
杉原 英志

スギハラ エイジ  (Sugihara Eiji)


藤田医科大学 がん医療研究センター 遺伝子制御研究部門 兼 オープンファシリティーセンター ゲノム解析室 准教授
筑波大学 プレシジョンメディスン開発研究センター 客員准教授





  • Taku Kato, Eiji Sugihara, Yuko Hata, Kyojiro Kawakami, Yasunori Fujita, Kosuke Mizutani, Tatsuya Ando, Yasuhiro Sakai, Kouhei Sakurai, Shohei Toyota, Hidetoshi Ehara, Masafumi Ito, Hiroyasu Ito
    The Prostate 2024年9月15日  
    BACKGROUND: Androgen receptor signaling inhibitors(ARSIs) have been used to treat patients with metastatic prostate cancer (PC) and castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC). In this study, we aimed to identify novel serum extracellular vesicle (EV)-based biomarkers to diagnose ARSI-resistance and therapeutic targets for ARSI-resistant CRPC. METHODS: Total RNA contained in serum EVs from 5 cases of CRPC before ARSI treatment and after acquiring ARSI-resistance was subjected to RNA-sequencing. The expression changes of selected RNAs contained in EVs were confirmed in 48 cases of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and 107 PC using reverse transcription-quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) and compared with tissue RNA expression using public datasets. RESULTS: RNA-sequencing revealed that mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS)-related genes were increased in EVs after acquiring ARSI-resistance. Among them, RT-qPCR and datasets analysis demonstrated that SDHB mRNA was upregulated after acquiring ARSI-resistance in EVs and ARSI-exposed PC tissue compared to ARSI-naïve EVs and tissue, respectively. SDHB mRNA levels both in EVs and tissue were increased in localized PC compared with BPH and decreased in advanced PC. Tissue expression of SDHB mRNA was significantly correlated with those of other OXPHOS-related genes. SDHB mRNA in EVs (EV-SDHB) was elevated among 3 out of 7 ARSI-treating patients with stable PSA levels who later progressed to ARSI-resistant CRPC. CONCLUSIONS: The levels of OXPHOS-related mRNAs in EVs correlated with those in PC tissue, among which SDHB mRNA was found to be a novel biomarker to diagnose ARSI-resistance. EV-SDHB may be useful for early diagnosis of ARSI-resistance.
  • Yuri Murase, Yui Shichiri, Hidehito Inagaki, Tatsuya Nakano, Yoshiharu Nakaoka, Yoshiharu Morimoto, Tomoko Ichikawa, Haruki Nishizawa, Eiji Sugihara, Hiroki Kurahashi
    Genes 15(8) 2024年8月21日  
    Cytogenetic information about the product of conception (POC) is important to determine the presence of recurrent chromosomal abnormalities that are an indication for preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy or structural rearrangements. Although microscopic examination by G-staining has long been used for such an evaluation, detection failures are relatively common with this method, due to cell-culture-related issues. The utility of low-coverage whole-genome sequencing (lcWGS) using short-read next-generation sequencing (NGS) has been highlighted recently as an alternative cytogenomic approach for POC analysis. We, here, performed comparative analysis of two NGS-based protocols for this purpose based on different short-read sequencers (the Illumina VeriSeq system using a MiSeq sequencer and the Thermo Fisher ReproSeq system using an Ion S5 sequencer). The cytogenomic diagnosis obtained with each NGS method was equivalent in each of 20 POC samples analyzed. Notably, X chromosome sequence reads were reduced in some female samples with both systems. The possibility of low-level mosaicism for monosomy X as an explanation for this was excluded by FISH analysis. Additional data from samples with various degrees of X chromosome aneuploidy suggested that it was a technical artifact related to X chromosome inactivation. Indeed, subsequent nanopore sequencing indicated that the DNA in the samples showing the artifact was predominantly unmethylated. Our current findings indicate that although X chromosome data must be interpreted with caution, both the systems we tested for NGS-based lcWGS are useful alternatives for the karyotyping of POC samples.
  • Jumpei Yoshida, Takanori Hayashi, Eiji Munetsuna, Behnoush Khaledian, Fujiko Sueishi, Masahiro Mizuno, Masao Maeda, Takashi Watanabe, Kaori Ushida, Eiji Sugihara, Kazuyoshi Imaizumi, Kenji Kawada, Naoya Asai, Yohei Shimono
    Scientific reports 14(1) 18494-18494 2024年8月9日  
    Adipocyte-cancer cell interactions promote tumor development and progression. Previously, we identified adipsin (CFD) and its downstream effector, hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), as adipokines that enhance adipocyte-breast cancer stem cell interactions. Here, we show that adipsin-dependent adipocyte maturation and the subsequent upregulation of HGF promote tumor invasion in breast cancers. Mature adipocytes, but not their precursors, significantly induced breast tumor cell migration and invasion in an adipsin expression-dependent manner. Promoters of tumor invasion, galectin 7 and matrix metalloproteinases, were significantly upregulated in cancer cells cocultured with mature adipocytes; meanwhile, their expression levels in cancer cells cocultured with adipocytes were reduced by adipsin knockout (Cfd KO) or a competitive inhibitor of CFD. Tumor growth and distant metastasis of mammary cancer cells were significantly suppressed when syngeneic mammary cancer cells were transplanted into Cfd KO mice. Histological analyses revealed reductions in capsular formation and tumor invasion at the cancer-adipocyte interface in the mammary tumors formed in Cfd KO mice. These findings indicate that adipsin-dependent adipocyte maturation may play an important role in adipocyte-cancer cell interaction and breast cancer progression.
  • Keiko Fujisaki, Shogo Okazaki, Shuhei Ogawa, Miyama Takeda, Eiji Sugihara, Kenichi Imai, Seiya Mizuno, Satoru Takahashi, Ryo Goitsuka
    Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950) 2024年6月14日  
    During the perinatal period, the immune system sets the threshold to select either response or tolerance to environmental Ags, which leads to the potential to provide a lifetime of protection and health. B-1a B cells have been demonstrated to develop during this perinatal time window, showing a unique and restricted BCR repertoire, and these cells play a major role in natural Ab secretion and immune regulation. In the current study, we developed a highly efficient temporally controllable RAG2-based lymphoid lineage cell labeling and tracking system and applied this system to understand the biological properties and contribution of B-1a cells generated at distinct developmental periods to the adult B-1a compartments. This approach revealed that B-1a cells with a history of RAG2 expression during the embryonic and neonatal periods dominate the adult B-1a compartment, including those in the bone marrow (BM), peritoneal cavity, and spleen. Moreover, the BCR repertoire of B-1a cells with a history of RAG2 expression during the embryonic period was restricted, becoming gradually more diverse during the neonatal period, and then heterogeneous at the adult stage. Furthermore, more than half of plasmablasts/plasma cells in the adult BM had embryonic and neonatal RAG2 expression histories. Moreover, BCR analysis revealed a high relatedness between BM plasmablasts/plasma cells and B-1a cells derived from embryonic and neonatal periods, suggesting that these cell types have a common origin. Taken together, these findings define, under native hematopoietic conditions, the importance in adulthood of B-1a cells generated during the perinatal period.
