- 所属
- 日本獣医生命科学大学 獣医学部 獣医学科 獣医外科学研究室 准教授
- 学位
- 博士(医学)(京都大学)
- 200901041793340954
- researchmap会員ID
- 5000081047
Veterinary and comparative orthopaedics and traumatology : V.C.O.T 2024年8月29日OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to identify risk factors for refracture after radial union in small-breed dogs. STUDY DESIGN: In our retrospective study, medical records of radial-ulnar fracture cases in small dogs treated with plates and screws were reviewed. General information and postoperative course (days until confirmed radial fracture healing, with or without ulnar union, time to final follow-up, with or without plate removal and refracture) were recorded. The fracture line location, screw positions, radial thickness and width, and pixel values throughout the postoperative periods were obtained from the radiographs. The affected limbs were classified into non-plate removal (P) and plate removal (R) groups. RESULTS: Refracture occurred in 5 of the 141 limbs at the most distal screw in the P group and 5 of the 40 limbs at the same site as the initial fracture in the R group. Multivariate analysis indicated that refracture was linked to the amount of relative change with growth in the position of the most distal screw in the P group, with pixel value and radial thickness ratios at the same site as the initial fracture in the R group. CONCLUSION: Reducing the screw diameter relative to the radial width to the appropriate extent may be considered in cases where the screw positioned at the most distal end of the radius is expected to be relatively proximal as the distal radius grows; not removing the plate may be considered in cases with a decreased radial thickness or bone mineral density beneath the plate during plate removal.
Veterinary and comparative orthopaedics and traumatology : V.C.O.T 2024年3月6日OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the stress changes in the radii beneath the locking plates (LP) of dogs implanted with LP using finite element analysis (FEA). STUDY DESIGN: The study included radii harvested from eight dogs. After computed tomography (CT) scans of the forelimb, the articular surface of the radius was fixed using resin. Material tests were conducted to identify the yield and fracture points and for verification with FEA. The CT data of the radius were imported into FEA software. The radii were classified into three groups based on the placement of the LP (nonplate placement, intact group; 1 mm above the radial surface, LP + 1 mm group; 3 mm above the radial surface, LP + 3 mm group). Equivalent, maximum, and minimum principal stresses and minimum principal strain were measured after FEA at the radial diaphysis beneath the plate. RESULTS: In shell elements, the LP + 1 mm and LP + 3 mm groups showed a significantly lower maximum principal stress compared with the intact group. In solid elements, the LP + 1 mm and LP + 3 mm groups showed a significantly higher equivalent stress and a significantly lower maximum principal stress compared with the intact group. CONCLUSION: When an axial load is applied to the radius, LP placement reduces the tension stress on the cortical bone of the radius beneath the plate, possibly related to implant-induced osteoporosis and bone formation in the cortical bone beneath the plate.
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 2024年
American journal of veterinary research 1-9 2023年5月29日OBJECTIVE: To determine the signalment and musculoskeletal morphology of small-breed dogs affected by medial patellar luxation (MPL) grade IV based on the age of the CT scan. ANIMALS: 40 small-breed dogs (54 limbs) with MPL grade IV. PROCEDURES: Dogs that had undergone corrective surgery for MPL grade IV and had performed CT of the hind limb before surgery were included. Signalment (age, body weight, sex, laterality, and breed) and concomitant cranial cruciate ligament rupture (CrCLR) were recorded. Femoral inclination angle, anatomical lateral distal femoral angle (aLDFA), femoral torsion angle, quadriceps muscle length to femoral length ratio (QML/FL), and patellar ligament length to patellar length were obtained by CT images. The dogs were categorized into 2 groups based on their age at the time of the CT scan, the skeletally immature group and the skeletally matured group. Signalment and group were included in the multiple regression analysis to determine the factors associated with each measurement parameter. A logistic regression analysis was conducted to determine the risk of CrCL concomitant with age. RESULTS: The multiple regression model demonstrated that the group was associated with the value of aLDFA and QML/FL. aLDFA was higher, and QML/FL was lower in group SI than in group SM. CrCLR was present in 5/54 limbs (9.2%), with a mean age of 70.8 months and it was associated with increasing age. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: In Singleton's classification, dogs classified as grade IV can be categorized into 2 groups based on musculoskeletal morphology and pathophysiology: the skeletally immature and skeletally matured types.
