
田代 信

タシロ マコト  (Makoto Tashiro)


埼玉大学大学院 理工学研究科 教授
国立研究開発法人宇宙航空研究開発機構 宇宙科学研究所 特任教授






  • Satoru Katsuda, Hiroyuki Shinagawa, Hitoshi Fujiwara, Hidekatsu Jin, Yasunobu Miyoshi, Yoshizumi Miyoshi, Yuko Motizuki, Motoki Nakajima, Kazuhiro Nakazawa, Kumiko K Nobukawa, Yuichi Otsuka, Atsuki Shinbori, Takuya Sori, Chihiro Tao, Makoto S Tashiro, Yuuki Wada, Takaya Yamawaki
    Geophysical Research Letters 2024年8月29日  
  • Yoshiaki Kanemaru, Ryo Iizuka, Yoshitomo Maeda, Takashi Okajima, Takayuki Hayashi, Kazuhiro Kiyokane, Yuto Nihei, Takashi Kominato, Manabu Ishida, Chikara Natsukari, Shin Watanabe, Kosuke Sato, Yukikatsu Terada, Katsuhiro Hayashi, Chris Baluta, Tessei Yoshida, Akio Hoshino, Shoji Ogawa, Kotaro Fukushima, Hiromitsu Takahashi, Masayoshi Nobukawa, Tsunefumi Mizuno, Kazuhiro Nakazawa, Shin'ichiro Uno, Ken Ebisawa, Satoshi Eguchi, Satoru Katsuda, Aya Kubota, Naomi Ota, Megumi Shidatsu, Atsushi Tanimoto, Yuichi Terashima, Yohko Tsuboi, Yuusuke Uchida, Hideki Uchiyama, Shigeo Yamauchi, Yoneyama Tomokage, Satoshi Yamada, Nagomi Uchida, Rie Sato, Matt Holland, Michael Loewenstein, Eric D. Miller, Tahir Yaqoob, Robert S. Hill, Trisha F. Doyle, Efrain Perez-Solis, Morgan D. Waddy, Mark Mekosh, Joseph B. Fox, Makoto S. Tashiro, Kenichi Toda, Hironori Maejima
    Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2024: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray 224-224 2024年8月21日  
  • Megumi Shidatsu, Yukikatsu Terada, Takashi Kominato, So Kato, Ryohei Sato, Minami Sakama, Takumi Shioiri, Yugo Motogami, Yuki Niida, Toshihiro Takagi, Chikara Natsukari, Makoto S. Tashiro, Kenichi Toda, Hironori Maejima, Shin Watanabe, Ryo Iizuka, Rie Sato, Chris Baluta, Katsuhiro Hayashi, Tessei Yoshida, Shoji Ogawa, Yoshiaki Kanemaru, Kotaro Fukushima, Akio Hoshino, Hiromitsu Takahashi, Masayoshi Nobukawa, Tsunefumi Mizuno, Kazuhiro Nakazawa, Shin'ichiro Uno, Ken Ebisawa, Satoshi Eguchi, Satoru Katsuda, Aya Kubota, Naomi Ota, Atsushi Tanimoto, Yuichi Terashima, Yohko Tsuboi, Yuusuke Uchida, Hideki Uchiyama, Shigeo Yamauchi, Tomokage Yoneyama, Satoshi Yamada, Nagomi Uchida, Matt Holland, Michael Loewenstein, Eric D. Miller, Tahir Yaqoob, Robert S. Hill, Trisha F. Doyle, Efrain Perez-Solis, Morgan D. Waddy, Mark Mekosh, Joseph B. Fox
    Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2024: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray 235-235 2024年8月21日  
  • Yukikatsu Terada, Megumi Shidatsu, Makoto Sawada, Takashi Kominato, So Kato, Ryohei Sato, Minami Sakama, Takumi Shioiri, Yuki Niida, Chikara Natsukari, Makoto S. Tashiro, Kenichi Toda, Hironori Maejima, Katsuhiro Hayashi, Tessei Yoshida, Shoji Ogawa, Yoshiaki Kanemaru, Akio Hoshino, Kotaro Fukushima, Hiromitsu Takahashi, Masayoshi Nobukawa, Tsunefumi Mizuno, Kazuhiro Nakazawa, Shin'ichiro Uno, Ken Ebisawa, Satoshi Eguchi, Satoru Katsuda, Aya Kubota, Naomi Ota, Atsushi Tanimoto, Yuichi Terashima, Yohko Tsuboi, Yuusuke Uchida, Hideki Uchiyama, Shigeo Yamauchi, Tomokage Yoneyama, Satoshi Yamada, Nagomi Uchida, Shin Watanabe, Ryo Iizuka, Rie Sato, Chris Baluta, Matt Holland, Michael Loewenstein, Eric D. Miller, Tahir Yaqoob, Robert S. Hill, Trisha F. Doyle, Efrain Perez-Solis, Morgan D. Waddy, Mark Mekosh, Joseph B. Fox, Toshihiro Takagi, Yugo Motogami, Katja Pottschmidt, Teruaki Enoto, Takaaki Tanaka
    Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2024: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray 61-61 2024年8月21日  
