
野中 聡

ノナカ サトシ  (Satoshi Nonaka)


国立研究開発法人宇宙航空研究開発機構 宇宙科学研究所 教授





  • 井手慎之介, 松島涼介, 麻生茂, 谷泰寛, 平川祐一, 野中聡
    流体力学講演会/航空宇宙数値シミュレーション技術シンポジウム講演集(CD-ROM) 50th-36th 2018年  
  • 伊藤隆, 野中聡, 山本高行, 伊藤琢博, 中村隆宏
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 62nd 2018年  
  • 下平健太, 米本浩一, 藤川貴弘, 村上清人, 嶋田貴信, 内藤均, 星野健, 野中聡, 山本睦也, 花岡寛司, 正原太, 蛯名武雄, 相澤崇史
    日本機械学会九州支部総会・講演会(CD-ROM) 71st 2018年  
  • 大野宗祐, 三宅範宗, 石橋高, 奥平修, 河口優子, 前田恵介, 梯友哉, 山田学, 飯嶋一征, 山岸明彦, 山田和彦, 福家英之, 野中聡, 瀬川高弘, 高橋裕介, 吉田哲也, 松井孝典
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 62nd 2018年  
  • 原田敏明, 河内和明, 北村圭一, 野中聡
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 62nd 2018年  
  • 平岩徹夫, 田中祐人, 齊藤靖博, 秋江辰司, 野中聡, 門脇琢哉, 石本真二
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 62nd 2018年  
  • 高木雄哉, 青柿拓也, 北村圭一, 野中聡
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 62nd 2018年  
  • 野中聡, 伊藤隆, 中村隆宏, 紙田徹
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 62nd 2018年  
  • 伊藤隆, 野中聡, 中村隆宏, 佐藤峻介, 紙田徹, 望月一憲, 青木広太郎, 森初男, 坂口裕之
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 62nd 2018年  
  • 中井元気, 金子敬郎, 瀧田純也, 尾場瀬公人, 紙田徹, 野中聡, 橋本知之, 佐藤正喜
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 62nd 2018年  
  • 松本太斗, 白井康之, 塩津正博, 藤田勝千, 石見佳紀, 小林弘明, 成尾芳博, 稲谷芳文, 野中聡
    低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 96th 2018年  
  • 石見佳紀, 松本太斗, 藤田勝千, 白井康之, 塩津正博, 小林弘明, 成尾芳博, 稲谷芳文, 野中聡, 田中秀樹, 児玉一宗, 鈴木孝明
    低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 96th 2018年  
  • 塩津正博, 白井康之, 松本大斗, 藤田勝千, 石見佳紀, 小林弘明, 野中聡, 成尾芳博, 稲谷芳史
    低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 96th 2018年  
  • 大野宗祐, 三宅範宗, 奥平修, 石橋高, 河口優子, 前田恵介, 梯友哉, 山田学, 山田和彦, 高橋裕介, 山岸明彦, 瀬川高弘, 野中聡, 福家英之, 所源亮, 山内一也, 吉田哲也, 松井孝典
    日本地球惑星科学連合大会予稿集(Web) 2018 2018年  
  • Y. Shirai, T. Kainuma, H. Shigeta, M. Shiotsu, H. Tatsumoto, Y. Naruo, H. Kobayashi, S. Nonaka, Y. Inatani, S. Yoshinaga
    IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 278(1) 2017年12月30日  
    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. The knowledge of forced flow heat transfer characteristics of liquid hydrogen (LH2) is important and necessary for design and cooling analysis of high critical temperature superconducting devices. However, there are few test facilities available for LH2 forced flow cooling for superconductors. A test system to provide a LH2 forced flow (∼10 m/s) of a short period (less than 100 s) has been developed. The test system was composed of two LH2 tanks connected by a transfer line with a controllable valve, in which the forced flow rate and its period were limited by the storage capacity of tanks. In this paper, a liquid hydrogen recirculation system, which was designed and fabricated in order to study characteristics of superconducting cables in a stable forced flow of liquid hydrogen for longer period, was described. This LH2 loop system consists of a centrifugal pump with dynamic gas bearings, a heat exchanger which is immersed in a liquid hydrogen tank, and a buffer tank where a test section (superconducting wires or cables) is set. The buffer tank has LHe cooled superconducting magnet which can produce an external magnetic field (up to 7T) at the test section. A performance test was conducted. The maximum flow rate was 43.7 g/s. The lowest temperature was 22.5 K. It was confirmed that the liquid hydrogen can stably circulate for 7 hours.
