
加藤 秀起

カトウ ヒデキ  (Hideki Kato)


藤田保健衛生大学 医療科学部 放射線学科




  • 加藤 秀起, 阪井 啓太, 内山 瑞樹, 鈴木 健太郎
    日本放射線技術学会雑誌 72(10) 1007-1014 2016年10月  査読有り
    <p>The diagnostic reference levels (DRLs) of the general X-ray radiography are defined by the absorbed dose of air at the entrance surface with backscattered radiation from a scattering medium. Generally, the entrance surface dose of the general X-ray radiography is calculated from measured air kerma of primary X-ray multiplied by a backscatter factor (BSF). However, the BSF data employed at present used water for scattering medium, and was calculated based on the water-absorbed dose by incident primary photons and backscattered photons from the scattering medium. In the calculation of air dose at the entrance surface defined in DRLs, there are no theoretical consistencies for using BSF based on water dose, and this may be a cause of calculation error. In this paper, we verified the difference in BSF by the difference in the scattering medium and by the difference in the objective dose by means of the Monte Carlo simulation. In this calculation, the scattering medium was set as water and the soft-tissue, and the objective dose was set as air dose, water dose, soft-tissue dose, and skin dose. The difference in BSF calculated by the respective combination was at most about 1.3% and was less than 1% in most cases. In conclusion, even if the entrance surface dose defined by DRLs of general X-ray radiography is calculated using BSF, which set both the scattering medium and the object substance of the absorbed dose as water, a so big error doesn't show.</p>
  • 加藤 秀起, 南 一幸, 浅田 恭生, 鈴木 昇一
    日本放射線技術学会雑誌 72(5) 396-401 2016年5月  査読有り
  • 加藤 秀起
    日本放射線技術学会計測部会誌 21(1) 16-24 2016年4月  
  • 加藤 秀起, 澤田 道人
    日本放射線技術学会雑誌 71(12) 1189-1200 2015年12月  査読有り
  • 庄司友和, 加藤秀起, 勝木葉子, ガラハー美樹
    日本放射線技術学会雑誌 71(3) 194-200 2015年  査読有り
  • 加藤秀起
    日本放射線技術学会雑誌 70(7) 684-691 2014年  査読有り
  • 加藤秀起, 林 直樹, 黒木燎平, 安達由美子, 鈴木志津馬
    日本放射線技術学会雑誌 69(12) 1387-1393 2013年  査読有り
    The energy spectra of high-energy electron beams used in radiotherapy are the most important data for evaluating absorbed doses and/or dose distributions in the body of a patient. However, it is impossible to measure the actual spectra of a high-energy electron beam. In this study, we suggest a method to presume the spectra of high-energy electron beams by use of the beta distribution model. The procedure of this method is as follows: (1) the spectrum of the high-energy electron beam was assumed to have a maximum energy Emax, and α, β parameters of the beta probability density function. (2) The percentage depth dose (PDD) based on the assumed spectrum was calculated by a Monte Carlo simulation. (3) The best matching energy spectrum was searched in comparison with the experimental PDD curves. Finally, the optimal energy spectrum of the electron beam was estimated after reiterating the process from (1) to (3). With our method, the measured PDD curves were optimally simulated following the experimental data. It appeared that the assumed spectra approximated well to the actual spectra. However, the error between the assumed and experimental data was observed in the region under the incident surface. We believe this was due to the influence of low-energy electrons scattered at installed collimators, etc. In order to simulate PDDs in this region accurately, a further correction process is required for a spectrum based on the beta distribution model.
  • 安達由美子, 林 直樹, 加藤秀起, 江原 勲, 矢田隆一, 松永卓磨, 村木勇太
    日本放射線技術学会雑誌 69(10) 1130-1139 2013年  査読有り
  • 加藤秀起, 林 直樹, 江原 勲, 青山貴洋, 鈴木志津馬, 安達由美子, 岡部方彦
    日本放射線技術学会雑誌 69(2) 170-177 2013年  査読有り
    In external radiotherapy, the absorbed doses are measured using an ionization process in a gas-filled ionization chamber and estimated by the extended cavity theory. The calculation requires both the W-value of cavity gas and the restricted mass collision stopping powers (L/ρ) for the gas and medium. ICRU Report 37 gives us the data regarding the mass collision stopping powers (S/ρ) for several elements and chemical compounds or mixtures. However, there are no detailed data for L/ρ. In this study, we developed an in-house program to calculate the L/ρ for arbitrary substances by the use of the equation described in ICRU Report 37. With this program, we can search the calculated L/ρ easily. When we calculated L/ρ for chemical compounds and mixtures with implementation of Bragg's additivity rule, a large error of density effect corrections was observed. Therefore, our program adopted both the mean excitation energy and density effect correction obtained by ESTAR, which was developed by Berger et al. With adoption of these values, the calculation accuracy of our program was improved. Our program is useful to search L/ρ for radiation dosimetry in radiotherapy.
  • Yusuke Suzuki, Naoki Hayashi, Hideki Kato, Hiroshi Fukuma, Yasujiro Hirose, Makoto Kawano, Yoshio Nishii, Masaru Nakamura, Takashi Mukouyama
    Radiological Physics and Technology 6(1) 142-150 2013年1月  査読有り
