
小林 達也

Tatsuya Kobayashi


藤田医科大学 医療科学部 レギュラトリーサイエンス分野 准教授
(兼任)リプロダクションセンター 培養室長
千葉大学大学院医学研究院 病原細菌制御学 特任助教



  • Hiroshi Ishikawa, Yuki Goto, Chigusa Hirooka, Eri Katayama, Nao Baba, Meika Kaneko, Yoshiko Saito, Tatsuya Kobayashi, Kaori Koga
    Journal of reproductive immunology 165 104317-104317 2024年8月15日  
    Uterine fibroids (UFs), the most common tumors in women of reproductive age, are characterized by sex steroid-dependent growth and excessive deposition of extracellular matrix (ECM) surrounding UF smooth muscle cells. Women with symptomatic UFs experience heavy menstrual bleeding and consequent iron-deficiency anemia. They also have a risk of recurrent pregnancy loss, preterm birth, and cesarean delivery, indicating that UFs can negatively affect reproductive outcomes. Various types of immune cells, including innate and adaptive cells, are observed in UFs; however, the impact of these cells on the pathophysiology of UFs remains unclear. Inflammation may play important roles in the growth of UFs, and expression levels of proinflammatory and inflammatory cytokines, such as interleukin (IL)-1, IL-6, IL-10, TNF-α, and TGF-β, are upregulated in UFs. These cytokines play important roles in the interaction between growth factors and ECM that is regulated by the sex steroids estrogen and progesterone. Furthermore, proinflammatory mediators are upregulated in females with UFs, with higher expression levels in the endometrium with submucosal and intramural UFs than in the endometrium without UFs, indicating that these proinflammatory cytokines may impair endometrial receptivity, leading to implantation failure in in vitro fertilization programs. Hormonal treatments using gonadotropin releasing hormone analogs and the selective progesterone receptor modulator ulipristal acetate significantly shrink UFs and improve UF-related symptoms. These compounds can regulate local inflammation in UFs and adjacent myometrium. Controlling and improving local inflammation caused by UFs may represent a novel therapeutic strategy for UFs and potentially improve reproductive outcomes in women with symptomatic UFs.
  • Hongying Piao, Hiroshi Ishikawa, Tatsuya Kobayashi, Keiko Kitajo, Atsushi Yamaguchi, Kaori Koga, Makio Shozu
    Pediatrics & Neonatology 2024年8月  
  • Masashi Shioya, Miki Okabe-Kinoshita, Tatsuya Kobayashi, Maki Fujita, Keiichi Takahashi
    Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics 2024年3月19日  
  • Hiroshi Ishikawa, Tatsuya Kobayashi, Meika Kaneko, Yoshiko Saito, Makio Shozu, Kaori Koga
    Journal of molecular endocrinology 2023年9月1日  
    Uterine fibroids (UFs) are benign tumors arising from the uterus, characterized by accumulation of abundant extracellular matrix (ECM) and sex steroids dependent growth. Women with symptomatic UFs have reduced quality of life and decreased labor productivity. Among the driver gene mutations identified in UFs, mutations in MED12, a component of the cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) Mediator module, are the most common and observed in 50-80% of UFs. They are gain-of-function mutations and are more frequently observed in Black women and commonly observed even in small UFs. MED12 mutation-positive UFs (MED12-UFs) often develop multiple rather than solitary UFs and have distinct gene expression profiles, DNA methylomes, transcriptomes, and proteomes. Gene expressions related to ECM organization and collagen-rich ECM components are upregulated, and impaired Mediator kinase activity and dysregulation of Wnt/β-catenin signaling are identified in MED12-UFs. Clinically, the UF shrinking effect of gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists and ulipristal acetate is dependent on the MED12 mutation status. Understanding of characteristics of MED12-UFs and functions of MED12 mutations for UF tumorigenesis may elucidate the pathophysiology of UFs, leading to the development of new therapeutic options in women with symptomatic UFs.
  • 中田 恵美里, 宇津野 恵美, 杉山 淳比古, 澤井 摂, 小林 達也, 碓井 宏和, 市川 智彦
    日本遺伝カウンセリング学会誌 44(1) 13-17 2023年5月  査読有り





