- 所属
- 藤田医科大学 医学部 名誉教授
- 学位
- 博士(医学)(慶應義塾大学)
- 200901019328012929
- researchmap会員ID
- 1000228177
2024年4月 - 現在
2000年12月 - 2024年3月
2000年4月 - 2000年11月
1985年4月 - 2000年3月
1979年4月 - 1985年3月
Japanese Journal of Comprehensive Rehabilitation Science 15 42-48 2024年10月16日
JMIR formative research 8 e51546 2024年5月29日BACKGROUND: Motor impairments not only lead to a significant reduction in patient activity levels but also trigger a further deterioration in motor function due to deconditioning, which is an issue that is particularly pronounced during hospitalization. This deconditioning can be countered by sustaining appropriate activity levels. Activities that occur outside of scheduled programs, often overlooked, are critical in this context. Wearable technology, such as smart clothing, provides a means to monitor these activities. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to observe activity levels in patients who had strokes during the subacute phase, focusing on both scheduled training sessions and other nontraining times in an inpatient rehabilitation environment. A smart clothing system is used to simultaneously measure heart rate and acceleration, offering insights into both the amount and intensity of the physical activity. METHODS: In this preliminary cohort study, 11 individuals undergoing subacute stroke rehabilitation were enrolled. The 48-hour continuous measurement system, deployed at admission and reassessed 4 weeks later, monitored accelerometry data for physical activity (quantified with a moving SD of acceleration [MSDA]) and heart rate for intensity (quantified with percent heart rate reserve). The measurements were performed using a wearable activity monitoring system, the hitoe (NTT Corporation and Toray Industries, Inc) system comprising a measuring garment (wear or strap) with integrated electrodes, a data transmitter, and a smartphone. The Functional Independence Measure was used to assess the patients' daily activity levels. This study explored factors such as differences in activity during training and nontraining periods, correlations with activities of daily living (ADLs) and age, and changes observed after 4 weeks. RESULTS: A significant increase was found in the daily total MSDA after the 4-week program, with the average percent heart rate reserve remaining consistent. Physical activity during training positively correlated with ADL levels both at admission (ρ=0.86, P<.001) and 4 weeks post admission (ρ=0.96, P<.001), whereas the correlation between age and MSDA was not significant during training periods at admission (ρ=-0.41, P=.21) or 4 weeks post admission (ρ=-0.25, P=.45). Conversely, nontraining activity showed a negative correlation with age, with significant negative correlations with age at admission (ρ=-0.82, P=.002) and 4 weeks post admission (ρ=-0.73, P=.01). CONCLUSIONS: Inpatient rehabilitation activity levels were positively correlated with ADL levels. Further analysis revealed a strong positive correlation between scheduled training activities and ADL levels, whereas nontraining activities showed no such correlation. Instead, a negative correlation between nontraining activities and age was observed. These observations suggest the importance of providing activity opportunities for older patients, while it may also suggest the need for adjusting the activity amount to accommodate the potentially limited fitness levels of this demographic. Future studies with larger patient groups are warranted to validate and further elucidate these findings.
International journal of rehabilitation research. Internationale Zeitschrift fur Rehabilitationsforschung. Revue internationale de recherches de readaptation 2024年4月9日Practicing walking in a safety suspension device allows patients to move freely and without excessive reliance on a therapist, which requires correcting errors and may facilitate motor learning. This opens the possibility that patients with subacute stroke may improve their walking ability more rapidly. Therefore, we tested the hypothesis that overground gait training in a safety suspension device will result in achieving faster supervision-level walking than gait training without the suspension device. Twenty-seven patients with stroke admitted to the rehabilitation ward with functional ambulation categories (FAC) score of 2 at admission were randomly allocated to safety suspension-device group (SS group) or conventional assisted-gait training group (control group). In addition to regular physical therapy, each group underwent additional gait training for 60 min a day, 5 days a week for 4 weeks. We counted the days until reaching a FAC score of 3 and assessed the probability using Cox regression models. The median days required to reach a FAC score of 3 were 7 days for the SS group and 17.5 days for the control group, which was significantly different between the groups (P < 0.05). The SS group had a higher probability of reaching a FAC score of 3 after adjusting for age and admission motor impairment (hazard ratio = 3.61, 95% confidence interval = 1.40-9.33, P < 0.01). The gait training with a safety suspension device accelerates reaching the supervision-level walking during inpatient rehabilitation. We speculate that a safety suspension device facilitated learning by allowing errors to be experienced and correct in a safe environment.