  • T. Matsumoto, Y. Shirai, M. Shiotsu, K. Fujita, T. Kainuma, H. Tatsumoto, Y. Naruo, H. Kobayashi, S. Nonaka, Y. Inatani
    IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 278(1) 2017年12月30日  
    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. Liquid hydrogen has excellent physical properties, high latent heat and low viscosity of liquid, as a coolant for superconductors like MgB2. The knowledge of Departure from Nucleate Boiling (DNB) heat flux of liquid hydrogen is necessary for designing and cooling analysis of high critical temperature superconducting devices. In this paper, DNB heat fluxes of liquid hydrogen were measured under saturated and subcooled conditions at absolute pressures of 400, 700 and 1100 kPa for various flow velocities. Two wire test heaters made by Pt-Co alloy with the length of 200 mm and the diameter of 0.7 mm were used. And these round heaters were set in central axis of a flow channel made of Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP) with inner diameters of 8 mm and 12 mm. These test bodies were vertically mounted and liquid hydrogen flowed upward through the channel. From these experimental values, the correlations of DNB heat flux under saturated and subcooled conditions are presented in this paper.
  • Kotaro Aoki, Kimihito Obase, Kazunori Mochizuki, Mitsutoshi Tsujioka, Satoshi Nonaka, Takeshi Ito
    Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC 15 9939-9944 2017年  
    Copyright © 2017 by the International Astronautical Federation (IAF). All rights reserved. Copyright © 2017 by the International Astronautical Federation (IAF). All rights reserved. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd (MHI) has been contributed to the development and manufacture of liquid fuelled launch vehicles from early phase in Japan. MHI began providing launch services with H-IIA launch vehicle for both commercial and governmental missions in 2007. In 2013 H-IIB launch vehicle was added in the line-up of service launcher family. The latest success rate of H-IIA/B has reached to 97 percent. In addition, a new expendable launcher H3 is under development and its first flight is planned in FY2020. In parallel, aiming for the drastic reduction of space transportation cost, R&D for the reusable space transportation systems is in progress. Especially, reusable 40kN-thrust liquid hydrogen/oxygen engine has been developed and demonstrated successful firing test worth 100 flights duration in 2014 by Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and MHI. For next step, we have agreed to collaboratively develop a reusable experimental vehicle which will be equipped with the reusable engine. The objective of this vehicle is to raise TRL of several key technologies required for reusable space transportation systems as system demonstration. Additionally, JAXA and MHI continue a conceptual study of space transportation system, in order to market the reusable system in the 2020s with reduced cost of space transportation.
  • Satoshi Nonaka, Takashi Ito, Yoshifumi Inatani
    Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC 15 10010-10019 2017年  
    Copyright © 2017 by the International Astronautical Federation (IAF). All rights reserved. To study a system architecture for reusable launch vehicle, we have proposed a reusable sounding rocket in ISAS/JAXA which makes the access to space for scientific researches much easier and make the opportunities of the rocket launches much frequent. Reusable sounding rocket is different from the present expendable rockets in 1) repeated operations, 2) returning flight / re-ignition of engine / vertical landing, that is, 3) fault tolerant / health management. Technology maturation studies as phase-A of reusable sounding rocket development have been conducted from 2010 to 2016 as follows, 1) proto-model engine development and repeated operation demonstration, 2) fuel/oxidizer management demonstration through planned flight, in-flight restart and turnaround ground operation, 3) detailed aerodynamic design and returning flight studies, 4) health monitoring subsystem demonstration, and 5) comprehensive preliminary system design and front loading studies for "flyable vehicle" including repeated flight operation architecture. As these technical demonstrations for reusable sounding rocket development have successfully completed, a study system level verifications by a flight demonstrator are in progress from 2016 as the next step. In this plan, a reusable rocket test vehicle will be established for repeated flight demonstrations. Objectives of the demonstration are 1) system architecture study for repeated flight operation such as quick turnaround operation and fault tolerant design method, 2) life controlled and frequently repeated use of cryogenic propulsion system and its flight demonstrations, 3) study for the advanced returning flight method of vertical landers and its flight demonstrations, and 4) demonstration of advanced technology for future RLVs such as more composite on board, in flight fuel management, GH2/GOX auxiliary propulsion, health management, long-life high performance engine. These system level studies by a reusable flight demonstrator will be conducted for next three years. In this paper, ISAS/JAXA activities for development reusable launch vehicle, that is, technical demonstrations for reusable sounding rocket and a plan and present status of flight demonstrations by reusable rocket demonstrator, are summarized and reported.
