal metastasis, and significant prognostic associations were demonstrated. Subsequent analyses of the oncological data suggested that primary tumor resection contributes to an improved prognosis in all patients with synchronous peritoneal metastases.
  • Shinji Ozeki, Kotaro Maeda, Tsunekazu Hanai, Koji Masumori, Hidetoshi Katsuno, Hiroshi Takahashi
    SURGERY TODAY 46(4) 491-500 2016年4月  査読有り
    Purposes This study prospectively assessed the sexual and urinary functions, as well as factors influencing these functions, in patients who underwent open or robotic surgery for rectal cancer. Methods Forty-five consecutive male patients who underwent rectal resection for rectal cancer were prospectively enrolled in this study. Their sexual and urinary functions were assessed through self-administered questionnaires comprising the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF; sexual function) and the International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS; urinary function) before and at 3, 6, and 12 months after surgery. Results Fifteen patients who underwent robotic surgery and 22 who underwent open surgery were finally analyzed in this study. The total IIEF score and the individual score items did not change at 3, 6 or, 12 months after open or robotic surgery compared with the preoperative values. However, a univariate analysis revealed that age affected the urinary function 12 months after surgery, while both univariate and multivariate analyses revealed that postoperative complications affected the sexual function 12 months after surgery. Conclusions In this non-randomized comparison, the postoperative sexual and urinary functions were comparable between patients who underwent open rectal surgery and those who underwent robotic rectal surgery. Postoperative complications were a risk factor for sexual dysfunction, while age was a risk factor for urinary dysfunction.


  • 小平 進, 寺本 龍生, 菅野 康吉, 前田 耕太郎, 高橋 哲也, 北條 正久, 奥田 康一, 山高 謙一, 原 彰男, 渡辺 昌彦, 阿部 令彦
    日本消化器外科学会雑誌 18(2) 1985年2月1日  
  • 北條 正久, 小平 進, 寺本 龍生, 前田 耕太郎, 高橋 哲也, 渡辺 昌彦, 奥田 康一, 菅野 康吉, 原 彰男, 山高 謙一, 阿部 令彦, 加藤 繁夫, 朝倉 均, 土屋 雅春
    日本消化器外科学会雑誌 18(2) 1985年2月1日  
  • 前田 耕太郎, 小平 進, 寺本 龍生, 梅本 俊治, 黒水 丈次, 貞広 荘太郎, 高橋 哲也, 奥田 康一, 北條 正久, 阿部 令彦
    日本消化器外科学会雑誌 17(6) 1984年6月1日  
  • 北條 正久, 小平 進, 寺本 龍生, 梅本 俊治, 黒水 丈次, 貞広 荘太郎, 高橋 哲也, 渡辺 昌彦, 前田 耕太郎, 奥田 康一, 阿部 令彦
    日本消化器外科学会雑誌 17(6) 1984年6月1日  
  • 前田 耕太郎, 小平 進, 寺本 龍生, 荻原 裕之, 梅本 俊治, 黒水 丈次, 貞広 荘太郎, 渡辺 昌彦, 高橋 哲也, 阿部 令彦
    日本消化器外科学会雑誌 16(6) 1983年6月1日  
  • 藤田 博正, 橋本 敏夫, 丸谷 厳, 佐藤 正典, 大山 廉平, 中村 修三, 高野 真瀞, 前田 耕太郎, 山口 ほずえ, 富田 涛児, 野田 辰男
    日本消化器外科学会雑誌 16(3) 1983年3月1日  
  • 前田 耕太郎
    日本臨床外科医学会雑誌 44(2) p139-144 1983年2月  
    我々は, Borrmann 4型胃癌に合併した十二指腸球部の腺管絨毛腺腫を経験したので,本邦報告例の検討も加えて報告する.<br> 症例は67歳の男性で,上腹部痛を主訴として近医を受診し,胃癌と診断され手術目的で来院した.<br> 高血圧はあるが,家族歴には特記すべき事はなかった,上部消化管レ線で, Borrmann 4型胃癌と,十二指腸球部の鶏卵大の腫瘤陰影があり,内視鏡では,縻爛を有する粗〓な胃粘膜と,十二指腸球部の無茎性カリフラワー状腫瘤を認めた.生検所見では,胃は低分化腺癌で,十二指腸球部は,表面被覆上皮の絨毛状の過形成像と炎症反応がある十二指腸粘膜であった.胃癌と球部乳頭状腫瘤の診断で,腫瘤を含む単純胃全摘術を施行した.切除標本では,胃は幽門前部を残し,全体にBorrmann 4型胃癌が占め,球部には, 7.0×6.5cmの広基性,カリフラワー状腫瘤があった.組織学的には,胃は低分化腺癌で,球部腫瘤は, Paneth細胞を有する腺管絨毛腺腫であり,軽度の異型を認めるが,癌とすべき所見はなかった.<br> 本症例を含めた本邦報告例94例の年齢は, 25歳から80歳にわたり, 40-70歳に好発し,男女比は, 52:34で,発生部位では,第1, 2部が82例とその殆んどを占めた,症状では,上腹部不快感が各発生部位にわたって多く認められた.大きさは, 59例中46例が直径2cm以上であり,最大は12cmで,有茎性のものが多いが,乳頭部では無茎性の腫瘤が多かった.組織学的には,腺管絨毛腺腫が,約半数を占めた.合併病変は,胆嚢もしくは総胆管の結石が11例あり,胃癌,胃潰瘍も認めた.<br> 治療は,外科的摘除が主であるが,内視鏡的ポリペクトミーの報告も増加している.治療に際し,開腹摘除時の術中病理診断の必要性と,粘膜内癌の取り扱いについて若干の検討を加えた.