  • Shin Kasai, Minori Tamai, Eiji Sugihara, Naoki Oishi, Kyoko Hinata, Koshi Akahane, Kumiko Goi, Yuko Hata, Tetsuo Kondo, Takahiko Mitsui, Mio Tanaka, Takeshi Inukai
    Pediatric blood & cancer e30868 2024年1月12日  
  • 今枝 慶蓉, 増田 健太, 永井 晋平, 田村 友宏, 杉原 英志, 山崎 淳太郎, 大槻 雄士, 信末 博行, 千代田 達幸, 小林 佑介, 阪埜 浩司, 青木 大輔, 山上 亘, 佐谷 秀行, 永野 修
    日本癌学会総会記事 82回 1044-1044 2023年9月  
  • Hisako Ichihara, Manabu Yamada, Mitsuyo Kohara, Hideki Hirakawa, Andrea Ghelfi, Takuro Tamura, Akihiro Nakaya, Yasukazu Nakamura, Sachiko Shirasawa, Samatchaya Yamashita, Yosuke Toda, Daijiro Harada, Tsunakazu Fujishiro, Akiko Komaki, Jeffrey A Fawcett, Eiji Sugihara, Satoshi Tabata, Sachiko N Isobe
    BMC plant biology 23(1) 391-391 2023年8月12日  
    BACKGROUND: Plant genome information is fundamental to plant research and development. Along with the increase in the number of published plant genomes, there is a need for an efficient system to retrieve various kinds of genome-related information from many plant species across plant kingdoms. Various plant databases have been developed, but no public database covers both genomic and genetic resources over a wide range of plant species. MAIN BODY: We have developed a plant genome portal site, Plant GARDEN (Genome And Resource Database Entry: https://plantgarden.jp/en/index ), to provide diverse information related to plant genomics and genetics in divergent plant species. Elasticsearch is used as a search engine, and cross-keyword search across species is available. Web-based user interfaces (WUI) for PCs and tablet computers were independently developed to make data searches more convenient. Several types of data are stored in Plant GARDEN: reference genomes, gene sequences, PCR-based DNA markers, trait-linked DNA markers identified in genetic studies, SNPs, and in/dels on publicly available sequence read archives (SRAs). The data registered in Plant GARDEN as of March 2023 included 304 assembled genome sequences, 11,331,614 gene sequences, 419,132 DNA markers, 8,225 QTLs, and 5,934 SNP lists (gvcf files). In addition, we have re-annotated all the genes registered in Plant GARDEN by using a functional annotation tool, Hayai-Annotation, to compare the orthologous relationships among genes. CONCLUSION: The aim of Plant GARDEN is to provide plant genome information for use in the fields of plant science as well as for plant-based industries, education, and other relevant areas. Therefore, we have designed a WUI that allows a diverse range of users to access such information in an easy-to-understand manner. Plant GARDEN will eventually include a wide range of plant species for which genome sequences are assembled, and thus the number of plant species in the database will continue to expand. We anticipate that Plant GARDEN will promote the understanding of genomes and gene diversity by facilitating comparisons of the registered sequences.
  • Atsuko Sugimoto, Takahiro Watanabe, Kazuhiro Matsuoka, Yusuke Okuno, Yusuke Yanagi, Yohei Narita, Seiyo Mabuchi, Hiroyuki Nobusue, Eiji Sugihara, Masaya Hirayama, Tomihiko Ide, Takanori Onouchi, Yoshitaka Sato, Teru Kanda, Hideyuki Saya, Yasumasa Iwatani, Hiroshi Kimura, Takayuki Murata
    Microbiology spectrum e0044023 2023年7月6日  
    The in vitro growth transformation of primary B cells by Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is the initial step in the development of posttransplant lymphoproliferative disorder (PTLD). We performed electron microscopic analysis and immunostaining of primary B cells infected with wild-type EBV. Interestingly, the nucleolar size was increased by two days after infection. A recent study found that nucleolar hypertrophy, which is caused by the induction of the IMPDH2 gene, is required for the efficient promotion of growth in cancers. In the present study, RNA-seq revealed that the IMPDH2 gene was significantly induced by EBV and that its level peaked at day 2. Even without EBV infection, the activation of primary B cells by the CD40 ligand and interleukin-4 increased IMPDH2 expression and nucleolar hypertrophy. Using EBNA2 or LMP1 knockout viruses, we found that EBNA2 and MYC, but not LMP1, induced the IMPDH2 gene during primary infections. IMPDH2 inhibition by mycophenolic acid (MPA) blocked the growth transformation of primary B cells by EBV, leading to smaller nucleoli, nuclei, and cells. Mycophenolate mofetil (MMF), which is a prodrug of MPA that is approved for use as an immunosuppressant, was tested in a mouse xenograft model. Oral MMF significantly improved the survival of mice and reduced splenomegaly. Taken together, these results indicate that EBV induces IMPDH2 expression through EBNA2-dependent and MYC-dependent mechanisms, leading to the hypertrophy of the nucleoli, nuclei, and cells as well as efficient cell proliferation. Our results provide basic evidence that IMPDH2 induction and nucleolar enlargement are crucial for B cell transformation by EBV. In addition, the use of MMF suppresses PTLD. IMPORTANCE EBV infections cause nucleolar enlargement via the induction of IMPDH2, which are essential for B cell growth transformation by EBV. Although the significance of IMPDH2 induction and nuclear hypertrophy in the tumorigenesis of glioblastoma has been reported, EBV infection brings about the change quickly by using its transcriptional cofactor, EBNA2, and MYC. Moreover, we present here, for the novel, basic evidence that an IMPDH2 inhibitor, namely, MPA or MMF, can be used for EBV-positive posttransplant lymphoproliferative disorder (PTLD).
  • Nobuhiro Takahashi, Hiroyuki Nobusue, Takatsune Shimizu, Eiji Sugihara, Sayaka Yamaguchi-Iwai, Nobuyuki Onishi, Haruko Kunitomi, Tatsuo Kuroda, Hideyuki Saya
  • Tasuku Mariya, Yui Shichiri, Takeshi Sugimoto, Rie Kawamura, Syunsuke Miyai, Hidehito Inagaki, Eiji Sugihara, Keiko Ikeda, Tsuyoshi Baba, Aki Ishikawa, Michiko Ammae, Yoshiharu Nakaoka, Tsuyoshi Saito, Akihiro Sakurai, Hiroki Kurahashi
    Prenatal diagnosis 43(3) 304-313 2023年2月16日  
    OBJECTIVE: Xq chromosome duplication with complex rearrangements is generally acknowledged to be associated with neurodevelopmental disorders such as Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease (PMD) and MECP2 duplication syndrome. For couples who required a PGT-M (pre-implantation genetic testing for monogenic disease) for these disorders, junction-specific PCR is useful to directly detect pathogenic variants. Therefore, pre-clinical workup for PGT-M requires the identification of the junction of duplicated segments in PMD and MECP2 duplication syndrome, which is generally difficult. METHODS: In this report, we used nanopore long-read sequencing targeting the X chromosome using an adaptive sampling method to identify breakpoint junctions in disease-causing triplications. RESULTS: By long-read sequencing, we successfully identified breakpoint junctions in one PMD case with PLP1 triplication and in another MECP2 triplication case in a single sequencing run. Surprisingly, the duplicated region involving MECP2 was inserted 45 Mb proximal to the original position. This inserted region was confirmed by FISH analysis. With the help of precise mapping of the pathogenic variant, we successfully re-established STR haplotyping for PGT-M and avoided any potential misinterpretation of the pathogenic allele due to recombination. CONCLUSION: Long-read sequencing with adaptive sampling in a PGT-M pre-clinical workup is a beneficial method for identifying junctions of chromosomal complex structural rearrangements. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
  • Takuhisa Nukaya, Makoto Sumitomo, Eiji Sugihara, Mayu Takeda, Sachio Nohara, Shigeki Tanishima, Masashi Takenaka, Kenji Zennami, Kiyoshi Takahara, Ryoichi Shiroki, Hideyuki Saya
    Cancer medicine 2023年1月16日  査読有り
    BACKGROUND: The significance of BRCA alterations has been implicated in the development of metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (PC). The details of the frequency and significance of BRCA alterations in localized PC remain unknown. In this study, we investigated the frequency and clinical significance of BRCA alterations in localized PCs using an in-house next-generation sequencer (NGS) system. METHODS: DNA was extracted from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues of surgical specimens from 126 patients with clinically localized PC who underwent radical prostatectomy. The mutation information of 164 cancer genes was analyzed using the PleSSision-Rapid test. Both copy number (CN) variation and loss of heterozygosity of various genes, such as BRCA1 and BRCA2, were estimated and reported. RESULTS: Next-generation sequencer analyses revealed that the BRCA2 CN was decreased in 17 patients (13.5%) and the BRCA1 CN in six (4.8%) patients. NGS-based CN values were shown to be highly correlated with droplet digital PCR-based CN values. Tissue-specific BRCA expression investigated using the Human Protein Atlas showed that the decreased CN of BRCA2, but not BRCA1, is responsible for the decreased BRCA activity in PC. Ten of the 22 patients with decreased BRCA2 CN were presumed to have somatic heterozygous deletion. There were no observed associations between the heterozygous deletion of BRCA2 and various clinicopathological parameters. Furthermore, three of 10 patients developed biochemical recurrence within 3 months after surgery. Multivariate analyses revealed that the initial prostate-specific antigen levels and BRCA2 CN were independent factors for biochemical recurrence. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that a decrease in BRCA2 CN may be used as a biomarker for predicting recurrence after surgery in localized PC. Early screening for somatic alterations in BRCA2 using NGS may help to broadly predict the risk of PC progression.
