
松井 太衛

マツイ タエイ  (Matsui Taei)


藤田医科大学 医療科学部 臨床検査学科 自然科学 生物学 教授 (特任教授)
奈良県立医科大学輸血部 非常勤講師








  • Atsushi Ogasawara, Hiroki Doi, Taei Matsui, Etsuko Tokunaga, Masao Amakawa, Hidehiko Akiyama
    Fujita medical journal 9(2) 147-153 2023年5月  
    OBJECTIVES: Agaritine (AGT) is a hydrazine-containing compound derived from the mushroom Agaricus blazei Murill. We previously reported the antitumor effect of AGT on hematological tumor cell lines and suggested that AGT induces apoptosis in U937 cells via caspase activation. However, the antitumor mechanism of AGT has not been fully understood. METHODS: Four hematological tumor cell lines (K562, HL60, THP-1, H929) were used in this study. The cells were incubated in the presence of 50 μM AGT for 24 h and analyzed for cell viability, annexin V positivity, caspase-3/7 activity, mitochondrial membrane depolarization, cell cycle, DNA fragmentation, and the expression of mitochondrial membrane-associated proteins (Bax and cytochrome c). RESULTS: In HL60, K562, and H929 cells, AGT reduced cell viability and increased annexin V- and dead cell-positive rates; however, it did not affect THP-1 cells. In K562 and HL60 cells, caspase-3/7 activity, mitochondrial membrane depolarization, and expression of mitochondrial membrane proteins, Bax and cytochrome c, were all increased by AGT. Cell cycle analysis showed that only K562 exhibited an increase in the proportion of cells in G2/M phase after the addition of AGT. DNA fragmentation was also observed after the addition of AGT. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that AGT induces apoptosis in K562 and HL60 cells, like U937 reported previously, but showed no effect on THP-1 cells. It was suggested that AGT-induced apoptosis involves the expression of Bax and cytochrome c via mitochondrial membrane depolarization.
  • 早川 正樹, 大前 和人, 田中 宏明, 谷山 歩, 田邊 雅世, 馬塲 由美, 下村 志帆, 梅木 弥生, 長谷川 真弓, 松井 太衛, 松本 雅則
    日本輸血細胞治療学会誌 68(2) 311-311 2022年4月  
  • Youhei Nashimoto, Fumio Matsushita, Johannes M Dijkstra, Yuta Nakamura, Hidehiko Akiyama, Jiharu Hamako, Takashi Morita, Satohiko Araki, Taei Matsui
    Toxins 14(4) 2022年3月25日  
    Bitiscetin-1 (aka bitiscetin) and bitiscetin-2 are C-type lectin-like proteins purified from the venom of Bitis arietans (puff adder). They bind to von Willebrand factor (VWF) and-at least bitiscetin-1-induce platelet agglutination via enhancement of VWF binding to platelet glycoprotein Ib (GPIb). Bitiscetin-1 and -2 bind the VWF A1 and A3 domains, respectively. The A3 domain includes the major site of VWF for binding collagen, explaining why bitiscetin-2 blocks VWF-to-collagen binding. In the present study, sequences for a novel bitiscetin protein-bitiscetin-3-were identified in cDNA constructed from the B. arietans venom gland. The deduced amino acid sequences of bitiscetin-3 subunits α and β share 79 and 80% identity with those of bitiscetin-1, respectively. Expression vectors for bitiscetin-3α and -3β were co-transfected to 293T cells, producing the heterodimer protein recombinant bitiscetin-3 (rBit-3). Functionally, purified rBit-3 (1) induced platelet agglutination involving VWF and GPIb, (2) did not compete with bitiscetin-1 for binding to VWF, (3) blocked VWF-to-collagen binding, and (4) lost its platelet agglutination inducing ability in the presence of an anti-VWF monoclonal antibody that blocked VWF-to-collagen binding. These combined results suggest that bitiscetin-3 binds to the A3 domain, as does bitiscetin-2. Except for a small N-terminal fragment of a single subunit-which differs from that of both bitiscetin-3 subunits-the sequences of bitiscetin-2 have never been determined. Therefore, by identifying and analyzing bitiscetin-3, the present study is the first to present the full-length α- and β-subunit sequences and recombinant expression of a bitiscetin-family toxin that blocks the binding of VWF to collagen.
  • 日笠 聡, 渥美 達也, 石黒 精, 金子 誠, 高橋 芳右, 野上 恵嗣, 藤井 輝久, 堀内 久徳, 松井 太衛, 毛利 博, 森下 英理子, 松下 正, 朝比奈 俊彦, 天野 景裕, 上田 恭典, 岡本 好司, 小亀 浩市, 佐道 俊幸, 瀧 正志, 長尾 梓, 西尾 健治, 西田 恭治, 西野 正人, 藤村 吉博, 松本 雅則, 宮川 義隆, 八木 秀男, 和田 英夫, von Willebrand病の診療ガイドライン作成委員会
    日本血栓止血学会誌 32(4) 413-481 2021年8月  
  • 日笠 聡, 渥美達也, 石黒 精, 金子 誠, 高橋芳右, 野上恵嗣, 藤井輝久, 堀内久徳, 松井太衛, 毛利博, 森下英理子, 松下 正
    日本血栓止血学会誌 32(4) 413-481 2021年8月  査読有り招待有り
  • Riona Hatazawa, Saori Fukuda, Kanako Kumamoto, Fumio Matsushita, Shizuko Nagao, Takayuki Murata, Koki Taniguchi, Taei Matsui, Satoshi Komoto
    Journal of General Virology 102(4) 2021年4月12日  査読有り
    With the recent establishment of robust reverse genetics systems for rotavirus, rotavirus is being developed as a vector to express foreign genes. However, insertion of larger sequences such as those encoding multiple foreign genes into the rotavirus genome has been challenging because the virus segments are small. In this paper, we attempted to insert multiple foreign genes into a single gene segment of rotavirus to determine whether it can efficiently express multiple exogenous genes from its genome. At first, we engineered a truncated NSP1 segment platform lacking most of the NSP1 open reading frame and including a self-cleaving 2A sequence (2A), which made it possible to generate a recombinant rotavirus stably expressing NanoLuc (Nluc) luciferase as a model foreign gene. Based on this approach, we then demonstrated the generation of a replication-competent recombinant rotavirus expressing three reporter genes (Nluc, EGFP, and mCherry) by separating them with self-cleaving 2As, indicating the capacity of rotaviruses as to the insertion of multiple foreign genes. Importantly, the inserted multiple foreign genes remained genetically stable during serial passages in cell culture, indicating the potential of rotaviruses as attractive expression vectors. The strategy described here will serve as a model for the generation of rotavirus-based vectors designed for the expression and/or delivery of multiple foreign genes.
