Curriculum Vitaes

Yoshiharu Ohno

  (大野 良治)

Profile Information

School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Fujita Health University

researchmap Member ID

Research Areas



  • Takeshi Yoshikawa, Takahiro Ueda, Yoshiharu Ohno
    Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI, Sep 16, 2024  
  • Tomoki Takahashi, Yoshiyuki Ozawa, Hidekazu Hattori, Masahiko Nomura, Takahiro Ueda, Tomoya Horiguchi, Kazuyoshi Imaizumi, Yasushi Matsuda, Yasushi Hoshikawa, Yuka Kondo-Kawabe, Tetsuya Tsukamoto, Hiroyuki Nagata, Yoshiharu Ohno
    Journal of thoracic imaging, Sep 16, 2024  
  • Takahiro Ueda, Kaori Yamamoto, Natsuka Yazawa, Ikki Tozawa, Masato Ikedo, Masao Yui, Hiroyuki Nagata, Masahiko Nomura, Yoshiyuki Ozawa, Yoshiharu Ohno
    European radiology experimental, 8(1) 103-103, Sep 10, 2024  
    BACKGROUND: We aimed to determine the capabilities of compressed sensing (CS) and deep learning reconstruction (DLR) with those of conventional parallel imaging (PI) for improving image quality while reducing examination time on female pelvic 1.5-T magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). METHODS: Fifty-two consecutive female patients with various pelvic diseases underwent MRI with T1- and T2-weighted sequences using CS and PI. All CS data was reconstructed with and without DLR. Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of muscle and contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) between fat tissue and iliac muscle on T1-weighted images (T1WI) and between myometrium and straight muscle on T2-weighted images (T2WI) were determined through region-of-interest measurements. Overall image quality (OIQ) and diagnostic confidence level (DCL) were evaluated on 5-point scales. SNRs and CNRs were compared using Tukey's test, and qualitative indexes using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test. RESULTS: SNRs of T1WI and T2WI obtained using CS with DLR were higher than those using CS without DLR or conventional PI (p < 0.010). CNRs of T1WI and T2WI obtained using CS with DLR were higher than those using CS without DLR or conventional PI (p < 0.003). OIQ of T1WI and T2WI obtained using CS with DLR were higher than that using CS without DLR or conventional PI (p < 0.001). DCL of T2WI obtained using CS with DLR was higher than that using conventional PI or CS without DLR (p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: CS with DLR provided better image quality and shorter examination time than those obtainable with PI for female pelvic 1.5-T MRI. RELEVANCE STATEMENT: CS with DLR can be considered effective for attaining better image quality and shorter examination time for female pelvic MRI at 1.5 T compared with those obtainable with PI. KEY POINTS: Patients underwent MRI with T1- and T2-weighted sequences using CS and PI. All CS data was reconstructed with and without DLR. CS with DLR allowed for examination times significantly shorter than those of PI and provided significantly higher signal- and CNRs, as well as OIQ.
  • Naoya Tanabe, Hiroaki Nakagawa, Seiichiro Sakao, Yoshiharu Ohno, Kaoruko Shimizu, Hidetoshi Nakamura, Masayuki Hanaoka, Yasutaka Nakano, Toyohiro Hirai
    Respiratory investigation, 62(6) 995-1005, Aug 29, 2024  
    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma are common lung diseases with heterogeneous clinical presentations. Lung imaging allows evaluations of underlying pathophysiological changes and provides additional personalized approaches for disease management. This narrative review provides an overview of recent advances in chest imaging analysis using various modalities, such as computed tomography (CT), dynamic chest radiography, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Visual CT assessment localizes emphysema subtypes and mucus plugging in the airways. Dedicated software quantifies the severity and spatial distribution of emphysema and the airway tree structure, including the central airway wall thickness, branch count and fractal dimension of the tree, and airway-to-lung size ratio. Nonrigid registration of inspiratory and expiratory CT scans quantifies small airway dysfunction, local volume changes and shape deformations in specific regions. Lung ventilation and diaphragm movement are also evaluated on dynamic chest radiography. Functional MRI detects regional oxygen transfer across the alveolus using inhaled oxygen and ventilation defects and gas diffusion into the alveolar-capillary barrier tissue and red blood cells using inhaled hyperpolarized 129Xe gas. These methods have the potential to determine local functional properties in the lungs that cannot be detected by lung function tests in patients with COPD and asthma. Further studies are needed to apply these technologies in clinical practice, particularly for early disease detection and tailor-made interventions, such as the efficient selection of patients likely to respond to biologics. Moreover, research should focus on the extension of healthy life expectancy in patients at higher risk and with established diseases.
