
鈴木 仁研

スズキ トヨアキ  (Toyoaki Suzuki)


国立研究開発法人宇宙航空研究開発機構 宇宙科学研究所 宇宙物理学研究系 准教授
博士 (理学)(2007年9月 東京大学)



  • Mai Shirahata, Shuji Matsuura, Sunao Hasegawa, Takafumi Ootsubo, Sin'itirou Makiuti, Issei Yamamura, Takao Nakagawa, Mitsunobu Kawada, Hidehiro Kaneda, Hiroshi Shibai, Yasuo Doi, Toyoaki Suzuki, Thomas Mueller, Martin Cohen
    We present the characterization and calibration of the Slow-Scan observation mode of the Far-Infrared Surveyor (FIS) onboard the AKARI satellite. The FIS, one of the two focal-plane instruments on AKARI, has four photometric bands between 50-180 mu m with two types of Ge:Ga array detectors. In addition to the All-Sky Survey, FIS has also taken detailed far-infrared images of selected targets by using the Slow-Scan mode. The sensitivity of the Slow-Scan mode is one to two orders of magnitude better than that of the All-Sky Survey, because the exposure time on a targeted source is much longer. The point spread functions (PSFs) were obtained by observing several bright point-like objects, such as asteroids, stars, and galaxies. The derived full widths at the half maximum (FWHMs) are similar to 30 '' for the two shorter wavelength bands and similar to 40 '' for the two longer wavelength bands, being consistent with those expected by optical simulation, although a certain amount of excess is seen in the tails of the PSFs. A flux calibration was performed by observations of well-established photometric calibration standards (asteroids and stars) over a wide range of fluxes. After establishing the method of aperture photometry, the photometric accuracy for point-sources is better than +/- 15% in all of the bands, expect for the longest wavelength.
  • I. Sakon, T. Onaka, T. Wada, Y. Ohyama, H. Kaneda, D. Ishihara, T. Tanabé, T. Minezaki, Y. Yoshii, N. Tominaga, K. Nomoto, T. Nozawa, T. Kozasa, M. Tanaka, T. Suzuki, H. Umeda, S. Ohyabu, F. Usui, H. Matsuhara, T. Nakagawa, H. Murakami
    Astrophysical Journal 692(1) 546-555 2009年2月10日  
    We present our latest results on near- to mid-infrared (MIR) observation of supernova (SN) 2006jc at 200 days after the discovery using the Infrared Camera (IRC) on board AKARI. The near-infrared (2-5 μm) spectrum of SN 2006jc is obtained for the first time and is found to be well interpreted in terms of the thermal emission from amorphous carbon of 800 ± 10 K with the mass of 6.9 ± 0.5 × 10 M that was formed in the SN ejecta. This dust mass newly formed in the ejecta of SN 2006jc is in a range similar to those obtained for other several dust-forming core-collapse supernovae based on recent observations (i.e., 10 -10 M ). MIR photometric data with AKARI/IRC MIR-S/S7, S9W, and S11 bands have shown excess emission over the thermal emission by hot amorphous carbon of 800 K. This MIR excess emission is likely to be accounted for by the emission from warm amorphous carbon dust of 320 ± 10 K with the mass of 2.7 -0.5 × 10 M rather than by the band emission of astronomical silicate and/or silica grains. This warm amorphous carbon dust is expected to have been formed in the mass-loss wind associated with the Wolf-Rayet stellar activity before the SN explosion. Our result suggests that a significant amount of dust is condensed in the mass-loss wind prior to the SN explosion. © 2009. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. -5 -3 -5 +0.7 -3 ⊙ ⊙ ⊙ ⊙
  • Hidehiro Kaneda, Takashi Onaka, Toyoaki Suzuki, Hidenori Takahashi, Mitsuyoshi Yamagishi
    With AKARI, we have systematically performed near- to far-infrared (NIR-FIR) observations of the interstellar medium (ISM) in nearby galaxies as one of AKARI mission programs called ISMGN (ISM in our Galaxy and Nearby galaxies). Our scientific objective is to increase our knowledge on the properties of the ISM exposed to an extensive range of environments, the processing, evolution, and destruction of interstellar dust, and their connection with physical conditions of interstellar gas and star-forming activity. Nearby external galaxies allow us to sample a wide range of ISM physical conditions, while our Galaxy contains ideal laboratories for probing the life cycle of the ISM. We present the contents of the AKARI observations relevant to our nearby galaxy ISM studies, together with some results demonstrative of the AKARI uniqueness obtained during the AKARI cold mission phase (Phases 1&2). We have observed about 60 nearby galaxies, for many of which NIR to FIR images in the 10 photometric bands centered at the wavelengths of 3, 4, 7, 11, 15, 24, 65, 90, 140, and 160 mu m as well as 2 - 14 mu m low-resolution spectra are obtained. Our data, especially the 11 and 15 mu m imaging, the FIR 4-band imaging, and the NIR spectral data will be complementary to the Spitzer data of nearby galaxies such as those from the SINGS legacy program. We further refer to our on-going observations in the AKARI post-helium mission phase (Phase 3).