  • 丸祐介, 森初男, 大貝高士, 水越紀良, 竹内伸介, 山本高行, 八木下剛, 野中聡
    航空原動機・宇宙推進講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 57th 2017年  
  • 稲富彩乃, 北村圭一, 野中聡
    日本航空宇宙学会年会講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 48th 2017年  
  • 藤田勝千, 飼沼徹, 白井康之, 塩津正博, 小林弘明, 成尾芳博, 稲谷芳文, 野中聡
    電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2017 2017年  
  • 原田敏明, 北村圭一, 野中聡
    日本航空宇宙学会年会講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 48th 2017年  
  • 青柿拓也, 北村圭一, 野中聡
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 61st 2017年  
  • 中村隆宏, 堤誠司, 野中聡, 三木肇
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 61st 2017年  
  • 西川佳希, 坪井伸幸, 小澤晃平, 武藤智太朗, 伊藤隆, 野中聡
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 61st 2017年  
  • 村上清人, 米本浩一, 藤川貴弘, 下平健太, 嶋田貴信, 内藤均, 星野健, 野中聡, 山本睦也, 花岡寛司, 正原太, 坂口裕之, 蛯名武雄, 相澤崇史
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 61st 2017年  
  • 野中聡, 伊藤隆
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 61st 2017年  
  • 松島涼介, 井手慎之介, 河津裕也, 麻生茂, 谷泰寛, 森下和彦, 平川裕一, 野中聡
    日本航空宇宙学会西部支部講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 2017 2017年  
  • 井手慎之介, 河津裕也, 松島涼介, 麻生茂, 谷泰寛, 森下和彦, 平川祐一, 野中聡
    日本航空宇宙学会西部支部講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 2017 2017年  
  • 大野宗祐, 石橋高, 三宅範宗, 奥平修, 河口優子, 梯友哉, 山田学, 前田恵介, 山岸明彦, 山田和彦, 福家英之, 吉田哲也, 高橋裕介, 野中聡, 瀬川高弘, 石川裕子, 所源亮, 山内一也, 松井孝典
    日本生化学会大会(Web) 90th 2017年  
  • 西川佳希, 牟田智幸, 坪井伸幸, 伊藤隆, 野中聡
    日本機械学会九州支部総会・講演会(CD-ROM) 70th 2017年  
  • 藤田勝千, 飼沼徹, 松本太斗, 白井康之, 塩津正博, 小林弘明, 成尾芳博, 稲谷芳文, 野中聡, 田中秀樹, 児玉一宗, 鈴木孝明
    低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 94th 2017年  
  • 松本太斗, 白井康之, 塩津正博, 藤田勝千, 飼沼徹, 小林弘明, 成尾芳博, 稲谷芳文, 野中聡
    低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 94th 2017年  
  • 塩津正博, 白井康之, 藤田勝千, 松本太斗, 小林弘明, 野中聡, 成尾芳博, 稲谷芳文
    低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 95th 2017年  
  • 松本太斗, 白井康之, 塩津正博, 藤田勝千, 石見佳紀, 小林弘明, 成尾芳博, 稲谷芳文, 野中聡
    低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 95th 2017年  
  • 大野宗祐, 石橋高, 三宅範宗, 奥平修, 河口優子, 梯友哉, 山田学, 前田恵介, 山岸明彦, 山田和彦, 福家英之, 吉田哲也, 高橋裕介, 野中聡, 瀬川高弘, 石川裕子, 所源亮, 山内一也, 松井孝典
    日本惑星科学会秋季講演会予稿集(Web) 2017 2017年  
  • H. Shigeta, Y. Shirai, M. Shiotsu, H. Tatsumoto, S. Nonaka, H. Kobayashi, Y. Naruo, Y. Inatani
    IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 26(3) 2016年4月  
    © 2002-2011 IEEE. Liquid hydrogen (LH2) has excellent properties such as large latent heat, low viscosity, and so on. Because of these properties, LH2 is expected to be used as a coolant for a high-critical-temperature superconductor (HTS), including MgB2. The over-critical-current properties of an HTS are important for the stable designs of HTS devices cooled by LH2; however, the temperature change of a sheathed superconducting wire cannot be revealed only by current-voltage properties beyond critical current, since the current-sharing ratio among MgB2 and sheath materials is not unknown. In this study, transient over-critical-current tests were performed on a short MgB2 sample cooled by LH2 under magnetic field, and the sample temperatures were calculated from test data. In addition, the test sample temperature based on the test was compared with that of the computer simulation result. It was found that the temperature change of the wire just after the transport current exceeds the critical current is affected by external magnetic fields.