  • Hirotaka Ikeda, Yoshiharu Ohno, Kaori Yamamoto, Kazuhiro Murayama, Masato Ikedo, Masao Yui, Yunosuke Kumazawa, Yurika Shimamura, Yui Takagi, Yuhei Nakagaki, Satomu Hanamatsu, Yuki Obama, Takahiro Ueda, Hiroyuki Nagata, Yoshiyuki Ozawa, Akiyoshi Iwase, Hiroshi Toyama
    Cancers, 16(9), Apr 28, 2024  
    BACKGROUND: Diffusion-weighted images (DWI) obtained by echo-planar imaging (EPI) are frequently degraded by susceptibility artifacts. It has been suggested that DWI obtained by fast advanced spin-echo (FASE) or reconstructed with deep learning reconstruction (DLR) could be useful for image quality improvements. The purpose of this investigation using in vitro and in vivo studies was to determine the influence of sequence difference and of DLR for DWI on image quality, apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) evaluation, and differentiation of malignant from benign head and neck tumors. METHODS: For the in vitro study, a DWI phantom was scanned by FASE and EPI sequences and reconstructed with and without DLR. Each ADC within the phantom for each DWI was then assessed and correlated for each measured ADC and standard value by Spearman's rank correlation analysis. For the in vivo study, DWIs obtained by EPI and FASE sequences were also obtained for head and neck tumor patients. Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and ADC were then determined based on ROI measurements, while SNR of tumors and ADC were compared between all DWI data sets by means of Tukey's Honest Significant Difference test. RESULTS: For the in vitro study, all correlations between measured ADC and standard reference were significant and excellent (0.92 ≤ ρ ≤ 0.99, p < 0.0001). For the in vivo study, the SNR of FASE with DLR was significantly higher than that of FASE without DLR (p = 0.02), while ADC values for benign and malignant tumors showed significant differences between each sequence with and without DLR (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: In comparison with EPI sequence, FASE sequence and DLR can improve image quality and distortion of DWIs without significantly influencing ADC measurements or differentiation capability of malignant from benign head and neck tumors.


  • 大野良治, 大野良治, 永田紘之, 植田高弘, 野村昌彦, 小澤良之
    Innervision, 39(6), 2024  
  • 植田高弘, 木戸晶, 野村昌彦, 小澤良之, 大野良治
    画像診断, 44(8), 2024  
  • 大野良治, 大野良治, 永田紘之, 植田高弘, 野村昌彦, 吉川武, 吉川武, 竹中大祐, 竹中大祐, 遠藤正浩, 遠藤正浩, 小澤良之
    月刊新医療, 51(4), 2024  
  • Yoshiyuki Ozawa, Hiroyuki Nagata, Takahiro Ueda, Yuka Oshima, Nayu Hamabuchi, Takeshi Yoshikawa, Daisuke Takenaka, Yoshiharu Ohno
    Clinics in Chest Medicine, 2024  
  • 小澤良之, 小澤良之, 高橋知樹, 外山宏, 大野良治, 大野良治
    臨床画像, 39, 2023  
  • 大野良治, 大野良治, 大島夕佳, 古田みなみ, 濱渕菜邑, 花松智武, 小濱佑樹, 永田紘之, 植田高弘, 池田裕隆, 村山和宏, 小澤良之, 外山宏
    映像情報Medical, 54(14), 2022  
  • Warren B. Gefter, Kyung Soo Lee, Mark L. Schiebler, Grace Parraga, Joon Beom Seo, Yoshiharu Ohno, Hiroto Hatabu
    Radiology, 299(3) 524-538, Jun 1, 2021  
