Kazuo Inui, Saburo Nakazawa, Junji Yohsino, Kenji Yamao, Hitoshi Yamachika, Naoto Kanemaki, Takao Wakabayashi, Masao Fujimoto
We reported MR endoscopy developed as a new modality for precise diagnosis of digestive diseases. MR endoscopes consisted of a non-magnetic scope and an antena-probe incorporated with a small RF coil, 10×47 mm in size, at the tip of the endoscope. We obtained MR images of the stomach, rectum, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas resected from pigs and humans. MR images disclosed the stomach wall of human being as four layers : the first layer, high signal intensity
the second, lower signal intensity, the third, slight higher signal intensity, and the fourth, higher signal intensity. Histological examination revealed the first layer to be compatible with the mucosa layer, the second, the submucosa layer and a part of the proper muscle layer, the third, the proper muscle layer, and the fourth, a part of the proper muscle layer, subserosa, and serosa. Invasion of gastric and rectal cancers was shpown as destruction of the layers. MR images showed clear and charastaristic findings of the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas. MR images revealed metastatic liver cancer as an area with round, higher signal intensity. MR endoscopy is expected as a new modality of a precise dignosis of gastric cancer, rectal cancer, and hepato-pancreato-biliary diseases. © 1993, Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society. All rights reserved.