JMIR formative research 7 e42219 2023年2月8日BACKGROUND: There is an extensive library of language tests, each with excellent psychometric properties; however, many of the tests available take considerable administration time, possibly bearing psychological strain on patients. The Short and Tailored Evaluation of Language Ability (STELA) is a simplified, tablet-based language ability assessment system developed to address this issue, with a reduced number of items and automated testing process. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this paper is to assess the administration time, internal consistency, and validity of the STELA. METHODS: The STELA consists of a tablet app, a microphone, and an input keypad for clinician's use. The system is designed to assess language ability with 52 questions grouped into 2 comprehension modalities (auditory comprehension and reading comprehension) and 3 expression modalities (naming and sentence formation, repetition, and reading aloud). Performance in each modality was scored as the correct answer rate (0-100), and overall performance expressed as the sum of modality scores (out of 500 points). RESULTS: The time taken to complete the STELA was significantly less than the time for the WAB (mean 16.2, SD 9.4 vs mean 149.3, SD 64.1 minutes; P<.001). The STELA's total score was strongly correlated with the WAB Aphasia Quotient (r=0.93, P<.001), supporting the former's concurrent validity concerning the WAB, which is a gold-standard aphasia assessment. Strong correlations were also observed at the subscale level; STELA auditory comprehension versus WAB auditory comprehension (r=0.75, P<.001), STELA repetition versus WAB repetition (r=0.96, P<.001), STELA naming and sentence formation versus WAB naming and word finding (r=0.81, P<.001), and the sum of STELA reading comprehension or reading aloud versus WAB reading (r=0.82, P<.001). Cronbach α obtained for each modality was .862 for auditory comprehension, .872 for reading comprehension, .902 for naming and sentence formation, .787 for repetition, and .892 for reading aloud. Global Cronbach α was .961. The average of the values of item-total correlation to each subscale was 0.61 (SD 0.17). CONCLUSIONS: Our study confirmed significant time reduction in the assessment of language ability and provided evidence for good internal consistency and validity of the STELA tablet-based aphasia assessment system.
Journal of infection and chemotherapy : official journal of the Japan Society of Chemotherapy 29(1) 95-97 2023年1月Healthcare-associated COVID-19 among vulnerable patients leads to disproportionate morbidity and mortality. Early pharmacologic intervention may reduce negative sequelae and improve survival in such settings. This study aimed to describe outcome of patients with healthcare-associated COVID-19 who received early short-course remdesivir therapy. We reviewed the characteristics and outcome of hospitalized patients who developed COVID-19 during an outbreak that involved two wards at a non-acute care hospital in Japan and received short-course remdesivir. Forty-nine patients were diagnosed with COVID-19, 34 on a comprehensive inpatient rehabilitation ward and 15 on a combined palliative care and internal medicine ward. Forty-seven were symptomatic and 46 of them received remdesivir. The median age was 75, and the median Charlson comorbidity index was 6 among those who received it. Forty-one patients had received one or two doses of mRNA vaccines, while none had received a third dose. Most patients received 3 days of remdesivir. Of the patients followed up to 14 and 28 days from onset, 41/44 (95.3%) and 35/41(85.4%) were alive, respectively. Six deaths occurred by 28 days in the palliative care/internal medicine ward and two of them were possibly related to COVID-19. Among those who survived, the performance status was unchanged between the time of onset and at 28 days.
リハビリテーション医学 : 日本リハビリテーション医学会誌 38(1) 61-61 2001年1月18日
リハビリテーション医学 : 日本リハビリテーション医学会誌 37(11) 836-836 2000年11月18日
リハビリテーション医学 : 日本リハビリテーション医学会誌 37(11) 836-836 2000年11月18日
医学検査 : 日本臨床衛生検査技師会誌 = The Japanese journal of medical technology 49(8) 1134-1139 2000年8月25日
リハビリテーション医学 : 日本リハビリテーション医学会誌 36(9) 622-622 1999年9月18日
医学検査 : 日本臨床衛生検査技師会誌 = The Japanese journal of medical technology 48(6) 1000-1006 1999年6月25日
リハビリテーション医学 : 日本リハビリテーション医学会誌 36(4) 246-254 1999年4月18日Pathophysiology of sound localization in stroke patients is reviewed. The mechanism of sound localization in humans has been eagerly studied and was explained at first as internaural time difference (ITD) or internaural intensity (pressure) difference (IID). Then the concept of a sound transfer function was introduced and a three dimensional system for testing using a headphone became available. Now, three test methods are utilized: speaker method, headphone method with ITD or IID, or headphone method with transfer function. The majority of the studies found disturbance of sound localization in stroke patients. Stroke patients having either a right or left hemispheric lesion less accurately identified the direction of sound than healthy subjects. In some studies, patients showed a systematic (relative) error in discrimination of direction. The term "systematic error" is used when the answered direction consistently deviated to one direction, clockwise or counterclockwise. Clockwise systematic deviation was frequently encountered in patients with a right hemispheric lesion. This phenomenon is closely related to hemispatial visual neglect. Disturbance of sound localization in stroke patients seems to be composed of two elements. The first cause is decreased accuracy of discrimination of direction. This phenomenon can be brought about by damage in either the right or left side of the brain. The second element is a systematic error that may be one expression of symptoms of hemispatial neglect. In clinical situations, a patient may manifest both elements, or possibly only one of the two elements. Higher cortical function concerning sound localization is not fully understood now. Further research may build a comprehensive theory for hemispatial neglect, including sound localization.