  • Hiroki Doi, Taei Matsui, Johannes M Dijkstra, Atsushi Ogasawara, Yuki Higashimoto, Seiji Imamura, Tamae Ohye, Hiromu Takematsu, Itsuro Katsuda, Hidehiko Akiyama
    F1000Research 10 542-542 2021年  
    Background: Andrographolide (Andro) is a diterpenoid component of the plant Andrographis paniculata that is known for its anti-tumor activity against a variety of cancer cells.   Methods: We studied the effects of Andro on the viability of the human leukemia monocytic cell line THP-1 and the human multiple myeloma cell line H929. Andro was compared with cytosine arabinoside (Ara-C) and vincristine (VCR), which are well-established therapeutics against hematopoietic tumors. The importance of reactive oxygen species (ROS) production for the toxicity of each agent was investigated by using an inhibitor of ROS production, N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC).    Results:  Andro reduced the viability of THP-1 and H929 in a dose-dependent manner. H929 viability was highly susceptible to Andro, although only slightly susceptible to Ara-C. The agents Andro, Ara-C, and VCR each induced apoptosis, as shown by cellular shrinkage, DNA fragmentation, and increases in annexin V-binding, caspase-3/7 activity, ROS production, and mitochondrial membrane depolarization. Whereas Ara-C and VCR increased the percentages of cells in the G0/G1 and G2/M phases, respectively, Andro showed little or no detectable effect on cell cycle progression. The apoptotic activities of Andro were largely suppressed by NAC, an inhibitor of ROS production, whereas NAC hardly affected the apoptotic activities of Ara-C and VCR.  Conclusions: Andro induces ROS-dependent apoptosis in monocytic leukemia THP-1 and multiple myeloma H929 cells, underlining its potential as a therapeutic agent for treating hematopoietic tumors. The high toxicity for (thus forming: The high toxicity for H929 cells, by a mechanism that is different from that of Ara-C and VCR, is encouraging for further studies on the use of Andro against multiple myeloma.) H929 cells, by a mechanism that is different from that of Ara-C and VCR, is encouraging for further studies on the use of Andro against multiple myeloma.
  • 松井太衛
    日本血栓止血学会誌 32(1) 64-69 2021年1月  招待有り
  • Kazuya Sakai, Tatsuhiko Someya, Kaori Harada, Hideo Yagi, Taei Matsui, Masanori Matsumoto
    Haematologica 105(11) 2631-2638 2020年11月1日  
    Von Willebrand factor (VWF) is a blood glycoprotein that plays an important role in platelet thrombus formation through interaction between its A1 domain and platelet glycoprotein Ib. ARC1779, an aptamer to the VWF A1 domain, was evaluated in a clinical trial for acquired thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (aTTP). Subsequently, caplacizumab, an anti-VWF A1 domain nanobody, was approved for aTTP in Europe and the USA. We recently developed a novel DNA aptamer, TAGX-0004, to the VWF A1 domain it contains an artificial base and demonstrates high affinity for VWF. To compare the effects of these three agents on VWF A1, their ability to inhibit ristocetin- or botrocetin-induced platelet aggregation under static conditions was analyzed, and the inhibition of thrombus formation under high shear stress was investigated in a microchip flow chamber system. In both assays, TAGX-0004 showed stronger inhibition than ARC1779, and had comparable inhibitory effects to caplacizumab. The binding sites of TAGX-0004 and ARC1779 were analyzed with surface plasmon resonance performed using alanine scanning mutagenesis of the VWF A1 domain. An electrophoretic mobility shift assay showed that R1395 and R1399 in the A1 domain bound to both aptamers. R1287, K1362, and R1392 contributed to ARC1779 binding, and F1366 was essential for TAGX-0004 binding. Surface plasmon resonance analysis of the binding sites of caplacizumab identified five amino acids in the VWF A1 domain (K1362, R1392, R1395, R1399, and K1406). These results suggest that TAGX-0004 possesses better pharmacological properties than caplacizumab in vitro and might be similarly promising for aTTP treatment.
  • 松井 太衛, 中村 優太, 松下 文雄, 浜子 二治, 秋山 秀彦
    日本血栓止血学会誌 31(2) 279-279 2020年5月  
  • Matsui T, Nakamura Y
    Trends in Glycosci. Glycotechnol. 32(189) E151-E156 2020年  査読有り招待有り筆頭著者
  • Kazuya Sakai, Tatsuhiko Someya, Kaori Harada, Hideo Yagi, Taei Matsui, Masanori Matsumoto
    Haematologica 2019年12月19日  査読有り
    von Willebrand factor (VWF) is a blood glycoprotein that plays an important role in platelet thrombus formation through interaction between its A1 domain and platelet glycoprotein Ib. ARC1779, an aptamer to the VWF A1 domain, was evaluated in a clinical trial for acquired thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (aTTP). Subsequently, caplacizumab, an anti-VWF A1 domain nanobody, was approved for aTTP in Europe and the United States. We recently developed a novel DNA aptamer, TAGX-0004, to the VWF A1 domain; it contains an artificial base and demonstrates high affinity for VWF. To compare the effects of these three agents on VWF A1, their ability to inhibit ristocetin- or botrocetin-induced platelet aggregation under static conditions was analyzed, and the inhibition of thrombus formation under high shear stress was investigated in a microchip flow chamber system. In both assays, TAGX-0004 showed stronger inhibition than ARC1779, and had comparable inhibitory effects to caplacizumab. The binding sites of TAGX-0004 and ARC1779 were analyzed with surface plasmon resonance performed using alanine scanning mutagenesis of the VWF A1 domain. An electrophoretic mobility shift assay showed that R1395 and R1399 in the A1 domain bound to both aptamers. R1287, K1362, and R1392 contributed to ARC1779 binding, and F1366 was essential for TAGX-0004 binding. Surface plasmon resonance analysis of the binding sites of caplacizumab identified five amino acids in the VWF A1 domain (K1362, R1392, R1395, R1399, and K1406). These results suggested that TAGX-0004 possessed better pharmacological properties than caplacizumab in vitro and might be similarly promising for aTTP treatment.
