Journal of Comparative Pathology 210 8-14 2024年4月
Research in Veterinary Science 2023年4月
Veterinary and comparative oncology 2023年2月6日Canine prostate cancer (cPCa) is a malignant neoplasm with no effective therapy. The BRAF V595E mutation, corresponding to the human BRAF V600E mutation, is found frequently in cPCa. Activating BRAF mutations are recognized as oncogenic drivers, and blockade of MAPK/ERK phosphorylation may be an effective therapeutic target against BRAF-mutated tumors. The aim of this study was to establish a novel cPCa cell line and to clarify the antitumor effects of MEK inhibitors on cPCa in vitro and in vivo. We established the novel CHP-2 cPCa cell line that was derived from the prostatic tissue of a cPCa patient. Sequencing of the canine BRAF gene in two cPCa cell lines revealed the presence of the BRAF V595E mutation. MEK inhibitors (trametinib, cobimetinib, and mirdametinib) strongly suppressed cell proliferation in vitro, and trametinib showed the highest efficacy against cPCa cells with minimal cytotoxicity to non-cancer COPK cells. Furthermore, we orally administered 0.3 or 1.0 mg/kg trametinib to CHP-2 xenografted mice and examined its antitumor effects in vivo. Trametinib reduced tumor volume, decreased phosphorylated ERK levels, and lowered Ki-67 expression in xenografts in a dose-dependent manner. Although no clear adverse events were observed with administration, trametinib-treated xenografts showed osteogenesis that was independent of dosage. Our results indicate that trametinib induces cell cycle arrest by inhibiting ERK activation, resulting in cPCa tumor regression in a dose-dependent manner. MEK inhibitors, in addition to BRAF inhibitors, may be a targeted agent option for cPCa with the BRAF V595E mutation. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Journal of Comparative Pathology 200 35-45 2023年1月
JOURNAL OF FELINE MEDICINE AND SURGERY OPEN REPORTS 8(1) 2022年3月Case series summary Two Japanese domestic cats with GM2 gangliosidosis variant 0, diagnosed at different times, are included in this case series. Both cats were diagnosed by genetic analysis and had the HEXB:c.667C>T pathogenic genetic variant, which have been previously reported in Japanese domestic cats with GM2 gangliosidosis variant 0. Clinical signs and the identification of vacuolation in circulating lymphocytes were consistent with those in previous reports of feline GM2 gangliosidosis variant 0. Radiography showed that both cases had similar skeletal radiographic manifestations, which has not been previously reported in Japanese domestic cats with GM2 gangliosidosis variant 0. Radiographic findings included abnormally shaped vertebral bodies, obscure or irregular endplates (both of which were seen especially in the cervical and thoracic vertebrae), generalised osteopenia and new bone proliferation around articular facets.Relevance and novel information To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report to present the skeletal radiographic abnormalities of Japanese domestic cats with GM2 gangliosidosis variant 0 caused by the HEXB:c.667C>T pathogenic genetic variant. Furthermore, together with a report published in 2015 on the radiographic findings of feline GM2 gangliosidosis variant 0 caused by another pathogenic genetic variant, this report suggests that these findings may be indicators of feline GM2 gangliosidosis variant 0. The easily obtained radiographic findings described in this report may be useful as a finding suggestive of feline GM2 gangliosidosis variant 0, in addition to the cytological finding of the vacuolated cells. The report emphasises the utility of radiography for diagnosis of cases with suspected progressive neurodegenerative diseases.
Journal of Comparative Pathology 187 7-10 2021年8月A 12-year-old castrated male Jack Russell Terrier presented with intermittent vomiting. Abdominal ultrasonographic examination detected a thickened stomach wall with a mass measuring approximately 1.5 cm in diameter. Computed tomography revealed a solitary mass measuring approximately 2.1 cm in diameter between the submucosa and muscle layers in the greater curvature the pyloric region of the stomach, and a swelling in the hepatic lymph node. The gastric mass was composed of round neoplastic cells arranged in a diffuse pattern. The neoplastic cells had a round nucleus and a pale abundant cytoplasm. Multinucleated giant cells were often found. Hyalinized eosinophilic material, which did not stain with Congo red and had no affinity for thioflavin T, was also observed. Neoplastic cells were immunopositive for MUM1, CD79a and Ig lambda light chain but negative for CD3, CD20, BLA36, IgG and Ig kappa light chain. Stromal eosinophilic material was positive for Ig lambda light chain. The neoplasm was therefore diagnosed as a gastric plasmacytoma with non-amyloid Ig lambda light chain deposition.