  • Toyoaki Suzuki, Hidehiro Kaneda, Takashi Onaka, Takao Nakagawa, Hiroshi Shibai
    We investigate the relation between the surface densities of the gas and stars in various regions in the disks of M101 and M81 to investigate the Kennicutt-Schmidt law. The galaxies were observed with the Far-Infrared Surveyor (FIS) onboard AKARI at central wavelengths of 65, 90, 140 and 160 mu m. The spectral energy distribution of the whole galaxies shows the presence of a cold dust component in addition to a warm dust component. The cold and warm dust components can be related to the gas mass and newly-formed stellar mass, respectively, whose relation in various regions shows a power-law correlation. There are significant differences in the power-law index between outer arms with four giant H-II regions and inner arms in M101, while the power-law index for spiral arms of M81 is similar to that for inner arms in M101.
  • Hiroshi Matsuo, Yasunori Hibi, Toyoaki Suzuki, Masato Naruse, Takashi Noguchi, Yutaro Sekimoto, Yoshinori Uzawa, Hirohisa Nagata, Hirokazu Ikeda, Seiichiro Ariyoshi, Chiko Otani, Tom Nitta, Qi Jun Yao, Mikio Fujiwara
    AIP Conference Proceedings 1185 393-396 2009年  
    We describe the development of large format array of superconducting tunnel junction detectors that is readout by SONY GaAs-JFET cryogenic integrated circuits. High quality SIS photon detectors have high dynamic impedance that can be readout by low gate leakage GaAs-JFET circuits. Our imaging array design, with niobium SIS photon detectors and GaAs-JFET cryogenics electronics, uses integrating amplifiers, multiplexers and shift-registers to readout large number of pixels that is similar to CMOS digital cameras. We have designed and fabricated GaAs-JFET cryogenic integrated circuits, such as AC-coupled capacitive trans-impedance amplifier, multiplexers with sample-andholds and shift-registers, for 32-channel readout module. The Advanced Technology Center of National Astronomical Observatory of Japan have started extensive development program for large format array of SIS photon detectors. © 2009 American Institute of Physics.
  • Masato Naruse, Yutaro Sekimoto, Toyoaki Suzuki, Yasunori Hibi, Hiroshi Matsuo, Yoshinori Uzawa, Takashi Noguchi
    34th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz 2009 2009年  
    In this paper, the optical design of astronomical detector array with SIS for 600 - 700 GHz is proposed. A unit has 127 pixel, and SIS junctions are coupled to double slot antennas and extended hemisphere lens made from Silicon or Alumina ceramics. A lens with multi-pixel system is compared to 1 lens with 1 antenna system (fly-eye)from the view point of antenna spacing, aberration, and beam efficiency. © 2009 IEEE.