    In small-field irradiation, the back-scattered radiation (BSR) affects the counts measured with a beam monitor chamber (BMC). In general, the effect of the BSR depends on the opened-jaw size. The effect is significantly large in small-field irradiation. Our purpose in this study was to predict the effect of BSR on LINAC output accurately with an improved target-current-pulse (TCP) technique. The pulse signals were measured with a system consisting of a personal computer and a digitizer. The pulse signals were analyzed with in-house software. The measured parameters were the number of pulses, the change in the waveform and the integrated signal values of the TCPs. The TCPs were measured for various field sizes with four linear accelerators. For comparison, Yu's method in which a universal counter was used was re-examined. The results showed that the variance of the measurements by the new method was reduced to approximately 1/10 of the variance by the previous method. There was no significant variation in the number of pulses due to a change in the field size in the Varian Clinac series. However, a change in the integrated signal value was observed. This tendency was different from the result of other investigations in the past. Our prediction method is able to define the cutoff voltage for the TCP acquired by digitizer. This functionality provides the capability of clearly classifying TCPs into signals and noise. In conclusion, our TCP analysis method can predict the effect of BSR on the BMC even for small-field irradiations. © 2012 Japanese Society of Radiological Technology and Japan Society of Medical Physics.
  • Naoki Hayashi, Yoichi Watanabe, Ryan Malmin, Hideki Kato
    JOURNAL OF RADIATION RESEARCH 53(6) 930-935 2012年11月  査読有り
    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the triple channel correction acquisition (TCCA) method for radiochromic film dosimetry performed with a flatbed scanner. The study had two parts: a fundamental and a clinical examination. In the fundamental examination, we evaluated the accuracy of calibration curves for Gafchromic EBT2 (EBT2). The films were calibrated using a field-by-field method with 13 dose steps. Seven calibration curves obtained by TCCA were compared with those produced by a single channel acquisition (SCA) method. For the clinical examination, we compared relative dose distributions obtained by TCCA and SCA for four cases of intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) and intensity-modulated arc therapy (IMAT). The fundamental examination showed that the consistency of the calibration curves was better for TCCA than for SCA, particularly for the dose range between 0.25 Gy and 1.00 Gy. The clinical examination showed that the dose differences between the measured and calculated doses in high-gradient regions were smaller with TCCA than with SCA. The average pass rates in gamma analysis for the TCCA and SCA methods were 97.2 +/- 0.8% (n = 20) and 93.0 +/- 1.2% (n = 20), respectively. In conclusion, TCCA can acquire accurate average dose values when creating the calibration curve. The potential advantage of TCCA for EBT2 film dosimetry was seen in high-gradient regions in clinically relevant IMRT and IMAT cases. TCCA is useful to verify dose distribution.
  • 加藤 秀起, 林 直樹, 鈴木 昇一, 安藤 翔, 宮本 まみ, 若杉 奈央, 鈴木 志津馬
    日本放射線技術学会雑誌 67(10) 1320-1326 2011年10月  査読有り
    The effective energy has been generally used as a method of handily expressing an X-ray quality by one numerical value. The effective energy is a concept derived from "Half Value Layer (HVL)" that is the expressing parameter of beam quality based on the attenuation of the primary X-ray by a material. When beam quality is expressed by using HVL and / or the effective energy, it is necessary to describe the tube potential, the rectification method, and the homogeneity coefficient, etc. in parallel. However, recently feelings are that the effective energy should be handled like an absolute numerical value to physical characteristics of X-rays. In this paper, it was theoretically clarified that the effective energy had a different value depending on the absorber material used for the HVL measurement. In addition, the errors when physical characteristics of the X-rays were evaluated using the effective energy was also examined. Physical characteristics, such as interactions to the material of mono-energetic X-ray, are not equal to that of X-rays with a wide energy spectrum. It is not an easy comparison to express the quality of the diagnostic X-rays, and to calculate physical characteristics of the X-rays by using the effective energy. It is necessary to design a new method of expressing the quality of X-rays that takes the place of the "effective energy."
  • 加藤 秀起, 藤井 茂久, 白川 誠士, 鈴木 友輔, 西井 厳夫
    日本放射線技術学会雑誌 67(3) 193-201 2011年3月  査読有り
    A presumption calculating formula of the X-ray spectrum generated from a molybdenum target X-ray tube is presented. The calculation procedure is to add an amount of characteristic X-ray photons that corresponds to the ratio of characteristic photons and bremsstrahlung photons to the bremsstrahlung spectrum obtained using semiempirical calculation. The bremsstrahlung spectrum was calculated by using a corrected Tuckers formula. The corrected content was a formula for calculating the self-absorption length in the target that originated in the difference of the incident angle to the target of the electron and the mass stopping power data. The measured spectrum was separated into the bremsstrahlung component and the characteristic photon component, and the ratio of the characteristic photons and bremsstrahlung photons was obtained. The regression was derived from the function of the tube voltage. Based on this calculation procedure, computer software was constructed that can calculate an X-ray spectrum in arbitrary exposure conditions. The X-ray spectrum obtained from this presumption calculating formula and the measured X-ray spectrum corresponded well. This formula is very useful for analyzing various problems related to mammography by means of Monte Carlo simulations.


