
堂谷 忠靖

ドウタニ タダヤス  (Tadayasu Dotani)


国立研究開発法人宇宙航空研究開発機構 宇宙科学研究所 宇宙物理学研究系 教授
総合研究大学院大学 先端学術院 宇宙科学コース 教授
東京工業大学 理学院物理学系物理学コース 特定教授
関西学院大学 大学院理工学研究科 客員教授






  • Y Ueda, M Ishida, H Inoue, T Dotani, J Greiner, WHG Lewin
    ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 508(2) L167-L170 1998年12月  査読有り
    We observed the newly discovered Galactic jet source XTE J0421 + 560 (=CI Camelopardalis) with ASCA from 1998 April 3.3 to April 4.1 (UT), 3 days after the beginning of the outburst. The X-ray intensity in the 1-10 keV band gradually decreased with an e-folding time of about 30 hr; the decline was accompanied by spectral softening. Two flarelike intensity enhancements were detected below similar to 1 keV. We could fit the average spectrum above 0.8 keV with a two-temperature model (5.7 and 1.1 keV) of thermal emission from an optically thin ionization-equilibrium plasma. The broad iron K profile, however, requires an extra emission line at 6.4 keV or Doppler broadening (or both). The former can be explained in terms of reflection from cold matter, while the latter can be attributed to emission from the twin jets. In both cases, the time evolution of the emission measure and of the temperature are difficult to explain by emission from a single plasma, suggesting that heat input and/or injection of material was occurring during the outburst.
  • K Asai, T Dotani, F Nagase, K Ebisawa, K Mukai, AP Smale, T Kotani
    ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 503(2) L143-L146 1998年8月  査読有り
    We have investigated the energy spectrum and the orbital modulation of the supersoft X-ray source CAL 87 using the ASCA satellite. We have detected a deep absorption edge at 0.85(-0.01)(+0.02) keV superposed on a continuum that can be approximated with an absorbed blackbody (kT = 0.05(-0.01)(+0.06) keV). The edge structure may be produced by the highly ionized species of O VIII and O VII. Such deep edge structures from highly ionized heavy elements are expected for X-ray emission from a white dwarf with an envelope of stable hydrogen burning and strongly supports the model that a white dwarf with a large mass accretion rate is involved in the supersoft X-ray sources. Epoch-folding analysis reveals the presence of a partial X-ray eclipse with broad wings at orbital phase 0; the eclipse covers a quarter of the orbital phase and the X-ray flux decreases down to similar to 40% of the out-of-eclipse level. We discuss the possible cause of the partial eclipse, including the extended emission region due to the accretion disk corona, and the X-ray scattering site formed by the gas escaping from the binary system, where the gas is highly ionized by the large X-ray luminosity from the white dwarf.
  • K Kinugasa, K Torii, Y Hashimoto, H Tsunemi, K Hayashida, S Kitamoto, Y Kamata, T Dotani, F Nagase, M Sugizaki, Y Ueda, N Kawai, K Makishima, S Yamauchi
    ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 495(1) 435-439 1998年3月  
    A new X-ray pulsar, AX J1820.5-1434, has been discovered during the ASCA Galactic plane survey project on April 9, at R.A. = 18(h)20(m)29.(s)5, decl. = -14 degrees 34'24 " (equinox 2000.0; error radius 0.'5). A coherent pulsation was detected from the source with an apparent barycentric pulse period of 152.26 +/- 0.04 s. The mean flux, not corrected for the interstellar absorption, was 2.3 x 10(-11) ergs s(-1) cm(-2) in the 2-10 keV energy band. The energy spectra obtained by the GIS and SIS can be fitted by a power-law model (photon index = 0.9 +/- 0.2) with a large column density of 9.8 +/- 1.7 x 10(22) H atoms cm(-2). These parameters indicate that the new pulsar is a highly obscured accretion-driven binary X-ray pulsar. This discovery of a faint pulsar suggests existence of many hidden pulsars in our Galaxy.
  • W Cui, K Ebisawa, T Dotani, A Kubota
    ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 493(2) L75-L78 1998年2月  査読有り
    We report results from simultaneous ASCA and RXTE observations of Cygnus X-1 when the source made a rare transition from the hard (=low) state to the soft (=high) state in 1996. These observations together cover a broad energy range similar to 0.7-50 keV with a moderate energy resolution at the iron K band and thus make it possible to disentangle various spectral components. The low-energy spectrum is dominated by an ultrasoft component, which is likely to be the emission from the hottest inner portion of the accretion disk around the black hole. At high energies, the X-ray spectrum can be described by a Comptonized spectrum with a reflection component. The Compton corona, which upscatters soft "seed photons" to produce the hard X-ray emission, is found to have a y-parameter similar to 0.28. The hard X-ray emission illuminates the accretion disk, and the reemitted photons produce the observed "reflection bump." We show that the reflecting medium subtends only a small solid angle (similar to 0.15 x 2 pi but has a large ionization parameter such that iron is ionized up to Fe XXIV-Fe XXVI. The presence of a broad iran line at 6.58 +/- 0.04 keV is also consistent with a highly ionized disk, if we take into account the gravitational and Doppler shift of the line energy. These results imply a geometry of a central corona surrounding the black hole and the reflection occurring in the innermost region of the disk where matter is highly ionized.
  • K Torii, K Kinugasa, T Toneri, T Asanuma, H Tsunemi, T Dotani, K Mitsuda, EV Gotthelf, R Petre
    ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 494(2) L207-L210 1998年2月  査読有り
    We report a rare discovery of a fast (69 ms) pulsar using X-ray data acquired with the Advanced Satellite for Cosmology and Astrophysics (ASCA). The highly significant detection arises from the serendipitous ASCA X-ray source AXS J161730-505505, located near the young Galactic supernova remnant (SNR) RCW 103. The epoch-folded light curve displays a single asymmetric pulse profile with a pulse fraction of similar to 50%. Spectral fits to the high-energy (i.e., greater than 3.5 keV) source data using a simple absorbed power-law model, assuming the hydrogen column density to the SNR, gives a photon index gamma = 1.6(-0.3)(+0.2) and an unabsorbed flux of similar to 6.4 x 10(-12) ergs cm(-2) s(-1). The extracted source spectrum below 3.5 keV is contaminated by mirror-scattered soft thermal emission from the similar to 9' diameter RCW 103, whose projected center is located just similar to 7' away. If the pulsar is associated with the remnant, the implied neutron star velocity is at the high end of the pulsar velocity distribution for the distance estimates to the remnant but still plausible. We suggest that AXS J161730-505505 is likely a young rotation-powered pulsar with a characteristic spin-down age of similar to 8000 yr. The physical association of the pulsar with RCW 103 and its central source, 1E 161348-5055, remains intriguing.