  • Kazunori Mochizuki, Yuta Habaguchi, Mitsutoshi Tsujioka, Satoshi Nonaka, Hiroyuki Ogawa, Takashi Ito, Sakamoto Noboru
    Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC 2016年  
    Copyright © 2016 by the International Astronautical Federation (IAF). All rights reserved. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, LTD. (MHI) has been contributed to the development and manufacture of liquid fuelled launch vehicles from early phase in Japan. MHI began providing launch services with H-IIA launch vehicle for both commercial and government missions in 2007. In 2013 the H-IIB was added in the line-up of service launcher family. The latest success rate of H-IIA/B has reached to 97 percent. In addition, the development of new expendable launcher H3 has started, and it's first flight is planned in FY2020. In parallel, aiming for the drastic reduction of space transportation cost, RD for the reusable space transportation systems are in progress. The fundamental technologies for reusable engine, landing gear, and propellant management devices needed during way back flight, has been developed with JAXA. Especially, reusable 40 kN thrust liquid hydrogen/oxygen engine has been developed and demonstrated successful firing worth 100 flights duration in 2014. Additionally, MHI has studied guidance, navigation and control technology for vertical landing rocket, and demonstrated the control law in the flight test by a subscale experimented vehicle. This paper describes the current RD status of reusable rocket and approach to future reusable space transportation system which MHI considers.
  • Shunsuke Sato, Takayuki Yamamoto, Yamamoto, Takahiro Nakamura, Satoshi Nonaka, Yoshifumi Inatani
    Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC 2016年  
    Copyright © 2016 by the International Astronautical Federation (IAF). All rights reserved. A fully reusable sounding rocket is proposed in ISAS/JAXA. This vehicle adopts single stage and VTVL(vertical takeoff and vertical landing). The vehicle is decelerated by aerodynamic resistance and turn over for vertical landing in return phase. After that, the vehicle is decelerated by the main engine for soft-landing. To return the vehicle, there is a problem that the study of the guidance control method and securing both the launch ability and the propellant for soft-landing in addition to the ability required of conventional vehicle. It is necessary to design the airframe shape and control method after studying the motion characteristics at the time of return to clear these problems. This paper shows the result of motion analysis about the return system under consideration, and considers from the point of view of the vehicle specifications and control system. And it indicates the guidelines of the airframe and control system that is suitable for the return of reusable sounding rocket.