  • Hayakawa H, Kato S, Matsui T, Akai K, Fujimura Y, Matsumoto M
    J. Thromb. Haemost. 17(6) 975-983 2019年6月  査読有り
  • Kano T, Kondo K, Hamako J, Matsushita F, Sakai K, Matsui T
    International journal of hematology 108(2) 139-144 2018年8月  査読有り
  • Doi H, Matsui T, Ohe T, Saito K, Katsuda I, Akiyama H
    Fujita Med.J. 3(3) 48-54 2018年4月  査読有り
    <p>Objectives: Andrographis paniculata (A. paniculata) is a widely used herb that has potential medical properties. Andrographolide (Andro) is the major component of A. paniculata. We evaluated the anti-tumor activity of Andro using leukemic cell line cells.</p><p>Methods: Leukemic cell lines U937, HL60 or H929 cells were cultured in the presence or absence of Andro and compared with the effects of Ara-C or vincristine. The anti-tumor activity was assessed by morphological observations of the cells, DNA fragmentation, MTT assay, Annexin V positive rate, caspase-3/7 activity, and cell cycle analysis.</p><p>Results: After addition of Andro, the morphology of cells changed to characteristic shapes with apoptotic bodies. Furthermore, the Annexin V positive rate and caspase-3/7 activities were increased compared with untreated cells. The G1 phase of cell cycle was also similarly increased compared with cells treated with Ara-C.</p><p>Conclusions: Our results show that Andro has an anti-tumor activity against leukemic cell lines, very possibly by inducing apoptosis.</p>
  • 松井太衛
    日本医事新報 (4863) 64-65 2017年4月  
  • T. Matsui, A. Hori, J. Hamako, F. Matsushita, Y. Ozeki, Y. Sakurai, M. Hayakawa, M. Matsumoto, Y. Fujimura
    JOURNAL OF THROMBOSIS AND HAEMOSTASIS 15(3) 538-548 2017年3月  査読有り
    Background Botrocetin-2 (Bot2) is a botrocetin-like protein composed of and subunits that have been cloned from the snake Bothrops jararaca. Bot2 binds specifically to von Willebrand factor (VWF), and the complex induces glycoprotein (GP) Ib-dependent platelet agglutination. Objectives To exploit Bot2's VWF-binding capacity in order to attempt to create a mutant Bot2 that binds to VWF but inhibits platelet agglutination. Methods and Results Several point mutations were introduced into Bot2 cDNA, and the recombinant protein (recombinant Bot2 [rBot2]) was purified on an anti-botrocetin column. The mutant rBot2 with either Ala at Asp70 in the subunit (Asp70Ala), or Arg115Ala and Lys117Ala, showed reduced platelet agglutination-inducing activity. rBot2 with Asp70Ala showed little binding activity towards immobilized VWF on an ELISA plate, whereas rBot2 with Arg115Ala/Lys117Ala showed reduced binding activity towards GPIb (glycocalicin) after forming a complex with VWF. rBot2 point-mutated to oppositely charged Glu at both Arg115 and Lys117 showed normal binding activity towards VWF but no platelet-agglutinating activity. Furthermore, this doubly mutated protein inhibited ristocetin-induced or high shear stress-induced platelet aggregation, and restrained thrombus formation under flow conditions. Conclusions Asp70 in the subunit of botrocetin is important for VWF binding, and Arg115 and Lys117 in the subunit are essential for interaction with GPIb. Doubly mutated rBot2, with Arg115Glu and Lys117Glu, repels GPIb and might have potential as an antithrombotic reagent that specifically blocks VWF function. This is the first report on an artificial botrocetin that can inhibit the VWF-GPIb interaction.
  • Yasuhiro Koide, Yuki Fujii, Imtiaj Hasan, Yukiko Ogawa, Sultana Rajia, Sarkar M.A. Kawsar, Robert Kanaly, Shigeki Sugawara, Masahiro Hosono, Jiharu Hamako, Taei Matsui, Yasuhiro Ozeki
    Marine OMICS: Principles and Applications 407-418 2016年11月18日  
  • 松井太衛, 濵子二治
    臨床血液 57(10) 279-289 2016年9月  招待有り
  • 松井 太衛, 石橋 香里, 岩坪 里奈, 浜子 二治, 松下 文雄, 狩野 泰輝, 近藤 一直
    日本血栓止血学会誌 27(2) 217-217 2016年5月  
  • Hasan I, Watanabe M, Ishizaki N, Sugita-Konishi Y, Kawakami Y, Suzuki J, Dogasaki C, Rajia S, Kawsar SM, Koide Y, Kanaly RA, Sugawara S, Hosono M, Ogawa Y, Fujii Y, Iriko H, Hamako J, Matsui T, Ozeki Y
    Molecules (Basel, Switzerland) 21(1) 129-129 2016年1月  査読有り
  • Imtiaj Hasan, Shigeki Sugawara, Yuki Fujii, Yasuhiro Koide, Daiki Terada, Naoya Iimura, Toshiyuki Fujiwara, Keisuke G. Takahashi, Nobuhiko Kojima, Sultana Rajia, Sarkar M. A. Kawsar, Robert A. Kanaly, Hideho Uchiyama, Masahiro Hosono, Yukiko Ogawa, Hideaki Fujita, Jiharu Hamako, Taei Matsui, Yasuhiro Ozeki
    MARINE DRUGS 13(12) 7377-7389 2015年12月  査読有り
    MytiLec; a novel lectin isolated from the Mediterranean mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis); shows strong binding affinity to globotriose (Gb3: Gal1-4Gal1-4Glc). MytiLec revealed -trefoil folding as also found in the ricin B-subunit type (R-type) lectin family, although the amino acid sequences were quite different. Classification of R-type lectin family members therefore needs to be based on conformation as well as on primary structure. MytiLec specifically killed Burkitt's lymphoma Ramos cells, which express Gb3. Fluorescein-labeling assay revealed that MytiLec was incorporated inside the cells. MytiLec treatment of Ramos cells resulted in activation of both classical MAPK/ extracellular signal-regulated kinase and extracellular signal-regulated kinase (MEK-ERK) and stress-activated (p38 kinase and JNK) Mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK) pathways. In the cells, MytiLec treatment triggered expression of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)- (a ligand of death receptor-dependent apoptosis) and activation of mitochondria-controlling caspase-9 (initiator caspase) and caspase-3 (activator caspase). Experiments using the specific MEK inhibitor U0126 showed that MytiLec-induced phosphorylation of the MEK-ERK pathway up-regulated expression of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21, leading to cell cycle arrest and TNF- production. Activation of caspase-3 by MytiLec appeared to be regulated by multiple different pathways. Our findings, taken together, indicate that the novel R-type lectin MytiLec initiates programmed cell death of Burkitt's lymphoma cells through multiple pathways (MAPK cascade, death receptor signaling; caspase activation) based on interaction of the lectin with Gb3-containing glycosphingolipid-enriched microdomains on the cell surface.
