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Frontiers in immunology 14 1101491-1101491 2023年 査読有りINTRODUCTION: Temporal elevation of water temperature positively affects immune activity and disease resistance in poikilothermic teleost fish. The ayu, Plecoglossus altivelis, an important fish species for Japanese freshwater fisheries, is usually produced under higher water temperatures than the natural conditions to facilitate rapid growth. However, it has been reported that rearing fish at higher water temperatures inhibits the development of the thymus, suggesting that resistance to infectious diseases is reduced in ayu reared at higher water temperatures. Here, we show that decreased resistance to bacterial cold-water disease and excessive inflammatory responses occurred in ayu reared at 22°C compared with those reared at lower temperatures. METHODS: Ayu larvae were reared at 12°C, 15°C and 22°C for 77 days and fed 3% of their body weight. Thymus index and condition factor was calculated after the fish rearing. Then, ayu reared at the different temperatures were challenged with Flavobacterium psychrophilum and the fish were sampled for histopathology and gene expression analyses. Further, the fish were vaccinated with formalin-killed F. psychrophilum and continuously reared at the three different water temperatures. Serum antibody titer was determined by ELISA and cumulative mortality in each group was recorded after the bacterial challenge. RESULTS: Ayu reared at 22°C showed a significantly lower thymus index and higher condition factor than those reared at lower temperatures. Infiltrated leukocytes and many melanin pigments were frequently observed in the adipose tissues and spleens of ayu reared at 22°C, respectively, but not in those reared at 12°C. The gene expression levels of inflammatory cytokines such as IL-1β, IL-8 and TNFα in the spleen were significantly higher in the 22°C group than in the 12°C group. The cumulative survival rate after challenge with Flavobacterium psychrophilum was 51.7%, 40.0% and 13.3% in the 12°C, 15°C and 22°C groups, respectively. The relative percent survival values of vaccinated fish reared at 15°C and 22°C groups were lower than those reared at 12°C. Moreover, the specific antibody titer of the vaccinated fish was the lowest in the 22°C group and the highest in the 12°C group. DISCUSSION: These results suggest that rearing the fish under high water temperature causes excessive inflammatory responses similar to metabolic inflammation in human obesity, resulting in a decrease of disease resistance. In addition, thymic involution induced by higher water temperature probably leads the poor response to vaccination. The present study provides insights into the physiological and immunological changes of fish under global warming.
魚病研究 57(3) 95-102 2022年9月15日 査読有り筆頭著者責任著者無機物の食品添加物で構成されるオキシリンクSPのサケ科卵のミズカビ病に対する防除効果を調べた。室内試験においてSaprolegnia属菌5種に対するオキシリンクSPの殺菌効果を検討した結果,30分間の薬浴では10,000倍以下の希釈で殺菌作用を示した。野外試験では,Saprolegnia属菌以外の菌類が発育したサクラマス卵を除き,ニジマスおよびイワナ卵での菌糸発育抑制効果を確認した。魚卵毒性については,生産上大きな被害はないが,ニジマス卵の発眼率および孵化率に影響を与えた。一方,イワナ卵およびサクラマス卵に対する影響は認められなかった。オキシリンクSPによる薬浴はサケ科卵を対象としたミズカビ病の防除に有用であるが,薬浴条件について検討する必要がある。
Fish Pathology 56(4) 216-219 2021年12月15日 査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
Fish Pathology 55(4) 151-161 2021年1月15日 査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
Fish Pathology 55(2) 31-37 2020年6月 査読有り責任著者
Japanese journal of zoo and wildlife medicine 13(1) 39-43 2008年3月2004年に沖縄美ら海水族館で飼育中の希少魚種であるリュウキュウアユ(Plecoglossus altivelis ryukyuensis)に死亡するものが認められた。病魚は回転しながら遊泳,あるいは力なく遊泳し,体表に微細な出血点が散在していた。病魚の肝臓には様々な大きさの白色結節が認められ,数尾の魚では腎臓の顕著な腫大も観察された。最も顕著な病理組織学的所見は,体腎,脾臓,肝臓,心臓,鰓および脳膜にみられた肉芽腫性病変であった。これら肉芽腫性病変はマクロファージ様細胞が敷石状に配列する構造を呈していた。肉芽腫内には抗酸性を示す長桿菌が多数観察され,病魚から分離された菌株はMycobacterium marinumと同定された。
福山大学内海生物資源研究所報告 18 43-43 2008年2月
福山大学内海生物資源研究所報告 18 54-56 2008年2月
水産増殖 56(3) 375-382 2008年腸球菌<I>Enterococcus faecalis</I> FK-23加熱死菌体(FK-23)添加配合飼料を給餌し,ワクチンを接種した時のトラフグおよびヒラメの特異免疫能向上について検討した。FK-23添加濃度を0~1.25%の5段階に調節した配合飼料を用意した。ワクチンとして<I>Vibrio anguillarum</I>ホルマリン不活化菌体を2度接種し,1度目の接種後から毎週血清を採取し,血清中抗体の<I>V. anguillarum</I>細胞への凝集能を観察した。トラフグでは,1.25%添加飼料給餌区で凝集能が最も上昇したが,成長しなかった。ヒラメでは抗体価の上昇を確認できなかった。特に0.01%以上では上昇せず,特異的免疫能よりも非特異的免疫能が活性化されたために起こった現象であると考えられた。以上より,FK-23添加飼料給餌はワクチン効果の上昇とその持続を可能にするが,非特異的免疫能の活性化も示唆された。