    Pulmonary functional imaging may be defined as the regional quantification of lung function by using primarily CT, MRI, and nuclear medicine techniques. The distribution of pulmonary physiologic parameters, including ventilation, perfusion, gas exchange, and biomechanics, can be noninvasively mapped and measured throughout the lungs. This information is not accessible by using conventional pulmonary function tests, which measure total lung function without viewing the regional distribution. The latter is important because of the heterogeneous distribution of virtually all lung disorders. Moreover, techniques such as hyperpolarized xenon 129 and helium 3 MRI can probe lung physiologic structure and microstructure at the level of the alveolar-air and alveolar–red blood cell interface, which is well beyond the spatial resolution of other clinical methods. The opportunities, challenges, and current stage of clinical deployment of pulmonary functional imaging are reviewed, including applications to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, interstitial lung disease, pulmonary embolism, and pulmonary hypertension. Among the challenges to the deployment of pulmonary functional imaging in routine clinical practice are the need for further validation, establishment of normal values, standardization of imaging acquisition and analysis, and evidence of patient outcomes benefit. When these challenges are addressed, it is anticipated that pulmonary functional imaging will have an expanding role in the evaluation and management of patients with lung disease.
  • Yoshiharu Ohno, Joon Beom Seo, Grace Parraga, Kyung Soo Lee, Warren B. Gefter, Sean B. Fain, Mark L. Schiebler, Hiroto Hatabu
    Radiology, 299(3) 508-523, Jun 1, 2021  
    Over the past few decades, pulmonary imaging technologies have advanced from chest radiography and nuclear medicine methods to high-spatial-resolution or low-dose chest CT and MRI. It is currently possible to identify and measure pulmonary pathologic changes before these are obvious even to patients or depicted on conventional morphologic images. Here, key technological advances are described, including multiparametric CT image processing methods, inhaled hyperpolarized and fluorinated gas MRI, and four-dimensional free-breathing CT and MRI methods to measure regional ventilation, perfusion, gas exchange, and biomechanics. The basic anatomic and physiologic underpinnings of these pulmonary functional imaging techniques are explained. In addition, advances in image analysis and computational and artificial intelligence (machine learning) methods pertinent to functional lung imaging are discussed. The clinical applications of pulmonary functional imaging, including both the opportunities and challenges for clinical translation and deployment, will be discussed in part 2 of this review. Given the technical advances in these sophisticated imaging methods and the wealth of information they can provide, it is anticipated that pulmonary functional imaging will be increasingly used in the care of patients with lung disease.
  • 大野 良治
    新医療, 47(4) 24-27, Apr, 2020  
    キヤノンメディカルシステムズ社にて新たに開発された"Compressed SPEEDER"および人工知能を用いた再構成法である"Advanced intelligent Clear-IQ Engine(以下AiCE)"を藤田医科大学病院では積極的に臨床応用を進めている。Compressed SPEEDERは最新の高速撮像技術であり、AiCEはDeep Learning技術を用いたデノイズ再構成技術である。両技術の開発は新たなMRI診療を発展させていくための要素技術の革新であると信ずる。(著者抄録)