  • 杉原英志, 佐谷秀行
    生体の科学 74(4) 316-321 2023年  
  • Takatsune Shimizu, Eiji Sugihara, Hideyuki Takeshima, Hiroyuki Nobusue, Rui Yamaguchi, Sayaka Yamaguchi-Iwai, Yumi Fukuchi, Toshikazu Ushijima, Akihiro Muto, Hideyuki Saya
    Cells 11(22) 2022年11月15日  査読有り
    Novel therapeutic targets are needed to better treat osteosarcoma, which is the most common bone malignancy. We previously developed mouse osteosarcoma cells, designated AX (accelerated bone formation) cells from bone marrow stromal cells. AX cells harbor both wild-type and mutant forms of p53 (R270C in the DNA-binding domain, which is equivalent to human R273C). In this study, we showed that mutant p53 did not suppress the transcriptional activation function of wild-type p53 in AX cells. Notably, AXT cells, which are cells derived from tumors originating from AX cells, lost wild-type p53 expression, were devoid of the intact transcription activation function, and were resistant to doxorubicin. ChIP-seq analyses revealed that this mutant form of p53 bound to chromatin in the vicinity of the transcription start sites of various genes but exhibited a different binding profile from wild-type p53. The knockout of mutant p53 in AX and AXT cells by CRISPR-Cas9 attenuated tumor growth but did not affect the invasion of these cells. In addition, depletion of mutant p53 did not prevent metastasis in vivo. Therefore, the therapeutic potency targeting R270C (equivalent to human R273C) mutant p53 is limited in osteosarcoma. However, considering the heterogeneous nature of osteosarcoma, it is important to further evaluate the biological and clinical significance of mutant p53 in various cases.
  • Sayaka Ueno, Tamotsu Sudo, Hideyuki Saya, Eiji Sugihara
    Communications biology 5(1) 904-904 2022年9月2日  査読有り最終著者責任著者
    Peritoneal dissemination of ovarian cancer (OC) correlates with poor prognosis, but the mechanisms underlying the escape of OC cells from the intraperitoneal immune system have remained unknown. We here identify pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEDF) as a promoting factor of OC dissemination, which functions through induction of CD206+ Interleukin-10 (IL-10)-producing macrophages. High PEDF gene expression in tumors is associated with poor prognosis in OC patients. Concentrations of PEDF in ascites and serum are significantly higher in OC patients than those with more benign tumors and correlated with early recurrence of OC patients, suggesting that PEDF might serve as a prognostic biomarker. Bromodomain and extraterminal (BET) inhibitors reduce PEDF expression and limit both OC cell survival and CD206+ macrophage induction in the peritoneal cavity. Our results thus implicate PEDF as a driver of OC dissemination and identify a BET protein-PEDF-IL-10 axis as a promising therapeutic target for OC.
  • Shigeyuki Shichino, Satoshi Ueha, Shinichi Hashimoto, Tatsuro Ogawa, Hiroyasu Aoki, Bin Wu, Chang-Yu Chen, Masahiro Kitabatake, Noriko Ouji-Sageshima, Noriyoshi Sawabata, Takeshi Kawaguchi, Toshitugu Okayama, Eiji Sugihara, Shigeto Hontsu, Toshihiro Ito, Yasunori Iwata, Takashi Wada, Kazuho Ikeo, Taka-Aki Sato, Kouji Matsushima
    Communications biology 5(1) 602-602 2022年6月27日  査読有り
    <title>Abstract</title>Single-cell RNA-sequencing (scRNA-seq) is valuable for analyzing cellular heterogeneity. Cell composition accuracy is critical for analyzing cell-cell interaction networks from scRNA-seq data. We developed <underline>t</underline>erminator-<underline>a</underline>ssisted <underline>s</underline>olid-phase cDNA amplification and <underline>seq</underline>uencing (TAS-Seq), a scRNA-seq method relying on a terminator, terminal transferase, and nanowell/beads-based scRNA-seq platform that could acquire scRNA-seq data, is highly correlated with flow-cytometric data, has gene-detection sensitivity, and is more robust than widely-used methods.
  • Megumi Uetaki, Nobuyuki Onishi, Yoshinao Oki, Takatsune Shimizu, Eiji Sugihara, Oltea Sampetrean, Takashi Watanabe, Hisano Yanagi, Kiyoshi Suda, Hiroya Fujii, Koichiro Kano, Hideyuki Saya, Hiroyuki Nobusue
    Molecular biology of the cell 33(9) mbcE21120609 2022年6月15日  査読有り
    Cellular differentiation is characterized by changes in cell morphology that are largely determined by actin dynamics. We previously showed that depolymerization of the actin cytoskeleton triggers the differentiation of preadipocytes into mature adipocytes as a result of inhibition of the transcriptional coactivator activity of MKL1 (megakaryoblastic leukemia 1). Extracellular matrix (ECM) influences cell morphology via interaction with integrins, and reorganization of ECM is associated with cell differentiation. Here we show that interaction between actin dynamics and ECM rearrangement plays a key role in adipocyte differentiation. We found that depolymerization of the actin cytoskeleton precedes disruption and degradation of fibrillar fibronectin (FN) structures at the cell surface after the induction of adipogenesis in cultured preadipocytes. A FN matrix suppressed both reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton into the pattern characteristic of adipocytes as well as terminal adipocyte differentiation, and these inhibitory effects were overcome by knockdown of integrin α5 (ITGα5). Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ was required for down-regulation of FN during adipocyte differentiation, and MKL1 was necessary for the expression of ITGα5. Our findings suggest that cell-autonomous down-regulation of FN-ITGα5 interaction contributes to reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton and completion of adipocyte differentiation.
  • 住友 誠, 竹田 真由, 杉原 英志, 佐谷 秀行
    胆と膵 43(6) 523-530 2022年6月  
  • Le Phuong Hoang Anh, Ken Nishimura, Akihiro Kuno, Nguyen Thuy Linh, Tetsuo Kato, Manami Ohtaka, Mahito Nakanishi, Eiji Sugihara, Taka-Aki Sato, Yohei Hayashi, Aya Fukuda, Koji Hisatake
    Stem cells (Dayton, Ohio) 40(4) 397-410 2022年4月29日  査読有り
    Somatic cell reprogramming proceeds through a series of events to generate induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). The early stage of reprogramming of mouse embryonic fibroblasts is characterized by rapid cell proliferation and morphological changes, which are accompanied by downregulation of mesenchyme-associated genes. However, the functional relevance of their downregulation to reprogramming remains poorly defined. In this study, we have screened transcriptional regulators that are downregulated immediately upon reprogramming, presumably through direct targeting by reprogramming factors. To test if these transcriptional regulators impact reprogramming when expressed continuously, we generated an expression vector that harbors human cytomegalovirus upstream open reading frame 2 (uORF2), which reduces translation to minimize the detrimental effect of an expressed protein. Screening of transcriptional regulators with this expression vector revealed that downregulation of (odd-skipped related 2 [Osr2]) is crucial for efficient reprogramming. Using a cell-based model for epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), we show that Osr2 is a novel EMT regulator that acts through induction of transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) signaling. During reprogramming, Osr2 downregulation not only diminishes TGF-β signaling but also allows activation of Wnt signaling, thus promoting mesenchymal-epithelial transition (MET) toward acquisition of pluripotency. Our results illuminate the functional significance of Osr2 downregulation in erasing the mesenchymal phenotype at an early stage of somatic cell reprogramming.
