
山﨑 将生

Yamasaki Masao


藤田保健衛生大学 医療科学部 臨床工学科 専門基礎医学 生理学 教授
院・保健学研究科博士後期過程 生理科学 生理科学教授
保健学研究科修士過程 生体物質構造機能学教授



1982年4月~1986年3月 藤田学園保健衛生大学衛生学部衛生技術学科卒業
1986年4月~8月 藤田保健衛生大学衛生学部解剖組織学教室 研究
1986年6月~8月 愛知県(旧)結核予防センター検査技師(非常勤)
1986年9月~2000年3月 福島県立医科大学医学部 生理学第一講座 助手(助教)
1994年9月~1999年3月 宇宙開発事業団 客員開発部員
1994年12月1995年6月 宇宙環境利用推進センター, 脳・神経科学委員会委員
1996年9月~ 12月 NASA STS-90,Ames Research Center, California.
1998年4月~ 6月 NASASTS-90:Nerurolab,Kennedy Space Center,Florida
1999年10月~2008年3月 福島県立医科大学・院・医学研究科 基礎医学機能分野(兼任)
2000年4月~2007年7月 福島県立医科大学医学部・生理学第一講座 講師
2002年4月~2003年3月 JAXA 客員研究員;NASASTS-107 ラット分与研究:代表研究者
2003年1月~ 2月 NASA STS-107 スペースシャトルコロンビア実験
2007年8月~2008年3月 福島県立医科大学医学部・細胞統合生理学(旧生理学第一)准教授
2008年4月~ 藤田保健衛生大学・医療科学部・臨床工学科 生理学教授
2009年4月~2012年3月 院・保健学研究科(修士)臨床検査学/生理機能検査学教授(兼任)
2012年4月~ 院・保健学研究科(修士)臨床工学/基礎医学生理学
生体物質構造機能学分野 教授(兼任)
2015年4月~ 院・保健学研究科(博士後期)生体情報検査科学
生理科学 教授(兼任)