  • Katsuhiro Hayashi, Makoto S. Tashiro, Yukikatsu Terada, Tessei Yoshida, Shoji Ogawa, Yoshiaki Kanemaru, Kotaro Fukushima, Akio Hoshino, Hiromitsu Takahashi, Masayoshi Nobukawa, Tsunefumi Mizuno, Kazuhiro Nakazawa, Shin'ichiro Uno, Ken Ebisawa, Satoshi Eguchi, Satoru Katsuda, Takao Kitaguchi, Aya Kubota, Naomi Ota, Megumi Shidatsu, Atsushi Tanimoto, Yuichi Terashima, Yohko Tsuboi, Yuusuke Uchida, Hideki Uchiyama, Shigeo Yamauchi, Tomokage Yoneyama, Satoshi Yamada, Nagomi Uchida, Seiko Sakurai, Shin Watanabe, Ryo Iizuka, Rie Sato, Chris Baluta, Takayuki Tamura, Yasushi Fukazawa, Hirokazu Odaka, Tsubasa Tamba, Ryohei Sato, Sou Kato, Minami Sakama, Takumi Shioiri, Yuki Niida, Natsuki Sakamoto, Noboru Nemoto, Yuki Omiya, Nari Suzuki, Toshihiro Takagi, Yugo Motogami, Matt Holland, Michael Loewenstein, Eric D. Miller, Tahir Yaqoob, Robert S. Hill, Trisha F. Doyle, Efrain Perez-Solis, Morgan D. Waddy, Mark Mekosh, Joseph B. Fox, Matteo Guainazzi, Jan-Uwe Ness, Hironori Maejima, Kenichi Toda, Chikara Natsukari
    Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2024: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray 60-60 2024年8月21日  


  • 国分紀秀, 高橋弘充, 牧島一夫, 山岡和貴, 高橋忠幸, 中澤知洋, 渡辺伸, 深沢泰司, 水野恒史, 寺田幸功, 田代信, 米徳大輔, 村上敏夫, 能町正治, 釜江常好, MADEJSKI Greg
    日本天文学会年会講演予稿集 2006 280 2006年2月20日  
  • 岸下徹一, 高橋忠幸, 中澤知洋, 渡辺伸, 田中孝明, 田村健一, 牧島一夫, 国分紀秀, 宮脇良平, 北口貴雄, 平栗慎也, 寺田幸功, 田代信, 遠藤康彦, 深沢泰司, 川埜直美, 平澤歩
    日本天文学会年会講演予稿集 2006 249 2006年2月20日  
  • 中澤知洋, 釜江常好, 久保田あや, 国分紀秀, 高橋忠幸, 高橋弘充, 田代信, 玉川徹, 寺田幸功, 能町正治, 深沢泰司, 牧島一夫, 水野恒史, 村上敏夫, 山岡和貴, 米徳大輔, 渡辺伸, MADEJSKI Greg
    日本天文学会年会講演予稿集 2006 248 2006年2月20日  
  • 高橋拓也, 大野雅功, 深沢泰司, 杉田聡司, 山岡和貴, 遠藤康彦, 田代信, 榎戸輝揚, 宮脇良平, 国分紀秀, 佐藤悟朗, 中澤知洋, 高橋忠幸, 寺田幸功, 玉川徹, 牧島一夫
    日本天文学会年会講演予稿集 2006 250 2006年2月20日  
  • 杉田聡司, 山岡和貴, 大野雅功, 高橋拓也, 深沢泰司, 洪秀徴, 阿部圭一, 遠藤康彦, 恩田香織, 田代信, 榎戸輝揚, 宮脇良平, 国分紀秀, 佐藤悟朗, 中澤知洋, 寺田幸功, 玉川徹, 高橋忠幸, 牧島一夫
    日本天文学会年会講演予稿集 2006 56 2006年2月20日  
  • 大野 雅功, 阿部 圭一, 遠藤 康彦, 恩田 香織, 佐藤 悟朗, 中澤 知洋, 高橋 忠幸, 榎戸 輝揚, 宮脇 良平, 国分 紀秀, 牧島 一夫, 深沢 泰司, 「すざく」HXDチーム, 高橋 拓也, 山岡 和貴, 杉田 聡司, 寺田 幸功, 玉川 徹, 田代 信, 洪 秀徴
    日本物理学会講演概要集 61 93-93 2006年  
  • 寺田 幸功, 鈴木 正信, 中澤 知洋, 渡辺 伸, 佐藤 悟朗, 深沢 泰司, 水野 恒史, 大野 雅功, 高橋 拓也, 国分 紀秀, 榎戸 輝揚, 玉川 徹, 洪 秀徴, 「すざく」HXDチーム, 鈴木 素子, 山岡 和貴, 杉田 聡司, 田代 信, 浦田 裕次, 阿部 圭一, 恩田 香織
    日本物理学会講演概要集 61 2006年  
  • 国分 紀秀, 深沢 泰司, 水野 恒史, 高橋 弘充, 田代 信, 山岡 和貴, 村上 敏夫, 米徳 大輔, 「すざく」HXDチーム, 川原田 円, 牧島 一夫, 高橋 忠幸, 中澤 知洋, 渡辺 伸, 寺田 幸功, 玉川 徹, 久保田 あや
    日本物理学会講演概要集 61 74-74 2006年  
  • Tashiro, M, Suzaku GRB team
    Advances in Space Research 2006年  
  • 田代 信, 山岡和貴, 寺田幸功, 玉川 徹, 久保田あや, 牧島一夫, 国分紀秀, 高橋弘充, 釜江常好, Greg Madjeski, 深沢泰司, 水野恒史, 高橋忠幸, 中澤知洋, 渡辺伸, 村上敏夫, 米徳大輔, 能町正治, ほか「すざく」HXD チーム
    日本天文学会2006年春季年会 2006年  
  • M Tashiro, K Ito, K Abe, N Isobe
    PROCEEDINGS OF THE X-RAY UNIVERSE 2005, VOLS 1 AND 2 604 569-+ 2006年  
    NGC 1316 hosts the classical double lobe radio galaxy Fornax A. Recently, Kim and Fabbiano (2003) revealed with Chandra a 'blob' like emission associated with the optical dark lane, suggesting heating by the galaxy-merging. In this paper, we show a detail analysis focusing into the 'blob' to show significantly low temperature and low entropy. The significantly lower entropy in comparison with the other inter-stellar medium structures supports that the 'blob' are produced at the past galaxy merging. Comparing with those of non-thermal electrons in the radio lobes, we discuss a possible history of the nucleus activity and show its estimated kinetic luminosity during its active phase.