  • H. Ichihara, H. Hirakawa, A. Ghelfi, M. Kohara, M. Yamada, T. Tamura, A. Nakaya, Y. Nakamura, S. Shirasawa, E. Sugihara, S. Tabata, S. Isobe
    Acta Horticulturae 1339(1339) 415-418 2022年4月  査読有り
    Various plant species have been sequenced with the advance of NGS technologies. The assembled reference genome sequences are used to analyze polymorphisms and haplotypes within the species by comparing re-sequenced data of multiple accessions. These data have been contributed to plant science and applied industries, such as crop breeding. Plant GARDEN (Genome and Resource Database Entry; https://plantgarden.jp/en/index) stores publicly available genome sequences, gene sequences and annotations, markers, QTLs, and SNPs. The official version was opened in July 2020. The data registered in Plant GARDEN in current (December 2020) is 119 assembled genome sequences, 5,890,957 gene sequences, 287,703 DNA markers, 8,217 QTLs, and 3,812 SNP list (vcf files). Plant GARDEN aims to provide plant genome information to plant science, breeding, and education. Therefore, we have tried to create a simple and user-friendly WUI (web-based user interface).
  • Evgeniia Borisova, Ken Nishimura, Yuri An, Miho Takami, Jingyue Li, Dan Song, Mami Matsuo-Takasaki, Dorian Luijkx, Shiho Aizawa, Akihiro Kuno, Eiji Sugihara, Taka-Aki Sato, Fumiaki Yumoto, Tohru Terada, Koji Hisatake, Yohei Hayashi
    iScience 25(1) 103525-103525 2022年1月21日  査読有り
    Non-genetically modified somatic cells can only be inefficiently and stochastically reprogrammed to pluripotency by exogenous expression of reprogramming factors. Low competence of natural reprogramming factors may prevent the majority of cells to successfully and synchronously reprogram. Here we screened DNA-interacting amino acid residues in the zinc-finger domain of KLF4 for enhanced reprogramming efficiency using alanine-substitution scanning methods. Identified KLF4 L507A mutant accelerated and stabilized reprogramming to pluripotency in both mouse and human somatic cells. By testing all the variants of L507 position, variants with smaller amino acid residues in the KLF4 L507 position showed higher reprogramming efficiency. L507A bound more to promoters or enhancers of pluripotency genes, such as KLF5, and drove gene expression of these genes during reprogramming. Molecular dynamics simulations predicted that L507A formed additional interactions with DNA. Our study demonstrates how modifications in amino acid residues of DNA-binding domains enable next-generation reprogramming technology with engineered reprogramming factors.
  • Tasuku Mariya, Takema Kato, Takeshi Sugimoto, Syunsuke Miyai, Hidehito Inagaki, Tamae Ohye, Eiji Sugihara, Yukako Muramatsu, Seiji Mizuno, Hiroki Kurahashi
    Journal of human genetics 67(6) 363-368 2022年1月14日  査読有り
    Structural analysis of small supernumerary marker chromosomes (sSMCs) has revealed that many have complex structures. Structural analysis of sSMCs by whole genome sequencing using short-read sequencers is challenging however because most present with a low level of mosaicism and consist of a small region of the involved chromosome. In this present study, we applied adaptive sampling using nanopore long-read sequencing technology to enrich the target region and thereby attempted to determine the structure of two sSMCs with complex structural rearrangements previously revealed by cytogenetic microarray. In adaptive sampling, simple specification of the target region in the FASTA file enables to identify whether or not the sequencing DNA is included in the target, thus promoting efficient long-read sequencing. To evaluate the target enrichment efficiency, we performed conventional pair-end short-read sequencing in parallel. Sequencing with adaptive sampling achieved a target enrichment at about a 11.0- to 11.5-fold higher coverage rate than conventional pair-end sequencing. This enabled us to quickly identify all breakpoint junctions and determine the exact sSMC structure as a ring chromosome. In addition to the microhomology and microinsertion at the junctions, we identified inverted repeat structure in both sSMCs, suggesting the common generation mechanism involving replication impairment. Adaptive sampling is thus an easy and beneficial method of determining the structures of complex chromosomal rearrangements.
  • 杉原 英志
    医学のあゆみ 280(2) 163-164 2022年1月  筆頭著者
  • Shiho Aizawa, Ken Nishimura, Gonzalo Seminario Mondejar, Arun Kumar, Phuong Linh Bui, Yen Thi Hai Tran, Akihiro Kuno, Masafumi Muratani, Shin Kobayashi, Tsukasa Nabekura, Akira Shibuya, Eiji Sugihara, Taka-Aki Sato, Aya Fukuda, Yohei Hayashi, Koji Hisatake
    Stem cell reports 17(1) 53-67 2021年11月29日  査読有り
    Reprogramming of murine female somatic cells to induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) is accompanied by X chromosome reactivation (XCR), by which the inactive X chromosome (Xi) in female somatic cells becomes reactivated. However, how Xi initiates reactivation during reprogramming remains poorly defined. Here, we used a Sendai virus-based reprogramming system to generate partially reprogrammed iPSCs that appear to be undergoing the initial phase of XCR. Allele-specific RNA-seq of these iPSCs revealed that XCR initiates at a subset of genes clustered near the centromere region. The initial phase of XCR occurs when the cells transit through mesenchymal-epithelial transition (MET) before complete shutoff of Xist expression. Moreover, regulatory regions of these genes display dynamic changes in lysine-demethylase 1a (KDM1A) occupancy. Our results identified clustered genes on the Xi that show reactivation in the initial phase of XCR during reprogramming and suggest a possible role for histone demethylation in this process.
  • Yoichi Fujii, Yusuke Sato, Hiromichi Suzuki, Nobuyuki Kakiuchi, Tetsuichi Yoshizato, Andrew T Lenis, Shigekatsu Maekawa, Akira Yokoyama, Yasuhide Takeuchi, Yoshikage Inoue, Yotaro Ochi, Yusuke Shiozawa, Kosuke Aoki, Kenichi Yoshida, Keisuke Kataoka, Masahiro M Nakagawa, Yasuhito Nannya, Hideki Makishima, Jimpei Miyakawa, Taketo Kawai, Teppei Morikawa, Yuichi Shiraishi, Kenichi Chiba, Hiroko Tanaka, Genta Nagae, Masashi Sanada, Eiji Sugihara, Taka-Aki Sato, Tohru Nakagawa, Masashi Fukayama, Tetsuo Ushiku, Hiroyuki Aburatani, Satoru Miyano, Jonathan A Coleman, Yukio Homma, David B Solit, Haruki Kume, Seishi Ogawa
    Cancer cell 39(6) 793-809 2021年6月14日  査読有り
    Upper urinary tract urothelial carcinoma (UTUC) is one of the common urothelial cancers. Its molecular pathogenesis, however, is poorly understood, with no useful biomarkers available for accurate diagnosis and molecular classification. Through an integrated genetic study involving 199 UTUC samples, we delineate the landscape of genetic alterations in UTUC enabling genetic/molecular classification. According to the mutational status of TP53, MDM2, RAS, and FGFR3, UTUC is classified into five subtypes having discrete profiles of gene expression, tumor location/histology, and clinical outcome, which is largely recapitulated in an independent UTUC cohort. Sequencing of urine sediment-derived DNA has a high diagnostic value for UTUC with 82.2% sensitivity and 100% specificity. These results provide a solid basis for better diagnosis and management of UTUC.