  • 池崎 愛菜, 青柳 康太, 谷口 敦司, 竹中 大祐, 大野 良治
    日本放射線技術学会総会学術大会予稿集, 76回 167-168, Mar, 2020  
  • 大野 良治
    胸部外科, 72(13) 1101-1109, Dec, 2019  
  • 大野 良治, 青柳 康太, 油井 正生, 吉川 武, 太田 誠一郎, 乾 好貴, 菊川 薫, 村山 和宏, 外山 宏
    核医学, 56(Suppl.) S155-S155, Oct, 2019  
  • 村山 和宏, 大野 良治, 藤井 健二, 外山 宏
    日本医学放射線学会秋季臨床大会抄録集, 55回 S412-S412, Sep, 2019  
  • 大野 良治
    日本医学放射線学会秋季臨床大会抄録集, 55回 S460-S460, Sep, 2019  
  • 服部 秀計, 重村 知香, 柴田 雅子, 乾 好貴, 大野 良治, 岡部 麻子, 浦野 誠, 冨田 章裕, 今泉 和良, 外山 宏
    日本医学放射線学会秋季臨床大会抄録集, 55回 S542-S542, Sep, 2019  
  • 村山 和宏, 大野 良治, 外山 宏
    画像診断, 39(10) 1153-1162, Aug, 2019  
  • 大野 良治, 関 紳一郎, 吉川 武
    呼吸器内科, 35(5) 413-419, May, 2019  
  • 大野 良治
    THE LUNG-perspectives, 27(2) 113-119, May, 2019  
  • 大野 良治, 関 紳一郎, 吉川 武
    臨床画像, 35(4) 432-440, Apr, 2019  
  • 大野 良治, 谷口 敦司, 青柳 康太, 岸田 雄治, 関 紳一郎, 上野 嘉子, 吉川 武
    CT検診, 26(1) 47-47, Feb, 2019  
  • 大野 良治, 青柳 康太, 油井 正生, 岸田 雄治, 関 紳一郎, 吉川 武, 野上 宗伸, 村上 卓道
    核医学, 55(Suppl.) S202-S202, Nov, 2018  
  • 末永 剛士, 関谷 俊範, 根宜 典行, 末廣 瑛里奈, 日下 亜起子, 西垣 恵, 大野 良治
    日本放射線技術学会近畿部会雑誌, 24(1) 177-177, Jun, 2018  
  • Yoshiharu Ohno, Hans-Ulrich Kauczor, Hiroto Hatabu, Joon Beom Seo, Edwin J R van Beek
    Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI, 47(6) 1437-1458, Jun, 2018  Peer-reviewed
    Since the clinical introduction of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), the chest has been one of its most challenging applications, and many physicists and radiologists have tried since the 1980s to use MR for assessment of different lung diseases as well as mediastinal and pleural diseases. Since then, however, technical advances in sequencing, scanners, and coils, adaptation of parallel imaging techniques, utilization of contrast media, and development of postprocessing tools have been reported by many basic and clinical researchers. As a result, state-of-the-art thoracic MRI is now substituted for traditional imaging techniques and/or plays a complementary role in the management of patients with various chest diseases, and especially in the detection of pulmonary nodules and in thoracic oncology. In addition, MRI has continued to be developed to help overcome the limitations of computed tomography (CT) and nuclear medicine examinations. It can currently provide not only morphological, but also functional, physiological, pathophysiological, and molecular information at 1.5T with a gradual shift from 1.5T to 3T MR systems. In this review, we focus on these recent advances in MRI for pulmonary nodule detection and pulmonary nodule and mass evaluation by using noncontrast-enhanced and contrast-enhanced techniques as well as new molecular imaging methods such as chemical exchange saturation transfer imaging for a comparison with other modalities such as single or multidetector row CT, 18F-fluoro-2-deoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET), and/or PET/CT. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: 4 Technical Efficacy: Stage 2 J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2018;47:1437-1458.