  • K Okada, T Dotani, K Makishima, K Mitsuda, T Mihara
    X-ray observations of the nearby starburst galaxy IC 342 with ASCA led to the detection of three bright X-ray sources, whose positions are consistent with those from the Einstein and ROSAT observations. The X-ray luminosities of the two sources exceed the Eddington limit of a 1.4M. object by two orders of magnitude for an assumed distance of 4.5 Mpc. The brightest one (source I) among the three exhibited significant time variations on a time scale of a few hours during the ASCA observation. Thus, the size of the emission region must be smaller than about 10(14) Cm. The energy spectrum of the source can be represented either by a power-law with an exponential roll-over, or by an optically thick accretion disk model with a maximum color temperature of 1.77 keV. Although the large luminosity of source 1 may be explained by a similar to 100 M. black hole at 4.5 Mpc, the observed energy spectrum is too hard to be accounted for by an optically thick accretion disk around the black hole. If source 1 is a relativistic jet source with strong X-ray beaming, both the large luminosity and the hard X-ray spectrum can be explained.
  • M. J. Church, M. Balucinska-Church, T. Dotani, K. Asai
    Astrophysical Journal 504(1) 516-521 1998年  
    We report results of analysis of the ASCA observation of 1993 May 7 of the dipping low-mass X-ray binary (LMXB) source XBT 0748-676 and propose a new explanation of the spectral evolution in dipping in this source. The behavior of the source was very unusual in that, in the band 1-3 keV, dipping extended around most of the orbital cycle with almost no nondip intensity evident, and the depth of dipping reached 100%. At higher energies, e.g., 3-10 keV, the depth of dipping was less than 100%, and there were marked increases in hardness in dipping. We show that the nondip and dip spectra in several intensity bands are well fitted using the same physical model that we have previously shown gives good explanations of several dipping sources, consisting of point-source blackbody emission from the neutron star plus extended Comptonized emission from the accretion disk corona (ADC), with progressive covering of the ADC during dipping. Best-fit values of kTbb = 1.99 0.16 keV and power-law photon index T = 1.70 0.16 are found. The strong excess below 1 keV was well fitted by a Gaussian line at 0.65 keV. In dipping, good fits were obtained by allowing it to be covered by the same progressive covering factor as the extended continuum emission, providing strong evidence that the line originates in the ADC. Our approach of applying the two-component model and explicitly including progressive covering of the Comptonized emission differs radically from the " absorbed + unabsorbed " approach previously used extensively for XBT 0748 -676 and similar sources, in which the normalization of the unabsorbed peak in dip spectra is allowed to decrease by a large factor in dipping. This decrease has often been attributed to the effects of electron scattering. By using our two-component model, we show that the unabsorbed component is the uncovered fraction of the Comptonized emission, and in the band 1-10 keV, we do not need to invoke electron scattering to explain dipping. © 1998. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.
  • M Nishiuchi, Y Maeda, K Koyama, J Yokogawa, T Dotani, K Asai, Y Ueda, K Mitsuda, H Inoue, F Nagase, C Kouveliotou
    HOT UNIVERSE (188) 360-361 1998年  査読有り
  • A Kubota, K Makishima, T Dotani, H Inoue, K Mitsuda, F Nagase, H Negoro, Y Ueda, K Ebisawa, S Kitamoto, Y Tanaka
    HOT UNIVERSE (188) 388-389 1998年  査読有り
  • CS Choi, T Dotani
    ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 492(2) 761-766 1998年1月  査読有り
    We analyze X-ray archive data of the W UMa-type binary VW Cephei taken with ASCA on 1993 November 5-6. By analyzing the light curve, we find a long-duration flare of approximate to 7.5 hr with a peak luminosity of 1.2 x 10(30) ergs s(-1) (0.4-3.0 keV) for the assumed distance of 23.2 pc. A flux dip is detected in the light curve at the orbital phase of similar to 0.5, and it is identified as an eclipse by the secondary star. We determine the timescale of the eclipse egress to be similar to 30 minutes from a model fit to the light curve. With this timescale, we estimate that the linear size of the flaring region is approximate to 5.5 x 10(10) cm, regardless of the flare models. From the spectral analysis of the data, we find that the spectrum can be well reproduced by the variable-abundance plasma model with a combination of two different temperatures, kT = 0.64 and kT = 1.91 keV. The hotter component is considered to be associated with the flare. The results are interpreted in terms of a two-ribbon flare model, in which we also discuss the possible enhancement of element abundances.
  • T Dotani, K Asai, Y Ueda, F Nagase, K Mitsuda, H Inoue, Y Maeda, M Nishiuchi, C Kouveliotou
    X-RAY TIMING AND COSMIC GAMMA RAY BURSTS 22(7) 997-1001 1998年  査読有り
    The bursting pulsar GRO J1744-28 was observed with ASCA on February 26-27, 1996. The source was detected at a persistent flux level of 0.9 Crab with the X-ray bursts followed by a shallow dip. Clear pulsation with apparent barycentric period of 467.054 msec was also detected. Energy spectrum of GRO 51744-28 shows large photoelectric absorption, which is consistent with the location close to the Galactic center. We detected structures in the energy spectrum of the persistent emission around 7 keV. The structure is most probably due to a partial covering of the X-ray emission region. (C) 1998 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
  • MJ Church, M Balucinska-Church, T Dotani, K Mitsuda, H Inoue, T Takahashi
    X-RAY TIMING AND COSMIC GAMMA RAY BURSTS 22(7) 935-938 1998年  査読有り
    We report the results of a programme of analysis of the LMXB dipping sources, recently concentrating on the spectral changes taking place on rapid timescales during dip ingress and egress in XB 1916-053 using the high quality ASCA data. We tested the hypothesis that the source can be fitted by the same model that we have previously shown gives very good explanations of the two very different sources X 1755-338, the energy-independent dipper and X 1624-490, the Big Dipper. This complex continuum model consists of a blackbody identified with emission from the surface of a neutron star, plus a power law seen as Comptonised emission from an ADC. Analysis of the ASCA observation of XB 1916-053 shows this source to be remarkable in that all emission components are completely absorbed in dips, and that the rapid spectral evolution during dip ingress and egress is well fitted by our model. On the basis that the model fits these 3 very different sources we now propose that the complex continuum model will be able to fit all of the dipping sources. (C) 1998 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
  • M Balucinska-Church, MJ Church, K Mitsuda, T Dotani, H Inoue, F Nagase
    HOT UNIVERSE (188) 390-391 1998年  査読有り
  • MJ Church, M Balucinska-Church, K Mitsuda, T Dotani, K Asai
    HOT UNIVERSE (188) 372-373 1998年  査読有り
  • K Asai, T Dotani, K Mitsuda, H Inoue, Y Tanaka, WHG Lewin
    HOT UNIVERSE (188) 354-355 1998年  査読有り
  • T Dotani
    HOT UNIVERSE (188) 135-138 1998年  査読有り
    Structure of the accretion disk is compared between the soft and hard states of Cyg X-l using the ASCA data. Large uncertainty of the disk parameters in hard state prevent us from drawing clear conclusion, but the data are consistent with a factor of 3 larger (optically thick) inner disk boundary in the hard state than in the soft state.