リハビリテーション医学 : 日本リハビリテーション医学会誌 36(3) 162-165 1999年3月18日
リハビリテーション医学 : 日本リハビリテーション医学会誌 35(11) 744-747 1998年11月18日脳卒中片麻痺患者におけるStroke Impairment Assessment Set (SIAS)の3項目について妥当性を検討した. Knee-mouth test (KMT), Knee-extension test (KET)が3点以上の患者それぞれ50例, 69例を対象とし, テスト動作を麻痺側・非麻痺側各10回行い, 非麻痺側/麻痺側所要時間比を求めた. また麻痺側膝を他動的に動かし(45度と90度), 非麻痺側膝を同じ角度にするよう指示し, ずれた角度の絶対値を求め, SIAS下肢position test (LPT)と比較した. KMTおよびKETと非麻痺側/麻痺側時間比は有意な相関を示した(γ=0.836, 0.817). またLPTスコアが高いほど膝角度のずれの絶対値は小さかった(P<0.01). KMT, KETおよびLPTの併存的妥当性は高く, 脳卒中患者の評価法として有用と考えられた.
リハビリテーション医学 : 日本リハビリテーション医学会誌 35(9) 641-644 1998年9月18日サウンドスペースプロセッサRSS-10を用いたヘッドフォン方式の音方向覚検査の信頼性を検討した. 15名の難聴でない健常被験者を対象に, ホワイトノイズ(WN)および女声(FV)を正面と, 左右に30度, 60度, 90度の計7点より3回ずつ呈示した. 音は全試行とも方向覚を持って聞こえ, 平均正答率62%, 呈示音と回答とのずれの角度は5〜18度, 平均12度(SD=9) (WN), 1〜19度, 平均11度(SD=8) (FV)であった. WNを左から右, 右から左に被験者の前を通るように約10秒で移動させ, 正中を通過したと感じられる時点の位置の平均はそれぞれ正面から-11.1度(SD=8.0), 3.4度(SD=7.5)であった. RSS-10を用いた音方向覚検査は再現性が高く, 臨床上有用と考えられた.
リハビリテーション医学 : 日本リハビリテーション医学会誌 35(8) 527-529 1998年8月18日
リハビリテーション医学 : 日本リハビリテーション医学会誌 35(6) 419-426 1998年6月18日脳卒中痙性片麻痺患者11名の立位下肢長潜時反射(LLR)を測定した. 足関節を毎秒20度で0度から8度まで背屈させ, 前脛骨筋表面筋電図を記録した. 刺激は両側, 患側, 健側の3通りとし各々5試行を平均加算後, 潜時と振幅を測定し, Stroke Impairment Assessment Setの得点と比較した. 両側刺激患側導出LLR潜時は下肢運動麻痺および感覚項目合計との関係が強かった(γ=-0.76,γ=-0.91). 運動麻痺または感覚障害の強い患者では一側刺激患側導出LLRを誘発できず, 患側刺激健側導出LLRが大きく延長した(γ=-0.74, γ=-0.60). 感覚障害の有無により健側刺激健側導出LLR潜時にも有意差を認め, LLRには通常の求心路と遠心路以外の関与も考えられた.