  • 大野 良治, 岸田 雄治, 関 紳一郎, 吉川 武
    Medical Practice, 35(臨増) 118-125, Apr, 2018  
  • 大野 良治, 谷口 敦, 青柳 康太, 岸田 雄治, 関 紳一郎, 神長 茂生, 吉川 武
    CT検診, 25(1) 36-36, Feb, 2018  
  • 岸田 雄治, 関 紳一郎, 神山 久信, 大野 良治, 杉村 和朗
    Japanese Journal of Radiology, 36(Suppl.) 28-28, Feb, 2018  
  • 中野 泰治, 野口 昌邦, 森岡 絵美, 大野 由夏子, 野口 美樹, 木下 一夫, 小坂 健夫, 高橋 知子, 元雄 良治, 湊 宏
    日本乳癌学会総会プログラム抄録集, 25回 570-570, Jul, 2017  
  • Heber MacMahon, David P Naidich, Jin Mo Goo, Kyung Soo Lee, Ann N C Leung, John R Mayo, Atul C Mehta, Yoshiharu Ohno, Charles A Powell, Mathias Prokop, Geoffrey D Rubin, Cornelia M Schaefer-Prokop, William D Travis, Paul E Van Schil, Alexander A Bankier
    Radiology, 284(1) 228-243, Jul, 2017  Peer-reviewed
    The Fleischner Society Guidelines for management of solid nodules were published in 2005, and separate guidelines for subsolid nodules were issued in 2013. Since then, new information has become available; therefore, the guidelines have been revised to reflect current thinking on nodule management. The revised guidelines incorporate several substantive changes that reflect current thinking on the management of small nodules. The minimum threshold size for routine follow-up has been increased, and recommended follow-up intervals are now given as a range rather than as a precise time period to give radiologists, clinicians, and patients greater discretion to accommodate individual risk factors and preferences. The guidelines for solid and subsolid nodules have been combined in one simplified table, and specific recommendations have been included for multiple nodules. These guidelines represent the consensus of the Fleischner Society, and as such, they incorporate the opinions of a multidisciplinary international group of thoracic radiologists, pulmonologists, surgeons, pathologists, and other specialists. Changes from the previous guidelines issued by the Fleischner Society are based on new data and accumulated experience. © RSNA, 2017 Online supplemental material is available for this article. An earlier incorrect version of this article appeared online. This article was corrected on March 13, 2017.
  • Ohno Yoshiharu
    INNERVISION, 32(5付録) 16-17, Apr, 2017  
  • Yoshiharu Ohno, Masao Yui, Hisanobu Koyama, Takeshi Yoshikawa, Shinichiro Seki, Yoshiko Ueno, Mitsue Miyazaki, Kazuro Sugimura
    Radiology, 282(3) 923, Mar 1, 2017  
  • Yoshiharu Ohno, Masao Yui, Hisanobu Koyama, Takeshi Yoshikawa, Shinichiro Seki, Yoshiko Ueno, Mitsue Miyazaki, Kazuro Sugimura
    RADIOLOGY, 282(3) 923-923, Mar, 2017  
  • Yoshiharu Ohno, Takeshi Yoshikawa, Yuji Kishida, Shinichiro Seki, Nevzat Karabulut
    AJR. American journal of roentgenology, 208(3) 517-530, Mar, 2017  Peer-reviewed
    OBJECTIVE: This article discusses the basics of unenhanced MR angiography (MRA) and MR venography (MRV), time-resolved contrast-enhanced (CE) MRA and dynamic first-pass CE perfusion MRI, and unenhanced and CE MRV, in addition to assessing the clinical relevance of these techniques for evaluating patients with suspected pulmonary thromboembolism and deep venous thrombosis. CONCLUSION: Since the 1990s, the efficacy of MRA or MRV and dynamic perfusion MRI for patients with suspected pulmonary thromboembolism and deep venous thrombosis has been evaluated. On the basis of the results of single-center trials, comprehensive MRI protocols, including pulmonary unenhanced and CE MRA, perfusion MRI, and MRV, promise to be safe and time effective for assessing patients with suspected pulmonary thromboembolism, although future multicenter trials are required to assess the real clinical value of MRI.
  • 大野 良治, 青柳 康太, 山形 仁, 神長 茂生, 杉原 直樹, 関 紳一郎, 吉川 武
    CT検診, 24(1) 15-15, Feb, 2017  
  • Takeshi Kubo, Yoshiharu Ohno, Joon Beom Seo, Tsuneo Yamashiro, Willi A Kalender, Chang Hyun Lee, David A Lynch, Hans-Ulrich Kauczor, Hiroto Hatabu
    European journal of radiology, 86 313-319, Jan, 2017  Peer-reviewed
    The increase in the radiation exposure from CT examinations prompted the investigation on the various dose-reduction techniques. Significant dose reduction has been achieved and the level of radiation exposure of thoracic CT is expected to reach the level equivalent to several chest X-ray examinations. With more scanners with advanced dose reduction capability deployed, knowledge on the radiation dose reduction methods has become essential to clinical practice as well as academic research. This article reviews the history of dose reduction techniques, ongoing changes brought by newer technologies and areas of further investigation.