  • MJ Church, T Dotani, M BalucinskaChurch, K Mitsuda, T Takahashi, H Inoue, K Yoshida
    ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 491(1) 388-394 1997年12月  査読有り
    We report results of analysis of the ASCA observation of the low-mass X-ray binary dipping source XB 1916-053 made on 1993 May 2, during which dipping was very deep, so that in the deepest parts of dips, the X-ray intensity in the band 0.5-12.0 keV fell to zero, demonstrating that all emission components were completely removed. The best-fit orbital period of the binary system, determined from the X-ray data, was found to be 3005 +/- 10 s. The high-quality ASCA data allowed spectral evolution in dipping to be systematically investigated by spectral analysis in intensity bands covering the full range of dipping from intensities close to zero to nondip values. We have shown that the spectra can be well fitted by the same two-component model previously used to give good explanations of the very different dip sources X1755-338 and X1624-490, consisting of point-source blackbody emission from the neutron star and extended Comptonized emission, probably from the accretion disk corona. In the case of XB 1916-053, we show that all levels of dipping can be fitted using kT(bb) = 2.14 +/- 0.28 keV and power-law photon index = 2.42 +/- 0.21, which are the best-fit values for nondip data, together with the corresponding nondip normalizations. Dipping is shown to result from large increases of column density for the pointlike blackbody, combined with the extended power-law component being progressively covered by the absorber, until, in the deepest parts of dips, the partial covering fraction approaches unity. This approach differs radically from the ''absorbed-plus-unabsorbed'' approach previously used in spectral modeling of XB 1916-053 and similar sources, in which the normalization of the unabsorbed component is allowed to decrease markedly in dipping, behavior that is generally attributed to the effects of electron scattering. Thus, we have shown that spectral evolution in XB 1916-053 can be explained simply in terms of photoelectric absorption, without the need for substantial electron scattering. This explanation is supported by calculation of the relative importance of photoelectric absorption and electron scattering in the absorbing region, which shows that little electron scattering is expected in the ASCA energy band.
  • K Torii, H Tsunemi, T Dotani, K Mitsuda
    ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 489(2) L145-L148 1997年11月  査読有り
    We report here the discovery of a 65 ms X-ray pulsar in the supernova remnant G11.2-0.3 with ASCA. The object is known to be a composite supernova remnant that shows both an extended shell component and a compact plerionic component. We have detected a sinusoidal pulsation with an amplitude of similar to 19% in the hard X-ray band (3-10 keV). The object has been proposed to be the historical remnant of the supernova of A.D. 386, which makes it the second candidate for the secure association of a pulsar and a historical supernova after the Crab Nebula and its pulsar.
  • T Dotani, H Inoue, K Mitsuda, F Nagase, H Negoro, Y Ueda, K Makishima, A Kubota, K Ebisawa, Y Tanaka
    ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 485(2) L87-L90 1997年8月  査読有り
    We describe the ASCA observation of the black hole candidate Cyg X-l in the soft state of 1996 May and report the mass estimation of the central object from X-ray spectral analysis. The energy spectrum in 0.7-10 keV can be described by the sum of a power law (Gamma = 2.3 +/- 0.1) and an ultrasoft component; the latter is most probably the emission from an optically thick accretion disk. Through the spectral analysis of the ultrasoft component, we estimated the size of the accretion disk, which is closely related to the Schwarzschild radius and, hence, to the mass of the central object. Taking the general relativistic effects into account, the most probable mass of the compact object is estimated as 12(-1)(+3) M.. This value is independent of, yet consistent with, the mass estimate based on the orbital kinematics information.
  • S Shibata, T Sugawara, S Gunji, S Sano, M Tukahara, H Sakurai, N Kawai, T Dotani, K Tamura, C Greiveldinger, H Ogelman
    ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 483(2) 843-848 1997年7月  
    We report the detection using Advanced Satellite for Cosmology and Astrophysics (ASCA) data of a hard X-ray diffuse emission around the gamma-ray pulsar PSR 1055-52. The pulsar is a middle-aged radio pulsar (P = 0.197 s, tau = P/(P) over dot approximate to 5.3 x 10(5) yr) with a pulse profile similar to that of the Crab pulsar and is one of the EGRET gamma-ray pulsars. In the soft X-ray band, ROSAT detected the pulsar as a point source indicating radiation from the neutron star. The ASCA hard band image (2-8 keV), however, showed that the diffuse emission around the pulsar dominates the pulsar itself. Morphology suggests a ring around the pulsar with a cavity in between, although the source is clumpy. The size of the suggested ring is 20' (5.8 D-kpc pc, where D-kpc denotes the distance in kiloparsecs) in diameter. The luminosity of the diffuse source is approximate to 2.0 x 10(32) D-kpc ergs s(-1), which corresponds to 6.8 x 10(-3) of the rotation power of the pulsar. Spectral analysis has been performed for the two brightest clumps. The spectrum can be fitted by a Raymond-Smith thermal plasma model with temperatures of 9 keV and 3 keV, respectively, for the two clumps and by a power-law model with photon indices of 1.7 and 2.2. Since the thermal model gives a very high pressure, we prefer the power model. We suggest that the discovered X-ray emission, together with morphology is the synchrotron nebula excited by the pulsar wind of PSR 1055 - 52.
  • M. Bałucińska-Church, T. Takahashi, Y. Ueda, M. J. Church, T. Dotani, K. Mitsuda, H. Inoue
    Astrophysical Journal Letters 480(2) L115-L119 1997年5月10日  
    We report the discovery of the cessation of flickering in dips in the black hole candidate Cygnus X-1, detected for the first time in the ASC A observation of 1995 May 9. During this observation, particularly deep dipping took place, which resulted in strong changes in hardness ratio corresponding to the absorption of the power-law spectral component. The dead time corrected light curve with high time resolution clearly shows a dramatic decrease in the extent of flickering in the 0.7-4.0 keV band during dipping, but in the 4.0-10.0 keV band, there is relatively little change. We show that the rms flickering amplitude in the 0.7-4.0 keV band is proportional to the X-ray intensity in this band, which changes by a factor of almost 3. This is direct evidence that the strong low-state flickering is intrinsic to the power-law emission i.e., it takes place as part of the emission process. The rms amplitude is proportional to the intensity in the low-energy band, except for a possible deviation from linearity at the lower intensities. If confirmed, this nonlinearity could imply a process such as electron scattering of radiation, which will tend to smear out the fluctuations, or a process of fluctuation generation which depends on radial position in the source. Thus, timing observations during absorption dips can give information about the source region and may place constraints on its size.