  • Takatsune Shimizu, Kiyomi Kimura, Eiji Sugihara, Sayaka Yamaguchi-Iwai, Hiroyuki Nobusue, Oltea Sampetrean, Yuji Otsuki, Yumi Fukuchi, Kaori Saitoh, Keiko Kato, Tomoyoshi Soga, Akihiro Muto, Hideyuki Saya
    Journal of orthopaedic research : official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society 2021年3月10日  査読有り
    Osteosarcoma is the most common high-grade malignancy of bone, and novel therapeutic options are urgently required. Previously, we developed mouse osteosarcoma AXT cells that can proliferate both under adherent and non-adherent conditions. Based on metabolite levels, non-adherent conditions were more similar to the in vivo environment than adherent conditions. A drug screen identified MEK inhibitors, including trametinib, that preferentially decreased the viability of non-adherent AXT cells. Trametinib inhibited the cell cycle and induced apoptosis in AXT cells, and both effects were stronger under non-adherent conditions. Trametinib also potently decreased viability in U2OS cells, but its effects were less prominent in MG63 or Saos2 cells. By contrast, MG63 and Saos2 cells were more sensitive to PI3K inhibition than AXT or U2OS cells. Notably, the combination of MEK and PI3K inhibition synergistically decreased viability in U2OS and AXT cells, but this effect was less pronounced in MG63 or Saos2 cells. Therefore, signal dependence for cell survival and crosstalk between MEK-ERK and PI3K-AKT pathways in osteosarcoma are cell context-dependent. Activation status of other kinases including CREB varied in a cell context-dependent manner, that might determine the response to MEK inhibition. A single dose of trametinib was sufficient to decrease the size of primary tumor and circulating tumor cells in vivo. Moreover, combined administration of trametinib and rapamycin or conventional anticancer drugs further increased anti-tumor activity. Thus, given optimal biomarkers for predicting its effects, trametinib holds therapeutic potential for treatment of osteosarcoma. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
  • Akiyoshi Kasuga, Takashi Semba, Ryo Sato, Hiroyuki Nobusue, Eiji Sugihara, Hiromasa Takaishi, Takanori Kanai, Hideyuki Saya, Yoshimi Arima
    Cancer science 112(5) 1822-1838 2020年10月17日  査読有り
    Biliary tract cancer (BTC) arises from biliary epithelial cells (BECs) and includes intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (IHCC), gallbladder cancer (GC), and extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (EHCC). Although frequent KRAS mutations and epigenetic changes at the INK4A/ARF locus have been identified, the molecular pathogenesis of BTC is unclear and the development of corresponding anticancer agents remains inadequate. We isolated epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM)-positive BECs from the mouse intrahepatic bile duct, gallbladder, and extrahepatic bile duct, and established organoids derived from these cells. Introduction of activated KRAS and homozygous deletion of Ink4a/Arf in the cells of each organoid type conferred the ability to form lethal metastatic adenocarcinoma with differentiated components and a pronounced desmoplastic reaction on cell transplantation into syngeneic mice, indicating that the manipulated cells correspond to BTC-initiating cells. The syngeneic mouse models recapitulate the pathological features of human IHCC, GC, and EHCC, and they should therefore prove useful for the investigation of BTC carcinogenesis and the development of new therapeutic strategies. Tumor cells isolated from primary tumors formed organoids in three-dimensional culture, and serial syngeneic transplantation of these cells revealed that their cancer stem cell properties were supported by organoid culture, but not by adherent culture. Adherent culture thus attenuated tumorigenic activity as well as the expression of both epithelial and stem cell markers, whereas the expression of epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT)-related transcription factor genes and mesenchymal cell markers was induced. Our data show that organoid culture is important for maintenance of epithelial cell characteristics, stemness, and tumorigenic activity of BTC-initiating cells.
  • Eiji Sugihara, Norisato Hashimoto, Satoru Osuka, Takatsune Shimizu, Sayaka Ueno, Shogo Okazaki, Tomonori Yaguchi, Yutaka Kawakami, Kenjiro Kosaki, Taka-Aki Sato, Shinichiro Okamoto, Hideyuki Saya
    Cancer research 80(20) 4439-4450 2020年10月15日  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    Death receptor Fas-mediated apoptosis not only eliminates nonspecific and autoreactive B cells but also plays a major role in antitumor immunity. However, the possible mechanisms underlying impairment of Fas-mediated induction of apoptosis during lymphomagenesis remain unknown. In this study, we employed our developed syngeneic lymphoma model to demonstrate that downregulation of Fas is required for both lymphoma development and lymphoma cell survival to evade immune cytotoxicity. CD40 signal activation significantly restored Fas expression and thereby induced apoptosis after Fas ligand treatment in both mouse and human lymphoma cells. Nevertheless, certain human lymphoma cell lines were found to be resistant to Fas-mediated apoptosis, with Livin (melanoma inhibitor of apoptosis protein; ML-IAP) identified as a driver of such resistance. High expression of Livin and low expression of Fas were associated with poor prognosis in patients with aggressive non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Livin expression was tightly driven by bromodomain and extraterminal (BET) proteins BRD4 and BRD2, suggesting that Livin expression is epigenetically regulated in refractory lymphoma cells to protect them from Fas-mediated apoptosis. Accordingly, the combination of CD40-mediated Fas restoration with targeting of the BET proteins-Livin axis may serve as a promising immunotherapeutic strategy for refractory B-cell lymphoma. SIGNIFICANCE: These findings yield insights into identifying risk factors in refractory lymphoma and provide a promising therapy for tumors resistant to Fas-mediated antitumor immunity. GRAPHICAL ABSTRACT: http://cancerres.aacrjournals.org/content/canres/80/20/4439/F1.large.jpg.
  • Yotaro Ochi, Ayana Kon, Toyonori Sakata, Masahiro M Nakagawa, Naotaka Nakazawa, Masanori Kakuta, Keisuke Kataoka, Haruhiko Koseki, Manabu Nakayama, Daisuke Morishita, Tatsuaki Tsuruyama, Ryunosuke Saiki, Akinori Yoda, Rurika Okuda, Tetsuichi Yoshizato, Kenichi Yoshida, Yusuke Shiozawa, Yasuhito Nannya, Shinichi Kotani, Yasunori Kogure, Nobuyuki Kakiuchi, Tomomi Nishimura, Hideki Makishima, Luca Malcovati, Akihiko Yokoyama, Kengo Takeuchi, Eiji Sugihara, Taka-Aki Sato, Masashi Sanada, Akifumi Takaori-Kondo, Mario Cazzola, Mineko Kengaku, Satoru Miyano, Katsuhiko Shirahige, Hiroshi I Suzuki, Seishi Ogawa
    Cancer discovery 10(6) 836-853 2020年6月  査読有り
    STAG2 encodes a cohesin component and is frequently mutated in myeloid neoplasms, showing highly significant comutation patterns with other drivers, including RUNX1. However, the molecular basis of cohesin-mutated leukemogenesis remains poorly understood. Here we show a critical role of an interplay between STAG2 and RUNX1 in the regulation of enhancer-promoter looping and transcription in hematopoiesis. Combined loss of STAG2 and RUNX1, which colocalize at enhancer-rich, CTCF-deficient sites, synergistically attenuates enhancer-promoter loops, particularly at sites enriched for RNA polymerase II and Mediator, and deregulates gene expression, leading to myeloid-skewed expansion of hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells (HSPC) and myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) in mice. Attenuated enhancer-promoter loops in STAG2/RUNX1-deficient cells are associated with downregulation of genes with high basal transcriptional pausing, which are important for regulation of HSPCs. Downregulation of high-pausing genes is also confirmed in STAG2-cohesin-mutated primary leukemia samples. Our results highlight a unique STAG2-RUNX1 interplay in gene regulation and provide insights into cohesin-mutated leukemogenesis. SIGNIFICANCE: We demonstrate a critical role of an interplay between STAG2 and a master transcription factor of hematopoiesis, RUNX1, in MDS development, and further reveal their contribution to regulation of high-order chromatin structures, particularly enhancer-promoter looping, and the link between transcriptional pausing and selective gene dysregulation caused by cohesin deficiency.This article is highlighted in the In This Issue feature, p. 747.
