Curriculum Vitaes
Profile Information
- Affiliation
- School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Fujita Health University
- Degree
- Medical Doctor(PhD)(Fujita Health University)
- 200901098907149070
- researchmap Member ID
- 1000289397
Research Areas
3Research History
Apr, 2004 - Mar, 2015
Oct, 1998 - Mar, 2004
Sep, 1996 - Aug, 1998
Apr, 1988 - Mar, 1992
Apr, 1980 - Mar, 1986
Committee Memberships
Apr, 2020 - Present
Apr, 2018 - Present
May, 2006 - Present
May, 2003 - Present
Journal of infection and chemotherapy : official journal of the Japan Society of Chemotherapy, Aug 14, 2024OBJECTIVE: This multicenter study aimed to analyze the risk factors for fluoroquinolone (FQ) resistance and to clarify the clinical characteristics of acute bacterial prostatitis (ABP) in Japan. METHODS: A total of 124 patients clinically diagnosed with ABP at 13 medical institutions participating in the Japanese Research Group for Urinary Tract Infection between January and December 2017 were retrospectively reviewed. RESULTS: Of the 124 patients included in this study, 37 were outpatients, and 87 were inpatients. The main underlying medical conditions before the onset of ABP were severe dysuria, urinary retention, transurethral manipulation, indwelling urinary catheter, and transrectal prostate biopsy (TRBx). The main symptoms were fever (≥37.5 °C), prostate tenderness, dysuria, micturition pain, urinary retention, and macrohematuria. Bacteremia was observed in 14 patients. Prostatic abscess was observed in three patients. Escherichia coli was the predominant organism, accounting for 48 % (51/106). FQ-resistant E. coli was detected in 33 % (17/51), and extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing E. coli in 12 % (6/51). TRBx (odds ratio [OR] = 48.60, 95 % confidence interval [CI]: 5.49-430.00, p < 0.001) and inpatient status (OR = 29.00, 95 % CI: 1.95-430.00, p = 0.014) were risk factors for the detection of FQ-resistant bacteria. CONCLUSIONS: The detection rate of FQ-resistant bacteria was significantly higher with TRBx ABP and inpatient status. These findings have important implications for the management of ABP and antimicrobial treatment, especially for TRBx ABP, which should be considered a separate category.
International journal of urology : official journal of the Japanese Urological Association, 28(12) 1198-1211, Sep 3, 2021The Committee for the Development of Guidelines for Infection Control in the Urological Field, including Urinary Tract Management of the Japanese Urological Association, together with its systematic review team and external reviewers, have prepared a set of practice guidelines, an abridged version of which is published herein. These guidelines cover the following topics: (i) foundations of infection control, standard precautions, route-specific precautions, and occupational infection control (including vaccines); (ii) the relationship between urologists and infection control; (iii) infection control in urological wards and outpatient clinics; (iv) response to hepatitis B virus reactivation; (v) infection control in urological procedures and examinations; (vi) prevention of infections occurring in conjunction with medical procedures and examinations; (vii) responses to urinary tract tuberculosis and bacillus Calmette-Guérin; (viii) aseptic handling, cleaning, disinfection, and sterilization of urinary tract endoscopes (principles of endoscope manipulation, endoscope lumen cleaning, and disinfection); (ix) infection control in the operating room (principles of hand washing, preoperative rubbing methods, etc.); (x) prevention of needlestick and blood/bodily fluid exposure and response to accidental exposure; (xi) urinary catheter-associated urinary tract infection and purple urinary bag syndrome; and (xii) urinary catheter-associated urinary tract infections in conjunction with home care. In addressing these topics, the relevant medical literature was searched to the extent possible, and content was prepared for the purpose of providing useful information for clinical practice.
Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy, 27(8) 1169-1180, Aug, 2021 Peer-reviewedCorresponding authorINTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to monitor the development of drug-resistant bacteria isolated from acute uncomplicated cystitis (AUC) and to evaluate methodology of the survey conducted by collecting only clinical data. METHODS: We enrolled female patients at least 16 years of age diagnosed with AUC in 2018. Patient information including age, menopausal status, and results of bacteriological examination were collected and analyzed regardless of bacterial identification, antimicrobial susceptibility testing or extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL) detection method. RESULTS: A total of 847 eligible cases were collected. Escherichia coli (E. coli) was the most frequently isolated bacterial species at about 70%, with proportions of fluoroquinolone-resistant E. coli (QREC) and ESBL-producing E. coli isolates at 15.6% and 9.5% of all E. coli isolates, respectively. The proportion of Staphylococcus saprophyticus (S. saprophyticus) was significantly higher in premenopausal women. Regarding the drug susceptibility of E. coli, isolates from Eastern Japan had significantly higher susceptibility to cefazolin, cefotiam and cefpodoxime and lower susceptibility to levofloxacin in postmenopausal women. ESBL-producing E. coli isolates had a high susceptibility to tazobactam-piperacillin, cefmetazole, carbapenems, aminoglycosides, and fosfomycin. In S. saprophyticus, the susceptibility to β-lactams including carbapenems was 40-60%. CONCLUSIONS: The proportions of QREC and ESBL-producing E. coli were increasing trends and lower susceptibility to LVFX in postmenopausal women was observed. Such surveillance, consisting of the collecting only clinical data, could be conducted easily and inexpensively. It is expected to be continuously performed as an alternative survey to conventional one collecting bacterial strains.