  • Shin-ichiro Katsuda, Masao Yamasaki, Hidefumi Waki, Masao Miyake, Hirotaka O-ishi, Kiyoaki Katahira, Tadanori Nagayama, Yukako Miyamoto, Masamitsu Hasegawa, Haruyuki Wago, Toshiyasu Okouchi, Tsuyoshi Shimizu
    BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL 2014 490428 2014年  査読有り
    We investigated effect of microgravity environment during spaceflight on postnatal development of the rheological properties of the aorta in rats. The neonate rats were randomly divided at 7 days of age into the spaceflight, asynchronous ground control, and vivarium control groups (8 pups for one dam). The spaceflight group rats at 9 days of age were exposed to microgravity environment for 16 days. A longitudinal wall strip of the proximal descending thoracic aorta was subjected to stress-strain and stress-relaxation tests. Wall tensile force was significantly smaller in the spaceflight group than in the two control groups, whereas there were no significant differences in wall stress or incremental elastic modulus at each strain among the three groups. Wall thickness and number of smooth muscle fibers were significantly smaller in the spaceflight group than in the two control groups, but there were no significant differences in amounts of either the elastin or collagen fibers among the three groups. The decreased thickness was mainly caused by the decreased number of smooth muscle cells. Plastic deformation was observed only in the spaceflight group in the stress-strain test. A microgravity environment during spaceflight could affect postnatal development of the morphological and rheological properties of the aorta.
  • Hidefumi Waki, Kiyoaki Katahira, Masao Yamasaki, Shinichiro Katsuda, Tsuyoshi Shimizu, Masanobu Maeda
    NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS 449(1) 10-14 2009年1月  査読有り
    Although rats often show an upright standing behavior the cardiovascular response during the behavior has not yet been fully clarified. In this study we quantified the activity of upright standing behavior in rats using infrared beam detectors and measured cardiovascular variables during the behavior. Rats demonstrated a high level of upright standing activity as they showed the upright posture more than 500 times per day at 10 weeks of age. The average upright standing duration time was less than 10s. Arterial pressure slightly decreased while heart rate increased in response to the behavior and these responses were not affected by sino-aortic denervation. Our results indicate that other mechanisms such as the vestibulo-cardiovascular reflex may completely compensate the lack of the baroreceptor reflex to maintain cardiovascular homeostasis in response to acute positional changes in rats. Moreover rats demonstrate complex integrative mechanisms maintaining cardiovascular homeostasis against the upright standing behavior which frequently occurs in rats. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Hidefumi Waki, Tsuyoshi Shimizu, Masao Yamasaki, Kiyoaki Katahira, Shinichiro Katsuda, Jaimie W. Polson, Masanobu Maeda
    NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS 448(1) 37-40 2008年12月  査読有り
    To investigate whether the rate of change in blood pressure affects the sensitivity of the aortic baroreceptor afferent response, the change in aortic nerve activity (ANA) to two different rates of ramp increase in mean blood pressure (MBP), elicited by phenylephrine administration, was determined in the rat under urethane (1.5 g kg(-1)) anesthesia. The sensitivity of the increase in ANA following a rapid (average ramp rate, 9.14 +/- 0.60 mmHg s(-1), n = 11) or gradual (1.78 +/- 0.24 mmHg s(-1), n = 11) increase in MBP was 2.03 +/- 0.14% and 1.81 +/- 0.20% of baseline mmHg(-1), respectively. These values were not significantly different from each other (P = 0.16). Furthermore, we found no correlation between the rate of ramp increase in MBP and the sensitivity of the increase in ANA (r = 0.24, P = 0.29, n = 22). These results suggest that, at least within the normal physiological range of MBP, the rate of the ramp change in blood pressure does not affect aortic baroreceptor afferent sensitivity in the anesthetized rat. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved
  • Hidefumi Waki, Masao Yamasaki, Kiyoaki Katahira, Shinichiro Katsuda, Masanobu Maeda, Tsuyoshi Shimizu
    EXPERIMENTAL PHYSIOLOGY 93(3) 319-324 2008年3月  査読有り
    To investigate postnatal developmental changes in functional characteristics of the afferent pathway of the aortic baroreceptor reflex, the responses of aortic nerve activity (ANA) to blood pressure (BP) changes elicited by phenylephrine and sodium nitroprusside administration were tested in 3-, 8- and 20-week-old male rats under chloralose (60 mg kg(-1) I.P.) and urethane (600 mg kg(-1) I.P.) anaesthesia. The function curve of ANA in response to BP changes showed a sigmoid shape that shifted to the right from 3 to 8 weeks of age. The maximal activity and maximal gain of the aortic nerve, which were calculated by a logistic function analysis, were significantly higher in 20-week-old rats (maximal activity, 532 +/- 47% of baseline; maximal gain, 7.9 +/- 0.8% of baseline mmHg(-1); n = 9) than in 3-week-old rats (maximal ANA, 268 +/- 25% of baseline, P < 0.001; maximal gain, 4.9 +/- 0.5% of baseline mmHg(-1), P < 0.01, n = 9) and 8-week-old rats (maximal ANA, 309 +/- 18% of baseline, P < 0.001; maximal gain, 4.9 +/- 0.3% of baseline mmHg(-1), P < 0.01, n = 11). These results suggest that the operating point of aortic baroreceptor afferents is reset to the higher pressure level during development from 3 to 8 weeks of age and, thereafter, the afferent gain increases from 8 to 20 weeks of age. This functional change may be an important factor to prevent an excess increase of BP, which would result in pathophysiological problems.
  • Miyake M, Yamasaki M, Hazama A, Nielsen S, Shimizu T
    Uchu Seibutsu Kagaku 18(3) 126-127 2004年11月  査読有り
  • Yamasaki M, Shimizu T, Miyake M, Miyamoto Y, Katsuda S, O-Ishi H, Nagayama T, Waki H, Katahira K, Wago H, Okouchi T, Nagaoka S, Mukai C
    Uchu Seibutsu Kagaku 18(2) 45-51 2004年6月  査読有り
    The effects of microgravity on the histological characteristics of the aortic depressor nerve, which is the afferent of the aortic baroreflex arc, were determined in 10 female adult rats. The rats were assigned for nursing neonates in the Space Shuttle Columbia or in the animal facility on the ground (NASA Neurolab, STS-90), and were housed for 16 days under microgravity in space (μg, n=5) or under one force of gravity on Earth (one-g, n=5). In the Schwann cell unit in which the axons of unmyelinated fibers are surrounded by one Schwann cell, the average number of axons per unit in the μg group was 2.1 ± 1.6 (mean ± SD, n=312) and significantly less than that in the one-g group (3.0 ± 2.9, n=397, p<0.05). The proportion of unmyelinated fibers in the aortic depressor nerve in the μg group was 64.5 ± 4.4% and significantly less than that in the one-g group(74.0 ± 7.3%, p<0.05). These results show that there is a decrease in the number of high-threshold unmyelinated fibers in the aortic depressor nerve in adult rats flown on the Shuttle Orbiter, suggesting that the aortic baroreflex is depressed under microgravity during space flight.
  • M Yamasaki, T Shimizu, K Katahira, H Waki, T Nagayama, H O-Ishi, S Katsuda, M Miyake, T Miyamoto, H Wago, T Okouchi, S Matsumoto
    NEUROSCIENCE 128(4) 819-829 2004年  査読有り
    Hydrostatic pressure gradients due to the gravitational force in blood vessels disappear under conditions of microgravity during spaceflight, and the ability of the baroreceptor reflex to control arterial pressure and blood distribution may be altered. We hypothesized, on the basis of the results obtained in our previous experiments using the head-down tilt method in rats and rabbits, that the range of increase in arterial pressure caused by animal behavior narrows under conditions of microgravity, affecting the development of high-threshold unmyelinated fibers in the rat aortic nerve which sends signals from baroreceptors located in the aortic wall to the reflex center. We verified this hypothesis using 9-day-old rat neonates housed with their dams for 16 days on the space shuttle Columbia in outer space (STS-90, Neurolab Mission). Age-matched neonatal rats with the dams remained on the ground as controls. After breeding was carried out in the three experimental groups (FLT, spaceflight; AGC, asynchronous ground control; VIV, vivarium ground control), specimens of the 25-day-old rats were excised and five left aortic nerves in each group were examined by electron microscopy. The number of aortic unmyelinated fibers was significantly less in the FLT group than in each ground control (mean+/-S.D.; 139+/-37 in the FLT, 207 36 in the AGC, 283+/-121 in the VIV; P&lt;0.05), which may be related to the weakness of the baroreceptor reflex under conditions of microgravity in space. This result may contribute to understanding of the several cardiovascular issues which occur under microgravity and after reexposure to gravity in human. (C) 2004 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Miyake M, Yamasaki M, Waki H, Katahira K, O-ishi H, Katsuda S, Nagayama T, Ijiri K, Hazama A, Shimizu T
    Uchu Seibutsu Kagaku 17(3) 173-174 2003年10月  査読有り
  • H Waki, T Shimizu, K Katahira, T Nagayama, M Yamasaki, SI Katsuda
    JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY 93(6) 1893-1899 2002年12月  査読有り
    Abdominal aortic pressure (AAP), heart rate (HR), and aortic nerve activity (ANA) during parabolic flight were measured by using a telemetry system to clarify the acute effect of microgravity (muG) on hemodynamics in rats. While the animals were conscious, AAP increased up to 119 +/- 3 mmHg on exposure to muG compared with the value at 1 G (95 +/- 3 mmHg; P &lt; 0.001), whereas AAP decreased immediately on exposure to &mu;G under urethane anesthesia (&mu;G: 72 &PLUSMN; 9 mmHg vs. 1 G: 78 &PLUSMN; 8 mmHg; P &lt; 0.05). HR also increased during muG in conscious animals (muG: 349 +/- 12 beats/min vs. 1 G: 324+9 beats/min; P &lt; 0.01), although no change was observed under anesthesia. ANA, which was measured under anesthesia, decreased in response to acute &mu;G exposure (&mu;G: 33 &PLUSMN; 7 counts/s vs. 1 G: 49 &PLUSMN; 5 counts/s; P &lt; 0.01). These results suggest that muG essentially induces a decrease of arterial pressure; however, emotional stress and body movements affect the responses of arterial pressure and HR during exposure to acute muG.
  • Katahira K, Waki H, Yamasaki M, Shimizu T
    Uchu Seibutsu Kagaku 16(3) 165-166 2002年11月  査読有り
  • Miyake M, Yamasaki M, Katahira K, Waki H, Katsuda S, Ijiri K, Shimizu T
    Uchu Seibutsu Kagaku 16(3) 209-210 2002年11月  査読有り
  • M Yamasaki, T Shimizu
    JAPANESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 52(2) 149-161 2002年4月  査読有り
    To clarify the effects of the head-down tilt (HDT) posture on the postnatal development of the aortic baroreflex, we raised rabbits from 3-4 weeks of age for 34-36 d in this posture, which simulates the headward shift of body fluid in space, and examined the structural and functional characteristics of the aortic nerves and baroreflex responses. The rabbits were divided into 3 different groups: 20degrees HDT, environmental control (EC), and vivarium control (VIV). Left aortic nerve activity (ANA) at basal arterial pressure was defined as 100%, and the maximum ANA at maximal increase in arterial pressure was 265+/-103% (mean+/-SD, n=5) in the HDT, 482+/-170% (n=4) in the EC, and 677+/-491% (n=4) in the VIV groups. The minimum ANA at maximal decrease in arterial pressure was 67.3+/-13.8% in the HDT, 40.1+/-10.2% in the EC, and 38.6+/-13.8% in the VIV groups. The maximal change of ANA in response to maximal change in arterial pressure in the HDT group was significantly less than that of either the EC or VIV group (p&lt;0.05). The average baroreflex gain in the HDT group was significantly less than in the VIV group (p&lt;0.05). The number of unmyelinated fibers in the left aortic nerve in the HDT group was significantly less than that of each control group ( p&lt;0.05). Thus the development of the aortic baroreflex system is apparently depressed by the HDT posture, suggesting that similar consequences will be observed in mammals that develop in space.
  • SI Katsuda, H Waki, M Yamasaki, T Nagayama, H O-Ishi, K Katahira, N Machida, M Hasegawa, T Shimizu
    EXPERIMENTAL ANIMALS 51(1) 83-93 2002年1月  査読有り
    Postnatal changes in the rheological properties of the aortic wall were investigated in relation to morphological development of the wall in Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats at 3, 8 and 20 weeks old. The mechanical tensile characteristics of the longitudinal wall strip excised from the proximal thoracic aorta were assessed with stress-strain and stress-relaxation tests. Wall tension in the low and medium strain ranges was significantly lower in 3-week-old rats than in 8-week-old rats and in 8-week-old rats than in 20-week-old rats. Wall stress was significantly lower in 3-week-old rats than in 8- and 20-week-old rats mainly in the medium strain range, but was significantly greater in 3-week-old rats than in 8- and 20-week-old rats in the high strain range. The value of incremental elastic modulus at 3 weeks old was significantly smaller than that at 8 and 20 weeks old at a strain of 0.25 and significantly larger than that at 8 and 20 weeks old at a strain of 0.50. The value of relaxation strength at 5 min after the stretching was significantly greater at 3 weeks old than that at 8 and 20 weeks old. The wall was viscoelastic in the low and medium strain ranges at 3 weeks though large wall stress was generated in the high strain range. Histological investigation revealed that the smooth muscle layer, fine elastin fiber connecting thick elastin fibers and wall thickness were thin at 3 weeks old in comparison with those at 8 and 20 weeks old, though there was no significant difference in number of nuclei of the smooth muscle cells among the three age groups. Changes in the tensile characteristics of the wall reflected well those of the microstructure of the wall with growth. The rheological properties and microstructure of the aortic wall were close to maturation at 8 weeks in SD rats.




