HISAKI Project Team

瀧本 幸司

タキモト コウジ  (Koji Takimoto)


国立研究開発法人宇宙航空研究開発機構 宇宙科学研究所 日本学術振興会特別研究員-PD
博士(理学)(2022年3月 関西学院大学)
修士(理学)(2019年3月 関西学院大学)



  • Shunsuke Nakagawa, Chinathip Narongphun, Zamba Leonel, Hari Shrestha, Isami Kato, Emino Fukumoto, Rodrigo Cordova, Victor Hugo Schulz, Necmi Cihan Örger, Kei Sano, Takao Nakagawa, Koji Takimoto, Shuji Matsuura, Kohji Tsumura, Aoi Takahashi, Daisuke Nakayama, Akimasa Ojika, Rin Sato, Keenan A. A. Chatar, Yukihisa Otani, Ezra Fielding, Kentaro Hayashida, Hayato Tanaka, Eyoas E. Areda, Bastien B. A. Morelle, Hisataka Kawasaki, Umi Enokidani, Reynel Josue Galindo Rosales, Karaki Shohei, Ichiro Jikuya
    Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2024: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave 13092 117-117 2024年8月23日  
    Extragalactic Background Light (EBL), the cumulative light from outside the galaxy, is a crucial observational target for understanding the history of the universe. We are developing a CubeSat; VERTECS (Visible Extragalactic background RadiaTion Exploration by CubeSat) with a 6U size (approximately 10 × 20 × 30 cm), equipped with Solar Array Wings (SAW). Our mission is to conduct extensive observations of the visible EBL. The satellite is designed to operate in a sun-synchronous orbit at an altitude of 500-680 km (approximately 15 orbits per day) and observe the EBL on the shadow side to avoid stray light from the Sun and Earth. To observe EBL, a high-performance CMOS sensor, attitude control devices, and high-speed communication equipment X-band are essential. We should note that these components these components consume a significant amount of power. Therefore, some strategic operational plans are necessary to operate this CubeSat within the limited power resources. In addition, VERTECS needs to meet its mission requirements, conducting 10 observations, 4 data downlinks, and 1 command uplink within a day. We have constructed some operational scenarios utilizing attitude control and SAW to meet these requirements, and we also constructed a power budget simulation for VERTECS. In this presentation, we describe how we plan to operate VERTECS utilizing the subsystems and the results of the power simulation during the operation.
  • Hisataka Kawasaki, Eyoas E. Areda, Hideo Matsuhara, Hirokazu Masui, Kohji Takimoto, Bastien B. A. Morelle, Shuji Matsuura, Takao Nakagawa, Umi Enokidani, Yuki Hirose, Kei Sano
    Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2024: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave 13092 116-116 2024年8月23日  
    The extragalactic background light (EBL) is the integrated emission from out of our Galaxy.Its observation is crucial for revealing the history of star-formation from the early universe to the present epoch. Visible Extragalactic background RadiaTion Exploration by CubeSat (VERTECS) is a 6U astronomical satellite to observe the EBL in visible wavelength from 0.4 µm to 0.8 µm. To observe the EBL, a telescope with 11 lenses and a high-performance CMOS sensor are equipped within 3U volume. The remaining 3U comprises the bus section mainly based on the bus design previously developed at Kyushu Institute of Technology. This paper describes the design and verification processes of the structure and thermal model of the satellite to fulfill the interface and mission requirements. From a mission perspective, the precise attitude and orbit control system unit is mounted on the same interface plate as the telescope to meet stringent pointing stability requirements during observations. The purpose of the stiff design of this interface plate is to minimize structural deformation. Furthermore, integrating multiple external antennas with relatively large X-band and S-band communication units require effective routing harness management. Static stress analysis is performed under the quasi-static loading condition. In addition, modal analysis is also conducted to fulfill the strength and stiffness requirements of the launcher. A series of mechanical environmental tests (shock, random, and sinusoidal vibrations) have been conducted to verify the design and analysis results. The results showed that designed model can fundamentally withstand the launch environment.
  • Hayato Tanaka, Hideo Matsuhara, Takao Nakagawa, Koji Takimoto, Aoi Takahashi, Satoshi Ikari, Rodrigo Cordova, Victor Hugo Schulz, Necmi Cihan Örger, Shunsuke Nakagawa, Shuji Matsuura, Kohji Tsumura
    Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2024: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave 13092 115-115 2024年8月23日  
    The Visible Extragalactic background RadiaTion Exploration by CubeSat (VERTECS) is designed for observing Extragalactic Background Light(EBL). VERTECS mission requires attitude control stability better than 10 arcsec (1σ) per minute, pointing accuracy better than 0.1 deg, and the slew rate faster than 1 deg per sec. We discuss the software-in-the-loop (SIL) attitude simulator simulation to verify whether the current Attitude Determination Control System (ADCS) design and the planned orbit can meet the requirements for EBL observations. We simulate the attitude control system with the simulation software, taking into account the attitude control commands, the parameters of the ADCS hardware, and the expected attitude disturbances in the assumed orbit. This simulation shows the sequence of attitude maneuvers needed to meet the requirement. The simulation results indicate that the current observation sequence is feasible.
