2018年10月 - 現在
2014年4月 - 現在
BMC Oral Health 23(1) 2023年12月7日Abstract Background The COVID-19 pandemic led to concerns about the potential airborne transmission of the virus during dental procedures, but evidence of actual transmission in clinical settings was lacking. This study aimed to observe the behavior of dental sprays generated from dental rotary handpieces and to evaluate the effectiveness of high-volume evacuators (HVEs) using laser light sheets and water-sensitive papers. Methods A dental manikin and jaw model were mounted in a dental treatment unit. Mock cutting procedures were performed on an artificial tooth on the maxillary left central incisor using an air turbine, a contra-angle electric micromotor (EM), and a 1:5 speed-up contra-angle EM (×5EM). Intraoral vacuum and extraoral vacuum (EOV) were used to verify the effectiveness of the HVEs. The dynamics and dispersal range of the dental sprays were visualized using a laser light sheet. In addition, environmental surface pollution was monitored three-dimensionally using water-sensitive papers. Results Although the HVEs were effective in both the tests, the use of EOV alone increased vertical dispersal and pollution. Conclusions The use of various types of HVEs to reduce the exposure of operators and assistants to dental sprays when using dental rotary cutting instruments is beneficial. The study findings will be helpful in the event of a future pandemic caused by an emerging or re-emerging infectious disease.
Craniomaxillofacial Research & Innovation 7 275284642210871-275284642210871 2022年1月Study Design Case Report. Objective To discuss the case of a 55-year-old man who complained of swelling and pain in the left cheek. Methods Computed tomographic images showed a shadow of retained electric toothbrush head in the left infratemporal fossa, heterotopic free air, and abscess formation in the masticatory space. Foreign body removal and surgical drainage were performed under general anesthesia. Result The patient was discharged 6 days postoperatively. Conclusion Computed tomography should invariably be performed on patients with intraoral impalement injury.
Oral Science International 2021年12月14日
日本口蓋裂学会雑誌 40(1) 23-29 2015年4月 査読有り近年,口唇口蓋裂患者に対する二次的顎裂部骨移植術の術後評価に,CT画像を用いた検討が報告されている。今回われわれは,二次的顎裂部骨移植術による骨架橋の成立に寄与する予後規定因子を明らかにするため,CT画像を用いた後方視的検討を行った。<br>13例に対し,患側上顎中切歯の根尖部,歯根中央部,歯槽骨頂部の高さに相当する断層面において,唇側,歯槽中央,口蓋側の,計9ヶ所で術後の骨架橋について評価した。骨架橋は,歯根中央部唇側では全例で認められ,以下,歯根中央部歯槽中央9例(69.2%),根尖部唇側および歯槽骨頂部歯槽中央8例(61.5%),歯槽骨頂部唇側6例(46.2%),歯根中央部口蓋側5例(38.5%),歯槽骨頂部口蓋側4例(30.8%),根尖部歯槽中央および口蓋側3例(23.1%)と続いた。また,単変量ロジスティック回帰分析の結果,歯根中央部の高さにおいて,歯槽中央および口蓋側では術前の顎裂幅径が術後の骨架橋成立に対する予知性の高い指標となることも明らかとなった。
75th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiological Society 2016年4月16日 招待有り
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C) 2021年4月 - 2024年3月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 一般研究(C) 1991年 - 1993年