Veterinary Surgery 2023年3月7日
獣医麻酔外科学雑誌 38(Suppl.1) 179-179 2007年6月
獣医麻酔外科学雑誌 38(Suppl.1) 180-180 2007年6月
獣医麻酔外科学雑誌 38(1) 15-18 2007年4月術後に呼吸障害を呈した3例の犬に対して気管内カテーテルを使用した酸素吸入を実施した。症例はいずれも酸素ケージによる管理では充分な酸素化は得られず、次いで実施した気管内カテーテルにより速やかに酸素化が達成された。カテーテルの使用は最長で7日間であったがカテーテル設置あるいは酸素吸入に起因する合併症は生じなかった。本症例の結果より、小動物臨床における酸素吸入法として気管内カテーテルの有用性が示唆された。<br>
獣医麻酔外科学雑誌 37(4) 69-77 2006年10月
獣医麻酔外科学雑誌 37(4) 79-84 2006年10月骨癒合不全・遅延は小動物整形外科における一般的な合併症である。骨髄中の間葉系幹細胞は、骨芽細胞に分化し骨再生を促すと報告されている。今回我々は骨癒合遅延症例(日本猫:4ヵ月齢、トイプードル:8ヵ月齢)の大腿骨から間葉系間質細胞(BMSC)を採取し、増殖培養した後(1、2、3週)に骨折部へ移植した。X線検査では2ヵ月後までに仮骨の癒合を認め、BMSCの有用性が示唆されたが、今後も検討が必要と考えられた。(著者抄録)
The Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 68(7) 675-679 2006年7月
獣医麻酔外科学雑誌 = Japanese journal of veterinary anesthesia & surgery 37(Suppl.1) 99-100 2006年6月20日
日本整形外科學會雜誌 = The Journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association 80(2) 232-232 2006年2月25日
日本整形外科學會雜誌 = The Journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association 79(11) 907-907 2005年11月25日
獣医麻酔外科学雑誌 36(Suppl.2) 149-150 2005年10月
日本獣医循環器学会抄録 83回 151-152 2005年10月
日本臨床バイオメカニクス学会誌 26 297-303 2005年10月軟骨組織の再生過程に及ぼす力学環境の影響を検討するために,著者らはマグネットスターラーを用いた細胞培養法を考案し,実験を行った.その結果, 1)運動試験群の再生軟骨組織はSOFGに強い染色性を示し,縦孔から隆起するような組織像を示したのに対して,コントロール群の組織は萎縮し,SOFGの異染色性も低く,周囲軟骨組織との間にgapが認められた. 2)免疫染色において,運動試験群の組織はコラーゲンIIに陽性反応を示したが,形態学的な特徴は周囲軟骨組織のそとは若干異なっていた
日本臨床バイオメカニクス学会誌 = Proceedings of ... Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Clinical Biomechanics and Related Research 26 227-232 2005年10月1日斜め蒸着によって,SiO2の表面形状をナノスケールで制御し,その表面上における細胞の挙動に関する基礎的検討を行った.基板としてコーニング7059ガラスを用いた.電子ビーム加熱によってSiO2を真空中で蒸発させ,ガラス基板上に蒸着した.培養細胞には,ラットの間葉系間質細胞を用いた.ナノメートルスケールの表面形状によって,細胞の接着形態,伸展方向やアクチンフィラメント量を制御し得る可能性が示唆された
日本臨床バイオメカニクス学会誌 = Proceedings of ... Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Clinical Biomechanics and Related Research 26 297-303 2005年10月1日
日本獣医師会雑誌 = Journal of the Japan Veterinary Medical Association 58(1) 3-5 2005年1月20日
- 現在
- 現在
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2012年4月 - 2015年3月