  • Kei Sano, Takao Nakagawa, Shuji Matsuura, Koji Takimoto, Aoi Takahashi, Tetsuhito Fuse, Rodrigo Cordova, Victor Hugo Schulz, Pooja Lepcha, Necmi Cihan Örger, Daisuke Nakayama, Joseph Ofosu, Reynel Josue Galindo Rosales, Eyoas E. Areda, Pema Zangmo, Ezra Fielding, Keenan A. A. Chatar, Yukihisa Otani, Hisataka Kawasaki, Bastien B. A. Morelle, John Almonte, Shunsuke Nakagawa, Yuto Tome, Shohei Karaki, Chinathip Narongphun, Hari Shrestha, Marco Rosa, David Dai, Wenceslao Bejarano, Akihiro Ikeda, Rin Sato, Kentaro Hayashida, Hiroki Miyagawa, Masahiro Nishioka, Kana Kurosaki, Isami Kato, Satoshi Ikari, Kohji Tsumura, Ichiro Jikuya, Hideo Matsuhara, Umi Enokidani, Hayato Tanaka, Yuki Hirose, Akimasa Ojika, Akane Tsumoto, Taiko Iwaki, Yuki Ohara, Mengu Cho, Kentaro Kitamura, Hirokazu Masui, Mariko Teramoto, Takashi Yamauchi, Ryo Hashimoto, Emino Fukumoto, Zamba Leonel, Arisa Oho, Shoki Yabumoto, Hayato Masuno, Chisato Arakawa, Kouta Miyamoto, Takehiko Wada, Naoki Isobe, Yasuyuki Miyazaki, Ryu Funase, Hajime Kawahara, Keiichi Hirako, Yoichi Yatsu, Yoshihide Aoyanagi
    Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2024: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave 13092 33-33 2024年8月23日  
    We describe scientific o bjective a nd p roject s tatus o f a n a stronomical 6 U C ubeSat m ission V ERTECS (Visible Extragalactic background RadiaTion Exploration by CubeSat). The scientific g oal o f V ERTECS i s t o reveal the star-formation history along the evolution of the universe by measuring the extragalactic background light (EBL) in the visible wavelength. Earlier observations have shown that the near-infrared EBL is several times brighter than integrated light of individual galaxies. As candidates for the excess light, first-generation s tars in the early universe or low-redshift intra-halo light have been proposed. Since these objects are expected to show different e mission s pectra i n v isible w avelengths, m ulti-color v isible o bservations a re c rucial t o r eveal t he origin of the excess light. Since detection sensitivity of the EBL depends on the product of the telescope aperture and the field o f v iew, i t i s p ossible t o o bserve i t w ith a s mall b ut w ide-field te lescope sy stem th at ca n be mounted on the limited volume of CubeSat. In VERTECS mission, we develop a 6U CubeSat equipped with a 3U-sized telescope optimized for observation of the visible EBL. The bus system composed of onboard computer, electric power system, communication subsystem, and structure is based on heritage of series of CubeSats developed at Kyushu Institute of Technology in combination with high-precision attitude control subsystem and deployable solar array paddle required for the mission. The VERTECS mission was selected for JAXA-Small Satellite Rush Program (JAXA-SMASH Program), a new program that encourages universities, private companies and JAXA to collaborate to realize small satellite missions utilizing commercial small launch opportunities, and to diversify transportation services in Japan. We started the satellite development in December 2022 and plan to launch the satellite in FY2025.
  • Shuji Matsuura, James J. Bock, Asantha Cooray, Candice Fazar, Richard Feder, Ryo Hashimoto, Grigory Heaton, Viktor Hristov, Yuya Kawano, Phillip M. Korngut, Dae-Hee Lee, Chika Matsumi, Dale Mercado, Shunsuke Nakagawa, Tomoya Nakagawa, Shuta Nakahata, Chi H. Nguyen, Kazuma Noda, Dorin Patru, Won-Kee Park, Kei Sano, Aoi Takahashi, Koji Takimoto, Momoko Tamai, Kohji Tsumura, Michael B. Zemcov
    Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2024: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave 13092 32-32 2024年8月23日  
    The extragalactic background light (EBL) is the integrated diffuse emissions from unresolved stars, galaxies, and intergalactic matter along the line of sight. The EBL is regarded as consisting of stellar emissions and thus an important observational quantity for studying global star formation history throughout cosmic time. Intensity and anisotropy in the near-infrared EBL as measured by the Cosmic Infrared Background ExpeRiment (CIBER), NASA’s sounding rocket experiment, and previous infrared satellites exceed the predicted signal from galaxy clustering alone. The objective of CIBER-2 is to unveil the EBL excess by observing it at extended wavelengths into the visible spectrum with an accuracy better than CIBER. The onboard instrument of CIBER-2 comprises a 28.5-cm telescope cooled to 90K, and three HAWAII-2RG detectors coupled with dual-band filters for photometric mapping observations in six wavebands simultaneously and with linear variable filters for low-resolution spectroscopy. Although CIBER-2 made a successful first flight from White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico in 2021, technical problems such as contamination of thermal radiation from the rocket chassis and degradation of the mirror coat were recognized. Despite a successful second flight in 2023 solving the problems with the revised onboard instrument, the experiment was aborted because of trouble with the rocket tracking system. In this paper, we describe the parachute-recovered payload rebuilt after the second flight and the testing, and we report the successful flight on May 5th 2024.