  • B Thomas, R Corbet, AP Smale, K Asai, T Dotani
    ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 480(1) L21-L25 1997年5月  査読有り
    In this Letter, we present the Advanced Satellite for Cosmology and Astrophysics data from EXO 0748 - 676 that indicate that a previously unnoted soft X-ray excess exists in the spectrum of this source. We have modeled the intensity-selected spectra with typical candidate low-mass X-ray binary spectral models. As expected, the best performing model was the generalized thermal (GT) model and an additional component that is thought to arise from the obscuration of the X-ray radiator by dipping material within the system. The GT model, however, has an unacceptable value of chi(nu)(2) (=3.16). We find that a previously undetected soft component exists (0.4-1.5 keV) in all intensity-selected data, which is the cause of the large value of chi(nu)(2) in our GT model fits. We modeled the new soft excess by adding an additional component to the GT model. A variety of soft component models were examined, and the best fitting was a steep power law with one or two local components (either edges or Gaussian lines), with the number of local components needed being dependent on the intensity-selected spectrum being fit. An edge feature and power-law model best fitted the quiescent soft spectral component, while Gaussian-line and power-law models best fitted the soft spectral component in all dipping spectra. We evaluate these results in terms of the expected physical geometry of this system.
  • Y Saito, N Kawai, T Kamae, S Shibata, T Dotani, Kulkarni, SR
    ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 477(1) L37-L40 1997年3月  査読有り
    We report the first clear detection of X-ray pulsation of magnetospheric origin from a millisecond pulsar, PSR B1821-24, with the Advanced Satellite for Cosmology and Astrophysics. The photon arrival time shows a periodicity of 3.05 ms period, as observed in the radio band. The observed X-ray pulse is double peaked. The pulses are characterized by a sharp temporal profile and hard power-law spectrum with a phase-averaged photon index of similar to 1.9. These two features are quite similar to the X-ray/y-ray pulses from the Crab pulsar and characteristic of the nonthermal emission from the magnetosphere of the neutron star, but contradictory to the thermal emission from its surface. Since this pulsar has physical parameters completely different from those of young pulsars, we expect these observations to provide significant constraints on models of pulsar magnetospheric emission, which have been developed mostly based on the observations of young pulsars.
  • C. S. Choi, K. I. Seon, T. Dotani, F. Nagase
    Astrophysical Journal 476(2) L81-L84 1997年  
    We analyzed the ASCA data of Her X-l obtained during the "extended low" intensity state on 1993 August 13 and August 28. Both observations cover orbital phases ranging from 0.7 to 1.25 including an X-ray eclipse. We find that the eclipse spectrum is modeled by a single power law with a photon index of 0.8 plus a soft blackbody of kT ∼ 0.1 keV in the energy range of 0.5-10 keV. The estimated eclipse flux is (8.1 ± 0.6) × 10-12 ergs cm-2 s-1 (2-10 keV). The spectral shape is consistent with that obtained from the eclipse data of the "main high" with Ginga, although the flux is reduced by a factor of 3. Similarity of the eclipse spectra between the "low" and "high" state suggests the presence of a steady circumstellar matter surrounding the Her X-1 system. We interpret the flux reduction in the "low" state because of time variations of the X-ray scattering site. © 1997. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.
  • T Kotani, N Kawai, M Matsuoka, T Dotani, H Inoue, F Nagase, Y Tanaka, Y Ueda, K Yamaoka, W Brinkmann, K Ebisawa, T Takeshima, NE White, A Harmon, CR Robinson, SN Zhang, M Tavani, R Foster
    Recent studies with ASCA have shown very complicated, strange iron K features in the spectra or galactic jet systems. SS 433, the "classic" jet, was found to have pairs of Doppler-shifted lines, contrary to the previous belief that the receding X-ray jet is short and hidden behind the accretion disk, The transient jets, GRS 1915+105 and GRO J1655-40, show spectral dips, which have never been observed in ally other source and are interpreted as absorption lines or Doppler-shifted absorption edges. K they are resonant absorption lines of helium-like iron, they would be the evidence of highly ionized, anisotropically distributed plasma near the jet engine. These features peculiar to galactic jet systems are expected to be explained in terms of the nature of the sources and the jet-formation mechanisms. Since ASCA was proved to be an excellent tool for diagnostics of jets, observation campaigns of the jet systems were planned and performed. SS 433 was observed about thirty times in the three years of Che campaign, covering the phase space of the 162.5-day precession and the 13-day orbital motion. The extracted physics of the system, such as X-ray-jet length ten times longer than previous estimations, jet kinetic luminosity exceeding 10(40) erg s(-1), etc., draw a highly energetic and stormy, new picture of SS 433. The transient jets, GRS 1915+105 and GRO J1655-40, were also observed several times. GRS I915+105 was found to be active: in ASCA band even months after onsets of outburst. Violent variations were not seen. GRO J1655-40 was observed to be transit between high and low states, and the low state is consistent to occultation of a component, We review ASCA Observations of galactic jet systems and present some topics from recent progresses.
  • K Iwasawa, AC Fabian, CS Reynolds, K Nandra, C Otani, H Inoue, G Hayashida, WN Brandt, T Dotani, H Kunieda, M Matsuoka, Y Tanaka
    We report on the variability of the iron K emission line in the Seyfert 1 galaxy MCG-6-30-15 during a four-day ASCA observation. The line consists of a narrow core at an energy of about 6.4 keV, and a broad red wing extending to below 5 keV, which are interpreted as line emission arising from the inner parts of an accretion disc. The narrow core correlates well with the continuum flux whereas the broad wing weakly anticorrelates. When the source is brightest, the line is dominated by the narrow core, whilst, during a deep minimum, the narrow core is very weak and a huge red tail appears. However, at other times when the continuum shows rather rapid changes, the broad wing is more variable than the narrow core, and shows evidence for correlated changes contrary to its long-time-scale behaviour. The peculiar line profile during the deep minimum spectrum suggests that the line-emitting region is very close to a central spinning (Kerr) black hole where enormous gravitational effects operate.
  • A.E. Sansom, T. Dotani, K. Okada, Yamashita A., G. Fabbiano
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 281(1) 48-58 1996年7月  
  • K Asai, T Dotani, H Kunieda, N Kawai
    We observed the Rapid Burster in quiescence and detected a significant X-ray flux for the first time. Neither a type-I nor type-II burst was observed during the observation. The luminosity was estimated to be (3(-1)(+2)) x 10(33) erg s(-1) (2-10 keV), assuming a power-law with a photon index of 2 and a distance of 10 kpc. This luminosity is comparable to that of neutron-star transients in quiescence. If mass accretion is responsible for the X-ray emission, we can constrain the magnetic-field strength and spin period of the neutron star. A highly magnetized, rapidly rotating neutron star may be excluded.