  • Tashiro, M, Suzaku GRB team
    Advances in Space Research 2006年  
  • 田代 信, 山岡和貴, 寺田幸功, 玉川 徹, 久保田あや, 牧島一夫, 国分紀秀, 高橋弘充, 釜江常好, Greg Madjeski, 深沢泰司, 水野恒史, 高橋忠幸, 中澤知洋, 渡辺伸, 村上敏夫, 米徳大輔, 能町正治, ほか「すざく」HXD チーム
    日本天文学会2006年春季年会 2006年  
  • M Ohno, Y Fukazawa, K Yamaoka, M Kokubun, Y Terada, J Kotoku, Y Okada, S Hong, M Mori, A Tsutsui, Y Endo, K Makishima, T Murakami, K Nakazawa, T Takahashi, M Tashiro
    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE 52(6) 2758-2764 2005年12月  
    The hard X-ray detector (HXD-II) onboard Astro-E2 consists of a main detector with energy range 10-600 keV and a BGO active shield detector for background reduction. The shield detector wide-band all-sky monitor (WAM) has been designed not only for background reduction but also for all sky monitoring of gamma-ray bursts (GRB) and bright soft gamma-ray sources. WAM has a large geometrical structure of BGO scintillators for reinforcing its stopping power and has an asymmetric shape for reducing its weight. This particular structure of WAM makes the gamma-ray response very complicated, and thus we need careful calibrations before the launch. We then performed preflight calibrations of WAM as a part of the HXD-II calibrations in 2003-2004. We measured the pulse height spectra and stopping power of each unit counter individually before the HXD-II integration by exposing them to collimated gamma-rays. After integration of the HXD-II detector and installing it to the spacecraft, we measured the same issues as above for WAM by irradiating the gamma-ray source from various directions. Taking into account these experimental results, we constructed the gamma-ray response matrix of WAM using the Geant4 Monte Carlo simulation. The response developed in this work was found to have reproduced the experimental data within 10-20% accuracy.
  • K Yamaoka, M Ohno, Y Terada, S Hong, J Kotoku, Y Okada, A Tsutsui, Y Endo, K Abe, Y Fukazawa, S Hirakuri, T Hiruta, K Itoh, T Itoh, T Kamae, M Kawaharada, N Kawano, K Kawashima, T Kishishita, T Kitaguchi, M Kokubun, GM Madejski, K Makishima, T Mitani, R Miyawaki, T Murakami, MM Murashima, K Nakazawa, H Niko, M Nomachi, K Oonuki, G Sato, M Suzuki, H Takahashi, Takahashi, I, T Takahashi, S Takeda, K Tamura, T Tanaka, M Tashiro, S Watanabe, T Yanagida, D Yonetoku
    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE 52(6) 2765-2772 2005年12月  
    The hard X-ray detector (HXD-II) is one of the three scientific instruments onboard Japanese X-ray astronomy satellite Astro-E2 scheduled to be launched in 2005. This mission is very unique in a point of having a lower background than any other past missions in the 10-600 keV range. In the HXD-II, the large and thick BGO crystals are used as active shields for particle and gamma-ray background to the main detector. They have a wide field of view of similar to 2 pi and a large effective area of 400 cm(2) even at 1 MeV. Hence, the BGO shields have been developed as a wide-band all-sky monitor (WAM) with a broadband coverage of 50-5000 keV. In this paper, overall design and performance of the HXD-II/WAM based on the results of preflight calibration tests carried out in June 2004 are described. By irradiating various radio isotopes with the WAM flight model, we verified that it had comparable capabilities with other gamma-ray burst detectors.
  • H Tajima, T Kamae, G Madejski, Mitani, I, K Nakazawa, T Tanaka, T Takahashi, S Watanabe, Y Fukazawa, T Ikagawa, J Kataoka, M Kokubun, K Makishima, Y Terada, M Nomachi, M Tashiro
    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE 52(6) 2749-2757 2005年12月  
    The soft gamma-ray detector (SGD) onboard the Japanese future high energy astrophysics mission (NeXT) is a Compton telescope with narrow field of view, which utilizes Compton kinematics to enhance its background rejection capabilities. It is realized as a hybrid semiconductor gamma-ray detector which consists of silicon and cadmium telluride (CdTe) detectors. It can detect photons in a wide energy band (0.05-1 MeV) at a background level of 5 x 10(-7) counts/s/cm(2) /keV; the silicon layers are required to improve the performance at a lower energy band (< 0.3 MeV). Excellent energy resolution is the key feature of the SGD, allowing it to achieve both high angular resolution and good background rejection capability. An additional capability of the SGD, its ability to measure gamma-ray polarization, opens up a new window to study properties of astronomical objects. We will present the development of key technologies to realize the SGD: high quality CdTe, low noise front-end application-specific integrated circuit, and bump bonding technology. Energy resolutions of 1.7 keV (full-width at half-maximum) for CdTe pixel detectors and 1.1 keV for Si strip detectors have been measured. We also present the validation of Monte Carlo simulation used to evaluate the performance of the SGD.