  • 藤田保健衛生大学医療科学部臨床工学科 (担当:分担執筆)
  • 泉井 亮総監訳, 河南洋, 久保川学監訳 (担当:分担執筆, 範囲:57章「代謝と栄養」、59章「運動生理学とスポーツ科学」、60章「環境生理学:潜水、高地、宇宙」)
    西村書店 2011年 (ISBN: 9784890134137)
  • 織田銃一, 東家一雄, 宮木孝昌 (担当:共著, 範囲:Ⅵスンクスの迷走神経:迷走神経の電顕解析結果と特徴)
    学会出版センター 2011年 (ISBN: 9784762230646)
  • J.C.Buckey, J.C Homick (担当:分担執筆, 範囲:Development of aortic baroreflex under conditions of microgravity. pp151-159)
    NASA,JSC, Houston,Texas. 2003年 (ISBN: 0972533907)
    Development of aortic baroreflex under conditions of microgravity. Shimizu T, Yamasaki M, Waki H, O-ishi H, Miyake M, Miyamoto Y, Nagayama T, Katsuda S, Katahira K, Matsumoto S. 本書はNASAが纏めた出版物の一つで、ニューロラブ計画はNASA/ NIH企画のスペースシャトルを利用した脳神経科学研究である。 9日齢ラットを16日間育て,帰還直後と30日後とに圧反射を調べる機能実験と組織解析を行った。それらの結果を基づいて宇宙での大動脈神経性圧反射機構の発達を解説した。 山﨑は清水とともに宇宙実験の立案から実施計画を立て、帰還地実験現場の監督(指揮)を務めた。担当部分(執筆)「大動脈神経の電子顕微鏡解析に基づく宇宙での圧受容器反射の発達」。
  • 宇宙開発事業団, 日本宇宙フォーラム
    日本宇宙フォーラム 1999年