  • T.Oosterbroek, T, derKlis, M, B.Vaughan, B, Paradijs, J, R.Rutledge, R, W.H.G.Lewin, W, Y.Tanaka, Y, F.Nagase, F, T.Dotani, T, Yoshida, K
    Astrron.Astrophys. 309(3) 781-786 1996年5月  査読有り
  • K Asai, T Dotani, K Mitsuda, R Hoshi, B Vaughan, Y Tanaka, H Inoue
    We observed soft X-ray transients; X1608-52 and Cen X-4, in quiescence with ASCA at X-ray luminosities on the order of 10(32-33) erg s(-1). The energy spectra were rather soft for both sources. Blackbody fits to the data required characteristic temperatures of 0.2-0.3 keV and emission regions of similar to 10 km(2). A conspicuous hard tail remained after fitting Cen X-4 with a blackbody curve. An extremely soft spectrum in quiescence seems to be a common property of soft X-ray transients.
    NATURE 375(6533) 659-661 1995年6月  査読有り
    ACTIVE galactic nuclei and quasars are probably powered by the accretion of gas onto a supermassive black hole at the centre of the host galaxy(1), but direct confirmation of the presence of a black hole is hard to obtain. As the gas nears the event horizon, its velocity should approach the speed of light; the resulting relativistic effects, and a gravitational redshift arising from the proximity to the black hole, should be observable, allowing us to test specific predictions of the models with the observations. Here we report the detection of these relativistic effects in an X-ray emission line (the K alpha line) from ionized iron in the galaxy MCG-6-30-15. The line is extremely broad, corresponding to a velocity of similar to 100,000 km s(-1), and asymmetric, with most of the line flux being redshifted, These features indicate that the line mast probably arises in a region between three and ten Schwarzschild radii from the centre, so that we are observing the innermost region of the accretion disk.
    Two X-ray bursts from GX 13 + 1 were detected with the Large Area Counters on board Ginga in 1989 September. They show clear cooling during decay, and are therefore most likely type-I X-ray bursts, i.e., the result of thermonuclear flashes. The bursts have a relatively large gamma-value (similar to 0.3; ratio of the persistent flux to the net peak flux) and short durations (similar to 15 s) which is typical of bursts from bright sources. GX 13 + 1 is probably a burst source close to the critical luminosity, above which burst activity ceases, like 1820-30 and GX 3 + 1.
    The dipping low-mass X-ray binary X1916-05 was observed with the large area proportional counters (LAG) on board Ginga. Although X-ray dips appeared every 50.00 min on the average, it was found that the recurrence period slightly varied on a time scale of 6 d. In association with the period change, the duration and depth of dips also varied on the same time scale. These time variations suggest dip properties with a period of 5-6 d. The energy spectrum during the dip was also investigated, and was found to be generally reproduced by a model spectrum comprising two components having the same intrinsic spectrum, but different regarding the degree of X-ray absorption from each other: one free and the other suffering from absorption. Based on a timing analysis, it is suggested that such a spectrum originates from a partial covering of the X-ray emission region by absorbing matter. Assuming that the absorbing matter is in Keplerian motion at the outer edge of the accretion disk, the sire of the X-ray emission region was derived to be (1.2+/-0.9) x 10(8) cm, 100-times larger than the radius of a neutron star, based on the mean value, 3.6+/-2.5 s, of the distribution of the ingress/egress time of the dips. This result suggests that the optically thin hot plasma around the neutron star extends out to 10(7)-10(8) cm distance from the center.
  • R. H.D. Corbet, K. Asai, T. Dotani, F. Nagase
    Astrophysical Journal 436(1) L15-L18 1994年11月20日  
    We present eclipse timing measurements of the low-mass X-ray binary EXO 0748 - 676 made with ASCA. These measurements, when combined with previous results, are consistent with the hypothesis that eclipse times are modulated by a third body. The parameters of the orbit of the postulated third body are now apparently well constrained and will allow further observations to effectively test the hypothesis that EXO 0748 - 676 is a triple system. The derived orbital parameters are such that, unless the inclination angle is very low, a third body in the system must have a mass less than the lower limit for a main-sequence star.
    A bright X-ray nova, GS 1124-68 (Nova Muscae 1991, GRS 1124-68), which later turned out to be a promising black-hole binary with evidence of large mass, was observed with the Large Area Counters onboard Ginga from its discovery in 1991 January to its quiescent state in 1991 September. The X-ray intensity reached a maximum (similar to 8 Crab) eight days after its discovery, then decreased exponentially with an e-folding time of about similar to 30 d. Temporary increases in the luminosity were found similar to 80 d and similar to 200 d after the outburst. The source was last detected at similar to 2 mCrab on the 239th day after the outburst; although subsequent observations were carried out on days 260 and 282, the source was below the detection limit (similar to 0.3 mCrab). GS 1124-68 exhibited such a drastic state transition that was very reminiscent of the high-low transition of black-hole candidates Cyg X-l and GX 339-4, between the 131st day (May 18) and 157th day (June 13) after the outburst. Before the transition, the energy spectrum was characterized by a thermal soft component which was dominant below similar to 8 keV, and a power-law like hard-tail component, which was significant above that energy. After the transition, the energy spectrum became much harder. The spectrum was approximately represented by a single power-law function with a photon index of similar to 1.7. Intense short time variations, which were quite similar to those in the low state of Cyg X-l, GX 339-4 and GS 2023+338, became prominent down to a timescale of milliseconds. The outburst mechanism, the origin of the soft component and the state transition can be favorably explained in terms of an optically thick accretion-disk model around a similar to 6M. black-hole at a distance of similar to 2.5 kpc.
    We investigated spectral variations of the Z source GX 5-1 from the high-intensity end of the normal branch (NB) through the flaring branch (FB). We detected a clear hard-energy tail, which can be approximated by a power-law with a photon index of 1.8 and its intensity decreased by an order of magnitude from the NB to the FB. Therefore the hard tail may be intrinsic to the source. The energy spectrum in the FB shows a significant deviation from the continuous spectra of models: i.e., the sum of a blackbody and an unsaturated Comptonization spectrum, or a sum of a blackbody and multi-color disk model. The deviation can be approximated by a broad Gaussian profile (FWHM approximately 3 keV) centered at around 10 keV. The X-ray light curve in the FB is characterized by a dipping behavior on time scales of a few tens of seconds. The cross-correlation coefficient of the time variations in various energy bands against those in the 1.7-4.0 keV shows a peak structure centered at around 11 keV. This means that the Gaussian-like structure is not an artifact due to a particular selection of the continuum model. We discuss the origin of the hard-energy tail and consider several possible origins of the Gaussian component in the energy spectrum.