作業療法 = The Journal of Japanese Occupational Therapy Association 17 151-151 1998年5月15日
リハビリテーション医学 : 日本リハビリテーション医学会誌 35(4) 241-244 1998年4月18日嚥下口腔期における舌骨上筋群, 咀咽筋の筋電図を記録する表面電極設置部位について検討した. 対象は健常男性6名である. 舌骨上筋群について下顎の4導出(オトガイ下, 顎下, 外側, 舌骨導出)を, 咬筋について筋腹中央での導出を設定した. そして最大咬合, 舌挙上最大努力, 水嚥下における表面筋電図を記録した. 各導出の電極間距離は3〜10cmと差があるため1cm当たりの面積(以下, 面積)を比較した. 舌挙上と水嚥下では, 4導出の中でオトガイ下導出の面積が最大であった. 従ってオトガイ下導出は舌骨上筋群の筋活動を鋭敏に記録することができると推察され, 今後バイオフィードバック訓練での電極設置部位として応用が期待された.
リハビリテーション医学 : 日本リハビリテーション医学会誌 34(5) 332-336 1997年5月18日脳卒中片麻痺患者において骨代謝マーカーを測定し,その骨代謝状態を検討した。脳卒中初回発作の片麻痺患者76人を対象とし, 尿中ピリジノリン(Pyr)とデオキシピリジノリン(D-Pyr)を, 血中オステオカルシン(OC)とアルカリフォスファターゼを測定した。その結果, 脳卒中片麻痺の骨代謝状態は骨形成の箸明な増大を伴わない骨吸収の亢進であり, 骨吸収と患側握力との関連を認め, 発症後約1年で骨代謝は安定することが示唆された。尿中Pyr, D-Pyr値および血中OC値は患側上腕骨骨密度減少率と有意な相関を認めた(それぞれ, γ=0.443, 0.493および0.258)。脳卒中片麻痺の患肢骨量減少の予測において, 骨代謝マーカーは有用と考えられた。
リハビリテーション医学 : 日本リハビリテーション医学会誌 34(5) 361-361 1997年5月18日
作業療法 = The Journal of Japanese Occupational Therapy Association 16 116-116 1997年5月15日
リハビリテーション医学 : 日本リハビリテーション医学会誌 34(3) 230-233 1997年3月18日Oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy (OPMD) is a rare progressive disease characterized by swallowing disturbance and extraocular muscle involvement. The most satisfactory approach for the treatment of this type of dysphagia is cricopharyngeal myotomy. We evaluated a man with OPMD who complained of difficulty swallowing. Defective relaxation of the upper esophageal sphincter and aspiration was observed. We recommended cricopharyngeal myotomy, but he refused it. We used a method of intermittent tube feeding in the management of dysphagia. He could not pass a tube into the esophagus transorally on account of a severe gag reflex and preferred to transnasal placement. He started intermittent naso-esophageal tube feeding, but he sometimes complained of nausea during tube feeding. Videofluoroscopy revealed simultaneous contractions of distal esophageal body during naso-esophageal tube feeding. He could inhibit nausea by the adjustment of drip speed and nasogastric tube feeding caused severe diarrhea. Finally, he selected intermittent naso-esophageal tube feeding and could continue the tube feeding at home by himself. I think that intermittent tube feeding is a useful method for neuromuscular disease if we can take care of esophageal dysfunction.
リハビリテーション医学 : 日本リハビリテーション医学会誌 33(11) 820-820 1996年11月18日
リハビリテーション医学 : 日本リハビリテーション医学会誌 33(11) 855-855 1996年11月18日
リハビリテーション医学 : 日本リハビリテーション医学会誌 33(9) 641-642 1996年9月18日
リハビリテーション医学 33(8) 549-553 1996年8月 査読有り歩行における体幹の動揺性を測定することを目的に, 小型加速度計を被検者の腰背部に固定して得られた加速度波形の再現性を検討し, 床反力やわれわれが考案したレーザーポインターとビデオを用いた歩行計測とを比較した.対象は健常成人5人と対麻痺患者1人である.対麻痺患者はT_<10-11>高位完全麻痺の男性で, 内側股継手付長下肢装具(Walkabout^[○!R])を装着し, 両ロフストランド杖にて歩行可能である.今回測定した加速度は, 正常歩行, 異常歩行ともに, 良好な再現性を有し, 床反力とも高い相関が得られた.したがって, 場所をとらずにどこででも, 短時間で簡便に行える本法の信頼性および妥当性は高く, 歩行分析の一手法として有用と考えられる
3th Korea-Japan NeuroRehabilitation Conference 2014年
3th Korea-Japan NeuroRehabilitation Conference 2014年
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2023年4月 - 2028年3月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2016年4月 - 2019年3月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2014年4月 - 2017年3月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2013年4月 - 2017年3月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2013年4月 - 2016年3月