FISH PATHOLOGY 42(2) 79-84 2007年Recently, Mycobacterium infection has been observed in cultured yellowtail Seriola quinqueradiata in Japan but not studied in detail. Diseased fish were lethargic, anorexic and emaciated, and showed hemorrhagic cutaneous ulceration and ascites. The necropsy and histopathological features showed that disseminated necrosis and numerous white nodules were found in the kidney, spleen, liver and heart. Numerous acid-fast bacteria were detected in the above tissues and granulomas. Myositis, hepatitis, splenitis and nephritis due to granulomas and gill inflammation were histologically observed. Almost all granulomas were classified into soft tubercle-type. All bacteria isolated from the diseased fish were Gram-positive, acid-fast, rod and non-motile. As a result, they were classified into the genus Mycobacterium. The isolates Were identified as Mycobacterium marinum on the basis of biological and biochemical characteristics and the analysis of a partial 16S rRNA gene sequence. An experimental infection test showed that a representative isolate had pathogenicity to yellowtail with disease signs similar to those of naturally affected fish. This is the first report on M. marinum infection in cultured yellowtail.
FISH PATHOLOGY 41(4) 179-182 2006年12月In April 2004, a fungal infection occurred in cultured young striped jack Pseudocaranx dentex at a fish farm in Ehime Prefecture, Japan. The cumulative mortality reached about 25% in one month after the disease was first recognized. Moribund fish showed disease signs such as abdominal swelling and distended kidney. A fungus was purely isolated from the kidney of the fish using PYGS agar. The colony was pale brown in color, and the conidia were two-celled, cylindrical to oblong with rounded ends and smooth-walled. From these morphological characteristics, the fungus was identified as Ochroconis humicola. This infection of marine fishes has been reported in the skin of juvenile fish, but not known in young fish. This paper describes the first case of O. humicola infection in visceral organs of young striped jack.
FISHERIES SCIENCE 71(3) 682-684 2005年6月
FISH PATHOLOGY 38(2) 49-52 2003年6月Conventional staining methods for fungal detection are time consuming, technically demanding, and instable dye-affinity in different fungal species, especially in aquatic fungi. In this study, Uvitex 2B [4, 4-BIS (2-di (2-hydroxyethyl)-amino-4- (3-sulfophenylamino)-l, 3, 5- triazine-6-ylamino)-stilbene-2, 2'- disulfonic acid, sodium salt] was applied to detect fungal elements in paraffin sections of some aquatic animals. As a result, it was found that Uvitex 213 was superior to Gomori's methenamine-silver nitrate Grocott's variation, periodic acid-Schiff reaction and Schmorl's method for staining aquatic fungi in tissue sections. In addition, Uvitex 213 required much shorter time and less specialized skills in the staining procedure than Grocott. Although it has been known that oomycete fungi are difficult to be detected in histopahological sections because of their unstable stainabilities with other staining methods, Uvitex 213 provided excellent results to detect them in tissues of aquatic animals.
FISH & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY 8(2) 91-100 1998年2月A monoclonal antibody (MAb; TCL-BE8) for carp peripheral blood leucocytes (PBL) was produced, and its reactivity was analysed by electron microscopy and flow cytometry. Electron microscopy using immunogold labelling showed that this MAb reacted with neutrophils and monocytes. The antibody reacted with 98% of the cells in a fraction of granulocytes separated by flow cytometry. The antigen detected by this was MAb defined as a membrane protein of Mr of 112 kDa. Using a magnetic separator, cells reactive with this antibody were separated from leucocytes with a density of 1.08 g ml(-1) or 1.08-1.09 g ml(-1). MAb-positive cells in the PBL with a density of 1.08 g ml(-1) consisted of a mixture of neutrophils and monocytes, whilst in PBL with a density of 1.09 g ml(-1) they consisted of only neutrophils. The MAb-negative fractions contained mainly lymphocytes and thrombocytes. The MAb-positive cells showed strong phagocytosis, which is a characteristic function of neutrophils and monocytes, but this was absent from the MAb-negative fraction. Purification of monocytes and neutrophils, or isolation of neutrophils, can be achieved by using this MAb allowing more effective analysis of the carp leucocyte functions. (C) 1998 Academic Press Limited.