    We have made simultaneous Ginga LAC and ROSA T PSPC observations of 4U 1820-30. The 685-s orbital light curves obtained with the two instruments are very similar, indicating that the energy dependence of the orbital modulation is small. Our measurements extend the baseline over which the period variations can be measured to 15 yr. The previous possibility, that the changes in the period are themselves periodic, with a period of about 8 yr, is no longer preferred over a constant P. Over the interval 1976-91 the period has decreased, rather than increasing as predicted by the standard model for the orbital evolution of the binary. The average period derivative P/P was (-0.88 +/- 0.16) x 10(-7) yr-1, different by 11sigma from the predicted value. Under the assumption that there are no intrinsic changes in the light curve that mimic a period change, we discuss three possible explanations. The possibility that the observed P is due to spin-orbit coupling (with a companion that is out of corotation due to stellar radius changes) is rejected, as there is no known mechanism that could cause these radius changes. The possibility of acceleration of the system by the gravitational potential of the cluster is reinvestigated in the light of a new detailed model of the mass distribution of NGC 6624. We conclude that it is unlikely that acceleration by the cluster can fully explain the observed P. Acceleration by a distant triple companion or in a chance encounter with another star in the cluster remains a possibility. Finally, we investigate the possibility that the companion is a helium-burning star. This could explain the observed P, but the likelihood of this scenario depends strongly on unknown aspects of the stellar population of NGC 6624.
    The bright Galactic bulge source GX 3+1 (4U 1744-26) was observed with the Ginga satellite on several occasions from 1987 through 1990. The source has been found to show flux variations of a factor of 2 on the time scales of years. The hardness ratio, which is a measure of the spect;al shape, stayed almost constant during the variations. Two type-I X-ray bursts were detected near to the lower end of the hu( variations. When the variabilities were investigated on a shorter time scale of days, upper and lower banana branches were found to clearly appear in the hardness-intensity diagram. The branches become smeared out if data are accumulated for much longer than a few days in the hardness-intensity diagram. As. indicated by the presence of a banana branch, the short-term variations are correlated variations between the intensity and the hardness and, hence, their nature is very different from that of the long-term variations. This means that the long- and short-term variations have different origins. If the burst detection with Hakucho and Ginga in a low state reflects a red change in the mass accretion rate, the long-term variations may be determined by changes in the mass accretion rate. This would lead to the conclusion that the change in the mass accretion rate may not be responsible for the formation of the banana branches. We also discuss another possible interpretation that the mass accretion rate determines the branches, not the long-term variations.
    ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 265(1) 177-182 1992年11月  査読有り
    We present the results of coordinated, partly simultaneous, optical and X-ray (Ginga) observations of the low-mass X-ray binary Sco X-1. We find that the division between the optically bright and faint state, at a blue magnitude B = 12.8, corresponds to the change from the normal to the flaring branch in the X-ray colour-colour diagram as proposed by Priedhorsky et al. (1986). From archival Walraven data we find that in both optical states the orbital light curve is approximately sinusoidal, and have a similar amplitudes.
    ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 396(1) 201-218 1992年9月  査読有り
    Scorpius X-1 was observed with the Japanese X-ray satellite Ginga on 1989 March 9-11 as part of a multiwavelength campaign. The source was observed to be on the flaring branch for the first 31 hr, on the lower normal branch for the next 7 hr, and on the flaring branch during a brief observation 17 hr after the final normal branch observation. We constructed a standard color-color, or Z-, diagram for Sco X-1. We then parameterized the state of Sco X-1 by determining s(Z), the distance along the Z-diagram from the flaring branch-normal branch vertex, as a function of time. Sco X-1 moved smoothly and continuously through the Z-diagram and was never observed to jump from one branch to another. All observed spectral characteristics (intensity, X-ray hardness ratios) are well correlated with s(Z), indicating that the source changes its physical state smoothly as it moves along the Z-diagram. The tight correlation of observables with s(Z) is consistent with variation of a single physical parameter being responsible for the changes in state. There is no correlation between s(Z), the rate of change of s(Z), and observed spectral characteristics indicating that there is little, if any, hysteresis or memory in the spectral state of Sco X-1 and that motion in the Z-diagram is essentially stochastic. The range of observed values of s(Z) depends on s(Z):s(Z) always changes slowly along the flaring branch when it is near the flaring branch-normal branch vertex, but can change rapidly during the excursions up and down the flaring branch which correspond to large flares. A self-similarity is observed in the temporal profile of flares which is independent of flare amplitude. The temporal characteristics observed-including quasi-periodic oscillations, high-frequency noise, and very low frequency noise-are consistent with previous observations of Sco X-1. Quasi-periodic oscillations are observed on both the normal branch (6.3 Hz mean frequency) and the lower flaring branch (14.4 Hz mean frequency), but not on the upper flaring branch. Limits are placed on the fractional rms variation of quasi-periodic oscillations on the upper flaring branch of less than or similar 2% of the total intensity. The characteristics of the observed red noise components are found to vary along the flaring branch. The fractional rms variation of very low frequency noise increases from less than or similar 2% to greater than or similar to 6% as Sco X-1 moves from the flaring branch-normal branch vertex to the upper end of the flaring branch; the power-law index for very low frequency noise, alpha, remains constant along the flaring branch (alpha = 1.72 +/- 0.01). Both the rms fractional variation and the width of the high-frequency noise component vary as Sco X-1 moves out the flaring branch, with the rms fractional variation decreasing from approximately 3% to less than or similar 1% and the Gaussian rms width decreasing from approximately 15 Hz to approximately 5 Hz. No dependence on s(Z) is observed for any of the temporal characteristics. A search for coherent pulsations was made in both high time resolution optical and X-ray data. Limits on the 95% confidence limit pulsed amplitude are set at 0.10% (optical) and 0.19% (X-ray) for nu < 50 Hz and 0.26% (X-ray) for nu < 400 Hz. A search was made for optical quasi-periodic oscillations in data obtained while normal branch oscillations were observed in the Ginga data; none were seen with an upper limit to the fractional rms variation of 0.23% of the total intensity.
    During approximately 6 hr of Ginga observations of the Rapid Burster in 1988 August, the source emitted type II bursts with durations between approximately 3 and approximately 35 s and with peak fluxes which varied by factors of approximately 5. The Rapid Burster was active in two bursting modes as defined by Marshall et al.: mode I characterized by a burst energy distribution which is 'double-peaked' and mode II by a distribution which is 'single-peaked'. We report a study of the relationship between the maximum bolometric burst flux, F(max), and the associated blackbody temperature, T(c). We find that mode I bursts consistently show higher T(c) values than bursts of mode II. Our results, together with previous work, suggest that the relation between F(max) and T(c) is dependent on mode. In mode I the colour temperature is approximately independent of the burst peak flux, whereas in mode II the two properties are correlated.