  • N Isobe, K Makishima, M Tashiro, S Hong
    ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 632(2) 781-787 2005年10月  
    The XMM-Newton observation of the nearby FR II radio galaxy 3C 98 is reported. In two exposures on the target, faint diffuse X-ray emission associated with the radio lobes was significantly detected together with a bright X-ray active nucleus, of which the 2-10 keV intrinsic luminosity is (4-8) x 10(42) ergs s(-1). The EPIC spectra of the northern and southern lobes are reproduced by a single power-law model modified by the Galactic absorption, with a photon index of 2.2(-0.5)(+0.6) and 1.7(-0.6)(+0.7), respectively. These indices are consistent with that of the radio synchrotron spectrum, 1.73 +/- 0.01. The luminosities of the northern and southern lobes are measured to be 8.3(-2.6)(+3.3) x 10(40) and 9.2+(5.7)(-4.3) x 10(40) ergs s(-1), respectively, in the 0.7-7 keV range. The diffuse X-ray emission is interpreted as an inverse Compton emission, produced when the synchrotron-emitting energetic electrons in the lobes scatter off the cosmic microwave background photons. The magnetic field in the lobes is calculated to be about 1.7 mu G, which is about 2.5 times lower than the value estimated under the minimum energy condition. It is inferred that the energy density of the electrons exceeds that in the magnetic fields by a factor of 40-50.
  • N Gehrels, CL Sarazin, PT O'Brien, B Zhang, L Barbier, SD Barthelmy, A Blustin, DN Burrows, J Cannizzo, Cummings, JR, M Goad, ST Holland, CP Hurkett, JA Kennea, A Levan, CB Markwardt, KO Mason, P Meszaros, M Page, DM Palmer, E Rol, T Sakamoto, R Willingale, L Angelini, A Beardmore, PT Boyd, A Breeveld, S Campana, MM Chester, G Chincarini, LR Cominsky, G Cusumano, M de Pasquale, EE Fenimore, P Giommi, C Gronwall, D Grupe, JE Hill, D Hinshaw, J Hjorth, D Hullinger, KC Hurley, S Klose, S Kobayashi, C Kouveliotou, HA Krimm, Mangano, V, FE Marshall, K McGowan, A Moretti, RF Mushotzky, K Nakazawa, JP Norris, JA Nousek, JP Osborne, K Page, AM Parsons, S Patel, M Perri, T Poole, P Romano, PWA Roming, S Rosen, G Sato, P Schady, AP Smale, J Sollerman, R Starling, M Still, M Suzuki, G Tagliaferri, T Takahashi, M Tashiro, J Tueller, AA Wells, NE White, RAMJ Wijers
    NATURE 437(7060) 851-854 2005年10月  
    Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) come in two classes(1): long (> 2 s), soft-spectrum bursts and short, hard events. Most progress has been made on understanding the long GRBs, which are typically observed at high redshift ( z approximate to 1) and found in subluminous star-forming host galaxies. They are likely to be produced in core-collapse explosions of massive stars(2). In contrast, no short GRB had been accurately (< 1000) and rapidly ( minutes) located. Here we report the detection of the X-ray afterglow from - and the localization of - the short burst GRB 050509B. Its position on the sky is near a luminous, non-star-forming elliptical galaxy at a redshift of 0.225, which is the location one would expect(3,4) if the origin of this GRB is through the merger of neutron-star or blackhole binaries. The X-ray afterglow was weak and faded below the detection limit within a few hours; no optical afterglow was detected to stringent limits, explaining the past difficulty in localizing short GRBs.
  • 中澤知洋, 釜江常好, 国分紀秀, 高橋忠幸, 高橋弘充, 田代信, 寺田幸功, 能町正治, 深沢泰司, 牧島一夫, 水野恒史, 村上敏夫, 山岡和貴, 米徳大輔, 渡辺伸, MADEJSKI Greg
    日本天文学会年会講演予稿集 2005 312 2005年8月20日  
  • 山岡 和貴, 釜江 常好, 国分 紀秀, 高橋 忠幸, 高橋 弘充, 田代 信, 寺田 幸功, 中澤 知洋, 能町 正治, 深沢 泰司, 牧島 一夫, 水野 恒史, 村上 敏夫, 渡辺 伸, Madejski Greg, 他Astro-E2衛星HXD-IIチーム
    日本物理学会講演概要集 60(2) 37-37 2005年8月19日  
  • 阿部 圭一, 玉川 徹, 臼井 文彦, 寺田 幸功, 浦田 裕次, 恩田 香織, 田代 信, 吾妻 洋樹, 桑原 允, 他WIDGETチーム
    日本物理学会講演概要集 60(2) 29-29 2005年8月19日  
  • 佐藤 悟朗, 高橋 忠幸, 中澤 知洋, 三谷 烈史, 田代 信, 鈴木 雅也, Gehrels Neil, Hullinger Derek, Parsons Ann, 坂本 貴紀, the Swift team
    日本物理学会講演概要集 60(2) 29-29 2005年8月19日  
  • 国分 紀秀, 釜江 常好, 高橋 忠幸, 高橋 弘充, 田代 信, 寺田 幸功, 中澤 知洋, 能町 正治, 深沢 泰司, 牧島 一夫, 水野 恒史, 村上 敏夫, 山岡 和貴, 渡辺 伸, 米徳 大輔, Madejski Greg, ほかHXD-IIチーム
    日本物理学会講演概要集 60(2) 37-37 2005年8月19日  
  • 田代 信, 高橋 忠幸, 中澤 知洋, 佐藤 悟朗, 鈴木 雅也, 三谷 烈史, Gehrels Neil, the Swift team
    日本物理学会講演概要集 60(2) 29-29 2005年8月19日  
  • M Suzuki, M Tashiro, G Sato, S Watanabe, K Nakazawa, T Takahashi, Y Okada, H Takahashi, A Parsons, S Barthelmy, J Cummings, N Gehrels, D Hullinger, H Krimm, J Tueller
    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE 52(4) 1033-1035 2005年8月  
    The Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) onboard the Swift gamma-ray burst explorer has a coded aperture mask and a detector array of 32 K CdZnTe semiconductor devices. Due to the small mobility and short lifetime of carriers, the electron-hole pairs generated by gamma-ray irradiation cannot be fully collected. Hence the shape of the measured spectra has a broad low-energy tail. We have developed a method to model the spectral response by taking into account the charge transport properties which depend on the depth of the photon interaction [1]. The mobility-lifetime products for detectors derived from our method vary by more than one order of magnitude among detectors. In this paper, we focus on the nonuniformity of the mobility at the millimeter scale by employing a scanning experiment for a single detector. We reveal almost an order of magnitude variance in the mobility-lifetime product of holes within a single detector, while those of electrons, remains fairly uniform.