Fish and Shellfish Immunology 8(2) 91-100 1998年2月 査読有りA monoclonal antibody (MAb; TCL-BE8) for carp peripheral blood leucocytes (PBL) was produced, and its reactivity was analysed by electron microscopy and flow cytometry. Electron microscopy using immunogold labelling showed that this MAb reacted with neutrophils and monocytes. The antibody reacted with 98% of the cells in a fraction of granulocytes separated by flow cytometry. The antigen detected by this was MAb defined as a membrane protein of Mr of 112 kDa. Using a magnetic separator, cells reactive with this antibody were separated from leucocytes with a density of 1.08 g ml-1 or 1.08-1.09 g ml-1. MAb-positive cells in the PBL with a density of 1.08 g ml-1 consisted of a mixture of neutrophils and monocytes, whilst in PBL with a density of 1.09 g ml-1 they consisted of only neutrophils. The MAb-negative fractions contained mainly lymphocytes and thrombocytes. The MAb-positive cells showed strong phagocytosis, which is a characteristic function of neutrophils and monocytes, but this was absent from the MAb-negative fraction. Purification of monocytes and neutrophils, or isolation of neutrophils, can be achieved by using this MAb allowing more effective analysis of the carp leucocyte functions. © 1998 Academic Press Limited.
VETERINARY IMMUNOLOGY AND IMMUNOPATHOLOGY 47(1-2) 173-178 1995年7月A new fluorochromasia method using a fluorescence microplate reader has been established to assay spontaneous cytotoxic activity of carp leucocytes. This method is characterized by using propidium iodide (PI) for staining dead target cells and a fluorescence microplate reader for measurement of the fluorescence of PI. K562 as target cells were prepared in 96-well flat-bottom microplates, and carp leucocytes were added as effector cells. After 2.5 h incubation, PI was added to each well. After an additional 1.5 h incubation, fluorescence of each well was measured. Correlation between this method and Cr-51-release assay was obtained. The results demonstrated that this new fluorochromasia method can be used to assay cytotoxic activity of carp leucocytes.
Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 47(1-2) 173-178 1995年7月 査読有りA new fluorochromasia method using a fluorescence microplate reader has been established to assay spontaneous cytotoxic activity of carp leucocytes. This method is characterized by using propidium iodide (PI) for staining dead target cells and a fluorescence microplate reader for measurement of the fluorescence of PI. K562 as target cells were prepared in 96-well flat-bottom microplates, and carp leucocytes were added as effector cells. After 2.5 h incubation, PI was added to each well. After an additional 1.5 h incubation, fluorescence of each well was measured. Correlation between this method and 51Cr-release assay was obtained. The results demonstrated that this new fluorochromasia method can be used to assay cytotoxic activity of carp leucocytes. © 1995.
FISH PATHOLOGY 29(1) 1-4 1994年3月Natural killer (NK) activity of head kidney leucocytes of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) against IPN virus-infected and uninfected RTG-2 cells was examined by Cr-51 release assay. Fish leucocytes were classified into four groups by cytotoxic activities: Type I, cytotoxic activity against uninfected RTG-2 cells was higher than that against infected cells; Type II, cytotoxic activity against infected cells was higher than that against uninfected cells; Type III, cytotoxic activity was low against both infected and uninfected cells; Type IV, cytotoxic activity was high against both cells. These results indicate that there are individual variations in NK activity of rainbow trout against allogenic and viral antigens.
Fish Pathology 29(3) 199-203 1994年 査読有りCharacteristics of natural killer-like cells (NK-like cells) in carp (Cyprinus carpio) were studied by 51Cr-release assay. Among cells examined, K562 cells (human erythroleukemic cells) were found to be the most suitable as target cells for NK assay in carp. Pre-incubation of the leucocytes from head kidney and peripheral blood enhanced NK activity. Leucocytes from the head kidney and kidney showed the highest NK activity and those from peripheral blood, thymus and spleen followed in the order. The cold target inhibition test indicated that carp NK-like cells consist of more than one population for target recognition. © 1994, The Japanese Society of Fish Pathology. All rights reserved.
日本魚病学会大会プログラムおよび講演要旨 2018年3月3日
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C) 2021年4月 - 2024年3月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C) 2016年4月 - 2019年3月
文部科学省 科学研究費補助金(挑戦的萌芽研究) 2015年4月 - 2019年3月
文部科学省 科学研究費補助金(挑戦的萌芽研究) 2012年 - 2014年
文部科学省 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(B)) 2010年 - 2012年