Veterinary pathology 57(3) 432-436 2020年5月 査読有りA 10-year-old female Papillon dog that had previously developed a mammary tumor was admitted for treatment of a hypoglycemic attack. Blood examination showed severe hypoglycemia and decreased blood insulin concentration. Computed tomography indicated multiple tumors in the cranial and caudal lobes of the right lung. These tumors were resected surgically and diagnosed as pulmonary adenocarcinomas by histopathologic examination. Hypoglycemia was temporarily improved after the resection, but a hypoglycemic event occurred 2 months after the surgery. Immunohistochemistry of the tumor demonstrated the expression of insulin-like growth factor 2 in tumor cells. Western blot analysis revealed the expression of high-molecular-weight (big)-insulin-like growth factor 2 in the tumor region. Insulin-like growth factor 2 mRNA expression was also confirmed in the tumor using reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. These findings indicate the diagnosis of non-islet cell tumor-induced hypoglycemia caused by big-insulin-like growth factor 2 produced by the tumor in the dog. This report provides information on differentiating tumors that cause paraneoplastic hypoglycemia.
Journal of comparative pathology 173 30-40 2019年11月 査読有りThe aim of this study was to investigate the expression of tumour endothelial marker 8 (TEM8) in canine mammary gland tumours (MGTs) by immunohistochemistry and to evaluate the association between tumour cell TEM8 expression and tumour histological features, histological grades and expression of luminal and basal/myoepithelial cell markers. TEM8 expression was detected in >60 % of neoplastic epithelial cells in all simple adenomas (n = 25), simple carcinomas (n = 43) and invasive micropapillary carcinomas (n = 5) studied. Six of the 18 solid carcinomas studied showed TEM8 expression in >60% of carcinoma cells present in solid structures and in 12 of the 18 solid carcinomas, <30% of the luminal structure-forming carcinoma cells showed TEM8 expression. TEM8 expression in the neoplastic cells was not associated with histological malignancy in canine MGTs. TEM8+ tumour cells frequently showed the luminal-like phenotype cytokeratin (CK)19+/p63-/α-smooth muscle actin (SMA)-, while most TEM8- tumour cells exhibited the basal-like phenotype CK19-/p63+/αSMA-. These findings indicate that TEM8 may be involved in maintaining the characteristics of luminal cells in canine MGTs and that TEM8 would be useful in identifying the type of neoplastic epithelial cell in MGTs.
動物臨床医学会年次大会プロシーディング 40回(2) 209-210 2019年11月雑種猫、雌(避妊済)、10歳が原因不明の口腔内断続的出血と黒色便を主訴に来院した。血液検査上では重度の再生性貧血と低アルブミン血症が認められ、病歴および血液塗抹所見から慢性的な出血が示唆された。来院時の身体検査では、口腔内に腫瘍や歯牙疾患は観察されず、出血の原因は不明であった。血液凝固検査では異常を認めなかった。重度貧血に対し輸血を実施中、口腔内出血が認められ再度観察したところ、口蓋動脈直上粘膜から出血していた。出血部位の口蓋粘膜に微小な穿孔が認められ、穿孔部位を焼灼後、出血は認めなかった。猫における原因不明の口蓋動脈の出血は過去に数例報告があり、原因として外部寄生虫感染や毛繕いによる摩耗が推測されている。過去に報告のある症例と本症例の病歴、検査所見、口蓋の穿孔部位などは一致しており、猫の特発性口蓋血管損傷の可能性が考えられた。猫において原因不明の口腔内出血が認められた場合には、本疾患の可能性を含めて検討する必要があると考える。(著者抄録)