  • Imtiaj Hasan, Miharu Watanabe, Naoto Ishizaki, Yoshiko Sugita-Konishi, Yasushi Kawakami, Jun Suzuki, Chikaku Dogasaki, Sultana Rajia, Sarkar M. A. Kawsar, Yasuhiro Koide, Robert A. Kanaly, Shigeki Sugawara, Masahiro Hosono, Yukiko Ogawa, Yuki Fujii, Hideyuki Iriko, Jiharu Hamako, Taei Matsui, Yasuhiro Ozeki
    MOLECULES 19(9) 13990-14003 2014年9月  査読有り
    A specific galactose-binding lectin was shown to inhibit the hemolytic effect of streptolysin O (SLO), an exotoxin produced by Streptococcus pyogenes. Commercially available lectins that recognize N-acetyllactosamine (ECA), T-antigen (PNA), and Tn-antigen (ABA) agglutinated rabbit erythrocytes, but had no effect on SLO-induced hemolysis. In contrast, SLO-induced hemolysis was inhibited by AKL, a lectin purified from sea hare (Aplysia kurodai) eggs that recognizes a-galactoside oligosaccharides. This inhibitory effect was blocked by the co-presence of D-galactose, which binds to AKL. A possible explanation for these findings is that cholesterol-enriched microdomains containing glycosphingolipids in the erythrocyte membrane become occupied by tightly stacked lectin molecules, blocking the interaction between cholesterol and SLO that would otherwise result in penetration of the membrane. Growth of S. pyogenes was inhibited by lectins from a marine invertebrate (AKL) and a mushroom (ABA), but was promoted by a plant lectin (ECA). Both these inhibitory and promoting effects were blocked by co-presence of galactose in the culture medium. Our findings demonstrate the importance of glycans and lectins in regulating mechanisms of toxicity, creation of pores in the target cell membrane, and bacterial growth.
  • Dijkstra JM, Takizawa F, Fischer U, Friedrich M, Soto-Lampe V, Lefèvre C, Lenk M, Karger A, Matsui T, Hashimoto K
    Immunogenetics 66(2) 93-103 2014年2月  査読有り
  • Yuki Fujii, Naoshi Dohmae, Koji Takio, Sarkar M. A. Kawsar, Ryo Matsumoto, Imtiaj Hasan, Yasuhiro Koide, Robert A. Kanaly, Hidetaro Yasumitsu, Yukiko Ogawa, Shigeki Sugawara, Masahiro Hosono, Kazuo Nitta, Jiharu Hamako, Taei Matsui, Yasuhiro Ozeki
    JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 287(53) 44772-44783 2012年12月  査読有り
    A novel lectin structure was found for a 17-kDa alpha-D-galactose-binding lectin (termed "MytiLec") isolated from the Mediterranean mussel, Mytilus galloprovincialis. The complete primary structure of the lectin was determined by Edman degradation and mass spectrometric analysis. MytiLec was found to consist of 149 amino acids with a total molecular mass of 16,812.59 Da by Fourier transform-ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry, in good agreement with the calculated value of 16,823.22 Da. MytiLec had an N terminus of acetylthreonine and a primary structure that was highly novel in comparison with those of all known lectins in the structure database. The polypeptide structure consisted of three tandem-repeat domains of similar to 50 amino acids each having 45-52% homology with each other. Frontal affinity chromatography technology indicated that MytiLec bound specifically to globotriose (Gb3; Gal alpha 1-4Gal beta 1-4Glc), the epitope of globotriaosylceramide. MytiLec showed a dose-dependent cytotoxic effect on human Burkitt lymphoma Raji cells (which have high surface expression of Gb3) but had no such effect on erythroleukemia K562 cells (which do not express Gb3). The cytotoxic effect of MytiLec was specifically blocked by the co-presence of an alpha-galactoside. MytiLec treatment of Raji cells caused increased binding of anti-annexin V antibody and incorporation of propidium iodide, which are indicators of cell membrane inversion and perforation. MytiLec is the first reported lectin having a primary structure with the highly novel triple tandem-repeat domain and showing transduction of apoptotic signaling against Burkitt lymphoma cells by interaction with a glycosphingolipid-enriched microdomain containing Gb3.
  • Yukiyo Yamamoto-Suzuki, Yoshihiko Sakurai, Yoshihiro Fujimura, Masanori Matsumoto, Jiharu Hamako, Tetsuro Kokubo, Hitoshi Kitagawa, Sarkar M. A. Kawsar, Yuki Fujii, Yasuhiro Ozeki, Fumio Matsushita, Taei Matsui
    BIOCHEMISTRY 51(26) 5329-5338 2012年7月  査読有り
    Botrocetin is a heterodimer snake venom protein that induces von Willebrand factor (VWF)- and platelet glycoprotein Ib (GPIb)-dependent platelet agglutination in vitro. We have cloned cDNAs for a botrocetin-2 from a cDNA library of the venom gland of Bothrops jararaca having a high similarity with botrocetin subunits. Recombinant botrocetin-2, expressed in 293T cells, showed cofactor activity comparable to natural botrocetin. In a single subunit expression experiment, a dimer of the beta subunit was obtained, and it showed reduced, but apparent, platelet agglutination activity. Ala scanning mutagenesis showed that substitutions at Asp62, Asp70, Arg115, or Lys117 in the beta subunit reduced platelet agglutination activity. The 3D homology modeling of botrocetin-2 complexed with the VWF Al domain and GPIb alpha indicated that Asp62, Arg115, and Lys117 of the beta subunit are located near Arg218 and Asp222 of GPIb alpha, respectively, and that Asp beta 70 is in proximity to Gln1391 of the Al domain. Our results indicate that these charged amino acid residues in the beta subunit have a preferential role in the activity of botrocetin-2. Since it has been time-consuming and difficult to obtain homogeneous botrocetin from natural venom, recombinant botrocetin-2 has potential benefits for clinical and basic investigations into hemostasis and thrombosis as a standard reagent.