Skin Surgery, 28(3) 163-171, Oct, 2019医療機器や環境を介した多剤耐性菌による医療施設関連感染事例が国内外で問題となっている。本稿では、医療器材を中心に病院環境から手指消毒までさまざまな洗浄・消毒・滅菌法と感染対策につき述べる。洗浄は手指衛生に始まり、血液・体液が付着している場合の一次洗浄や酵素洗浄剤を用いた蛋白除去などがある。消毒には煮沸による物理的消毒と消毒薬による化学的消毒がある。消毒薬はその除菌レベルにより高水準、中水準、低水準に分類される。滅菌には高圧蒸気滅菌による物理的滅菌と酸化エチレンガス滅菌や過酸化水素プラズマ滅菌による化学的滅菌がある。それぞれの器材に関する処理方法はスポルティング分類により明確に区分されている。(著者抄録)
日本泌尿器科学会総会, 107回 PP1-028, Apr, 2019
日本環境感染学会総会プログラム・抄録集, 34回 [パネル-3], Feb, 2019
日本逆流性腎症フォーラム記録集, 26回 47-49, Jan, 2019ラット腎瘢痕モデルを作製して腎瘢痕形成に関わる網羅的遺伝子解析を行い、発現の持続亢進が認められたNGAL(Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin)に着目し、VUR児における腎瘢痕バイオマーカーとしての有用性について検討した。検討方法は、VUR児群(34例)と正常児群(28例)とで尿中NGAL値を比較した。また、VUR児群のみを対象とし、腎瘢痕の有無と尿中NGAL値との関連性について他のマーカー(血清クレアチニン、尿中BMG、尿中NAG)と比較した。結果、正常児群に比べてVUR児群は尿中NAGLが有意に高値であった。腎瘢痕の有無との関連では、尿中NGALは他のマーカーに比べて特異度が高かった。
別冊Bio Clinica: 慢性炎症と疾患, 7(4) 64-68, Dec, 2018尿路結核とは腎臓、尿管、膀胱で発症する結核症の総称である。肺結核の先行感染後に結核菌が血行性に腎実質へ移行し、乾酪肉芽を形成し、腎結核となる。腎内で組織破壊が進み、結核菌が尿路に播種することで尿管、膀胱結核となる。発症頻度は2017年全結核登録患者の0.4%にすぎないが、ここ数年横ばいで推移している。膀胱癌治療中のBCG感染は0.6%に発症する。治療は肺結核の標準的化学療法に準ずるが、一部に外科的治療が必要となる病態も存在する。抗菌薬の無効な尿路感染症で無菌性膿尿が続く場合は本症を疑うべきである。(著者抄録)
日本創傷治癒学会プログラム・抄録集, 48回 93-93, Nov, 2018
日本排尿機能学会誌, 29(1) 170-170, Sep, 2018
日本化学療法学会雑誌, 66(1) 1-81, Jan, 2018
日本逆流性腎症フォーラム記録集, 25回 46-48, Dec, 2017原発性の膀胱尿管逆流(VUR)の治療を施行され、現在20歳以上となった61例のうち、長期フォローアップを行った41例を対象に、患者背景、逆流の程度、腎瘢痕の程度、外科的治療後の腎機能の変化、逆流性腎症発症例および予後を調査した。手術時年齢は平均4.9歳で、術後の平均観察期間は18.7年であった。その結果、1例を除き外科的治療が施行されていた。経過観察中に逆流性腎症を41例中8例(19.5%)に認め、そのうち手術例7例の逆流性腎発症までの術後期間は平均10.7年であった。高度逆流(IV以上)、腎瘢痕(特にdysplasiaを有する場合)、診断または手術時年齢が高い、性差(女性)で高血圧や蛋白尿、CRDが多く認められた。原発性VURの逆流性腎症の発症率は約20%であったが、発症までの期間は長く、長期フォローアップの必要性があると思われた。また、逆流性腎症のリスク因子は高度逆流、腎瘢痕、低形成腎を有する症例、手術(診断)時間、性差と考えられた。
Books and Other Publications
4Professional Memberships
8Research Projects
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 1998 - 2001
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 1998 - 2001
科学研究費助成事業, 日本学術振興会, 1999 - 2000