  • Toyoaki Suzuki, Takashi Noguchi, Hiroshi Matsuo, Betty Young, Blas Cabrera, Aaron Miller
    2009年  査読有り筆頭著者
  • N. Tominaga, M. Limongi, T. Suzuki, M. Tanaka, K. Nomoto, K. Maeda, A. Chieffi, A. Tornambe, T. Minezaki, Y. Yoshii, I. Sakon, T. Wada, Y. Ohyama, T. Tanabe, H. Kaneda, T. Onaka, T. Nozawa, T. Kozasa, K. S. Kawabata, G. C. Anupama, D. K. Sahu, U. K. Gurugubelli, T. P. Prabhu, J. Deng
    ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 687(2) 1208-1219 2008年11月  査読有り
    We present a theoretical model for Type Ib supernova (SN) 2006jc. We calculate the evolution of the progenitor star, hydrodynamics and nucleosynthesis of the SN explosion, and the SN bolometric light curve (LC). The synthetic bolometric LC is compared with the observed bolometric LC constructed by integrating the UV, optical, near-infrared (NIR), and mid-infrared (MIR) fluxes. The progenitor is assumed to be as massive as 40 M-circle dot on the zero-age main sequence. The star undergoes extensive mass loss to reduce its mass down to as small as 6.9 M-circle dot, thus becoming a WCO Wolf-Rayet star. The WCO star model has a thick carbon-rich layer, in which amorphous carbon grains can be formed. This could explain the NIR brightening and the dust feature seen in the MIR spectrum. We suggest that the progenitor of SN 2006jc is a WCO Wolf-Rayet star having undergone strong mass loss, and such massive stars are important sites of dust formation. We derive the parameters of the explosion model in order to reproduce the bolometric LC of SN 2006jc by the radioactive decays: the ejecta mass 4.9 M-circle dot, hypernova-like explosion energy 1052 ergs, and ejected Ni-56 mass 0.22 M-circle dot. We also calculate the circumstellar interaction and find that a CSM with a flat density structure is required to reproduce the X-ray LC of SN 2006jc. This suggests a drastic change of the mass-loss rate and/or the wind velocity that is consistent with the past luminous blue variable (LBV)-like event.
  • H. Kaneda, T. Onaka, I. Sakon, T. Kitayama, Y. Okada, T. Suzuki
    Astrophysical Journal 684(1) 270-281 2008年9月1日  
    We performed mid-infrared spectroscopic observations of 18 local dusty elliptical galaxies by using the Infrared Spectrograph (IRS) on board Spitzer. We have significantly detected polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) features from 14 out of the 18 galaxies and, thus, found that the presence of PAHs is not rare but rather common in dusty elliptical galaxies. Most of these galaxies show an unusually weak 7.7 μm emission feature relative to 11.3 and 17 μm emission features. A large fraction of the galaxies also exhibit H2 rotational line and ionic fine-structure line emissions, which have no significant correlation with the PAH emissions. The PAH features are well correlated with the continuum at 35 μm, whereas they are not correlated with the continuum at 6 μm. We conclude that the PAH emission of the elliptical galaxies is mostly of interstellar origin rather than of stellar origin, and that the unusual PAH interband strength ratios are likely to be due to a large fraction of neutral to ionized PAHs. © 2008. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.
  • Toyoaki Suzuki, Hidehiro Kaneda, Shuji Matsuura, Mai Shirahata, Takao Nakagawa, Yasuo Doi, Takashi Onaka, Yasunori Hibi, Hiroshi Shibai Mitsunobu Kawada
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 120(870) 895-906 2008年8月  査読有り筆頭著者
    AKARI, the Japanese infrared astronomical satellite, was launched on 2006 February 21 ( UT) and put into a sun-synchronous polar orbit at an altitude of 700 km. Cosmic radiations, particularly protons in the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA), were expected to affect the performance of the stressed Ge:Ga array far-infrared detector on board AKARI. One of the influences is the radioactivation of the detector housing; gamma-rays from the radioactivated detector housing interact with Ge: Ga elements, producing spikes (so-called glitches) in the electric outputs of the detector. Prior to the launch, we performed a 100 MeV proton-beam irradiation test for an engineering model of the stressed Ge: Ga array, which simulated the SAA passage. In the test, we observed glitches in the detector output that were due to the radioactivation of the detector housing. By investigating the test data, we have computed the glitch rate of the flight array detector expected in the AKARI orbit, including its change with time from the launch to the end of the AKARI mission. After the launch of AKARI, we have compared the performance observed in the orbit to that predicted by the proton-beam test. The glitch rate really changed with time after the launch; we have found that the in-orbit behavior is consistent with the prediction.
  • Hidehiro Kaneda, Takashi Onaka, Itsuki Sakon, Hiroko Matsumoto, Toyoaki Suzuki
    IAU: ORGANIC MATTER IN SPACE (251) 247-+ 2008年  
    We have observed 18 nearby dusty elliptical galaxies in the near- to far-infrared with Spitzer and AKARI. We have found that polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are present in 14 out of the 18 elliptical galaxies.