  • Nobuyuki Kakiuchi, Kenichi Yoshida, Motoi Uchino, Takako Kihara, Kotaro Akaki, Yoshikage Inoue, Kenji Kawada, Satoshi Nagayama, Akira Yokoyama, Shuji Yamamoto, Minoru Matsuura, Takahiro Horimatsu, Tomonori Hirano, Norihiro Goto, Yasuhide Takeuchi, Yotaro Ochi, Yusuke Shiozawa, Yasunori Kogure, Yosaku Watatani, Yoichi Fujii, Soo Ki Kim, Ayana Kon, Keisuke Kataoka, Tetsuichi Yoshizato, Masahiro M Nakagawa, Akinori Yoda, Yasuhito Nanya, Hideki Makishima, Yuichi Shiraishi, Kenichi Chiba, Hiroko Tanaka, Masashi Sanada, Eiji Sugihara, Taka-Aki Sato, Takashi Maruyama, Hiroyuki Miyoshi, Makoto Mark Taketo, Jun Oishi, Ryosaku Inagaki, Yutaka Ueda, Shinya Okamoto, Hideaki Okajima, Yoshiharu Sakai, Takaki Sakurai, Hironori Haga, Seiichi Hirota, Hiroki Ikeuchi, Hiroshi Nakase, Hiroyuki Marusawa, Tsutomu Chiba, Osamu Takeuchi, Satoru Miyano, Hiroshi Seno, Seishi Ogawa
    Nature 577(7789) 260-265 2020年1月  査読有り
    Chronic inflammation is accompanied by recurring cycles of tissue destruction and repair and is associated with an increased risk of cancer1-3. However, how such cycles affect the clonal composition of tissues, particularly in terms of cancer development, remains unknown. Here we show that in patients with ulcerative colitis, the inflamed intestine undergoes widespread remodelling by pervasive clones, many of which are positively selected by acquiring mutations that commonly involve the NFKBIZ, TRAF3IP2, ZC3H12A, PIGR and HNRNPF genes and are implicated in the downregulation of IL-17 and other pro-inflammatory signals. Mutational profiles vary substantially between colitis-associated cancer and non-dysplastic tissues in ulcerative colitis, which indicates that there are distinct mechanisms of positive selection in both tissues. In particular, mutations in NFKBIZ are highly prevalent in the epithelium of patients with ulcerative colitis but rarely found in both sporadic and colitis-associated cancer, indicating that NFKBIZ-mutant cells are selected against during colorectal carcinogenesis. In further support of this negative selection, we found that tumour formation was significantly attenuated in Nfkbiz-mutant mice and cell competition was compromised by disruption of NFKBIZ in human colorectal cancer cells. Our results highlight common and discrete mechanisms of clonal selection in inflammatory tissues, which reveal unexpected cancer vulnerabilities that could potentially be exploited for therapeutics in colorectal cancer.
  • Takahashi N, Nobusue H, Shimizu T, Sugihara E, Yamaguchi-Iwai S, Onishi N, Kunitomi H, Kuroda T, Saya H
    Cancer research 79(12) 3088-3099 2019年4月  査読有り
  • Teruyoshi Hishiki, Takuro Tamura, Eiji Sugihara, Yoshiko Matsunaga, Rie Ichikawa, Jimpei Misawa, Yukihiro Maeda, Akiko Shibuya, Yoshiaki Kondo
    AMIA 2019(AMIA) 2019年  
  • Tamai M, Inukai T, Kojika S, Abe M, Kagami K, Harama D, Shinohara T, Watanabe A, Oshiro H, Akahane K, Goi K, Sugihara E, Nakada S, Sugita K
    Scientific reports 8(1) 9966-9966 2018年7月  査読有り
  • *Takashi Semba, *Eiji Sugihara, Nagisa Kamoshita, Sayaka Ueno, Keitaro Fukuda, Masafumi Yoshino, Kazumasa Takao, Kazunori Yoshikawa, Kenji Izuhara, Yoshimi Arima, Makoto Suzuki, Hideyuki Saya, *Co-1st author
    Cancer Science 109(5) 1447-1454 2018年5月1日  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • Meixian Huang, Takeshi Inukai, Kunio Miyake, Yoichi Tanaka, Keiko Kagami, Masako Abe, Hiroaki Goto, Masayoshi Minegishi, Shotaro Iwamoto, Eiji Sugihara, Atsushi Watanabe, Shinpei Somazu, Tamao Shinohara, Hiroko Oshiro, Koshi Akahane, Kumiko Goi, Kanji Sugita
    Cancer Medicine 7(4) 1297-1316 2018年4月1日  査読有り
    Cytosine arabinoside (Ara-C) is one of the key drugs for the treatment of acute myeloid leukemia. It is also used for consolidation therapy of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Ara-C is a deoxyadenosine analog and is phosphorylated to form cytosine arabinoside triphosphate (Ara-CTP) as an active form. In the first step of the metabolic pathway, Ara-C is phosphorylated to Ara-CMP by deoxycytidine kinase (DCK). However, the current cumulative evidence in the association of the Ara-C sensitivity in ALL appears inconclusive. We analyzed various cell lines for the possible involvement of DCK in the sensitivities of B-cell precursor ALL (BCP-ALL) to Ara-C. Higher DCK expression was associated with higher Ara-C sensitivity. DCK knockout by genome editing with a CRISPR-Cas9 system in an Ara-C-sensitive-ALL cell line induced marked resistance to Ara-C, but not to vincristine and daunorubicin, indicating the involvement of DCK expression in the Ara-C sensitivity of BCP-ALL. DCK gene silencing due to the hypermethylation of a CpG island and reduced DCK activity due to a nonsynonymous variant allele were not associated with Ara-C sensitivity. Clofarabine is a second-generation deoxyadenosine analog rationally synthesized to improve stability and reduce toxicity. The IC50 of clofarabine in 79 BCP-ALL cell lines was approximately 20 times lower than that of Ara-C. In contrast to Ara-C, although the knockout of DCK induced marked resistance to clofarabine, sensitivity to clofarabine was only marginally associated with DCK gene expression level, suggesting a possible efficacy of clofarabine for BCP-ALL that shows relative Ara-C resistance due to low DCK expression.
  • Yoshiyuki Saito, Nobuyuki Onishi, Hiroshi Takami, Ryo Seishima, Hiroyoshi Inoue, Yuki Hirata, Kaori Kameyama, Kenji Tsuchihashi, Eiji Sugihara, Shinya Uchino, Koichi Ito, Hirofumi Kawakubo, Hiroya Takeuchi, Yuko Kitagawa, Hideyuki Saya, Osamu Nagano
    Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 497(2) 783-789 2018年3月4日  査読有り
    The low turnover rate of thyroid follicular cells and the lack of a long-term thyroid cell culture system have hampered studies of thyroid carcinogenesis. We have now established a thyroid organoid culture system that supports thyroid cell proliferation in vitro. The established mouse thyroid organoids performed thyroid functions including thyroglobulin synthesis, iodide uptake, and the production and release of thyroid hormone. Furthermore, transplantation of the organoids into recipient mice resulted in the formation of normal thyroid–like tissue capable of iodide uptake and thyroglobulin production in vivo. Finally, forced expression of oncogenic NRAS (NRASQ61R) in thyroid organoids established from p53 knockout mice and transplantation of the manipulated organoids into mouse recipients generated a model of poorly differentiated thyroid cancer. Our findings suggest that this newly developed thyroid organoid culture system is a potential research tool for the study of thyroid physiology and pathology including thyroid cancer.