  • 件名
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    各種委員:提言 啓蒙活動
  • 件名
    各種委員:提言 啓蒙活動


  • 件名
    生理学実習書2010:編集 山崎将生(藤田保衛大臨床工学科)執筆担当頁数44頁
  • 件名
    生理学実習書2011-12:編集 山崎将生(藤田保衛大臨床工学科)執筆担当頁数,40頁
  • 件名
    Medical Physiology;Boron&Boulpaep (訳本)担当箇所: 57章 代謝と栄養 59章 運動生理学とスポーツ科学、60章 環境生理学:潜水、高地、宇宙, In セクション「日常の生理学」1-24頁、37-67頁


  • 件名
    「今日の学生における基礎医学教育の問題点」(第41回)、「医療職を養成する大学における基礎医学教育を考える」(第42回大会)、大阪、2009.「基礎医学教育の問題点とその対応―大学生の学力低下を背景として―」(第43回大会)東京 2010、ほか   日本医学教育学会大会にて毎年1演題以上(共同含む)報告;第41、42、43(広島)、44回(日吉)、45(千葉).


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    日本キリスト者医科連盟会員 (国内)愛知地区活動
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    日本医学教育学会 評議員(現代議員)
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    医療科学部FD委員会委員長 相互研修FDの企画・タスクフォース
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