Takasu Akihiko, Iwata Shigenobu, Iwata Yoshihiro, Ooyama Toshihiro
The Journal of the Japan Broncho-esophagological Society, 47(2) 118-123, Apr, 1996
In our clinic, laryngo-micro surgery under general anesthesia with endotracheal intuba- tion or neurolept analgesia without intubation (NLA) have been commonly practiced for the surgical treatment of voice disorders due to polyps or polypoid degeneration of the vocal cords. Here we report the differences in postoperative phonatory functions caused by anesthesia with/without intubation. Laryngo-micro surgery (under anesthesia with intubation: 17, NLA : 14) was performed on 31 cases (16 polypoid, 15 polyps). After operation, the maximum phonation time (sec), air flow rate (ml/sec), pitch (Hz), pitch perturbation quotient (%), amplitude perturbation quotient (%), and normalized noise energy (dB) were obtained using a phonatory device PS-77 and an acoustic analyser SH-10. No significant differences were observed between the phonatory parameters in the NLA group and those in the intubation group. However, in the phonatory parameters of the NLA group, there were more normalized mean values and smaller standard variations than in the intubation group. From these results, we conclude that laryngo-micro surgery under NLA has the advantage of producing a stable postoperative phonatory effect, since it provides a good chance to observe the vocal cords' vibrations and to make an acoustic evaluation of the voice in the course of an operation.