  • 杉原英志, 杉原英志, 石澤丈, 佐谷秀行
    実験医学 36(4) 494‐500-500 2018年  筆頭著者
  • 石澤 丈, 杉原 英志, 國仲 慎治, 茂櫛 薫, 小島 研介, Benton Christopher B., 岡本 真一郎, Davis R. Eric, Andreeff Michael, Kornblau Steven M., 佐谷 秀行
    日本癌学会総会記事 76回 CS4-5 2017年9月  
  • 杉原 英志, 橋本 典諭, 大須賀 覚, 植野 さやか, 清水 孝恒, 佐谷 秀行
    日本癌学会総会記事 76回 J-3120 2017年9月  
  • Jo Ishizawa, Eiji Sugihara, Shinji Kuninaka, Kaoru Mogushi, Kensuke Kojima, Christopher B. Benton, Ran Zhao, Dhruv Chachad, Norisato Hashimoto, Rodrigo O. Jacamo, Yihua Qiu, Suk Young Yoo, Shinichiro Okamoto, Michael Andreeff, Steven M. Kornblau, Hideyuki Saya
    BLOOD 129(14) 1958-1968 2017年4月  査読有り
    FZR1 (fizzy-related protein homolog; also known as CDH1 [cell division cycle 20 related 1]) functions in the cell cycle as a specific activator of anaphase-promoting complex or cyclosome ubiquitin ligase, regulating late mitosis, G1 phase, and activation of the G2-M checkpoint. FZR1 has been implicated as both a tumor suppressor and oncoprotein, and its precise contribution to carcinogenesis remains unclear. Here, we examined the role of FZR1 in tumorigenesis and cancer therapy by analyzing tumor models and patient specimens. In an Fzr1 gene-trap mouse model of B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL), mice with Fzr1-deficient B-ALL survived longer than those with Fzr1-intact disease, and sensitivity of Fzr1-deficient B-ALL cells to DNA damage appeared increased. Consistently, conditional knockdown of FZR1 sensitized human B-ALL cell lines to DNA damage-induced cell death. Moreover, multivariate analyses of reverse-phase protein array of B-ALL specimens from newly diagnosed B-ALL patients determined that a low FZR1 protein expression level was an independent predictor of a longer remission duration. The clinical benefit of a low FZR1 expression level at diagnosis was no longer apparent in patients with relapsed B-ALL. Consistent with this result, secondary and tertiary mouse recipients of Fzr1-deficient B-ALL cells developed more progressive and radiation-resistant disease than those receiving Fzr1-intact B-ALL cells, indicating that prolonged inactivation of Fzr1 promotes the development of resistant clones. Our results suggest that reduction of FZR1 increases therapeutic sensitivity of B-ALL and that transient rather than tonic inhibition of FZR1 may be a therapeutic strategy.
  • Walied Kamel, Eiji Sugihara, Hiroyuki Nobusue, Sayaka Yamaguchi-Iwai, Nobuyuki Onishi, Kenta Maki, Yumi Fukuchi, Koichi Matsuo, Akihiro Muto, Hideyuki Saya, Takatsune Shimizu
    MOLECULAR CANCER THERAPEUTICS 16(1) 182-192 2017年1月  査読有り
    Osteosarcoma is the most common type of primary bone tumor, novel therapeutic agents for which are urgently needed. To identify such agents, we screened a panel of approved drugs with a mouse model of osteosarcoma. The screen identified simvastatin, which inhibited the proliferation and migration of osteosarcoma cells in vitro. Simvastatin also induced apoptosis in osteosarcoma cells in a manner dependent on inhibition of the mevalonate biosynthetic pathway. It also disrupted the function of the small GTPase RhoA and induced activation of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) and p38 MAPK, with AMPK functioning upstream of p38 MAPK. Inhi-bitors of AMPK or p38 MAPK attenuated the induction of apoptosis by simvastatin, whereas metformin enhanced this effect of simvastatin by further activation of AMPK. Although treatment with simvastatin alone did not inhibit osteosarcoma tumor growth in vivo, its combination with a fat-free diet induced a significant antitumor effect that was enhanced further by metformin administration. Our findings suggest that simvastatin induces apoptosis in osteosarcoma cells via activation of AMPK and p38 MAPK, and that, in combination with other approaches, it holds therapeutic potential for osteosarcoma. (C) 2016 AACR.
  • Keitaro Fukuda, Eiji Sugihara, Shoichiro Ohta, Kenji Izuhara, Masayuki Amagai, Hideyuki Saya
    Journal of Dermatological Science 84(1) 2016年10月  
  • Malinee Thanee, Watcharin Loilome, Anchalee Techasen, Eiji Sugihara, Shogo Okazaki, Shinya Abe, Shiho Ueda, Takashi Masuko, Nisana Namwat, Narong Khuntikeo, Attapol Titapun, Chawalit Pairojkul, Hideyuki Saya, Puangrat Yongvanit
    CANCER SCIENCE 107(7) 991-1000 2016年7月  査読有り
    Expression of CD44, especially the variant isoforms (CD44v) of this major cancer stem cell marker, contributes to reactive oxygen species (ROS) defense through stabilizing xCT (a cystine-glutamate transporter) and promoting glutathione synthesis. This enhances cancer development and increases chemotherapy resistance. We investigate the role of CD44v in the regulation of the ROS defense system in cholangiocarcinoma (CCA). Immunohistochemical staining of CD44v and p38(MAPK) (a major ROS target) expression in Opisthorchis viverrini-induced hamster CCA tissues (at 60, 90, 120, and 180 days) reveals a decreased phospho-p38(MAPK) signal, whereas the CD44v signal was increased during bile duct transformation. Patients with CCA showed CD44v overexpression and negative-phospho-p38(MAPK) patients a significantly shorter survival rate than the low CD44v signal and positive-phos-pho-p38(MAPK) patients (P = 0.030). Knockdown of CD44 showed that xCT and glutathione levels were decreased, leading to a high level of ROS. We examined xCT-targeted CD44v cancer stem cell therapy using sulfasalazine. Glutathione decreased and ROS increased after the treatment, leading to inhibition of cell proliferation and induction of cell death. Thus, the accumulation of CD44v leads to the suppression of p38(MAPK) in transforming bile duct cells. The redox status regulation of CCA cells depends on the expression of CD44v to contribute the xCT function and is a link to the poor prognosis of patients. Thus, an xCT inhibitor could inhibit cell growth and activate cell death. This suggests that an xCTtargeting drug may improve CCA therapy by sensitization to the available drug (e.g. gemcitabine) by blocking the mechanism of the cell's ROS defensive system.
  • Anna Kakehashi, Naomi Ishii, Eiji Sugihara, Min Gi, Hideyuki Saya, Hideki Wanibuchi
    CANCER SCIENCE 107(5) 609-618 2016年5月  査読有り
    This study investigated whether the expression of CD44 variant 9 (CD44v9) might be a functional marker of tumor-initiating stem-like cells in primary hepatocellular carcinomas (HCCs) of hepatitis C virus (HCV)(+) patients and provide an indicator of patient survival, as well as associated mechanisms. A total of 90 HCV+ HCC patients who underwent surgery from 2006 to 2011 were enrolled and monitored for 2-8 years. Expression of CD44v9 was validated immunohistochemically in all HCCs, followed by comparative proteome, survival, and clinicopathological analyses. CD44 variant 8-10 was further evaluated in diethylnitrosamine-induced HCCs of C57Bl/6J mice. Focally localized CD44v(+) cells with a membranous staining pattern were detected in human HCV+ and mouse HCCs. CD44v9(+) cells of HCCs were predominantly negative for Ki67 and P-p38, indicating decrease of cell proliferation in the CD44v9(+) tumor cell population, likely to be related to suppression of intracellular oxidative stress due to activation of Nrf2-mediated signaling, DNA repair, and inhibition of xenobiotic metabolism. CD44v9 IHC evaluation in 90 HCV+ HCC cases revealed that positive expression was significantly associated with poor overall and recurrence-free survival, a younger age, poor histological differentiation of HCCs, and high alkaline phosphatase levels compared with patients with negative expression. CD44v9 is concluded to be a potential biomarker of tumor-initiating stem-like cells and a prognostic marker in HCV+ HCC patients associated with Nrf2-mediated resistance to oxidative stress.