  • 玉井, 桃子, 松浦, 周二, 橋本, 遼, 中川, 智矢, 中畑, 秀太, 花井, 翔, 瀧本, 幸司, 佐野, 圭, 中川, 俊輔, 津村, 耕司, 高橋, 葵, 和田, 武彦, ZEMCOV, Michael, BOCK, James, CIBER-2 collaboration,
    観測ロケットシンポジウム2023 講演集 2024年2月  
    レポート番号: Ⅴ-3
  • 松浦周二, 橋本遼, 中川智矢, 中畑秀太, 玉井桃子, 花井翔, 佐野圭, 瀧本幸司, 中川俊輔, 津村耕司, 高橋葵, 和田武彦, ZEMCOV Michael, BOCK James
    日本天文学会年会講演予稿集 2024 2024年  
  • 佐野, 圭, 趙, 孟佑, 北村, 健太郎, 寺本, 万里子, 増井, 博一, 布施, 哲人, 瀧本, 幸司, ORGER, Necmi, CORODOVA-Alagon, Jose Rodrigo, SCHULZ, Victor Hugo, AMPADU, Ofosu Joseph, 中川, 貴雄, 宮崎, 康行, 松原, 英雄, 和田, 武彦, 磯部, 直樹, 船瀬, 龍, 津村, 耕司, 松浦, 周二, 高橋, 葵, 五十里, 哲, 谷津, 陽一, 軸屋, 一郎, 青柳, 賢英
    第23回宇宙科学シンポジウム 講演集 2023年1月  
    レポート番号: S2-004
  • 松浦周二, 佐野圭, 瀧本幸司, 津村耕司, 高橋葵, 大坪貴文, 鳥海森, 宮崎康行, 森治, 堀田英之, 中条俊大, 高尾勇輝
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 67th 2023年  
  • 瀧本幸司, 佐野圭, 當銘優斗, 川崎悠貴, 中川俊輔, AREDA Eyoas Ergetu, FIELDING Ezra, CHATAR Keenan Alexsei Aamir, 松浦周二, 廣瀬優樹, 小鹿哲雅, 津本明音, 津村耕司, 中川貴雄, 松原英雄, 磯部直樹, 榎木谷海, 田中颯, 高橋葵
    日本天文学会年会講演予稿集 2023 2023年  


  • 瀧本幸司
    2024年12月4日  招待有り
  • 瀧本幸司
    2024年12月3日  招待有り
  • 櫛引洸佑, 津村耕司, 東谷千比呂, 瀧本幸司, 大宮正士, 大金原
    2024年度光赤天連シンポジウム「光赤天連の長期的ロードマップおよび若手育成支援」 2024年9月19日 石垣美歩、栗田光樹夫、児玉忠恭、高田昌広、長尾透、橋本拓也、 本田充彦、本原顕太郎、吉田二美
    2024年度のシンポジウムでは「光赤天連の長期的ロードマップおよび若手育成支援」と題して、日本における光赤外天文学の将来設計のための議論を行う。 日本において光赤外天文学を推進する研究機関として中核を担うのは国立天文台と宇宙科学研究所であろう。 両機関が考える地上およびスペースから行う光赤外天文学の展望を両機関のトップをお招きし、2020年代、2030年代に実現すべきと考えている課題についてじっくり話を伺う。 現行プロジェクトの報告を聞き、海外の動向を共有し、光赤天連将来計画検討専門委員会の委員での検討状況の報告を聞く。 ロードマップに提案された個々の計画についての説明を聞く機会も設ける。 さらに、最近活発になってきた産業界の宇宙進出についてのセッションを設け、光赤天のコミュニティとどのように協力関係を構築できるか考える機会を設ける。 また、長期計画実現において若い戦力は欠かせないため、若手研究者が研究発表するセッションも設ける。 博士号を取ったばかりの研究者や今年度博士号を取る予定の学生が自身の研究を発表する場としていただく。 本シンポジウムは、今後の天文学の展望を共有し、光赤外天文学における日本のロードマップ策定について議論する場とする。
  • 瀧本幸司
    九州工業大学 GYMLABO 2024年5月7日  招待有り
  • 瀧本幸司, 佐野圭, 松浦周二, 橋本遼, 河野有哉, 松見知香, 中川智矢, 高濱伶緒, 中畑秀太, 津村耕司, Michael Zemcov(RIT, James Bock(Caltech/JPL, Daehee Lee(KASI, Shiang-Yu Wang(ASIAA, ほかCIBER-2チーム
    第11回 可視赤外線観測装置技術ワークショップ 2022 2022年12月22日





