Associate for Education and Public Outreach

鈴木 雄大

スズキ ユウダイ  (Yudai Suzuki)


国立研究開発法人宇宙航空研究開発機構 宇宙科学研究所 日本学術振興会特別研究員 (PD)






  • 75(1) 2023年11月20日  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • Kei Masunaga, Naoki Terada, Nao Yoshida, Yuki Nakamura, Takeshi Kuroda, Kazuo Yoshioka, Yudai Suzuki, Hiromu Nakagawa, Tomoki Kimura, Fuminori Tsuchiya, Go Murakami, Atsushi Yamazaki, Tomohiro Usui, Ichiro Yoshikawa
    Nature Communications 13(1) 2022年11月3日  査読有り
    Abstract Dust storms on Mars play a role in transporting water from its lower to upper atmosphere, seasonally enhancing hydrogen escape. However, it remains unclear how water is diurnally transported during a dust storm and how its elements, hydrogen and oxygen, are subsequently influenced in the upper atmosphere. Here, we use multi-spacecraft and space telescope observations obtained during a major dust storm in Mars Year 33 to show that hydrogen abundance in the upper atmosphere gradually increases because of water supply above an altitude of 60 km, while oxygen abundance temporarily decreases via water ice absorption, catalytic loss, or downward transportation. Additionally, atmospheric waves modulate dust and water transportations, causing alternate oscillations of hydrogen and oxygen abundances in the upper atmosphere. If dust- and wave-driven couplings of the Martian lower and upper atmospheres are common in dust storms, with increasing escape of hydrogen, oxygen will less efficiently escape from the upper atmosphere, leading to a more oxidized atmosphere. These findings provide insights regarding Mars’ water loss history and its redox state, which are crucial for understanding the Martian habitable environment.
  • Y. Suzuki, K. Yoshioka, G. Murakami, I. Yoshikawa
    Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 125(9) 2020年9月11日  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • S. Sugita, R. Honda, T. Morota, S. Kameda, H. Sawada, E. Tatsumi, M. Yamada, C. Honda, Y. Yokota, T. Kouyama, N. Sakatani, K. Ogawa, H. Suzuki, T. Okada, N. Namiki, S. Tanaka, Y. Iijima, K. Yoshioka, M. Hayakawa, Y. Cho, M. Matsuoka, N. Hirata, N. Hirata, H. Miyamoto, D. Domingue, M. Hirabayashi, T. Nakamura, T. Hiroi, T. Michikami, P. Michel, R.-L. Ballouz, O. S. Barnouin, C. M. Ernst, S. E. Schröder, H. Kikuchi, R. Hemmi, G. Komatsu, T. Fukuhara, M. Taguchi, T. Arai, H. Senshu, H. Demura, Y. Ogawa, Y. Shimaki, T. Sekiguchi, T. G. Müller, A. Hagermann, T. Mizuno, H. Noda, K. Matsumoto, R. Yamada, Y. Ishihara, H. Ikeda, H. Araki, K. Yamamoto, S. Abe, F. Yoshida, A. Higuchi, S. Sasaki, S. Oshigami, S. Tsuruta, K. Asari, S. Tazawa, M. Shizugami, J. Kimura, T. Otsubo, H. Yabuta, S. Hasegawa, M. Ishiguro, S. Tachibana, E. Palmer, R. Gaskell, L. Le Corre, R. Jaumann, K. Otto, N. Schmitz, P. A. Abell, M. A. Barucci, M. E. Zolensky, F. Vilas, F. Thuillet, C. Sugimoto, N. Takaki, Y. Suzuki, H. Kamiyoshihara, M. Okada, K. Nagata, M. Fujimoto, M. Yoshikawa, Y. Yamamoto, K. Shirai, R. Noguchi, N. Ogawa, F. Terui, S. Kikuchi, T. Yamaguchi, Y. Oki, Y. Takao, H. Takeuchi, G. Ono, Y. Mimasu, K. Yoshikawa, T. Takahashi, Y. Takei, A. Fujii, C. Hirose, S. Nakazawa, S. Hosoda, O. Mori, T. Shimada, S. Soldini, T. Iwata, M. Abe, H. Yano, R. Tsukizaki, M. Ozaki, K. Nishiyama, T. Saiki, S. Watanabe, Y. Tsuda
    Science 364(6437) 2019年4月19日  査読有り
    Hayabusa2 at the asteroid Ryugu Asteroids fall to Earth in the form of meteorites, but these provide little information about their origins. The Japanese mission Hayabusa2 is designed to collect samples directly from the surface of an asteroid and return them to Earth for laboratory analysis. Three papers in this issue describe the Hayabusa2 team's study of the near-Earth carbonaceous asteroid 162173 Ryugu, at which the spacecraft arrived in June 2018 (see the Perspective by Wurm). Watanabeet al.measured the asteroid's mass, shape, and density, showing that it is a “rubble pile” of loose rocks, formed into a spinning-top shape during a prior period of rapid spin. They also identified suitable landing sites for sample collection. Kitazatoet al.used near-infrared spectroscopy to find ubiquitous hydrated minerals on the surface and compared Ryugu with known types of carbonaceous meteorite. Sugitaet al.describe Ryugu's geological features and surface colors and combined results from all three papers to constrain the asteroid's formation process. Ryugu probably formed by reaccumulation of rubble ejected by impact from a larger asteroid. These results provide necessary context to understand the samples collected by Hayabusa2, which are expected to arrive on Earth in December 2020. Science, this issue p.268, p.272, p.eaaw0422; see also p.230