  • Raita Fukaya, Shigeki Ohta, Tomonori Yaguchi, Yumi Matsuzaki, Eiji Sugihara, Hideyuki Okano, Hideyuki Saya, Yutaka Kawakami, Takeshi Kawase, Kazunari Yoshida, Masahiro Toda
    CANCER RESEARCH 76(9) 2813-2823 2016年5月  査読有り
    Tumor-initiating cells thought to drive brain cancer are embedded in a complex heterogeneous histology. In this study, we isolated primary cells from 21 human brain tumor specimens to establish cell lines with high tumorigenic potential and to identify the molecules enabling this capability. The morphology, sphere-forming ability upon expansion, and differentiation potential of all cell lines were indistinguishable in vitro. However, testing for tumorigenicity revealed two distinct cell types, brain tumor-initiating cells (BTIC) and non-BTIC. We found that macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) was highly expressed in BTIC compared with non-BTIC. MIF bound directly to both wild-type and mutant p53 but regulated p53-dependent cell growth by different mechanisms, depending on glioma cell line and p53 status. MIF physically interacted with wild-type p53 in the nucleus and inhibited its transcription-dependent functions. In contrast, MIF bound to mutant p53 in the cytoplasm and abrogated transcription-independent induction of apoptosis. Furthermore, MIF knockdown inhibited BTIC-induced tumor formation in a mouse xenograft model, leading to increased overall survival. Collectively, our findings suggest that MIF regulates BTIC function through direct, intracellular inhibition of p53, shedding light on the molecular mechanisms underlying the tumorigenicity of certain malignant brain cells. (C) 2016 AACR.
  • Takeya Adachi, Tetsuro Kobayashi, Eiji Sugihara, Taketo Yamada, Koichi Ikuta, Stefania Pittaluga, Hideyuki Saya, Masayuki Amagai, Keisuke Nagao
    Nature Medicine 21(11) 1272-1279 2015年10月  査読有り
  • Sayaka I. Yamaguchi, Arisa Ueki, Eiji Sugihara, Nobuyuki Onishi, Tomonori Yaguchi, Yutaka Kawakami, Keisuke Horiuchi, Hideo Morioka, Morio Matsumoto, Masaya Nakamura, Akihiro Muto, Yoshiaki Toyama, Hideyuki Saya, Takatsune Shimizu
    CANCER SCIENCE 106(7) 875-882 2015年7月  査読有り
    Osteosarcoma (OS) is the most frequent primary solid malignant tumor of bone. Its prognosis remains poor in the substantial proportion of patients who do not respond to chemotherapy and novel therapeutic options are therefore needed. We previously established a mouse model that mimics the aggressive behavior of human OS. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay-based screening of such mouse tumor lysates identified platelet-derived growth factor-BB (PDGF-BB) as an abundant soluble factor, the gene for which was expressed dominantly in surrounding non-malignant cells of the tumor, whereas that for the cognate receptor (PDGF receptor ) was highly expressed in OS cells. Platelet-derived growth factor-BB induced activation of both MEK-ERK and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-protein kinase B signaling pathways and promoted survival in OS cells deprived of serum, and these effects were blocked by the PDGF receptor inhibitor imatinib. However, these actions of PDGF-BB and imatinib were mostly masked in the presence of serum. Whereas imatinib alone did not manifest an antitumor effect in mice harboring OS tumors, combined treatment with imatinib and adriamycin exerted a synergistic antiproliferative effect on OS cells invivo. These results suggest that treatment of OS with imatinib is effective only when cell survival is dependent on PDGF signaling or when imatinib is combined with another therapeutic intervention that renders the tumor cells susceptible to imatinib action, such as by inducing cellular stress.
  • Keitaro Fukuda, Eiji Sugihara, Shoichiro Ohta, Kenji Izuhara, Takeru Funakoshi, Masayuki Amagai, Hideyuki Saya
    PLOS ONE 10(6) e0129704 2015年6月  査読有り
    Tissue injury promotes metastasis of several human cancers, although factors associated with wound healing that attract circulating tumor cells have remained unknown. Here, we examined the primary and metastatic lesions that appeared 1 month after trauma in a patient with acral lentiginous melanoma. The levels of mRNA for periostin (POSTN), type 1 collagen, and fibronectin were significantly increased in the metastatic lesion relative to the primary lesion. The increase of these extracellular matrix proteins at the wound site was reproduced in a mouse model of wound healing, with the upregulation of Postn mRNA persisting the longest. POSTN was expressed in the region surrounding melanoma cell nests in metastatic lesions of both wounded mice and the patient. POSTN attenuated the cell adhesion and promoted the migration of melanoma cells without affecting their proliferation in vitro. In the mouse model, the wound site as well as subcutaneously injected osteoblasts that secrete large amounts of POSTN invited the metastasis of remotely-transplanted melanoma cells on the sites. Osteoblasts with suppression of POSTN by shRNA showed a greatly reduced ability to promote such metastasis. Our results suggest that POSTN is a key factor in promoting melanoma cell metastasis to wound sites by providing a premetastatic niche.
  • 信末博行, 信末博行, 大西伸幸, 清水孝恒, 杉原英志, 沖嘉尚, 住川優子, 千代田達幸, 高橋信博, 赤司浩一, 加野浩一郎, 佐谷秀行
    再生医療 14 154 2015年  
  • 杉原英志, 犬飼岳史, 佐谷秀行
    月刊血液内科 69(5) 595-601 2014年11月28日  筆頭著者
  • Takatsune Shimizu, Eiji Sugihara, Sayaka Yamaguchi-Iwai, Sakura Tamaki, Yuko Koyama, Walied Kamel, Arisa Ueki, Tomoki Ishikawa, Tatsuyuki Chiyoda, Satoru Osuka, Nobuyuki Onishi, Hiroko Ikeda, Junzo Kamei, Koichi Matsuo, Yumi Fukuchi, Toshihiro Nagai, Junya Toguchida, Yoshiaki Toyama, Akihiro Muto, Hideyuki Saya
    CANCER RESEARCH 74(22) 6531-6541 2014年11月  査読有り
    Osteosarcoma is a malignant bone tumor in children and adolescents characterized by intrinsic therapeutic resistance. The IGF2 is expressed at elevated levels in osteosarcoma after treatment with chemotherapy, prompting an examination of its functional contributions to resistance. We found that continuous exposure to IGF2 or insulin in the absence of serum created a dormant growth state in osteosarcoma cells that conferred resistance to various chemotherapeutic drugs in vitro. Mechanistic investigations revealed that this dormant state correlated with downregulation of downstream signaling by the IGF1 receptor, heightened cell survival, enhanced autophagy, and the presence of extracellular glutamine. Notably, inhibiting autophagy or depleting glutamine was sufficient to increase chemotherapeutic sensitivity in osteosarcoma xenografts in mice. Clinically, we confirmed that IGF expression levels were elevated in human osteosarcoma specimens from patients who received chemotherapy. Together, our results suggest that activation of IGF or insulin signaling preserves the survival of osteosarcoma cells under chemotherapeutic stress, providing a drug-resistant population that may engender minimal residual disease. Attenuating this survival mechanism may help overcome therapeutic resistance in osteosarcoma. (C) 2014 AACR.