  • Hidehiro Kaneda, Toyoaki Suzuki, Alain Coulais, Yasuo Doi, Boris Fouks, Mitsunobu Kawada, Sin'itirou Makiuti, Shuji Matsuura, Noriko Murakami, Takao Nakagawa, Yoko Okada, Hiroshi Shibai, Mai Shirahata, Hidenori Takahashi, Akiko Yasuda
    We report the in-orbit performance of the AKARI/Far-Infrared Surveyor Ge:Ga photoconductors, focusing on the transient response and the radiation effects, to perform the characterization of these effects for data analyses. The behavior for these effects is found to be significantly different between the Short-Wavelength and Long-Wavelength array detectors of the FIS, most probably due to the difference in the array configuration. We discuss cosmic-ray radiation effects, referring to the results of pre-flight proton-beam irradiation measurements. We also describe our efforts to correct the slow transient response of the detectors by adopting a physical approach.
  • Murakami Hiroshi, Baba Hajime, Barthel Peter, Clements David L, Cohen Martin, Doi Yasuo, Enya Keigo, Figueredo Elysandra, Fujishiro Naofumi, Fujiwara Hideaki, Fujiwara Mikio, Garcia-Lario Pedro, Goto Tomotsugu, Hasegawa Sunao, Hibi Yasunori, Hirao Takanori, Hiromoto Norihisa, Hong Seung Soo, Imai Koji, Ishigaki Miho, Ishiguro Masateru, Ishihara Daisuke, Ita Yoshifusa, Jeong Woong-Seob, Jeong Kyung Sook, Kaneda Hidehiro, Kataza Hirokazu, Kawada Mitsunobu, Kawai Toshihide, Kawamura Akiko, Kessler Martin F, Kester Do, Kii Tsuneo, Kim Dong Chan, Kim Wjung, Kobayashi Hisato, Koo Bon Chul, Kwon Suk Minn, Lee Hyung Mok, Lorente Rosario, Makiuti Sin'itirou, Matsuhara Hideo, Matsumoto Toshio, Matsuo Hiroshi, Matsuura Shuji, Mueller Thomas G, Murakami Noriko, Nagata Hirohisa, Nakagawa Takao, Naoi Takahiro, Narita Masanao, Noda Manabu, Oh Sang Hoon, Ohnishi Akira, Ohyama Youichi, Okada Yoko, Okuda Haruyuki, Oliver Sebastian, Onaka Takashi, Ootsubo Takafumi, Oyabu Shinki, Pak Sojong, Park Yong-Sun, Pearson Chris P, Rowan-Robinson Michael, Saito Toshinobu, Sakon Itsuki, Salama Alberto, Sato Shinji, Savage Richard S, Serjeant Stephen, Shibai Hiroshi, Shirahata Mai, Sohn Jungjoo, Suzuki Toyoaki, Takagi Toshinobu, Takahashi Hidenori, Tanabe Toshihiko, Takeuchi Tsutomu T, Takita Satoshi, Thomson Matthew, Uemizu Kazunori, Ueno Munetaka, Usui Fumihiko, Verdugo Eva, Wada Takehiko, Wang Lingyu, Watabe Toyoki, Watarai Hidenori, White Glenn J, Yamamura Issei, Yamauchi Chisato, Yasuda Akiko
  • Toyoaki Suzuki, Hidehiro Kaneda, Takao Nakagawa, Sin’itirou Makiuti, Yoko Okada, Hiroshi Shibai, Mitsunobu Kawada, Yasuo Doi
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 59(sp2) S473-S481 2007年10月10日  査読有り筆頭著者
    The nearby face-on spiral galaxy M 101 has been observed with the Far-Infrared Surveyor onboard AKARI. The far-infrared four-band images reveal fine spatial structures of M 101, which include global spiral patterns, giant H II regions embedded in outer spiral arms, and a bar-like feature crossing the center. The spectral energy distribution of the whole galaxy shows the presence of a cold dust component (18(-10)(+4) K) in addition to a warm dust component (55(-25)(+9) K). The distribution of the cold dust is mostly concentrated near the center, and appears to be smoothly distributed over the entire extent of the galaxy, whereas the distribution of warm dust indicates some correlation with the spiral arms, and has spotty structures, such as four distinctive bright spots in the outer disk in addition to a bar-like feature near the center, tracing the CO intensity map. The star-formation activity of the giant H II regions that spatially correspond to the former bright spots is found to be significantly higher than that of the rest of the galaxy. The latter warm dust distribution implies that there are significant star-formation activities in the entire bar filled with molecular clouds. Unlike our Galaxy, M 101 is a peculiar normal galaxy with extraordinary active star-forming regions.