  • OGAWA Hiroyuki, NONAKA Satoshi, NARUO Yoshihiro, ITO Takashi, INATANI Yoshifumi
    International Journal of Microgravity Science and Application 33(3) 330303-330303 2016年  
    The Reusable Sounding Rocket is a fully re-usable sub-orbital sounding rocket that takes-off and lands vertically from/on the same launch site. The Reusable Sounding Rocket recovers its payload: one can make repeated use of instruments, recover samples, have a big data storage onboard, and so on. The Reusable Sounding Rocket can be launched daily. The target cost for operation is 1/10 of the existing sounding rocket, S-310. The duration of g environment is about 3 minutes. The payload bay is in the nose-cone and its volume is 0.8m in diameter and 1m in height. The maximum mass of the payload is 100kg.
  • Ayane Sato, Hiroyuki Nishida, Satoshi Nonaka
    International Journal of Aerospace Engineering 2016 2016年  
    © 2016 Ayane Sato et al. The objective of this study is to experimentally verify a new aerodynamic control concept of a high-angle-of-attack slender body. In the concept, penetrating flow channels are installed to the apex of the slender body. The blowing or suction is generated at the channel exits in response to the surface pressure distribution. First, the effects of the flow channels on the aerodynamic characteristics are experimentally investigated in a low-speed wind tunnel. The result shows the Suction-Blowing type channel is the most effective because its control effect does not reduce even in higher mainstream flow velocity. The peak value of the side force and yawing moment can be reduced by up to 64% and 49%, respectively. In addition, visualization of the surface flow pattern by the oil flow method shows that the Suction-Blowing type channel makes not only the primary separation line on the body side but also the secondary separation line on the body back become symmetric.
  • Yasuyuki Shirai, Masahiro Shiotsu, Hideki Tatsumoto, Hiroaki Kobayashi, Yoshihiro Naruo, Satoshi Nonaka, Yoshifumi Inatani
    Physics Procedia 81(81) 158-161 2016年  
    © 2016 The Authors. High-Tc (HTC) superconductors including MgB2 will show excellent properties under temperature of Liquid Hydrogen (LH2:20K), which has large latent heat and low viscosity coefficient. In order to design and fabricate the LH2 cooled superconducting energy devices, we must clear the cooling property of LH2 for superconductors, the cooling system and safety design of LH2 cooled superconducting devices and electro-magnetic property evaluation of superconductors (BSCCO, REBCO and MgB2) and their magnets cooled by LH2. As the first step of the study, an experimental setup which can be used for investigating heat transfer characteristics of LH2 in a pool and also in forced flow (circulation loop with a pump), and also for evaluation of electro-magnetic properties of LH2 cooled superconductors under external magnetic field (up to 7 T). In this paper, we will show a short sketch of the experimental set-up, practical experiences in safety operation of liquid hydrogen cooling system and example test results of critical current evaluation of HTC superconductors cooled by LH2.
  • 野中聡
    日本機械学会誌 119(1174) 2016年  
  • 飼沼徹, 茂田宏樹, 白井康之, 塩津正博, 達本衡輝, 小林弘明, 成尾芳博, 野中聡, 稲谷芳史, 吉永誠一郎
    電気学会金属・セラミックス研究会資料 MC-16(13-40) 2016年  
  • 船木一幸, 野中聡, 山田和彦, 丸祐介
    日本航空宇宙学会誌 64(7) 2016年  
  • 青柿拓也, 北村圭一, 野中聡
    流体力学講演会/航空宇宙数値シミュレーション技術シンポジウム講演集(CD-ROM) 48th-34th 2016年  
  • 野中聡, 中村隆宏, 稲谷芳文
    流体力学講演会/航空宇宙数値シミュレーション技術シンポジウム講演集(CD-ROM) 48th-34th 2016年  
  • 野中聡, 伊藤隆, 小川博之, 成尾芳博, 稲谷芳文
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 60th 2016年  
  • 大野宗祐, 石橋高, 三宅範宗, 梯友哉, 河口優子, 奥平修, 山田学, 吉田哲也, 山岸明彦, 山田和彦, 福家英之, 野中聡, 瀬川高弘, 高橋裕介, 原田大樹, 小林正規, 松井孝典
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 60th 2016年  
  • 塩津正博, 白井康之, 達本衝輝, 成尾芳博, 小林弘明, 野中聡, 稲谷芳史
    低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 93rd 2016年  