  • 前田 耕太郎, 小平 進, 寺本 龍生, 荻原 裕之, 梅本 俊治, 黒水 丈次, 貞広 荘太郎, 渡辺 昌彦, 高橋 哲也, 阿部 令彦
    日本消化器外科学会雑誌 16(2) 1983年2月1日  
  • 佐藤 正典, 藤田 博正, 橋本 敏夫, 野田 辰男, 丸谷 巌, 大山 廉平, 中村 修三, 高野 真澄, 前田 耕太郎
    日本消化器外科学会雑誌 15(12) 1401-1404 1982年12月1日  
  • 大山 廉平, 橋本 敏夫, 丸谷 巌, 佐藤 正典, 藤田 博正, 中村 修三, 高野 真澄, 前田 耕太郎, 富田 濤児, 西田 一巳
    日本消化器外科学会雑誌 15(9) 1506-1511 1982年9月1日  
    腸間膜脂肪織炎(mesenteric panniculitis)は主に腸間膜の脂肪織に炎症を来す疾患で,ときに二次的に腸管の通過障害を引き起すことがある.本症の報告例は少なく,本邦では10例に過ぎない.最近,われわれは上行結腸間膜に限局性に見られた腸間膜脂肪織炎の1例を経験したので報告する.
  • 藤田 博正, 橋本 敏夫, 野田 辰男, 丸谷 巌, 佐藤 正典, 大山 廉平, 中村 修三, 高野 真澄, 前田 耕太郎, 富田 濤児
    日本消化器外科学会雑誌 15(7) 1982年7月1日  
  • 藤田 博正, 橋本 敏夫, 野田 辰男, 前田 耕太郎, 高野 真澄, 中村 修三, 大山 廉平, 佐藤 正典, 丸谷 厳, 富田 濤児, 田中 幸房
    日本消化器外科学会雑誌 15(6) 1982年6月1日  
  • 藤田 博正, 佐藤 正典, 橋本 敏夫, 丸谷 巌, 大山 廉平, 中村 修三, 高野 真澄, 前田 耕太郎, 富田 壽児, 野田 辰男
    日本消化器外科学会雑誌 15(2) 1982年2月1日  
  • 大山 廉平, 橋本 敏夫, 丸谷 巌, 佐藤 正典, 藤田 博正, 中村 修三, 高野 真澄, 前田 耕太郎, 富田 濤児, 西田 一巳
    日本消化器外科学会雑誌 15(9) 1506-1511 1982年  
  • 藤田 博正, 橋本 敏夫, 野田 辰男, 丸谷 巌, 佐藤 正典, 大山 廉平, 中村 修三, 高野 真澄, 前田 耕太郎, 富田 濤児
    日本消化器外科学会雑誌 15(8) 1303-1307 1982年  
    食道切除後に胃を再建に使用することができない症例, ByPass例, 計15例に対し, 空腸を用いて食道再建術を行った.初期には胸壁前の空腸Interpositionを行っていたが, 最近ではRoux-Y-ρ吻合法により, 手術時間, 出血量とも半減し, 縫合不全も減少した.特殊な症例以外は手術時間2時間, 出血量200ml程度で手術が可能である.&lt;BR&gt;空腸による食道再建術の問題点は挙上腸管の壊死で4例に発生した.いずれも先端部にみられ, 壊死部の切除, 外瘻造設などのすぼやい処置を行い, 2例がその後の皮弁形成術で回復した.
  • 佐藤 正典, 藤田 博正, 橋本 敏夫, 野田 辰男, 丸谷 巌, 大山 廉平, 中村 修三, 高野 真澄, 前田 耕太郎
    日本消化器外科学会雑誌 15(12) 1901-1904 1982年  
  • 藤田 博正, 富田 濤児, 大山 廉平, 丸谷 巌, 佐藤 正典, 中村 修三, 高野 真澄, 前田 耕太郎, 木村 一元
    日本消化器外科学会雑誌 15(3) 474-480 1982年  
    多変量解析法 (数量化理論 I 類) を用いて, 胆管癌手術例 (70例) の予後を決定する要因の検索と術後生存期間の予測を試みた. まず, 1978年以前の症例53例を対象とし, 予後要因に性, 年齢, 黄疸の程度, 手術方法, 合併療法, 占居部位, 進行度, 組織型をとりあげ, 多変量解析法により各要因の重要度を評価し, 予後の予測式を計算した. その結果, 検討した8項目の中では手術方法と合併治療の種類が予後に最も大きな影響をもつことがわかった. 又, 予測式によって1979年以後の症例17例の術後生存期間を予測したが, 手術死亡例を除けば, ある程度信頼できるものであった(P&lt;0.1).
  • 藤田 博正, 橋本 敏夫, 野田 辰男, 丸谷 巌, 佐藤 正典, 大山 廉平, 中村 修三, 高野 真澄, 前田 耕太郎, 富田 濤児
    日本消化器外科学会雑誌 15(8) 1303-1307 1982年  
  • Gene Kurosawa, Mariko Sumitomo, Yoshinori Ukai, Juvy Subere, Chiho Mutamatsu, Keiko Eguchi, Miho Tanaka-Hashiba, Mai Sugiura, Misaki Ando, Noriko Sato, Miwa Morita, Kazuki Inaba, Satoko Morigaki, Akihiko Takasaki, Yasushi Akahori, Shuishi Miyakawa, Ichiro Uyama, Koutarou Maeda, Ryoichi Shiroki, Kiyotaka Hoshinaga, Yoshikazu Mizoguchi, Yoshinobu Hattori, Atsushi Sugioka, Mototaka Sugiura, Yohikazu Kusosawa
    Cancer Science 2010therapy obtained from antibody phage library  査読有り






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    標準外科学 「小腸および結腸」p 528-544を分担執筆