  • Y Terada, S Watanabe, M Ohno, M Suzuki, T Itoh, Takahashi, I, G Sato, M Murashima, N Kawano, Y Uchiyama, S Kubo, T Takahashi, M Tashiro, M Kokubun, K Makishima, T Kamae, T Murakami, M Nomachi, Y Fukazawa, K Yamaoka, K Nakazawa, D Yonetoku
    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE 52(4) 902-909 2005年8月  
    The Hard X-ray Detector (HXD-II) is one of the scientific payloads on board the fifth Japanese cosmic X-ray satellite Astro-E2, scheduled for launch in 2005. The HXD-II is designed to cover a wide energy range of 10-600 keV with a high sensitivity of about 10(-5) cnt/s/cm(2) /keV. In order to derive the energy response of the sensor and to estimate the background, a Monte Carlo simulator based on the Geant4 toolkit is currently being developed. This paper describes the design concept of the HXD-II software package, including the analysis tools and the Monte Carlo simulator, and its verification through a comparison with actual data taken by pre-flight radio-isotope irradiation experiments, together with calculated outputs that can demonstrate the in-orbit performance of the HXD-II.
  • T Tamagawa, F Usui, Y Urata, K Abe, K Onda, M Tashiro, Y Terada, H Fujiwara, N Miura, S Hirose, N Kawai, A Yoshida, M Mori, K Makishima
    WIDGET is a robotic telescope for rnonitoring the HETE-2 field-of-view to detect Gamma-Ray Burst optical flashes or possible optical precursors. The system has 62 degrees x 62 degrees wide field-of-view which covers about 80% of HETE-2 one with a, 2kx2k Apogee U10 CCD camera and a Canon EF 24 mm f/1.4 wide-angle lens without a bandpass filter. WIDGET has been in operation since June 2004 at Akeno observing site where is about 200 kin apart from Tokyo. Typical limiting magnitude with S/N=3 at the site is V = 10(mag) for 5 seconds exposure and V = 11(mag) for 30 seconds exposure. We had already six coincident observations with HETE-2 position alerts. It was, however, cloudy for all cases due to rainy season in Japan. The expected number of coincident observations under clear sky is about 5 events per year. We will extend the system in early 2005 for Swift era to monitor optical transients in wider field-of-view, multi-color or polarization modes.
  • S Hong, K Yamaoka, Y Terada, A Ohno, A Tsutsui, Y Endo, J Kotoku, Y Okada, A Mori, Y Fukazawa, T Kamae, M Kokubun, K Makishima, T Murakami, K Nakazawa, M Nomachi, M Tashiro, Takahashi, I, T Takahashi, D Yonetoku, S Watanabe
    The Hard X-ray Detector (HXD-II) is one of the three instruments onboard the Astro-E2 satellite scheduled for launch in 2005. The HXD-II consists of 16 main counters (Well units), surrounded by 20 active shield counters (Anti units). The Anti units have a large geometrical area of similar to 800 cm(2) with an uncollimated field of view covering similar to 2 pi steradian. Utilizing 2.6 cm thick BGO crystals: they realize a large effective area of 400 cm(2) for 1 MeV photons. In the energy range of 300-5000 keV, the expected effective area is significantly larger than those of other gamma-ray burst instruments, such as CGRO/BATSE, HETE-2/FREGATE, and GLAST/GBM. Therefore. the Anti units act as a Wideband All-sky, Monitor (WAM) for gamma-ray bursts in the energy range of 50-5000 keV.