  • Ryo Matsumoto, Yuki Fujii, Sarkar M. A. Kawsar, Robert A. Kanaly, Hidetaro Yasumitsu, Yasuhiro Koide, Imtiaj Hasan, Chihiro Iwahara, Yukiko Ogawa, Chang Hun Im, Shigeki Sugawara, Masahiro Hosono, Kazuo Nitta, Jiharu Hamako, Taei Matsui, Yasuhiro Ozeki
    TOXINS 4(5) 323-338 2012年5月  査読有り
    A divalent cation-independent lectin-HOL-18, with cytotoxic activity against leukemia cells, was purified from a demosponge, Halichondria okadai. HOL-18 is a 72 kDa tetrameric lectin that consists of four non-covalently bonded 18 kDa subunits. Hemagglutination activity of the lectin was strongly inhibited by chitotriose (GlcNAc beta 1-4GlcNAc beta 1-4GlcNAc), fetuin and mucins from porcine stomach and bovine submaxillary gland. Lectin activity was stable at pH 4-12 and temperatures lower than 60 degrees C. Frontal affinity chromatography with 16 types of pyridylaminated oligosaccharides indicated that the lectin had an affinity for N-linked complex-type and sphingolipid-type oligosaccharides with N-acetylated hexosamines and neuramic acid at the non-reducing termini. The lectin killed Jurkat leukemia T cells and K562 erythroleukemia cells in a dose- and carbohydrate-dependent manner.
  • Sarkar M. A. Kawsar, Ryo Matsumoto, Yuki Fujii, Haruki Matsuoka, Naoko Masuda, Iwahara Chihiro, Hidetaro Yasumitsu, Robert A. Kanaly, Shigeki Sugawara, Masahiro Hosono, Kazuo Nitta, Naoto Ishizaki, Chikaku Dogasaki, Jiharu Hamako, Taei Matsui, Yasuhiro Ozeki
    PROTEIN JOURNAL 30(7) 509-519 2011年10月  査読有り
    A divalent cation-independent 16 kDa d-galactose binding lectin (AKL-2) was isolated from eggs of sea hare, Aplysia kurodai. The lectin recognized d-galactose and d-galacturonic acid and had a 32 kDa dimer consisting of two disulfide-bonded 16 kDa subunits. Eighteen N-terminus amino acids were identified by Edman degradation, having unique primary structure. Lectin blotting analysis with horseradish peroxidase-conjugated lectins has shown that AKL-2 was a glycoprotein with complex type oligosaccharides with N-acetyl d-glucosamine and mannose at non-reducing terminal. Two protein bands with 38 and 36 kDa in the crude extract of sea hare eggs after purification of the lectin was isolated by AKL-2-conjugated Sepharose column and elution with 0.1 M lactose containing buffer. It suggested that the lectin binds with an endogenous ligand in the eggs. AKL-2 kept extreme stability on haemagglutination activity if it was treated at pH 3 and 70 A degrees C for 1 h. Glycan binding profile of AKL-2 by frontal affinity chromatography technology using 15 pyridylamine labeled oligosaccharides has been appeared that the lectin uniquely recognized globotriose (Gal alpha 1-4Gal beta 1-4Glc; Gb3) in addition to bi-antennary complex type N-linked oligosaccharides with N-acetyllactosamine. Surface plasmon resonance analysis of AKL-2 against a neo-glycoprotein, Gb3-human serum albumin showed the k (ass) and k (diss) values are 2.4 x 10(3) M(-1) s(-1) and 3.8 x 10(-3) s(-1), respectively. AKL-2 appeared cytotoxicity against both Burkitt&apos;s lymphoma Raji cell and erythroleukemia K562. The activity to Raji by the lectin was preferably cancelled by the co-presence of melibiose mimicing Gb3. On the other hand, K562 was cancelled effectively by lactose than melibiose. It elucidated that AKL-2 had cytotoxic ability mediated glycans structure to cultured cells.
  • Hidehiko Akiyama, Masahiro Endo, Taei Matsui, Itsurou Katsuda, Nobuhiko Emi, Yasuko Kawamoto, Takaaki Koike, Hidehiko Beppu
    Background: Agaricus blazei Murrill (ABM) has been shown to exhibit immunostimulatory and anti-cancer activities; however, its mechanism of action is poorly understood. We recently found that the diffusible fraction of hot-water extract of ABM exhibits anti-tumor activity toward leukemic cells, and identified it as agaritine, a hydrazine-containing compound. In the present study, we examined the morphological and cytochemical effects of agaritine on U937 cells to elucidate the tumoricidal mechanism of agaritine. Methods: Surface expression of phosphatidylserine (evaluated by annexin V binding), Fas antigen, DNA cleavage using TUNEL staining, changes in caspase activities and cytochrome c release, before and after treatment with agaritine, were examined using U937 cells. Results: Nuclear damage, DNA fragmentation, was observed by Wright-Giemsa. TUNEL staining and agarose gel electrophoresis when U937 cells were incubated with 10 mu g/mL of agaritine for 48 h. Flow cytometric analysis indicated that agaritine augments the proportion of annexin V-positive U937 cells without significant change in Fas antigen expression. Activities of caspase-3, -8 and -9 were gradually increased after the addition of agaritine. In the presence of caspase-3 or granzyme B inhibitor, except for the caspase-8 inhibitor, annexin V expression was significantly decreased, suggesting that mainly caspase-3 and -9 participate in the apoptotic pathway. Furthermore, cytochrome c release was detected by western blotting analysis after agaritine treatment. Conclusions: These results strongly suggest that the ABM constituent agaritine moderately induces apoptosis in U937 leukemic cells via caspase activation through cytochrome c release from mitochondria. General significance: This is the first report suggesting that the anti-tumor effect of agaritine is mediated through apoptosis. The present results might provide helpful suggestions for the design of anti-tumor drugs toward leukemia patients. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Akiyama H, Endo M, Matsui T, Katsuda I, Emi N, Kawamoto Y, Koike T, Beppu H
    Biochimica et biophysica acta 1810(5) 519-525 2011年5月  査読有り
  • Ryo Matsumoto, Tomoko F. Shibata, Hisanori Kohtsuka, Mamoru Sekifuji, Natsuko Sugii, Hiroaki Nakajima, Noriaki Kojima, Yuki Fujii, Sarkar M. A. Kawsar, Hidetaro Yasumitsu, Jiharu Hamako, Taei Matsui, Yasuhiro Ozeki
    A lectin - designated OXYL for the purposes of this study that strongly recognizes complex-type oligosaccharides of serum glycoproteins - was purified from a crinoid, the feather star Oxycomanthus japonicus, the most basal group among extant echinoderms. OXYL was purified through a combination of anion-exchange and affinity chromatography using Q-sepharose and fetuin-sepharose gel, respectively. Lectin was determined to be a 14-kDa polypeptide by sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under reducing conditions. However, 14-kDa and 28-kDa bands appeared in the same proportion under non-reducing conditions. Gel permeation chromatography showed a 54-kDa peak, suggesting that lectin consists of four 14-kDa subunits. Divalent cations were not indicated, and stable haemagglutination activity was demonstrated at pH 4-12 and temperatures below 60 degrees C. Surface plasmon resonance analysis of OXYL against fetuin showed k(ass), and k(diss) values of 1.4 x 10(-6) M(-1) s(-1) and 3.1 x 10(-3) s(-1), respectively, indicating that it has a strong binding affinity to the glycoprotein as lectin. Frontal affinity chromatography using 25 types of prydylamine-conjugated glycans indicated that OXYL specifically recognizes multi-antennary complex-type oligosaccharides containing type-2 N-acetyllactosamines (Gal beta 1-4GlcNAc) if alpha 2-3-linked sialic acid is linked at the non-reducing terminal. However, type-1 N-acetyllactosamine (Gal beta 1-3GlcNAc) chains and alpha 2-6-linked sialic acids were never recognized by OXYL This profiling study showed that OXYL essentially recognizes beta 1-4-linkage at C-1 position and free OH group at C-6 position of Gal in addition to the conservation of N-acetyl groups at C-2 position and free OH groups at C-3 position of GlcNAc in N-acetyllactosamine. This is the first report on glycornics on a lectin purified from an echinoderm belonging to the subphylum Pelmatozoa. (c) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Yuki Fujii, Sarkar M. A. Kawsar, Ryo Matsumoto, Hidetaro Yasumitsu, Naoto Ishizaki, Chikaku Dogasaki, Masahiro Hosono, Kazuo Nitta, Jiharu Hamako, Matsui Taei, Yasuhiro Ozeki