  • 加藤秀起
    日本放射線技術学会雑誌 70(10) 1181-1187 2014年  招待有り
  • 平岡 武, 加藤秀起, 石川剛弘, 酢屋徳啓, 河合直士, 今関 等
    放射線医学総合研究所技術報告書 6 6-12 2012年  
  • 平岡 武, 加藤 秀起
    放射線科学 54(1) 38-41 2011年1月  
  • 鈴木友輔, 青山貴洋, 高橋礼紀, 加藤秀起, 福間宙志, 磯山茂, 川野誠
    日本放射線技術学会雑誌 66(6) 599-608 2010年  
    In medical linear accelerators, radioactivation is induced on the target and neighborhood parts by photoneutrons accompanying a photo-nuclear reaction and leading to higher acceleration energy. We measured the residual radiation from the radioactivated materials according to the time, and tried to identify radioactivated nuclides and their relative quantities by means of measurement results. It was presumed that the main source of residual radiations was the Target, Flattening filter and Primary collimator in the linac head. Among those materials (copper, tungsten), we calculated decrement curves of residual radiations from radioactivated nuclides generated with photo-nuclear reaction or thermal neutron capture reaction by various ratios, and we investigated the ratio that best fit the measured data. Consequently, it was presumed that 66Cu generated with thermal neutron capture reaction contributed the most to residual radiation, followed by 62Cu generated with photo-nuclear reaction contributed. It is important to understand various characteristics of these nuclides and to undertake management of the device.
  • 福間宙志, 江口佑太, 磯山茂, 川野誠, 鈴木友輔, 青山貴洋, 加藤秀起
    日本放射線技術学会雑誌 66(5) 495-501 2010年  
    The characteristics of activation after high-energy X-rays have been generated by medical linear accelerators were measured using an ionization chamber. Radiation doses increased with rising X-ray energy, based on 10 MV, 15 MV, and 18 MVX-ray measurements. When the total irradiation dose was changed, radiation dose increased with total irradiation dose. When the collimator opened, the radiation dose at a position 15 cm from the isocenter reached about the maximum, which was 2.2 times the dose at the isocenter. The radiation dose became about 0.3 times its level at a position 40 cm from the isocenter, in the outer irradiation field. The dose distribution in the treatment room became almost the same dose extending from the isocenter to 200 cm. Radiation dose decreased gradually while moving away from the target on the treatment beam axis. But it increased again as it approached the floor face. The occupational exposure dose, which was presumed from measurements of the radiation dose 50 cm from the isocenter, was about 0.9 mSv during a year, assuming 600 MU for 1 person, 8 people a day, and 245 days a year. Radiation dose changed with X-ray energy in the machine used, and it was a geometrical constituent in the treatment room. It is important to understand the characteristics of radiation generated by medical linear accelerators.


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