  • G Sato, A Parsons, D Hullinger, M Suzuki, T Takahashi, M Tashiro, K Nakazawa, Y Okada, H Takahashi, S Watanabe, S Barthelmy, J Cummings, N Gehrels, H Krimm, C Markwardt, J Tueller, E Fenimore, D Palmer
    The properties of 32K CdZnTe (4 x 4 mm(2) large, 2 rum thick) detectors have been studied in the pre-flight calibration of the Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) on-board the Swift Gamma-ray Burst Explorer (scheduled for launch in November 2004). In order to understand the energy response of the BAT CdZnTe array, we first quantify the mobility-lifetime (mu tau) products of carriers in individual CdZnTe detectors, which produce a position dependency in the charge induction efficiency and results in a low-energy tail in the energy spectrum. Based on a new method utilizing Co-57 spectra obtained at different bias voltages, the mu tau for electrons ranges from 5.0 x 10(-4) to 1.0 x 10(-2) cm(2) V-1 while the mu tau for holes ranges from 1.3 x 10(-5) to 1.8 x 10(-4) cm(2) V-1. We find that this wide distribution of mu tau products explains the large diversity in spectral shapes between CdZnTe detectors well. We also find that the variation of mu tau products can be attributed to the difference of crystal ingots or manufacturing harness. We utilize the 32K sets of extracted mu tau products to develop a spectral model of the detector. In combination with Monte Carlo simulations, we can construct a spectral model for any photon energy or any incident angle. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • T Takahashi, K Nakazawa, S Watanabe, G Sato, T Mitani, T Tanaka, K Oonuki, K Tamura, H Tajima, T Kamae, G Madejski, M Nomachi, Y Fukazawa, K Makishima, M Kokubun, Y Terada, J Kataoka, M Tashiro
    Cadmium telluride (CdTe) and cadmium zinc telluride (CdZnTe) have been regarded as promising semiconductor materials for hard X-ray and gamma-ray detection. The high-atomic number of the materials (Z(Cd) = 48, Z(Te) = 52) gives a high quantum efficiency in comparison with Si. The large band-gap energy (E-g = 1.5 eV) allows to operate the detector at room temperature. Based on recent achievements in high-resolution CdTe detectors, in the technology of ASICs and in bump-bonding, we have proposed the novel hard X-ray and gamma-ray detectors for the NeXT mission in Japan. The high-energy response of the super mirror onboard NeXT will enable us to perform the first sensitive imaging observations up to 80keV. The focal plane detector, which combines a fully depleted X-ray CCD and a pixellated CdTe detector, will provide spectra and images in the wide energy range from 0.5 to 80keV. In the soft gamma-ray band up to similar to 1 MeV, a narrow field-of-view Compton gamma-ray telescope utilizing several tens of layers of thin Si or CdTe detector will provide precise spectra with much higher sensitivity than present instruments. The continuum sensitivity will reach several x 10(-8) photons(-1) keV(-1) cm(-1) in the hard X-ray region and a few X 10(-7) photons(-1) keV(-1) cm(-2) in the soft gamma-ray region. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • N Gehrels, G Chincarini, P Giommi, KO Mason, JA Nousek, AA Wells, NE White, SD Barthelmy, DN Burrows, LR Cominsky, KC Hurley, FE Marshall, P Meszaros, PWA Roming, L Angelini, LM Barbier, T Belloni, PT Boyd, S Campana, PA Caraveo, MM Chester, O Citterio, TL Cline, MS Cropper, Cummings, JR, AJ Dean, ED Feigelson, EE Fenimore, DA Frail, AS Fruchter, GP Garmire, K Gendreau, G Ghisellini, J Greiner, JE Hill, SD Hunsberger, HA Krimm, Kulkarni, SR, P Kumar, F Lebrun, NM Lloyd-Ronning, CB Markwardt, BJ Mattson, RF Mushotzky, JP Norris, B Paczynski, DM Palmer, HS Park, AM Parsons, J Paul, MJ Rees, CS Reynolds, JE Rhoads, TP Sasseen, BE Schaefer, AT Short, AP Smale, IA Smith, L Stella, M Still, G Tagliaferri, T Takahashi, M Tashiro, LK Townsley, J Tueller, MJL Turner, M Vietri, W Voges, MJ Ward, R Willingale, FM Zerbi, WW Zhang
    ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 621(1) 558-558 2005年3月  
  • 寺田幸功, 渡辺伸, 尾崎正伸, 大野雅功, 鈴木雅也, 伊藤健, 内山泰伸, 久保信, 佐藤悟朗, 高橋勲, 川原田円, 村島未生, 宮脇良平, 柳田健之, 三谷烈史, 田中孝明, 川埜直美, 洪秀徴, 牧島一夫, 高橋忠幸, 村上敏夫, 田代信, 深沢泰司, 国分紀秀, 中澤知洋, 山岡和貴, 米徳大輔
    日本天文学会年会講演予稿集 2005 251 2005年2月20日  
  • 鈴木雅也, 田代信, 佐藤悟朗, 中澤知洋, 高橋忠幸, 岡田祐, 高橋弘充, BARTHELMY Scott, CUMMINGS Jay, GEHRELS Neil, HULLINGER Derek, KRIMM Hans, MARKWARDT Craig, PARSONS Ann, 坂本貴紀, TULLER Jack, DEAN Tony, WILLIS Dave
    日本天文学会年会講演予稿集 2005 256 2005年2月20日  
  • 佐藤悟朗, 高橋忠幸, 中澤知洋, 田代信, 鈴木雅也, 岡田祐, 高橋弘充, BARTHELMY Scott, CUMMINGS Jay, GEHRELS Neil, HULLINGER Derek, KRIMM Hans, MARKWARDT Craig, PARSONS Ann, 坂本貴紀, TULLER Jack
    日本天文学会年会講演予稿集 2005 255 2005年2月20日  
  • 田代 信, 鈴木 雅也, 佐藤 悟朗
    宇宙科学シンポジウム 5 730-733 2005年1月6日  
  • Tashiro, M, Ito, K, Abe, K, Isobe, N
    The X-ray Universe 261-261 2005年  
  • SD Barthelmy, LM Barbier, Cummings, JR, EE Fenimore, N Gehrels, D Hullinger, HA Krimm, CB Markwardt, DM Palmer, A Parsons, G Sato, M Suzuki, T Takahashi, M Tashiro, J Tueller
    SPACE SCIENCE REVIEWS 120(3-4) 143-164 2005年  
    The burst alert telescope (BAT) is one of three instruments on the Swift MIDEX spacecraft to study gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). The BAT first detects the GRB and localizes the burst direction to an accuracy of 1-4 arcmin within 20s after the start of the event. The GRB trigger initiates an autonomous spacecraft slew to point the two narrow field-of-view (FOV) instruments at the burst location within 20-70 s so to make follow-up X-ray and optical observations. The BAT is a wide-FOV, coded-aperture instrument with a CdZnTe detector plane. The detector plane is composed of 32,768 pieces of CdZnTe (4x4x2 mm), and the coded-aperture mask is composed of similar to 52,000 pieces of lead (5x5x1 mm) with a 1-m separation between mask and detector plane. The BAT operates over the 15-150 keV energy range with similar to 7 keV resolution, a sensitivity of similar to 10(-8) ergg s(-1) cm(-2), and a 1.4 sr (half-coded) FOV. We expect to detect >100 GRBs/year for a 2-year mission. The BAT also performs an all-sky hard X-ray survey with a sensitivity of similar to 2 m Crab (systematic limit) and it serves as a hard X-ray transient monitor.