    We report on a detailed study of the time variability in the Z source GX 5-1 using Ginga. The source was observed in the horizontal branch (HB) and in the normal branch (NB). Our five-day observations provide the most extensive continuous data set obtained to date. Intensity-dependent high-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations (QPO) (approximately 13-48 Hz) were observed in the HB in which the source flux varied by a factor of 1.9. At the low-intensity end of the hardness-intensity diagram, the HB shows an upward bend which is very strong in the colour-colour diagram (CCD). This bend forms essentially a new spectral branch, giving the CCD the shape of an 'S' since there is no flaring branch in GX 5-1. The QPO frequency in this portion of the HB ranges from approximately 13 to 17 Hz which is lower than previously observed in any Z source. It is possible that other Z sources will also exhibit the sharp upward turn of the HB in the CCD if their intensities (and thus the QPO frequencies) become sufficiently low. The upward turn of the HB indicates that our understanding of the spectral dependence on the mass accretion rate is rather poor. High-frequency (approximately 48 Hz) and low-frequency (approximately 6 Hz) QPO were simultaneously observed in the NB. The strength of both forms of QPO and the strength of the low-frequency noise increase rapidly with increasing photon energy. We discuss our results in connection with existing models.
    We detected an X-ray outburst in the Vela-Puppis region with the All Sky Monitor (ASM) aboard Ginga on 1990 November 22. Following observations by the Large Area proportional Counter (LAC) revealed that this outburst consisted of two transient sources, GS0834-430 and GS0836-429, accidentally in the same field of view of the LAC by a separation of only 0.4 degree. These two transient X-ray sources were subsequentially monitored with the LAC until 1991 May. GS 0834-430 was identified by an X-ray pulsar with a period of 12.s3. This pulsar shows a power-law energy spectrum with a photon index of approximately 0.9, and with a high-energy cutoff that is typical of X-ray pulsars. GS 0836-429 was identified by an X-ray burster, which shows typical type-I bursts approximately every 2 h.
    ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 383(2) 784-807 1991年12月  査読有り
    GX 339-4 was observed with the large area counters (LAC) onboard Ginga in its very high state, where the X-ray intensity was about a factor of 2-3 larger than its high state and it showed very rapid variations on time scales of less than several minutes, which had not been observed earlier in the high state of this source. The X-ray energy spectrum was very soft; it consisted of a low-energy component and a high-energy tail. The low-energy component could be interpreted as being due to disk blackbody radiation (the disk blackbody component) and the high-energy tail as being due to Compton-scattering radiation (the Comptonized blackbody component). The X-ray energy spectrum also showed K-edge absorption of highly ionized iron atoms of about 10(19) cm-2 and an iron emission line with an equivalent width of about 60-100 eV. On short time scales of less than several minutes, the X-rays showed rapid time variations. For instance, in power spectral density functions, 6 Hz quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs), very low frequency noise (VLF noise), and low-frequency noise (LF noise) were recognized. There are three types of power spectral density functions. Time variations such as dips and flip-flops were also observed. These rapid time variations are due to the Comptonized blackbody component. On long time scales larger than hours, the disk blackbody component and the Comptonized blackbody component changed independently. However, these changes took place within some restricted regions in an X-ray hardness ratio (color)-intensity or a color-color diagrams. These are a hardness ratio increasing (with the X-ray flux) branch, a hardness ratio decreasing branch, and their crossing region. These two energy spectral branches and their crossing region have three different types of power density spectra: these different branches and regions have different time variations on time scales of less than several minutes. In the hardness ratio increasing branch, the hard Compton-scattering component is the main cause of the long-term time variation of the X-ray flux, and in the hardness ratio decreasing branch, the disk blackbody component is the main cause of the long-term time variation of the X-ray flux. On a time lag versus Fourier period diagram, the time lag between time variations of different energy X-rays showed shoulder structures in addition to the large time lags at large Fourier periods similar to those observed in Cygnus X-1. The time variations of the X-rays of 2.3-4.6 keV were most advanced: time variations of X-rays with both lower and higher energy than 2.3-4.6 keV showed time lags relative to those of 2.3-4.6 keV X-rays. These facts together with the X-ray energy spectrum can be explained in terms of a high-energy component being due to a Compton-scattering cloud of size of about 10(9) cm, temperature kT(e) of about 30 keV, and Thomson scattering depth of about 0.5-1.0; the variable blackbody radiation with kT = approximately 1 keV is incident to the large Compton-scattering cloud.
  • T. Kosugi, K. Makishima, T. Murakami, T. Sakao, T. Dotani, M. Inda, K. Kai, S. Masuda, H. Nakajima, Y. Ogawara, M. Sawa, K. Shibasaki
    Solar Physics 136(1) 17-36 1991年11月  
    The Hard X-ray Telescope (HXT) is a Fourier-synthesis imager; a set of spatially-modulated photon count data are taken from 64 independent subcollimators and are Fourier-transformed into an image by using procedures such as the maximum entropy method (MEM) or CLEAN. The HXT takes images of solar flares simultaneously in four energy bands, nominally 15 (or 19)-24, 24-35, 35-57, and 57-100 keV, with an ultimate angular resolution as fine as ∼ 5 arc sec and a time resolution 0.5 s. Each subcollimator has a field of view wider than the solar disk. The total effective area of the collimator/detector system reaches ∼ 70 cm2, about one order of magnitude larger than that of the HINOTORI hard X-ray imager. Thanks to these improvements, HXT will for the first time enable us to take images of flares at photon energies above ∼ 30 keV. These higher-energy images will be compared with lower-energy ones, giving clues to the understanding of nonthermal processes in solar flares, i.e., the acceleration and confinement of energetic electrons. It is of particular importance to specify the acceleration site with regard to the magnetic field figuration in a flaring region, which will be achieved by collaborative observations between HXT and the Soft X-ray Telescope on board the same mission. © 1991 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  • F. Nagase, T. Dotani, Y. Tanaka, K. Makishima, T. Mihara, T. Sakao, H. Tsunemi, S. Kitamoto, K. Tamura, A. Yoshida, H. Nakamura
    Astrophysical Journal 375(2 PART 2) 1991年7月10日  
    An outburst of the transient X-ray pulsar X0115+634 was detected with the All Sky Monitor (ASM) on board Ginga on 1990 February 5. Follow-up observations with the large-area proportional counters (LACs) revealed complex changes in the energy spectrum which depend on the phase of the 3.6 s pulsation. We find that characteristic structures in the spectra above 10 keV can be best interpreted as two dips at ∼12 and ∼23 keV, although not at all phases. The center energies of the two dips are consistent with the harmonic relation of 1:2, showing phase-dependent ±10% variations with pulse phase. The results strongly suggest that the structures in the spectra are due to cyclotron resonant scattering and the two apparent absorption lines are ascribed to the fundamental and second harmonics. This indicates a magnetic field strength on the neutron star surface of ∼1 × 1012 G. Equivalent widths of the second harmonic line are about 2 times larger than those of the first harmonic line, depending on the pulse phase.
    ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 374(1) 291-297 1991年6月  査読有り
    Observations made in 1989 February and April with the Ginga satellite show that the times of maximum light for the 685 s X-ray intensity variations of 4U 1820-30 occur 71 +/- 21 and 94 +/- 21 s earlier than would be expected for the constant-period ephemeris based on previous observations. The times of maximum light observed between 1976 and 1989 are consistent with a constant rate period decrease of 0.074 +/- 0.013 ms yr-1 (P/P = -1.08 +/- 0.19 10(-7) yr-1). We find the decrease is significant at the 99.9% level. If this reflected a true change in the orbital period, this result would be inconsistent with the standard model in which the 685 s period is that of the orbit of a binary star consisting of a neutron star whose companion is a low-mass (approximately 0.07 M.) degenerate helium star, and mass transfer is driven by loss of orbital angular momentum through gravitational radiation. The apparent period change may be explained in two ways: either the standard model is incorrect, or 4U 1820-30 is being accelerated toward us by the gravitational field of another body. Acceleration of the binary by a distant third companion in a hierarchical triple, or by the cluster potential, are both possibilities.
    Ginga observations of quasi-periodic oscillations (QPO) and the low-frequency noise (LFN) from GX 5-1 in its horizontal-branch spectral state are presented. Power spectral fits were attempted using model functions based on simple oscillating shot models. In order to obtain acceptable fits, separate life distribution functions are necessary in the shot models representing QPO and LFN. Furthermore, a larger amplitude of shots is necessary for QPO than for LFN for the longer lifetime shots. A clear second-harmonic peak of QPO was detected. Variations in the powers of QPO and LFN on timescales of 8-256 were also studied. These variations were significant for all of the timescales studied, and were uncorrelated with each other on timescales shorter than a few tens of seconds, and correlated on longer timescales. From simulations based on a simple shot model, it was found that the variation amplitude and the lack of correlation on short timescales are not inconsistent with the oscillating shot models. A more complex model is necessary to fully explain the observed properties.
  • T. Kosugi, K. Makishima, T. Murakami, T. Dotani, M. Inda, K. Kai, S. Masuda, H. Nakajima, Y. Ogawara, T. Sakao, M. Sawa, K. Shibasaki
    Advances in Space Research 11(5) 81-84 1991年  
    The Hard X-ray Telescope (HXT), now under fabrication for the SOLAR-A mission (scheduled for launch in August 1991), is an advanced Fourier-synthesis imager. An overview of the HXT instrument is given together with its scientific objectives, that is, the electron acceleration and confinement mechanisms in solar flares. Scientific return from HXT will be greatly increased if worldwide collaboration with other space and ground-based observations is well organized. © 1991.
    NATURE 347(6293) 534-536 1990年10月  査読有り


  • 堂谷忠靖, 他LiteBIRD Joint Study Group
    日本天文学会2024年春季年会 V130a 2024年3月  筆頭著者
  • 宮城生成, 堂谷忠靖
    日本天文学会2024年春季年会 W32a 2024年3月  
  • 中嶋大, 森浩二, 冨田洋, 野田博文, 鈴木寛大, 小林翔悟, 萩野浩一, 内田裕之, 米山友景, 田中孝明, 村上弘志, 信川正順, 信川久実子, 内山秀樹, 幸村孝由, 鶴剛, 松本浩典, 小高裕和, 山内誠, 廿日出勇, 山岡和貴, 吉田鉄生, 金丸善朗, 水野恒史, 宮崎啓太郎, 楠康平, 大塚芳徳, 横須晴彦, 米丸若菜, 市川雄大, 中野瑛子, 福田将大, 朝倉一統, 善本真梨那, 大出優一, 佐藤淳矢, 袴田知宏, 青柳美緒, 青木悠馬, 伊藤耶馬斗, 青木大輝, 藤澤海斗, 清水康行, 樋口茉由, 東竜一, 寺農夏樹, 阪本菜月, OKAJIMA Takashi, 石田学, 前田良知, 平賀純子, 尾崎正伸, 堂谷忠靖, 常深博, 林田清
    日本天文学会年会講演予稿集 2024 2024年  
  • 信川久美子, 森浩二, 森浩二, 冨田洋, 中嶋大, 中嶋大, 野田博文, 林田清, 鈴木寛大, 小林翔悟, 内田裕之, 萩野浩一, 青木悠馬, 伊藤耶馬斗, 金丸善朗, 宮崎啓太郎, 楠康平, 大塚芳徳, 横須晴彦, 米丸若菜, 市川雄大, 中野瑛子, 中村彰太郎, 亀井貴光, 朝倉一統, 善本真梨那, 大出優一, 佐藤淳矢, 袴田知宏, 青柳美緒, 角町駿, 土居俊輝, 青木大輝, 藤澤海斗, 清水康行, 畠中大介, 田中孝明, 村上弘志, 信川正順, 内山秀樹, 吉田鉄生, 米山友景, 幸村孝由, 鶴剛, 松本浩典, OKAJIMA Takashi, 石田学, 前田良知, 山内誠, 廿日出勇, 平賀純子, 山岡和貴, 尾崎正伸, 堂谷忠靖, 常深博
    日本天文学会年会講演予稿集 2023 2023年  
  • 野田博文, 森浩二, 森浩二, 冨田洋, 中嶋大, 中嶋大, 林田清, 鈴木寛大, 小林翔悟, 内田裕之, 萩野浩一, 金丸善朗, 宮崎啓太郎, 楠康平, 大塚芳徳, 横須晴彦, 米丸若菜, 市川雄大, 中野瑛子, 中村彰太郎, 亀井貴光, 朝倉一統, 善本真梨那, 大出優一, 佐藤淳矢, 袴田知宏, 青柳美緒, 青木悠馬, 伊藤耶馬斗, 角町駿, 土居俊輝, 青木大輝, 藤澤海斗, 清水康行, 畠中大介, 田中孝明, 村上弘志, 信川正順, 信川久実子, 内山秀樹, 吉田鉄生, 米山友景, 幸村孝由, 鶴剛, 松本浩典, OKAJIMA Takashi, 石田学, 前田良知, 山内誠, 廿日出勇, 平賀純子, 山岡和貴, 尾崎正伸, 堂谷忠靖, 常深博
    日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 78(1) 2023年  



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