  • Juergen Biederer, Yoshiharu Ohno, Hiroto Hatabu, Mark L Schiebler, Edwin J R van Beek, Jens Vogel-Claussen, Hans-Ulrich Kauczor
    European journal of radiology, 86 353-360, Jan, 2017  Peer-reviewed
    While the inauguration of national low dose computed tomographic (LDCT) lung cancer screening programs has started in the USA, other countries remain undecided, awaiting the results of ongoing trials. The continuous technical development achieved by stronger gradients, parallel imaging and shorter echo time has made lung magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) an interesting alternative to CT. For the detection of solid lesions with lung MRI, experimental and clinical studies have shown a threshold size of 3-4mm for nodules, with detection rates of 60-90% for lesions of 5-8mm and close to 100% for lesions of 8mm or larger. From experimental work, the sensitivity for infiltrative, non-solid lesions would be expected to be similarly high as that for solid lesions, but the published data for the MRI detection of lepidic growth type adenocarcinoma is sparse. Moreover, biological features such as a longer T2 time of lung cancer tissue, tissue compliance and a more rapid uptake of contrast material compared to granulomatous diseases, in principle should allow for the multi-parametric characterization of lung pathology. Experience with the clinical use of lung MRI is growing. There are now standardized protocols which are easy to implement on current scanner hardware configurations. The image quality has become more robust and currently ongoing studies will help to further contribute experience with multi-center, multi-vendor and multi-platform implementation of this technology. All of the required prerequisites have now been achieved to allow for a dedicated prospective large scale MRI based lung cancer screening trial to investigate the outcomes from using MRI rather than CT for lung cancer screening. This is driven by the hypothesis that MRI would reach a similarly high sensitivity for the detection of early lung cancer with fewer false positive exams (better specificity) than LDCT. The purpose of this review article is to discuss the potential role of lung MRI for the early detection of lung cancer from a technical point of view and to discuss a few of the possible scenarios for lung cancer screening implementation using this imaging modality. There is little doubt that MRI could play a significant role in lung cancer screening, but how and when will depend on the threshold needed for positive screens (e.g. lesion volume and required diagnostic accuracy), cost-effectiveness and improved patient outcomes from a reduction in the need to follow up benign nodules. Potential applications range from lung MRI as the first choice screening modality to the role of an ad hoc on site test for the detailed evaluation of a subgroup of positive screening results.
  • Geewon Lee, Ho Yun Lee, Hyunjin Park, Mark L Schiebler, Edwin J R van Beek, Yoshiharu Ohno, Joon Beom Seo, Ann Leung
    European journal of radiology, 86 297-307, Jan, 2017  Peer-reviewed
    With the development of functional imaging modalities we now have the ability to study the microenvironment of lung cancer and its genomic instability. Radiomics is defined as the use of automated or semi-automated post-processing and analysis of large amounts of quantitative imaging features that can be derived from medical images. The automated generation of these analytical features helps to quantify a number of variables in the imaging assessment of lung malignancy. These imaging features include: tumor spatial complexity, elucidation of the tumor genomic heterogeneity and composition, subregional identification in terms of tumor viability or aggressiveness, and response to chemotherapy and/or radiation. Therefore, a radiomic approach can help to reveal unique information about tumor behavior. Currently available radiomic features can be divided into four major classes: (a) morphological, (b) statistical, (c) regional, and (d) model-based. Each category yields quantitative parameters that reflect specific aspects of a tumor. The major challenge is to integrate radiomic data with clinical, pathological, and genomic information to decode the different types of tissue biology. There are many currently available radiomic studies on lung cancer for which there is a need to summarize the current state of the art.