  • Madoka Kawaharada, Soojing Hong, Mio M. Murashima, Motohide Kokubun, Takeshi Itoh, Kazuo Makishima, Ryouhei Miyawaki, Hisako Niko, Takayuki Yanagida, Takefumi Mitani, Kazuhiro Nakazawa, Kousuke Oonuki, Tadayuki Takahashi, Ken'ichi Tamura, Takaaki Tanaka, Yukikatsu Terada, Yasushi Fukazawa, Naomi Kawano, Kengo Kawashima, Masanori Ohno, Kazutaka Yamaoka, Keiichi Abe, Masaya Suzuki, Makoto Tashiro, Daisuke Yonetoku, Toshio Murakami
    Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 5501 286-295 2004年12月1日  
    The Hard X-ray Detector (HXD-II), one of instruments onboard the Astro-E2 satellite to be launched in February 2005, is in the final stage of its development. The HXD-II probes the universe in the energy range of 10-600 keV with a sensitivity by an order of magnitude better than those of previous missions. The assembly of the HXD-II completed in January 2004, followed by a series of pre-launch qualification tests. As a result, the design goals of the HXD-II have been met. These include; a background level of 5 × 10 -6 counts/s/keV/cm 2 at 200 keV for GSO and 1 × 10 -5 counts/s/keV/cm 2 at 30 keV for PIN; energy resolutions of 2.9 keV (PIN diode, at 59.5 keV) and 10 % (GSO scintillator, at 662 keV); and low energy thresholds of 10 keV for PIN diodes and 30 keV for GSO scintillators. The measured background predicts a continuum sensitivity of a few ×10 -6 photons/s/keV/cm 2 . Anti-Counter units surrounding the HXD-II provide 50 keV-5 MeV information on gamma-ray bursts and bright X-ray transients.
  • H. Tajima, T. Kamae, G. Madejski, T. Mitani, K. Nakazawa, T. Tanaka, T. Takahashi, S. Watanabe, Y. Fukazawa, T. Ikagawa, J. Kataoka, M. Kokubun, K. Makishima, Y. Terada, M. Nomachi, M. Tashiro
    IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record 1 314-321 2004年12月1日  
    The Soft Gamma-ray Detector (SGD) on board NeXT (Japanese future high energy astrophysics mission) is a Compton telescope with narrow field of view (FOV), which utilizes Compton kinematics to enhance its background rejection capabilities. It is realized as a hybrid semiconductor gamma-ray detector which consists of silicon and CdTe (Cadmium Telluride) detectors. It can detect photons in a wide energy band (0.05-1 MeV) at a background level of 5 × 10-7counts/s/cm2/keV; the silicon layers are required to improve the performance at a lower energy band (<0.3 MeV). Excellent energy resolution is the key feature of the SGD, allowing to achieve both high angular resolution and good background rejection capability. An additional capability of the SGD, its ability to measure gamma-ray polarization opens up a new window to study properties of astronomical objects. We will present the development of key technologies to realize the SGD; high quality CdTe, low noise front-end ASIC and bump bonding tecnology. Energy resolutions of 1.7 keV (FWHM) for CdTe pixel detectors and 1.1 keV for Si strip detectors have been measured. We also present the validation of MC simulation used to evaluate the performance of the SGD. © 2004 IEEE.
