
saki sakakura

  (坂倉 早紀)

Profile Information

Fujita Health University
Degree of Ph.D. in Medicine(Mar, 2024, Keio University)

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  • Saki Sakakura, Emi Inagaki, Tomoko Sayano, Risa Yamazaki, Noemi Fusaki, Shin Hatou, Masatoshi Hirayama, Kazuo Tsubota, Kazuno Negishi, Hideyuki Okano, Shigeto Shimmura
    Regenerative Therapy, 24 592-601, Dec, 2023  Lead author
  • Saki Sakakura, Emi Inagaki, Yuichiro Ochiai, Masatoshi Yamamoto, Naofumi Takai, Taeko Nagata, Kazunari Higa, Yasunori Sato, Hiroshi Toshida, Dogru Murat, Masatoshi Hirayama, Yoko Ogawa, Kazuno Negishi, Shigeto Shimmura
    International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24(22) 16510-16510, Nov 20, 2023  Lead author
    Tear film instability is a major cause of dry eye disease. In order to treat patients with short tear film breakup time (TBUT)-type dry eye, the development of tear film stabilizing agents is essential. However, the lack of an appropriate animal model of tear film instability has made drug development difficult. Although rabbit dry eye models have been reported in the past, there are only a few reports that focus on tear film instability. Herein, we assessed the tear film stability of a rabbit dry eye model induced by dacryoadenectomy. A clinical evaluation of the ocular surface, interferometry, and histological assessments of the cornea and conjunctiva were performed. Following the removal of the lacrimal glands, TBUT was shortened significantly, with dimple and random breakup patterns prominently observed. Furthermore, the blink rate in this model increased after dacryoadenectomy, suggesting that this model partially captured the phenotypes of human short TBUT-type dry eye and may be useful as an animal model for investigating potential drug candidates.
  • Maho Sato, Hirohisa Kubono, Kazuya Yamashita, Takashi Nagamoto, Yoshiko Ofuji, Saki Sakakura, Ryuki Fukumoto, Seiichiro Hata, Mari Kawamura, Kotaro Suzuki
    BMC Ophthalmology, 22(1), Dec 8, 2022  
    Abstract Background To present a novel case that developed annular choroidal detachment after intravitreal anti-vascular endothelial growth factor antibody injection in a patient after immune checkpoint inhibitor treatment. Case presentation A 58-year-old Japanese man presented visual impairment in the right eye. Ophthalmological examination revealed macular edema in the right eye, which suggested the possibility of age-related macular degeneration. Following the intravitreal aflibercept injection, the annular choroidal detachment was observed in the injected eye. As hypotony or thick sclera was not observed, choroidal detachment seemed to have appeared due to enhanced inflammation by intravitreal injection. The patient had a history of stage IV paranasal cavity cancer and was treated with nivolumab, an immune checkpoint inhibitor. The immune response might have been enhanced due to the use of nivolumab so that intravitreal injection triggered inflammation. Three weeks after sub-tenon injection of triamcinolone acetonide, macular edema and choroidal detachment improved. Conclusions Intravitreal aflibercept injection caused annular choroidal detachment in our patient, presumably because the immune system was activated after nivolumab treatment. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case report of annular choroidal detachment that developed after intravitreal injection in a patient with a history of nivolumab therapy. With the increasing use of immune checkpoint inhibitors in patients with various cancers, clinicians should be aware of these potentially associated immune-related adverse events.
  • 坂倉 早紀, 結城 賢弥, 太田 友香, 村田 栄弥子, 小崎 里華, 小崎 健次郎, 武藤 香織, 沼部 博直, 山縣 然太朗, 坪田 一男
    日本眼科学会雑誌, 126(9) 760-771, Sep, 2022  
    背景:Hallermann-Streiff症候群(HSS)は,特徴的顔貌(短頭,薄い口唇,小さな鼻),歯牙異常,低身長,薄い毛髪,皮膚萎縮,両側小眼球症,先天白内障の7つの特徴的な所見を有する稀少な先天性疾患である.全世界で約200例しか報告がなく,先天白内障,両側小眼球症に加えて,緑内障や水疱性角膜症などの眼合併症を有する成人例の報告は少ない.我々は成人例におけるHSSの眼所見を報告し,主に緑内障の管理について検討した.症例:対象は成人のHSS 4例であり,性別は全例女性,年齢は26~50歳であった.4例中2例で7つの特徴すべてを有していた.矯正視力は30cm指数弁~0.3,眼圧は4~20mmHg,眼軸長は15.47~18.70mm,角膜内皮細胞密度は測定不能~2,492cells/mm2であった.3例5眼に緑内障,2例3眼に水疱性角膜症を認めた.1例の水疱性角膜症に対して全層角膜移植術が施行されており,その後,続発緑内障を発症し,線維柱帯切除術後に眼球ろうを来した.結論:成人のHSSでは,緑内障や水疱性角膜症を発症し視力予後が不良となる可能性が示唆された.HSS患者の緑内障や水疱性角膜症に対する手術治療の術式および時期については,慎重な検討が必要である.(著者抄録)
  • Kazuya Yamashita, Saki Sakakura, Yoshiko Ofuji, Maho Sato, Takashi Nagamoto, Hirohisa Kubono, Mari Kawamura, Kotaro Suzuki
    PLOS ONE, 16(1) e0244614-e0244614, Jan 6, 2021  
    Purpose To assess the preoperative characteristics and surgical outcomes of using micro-incision vitrectomy surgery (MIVS) to treat RRD with posterior vitreous detachment (PVD) in an older and a younger patient group. Methods This retrospective cohort study included 407 eyes from 397 patients with primary RRD with PVD who were consecutively treated in our hospital from February 2016 to February 2020. PVD was diagnosed clinically by the presence of a Weiss ring, or was diagnosed morphologically via optical coherence tomography and subsequently confirmed during surgery. The main outcome measures were preoperative RRD characteristics, best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA), and postoperative complications. Results Data were analysed from 55 eyes in the elderly group (age 70 and older), and 352 eyes in the young group (age 69 and younger). There was no significant inter-group difference in the initial reattachment rate. Preoperative characteristics indicated that elderly patients had a significantly lower rate of phakic eyes, shorter mean axial length, lower lattice incidence, and longer time spans from onset to surgery. There were no significant between-group differences in the incidence of the following complications: fibrin formation, intraocular pressure elevation, epi-retinal membrane on the macula, intraocular lens optic capture, proliferative vitreoretinopathy, and vitreous haemorrhage. While the elderly patients had significant postoperative improvements in BCVA, these improvements were significantly lower than those of the younger patients. Conclusions This study highlighted the characteristics and surgical outcomes of MIVS in elderly patients with RRD. Although the time from onset to surgery was longer, MIVS still can be performed safely to improve older patients’ postoperative BCVA.

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