    A divalent, cation-independent D-galactose-binding lectin was purified from coronate moon turban Turbo (Lunen) coreensis. This lectin recognizes D-galactose and is a 38-kDa dimeric protein consisting disulphide-bonded 22-kDa polypeptides under non-reducing and reducing conditions of sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, respectively. Haemagglutination activity was inhibited by D-galactose, N-acetyl D-galactosamine, melibiose, lactose, porcine stomach mucin, asialofetuin and bovine submaxillary mucin. The lectin has tolerance for pH 5-11 and temperature until 50 degrees C for 1 h. The lectin strongly aggregated Gram-negative bacteria, such as Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Salmonella 07, but weakly Gram-positive strain as Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus subtilis. The glycan-binding profile of this lectin was evaluated using frontal affinity chromatography technology and the lectin appeared to recognize oligosaccharides such as lacto-series glycosphingolipids contained in blood type A and H substances in addition to complex-type N-linked glycoproteins. Partial primary structures of 139 amino acid residues of this lectin were determined from N-terminus polypeptides and 8 peptides derived by cleavage with lysyl-endopeptidase. The primary structure was slightly similar to other known sequences of lectin: however, a repeating motif has been included. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Hisahide Hiura, Taei Matsui, Masanori Matsumoto, Yuji Hori, Ayami Isonishi, Seiji Kato, Takaaki Iwamoto, Toshio Mori, Yoshihiro Fujimura
    JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY 148(4) 403-411 2010年10月  査読有り
    ADAMTS13 is a metalloproteinase that specifically cleaves unusually large von Willbrand factor multimers under high-shear stress. Deficiency of ADAMTS13 activity induces a life-threatening generalized disease, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. We established a simple and efficient method to purify plasma ADAMTS13 (pADAMTS13) from cryosupernatant using an anti-ADAMTS13 monoclonal antibody (A10) that recognizes a conformational epitope within the disintegrin-like domain. Using the purified pADAMTS13, the amino acid residues involved in cleavage by thrombin, plasmin and leucocyte elastase were determined, and the carbohydrate moieties of this enzyme was analysed by lectin blots. Purified pADAMTS13 had a specific activity of 300 U/mg (25,057-fold purification) and the pI was 5.1-5.5. Cleavage sites of the purified pADAMTS13 by three proteases were identified; thrombin cleaved the four peptidyl bonds between Arg257-Ala258, Arg459-Ser460, Arg888-Thr889 and Arg1176-Arg1177, plasmin cleaved the three peptidyl bonds between Arg257-Ala258, Arg888-Thr889 and Arg1176-Arg1177, and elastase cleaved the two peptidyl bonds between Ile380-Ala381 and Thr874-Ser875. Lectin blot analysis indicated the presence of non-reducing terminal alpha 2-6 and alpha 2-3-linked sialic acid residues with penultimate beta-galactose residues on the N- and O-linked sugar chains of pADAMTS13, suggesting that pADAMTS13 is cleared from the circulation via the hepatic asialoglycoprotein receptor like other plasma glycoproteins.
  • Masahiro Endo, Hidehiko Beppu, Hidehiko Akiyama, Kazumasa Wakamatsu, Shosuke Ito, Yasuko Kawamoto, Kan Shimpo, Toshimitu Sumiya, Takaaki Koike, Taei Matsui
    Background: Mushrooms of the genus Agaricus are a common folk remedy against carcinoma. The active ingredients, polysaccharides and protein-polysaccharide complexes containing beta-glucan, have been isolated and shown to have indirect tumor-suppressing activity via an immunological activation. Methods: The diffusible fraction of a hot-water extract of Agaricus blazei Murrill (ABM) powder was fractionated by HPLC based on the anti-tumor activity against leukemic cells in vitro. The structure of the anti-tumor substance was determined by NMR and MS analyses. Results: We purified a tumorcidal substance from the diffusible fraction of ABM and identified it as agaritine, beta-N-(gamma-L(+)-glutamyl)-4-(hydroxymethyl) phenylhydrazine, having a molecular mass of 267 Da. This compound inhibited the proliferation of leukemic cell lines such as U937, MOLT4, HL60 and K562 with IC(50) values of 2.7, 9.4, 13.0, and 16.0 mu g/mL, respectively, but showed no significant effect on normal lymphatic cells at concentrations up to 40 mu g/mL. Although agaritine has been suspected of having genotoxic or carcinogenic properties, agaritine did not activate the umu gene of Salmonella, which reacts to carcinogens. General significance: The results indicate that agaritine from ABM has direct anti-tumor activity against leukemic tumor cells in vitro. This is in contrast to the carcinogenic activity previously ascribed to this compound. Our results also show that this activity is distinct from that of beta-glucan, which indirectly suppresses proliferation of tumor cells. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Endo M, Beppu H, Akiyama H, Wakamatsu K, Ito S, Kawamoto Y, Shimpo K, Sumiya T, Koike T, Matsui T
    Biochimica et biophysica acta 1800(7) 669-673 2010年7月  査読有り
  • Taei Matsui, Jiharu Hamako, Koiti Titani
    TOXINS 2(1) 10-23 2010年1月  査読有り
    Many snake venom proteins have been isolated that affect platelet plug formation by interacting either with platelet integrins, membrane glycoprotein Ib (GPIb), or plasma von Willebrand factor (VWF). Among them, disintegrins purified from various snake venoms are strong inhibitors of platelet aggregation. Botrocetin and bitiscetin derived from Bothrops jararaca and Bitis arietans venom, respectively, induce VWF-dependent platelet agglutination in vitro. Several GPIb-binding proteins have also been isolated from snake venoms. In this review, we focus on the structure and function of those snake venom proteins that influence platelet plug formation. These proteins are potentially useful as reagents for the sub-diagnosis of platelet disorder or von Willebrand disease, as well as for clinical and basic research of thrombosis and hemostasis.
