
taishi fukushima

  (福島 大史)

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Fujita Health University

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Research Areas



  • Taishi Fukushima, Kenichiro Yasuda, Kazuo Eguchi, Masahiko Fujino, Haruo Kamiya
    Internal medicine (Tokyo, Japan), 56(17) 2289-2294, Sep 1, 2017  
    A 49-year-old Japanese man with worsening dyspnea was admitted with the diagnosis of new-onset heart failure (HF). His HF symptoms improved with standard treatment, but his left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) 21% remained unchanged. After he was discharged, he was diagnosed with severe sleep-disordered breathing (SDB). Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy was introduced. Seven months later, his cardiac function had greatly improved (LVEF 50%). We report this case of a HF patient with SDB whose cardiac function greatly improved by CPAP therapy, and we discuss the pathophysiologic mechanisms of successful cardiac "reverse remodeling" in this case.
  • Taishi Fukushima, Kazuo Eguchi, Akihide Ohkuchi, Hiroshi Miyashita, Kazuomi Kario
    Journal of clinical hypertension (Greenwich, Conn.), 18(4) 329-36, Apr, 2016  
    The authors tested the hypothesis that central hemodynamic parameters in women with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP) change between before and after delivery. A total of 137 pregnant women were studied: 72 with HDP, 42 with chronic hypertension (CH), and 23 with white-coat hypertension (WCH; control group). Aortic augmentation index adjusted by heart rate 75 beats per minute (AIx@75), central pulse pressure (PP), total peripheral resistance (TPR), and cardiac output (CO) before and after delivery were recorded. AIx@75 and central PP were higher in the HDP group than in the control group, but both parameters declined after delivery until they were similar to the controls. AIx@75 and central PP, but not TPR or CO, were significantly decreased after delivery in the HDP group, but no such effects were seen in the other groups. These findings suggest that increased wave reflection caused by the stiffened aorta could be a key factor in the pathophysiology of HDP.


  • 福島 大史, 湯浅 典博, 竹内 英司, 後藤 康友, 三宅 秀夫, 永井 英雅, 吉岡 祐一郎, 宮田 完志, 藤野 雅彦
    消化器外科, 39(13) 1817-1823, Dec, 2016  
    81歳男。胃潰瘍に対するフォローアップの画像検査で異常を指摘された。上部消化管内視鏡検査で前庭部前壁に周囲のやや隆起した不整形の浅い陥凹性病変、胃角小彎に発赤を伴う平皿状の低い隆起性病変を認め、2病変は近接していた。2多発胃癌と診断して幽門側胃切除、D2郭清、Billroth-I法再建を施行し、病理組織所見では2病変とも高分化~中分化型の腺癌で構成されていた。免疫組織所見では前庭部前壁の病変はcytokeratin 7(CK7)がびまん性に陽性、胃角小彎の病変は陰性であった。2病変の境界部はCK7染色で比較的明瞭で移行像に乏しく、また染色陽性病変と陰性病変はごく一部で境界を共有していたことから、衝突癌の可能性が示唆された。
  • 福島 大史, 安田 健一郎, 江口 和男, 神谷 春雄
    日本高血圧学会臨床高血圧フォーラムプログラム・抄録集, 5回 193-193, May, 2016  
  • 福島 大史, 湯浅 典博, 竹内 英司, 後藤 康友, 三宅 秀夫, 永井 英雅, 吉岡 祐一郎, 宮田 完志
    日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集, 116回 RS-5, Apr, 2016  
  • 福島 大史, 江口 和男, 小森 孝洋, 大口 昭英, 苅尾 七臣
    日本動脈硬化学会総会プログラム・抄録集, 46回 314-314, Jun, 2014