  • Mitsunobu Kawada, Hajime Baba, Peter D. Barthel, David Clements, Martin Cohen, Yasuo Doi, Elysandra Figueredo, Mikio Fujiwara, Tomotsugu Goto, Sunao Hasegawa, Yasunori Hibi, Takanori Hirao, Norihisa Hiromoto, Woong-Seob Jeong, Hidehiro Kaneda, Toshihide Kawai, Akiko Kawamura, Do Kester, Tsuneo Kii, Hisato Kobayashi, Suk Minn Kwon, Hyung Mok Lee, Sin'itirou Makiuti, Hiroshi Matsuo, Shuji Matsuura, Thomas G. Mueller, Noriko Murakami, Hirohisa Nagata, Takao Nakagawa, Masanao Narita, Manabu Noda, Sang Hoon Oh, Yoko Okada, Haruyuki Okuda, Sebastian Oliver, Takafumi Ootsubo, Soojong Pak, Yong-Sun Park, Chris P. Pearson, Michael Rowan-Robinson, Toshinobu Saito, Alberto Salama, Shinji Sato, Richard S. Savage, Stephen Serjeant, Hiroshi Shibai, Mai Shirahata, Jungjoo Sohn, Toyoaki Suzuki, Toshinobu Takagi, Hidenori Takahashi, Matthew Thomson, Fumihiko Usui, Eva Verdugo, Toyoki Watabe, Glenn J. White, Lingyu Wang, Issei Yamamura, Chisato Yamauchi, Akiko Yasuda
    The Far-Infrared Surveyor (FIS) is one of two focal-plane instruments on the AKARI satellite. FIS has four photometric bands at 65, 90, 140, and 160 mu m, and uses two kinds of array detectors. The FIS arrays and optics are designed to sweep the sky with high spatial resolution and redundancy. The actual scan width is more than eight arcminutes, and the pixel pitch matches the diffraction limit of the telescope. Derived point-spread functions (PSFs) from observations of asteroids are similar to those given by the optical model. Significant excesses, however, are clearly seen around tails of the PSFs, whose contributions are about 30% of the total power. All FIS functions are operating well in orbit, and the performance meets the laboratory characterizations, except for the two longer wavelength bands, which are not performing as well as characterized. Furthermore, the FIS has a spectroscopic capability using a Fourier transform spectrometer (FTS). Because the FTS takes advantage of the optics and detectors of the photometer, it can simultaneously make a spectral map. This paper summarizes the in-flight technical and operational performance of the FIS.
  • Daisuke Ishihara, Takashi Onaka, Hidehiro Kaneda, Toyoaki Suzuki, Hirokazu. Kataza, Itsuki Sakon, Yoko Okada, Yasuo Doi, Naofumi Fujishiro, Hideaki Fujiwara, Yoshifusa Ita, Tuneo Kii, Woojung Kim, Sin'itirou Makiuti, Toshio Matsumoto, Hideo Matsuhara, Hiroshi Murakami, Takao Nakagawa, Youichi Ohyama, Shinki Oyabu, Stephen Serjeant, Hiroshi Shibai, Toshinobu Takagi, Toshihiko Tanabe, Kazunori Uemizu, Munetaka Ueno, Fumihiko Usui, Takehiko Wada, Hidenori Watarai, Issei Yamamura
    We present the observations of the reflection nebulae IC4954 and IC4955 region with the Infrared Camera and the Far-Infrared Surveyor (FIS) on board the infrared astronomical satellite AKARI during its performance verification phase. We obtained 7 band images from 7 to 160 mu m with higher spatial resolution and higher sensitivities than previous observations. The spatial variation in the mid-infrared color suggests that the star-formation in IC 4954/4955 is progressing from south-west to north-east. The FIS 4-band data from 65 mu m to 160 Am allow us to correctly estimate the total infrared luminosity from the region, which is about one sixth of the energy emitted from the existing stellar sources. Five candidates for young stellar objects have been detected as point sources for the first time in the 11 mu m image and it is suggested that that current star-formation has been triggered by previous star-formation activities. A wide area map of the size of about 1 degrees around the IC 4954/4955 region was created from the AKARI mid-infrared All-Sky Survey data. Together with the H 121 cm data, it suggests a large hollow structure of a degree scale, on whose edge the IC 4954/4955 region has been created, indicating star formation over three generations in largely different spatial scales.