  • S. M. A. Kawsar, R. Matsumoto, Y. Fujii, H. Yasumitsu, C. Dogasaki, M. Hosono, K. Nitta, J. Hamako, T. Matsui, N. Kojima, Y. Ozeki
    BIOCHEMISTRY-MOSCOW 74(7) 709-716 2009年7月  査読有り
    A lectin was purified from Japanese sea hare Aplysia kurodai by lactosyl-agarose affinity chromatography. The molecular mass of the lectin was determined to be 56 and 32 kDa by SDS-PAGE under non-reducing and reducing conditions, respectively. It was found to agglutinate trypsinized and glutaraldehyde-fixed rabbit and human erythrocytes in the absence of divalent cations. The lectin exhibited stable thermo-tolerance as it retained hemagglutinating activity for 1 h even at 80A degrees C and showed stability at pH 10. By contrast, it was very sensitive at pH less than 5 and in the presence of the sulfhydryl-group preserving reagent, beta-mercaptoethanol. The hemagglutinating activity by the lectin was specifically inhibited by D-galactose, galacturonic acid, methyl-alpha- and methyl-beta-D-galactopyranoside, lactose, melibiose, and asialofetuin. The association rate constant (k (ass)) and dissociation rate constant (k (diss)) were determined for the lectin to be 4.3 center dot 10(5) M-1 center dot sec(-1) and 2.2 center dot 10(-3) sec(-1), respectively, using a surface plasmon resonance biosensor. The lectin moderately inhibited cell proliferation in the P388 cell line dose dependently. Interestingly, lectin-treated cells did not show a fragmented DNA ladder as is caused by apoptosis, suggesting that the cell proliferation inhibition was caused by another unknown mechanism.
  • Kawsar SM, Matsumoto R, Fujii Y, Yasumitsu H, Uchiyama H, Hosono M, Nitta K, Hamako J, Matsui T, Kojima N, Ozeki Y
    Protein and peptide letter 16(6) 677-684 2009年6月  査読有り
  • Sarkar M. A. Kawsar, Ryo Matsumoto, Yuki Fujii, Hidetaro Yasumitsu, Hideho Uchiyama, Masahiro Hosono, Kazuo Nitta, Jiharu Hamako, Taei Matsui, Noriaki Kojima, Yasuhiro Ozeki
    PROTEIN AND PEPTIDE LETTERS 16(6) 677-684 2009年6月  査読有り
    The glycan-binding profile of a beta-galactoside-binding 15 kDa lectin (Galectin-1) purified from the oocytes of the American bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana, was studied using 61 pyridyl-aminated oligosaccharides by frontal affinity chromatography. Human blood type-A-hexasaccharide (GalNAc alpha 1-3(Fuc alpha 1-2)Gal beta 1-4GlcNAc beta 1-4Gal beta 1-4Glc) was found to exhibit the strongest ligand binding to the galectin while Forssman antigen (GalNAc alpha 1-3GalNAc beta 1-3Gal alpha 1-4Gal beta 1-4Glc) and type-A-tetrasaccharide (GalNAc alpha 1-3(Fuc alpha 1-2)Gal beta 1-4GlcNAc beta 1-4Glc) were also extensively recognized. The kinetics of affinity of galectin-1 to type-A oligosaccharide was analysed by surface plasmon resonance using neoglycoprotein with type-A oligosaccharides. R. catesbeiana oocyte galectin adhered to human rhabdomyosarcoma cells dose dependently and the activity was specifically cancelled by the neoglycoprotein. It was concluded that galectin-1 from R. catesbeiana oocytes possesses different and rare glycan-binding properties from typical members in galectin family.
  • Sarkar M. A. Kawsar, Yuki Fujii, Ryo Matsumoto, Takayuki Ichikawa, Hiroaki Tateno, Jun Hirabayashi, Hidetaro Yasumitsu, Chikaku Dogasaki, Masahiro Hosono, Kazuo Nitta, Jiharu Hamako, Taei Matsui, Yasuhiro Ozeki
  • 西野正人, 松井太衛, 松下 正, 松本雅則, 毛利 博, 藤村吉博
    日本血栓止血学会誌 19(2) 311-318 2008年4月  査読有り
  • 日比将人, 奥村尚威, 加藤充純, 西田純久, 冨重博一, 原 普二夫, 橋本 俊, 棚橋義直, 杉岡 篤, 松井太衛
    日本小児外科学会誌 44(2) 118-123 2008年2月  査読有り
    【目的】肝疾患の病態進行に伴う血小板減少の原因は未だ不明な部分も多い.血小板減少時におけるADAMTS-13の関与を明らかにすることを目的とした.【対象と方法】2004年6月〜2006年8月までに当院で生体肝移植術を施行した15歳以下の小児14例(男児8例,女児6例)を対象とした.周術期の血小板数,ADAMTS-13活性及びvon Willebrand因子活性を測定し,様々な因子との因果関係を検討した.【結果】生体肝移植後の血小板数は,術後2日目に最低値をとり,術後2週間までに術前値に回復した.術後2日目の血小板数と有意な相関がみられたのは,術前因子では,患者年齢,血小板数,PELDスコア,術中因子ではGRWRであった.血小板数回復率(術後7日/術後2日血小板数)は平均1.27±0.47であり,血液型不適合の3症例は全例が1未満であった.ADAMTS-13活性は7例で測定したが,術前と比べ術後7日目に有意な低下がみられた(123.38±65.81% vs.71.84±23.66%).術後7日目のADAMTS-13活性はプロトロンビン時間と有意に正の相関を示した.血小板数回復率1以上の症例は,1未満の症例と比べ術後7日目のADAMTS-13活性が有意に高かった(93.87±17.94% vs. 55.33±7.50%).血小板数回復率1未満の症例におけるADAMTS-13活性は, vWF活性と負の相関を示し,血小板数とは正の相関を示した.【結論】ADAMTS-13活性は肝移植前には肝疾患の進行度を,肝移植後にはグラフト機能を反映すると思われる.肝移植後のADAMTS-13活性の低下は血小板減少をきたしうる.