  • 大野 雅功, 深沢 泰司, 山岡 和貴, 筒井 章仁, 牧島 一夫, 国分 紀秀, 寺田 幸功, 古徳 純一, 田代 信, 洪 秀徴, 森 正統, 村上 敏夫, 高橋 忠幸, 中澤 知洋
    日本物理学会講演概要集 59(2) 76-76 2004年8月25日  
  • 阿部 圭一, 玉川 徹, 臼井 文彦, 寺田 幸功, 浦田 裕次, 恩田 香織, 田代 信, 藤原 英明, 三浦 直也, 廣瀬 匠, 牧島 一夫, 森 正樹, 河合 誠之, 吉田 篤正
    日本物理学会講演概要集 59(2) 80-80 2004年8月25日  
  • N Gehrels, G Chincarini, P Giommi, KO Mason, JA Nousek, AA Wells, NE White, SD Barthelmy, DN Burrows, LR Cominsky, KC Hurley, FE Marshall, P Meszaros, PWA Roming, L Angelini, LM Barbier, T Belloni, S Campana, PA Caraveo, MM Chester, O Citterio, TL Cline, MS Cropper, Cummings, JR, AJ Dean, ED Feigelson, EE Fenimore, DA Frail, AS Fruchter, GP Garmire, K Gendreau, G Ghisellini, J Greiner, JE Hill, SD Hunsberger, HA Krimm, Kulkarni, SR, P Kumar, F Lebrun, NM Lloyd-Ronning, CB Markwardt, BJ Mattson, RF Mushotzky, JP Norris, J Osborne, B Paczynski, DM Palmer, HS Park, AM Parsons, J Paul, MJ Rees, CS Reynolds, JE Rhoads, TP Sasseen, BE Schaefer, AT Short, AP Smale, IA Smith, L Stella, G Tagliaferri, T Takahashi, M Tashiro, LK Townsley, J Tueller, MJL Turner, M Vietri, W Voges, MJ Ward, R Willingale, FM Zerbi, WW Zhang
    ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 611(2) 1005-1020 2004年8月  
    The Swift mission, scheduled for launch in 2004, is a multiwavelength observatory for gamma-ray burst (GRB) astronomy. It is a first-of-its-kind autonomous rapid-slewing satellite for transient astronomy and pioneers the way for future rapid-reaction and multiwavelength missions. It will be far more powerful than any previous GRB mission, observing more than 100 bursts yr(-1) and performing detailed X-ray and UV/optical afterglow observations spanning timescales from 1 minute to several days after the burst. The objectives are to (1) determine the origin of GRBs, (2) classify GRBs and search for new types, (3) study the interaction of the ultrarelativistic outflows of GRBs with their surrounding medium, and (4) use GRBs to study the early universe out to z>10. The mission is being developed by a NASA-led international collaboration. It will carry three instruments: a new-generation wide-field gamma-ray (15-150 keV) detector that will detect bursts, calculate 1'-4' positions, and trigger autonomous spacecraft slews; a narrow-field X-ray telescope that will give 5" positions and perform spectroscopy in the 0.2-10 keV band; and a narrow-field UV/optical telescope that will operate in the 170-600 nm band and provide 0".3 positions and optical finding charts. Redshift determinations will be made for most bursts. In addition to the primary GRB science, the mission will perform a hard X-ray survey to a sensitivity of similar to1 mcrab (similar to2x10(-11) ergs cm(-2) s(-1) in the 15-150 keV band), more than an order of magnitude better than HEAO 1 A-4. A flexible data and operations system will allow rapid follow-up observations of all types of high-energy transients, with rapid data downlink and uplink available through the NASA TDRSS system. Swift transient data will be rapidly distributed to the astronomical community, and all interested observers are encouraged to participate in follow-up measurements. A Guest Investigator program for the mission will provide funding for community involvement. Innovations from the Swift program applicable to the future include (1) a large-area gamma-ray detector using the new CdZnTe detectors, (2) an autonomous rapid-slewing spacecraft, (3) a multiwavelength payload combining optical, X-ray, and gamma-ray instruments, (4) an observing program coordinated with other ground-based and space-based observatories, and (5) immediate multiwavelength data flow to the community. The mission is currently funded for 2 yr of operations, and the spacecraft will have a lifetime to orbital decay of similar to8 yr.
  • 田代 信, 磯部 直樹
    天文月報 97(7) 400-405 2004年6月20日  
  • 田代 信, 鈴木 雅也, 伊藤 光一, 阿部 圭一, 磯部 直樹
    日本物理学会講演概要集 59(1) 78-78 2004年3月3日  
  • 川原田 円, 村島 未生, 伊藤 健, 二河 久子, 宮脇 良平, 柳田 健之, 国分 紀秀, 牧島 一夫, 三谷 烈史, 田中 孝明, 大貫 宏佑, 田村 健一, 中澤 知洋, 高橋 忠幸, 川埜 直美, 河嶋 健吾, 深沢 泰司, 鈴木 雅也, 阿部 圭一, 田代 信
    日本物理学会講演概要集 59(1) 89-89 2004年3月3日  
  • T Takahashi, K Makishima, Y Fukazawa, M Kokubun, K Nakazawa, M Nomachi, H Tajima, M Tashiro, Y Terada
    NEW ASTRONOMY REVIEWS 48(1-4) 269-273 2004年2月  
    When compared with X-ray astronomy, the gamma-ray astronomy, especially in the energy band from 10 keV to several MeV, is still immature and significant improvements should be done to obtain sensitivity comparable to that achieved in the energy band below 10 keV. In order to fill this "sensitivity gap", the NeXT (New X-ray Telescope) mission has been proposed as a successor of the Astro-E2 mission. The high-energy response of the super mirror will enable us to perform first sensitive imaging observation up to 80 keV. One idea for the focal plane detector is to combine a fully depleted X-ray imaging device (soft X-ray detector) and a pixelated CdTe (cadmium telluride) detector. In the soft gamma-ray band upto similar to1 MeV, a narrow field-of-view Compton gamma-ray telescope utilizing several tens of layers of thin Si or CdTe detector has been proposed to obtain much higher sensitivity than present instruments. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • 片岡 淳, 田代 信, 深沢 泰司
    宇宙科学シンポジウム 4 43-46 2004年1月8日  
  • 米徳 大輔, 村上 敏夫, 田代 信
    宇宙科学シンポジウム 4 63-65 2004年1月8日  
  • 鈴木 雅也, 田代 信, 佐藤 悟朗
    宇宙科学シンポジウム 4 463-466 2004年1月8日  
  • 鈴木雅也, 田代信, 佐藤悟朗, 渡辺伸, 中澤知洋, 高橋忠幸, 岡田祐, 高橋弘充, BARTHELMY Scott, CUMMINGS Jay, GEHRELS Neil, HULLINGER Derek, KRIMM Hans, MARKWARDT Craig, PARSONS Ann, TULLER Jack, DEAN Tony, WILLIS Dave
    日本天文学会年会講演予稿集 2004 262 2004年  