  • Christopher S Johns, Andrew J Swift, Paul J C Hughes, Yoshiharu Ohno, Mark Schiebler, Jim M Wild
    European journal of radiology, 86 361-370, Jan, 2017  Peer-reviewed
    The pulmonary vasculature and its role in perfusion and gas exchange is an important consideration in many conditions of the lung and heart. Currently the mainstay of imaging of the vasculature and perfusion of the lungs lies with CT and nuclear medicine perfusion scans, both of which require ionizing radiation exposure. Improvements in MRI techniques have increased the use of MRI in pulmonary vascular imaging. Here we review MRI methods for imaging the pulmonary vasculature and pulmonary perfusion, both using contrast enhanced and non-contrast enhanced methodology. In many centres pulmonary MR angiography and dynamic contrast enhanced perfusion MRI are now well established in the routine workflow of patients particularly with pulmonary hypertension and thromboembolic disease. However, these imaging modalities offer exciting new directions for future research and clinical use in other respiratory diseases where consideration of pulmonary perfusion and gas exchange can provide insight in to pathophysiology.
  • 神保 直江, 大谷 恭子, 酒井 康裕, 川本 めぐみ, 羽間 大祐, 堂國 良太, 吉崎 飛鳥, 桐生 辰徳, 関谷 怜奈, 寺下 智美, 梅澤 佳乃子, 尾野 慶彦, 三輪 菜々子, 桂田 雅大, 徳永 俊太郎, 桂田 直子, 田村 大介, 永野 達也, 中田 恭介, 山本 正嗣, 立原 素子, 小林 和幸, 西村 善博, 酒井 秀都, 内田 孝宏, 金 泰雄, 木村 賢司, 清水 奈保子, 小川 裕行, 法華 大介, 田中 雄悟, 眞庭 謙昌, 大野 良治
    肺癌, 56(7) 1077-1078, Dec, 2016  
  • 大野 良治, 岸田 雄二, 関 紳一郎, 吉川 武, 田村 大介, 田中 雄悟, 立原 素子, 小林 和幸, 酒井 康裕, 眞庭 謙昌, 西村 善博
    肺癌, 56(6) 506-506, Nov, 2016  
  • 大野 良治, 岸田 雄二, 関 紳一郎, 吉川 武, 田村 大介, 田中 雄悟, 立原 素子, 小林 和幸, 酒井 康裕, 眞庭 謙昌, 西村 善博
    肺癌, 56(6) 534-534, Nov, 2016  
  • 大野 良治, 岸田 雄二, 関 紳一郎, 吉川 武, 田村 大介, 田中 雄悟, 立原 素子, 小林 和幸, 酒井 康裕, 眞庭 謙昌, 西村 善博
    肺癌, 56(6) 673-673, Nov, 2016  
  • 島田 隆史, 前林 知樹, 末廣 瑛里奈, 谷 和紀子, 関谷 俊範, 香川 清澄, 根宜 典之, 川光 秀昭, 西垣 恵, 藤井 健二, 大野 良治
    JART: 日本診療放射線技師会誌, 63(9) 1178-1178, Sep, 2016  
  • 小林泰之, 陣崎雅弘, 粟井和夫, Ohno Yoshiharu, 片田和広, 高橋哲, 中浦猛, 林宏光, 辻岡勝美, 宮下宗治, 山口隆義
    映像情報Medical, 48(10) 15-34, Sep, 2016  
  • 大野 良治
    日本医学放射線学会秋季臨床大会抄録集, 52回 S400-S400, Aug, 2016  
  • 大野 良治
    日本医学放射線学会秋季臨床大会抄録集, 52回 S463-S463, Aug, 2016  
  • 岸田 雄治, 大野 良治, 関 紳一郎, 真庭 謙昌, 酒井 康裕, 伊藤 智雄, 杉村 和朗
    日本医学放射線学会秋季臨床大会抄録集, 52回 S549-S550, Aug, 2016  
  • 大野 良治
    日本血栓止血学会誌, 27(2) 182-182, May, 2016  



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