  • Ozaki S, Beppu H, Sonoda S, Okazaki H, Mizutani K, Itani Y, Hayashi N, Okamotos S, Matsui T
    Rinsho byori. The Japanese journal of clinical pathology 55(6) 522-527 2007年6月  査読有り
  • 尾崎清香, 別府秀彦, 園田 茂, 岡崎英人, 水谷謙明, 井谷功典, 林 宣宏, 岡本さやか, 松井太衛
    臨床病理 55(6) 522-527 2007年6月  査読有り
  • 古池隆明, 古川 博, 高崎昭彦, 松井太衛, 大島久二
    生物試料分析 30(4) 334-339 2007年4月  査読有り
  • Jiharu Hamako, Yukiyo Suzuki, Nobuhiro Hayashi, Mina Kimura, Yasuhiro Ozeki, Keiichiro Hashimoto, Taei Matsui
    Galactoside-binding lectin was purified from the snake venom of Crotalus ruber by affinity chromatography on a lactose-agarose column, and the complete amino acid sequence was determined. The C. ruber venom lectin (CRL) showed a single band of 28 kDa by SDS-polyacrylamide electrophoresis under non-reducing conditions, but it showed a single band of 15 kDa under reducing conditions, indicating that CRL is a disulfide-linked homodimer of 15 kDa subunit. CRL specifically recognized beta-galactosides such as thiodigalactoside followed by Nacetylgalactosamine when examined with their inhibitory effects on CPL-induced hemagglutination. A CRL subunit was composed of 135 residues containing nine Cys residues and showed a high similarity to other C-type galactoside-binding lectins from snake venoms. C. atrox lectin (CAL) showed almost the same sequence except for eight amino acid residues. Neither CRL nor CAL induced platelet aggregation by itself or inhibited platelet aggregation mediated by von Willebrand factor or fibrinogen with agonists. CRL showed a similar oligomeric form and the sugar specificity as CAL, but it showed different divalent cation sensitivity such as Mn2+ and Ni2+. Homology modeling suggested that the amino acid substitution found in CRL does not affect sugar recognition of the lectin but might alter the conformation and influence the sugar binding pocket induced by the metal-ion binding. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • 別府秀彦, 尾崎清香, 岡本さやか, 岡崎英人, 林 宣宏, 松井太衛, 井谷功典, 園田 茂
    生物試料分析 29(4) 379-388 2006年4月  査読有り
  • T Matsui, H Hamako
    TOXICON 45(8) 1075-1087 2005年6月  査読有り
    Hemostatic plug formation is a complex event mediated by platelets, subendothelial matrices and von Willebrand factor (VWF) at the vascular injury. Snake venom proteins have an excellent potency to regulate the interaction between VWF and platelet membrane receptors in vitro. Two protein families, C-type lectin-like proteins and Zn2+-metalloproteinases, have been found to affect platelet-VWF interaction. Botrocetin and bitiscetin from viper venom are disulfide-linked heterodimers with C-type lectin-like motif, and modulate VWF to elicit platelet glycoprotein Ib (GPIb)-binding activity via the A1 domain of VWF leading to the platelet agglutination. The crystal structures of botrocetin and bitiscetin together with complex from the VWF A1 domain indicate the following: (1) a central concave domain formed by two subunits of botrocetin or bitiscetin provides the binding site for VWF, (2) these modulators directly bind to the A I domain of VWF in close proximity to the GPIb binding site, (3) both modulators induce no significant conformational change on the GPIb-binding site of the A1 domain but could provide a supplemental platform fitting for GPIb. These results suggest that the modulating mechanisms of these venoms are different from those performed by either antibiotic ristocetin in vitro or extremely high shear stress in vivo. Other modulator toxins include kaouthiagin and jararhagin, chimeric proteins composed of metalloproteinase, disintegrin-like and Cys-rich domains. These toxins cleave VWF and reduce its platelet agglutinating or collagen-binding activity. Kaouthiagin from cobra venom specifically cleaves between Pro708 and Asp709 in the C-terminal VWF A1 domain resulting in the decrease of the multimer structure of VWF. Recently a plasma proteinase, which specifically cleaves VWF into a smaller multimer, has been elucidated to be a reprolysin-like metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motif family (ADAMTS). This endogenous metalloproteinase (ADAMTS-13) specifically cleaves between Tyr842 and Met843 in the A2 domain of VWF regulating its physiological hemostatic These VWF-binding snake venom proteins are suitable probes for basic research on platelet plug formation mediated by VWF, for subsidiary diagnostic use for von Willebrand disease or platelet disorder, and might be potently applicable to the regulation of VWF in thrombosis and hemostasis. Structural information of these venom proteins together with recombinant technology might strongly promote the construction of a new antihemostatic drug in the near future. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • N Maita, K Nishio, E Nishimoto, T Matsui, Y Shikamoto, T Morita, JE Sadler, H Mizuno
    JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 278(39) 37777-37781 2003年9月  査読有り
    Bitiscetin, a platelet adhesion inducer isolated from venom of the snake Bitis arietans, activates the binding of the von Willebrand factor (VWF) A1 domain to glycoprotein Ib (GPIb) in vitro. This activation requires the formation of a bitiscetin-VWF A1 complex, suggesting an allosteric mechanism of action. Here, we report the crystal structure of bitiscetin-VWF A1 domain complex solved at 2.85 Angstrom. In the complex structure, helix alpha5 of VWF A1 domain lies on a concave depression on bitiscetin, and binding sites are located at both ends of the depression. The binding sites correspond well with those proposed previously based on alanine-scanning mutagenesis (Matsui, T., Hamako, J., Matsushita, T., Nakayama, T., Fujimura, Y., and Titani, K. (2002) Biochemistry 41, 7939-7946). Against our expectations, the structure of the VWF A1 domain bound to bitiscetin does not differ significantly from the structure of the free A1 domain. These results are similar to the case of botrocetin, another snake-derived inducer of platelet aggregation, although the binding modes of botrocetin and bitiscetin are different. The modeled structure of the ternary bitiscetin-VWF A1-GPIb complex suggests that an electropositive surface of bitiscetin may interact with a favorably positioned anionic region of GPIb. These results suggest that snake venom proteins induce VWF A1-GPIbalpha binding by interacting with both proteins, and not by causing conformational changes in VWF A1.












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