  • Hidehiro Kaneda, Toyoaki Suzuki, Takashi Onaka, Yasuo Doi, Mitsunobu Kawada, Bon-Chul Koo, Sin'itirou Makiuti, Takao Nakagawa, Yoko Okada, Stephen Serjeant, Hiroshi Shibai, Mai Shirahata
    Far-infrared (IR) images of the nearby Sb galaxy NGC 2841 and the Sc galaxy NGC 2976 at wavelengths of 65, 90, 140, and 160 mu m have been obtained with the Far-Infrared Surveyor (FIS) onboard AKARI. Both galaxies reveal similar morphologies of dust rings. They are, however, significantly different in the dust temperature: a cold (similar to 21 K) ring for NGC 2841 and a warm (similar to 30 K) ring for NGC 2976, which presumably reflects the difference in the origin of the ring structure for the different Hubble types of the galaxy. In addition to the dust-ring structure, a warm dust component was detected from the central region of NGC 2841, which may be attributed to heating by its Low-Ionization Nuclear Emission-line Region nucleus. As for NGC 2976, an extended dust component was observed along the minor axis, which shows a distribution somewhat asymmetrical to the galactic disk; this might be associated with the H I bridge in the M 81/M 82 group that NGC 2976 belongs to. By taking advantage of a wealth of the far-IR bands of the FIS, it has been demonstrated that the spectral energy distribution of NGC 2841 is spatially more variable than that of NGC 2976.
  • K. Maeda, K. Kawabata, M. Tanaka, K. Nomoto, N. Tominaga, T. Hattori, T. Minezaki, T. Kuroda, T. Suzuki, J. Deng, P.A. Mazzali, E. Pian
    Astrophysical Journal 658(1 II) L5-L8 2007年  査読有り
  • Hideo Matsuhara, Takehiko Wada, Shuji Matsuura, Takao Nakagawa, Mitsunobu Kawada, Youichi Ohyama, Chris P. Pearson, Shinki Oyabu, Toshinobu Takagi, Stephen Serjeant, Glenn J. White, Hitoshi Hanami, Hidenori Watarai, Tsutomu T. Takeuchi, Tadayuki Kodama, Nobuo Arimoto, Sadanori Okamura, Hyung Mok Lee, Soojong Pak, Myung Shin Im, Myung Gyoon Lee, Woojung Kim, Woong-Seob Jeong, Koji Imai, Naofumi Fujishiro, Mai Shirahata, Toyoaki Suzuki, Chiaki Ihara, Itsuki Sakons
    AKARI (formerly ASTRO-F) is an infrared space telescope designed for an all-sky survey at 10-180 mu m, and deep pointed surveys of selected areas at 2-180 mu m. The deep pointed surveys with AKARI will significantly advance our understanding of galaxy evolution, the structure formation of the universe, the nature of buried AGNs, and the cosmic infrared background. We describe here the important characteristics of the AKARI mission, the orbit, and attitude control system, and investigate the optimum survey area based on the updated pre-flight sensitivities of AKARI, taking into account the cirrus confusion noise as well as the surface density of bright stars. The North Ecliptic Pole is concluded to be the best area for 2-26 mu m deep surveys, while the low-cirrus noise regions around the South Ecliptic Pole are worth considering for 50-180 mu m pointed surveys to high sensitivities limited by the galaxy confusion noise. Current observational plans concerning these pointed surveys are described in detail. Comparing these surveys with deep surveys using the Spitzer Space Telescope, the AKARI deep surveys are particularly unique in respect of their continuous wavelength coverage over the 2-26 Am range in broad-band deep imaging, and their slitless spectroscopy mode over the same wavelength range.







